Meet your Posher, Nicole
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Hi! I'm Nicole. Some of my favorite brands are Michael Kors, PINK Victoria's Secret, and MAC Cosmetics. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

5 others
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Hi Nicole. Did you want me to cancel your first offer so you can add both items to the bundle to receive the additional 10% discount on top of saving on the shipping ? This way you won't be charged twice for shipping by Poshmark. Let me know darling.
Feb 21Reply

Ok I declined it as in canceling it. Now you can proceed with creating the bundle and save more this way :-)))) please let me know if you have any other questions thank you dear
Feb 21Reply

@leapederson thank you!!! Yes I would like the bundle please:)
Feb 21Reply

Hey there! I received your offer for the bra but I didn't want to counter because Posh is offering a shipping sale for price reductions at the moment so
Feb 22Reply

if you'd like, I can list the item at $8 with reduced shipping and reserve it for you. Just let me know, thanks😊
Feb 22Reply

Woops, meant to mention that you have to like the post first to qualify for the reduced shipping so once you like it, I will lower the price and you'll receive the notification😊
Feb 22Reply

Hi Nicole. You are soooo awesome for your amazing 5 star ratings. It made my day :-). Hope you are doing well my lovely ❌⭕️❌⭕️
Mar 06Reply

@butterfly879 thank you again 💞💞💞💞💞
Mar 06Reply

Welcome to Poshmark. It's a great community 😊😉😙
May 16Reply

@butterfly879 hi lovely. Long time no chat. Thank you so much for your sweet offer. I just recently lowered the price of that top. I countered the lowest I could go. After Posh fees it will break even as to my purchase price. I hope you understand :-)
Jun 09Reply

@d_paparazzigirl hi beautiful!!! Thank you for the offer!! I appreciate it soooo much 🤗🌺🌸
Jun 09Reply

@butterfly879 hi beautiful. Thank you as well honey 🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹
Jun 09Reply

Hooray 🎉. You got your closet started👗👠👞. Now let the FUN begin. I am sure my addiction will soon become yours💜💕. I have both men's and women's items so please take a moment to check out my closet. I LOVE offers. Happy Poshing💋
Jun 14Reply

@butterfly879 Hi I'm Kia! I would love for you to check out my closet when you have a chance 😊💞
Jun 14Reply

Congrats on getting your closet started beautiful ✨✨ please follow me and let me know if you need help with anything at all 🌹💞
Jun 14Reply

@stacey9394 thanks beautiful I appreciate it!!!
Jun 14Reply

@purplearies will do!!! 🙌🏻😁
Jun 14Reply

@shopsae thankssss girlie! Will do 🤗
Jun 14Reply

Hi and welcome! Please check out my closet when you get a chance. 🌷
Jun 14Reply

Hi Nicole! Welcome to Poshmark! I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Happy Poshing!!! 👗💄👜👠👡
Jun 15Reply

🎉🎉🎉Welcome to Posh!🎉🎉🎉 I hope you love it here as much as I do! 💕💕💕 I found your closet while searching for my size, so I invite you to check out my closet sometime for finds for yourself! 😍😍😍 In the meantime, my advice is share share share - happy poshing! 😘😘😘
Jun 15Reply

@holly885 hi!! 👋🏻 Thank you so much & I will 🤗👚👗
Jun 15Reply

@yhull hi!! 👋🏻 Thank you so much & I will 🤗👚👗
Jun 15Reply

@lizzymcboo hi!! 👋🏻 Thank you so much & I will 🤗👚👗
Jun 15Reply

@butterfly879 You are very welcome!!! 💗💗💗💗
Jun 15Reply

I made a big bundle of scrubs. I'm trying to help replace my moms clothes she lost in the fire. I'm working with a small budget from my husband and hope you can help me
Oct 21Reply

@1stopnurseshop Thank you so much for your purchases!!! Let me know if there is anything else you need and we can get ya taken care of 🤗
Oct 21Reply

@butterfly879 oh thank you. I had 17 in the bundle to start. Their home was struck by lightning and burned to the ground, God watched over them as their cat woke them up and no personal injury. I was trying to make an offer on then but couldn't get ahold of you.
Oct 22Reply

I put the other items on a bundle. Just wanted to check out what you might be able to do for me since I purchased the huge lot already at regular price. Oh and how do dickies fit? She's always worn koi pants. Says the low rise is the reason.
Oct 22Reply

@1stopnurseshop thank you so much for bundling again! I can do $60 for the 8 items you have in the bundle that would originally be $80. The Koi pants are definitely low rise but Dickies are high waisted- they are very comfortable!!! The Dickies are not petite length so they were a little longer on me but very nice to wear.
Oct 22Reply

@1stopnurseshop If you want to add the Dickies to the bundle let me know and I’ll come up with a new bundle piece 😁
Oct 22Reply

@1stopnurseshop I am so sorry to hear about what happened to your family! That’s so devastating! 😣 I don’t know if she would need other clothing items as well but I am going to post some regular clothing items today that might work for her as well! Some very nice/new sweatshirts and jackets that would be perfect for this time of year!!
Oct 22Reply

@butterfly879 the community is assisting with a lot of this but her uniform was what I tried to help with. You know how expensive new scrubs are. Thank you for the help.
Oct 22Reply

@1stopnurseshop absolutely! ☺️
Oct 22Reply

I'll have to go thru them. After the bundle earlier, kinda short. I'll go through the bundle tomorrow and pick out a few more. Ty so much. !
Oct 22Reply

I purchased the first. Und Le at full price. This one was $63 with 10% off. After $140 of first order. I felt $50 was fair value. I would love to have this bundle but just can't go that high right now. I'm so sorry and really don't want to try and low bid to you. Kinda thought a $13 discount off $200 of scrubs was fair.
Oct 26Reply

I was trying to make a fair offer and take several pieces off your hands at once.
Oct 26Reply

@1stopnurseshop I have been selling my scrubs at full price without problems so i thought my discount was more than fair. I’m sorry if you’re not able to accept my new discount I have you in addition to the already 10% discount I have given. Best of luck!
Oct 27Reply

@butterfly879 that's why I said I wasn't going to make an offer on what I could afford. I didn't want any hard feelings
Oct 27Reply

@butterfly879 you knocked off $3 of a purchase of $200
Oct 27Reply

@1stopnurseshop I have given you more than the 10% bundle discount each time you have asked- except for the bundle you purchased at full price. You might want to go back and check. I don’t want any hard feelings here- I want to be able to work with you and come up with a solution but I also have a family to support as well. My clothes are already heavily discounted and feel that they are priced at a fair price. I’m hope that we can get this sorted out!
Oct 27Reply

@butterfly879 best of luck in further future sales. Have a great weekend. You'll have no problem selling your wares. Happy Poshing!
Oct 27Reply

@1stopnurseshop thank you and I hope you enjoy all your scrubs! :)
Oct 27Reply

They are going to my mother to replace her losses. Amazing the devistation a fire will do. Just praise god no injuries. One smart cat they have.
Oct 28Reply

I just love your closet, as if you couldn't tell. On way to work, will look at offer and let ya know when I get home.
Nov 20Reply

@1stopnurseshop sounds good to meeee!!!! And thank you soooo much 🤗
Nov 20Reply

I'm off today. Dropped off a couple of scrub tops so if you can let me know what ya have to have I'll put in offer. You were st $80. I dropped out $26 in merc. This is my 3/4 order from ya, thank you for quality merchandise for sale. Love my last hoodie!
Nov 21Reply

@1stopnurseshop hello! Go ahead and cancel the offer I made you and we can restart with whatever you would like! I definitely am willing to work with ya 😊
Nov 21Reply

It expired I think. I was dead last night. Went to bed at 6:30. Omg. Lol
Nov 21Reply

Yes. It expired 3 hours ago. 😩
Nov 21Reply

@1stopnurseshop Thank you for all the kind works- I’m soooo glad you like my stuff! I can’t see the expired bundle so you’ll have to create a new bundle of the items you’d like and we can go from there 🤗 Thanks!!!! 🌈
Nov 21Reply

I did. There's 7 items in it. I'll delete and start over maybe it'll fix it for ya to see.
Nov 21Reply

I'll just add the items back to original bundle and offer you the offer that you quoted me. I just didn't need the three extra tops but it's only $5 more than the new bundle I know holiday coming up so you think it's going to ship before Thursday if I do today?
Nov 21Reply

@1stopnurseshop I am working right now but can definitely ship it this evening when I wake up! :)
Nov 21Reply

I selected the same exact bundle as the one you offered at $80 except I dropped a $13 item and replaced it with a $10 scrub Top. That's why I offered the $80 as it was $3 less than bundle before
Nov 21Reply

@1stopnurseshop but you added another sweatshirt- there are 9 items now instead of the original 7. Bundle price for 9 items was $110 and I knocked $20 off to price it at $90 for the 9 items. Does that work for you? I can ship tonight.
Nov 21Reply

I'm sorry. That was an error I guess. I removed 2 10$ scrubs and put in 1 $13 shirt. I thought. So original S/b -$7
Nov 21Reply

@1stopnurseshop let me know within the next hour if you want the bundle and I’ll ship it by tonight before I go to work! 🤗
Nov 21Reply

You okay? I've bought several bundle items from ya, kinda unlike you to be late on shipping.... just checking on you.
Dec 01Reply

@1stopnurseshop yes thank you- ! Just a delay with the holiday season ☺️ I shipped everything out on Tuesday- including an extra for you! Thank you so much for your patience 💗 I hope you enjoy the items!!!!
Dec 01Reply

I knew that but was just worried. Glad all is good.
Dec 01Reply

@1stopnurseshop you’re such a sweetheart 💜 thanks again!!!
Dec 01Reply

Hi! You made me an offer on a bundle I started in your closet and I declined that offer because I wanted to change items. So I did and a notice came up that the bundle was no longer available? Weird huh?
Jan 08Reply

@donnababy6210 yes, sorry that item actually was sold in person yesterday and I had to change the listing! Is there another item you’d like instead?! Happy to work with ya 🤗
Jan 08Reply

@butterfly879 which item sold?
Jan 08Reply

@donnababy6210 the UW sweatshirt
Jan 08Reply

@butterfly879 Boo! Lol let me go look.
Jan 08Reply

Hi. My order shows it's not been shipped so I wanted to touch base with you to make sure things are ok
Jan 15Reply

@donnababy6210 hello!! Yes, I did ship your package on FRIDAY but it was not scanned by USPS apparently- this happens often 😖 I’m guessing there will be a slight delay with the weekend and holiday. Thank you for your patience! 💜🌈
Jan 16Reply

@butterfly879 I didn't see where your shipping from but someone needs to report a post office that doesn't mail a package when you take one in. They had Fri, Sat and today(Tues) makes 3 working days that it wasn't scanned. That's pretty weird and unacceptable practice for the US government. Have you not checked on it?
Jan 17Reply

Woo hoo! They finally scanned it! It's now showing shipped.
Jan 17Reply

Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by to take a look at my closet! I will be moving soon and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached, like Michael Kors, Nike, Yellow Box, and so much more! so take a look a around. And if there is something that you like, but not the price, make an offer! XoXo, B.
Oct 14Reply

Hi! I'm having a clear out closet sale if you are interested! & a 3 for $20 (or less) sale as well!! Feel free to check it out! I'm very open to shares, bundles and offers! Happy poshing ❤️
Nov 08Reply
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