Meet your Posher, Nina
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Hey y’all!
Hello from Wyoming!
I own black house consignment where all items are consigned for clients to put money back into the homes within my community !
Please feel free to bundle as I offer free shipping on 3 items or more 🖤

48 others
like this

Welcome to Poshmark! Wishing you tons of sales 🌹
Feb 08Reply

@nina71992 Welcome to Poshmark! It is an amazing community of motivated buyers and sellers. As a "posh mentor" and "suggested user" I am just reaching out to welcome you as am available if you have any questions about the community! Happy poshing! 💞💞
Feb 09Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Another Southern California Posher..HI! You have a great closet going. Sharing is a great way to get more exposure to your closet and then more SALES!! Share your closet often and share from other closets too. Off to a great start!! Have a great week. :)
Apr 15Reply

Hello!😊🌷 Please feel free to visit my closet to see amazing finds!🌺 I accept reasonable offers and give great discounts for bundles. Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions. Thank you & Happy Poshing!😁😘🌸 XO Aireen
Apr 19Reply

Hey! Glad we connected on Poshmark! Hope will check out my account and give me a follow ❤️❤️❤️
May 04Reply

@thriftynina hi Nina, did my purchase go through? 🥰
Jun 25Reply

@cchen17 yes dear! I’ll have it mailed out tomorrow morning 💚💚💚
Jun 25Reply

@thriftynina thanks hun 😘😘
Jun 25Reply

Hi there! Thanks for the follow on Insta! I just wanted to say hey and give you a few shares on Poshmark also! 💕 Have a great day girl!
Jul 08Reply

Thank you so much for all the shares💕 I will return the posh❤️ have a great Sunday 🌞
Jul 15Reply

Welcome happy poshing 😃
Jul 15Reply

thanks for the shares!🐰😘
Jul 15Reply

Great closet👍🏻👓👗👑🧢😀
Jul 15Reply

Idk if you ever trade but I’d be down to trade the dress and the things you liked for something of yours. I’ve done trades in the past and have good reviews for trades
Aug 19Reply

@sapphoeros I’ve never tried it i love the dress I’m just worried a vintage 14 and a modern day current 14 might not fit the same. I’d hate to have a melt down if it didn’t fit :( hahaha im willing to try a trade if you found something you liked
Aug 19Reply

@thriftynina well if you’re down I’ll trade the dress for the free people sandals.
Aug 19Reply

@thriftynina I would check the measurements I gave to your own measurements to see for sure if it would fit though
Aug 19Reply

Hi Nina, thanks for following us! Welcome to Poshmark!👍
I am Jimbo.🤠
We are still working on our Posh' closet. Our new printer is arriving tomorrow. Shipping labels on the way.🤞
I hope you have many sales and find lots of bargains.
Have a great day!☮️n💗
Sep 27Reply

Dear Poshette-
Welcome to Poshmania.🎪You will make friends willing to answer questions 🙄and cheer you on! Be sure to read Poshmark’s guidelines.📗 💖Tip: Posh is all about sharing listings. Goto the list🗒of people that have “liked”😍someone. Touch the names, one by one. Now they are your contacts! Goto 🚣🏻♂️the list of closet(s) near the bottom of an ‘About’ page. Touch ea. name.Ⓜ️ Those become closets you follow, good for stats, too!
Please check out *MY Amazing Closet.
❣Saundra, Posh Ambassador
Oct 06Reply

Dear Poshette-
Welcome to Poshmania.🎪You will make friends willing to answer questions 🙄and cheer you on! Be sure to read Poshmark’s guidelines.📗 💖Tip: Posh is all about sharing listings. Goto the list🗒of people that have “liked”😍someone. Touch the names, one by one. Now they are your contacts! Goto 🚣🏻♂️the list of closet(s) near the bottom of an ‘About’ page. Touch ea. name.Ⓜ️ Those become closets you follow, good for stats, too!
Please check out *MY Amazing Closet.
❣Saundra, Posh Ambassador
Oct 06Reply

Sorry, NINA. Honestly, I had no intention of repeating myself. Please forgive. ❣❣Saundra
Oct 06Reply

Hi Nina:) Thanks for the shares!!! Am following you now too!!! Love your family pics. including the dog. Adorable!!! And love your green hair color. It's soooo cute!!! Hope the bad weather has past. Used to live in CO. & other western states & I'll sarcastically say gotta love it when that early snow storm comes through. Hopefully the sun will be back out & temps. rising!!! And back on a Poshing note...excited to check out your closet. FYI if ever interested in anything in mine, I'm always...
Oct 13Reply

greenbaypackers to offers & take 20% off bundles of 2 or more items. Hope you have a great Sunday & Happy Poshing!!!
Oct 13Reply

LOVE your closet!
Oct 13Reply

@thriftynina thanks so much for the shares! 🦋
Oct 15Reply

Love your style!
Oct 27Reply

Hey Nina
I noticed that you have breakable items in your closet. When I put a vase in my closet for sale, I got a pop up that says that Poshmark isn’t responsible for damage. I was wondering if you knew what to do if something does break?
Nov 17Reply

I know Priority Mail comes with insurance but since Posh handles the shipping, I wasn’t sure if we as sellers could file claim. I haven’t had any problems but it is something I should consider before putting fragile items up. Any advice would be appreciated!! Thanks JennyLee
Nov 17Reply

@peachykeen_ga I have had one thing break that wasn’t prompted by that notification and poshmark handled the case by releasing funds to me and the buyer since it was the postal company’s fault. I don’t know about prompted items. I just always try to do my best to wrap anything slightly breakable very well and stuff the box and pad it . Did something break ? Or are you just cautious before listing/sending?
Nov 17Reply

Thanks Nina
No, not problems. I just wanted to cover my bases before I expand in the Home market. I do a lot of shipping for other online platforms so I do know how to pack well to prevent damage. I was just alarmed with the message that Poshmark has come up when listing (and it is pretty vague). I don't like to think negative like that but just trying to educate myself. Thanks so much.
Nov 17Reply

Hi Nina! Omg your closet and style is the best!!! And your dogs are adorable 🐶
Nov 20Reply

@gravygalaxy thanks so much!!! They’re pretty stinkin cute :)
Nov 20Reply

🧡Beloved🧡I am delighted to know you😃My endeavor includes being respectful to all in the Posh community💕🌸sharing🌺caring🌻💐and supporting your efforts😇I will be humbled should you choose to check out my closet🌼it is not a requirement however🎀I only pray for your health wealth and joy💯🛍Happy Poshing💐🌷☘️🧡Be Blessed🧡
Nov 25Reply

Hi thank you for the follow on Poshmark! I also followed you on Instagram and hope you will follow me back as well. Working together we can accomplish anything!!❤️
Nov 25Reply

Love your fur babies. What are their names? We adopted beautiful female brindle greyhound a few years back.
Nov 25Reply

@thriftynina Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by and Sharing Fabulous items from your closet store for my Followers to Enjoy🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Dec 17Reply

Love the pants. I have been looking everywhere for them. So if you have anymore sapphire ink flare size 13 please let me know!!!! Thank you
Dec 29Reply

Dec 29Reply

Love your closet and your styling!
Jan 14Reply

Hey! Did you deleted your IG? I wanted to tag you in a post and I can’t find you 😬
Mar 03Reply

@cassiesootd I did! I needed a mental break from it! I may eventually get one with my husband but right now I’m enjoying the quiet haha
Mar 03Reply

@thriftynina I don’t blame you! Keep me updated! I wanted to link your closet! My friend brought those shoes for me! Totally unexpected! I got them today & they fit!
Mar 03Reply

please accept this $3 credit to shop my closet today. If u make a purchase of 2 or more items I will give u 15 % off your entire purchase and give u a FREE gift valued at $10😍
Apr 17Reply

love your closet !!! full of a big mixture, I love it.
keep the vintage coming !!!
💖 happy poshing
Apr 22Reply

Thank you for your order!!! Just wanted to let you know it’ll be dropped off tomorrow for shipment; sorry for the slight delay. 💗
Apr 23Reply

Hello beautiful people!
Apr 27Reply

Hi Doll,
I send offers for free shipping on any bundles over $30. I have over 100 trusted reviews so rest assured you’re shopping safely. Take a look around my closet maybe you’ll find something you like 😊happy poshing ⚡️
May 29Reply

hello thank you for my offer I'm sorry I do have the funds I just transfered my money late...but don't give up on me please
Jun 18Reply

Hi! I am having a Buy One Get One Free Sale and everything in my closet is included. Just send an offer for your highest priced item(s) and I’ll accept. Have a great rest of your day.
Jul 18Reply

hi!! Wanted to let you know there are several items in our closet which are FREE with purchase of a full priced item. The eligible free items have a red frame around the first pic. Happy shopping!
Aug 14Reply

hi! I am so thrilled that you like the bride and groom piece! I am even more so happy that you are using it for your wedding cake! please take pictures! I would totally love to see it! congratulations! and thank you for stopping by my closet and purchasing an item for your special day from me! I am so honored!! 🤍🖤🤍🖤
Aug 26Reply

Sending you good vibes, and loving your closet! If you ever share anything from my closet, I will happily share double that amount in your closet... XOXO
Sep 22Reply

🐾Your pups are so sweet💕🐾
🙋♀️Hi ⭐️ Welcome to Poshmark ⭐️ You’re going to love❤️shopping 🛒and selling 🛍
Oct 25Reply

Omg your closet is freaking adorable 💕
Oct 31Reply

Happy Saturday! I just started an Instagram for my Posh closet a little over a week ago & I’m so glad I found your page! Looking forward to following you here & on Insta :) 💕
Nov 14Reply

Thank you for sharing 🤗❤
Nov 15Reply

Hey I’m Emily thanks for following me if you like anything from my closet send me an offer I’ll happily accept since I’m desperate to get rid of my things lol have a great night😊
Nov 16Reply

Thank you for sharing from my closet! I hope you have a great evening and successful Poshing!😊🇺🇸
Nov 18Reply

Hello ma’am, I just bought a plate of shoes from you and I do not have the money for them right now, after checking my bank account. Can I cancel the order since you only accepted my off 4 hours ago. I need to wait till I get payed. Hopefully you can help. The order number is 5fc4a3f0509fa8cc53475aff
Nov 30Reply

I’m a teacher and this shoe is the best for keeping my feet and back healthy. Your offer is very generous, however too much for my budget. Btw, you are adorable! Great hair and overall style:)
Jan 02Reply

@cjwebster thank you! So much!
Jan 02Reply

Thank you so much for accepting my offer!! 💜
Mar 03Reply

wow I didn't realize we live in the same town until my package got here. Do you have a shop in town ?
May 14Reply

@trasyee not yet! I have a online consignment business with several clients from town! :)
May 14Reply

@thriftynina well it's great to meet you. you have a great closet I'll definitely be shopping with you more.
May 14Reply

Sent a message to you three days ago about a tapestry jacket you have for sale. Need measurements. Very interested, but will not purchase without knowing more details.
May 17Reply

@thriftynina Hi! I love your closet! 💛⭐️🌻 2,000 sales is so awesome! 🤩 May I ask how have you been able to get so many sales? 🍉🍓🍒🌺 I struggle to make sales though I’ve read a lot of articles & tried the ideas. I also love how your items are not discounted to dirt cheap! They’re good prices but also fair to you! 🌿💚
Jun 22Reply

Hey:) love your closet!! All orders on my
Items usually go out same or next day!!! If you bundle you get $2 off each item!! Make me an offer and I will most likely accept. Stay safe xoxo free gift with all orders:)
Jul 14Reply

Hi I love your closet!!!!! All orders on my
Items usually go out same or next day!!! If you bundle you get $2 off each item!! Make me an offer and I will most likely accept. Stay safe xoxo free gift with all orders:)
Oct 09Reply

Welcome to UNEEKFINDS! So happy that you are a follower. Just a few notes while browsing...I LOVE when my shoppers bundle because I can make them my BEST deal... visit regularly because I list new items frequently...and I am always open to reasonable offers... Quick shipper!!!
Happy Poshing!!!
Nov 01Reply

Congratulations on your win!!! 🤗
I hope you stop by my closet, I'm giving great deals to all the winners. I hope you have a great day and enjoy your shopping spree. 😁
Jan 01Reply

Thank you for the Posh sharing 💕! I hope you have a great weekend and successful Posh sales!😊🇺🇸
Mar 13Reply

thanks for the share! I have been struggling ti sell, do you have any tips?
May 30Reply

@thrifty_selina Your closet is AMAZING!🥰
Sep 05Reply

@thrifty_selina Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 05Reply

@the_black_house lmk if ever want to be a part of my weekly share shows.
May 08Reply
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