Meet your Posher, Nita, now a Posher Ambassador 🌷
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Hi! I'm Nita and my favorite brands are Talbot, Gloria Vanderbilt, Choices, Ruby Red and Jambu shoes💕

42 others
like this

Welcome to our PoshMark family! Everyone is so nice and supportive. You will love it. I began just buying, now I sell too. 20% off Bundles at this time. Good luck from New England ❤
Apr 07Reply

@nabernard thanks so much!
Apr 07Reply

Hi Marianita. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Apr 13Reply

@hmsimon1 you have beautiful pieces!
Apr 13Reply

Hi Marianita! Thank you so much for the shares💖
Apr 23Reply

@neet62 Hi I'm Kia! I would love for you to check out my closet when you have a chance 😊💞
Apr 25Reply

@emmielhayes thanks, would love to hear from you
Apr 29Reply

Marinara, thank you for the shares. I appreciate it. 😙💜💜💜
May 05Reply

@neet62 sorry about killing the spelling of your name. I hate the autocorrect on my phone. 😶
May 05Reply

@breznicans no problem, I love your closet and wish I could afford your nice pieces, been trying to sell mine to have money's to buy. Thanks for your shares!
May 05Reply

I love opals too ! When I go to the gem and mineral show the variety is amazing. God made them so exquisite for us to enjoy👸👑🌹
May 12Reply

Thank you for enjoying my closet ! I used to own an antique shop for many years so I have accumulated lots of beautiful things over the years. I'm downsizing, I love this venue and there are many possibilities. Your closet is nice as well, a good variety👸👑🌹
May 13Reply

Hi Marianita. Thanks for visiting my closet and all the shares🤗😉🌹
May 15Reply

Hi Marianita. I just wanted you to know I had my name changed. I also wanted to thank you for all the sharing and support. 😚
May 15Reply

Thanks so much for visiting my closet and all the likes! 👕👖👜👢👒👚👙💄👡You have some beautiful items. Happy Poshing! 😀
May 27Reply

Thank you for your purchase!!! I'm unfortunately not going to be able to get these in the mail until Tuesday bcuz of Memorial Day. ☹ They'll be out first thing that morning though!!! Thank you again!!! 🙄💞
May 28Reply

Hi! I left you a mssg on the listing of the short sleeve shirt you purchased. I don't want to mail it out until you read it! 🙄💞
May 30Reply

@neet62 Thank you very much for sharing some of my items, it is much appreciated.
Happy Poshing to you.
May 31Reply

Personally I just wanted to say, "Thank you for sharing my closet"! You are so nice! I'm Danielle, a Native American from the Navajo Reservation. I selling beaded handmade native American jewelry that I make myself. I hope you like my closet and if your interested in a piece, I would want you to have it. So please make me an offer and my first time buyers get a free pair of earrings. Hope to hear from you soon!!
Jun 06Reply

Hi, thank you for the follow and the shares. 🤗🌻
Jul 03Reply

Hi, happy to offer a private discount on your likes. Add to bundle and then I can send over a no obligation offer. Happy 4th
Jul 03Reply

Hi Marianita.--my PFF. Thanks for the purchase. I'm going to include the other top you were looking at with your order. It's the least I can do--you've been so good to me. Thanks again. 😙💜
Jul 23Reply

Jul 23Reply

Hi Marianita 🤗 thank you for all the shares. I just shared some of your plus size to the party that's going on right now. You might want to go thru your closet (since you know what's plus size) and share them all to the party 😉 Happy Poshing doll 💫
Jul 30Reply

Hey girlfriend thanks for checking out my closet lemme know if you have any questions. I try to add new items frequently so keep stopping by. 15% off all bundles, I do accept reasonable offers. Mind you mY prices are not firm by any means, they're Just suggestions. I'd love to hook you up with a nice deal girlfriend❣️😽 I also give surprise gifts w any purchase, happy shopping ❣️🛍💰
Much love
P.s. Bundle your likes n I'll send you a special private offer❣️
Jul 31Reply

@neet62 hey sweetie, if you'll counter offer $25, I will accept💜💜💜
Aug 04Reply

@marianita62 hi Marianita, how do you like the crazy daises since we're almost through your first week?? Little hectic starting right??!!!!!🌼🌼
Aug 04Reply

@snacker1 yes! I followed the early list so had to go back and follow the second list but got about 118. Some I couldn't find the daisy! But it is fun💕💝🙋🏽
Aug 05Reply

@neet62 great!! Guess you'll be back!!!🤞🏻🤞🏻🌼🌼🌼🌼
Aug 05Reply

Absolutely 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Aug 05Reply

Thank you so much for sharing my closet!! ♥️♥️ I have more ties from the 70's to post-but haven't gotten around to it! You are an awesome posher 😘🎊
Aug 06Reply

Hi Marianita.--check out the Secret Posher Game @freddiesfind. The game helped me significantly grow my followers. I thought you might be interested...😉
Aug 06Reply

@momtwo_feathers thanks, I did and followed about 1000 so let's see if anything comes of it💗💖👍🏽🙋🏽
Aug 07Reply

Thanks for sharing my I appreciate it a lot 😁 happy poshing
Aug 07Reply

Hi Desiree💕🙋🏽glad to meet you, I noticed you have a beautiful closet! Hope things are going good in your ministry and congregation 🌺I'm getting along well and enjoying waiting on Jehovah to soon bring an end to this system and then we can all meet and enjoy each other in peaceful conditions 💞💖💝
Aug 07Reply

@momtwo_feathers following and overwhelmed by shares! Thanks for the info, very much appreciated 💖💝🙋🏽
Aug 08Reply

@neet62 You re quite welcome. I see you are going to hit 10,000 followers today. That's fantastic! Congratulations! 😁🤗🎈
Aug 08Reply

Thanks so much for all of the shares! 😘 I really do appreciate it ❤❤❤❤
Aug 09Reply

Two shirts one is red n flowers
Aug 09Reply

@neet62 hello love. Greetings from oneonta. Just stopped by to share your closet!
Aug 09Reply

@neet62 thank you so much for sharing❤️
Aug 11Reply

Hi, Marianita. Thank you for your generous bundle offer on your purple handbag. I'm so sorry, but I must have mistakenly put it in a bundle when I was Daisy sharing earlier. Giving you extra shares to make it up to you🌼❤
Aug 13Reply

Hi Marianita thanks for the shares, love your closet 😘💝
Aug 17Reply

Hey girl thanx for sharing my items really appreciate it vanya nyc
Aug 17Reply

Thank you so much for your kindness !! I am on vacation on Vermont and will return home in Sept.
Aug 18Reply

Hello! Thank you so much for all the shares! 💕
Aug 20Reply

Dear Marianita, Thank you very much for your lovely note on your order, gifts and fast delivery! :) That is also so nice of you to share my family's closet. We will post more great pieces in our Poshmark closet soon. We hope to get the opportunity to serve your family again soon. Best regards, Giang-Tien
Aug 28Reply

Hi! Just want you to know the item you like from my closet is still available-and I added a lot of new things! Give a look and shoot me a reasonable offer. I would be happy to accept it-I need to make room! Hope all is well! ;)
Aug 29Reply

Thank you for sharing 💝💞
Sep 01Reply

Hey hun can you tag me with the daisy pick of the green bracelet 😊
Sep 04Reply

@stepthas sorry, thought I had it at the top! Still learning how to rotate my closet😁🤔🌹
Sep 04Reply

@neet62 no problem hun 😊
Sep 04Reply

Thanks for sharing🌹❤️
Sep 04Reply

@jaimerstone hello there in Marion, Jaime, you done quite a few too! Thanks for the love!! Let me know👏🏽🙋🏽
Sep 10Reply

@neet62 final offer
Sep 25Reply

@acphillips71 please realize that most of us do this because it's a way to make a living. Posh takes the first 20% and I give 25%😕
Sep 25Reply

Good afternoon Marianita. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations and sharing them with your followers 🌹
Sep 27Reply

I pray we have good sales this month🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙋🏻Aloha!🌷🌷
Sep 27Reply

@cajunpch that would be nice!
Sep 27Reply

I went head and took care of you this am.
Oct 04Reply

Hello Mr Nita, I am making my way to Posh Ambassador and just wondering what all is different in this status. ?
Oct 13Reply

Sorry I put Ms
Oct 13Reply

@babbette55 From what I read Posh sends you closets that may interest you according to what you have. It surprised me to be one because I didn't apply for it like they used to do. No special discounts on shipping when you buy like I would have liked🤗😉
Oct 13Reply

Thanks for mega sharing.
Oct 16Reply

Thank you Nita for visiting my closet and sharing my items. I really appreciate it. God Bless 😀
Oct 22Reply

Thank u 4 sharing my 🌸Follow Game🌸
Oct 26Reply

Thx 4 sharing my 🌸follow game🤗
Oct 30Reply

@gertennis hello. You're welcome 🤗🤗
Nov 02Reply

@neet62 Hi Nita! I saw the Tip Tops Group in your closet. Do you know Who runs that group? Thanks so much! Oh, my name’s Christine, it’s a plead to meet you!
Nov 03Reply

@mmchappyhearts yes, @brittalyss
Nov 03Reply

Thank you for sharing my closet!😊
Nov 12Reply

Hi,Happy Landing here on Poshmark.I hope it is everything you Hoped/Wish for.☺🎁Happy Poshing
Nov 14Reply

Hi I’m Yvonne thank you for the many shares of my closet 💕💕
Nov 14Reply

Nice to work with you. A fellow "Curvey Cutie" gal. I bought from someone from there this morning. Lol
Nov 20Reply

There you go, Nita! Your items have shipped. You should have then very soon. I am sure you will be please. Thank you so much.
Nov 20Reply

@boopboutique thanks so much, I'm sure I will wear them with love💝💕🌹🙋🏽
Nov 20Reply

Thanks for the shares!
Nov 27Reply

Thank you for the follow & share. #Posh-homies!!!🤜🏽🤛🏽 Nice closet too👍🏾
Nov 27Reply

Hope you are feeling better. I had shingles about two months ago and I really hate it for you. Take care of yourself
Dec 02Reply

thanks for the shares - did you sign up for NorthKitch's share group today? Ashley is under the weather and I'm checking shares and didn't see you. P.S. I shared back at ya.
Dec 08Reply

@guusje actually I think I forgot Tuesday n Wednesday, had off tonite cause have a meeting every Thursday but home sick so checked and don't want to be a freeloader👍🏽🙋🏽🙋🏽💖all of you precious to me💗
Dec 08Reply

@neet62 OK - just wanted to make sure you didn't get lost in the shuffle. Ashley said you were sick too - I hope you are on the mend.
Dec 08Reply

Nita, this is Natalie & I feel just horrible about not knowing you were sick. Emmie left me a message that you had the Shingles & your husband had the flu. My mom & friend of mine w/ 5 kids had shingles & it's very serious, making you weak & tired. I'm really a nice person & didn't want to get off to a bad start! It's a pleasure to have you back as you have such cute/unique purses. 💕❤️💕😘
Dec 12Reply

Thanks, that's so kind of you💞💝I had gotten over the shingles and the flu turned out to be a sinus virus that triggered bronchial asthma and now on nebulizer to breath. All these meds just mess with my mind! One group I shared several ladies 3x' to get it rite. Thanks again💞💝🙋🏽
Dec 13Reply

@neet62 Ohh that is NO fun have shingles
OR the flu.God bless you both. Thank you for sharing and following♡♡♡
Dec 21Reply

Thank u Nita for sharing 😍
Jan 08Reply

Thank you so much!
Feb 07Reply

It’s all wrapped and ready to go to the post office in about an hour. I’m quick like that! 😉
Feb 07Reply

All shipped! 💗
Feb 08Reply

Hi Nita! I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed sharing with you in the CC group. I’m really going to miss you and your beautiful closet listings. Are you sure you want to close up shop completely? Can you not stay open, but just not commit to the share groups? I bet you’d still do very well sharing only when you’re able of your own items and others at random! If not, I understand....just going to miss you. LOVE YA GIRL 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Feb 11Reply

@atlantalaurie Thanks, that's a thought that has not even gone thru my poor head😑🙃
Feb 11Reply

👋 I’m Kimberley nice to meet you
Mar 04Reply

Thank you 😊 for sharing 💕🙌🏾
Mar 07Reply

Hi there...thanks for sharing!😁
Mar 12Reply

Hi Nita, thanks for the positive rating on the purchase. I hope you love the bag 💗💗 Please let me know :)
Mar 13Reply

Hi I would love for you to check out my closet Blandean
Mar 14Reply

Thank you for share my items !!!
Really appreciated
Apr 10Reply

@neet62 oh you sweetie - those shares were for you! i didn't intend to give you another thing to do, but thank you so much and next time you get a share blast just know it's just a little thing i want to do for you, help grease the wheels of life! <3 xox
May 28Reply

thank you for your likes :) Feel free to make a bundle for a private offer !!
May 30Reply

@carolineofparis I love you my precious darling💝💞💕💖🌹
Jun 05Reply

Hi Nita!🙋🏼♀️ Thanks so much for both the follow & the shares!😁💕🙌🏻
Jun 18Reply

Thank you so much for your shares 😁
Jul 25Reply

I love that kitty. And your fabulous jewelry! 😊😺
Aug 07Reply

@corin1965 thanks bunches 💝🌹
Aug 07Reply

Hi Nita! Thanks for following my closet! Wishing you a successful selling and buying! Have a great weekend!
Aug 25Reply

Your cat is SO cute!!!
Aug 25Reply

Hi Nita thanks for sharing back and forth with me, I appreciate it. I see you liked a beautiful bag that I priced with a reduction to start & it is brand new. As I’ve been going through the learning process in Posh, I’m taking the advise of ambassadors & following up on likes. So as you probably know, you can bundle for an automatic discount or message me for a private one if you can find things you’d like to bundle. I’m adding daily. Have a Great day. 😍🐳🌹🐬
Sep 11Reply

@neet62 Hi there! Please check out my closet! I have a large collection of beautifully kimonos, wraps, and boho festival style clothing and accessories. I hope you enjoy perusing my closet! It’s been a joy curating and collecting the colors and flows in it.
Sep 17Reply

@kitsuneomajinai thanks, I do love your closet, however my body doesn’t fit OSFA😟I had a hip replacement and that hip has extra fat laying on it! I’m overweight and love sweets and food and can’t eat processed foods! A lot of allergies and asthma so stay home a lot and eat with no exercise. Kimono does hide but shows how out of shape I am🤨 thanks though😍
Sep 17Reply

Hello you have very nice clothing.
Sep 28Reply

@dunamus2018 thanks bunches🌹
Sep 29Reply

Yes ma'am
Sep 29Reply

Thank you so much for sharing my listing. 💖 You are awesome!
Oct 24Reply

Thanks for the share
Nov 11Reply

Hello Nita, I just read your msg, and I want to thank you so much for contacting me regarding the misunderstanding I had with my coat. I’m not sure if I told you, but I’m happy with my coat. I haven’t worn it as of yet, and it still have the tags on it , but I’m very happy with it.
Dec 13Reply

Hello Nita, You indicated that you have another long leather coat that you would trade my coat for it , I don’t want to exchange my coat, but I’m interested in possibly buying your leather coat? Can you post a picture of it, and would you be willing to hold it for me until Dec 31st?
Dec 13Reply

@quietstorm60 ok, that’s wonderful🥰 I will post tomorrow cause picture are better in day light,
Dec 14Reply

Hi, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have a nice day!
Dec 19Reply

@spreadlove hi Melissa🙋🏽 checked out you closet an will b happy to share with you💖💗🥰
Dec 19Reply

Yes I love it, I will be visiting your closet frequently. Thank you
Jan 05Reply

For you Nita, $15 plus a discount is shipping. We’ve got each other’s backs around here.
Jan 14Reply

Thanks for the shares
Jan 17Reply

Thank you for sharing my closet. I love yours. Please stop by and say hi... Happy Poshing!
Jan 18Reply

Thank you for all the shares. So kind of you. You have lots of great items in your closet. 💐
Jan 28Reply

Really appreciate the shares! Have a blessed day!
Feb 24Reply

Thank you so much for the shares! We drive right by N Wilksboro on our way to Todd, NC. Beautiful area you live in! Have a blessed weekend!
Apr 07Reply

@nenesattic thanks, I love it here also🙋🏽💝
Apr 07Reply

Welcome to my closet!! I’m offering 50% off bundles of 3 or more items. Up to 5 pounds. Now through Easter Sunday. Bundle and Save!!!!
Apr 11Reply

Thanks for your suggestions but I think I found what I needed!
Apr 11Reply

Hi Nita👋, Welcome to the Poshmark Family and my Boutique come back and save on Awsome Merchandise🎁🎁 for you and your family👪
May 05Reply

Thanks for sharing ValuePrices. God Bless!
May 09Reply

Good morning and thank you for the social media share 👍🏾💞
God bless and I wish you great success in selling your beautiful items in your closet!
Jun 01Reply

Thanks for your share, paying forward. 👍🏻👍🏻👗👠👜
Happy Poching! 😆
Jun 08Reply

Thanks for following me. Hope you will check out my closet. I have some great deals. I ship same day in most instances. Any likes and shares are much appreciated. Wishing you lots of success 😊
Jun 21Reply

Hello and thanks for the shares, please know I’m not on Twitter or tumblr... Wishing you the best as you Posh on..♥️
Jul 03Reply

Just letting you know I’m not on twitter or Tunblr... But thanks for the shares ♥️
Jul 14Reply

You beautiful, and the clothes look amazing
Jul 14Reply

Thank you fopr sharing my closet luv💞☺👍💲🌺 HaHvae a Happy and prosperous Weekend💲👍☺💞🌼🌻🌹🌷✨
Aug 10Reply

It's says your an ambassador. I could use a little help🤔. Newly newbie myself here. Purchased yes(whole new wardrobe 😍). I would like to accept your counter 😊. I really want to reach out to communicate but didn't see the item in the cart/bundle to do that. Really don't want to post questions on your listing here. Maybe you reach out to the to me somewhere on mine. Let me know. Thank you for your time and help. 😍just don't want to clog up with the questions. Check with you in morning 🤗
Sep 03Reply

Thank you for following me. I love your closet, so many nice and beautiful items. I'm always adding new items so check back often. 💖🌻🌹
Sep 05Reply

Thanks for the shares!🙂
Sep 20Reply

Hi, I'm Angel ! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day! ∞ Sнoppər|#ShopSmall ∞,#GETMORE for way less ∞ #ShopSmallBiz + ✅ Verified #Google Business Owner #🌍❤️🔑 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ @scorpiomvp ┈┈┈┈╱▔╲▂▂╱▔╲┈┈┈┈ ┈┈┈▕╮╱▔╲╱▔╲╭▏┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱╋▏┊▕┊┊▕╋╲┈┈┈ ┈┈▕╋▕━▅━━▅━▏╋▏┈┈ ┈┈▕╱▔╲▔╭╮▔╱▔╲▏┈┈ ┈┈▕┊┳┊▔╰╯▔┊┳┊▏┈┈ ┈┈┈╲╰━━╯╰━━╯╱┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱▔╭┈┈┈┈╮▔╲┈┈┈ ┈┈ 🛍🛒🎀 👚👡👔👖👕👟🎩👙🧤🧣👒👜🧢👘👢👗👡👠💼👜👛👓🎒🌂🕶👓
Sep 21Reply

Hi Nita. . I think you might be one of my spiritual sisters. I hope so and hope you are well. JW. Org
Dec 03Reply

🧡Beloved🧡I am delighted to know you🥰My commitment is caring🌸sharing🌺giving🌼and being respectful to all in the Posh community💕🎀😇I only pray for your health, wealth, and joy💯🛍Happy Poshing💐🌷☘️🧡Be Blessed🧡DURING THIS DIFFICULT TIME I PRAY WE ALL TAKE CARE😇BE KIND😇AND THOUGHTFUL OF ONE ANOTHER🥰LET US BE MINDFUL OF EACH OTHER🧡LOVE LOVE LOVE🧡BE BLESSED AND SAFE🧡
Mar 31Reply

Good Morning, Thank you for Following, LE_FOG. Featuring, "Customized Discount(s)" on Our NWT, NWOT, and PreOwned Items; in Excellent Condition, at Reasonable prices.
DISCOUNTS of 11%, 22% and 33% are available; on a 1, 2, 3 or More ~ Listing BUNDLE Order, respectively. Bundle and Liked Listings receive a Discount Offer in 'Comments'; via 'Meet the Posher'.
We thoroughly, package and Ship Orders the Same Day; depending on time placed.
Thanks again; and May You, remain Safe.
May 15Reply

so glad you are happy! thank you!
Jun 08Reply

hi there 😁and thanks for stopping by my large but fun closet. 😃if you see any three items you would like to purchase I will give you 15% off your entire order🙀 and you will get a free gift valued at 5 to $10 just for ordering from my closet🤑. so go ahead take a look around and here's a $3 Head start have fun 🥰
Jan 08Reply

Hi there! Found you on the wandering gypsies share group and thought to say hello 👋 💃🏻 Best of luck selling and happy poshing! 🥳 👯♀️
Apr 19Reply

@neet62 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 19Reply
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