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Updated May 27
Updated May 27

Meet your Posher, Nicole

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Nicole. Some of my favorite brands are Apt. 9, Banana Republic, Charlotte Russe, Guess, and Lucky Brand. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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dashindiva99 💖🛍HAPPY POSHING!💞😘
Jan 04Reply
baseball_jen Thanks for the order! It's already too late today but your package will ship out 1st thing Monday! 😚 Happy Poshing!! 🤗
May 06Reply
nnchurchill @baseball_jen thanks! That's no problem :)!
May 06Reply
oliaposka Hi dear! Will be happy to see you in my closet! Hop you will like it! Just make an offer with price you like! Have a great day ❤️❤️❤️
May 26Reply
sarmart Thank you for your purchase, I will ship it out on Monday! 💕
Jul 14Reply
nnchurchill @sarmart awesome!! Thank you :)!
Jul 15Reply
mkaay Hi Nicole, thanks for your purchase, will have it out to you in the mail tonight!
Jul 16Reply
nnchurchill @mkaay thank you!
Jul 17Reply
sarmart I'm so so sorry something came up the past few days, I will ship this tomorrow! I apologize again
Jul 20Reply
nnchurchill @sarmart no worries!!
Jul 20Reply
yakamazsu @nnchurchill Hi, thank you for your purchase. I will ship it out tomorrow. 💐💐
Jul 21Reply
nnchurchill @yakamazsu awesome! Thank you :)
Jul 21Reply
sarmart I am extremely extremely sorry, I was diagnosed with Lyme disease last week and was in the hospital all week. I just got home. I will be shopping all my orders tomorrow. I am extremely sorry
Jul 23Reply
nnchurchill @sarmart oh no!! I hope you're ok and that's ok!! I pray you're feeling better.
Jul 23Reply
yakamazsu Hi Shipped your package the very next day how ever post office doesn't show they received it I am going to the post office where I dropped the package to get some information .
Jul 24Reply
yakamazsu Hi again Nicole, I am checking again with the post office about your package. I m very sorry , I have no idea how it got lost / I already reported this to poshmark waiting on reply from them.:((((
Jul 25Reply
nnchurchill @yakamazsu hopefully they find it. Thank you for looking in to this
Jul 26Reply
nnchurchill @yakamazsu any new developments on this package?
Jul 30Reply
yakamazsu @nnchurchill hi, poshmark sent me a message they say wait August 2. But I don't know after August 2 what will be do? I'm so sad. And I think package went to my other customer. I sent the message her she didn't even answer me.🤷🏼‍♀️ you know my English is not perfect I hope you understand me😔
Jul 31Reply
yakamazsu By the way thank you for your patience💐
Jul 31Reply
nnchurchill @yakamazsu well hopefully it will be found ;) of course! Stuff happens
Jul 31Reply
nnchurchill @yakamazsu hopefully she'll get back to you. Weren't they able to track the package after it left the post office?
Jul 31Reply
yakamazsu @nnchurchill They were investigating.I will ask after August two again. Your package was 2 lbs 12.50 oz. and destination say GA. I sent the Georgia package at the same day. But your address label was on the top your package. I think lady take the package and she did not answer to me. Anyway I will wait and then I will give information to you too. 😔
Jul 31Reply
nnchurchill @yakamazsu any word from Poshmark?
Aug 05Reply
yakamazsu @nnchurchill The post office said that the paper might have come out on it. I communicated to poshmark but they have not given any information yet. If you want, I can show you the shipment paper. I'm so sorry for that. I'm still waiting information about that from poshmark. 😔😔
Aug 05Reply
nnchurchill @yakamazsu that's ok! It's not your fault
Aug 05Reply
yakamazsu @nnchurchill thank you for your patience by the way if you like anything on my list, I can give you 30% discount. 💐
Aug 05Reply
echicboutique @nnchurchill Aww! Thanks so much for your order! 💓 I'll be shipping everything out first thing in the AM! 🤗 Talk Soon!
Aug 16Reply
luckymia Hi, welcome to Posh! This is a fun place to buy and sell!💃 Sometimes it can get confusing. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me💕 I look forward to watching your closet as it gets up and running. 💓Mia
Aug 18Reply
echicboutique @nnchurchill So glad to see you received everything promptly and loved it! 😁😁 Thank you for the love note! 🤗💕🤗💕
Aug 19Reply
luckymia Hi, welcome to Posh! This is a fun place to buy and sell!💃 Sometimes it can get confusing. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me💕 I look forward to watching your closet as it gets up and running. 💓Mia
Aug 21Reply
yakamazsu Hi again Nicole, thank you for your interest. I gave you private discount. 👛💐💐
Sep 02Reply
nnchurchill @yakamazsu thanks so much! I may decline then rebundle because I'm unsure whether the dress would fit
Sep 02Reply
yakamazsu @nnchurchill OK Nicole!! I gave you new private discount👛👛😊thank you
Sep 02Reply
sitpretty Just stopping by to say "Hello"! 💗 I hope you are enjoying Poshmark! 👛 Please fell free to visit my closet! I offer a bundle discount! 💕 If I can answer any questions about buying or selling, let me know! 🎀 Have a happy day! Kelly 💗💕
Sep 03Reply
yakamazsu Hi Nicole, I promised you 30% discount and now i did. 💐
Sep 03Reply
yakamazsu Thank you for your purchase you know tomorrow Labor Day. I will ship them Tuesday. ❤️💐
Sep 03Reply
yakamazsu Thank you so much for comment and 5 star💐💐
Sep 07Reply
mar112233 Hey Nicole! I carry a lot of Vince Camuto, White House Black Market, Michael Kors, Free People and many other designer brands in my closet, all new with tags and at 60%-80% off retail price. Let me know if you see anything you like! Have a wonderful day! 😀 Meg
Oct 12Reply
marij7 Hi, feel free to send over an offer on your bundle! I couldn't go real low because I think there might be extra shipping charges for being over 5#, but I'll take a look at your offer 😃😃👌
Oct 17Reply
midwestclosets Hey Nicole- I already offer a standard discount on bundles, but I reduced the prices and still gave you the discount at my offer. I just can't take a 50% cut. Thanks for understanding!
Oct 18Reply
nnchurchill @midwestclosets I apologize and totally understand! Thank you for the generous offer!😘
Oct 18Reply
midwestclosets @nnchurchill you're welcome - you got a great deal on Banana Republic items & you have great taste! I will get these together today and mail them by tomorrow.
Oct 18Reply
nnchurchill @midwestclosets thank you and I apologize again. I didn't mean to seem as though I was taking advantage of your kindness.
Oct 18Reply
midwestclosets @nnchurchill aw thank you. It's okay- I try to be fair and give good deals when I can.
Oct 18Reply
midwestclosets Nicole- your package is going out in the am. I had my monthly plasma infusion this week (I have MS) so it hit me HARD. I'm finally on the upswing. But it's all together and I'm packaging tonight. Will even try to take it to the grocery store tonight if i can. Thanks again!
Oct 20Reply
nnchurchill @midwestclosets omgoodness, I'm so sorry to hear that!! Whenever it works for you is just fine!!
Oct 20Reply
yakamazsu Hi Nicole, Thanks for the like I'm accepting all reasonable offers using the offer button & Thank you🎃🍂🐿👻🍁🎁
Oct 26Reply
ppamprrd Belated welcome to Poshmark. I hope that you are having as wonderful of a time as I am 😉
Oct 28Reply
midwestclosets Hey girl!!!!! Thanks for the repeat order! Your stuff will go out Monday. As usual your taste is top notch!
Oct 28Reply
nnchurchill @midwestclosets Thank you!! How are you feeling?
Oct 28Reply
midwestclosets @nnchurchill you’re so sweet to ask. Still not great but it’s the life of Multiple Sclerosis :/ also the weather changed dramatically here and it didn’t help things.
Oct 28Reply
nnchurchill @midwestclosets I'm sorry to hear that!!
Oct 29Reply
sabresfan1977 Hi there. I saw you added some items to a bundle. If interested in purchasing I can create a custom bundle to get you 4.99 shipping. Let me know and happy Poshing! 🌸🌸
Oct 30Reply
puppylove8 Welcome from the puppylove8 vintage\contemporary closet!
Oct 31Reply
spreadlove Hello! I know there are many closets on posh, but I'd be grateful if you checked out mine! Either way I wanted to say hi and wish you a lovely day!
Nov 02Reply
yakamazsu @spreadlove Hi Nicole, thank you for your purchase. I will ship them tomorrow💐🎁
Nov 02Reply
oliviaroze Congratulations! I will ship the bundle tomorrow afternoon. Be well
Nov 03Reply
kmhshop I sent out an offer on the bundle you made last night, but if you want to change that bundle or add anything feel free to do so! Also happy to answer any questions you have on sizing and measurements.
Nov 03Reply
maureenslegacy Been very helpful to you. Good luck with your endeavours.
Nov 07Reply
nnchurchill @maureentrant I apologize for all the questions, I'm just unfamiliar with the brands.
Nov 07Reply
simply_m077 @nnchurchill Hi Nicole, I saw that you liked 3 items from my closet. You can add those 3 items in a bundle and I can give you a better deal on top of the 15% disc if you really like 😊
Nov 10Reply
nnchurchill @simply_m077 I'm going to decline and rebundle. :)
Nov 10Reply
lulabean21 Hi, I'm Deanna! I hope you love my Lula-filled closet 🤗 Please feel free to come visit and let me know if you have any questions at all! Happy Poshing 💕
Nov 11Reply
simply_m077 @nnchurchill Thank you for giving me 5 star review. I'm glad you love it! Will definitely look good on you 😉 Glad those dresses find a new owner like you!
Nov 13Reply
puppylove8 Greetings posher!!!
Nov 17Reply
puppylove8 Nicole,again thanks for stopping by my closet and liking my listings. If interested to bundle and save today, I'm planning to ship out order(s) today!☺
Nov 22Reply
gabriellewsmith Hi beautiful! I can ship out the eyeshadow bundle tomorrow if you want to have it ASAP!
Dec 06Reply
julina1516 Hey love💜 I see you like many of the brands I have for sale in my closet 😊 I am offering $0.49 shipping all you have to do is make an offer for $6.00 less than the asking price ! if you'd like to take a look , I would be more than happy to answer any questions you have 😁
Dec 17Reply
preppyspice I sent you an offer but it's expiring soon!
Dec 31Reply
ldmtreasures Hey I’m Linda and if you 💖Jewelry either Vintage or New please stop by and visit. Valentines Day is right around the corner so consider shopping for yourself or someone else who would love Unique New One of A Kind Jewelry..most items handcrafted can be adjusted. Good Luck to you if decide to sell.....if not have fun shopping😎
Jan 13Reply
yakamazsu 😍😍😍😍
Jan 23Reply
infiniteattic Hi! I saw your bundled items, and It took some time to put everything together. It weighs close to 10lbs. I would suggest separating into 2 separate bundle orders to save on shipping. Or you can keep it as 1, but I would have to factor the extra costs in my offer and get a bigger box. 😉 Let me know how you want to do it— if you keep as is, I can go ahead and send an offer. If you separate, I’ll wait for you to rebundle the first one.
Feb 24Reply
infiniteattic And just some extra info, for 10lbs i would have to pay an 19.95 to upgrade the label. So, either way is ok for me since the bundle is large. I’ll just send an offer for the 1 bundle, and we can go from there.
Feb 24Reply
jeweled_by_elle Greetings!! Just an FYI...I offer bundle deals, accept reasonable offers, & will style you if you'd like 😘 don't hesitate to ask any questions...have a good day 💫 P.S. if you bundle your like(s), I'll send you an offer 🤗
Mar 01Reply
echicboutique @nnchurchill Thank you for visiting again! I'll be sending out your order today, but just wanted you to know that it won't scan in and start shipping until tomorrow! 💓 Thanks, again!
Mar 04Reply
echicboutique @nnchurchill Hi love! Let me know if you want me to resend you the bundle offer! Hope you have a great night!
Mar 08Reply
minimalmess @nnchurchill Hi Nicole, thank you for visiting my closet. You seem to be a great posher. Please feel free to add the items give liked to a bundle. I open to negotiation so you can counter offer on my offer. 😊
Mar 21Reply
veluru Hi.....I have an offer like pick any 5 for $10 I’m moving out of country very soon..its a great deal..Please check out my closet...Thank you 💕😊💕
Mar 23Reply
sweetnsimple1 Hey there Sunshine! Hope all is well! Please feel free to stop by and check out my closet sometime!God Bless You Always 💚
Mar 24Reply
lindag12 Hey Nicole ! Thank you for your purchase tonight’ it will be in the mail tomorrow ! Have a great day!!😄
Mar 29Reply
sweetnsimple1 Thank you so much for the awesome rating and the sweet note!! Happy Easter!! Hope you enjoy everything!! Stay Blessed
Mar 30Reply
lindag12 @nnchurchill Hey ! Thank you so much for the perfect rating and sweet note ! Enjoy !!!❤️
Apr 03Reply
nicolebattista I cancelled it- now you can do a bundle !
Apr 09Reply
nicolebattista But I have to repost it so are you sure you want it - I will do now
Apr 09Reply
nnchurchill @nicolebattista yes, I would thank you!
Apr 09Reply
nicolebattista The dress just got special shipping rate so put your bundle together and get lower shipping!!
Apr 09Reply
nicolebattista I did and now you can get special shipping on it- so put your bundle together and I’ll get it out tomorrow!
Apr 09Reply
nicolebattista If you want those dresses I’ll give you a really good price!!
Apr 11Reply
nicolebattista I’m going to send you some presents too!
Apr 11Reply
nnchurchill @nicolebattista Awe! Thank you!
Apr 11Reply
nicolebattista Hi! I truly hope your order is not lost I shipped out a few days ago! Will keep my fingers crossed
Apr 13Reply
nicolebattista If you get it will you please let me know - I hope I didn’t use the wrong label from the canceled order -
Apr 13Reply
nnchurchill @nicolebattista my neighbor said an additional package came, so I think that's it :)
Apr 14Reply
nicolebattista Can you help me by accepting it because I used the wrong label and I won’t get paid otherwise- I really appreciate it
Apr 14Reply
nicolebattista Thank you so much!! Your one of my favorite shoppers
Apr 14Reply
nicolebattista You are back ! You have good taste my dear the yellow shirt and mini skirt I can do great prices on but the others I’m pretty much at my bottom - the black Finley shirt is adorable so is the white shirt with a bow
Apr 15Reply
nicolebattista Good prices on most those things-
Apr 15Reply
nicolebattista Good morning - wish I could do better for you as you are one of my favorites!! Some of the items you picked I just don’t have any room - but I found more presents in your size!
Apr 15Reply
nnchurchill @nicolebattista it's no problem!! I think I may take out an item that may not fit :) then I'll bundle the rest!
Apr 15Reply
nnchurchill @nicolebattista it definitely was the package you sent!!! The earrings are gorgeous! Thank you!
Apr 16Reply
sweetnsimple1 Hey there beautiful! Just stopping by to let my prior customers know that I am willing to drop prices on other items you may liked! Clearing my closet out for more items! God Bless You Always
Apr 16Reply
nicolebattista Good morning! Did you look at your recent bundle ? I know it’s a little higher - but pink dress you liked will be yours and a few more! Just wanted to let you know! I think one item sold but I’m not sure
Apr 16Reply
nnchurchill @nicolebattista good morning! I didn't see an offer, when did you send it? :)
Apr 16Reply
nicolebattista @nnchurchill last week it’s ok - I’ll respond to this one but I have to go to doc and I need to look it over - take the pink dress out - Ita a gift
Apr 16Reply
nnchurchill @nicolebattista awe, you are too sweet and thank you! No worries, take your time :)
Apr 16Reply
nicolebattista @nnchurchill you picked some items that I don’t have a lot of room on so I’m trying to off set with other items to get you best price
Apr 16Reply
nicolebattista Good morning! My apologies- this week has been crazy and I didn’t get your box out yet! Today I promise ! You’ll be happy - enjoy your day
Apr 19Reply
nicolebattista Did you Like all your things? I have a few more goodies for you!
Apr 22Reply
nicolebattista After all we have the same name!
Apr 22Reply
nnchurchill @nicolebattista I did!! Thank you so much!!!
Apr 22Reply
nicolebattista Sent a dress to you to see ( your site) I thought of you - let me know - bettter price for you
Apr 23Reply
nicolebattista Do you like that little floral sundress? Please say yes
Apr 25Reply
galaxy080 Just stopping by to say happy Saturday and happy poshing 🎉
May 05Reply
beachposher Just wanted to introduce myself as I am still pretty new at this: my name is Joelle - I am slowly building my closet as well as my circle of fellow Poshers. Have a wonderful evening!!
May 08Reply
queenofthrift_ Hey there! Just added a ton of brand new LuLaRoe Amelias with tags in my closet! Definitely a steal or two there if you want to check it out. Feel free to make offers as well. Happy Poshing 🛍💕
May 13Reply
butterflybaby16 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♂️🧚‍♀️ FLYING BY TO SAY HELLO & HOPE YOU HAVE A FABULOUS WEEKEND 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♂️🧚‍♀️
May 26Reply
minimalmess Hi Nicole, are you interested in the black heels from my closet that you liked?
Aug 08Reply
snatanov I just wanted to stop by to say hey, hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling on posh. I'd be so happy if you would accept my invitation to check out my closet :) Happy Poshing!
Aug 31Reply
luckyladybug4u Hi there. Welcome. I just notice that you liked a pair of starfish post earrings. I also have a pair of blue multicolor starfish studs - NEW for sale, a pair of moon and star long dangle earrings, plus other unusual jewelry. Feel free to take a look and I am always open for negotiation on my prices. Thanks and have a blessed day.
Nov 26Reply
hopewins925 ☺💟Welcome to Poshmark!☺💟
Mar 21Reply
mr_gs Hey there! This is a kindly message. I spend my time to check your love notes that you given after you received the items from other Poshers, so I think some of my listings will meet your style. There will be more kinds of goods in the future. So welcome to follow me! Also please don't hesitate to send me an offer if something you like. All the best for you. :)
Jul 26Reply
vintagebitchaz Thanks for the LIKE ❤️ I'm accepting *ALL OFFERS* right now. I'm looking to do a closet clear out to get ready for new stuff. So send that offer if you're in the mood to shop! It would be most appreciated! (Just no completely insulting low balls )Thank you!! Also BUNDLES are still a BEGE SALE! Buy EVEN amount of Items, Get EVEN amount of items FREE! + FREE GIFT! 💝 I.e. Add say 6 items to your cart get 3 of them FREE etc… + A SHIPPING DISCOUNT!
May 19Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Sep 23Reply

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Last Active: Apr 25 2018

Bismarck, ND
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Last Active: Apr 25 2018

Bismarck, ND
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