Meet your Posher, Nina
Not for sale
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Hi! I'm Nina. Some of my favorite brands are Michael Kors, Coach, Nike, PINK Victoria's Secret, Avenue, Catherine's, Lane Bryant, Cato and Louis Vuitton. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

36 others
like this

Hi ! Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Mar 30Reply

💐💐💐💐 Hello ... Welcome to posh 😊😊😊
Apr 01Reply

@envymycurves thank you!
Apr 01Reply

@jassieboo92 thank you!
Apr 01Reply

Hi Nina, Welcome to Poshmark!! 😊
Apr 19Reply

@plump_petunia thank you!
Apr 19Reply

Woah, thanks for all the likes!!! You just made my day, haha :) I see we must have similar tastes in fashion. I love how you paired those earrings with that fabulous top in your picture above. Do you plan to add items to your closet eventually?
Apr 19Reply

@plump_petunia O my yes! I'm familiarizing myself with the selling aspect. I have so much. I need to get started. Thanks for the compliment!
Apr 19Reply

The selling is almost as much fun as the buying, haha! If you ever have any questions, just tag me. So many seasoned poshers helped me out when I started, and now they are my PFFs 😊, I'd be happy to help you out! It is a wonderful community of supportive ladies here! 💕
Apr 19Reply

@plump_petunia thank you! I appreciate your kjndness. I will definitely take you up on that offer. :)
Apr 19Reply

Hi, Lady...thank you for checking ... Come back again, ya' hear 😊💕
Apr 30Reply

Hi Nina! Welcome to posh! I sell some of your favorite brands if you want to check out my closet! I offer 50% off your entire purchase if you buy five or more items!!💕💕💕❤️❤️
May 03Reply

@nilynsco Hi I'm Kia ! I would love for you to check out my closet when you get a chance 😊💞
May 20Reply

@nilynsco hi ,, I'm Vicky if you need any help , please feel free to tag me,,, I can always use a new pff❤️❤️❤️❤️
May 20Reply

@nilynsco Hi Nina! Welcome to Poshmark! You are so pretty! 😍 Thanks for following me! If you ever need help or have any questions, feel free to ask me..I'm always around. 😉 I hope you love it here. 🌼🌼🌼
May 23Reply

@kimkjc2 awww you are such a ray of sunshine with what I have gone through here. Thank you for reminding me why I love Poshmark !
May 23Reply

@nilynsco Oh no..I'm sorry to hear you've had problems. 😟 I think it's probably unavoidable with, I don't know, this many people. Seriously, if you need to "chat," tag me on one of my sold items, sweety. I'll be more than happy to listen and/or help! ☺️
May 23Reply

@kimkjc2 thank uou so much
May 24Reply

I was in a plus size closet by accident. I cannot find it but one of the words in the closet name "pink" with the picture of a lady. PLEASE help me find that closet PLEASE.
May 25Reply

@nilynsco Thank you for all the likes! Welcome to Poshmark ~ it's addictive! :-)
Jun 04Reply

@nilynsco @plump_petunia is an AWESOME fellow posher, and can give you lots of tips!!
Jun 06Reply

Thanks @dawnediva! I am here anytime you have any questions or need help @nilynsco :)
Jun 06Reply

@nilynsco Hello Beautiful! Please take a look at my closet. You look like a woman of great style!
Jun 08Reply

@lexus059 thank you! . I will
Jun 08Reply

Hey @nilynsco! Welcome to PoshMark! I've got several things in my closet from your favorite brands - please feel free to stop by when you have the time! <3
Jun 17Reply

@kioshana thank you so much. I check out your closet and there are several pieces that I like. Thank you
Jun 17Reply

welcome to posh.
Jul 01Reply

Saw that we have some of the same sizes and just wanted to ask if you could check out my closet! Happy poshing💞💞
Jul 03Reply

Welcome to poshmark! I hope you're loving it here so far ✨✨
Jul 14Reply

Hi my name is Melinda I am new at this I just put a bid in your size 10 and a half Nikes the black Nike's I do not know really what to do with this I knew so I put the bid in when does the Nikes go off where do I look to check it so many are you can get back to me and let me know I appreciate it thank you
Oct 12Reply

Girly. We can do business. Plus I'd much rather sell @ discounted price for someone who will wear and appreciate. You definitely have style like momma.
Nov 22Reply

@thisladym yes we can and I will take that as a compliment! Kiss the queen for me. Have a blessed day.
Nov 22Reply

@emmielhayes thank you for the offer!
Dec 14Reply

Hi and thanks for the ♡♡♡♡ on the Vera Bradley Bag and Eyeglass Case. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you.
Jan 21Reply

@poppysgal thank you so much but I don't think I liked an eyeglass case.
Jan 21Reply

@nilynsco you can get without the eyeglass case...
Jan 21Reply

@poppysgal my bad. I didn't realize that it comes with an eyeglass case. It appears kinda smart. Any pics with it hanging or you holding it. Just want an idea of how big it is ALSO is that your lowest asking price?
Jan 21Reply

@nilynsco I just posted a pic... as for the price , I can go down to 15 if you don't want the glass case....
Jan 21Reply

Hi and thanks for the ♡♡♡♡ on the Beautiful NWT bishop sleeved shirt. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you.
Feb 19Reply

Thank you for the like my lady. Offers welcome. Blessings to you my sister. Mary
Feb 19Reply

Hi & Welcome to Posh!
It's a very supportive & social community and if you have questions there's always a Posher to answer them. Or...
... visit my closet and I'd be happy to help U!
More questions?
on anything specific U'd like to know?
Just ask me...
Feb 20Reply

Thanks for your purchase hun! I'll get it in the mail for you 😉
Feb 20Reply

@justpeep Thanks! Hurry!!!!
Feb 20Reply

Hi hun! I'm so excited it got to you safe and sound! Thank you so much for the feedback to I really appreciate that😃 if there's anything else I can do for you plz lmk I'll be adding new items on a daily basis so don't forget about my offer 😉
Feb 25Reply

@justpeep yes I love it! Thank you! @ I won't forget.
Feb 25Reply

Hope you're enjoying Poshmark love xoxo
Feb 28Reply

I am sorry I did not respond in time to your can try it again if you like....
Mar 07Reply

Very nice picture!
Mar 07Reply

@nilynsco welcome to Poshmark Nina! It's so nice to meet you and thank you for stopping by 💕🦋
Mar 30Reply

Hi there🤗 Long time no see. Hope you are enjoying the spring WEATHER 🌼🌻
Apr 23Reply

@thisladym hey lady!. All is well. How about with you? I'm sure you remain blessed in the Lord!
Apr 23Reply

@nilynsco Yes. For sure. 1 Corinthians 15:58. He's keeping me busy. 😊
Apr 24Reply

Hey there. Just wanted you to know 30% OFF 3 or MORE till Saturday. Happy Poshing 🤗
May 03Reply

@thisladym OK thanks Sweetie!
May 03Reply

😊 Thanks for liking my blouse! 💞
May 06Reply

Thank you so much for the likes! Welcome to Poshmark!💕
May 11Reply

Thank you for following mr!😊 Welcome to Poshmarl!💕
May 11Reply

Thank you so much for all of your likes!☺
May 11Reply

Thanks for the rating. I'm glad you like them and hope you enjoy the extras!
May 13Reply

@toralove yes thank you for the extras! I always forget to mention those. I don't always get them but I am going to have to get better at recognizing that effort! Thank you so much for the headband and the earrings. Love the little red bag too!!!! Lol
May 13Reply

May 24Reply

Girl you are beautiful you should be a model.
Jun 07Reply

@bsherwood69 awwww thank you.
Jun 07Reply

Nina💐Hello I'm Laura! Stop by anytime if I can help in any way! Please remember to like and join my Follow Game as it will also help you to increase your followers! Happy Poshing!😘🌸xoxo
Jun 09Reply

@lauras_boutique I did. Really nice.
Jun 16Reply

Hi, thank you for checking out my closet. I've never used style before nice tool. I don't have a lot of bottoms so I thought the Orange Blouse with the gold hoops is cute and I added a couple of tops that would be cute with jeans and some cute sandals or any bottom of your choosing. The blazer is really cute. It's very pretty in person and looks good with white or black. Can't really tell by pic but the sleeves have a little style to them. Hope you like something.😊
Jun 29Reply

@nilynsco ...Oh no that one the 4X I only have one in black....sorry. the 2X i have in black & white....sorry
Sep 04Reply

@twobrokefriends the black is fine thanks.
Sep 04Reply

@nilynsco ...Hello. I am very sorry but your dress will go out tomorrow. I injured my eye today and I can't get it all done today. I will have help tomorrow so it will go out tomorrow. So sorry for the delay. Mandy
Sep 05Reply

@nilynsco ..Oh and also ..I love your photo!!! You are so pretty and you look so cool! :)
Sep 05Reply

@twobrokefriends I understand. No problem!
Sep 06Reply

@twobrokefriends Awwww you about to make an old gal blush!!! Lolol
Sep 06Reply

@nilynsco lol...well I was not kidding that photo is awesome!!! Plus a teensy weensy but like you might laugh or you might ring someones neck!! lol...You hair is gorg!! I am packing up your shirt as we speak and it will go out today. Have a wonderful Wednesday!! Mandy, xx
Sep 06Reply

@funkypineapple thanks Sweet Pea! I've gotten comments about my eyes my whole life and I'm 54. And, I wouldn't hurt a flea. I love to love! Lol
Sep 07Reply

@funkypineapple so you have 2 closets?
Sep 07Reply

@funkypineapple you were 2 broke friends. ....
Sep 07Reply

@nilynsco ...0h I didn't mean you would hurt anyone. Sorry. My big ole southern mouth. Any way thanks for checking out our closet. Have a wonderful evening!!
Sep 07Reply

@nilynsco I'm sorry I fell asleep. Yes we were Two Broke Friends and we are changing our name to -"The Funky Pineapple ". :). I'm trying to tell everyone as fast as I can but fell asleep and now people are wondering what is going on. We just wanted a change! We are, however, still Broke and still friends!!!
Sep 07Reply

@nilynsco .. I am so sorry. Well, I do not like my customers to buy something & it doesn't work for them and they are out the money. I do not operate like that. You can send it back for a refund or I can find a blouse that would be a much better fit. Mandy, xx
Sep 09Reply

@funkypineapple awwwww. I just said I just gotta lose some weight!
Sep 09Reply

@nilynsco me to. Sorry I left . If u are on Facebook I can give u my address to send back. I hate it is cut like that cause it is too cute.!!
Sep 09Reply

@funkypineapple yes, I'm on Facebook as Nina Scott. I did look back into your closet for a second. I plan to look again. Oh....will I get a label or will I have to pay to send it back?
Sep 10Reply

@nilynsco ... I don't have ( yet) a return label. But what I do is have the person send it and I add it to what I refund to you. And I truly can find you a top like that, that will fit. I am also a personal shopper. I've been shopping for the ladies in my family for years. So now I am branching out. You, of course, would not be hiring me... I will just find what you need at a great cost and I will send you the money for your shipping it to me.
Sep 10Reply

@nilynsco which photo are you on FB? There are 6 Nina Scott's. What does your profile photo look like?
Sep 10Reply

@funkypineapple I have on a fushia shirt and a banner on my frame that says I stand against racism.
Sep 10Reply

@nilynsco I sent you a friend request
Sep 10Reply

@nilynsco ...I put another blouse in your dressing room. I am still tracking down a few other blouses I remember and I will post them in your dressing. I really want to find you a top that works. Talk a bit later, Mandy xx
Sep 10Reply

Hi I’m getting ready to post the Bras hope your ready, I said I would post at 3pm
Oct 23Reply

Hi Nina the bras won’t be $10 anymore they’ll be 12 .00. I’m sorry but if I sell them for less than that I’ll be giving 2 Bras away free and I can’t afford to give 2 Bras away free so if you would offer $12.00 for each Bra times 3, I would appreciate it because They cost the person I’m selling them for, $35 apiece and she was not very happy about it, I’m very sorry
Oct 23Reply

@dianejohnson707 I understand
Oct 24Reply

Hi so glad you liked your items Hope you stop by again soon
Nov 07Reply

@mjbp💕💕💕happy holidays 💕💕💕💕welcome to Poshmark 💕💕💕I invite u to visit my closet December 4 only 25 percent off bundles 💕💕💕💕my pleasure to meet u @mjbp
Dec 05Reply

@nilynsco Hi, this Mandy from The Funky Pineapple. I have a large confession. I have two inventory closets that are full that I don’t have time to list on Poshmark. I will be giving private viewings on Skype, FT, FB. It is for free. Before hand we will talk about your fashion likes and dislikes. Then we can set up a 30 minute session or an hour session and you can look closely at the clothes. You will still make payment thru Poshmark. Hope to work with you soon. Mandy
Dec 12Reply

@funkypineapple how do you set up the showing day and time?
Dec 14Reply

@nilynsco well I don’t know. I guess we can figure that out w each person. Right now it will have to wait a while as I recover from a concussion. But I’ll keep you on my list and talk w you soon if that’s ok?
Dec 14Reply

Thank you for your recent purchases.
Dec 23Reply

Hi sis🙋🏽❣Thank you for adding my gorgeous brand new polka dot dress to a bundle...I pray I'll be sending it to you soon❣😘
Dec 28Reply

Hey😁 check out my closet
Jan 23Reply

Thank you for all the likes if you have any questions feel free to ask
Feb 07Reply

Hi Love. Hope you are doing fine. Happy Poshing 😊
Feb 15Reply

Thank you for liking my items! Happy Saturday!
Feb 24Reply

Hello, my name is Jen☺️ If you are looking to shop🛍 check out my closet. Hit like on any item and I will send you an offer✨🦄Or you could bundle several items! I hope to hear from you soon🌹
Feb 25Reply

Hello 😊 Just wanted to stop by and welcome you + let you know that I recently dropped prices on my items. To add to the savings, I have a 10% off discount on 2+ items bundle AND you’ll just have to pay shipping once. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Happy posh savings 💖😊😊
Feb 25Reply

Thank you again for your purchase you your kind review! 🌸🌸💕💕💕
Mar 14Reply

@hairswhatsup you're welcome and very thoughtful I might add! ☺☺
Mar 16Reply

@nilynsco thank you💜💜
Mar 16Reply

So glad you likes everything! Thank you again for your purchase! I also like to thank you for your nice review you left!🌸🌸🌸⭐️⭐️🌸
Mar 20Reply

@hairswhatsup I thought I sent the review hours ago. But, when I opened up my phoned I saw the unsent messages lol!!! The message was all true!!! But before I forget again...thank you for the gift! I appreciated it!
Mar 20Reply

@nilynsco lol 😂 your
Very welcome for the gift! Thanks again 👍🏻🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
Mar 20Reply

Thank you for the like..if you see something that TICKLES your FANCY..and you want it..GET IT!! #LIFESTOOSHORT!!👌🎉🎊✌😍
Mar 31Reply

Hi 💖. I m willing to sell 3 items for $50. Pls add 3 items of your choice in a bundle and submit the offer of $50. I will accept it. You can buy as many $50 bundle as possible. Also take note of sold or reserved items. Pls let me know your decision..
Apr 24Reply

Welcome to my closet and thanks for stopping by and liking my listening. Please let me know if you have any questions. Happy poshing and shopping ❤😚🌼🌷🌻🍀🦋
Jun 10Reply

Thanks for your interest. I would love for you to revisit my closet. I am very easy to work with and would love to earn your business Greetings from Nashville, TN.
Jul 16Reply

Hey I'm Nicole (irnicolina)! Pass by my closet when you have a chance <3 Happy Poshing!
Aug 09Reply

I wanted to stop by to say hey, hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling on posh. I'd be so happy if you would accept my invitation to check out my closet :) Happy Poshing!
Oct 25Reply

@nilynsco Hello my sweet lady. How are you? Nice to see you pop up on my feed. Hope you are well😘
Nov 06Reply

@thisladym hi beautiful! Was thinking about you and the queen. Thought I'd drop by.
Nov 06Reply

Hi Lovely Lady. Family is well. Momma is doing good.
Nov 08Reply

Hello, the is Mandy from “A Funky Pineapple” I am giving all my customers a heads up on the Black Friday sale. Anything In my closet that is BLACK Is 50% off all day Black Friday until Midnight. If you see something you want I will hold it for you til’ Friday. Hope you are doing well…and also thanks again for your earlier purchase!! Mandy….xx
Nov 19Reply

@nilynsco — hey girl! I saw you put 2 items in a bundle. The blouse you picked that says SOLD— I have a few more. What size did you want in the shirt? Do you want me to put the dress on hold? Also, I will be listing more black items and have ready to post before Friday. Lots to do! Mandy
Nov 19Reply

@nilynsco .....Hi there! Was the black dress on sale? I'm sorry I can not remember. Let me know.
Nov 25Reply

Hi, My name is Jan. How are you enjoying Poshmark? Are you able to get your head out of your phone. I know I can't! Lol. It's soo addicting. If you get a chance check out my closet . I have major designers for a fraction of the cost! Happy Poshing!
Dec 06Reply

Your comment just made my day..week..year! Thank
You. Do glad you like it. My light is on, adding more this week. Again, thank you. 🌸
Jan 29Reply

Hello dear. How are you? It’s been a few. Just wanted to say hi 👋🏽 😘
Feb 06Reply

Wanted to stop by to let you know about my sale ***Buy 3 $10 items for $25 PLUS another 10% off for bundling*** Please take a look around, you may find something you like! Happy Poshing ❤
Feb 06Reply

@thisladym all is well beautiful. How is everything with you and your family? I pray all is well!
Feb 09Reply

Thanks for liking my vest! 😁
Feb 18Reply

Hi Nina
Thanks a bunch for looking into my closet and like 💐💌
Apr 07Reply

Hi Nina, I am Leila, I like to invite you to visit my closet,I have 15% off on bundles of 3 or more thanks and happy Poshing 😀
May 04Reply

@windyinthed thank you Sweetheart. I will keep that in mind!
May 10Reply

@lilyhn thank you!
May 10Reply

If you love ❤ Vintage👜 Bags Come visit my closet for Vintage Coach Bags!!PURSE HEAVEN!😇
May 17Reply

@lorac2015 thank you. I did browse and I was in purse heaven!!!😄😄
May 17Reply

@nilynsco lol thanku sweet girl! I'm So bad I'm on vacation but had to take several bags I justvgot in with me to sell!!!!
May 17Reply

May 18Reply

May 18Reply

May 18Reply

Hi!! Hope you’re enjoying the Poshmark community! Feel free to check out my closet for fashionable and athletic apparel 😁🧘♀️🏌️♀️🎾🏃♀️👖👕🌸
Jul 01Reply

@llathleticwear thank you! I will!
Jul 04Reply

Hi Nina, Come visit my lovely closet sometime soon!💜😃 -Always a 🎁 w purchase!!
Aug 27Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet and if find items you like make a bundle for a discount.
Oct 06Reply

Thanks for the shares!
Oct 13Reply

@cmichellethrift awwwww.... you're welcome!
Oct 13Reply

I like your name😘❤️
Oct 14Reply

@nzdesign I like your name too!!! :)
Oct 15Reply

Hi Nina, my name is Debra. Thanks for following and liking me. You are appreciated. Hope your weekend was fabulous. Have a wonderful week. Happy Poshing 🥰
Oct 28Reply

Hello and Happy New Year! ✨✨Just sending some posh love and welcoming you to check out my closet! I have something for everyone! Bundle and save!
Happy Poshing! 😘😘Hope you have a chance to stop by! 💋
Jan 21Reply

greetings I'm currently running a 3 for $20 sale on items listed $10 or less please consider bundling to save
Jan 26Reply

Hello! Check out my closet, I have Lane Bryant items for a great deal! 🌝🤞❤️
Feb 12Reply

@ericacin28_ I did. love it
Feb 12Reply

@soulspringsbyam thank you! I will check it out
Feb 12Reply

@glam_n3rd thanks gorgeous
Feb 12Reply

@leitiques thanks love
Feb 12Reply

@starzelda7 very nice!
Feb 12Reply

@nilynsco 👍😃
Feb 15Reply

Hello Nina~🍃🌸🍃💕🙋🏻♀️ Happy Sunday! I hope you are doing well where you are and staying safe. Thank you so so much for visiting my closet and sharing Posh Love!✨🌞 I really appreciate it! You have such a Beautiful closet and great style! I will share anytime! Wishing you a wonderful and restful week my friend!~XO Alisia🍃🌸💕😘
Mar 29Reply

@hellodarrrling thank you, beautiful! I absolutely adore your closet. Wish I were a small. You taste is awesome! Wow! Thanks for sharing. I will always return the favor! 🙂🙂
Mar 29Reply

@nilynsco Awww, You’re SO sweet! You definitely made my day brighter with such a Beautiful compliment! I am flattered! Enjoy a wonderful week Lovely!~XO Alisia🍃🌸💕😘
Mar 29Reply

Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Mar 31Reply

Hello, just reaching out to you because I have added more items to my closet!! Take a look if you want!! Happy poshing🙌💕🌟
Apr 24Reply

@jazzysnazzy thanks jazz
Apr 26Reply

Hey posher come check out my closet I have items listed at $5🤯happy poshing !!😊🛍
Jun 02Reply

Hey Nina! Thank you for liking the items in my closet! You liked some great items!! If you create a bundle 3 items or more i will give you free shipping plus a discount on your items! Feel free to me an offer! ❤️ Happy Sunday!
Jul 05Reply

Good morning!! So glad to see someone from Augusta!! I'm here if you need anything ever! awesome closet by the way. Have a blessed and wonderful Monday!!❤😉
Jul 06Reply

Hi 👋🏾,
I’m Ashleigh. I have a closet with lots of Dresses, jumpsuits, and sweaters for sizes S - 3X (large plus size collection). I love offers and I’d love if you took a look, bought or shared some items. 💕 🛍Happy Poshing 🛍
Sep 21Reply

Hello! Such a lovely picture of you. Thanks for the follow. 😁🙏
Oct 28Reply

@dunomes_lane well thank you Sweetheart! You are gorgeous yourself!🙂🙂
Oct 29Reply

@nilynsco Thank you!
Oct 29Reply

@thisladym hi love! just sending love to you and your family!
Oct 29Reply

Hi Poshmark Neighbor you're only a click away. I invite you to browse, send offers, my closet holds many beautiful styles. There may be something that captures you. Please Enjoy. Patricia
Dec 21Reply

hi Nina
Thank you for your purchase. I will send your blouse out Monday. I hope you enjoy it😃Liz
Jan 09Reply

Hi Nina
Thank you for the fast review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐and taking the time to leave a nice note. Your patronage is much appreciated☺ Liz
Jan 18Reply

@groovyglam youre welcome! I believe we should support each other!
Jan 24Reply

@nilynsco 🤗 Yes I think so too
Jan 24Reply

Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉🎉🤗
Apr 13Reply

Hello! I just wanted to let you know that you made my day with the review you left me! Thank you for all the kind words! It means a lot. I try hard to be a good seller. Thank you Thank You!. And….I am sooooo glad you like the shoes! I know they look good on you! Enjoy! 😘 Happy Poshing! 🛍💗🛍💗🛍 😘😘😘😘😘
Jul 20Reply

@sweet_vibes no stretch! it's all true. I had people lie about their listing
and do things that make your experience unpleasant
But, I lo ed doing business with you. Your honesty and sweet spirit will take you far!🙂
Jul 20Reply

@dunomes_lane thank you!
Jul 20Reply

@nilynsco aww thank you! Yes I am a very honest person and sweet natured. I get it from my Momma. I’m so sorry you have had some bad experiences! Don’t give up on us there are still good sellers out there. 😘 💝 I still have tons to post so keep a eye out on my closet.
Jul 20Reply

@sweet_vibes I agree there are a lot of Sweetheart's here. Leave the light on for me. I WILL be back!!💡
Jul 20Reply

@nilynsco I will gurl…. whenever you’re ready just stop on by!
Jul 20Reply

I meant to tell you I love this picture of you! So beautiful and fierce! Hope you are having a lovely dayyyy! ☀️ 😃 🌺
Jul 21Reply

@sweet_vibes sweet are you!!!!! Well, I have a confession....I read your profile and I love your profile picture!!!! Girl, that lipstick is everything. You are just gorgeous yourself!!!🙂
Jul 21Reply

Hi, My name is Marianne, a Poshmark Ambassador. I would like you to visit my closet. I have many vintage and unique items including china, books, clothing, DVDs, video games, jewelry and religious objects. I am happy to consider all reasonable offers. If you bundle 2 or more items you will get a 20% discount and save on shipping. I hope you’ll drop by and I will visit your closet too.
Aug 04Reply

Hi Nina! Sorry to hear you are under the weather. Please know my thoughts are with you and that I'm hoping for a speedy recovery! Soon you will be meeting your new purse! Have a beautiful weekend. ❤️G
Oct 30Reply

Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2500 items. Bundle and save!
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Nov 16Reply

Nina, I am so pleased that you love your sweater! Thank you again for shopping my closet and supporting my small business!! I truly appreciate it! Merry Christmas and Have a Blessed, Joyful, and abundant New Year!! 🙏🏻🎄🎉
Dec 17Reply

Hi, Nina! Your package ships today. It is in a recycled Amazon box. Be careful when you go to open it that you don’t cut too deeply as your tool may nick your jeans. I hope you love them!💙Happy new year!🎉 -Allison
Dec 29Reply

Hi 👋 welcome to poshmark feel free to check out my closet sometime 😊
I have an assortment of items and clothes from mens, women's, kids, books, and jewelry
Bundle a few items to save even more! thanks and happy poshing.
Jan 24Reply

Thank you for leaving me a 5-star rating!! I appreciate the feedback and I’m happy to know that everything went well. 😀 Stay safe and thank you again for the order.
Jan 29Reply

@nilynsco hello check out my closet see something you like send me a offer an I will do my best to help you out
Mar 01Reply

@nilynsco Hello Nina, please read the message I sent you regarding your shipment. It is contained in your bundle under the listing for the Coach bag you purchase. Thank you. Lisa
Mar 29Reply

We appreciate your trust in our store, we are ready to pack your item,
Thank you for choosing us! have a wonderful day! thank you!
sincerely: GMOD'S STORE
Apr 06Reply

Thank you for your purchase, we hope to see you soon, enjoy your new item. Have a great day.
Thank you!
sincerely: GMOD'S STORE.
Apr 11Reply

🌺Hi there, feel free to checkout my Buy 1 get 2 Free Sale On All items in my closet🌺
🌹I am Also Open to All Offers🌹
Apr 19Reply

Hi, Nice to meet you !
🌸. ☘️. 🌸.
Swing by anytime and say, “ Hello” ….and if there’s anything you’d like to see more of in my closet let me know ! Or if you have any questions just ask.
~ Happy Spring 🌷
May 06Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
May 18Reply

Nina, thank you so much for your purchase! Unfortunately they won’t ship until Tuesday due to postal holiday on Monday. Will get it out to you then though. Enjoy the holiday weekend! 😊 💝
May 28Reply

Nina, Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a fantastic rating and comment! Happy to hear that you are pleased with your purchase and love it! 🥰 💕
Jun 06Reply

Hi there! I hope you are doing well, and still enjoying your bags Nina :) Lisa
Jun 18Reply

Hi !!! Come take a visit and
follow my closet!!!
Hope to see you!!!!
Jul 17Reply

Hi Nina,
Thank you for your recent purchase. Your lovely item is on its way.
Aug 08Reply

Happy 2022. Feel free to check out my closet some time. It may take awhile well over 2900 items. Bundle few items and save more!
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Sep 05Reply

Hello😊 happy poshing!!! Welcome to my closet 🤗if you see something you like you can always send me an offer💐and if you have any question please don’t hesitate to ask❤️thank you🌹
Oct 02Reply

Good morning Nina,
Thank you for the likes on the Sonoma Top Size 4X. I have accepted your offer. but Posh Mark is telling me there is a payment issue on your end. Once that gets cleared up the sale will go through.
Have a great day! Vicki
Nov 10Reply

Thank you hun for your offer!! Unfortunately it doesn't cover my cost as you know btw taxes and 20% posh fees it is hard to make big discounts but i really gave you my lowest . Thank you Anyway 💋❤️
Nov 23Reply

Thank you for adding my Coach tote to a bundle 😊 i am always open to offers!
Dec 15Reply

Hello Ms. Nina, How are you and thanks for the like on my picture. I appreciate the kindness. Happy Poshing 💕
Jul 29Reply

| Just love Poshmark This is a great site for buying and selling. Please check out my closet. I have clothes sizes from XXS-6X. Speech & language development toys( teacher), wooden door signs, tumblers, jewelry, holiday items, shoes/slippers and random fun goodies. Remember the key to advertising and marketing is sharing & following yours and others closets.
Accept packages promptly and leave a note.
Build your community by attending others lives and engaging with other Poshers. Happy Poshing!🛍️
Oct 23Reply
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