Meet your Posher, Nicole
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Hi! I'm Nicole. Some of my favorite brands are Society Plus, Fit Flops, Dagne Dover, and Lane Bryant . Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

12 others
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🙋🏻 welcome to Poshmark 🎉
Jan 16Reply

Awesome addition to your closet! Can't wait to see more. Good luck to you. Your first sale will be exciting. Any questions, just ask. Patty. 🎁👗👒💍🎒🛍
Jan 16Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! 💕😊
Jan 30Reply

Hello new posh friend my name is justina I jus wanted to stop by say thank you for the follow please stop by my closet when you have time I love offers and bundles next day shipping as well
Feb 02Reply

Thank you for my shares have a nice evening and happy poshing.🌺🙋🏼🌸💵🌺
Feb 03Reply

Thanks so much for following my closet, yours is amazing!
Feb 09Reply

Thanks for following my closet 🌹
Feb 11Reply

👏🌈🌠🎉Saying hello from the Midwest! Thank you so much for following my closet! 🎉🌠🌈👏
Feb 13Reply

@nicmic7834 YAY! GREAT TO SEE LOCAL POSHER😀 Please let me know if you ever have any questions and WELCOME & HAPPY POSHING❤️
Feb 13Reply

@milandpat Hey! How cool! Do you know of any other local Poshers? I only know @shanmak.
Feb 14Reply

@nicmic7834 Hi, I know a few people...and have seen a few in SC along the way! If you want to find more people in our city you can look under the People section and there is a place that is my City. Poshmark is really an awesome place!😀
Feb 14Reply

@nicmic7834 Your closet look AWESOME❤️
Feb 14Reply

Thanks for showing so much love 😊
Feb 17Reply

@thatboywill313 I was returning the favor!
Feb 17Reply

Since I can never remember my handle to tell you at work figured I'd just leave you a comment ;)
Feb 22Reply

Hi Nicole & welcome to Poshmark! Thank you for sharing my closet!!
Feb 22Reply

@nicmic7834 Thx for all the shares , Nicole‼ Happy Poshing 🎉
Feb 25Reply

@sb143posh I was returning the favor so, Thank YOU!
Feb 25Reply

Welcome ! Happy Poshing 😊
Mar 07Reply

...My son went to same school !
Mar 07Reply

Cute closet!
Mar 19Reply

Hey Nicole, thanks so much for sharing a bunch of my stuff. 😀enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Mar 19Reply

Thanks for posting those skirts! I only found 3 items in my style/ size and offered what's reasonable given your 5/$20 deal. See my offer. Thanks for all your help!!!
Mar 29Reply

@jschaa Thanks for your purchase! I shipped your item around 7:30 this morning!
Mar 29Reply

Mar 29Reply

@nicmic7834 thanks!!
Mar 29Reply

I absolutely LOVE your closet's layout and the cover shots! If you find anything you like in my closet make an offer, I give huge discounts if you ask :)
Apr 10Reply

@nicmic7834 BEAUTIFUL closet, Nicole. Love it!
Apr 21Reply

@annieslebonheur Thanks! Yours is great, as well :) I enjoyed sharing from it and seeing all your brands!
Apr 21Reply

@nicmic7834 My closet is a mishmash celebrating beauty in diversity. :)
Apr 21Reply

@nicmic7834 how do you place the lights to take your pictures? The light on the garments in just right. I want to learn how to take pics of my ethnic clothing - it is hard to capture the details.
Apr 21Reply

@nicmic7834 Thank you!
Apr 21Reply

@annieslebonheur I have one light on each side of the garment, shining on it. I also recently installed an app in my phone called PicTapGo that offers a filter that creates the effect of natural sunlight without altering the color of the garment or being too harsh. I've been re-listing items using this app and I LOVE it as I only have time to take photos at night- so all of my light is artificial :(
Apr 21Reply

@nicmic7834 We barely have bright sunlight in the Pacific Northwest. It is dreary and gray most days. Summer is temperate. Do you use the special focused lights for photographing the clothing? When I am in the "share" mode, it's a race. lol. I barely notice the details/brands/etc. However, certain closets like yours capture my attention, and I go back to them.
Apr 21Reply

@nicmic7834 Thank you very much for your willingness to provide advice about photographing clothing. I really want to capture the details of the various dresses without the unsightly shadows and inadequate lighting. Thank you! 🤗 The social aspect of Posh is incredible - really wonderful folks empowering and supporting one another.
Apr 21Reply

@annieslebonheur They aren't exactly "special" lights. They are just cheap lamps with an adjustable arm so I can position them as I need to- pretty sure I got them at Walmart. If a picture doesn't come out right, I readjust and try again :) But I use them for every photo I take, and then I use the app to brighten them even more.
Apr 21Reply

@annieslebonheur I spent a few weeks in the Pacific NW last summer and even then (summer time!) there were some very dreary days :( I live in Charleston, SC so we have PLENTY of sun- I'm just at work when it's out!
Apr 21Reply

@nicmic7834 Hi you are in Goose Creek I am in Moncks Cr cute Closet🙋🏾😘
Apr 21Reply

@valentine5074 haha! I accidentally asked you to Style me when I was trying to help you with your Facebook post 😂
Aug 12Reply

Hi Nicole, just wondering if you are able to ship the Eileen Fisher shoes today? Thank you.
Jan 24Reply

@suzisays Absolutely! I’ve already packaged them. I just have to print the label and I’m heading to the PO 😊
Jan 24Reply

@nicmic7834 awesome!! Thank you so much. They will be just what I need for the weekend😊
Jan 24Reply

Nicole, I have been called out of town but will be home Sunday. My neighbor picked up the package. I will accept as soon as I get home! Thanks for your patience😍
Jan 27Reply

@suzisays Thanks, but no rush! I’m sorry they didn’t get to you in time to wear them this weekend :( I shipped them out about an hour or so after you asked about them. I hope you have a good weekend, regardless of your footwear 😊
Jan 27Reply

Hi Nicole! This is Belinda. Thank you So much for the beautiful card, starbucks card and shipping $$. You didn’t have to do all that, i was glad yo return your keys. I felt so bad for you when I saw them inside the envelope with my dress. But I am glad now you have them. Thanks for your kindness. I will be sure to shop with you again. Take care!! 😊
Jan 27Reply

Good Morning, just wanted to let you know what a beautiful closet you have! I had lots of fun going through all your items! Kathryn
Feb 21Reply

@kk711 Thank you! 🙂
Feb 21Reply

Hi Nicole. I just ordered a bundle and is it too late to add more since I forgot about shipping. You had some great items. I am very new to Poshmark. Just let me know as very 🤷♀️
Apr 09Reply

Never mind. This is probably enough. I will definitely shop your closet again. Thank you.
Apr 09Reply

@harleydarby Hello! I’m not normally up this early (sick pup) so I may need some clarification. Are you saying you’d like to add more items to your bundle? The only way would be for me to cancel your order and then you create a new bundle. Would you like me to cancel? You can purchase up to 5 lbs on Posh for a total shipping cost of $6.50- which can’t be beat! Your current bundle is probably less than 2 pounds 🙂
Apr 09Reply

Haha- sorry, missed your comment! Thank you for your purchase! Have a good night! 🙂
Apr 09Reply

@harleydarby ^^^ Forgot to tag you!
Apr 09Reply

@nicmic7834 please if it is not too much trouble and will reorder tomorrow so I can add on. If a problem it is okay. I am in no rush for items as leaving on a vacation for a month on Friday so you can get well and let me know. Thank you. Feel better and let me know.Catherine
Apr 09Reply

@harleydarby Done! Thanks :)
Apr 09Reply

@nicmic7834 Thank you so much. I will be gone all day, but will take care of tonight. I hope you are feeling better. Thanks for helping me out. I just started doing this and goal was to sell everything and not buy, but you have such tempting brands at a great price.
Apr 09Reply

@nicmic7834 I promise I am not a flake. We live in mountains of Northern California and have to drive to pick up taxes (2 hours away).Just give me until 7pm my time to finish up my order. I appreciate your help on this. I wish I was better doing all of this. Catherine
Apr 09Reply

@harleydarby I’m not in a hurry and I don’t think you’re a flake! I just made the post to make it easier on both of us later. Take your time 🙂
Apr 09Reply

@nicmic7834 I think I have it and didn’t know how to add to existing bundle. I swore I was only going to just sell, but couldn’t pass up your bargains. So what I want to add is J crew M Teal and Navy Shirt, the Kimchi Blue Shirt Size M and the Zara Size M. There were so many more things I loved, but just am not that small. Thank you. If you can put this all together in a bundle I will take care of it. I never buy so am very new at this. You have a great closet. Catherine.
Apr 09Reply

@nicmic7834 I made 2 separate bundles and if you can combine and send me for approval I will take care of it. Very dumb at this😢😤
Apr 09Reply

I am still not seeing 6 items in bundle???? Can you help me?
Apr 09Reply

@harleydarby I tagged you in a post with all 6 items for $26. Just buy that post :)
Apr 09Reply

Thank you so much for your help. Very excited about my items and your help. No hurry on shipping. Catherine
Apr 09Reply

@harleydarby Yay! Thank you for your purchase! I’ll most likely ship tomorrow, but Wed. morning at the latest!
Apr 09Reply

Hi— I only declined to add more items. XO
May 15Reply

@_delicate_thorn Ok 🙂 Whenever you’re ready, you can make an offer. 6 items would be $26. Might take me a few minutes to accept. Thanks!
May 15Reply

@nicmic7834 ok, please send the offer. The app won’t let me offer that low.
May 15Reply

I’m sorry, I just added something to a bundle by accident. Very pretty but not my size!
Jul 13Reply

hello Nichole 🙋 im Kay... as a new posher i often reachout 2 others with similar brands in their closet 2 introduce myself and share items. i prefer 2 do this instead of just clicking the "follow" button. i wanna invite u 2 visit my closet and follow me also. 👍 i carry many brands such as: bebe, Calvin Klein, New York & Co, WHBM, The Limited, and so much more. stop by 2 like, share, or offer 😀 happy poshing!
Aug 20Reply

@nicmic7834 hello 🙋 im Kay... (Posh Ambassador) i wanna invite u 2 visit my closet anytime and follow. 👍 i carry many everyday brands such as: Calvin Klein, Banana Republic, Ralph Lauren and more. feel free 2 like, share, or make offers on anything u like. 😀 happy poshing!
Nov 24Reply

Hi.👋😁 How are you? Just wanted to invite you to come check out my closet!! 🛍I have a ton of inventory to list right now- So make sure to keep an eye on my closet. I have everything from Women's, men's, kid's,(in all sizes)makeup, skin care, home name it! I am more than happy to spread love by offering great deals on anything you like and bundle! We can all use a little joy in these tough times. Come check it out! 😁💗Wishing you Happiness and Health. Be safe. xoxo @Goldneyez311
Apr 01Reply

Hi Nicole. I hope you're enjoying Poshmark so far. When you have a moment, please stop by my closet. I think we share a similar flair for fashion.
Apr 15Reply

❤️ Hey Nicole! Just wanted to say hello and hope you're having a wonderful & healthy Sunday! Sincerely, Julia xx ❤️
May 17Reply

@nicmic7834 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 23Reply
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