Meet your Posher, Orisya
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⭐️ Same day shipping.
⭐️️ Five star ratings
⭐️️ Open to Offers
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Selling and buying NWT, and/or gently used clothing. Some of my favorite brands are VICTORIA SECRET, Bebe, Pink, J Crew Etc. Follow and I will follow back! Adding new items daily! Variety of brands! Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

55 others
like this

Welcome to Posh!
If you need any help on Posh please let me know!
I’m a Posh ambassador and sold over 3,500 items my first year on all my platforms combine!
Please don’t hesitate to reach out for help!
Wishing you quick sales!
💰To help one lucky closet out- I’m giving away $500 of inventory from my top selling brands such as Lululemon, Nike, Adidas, VS + More on my YouTube Channel!💰
Check out my closet for details!
Nov 16Reply

@shawnyg187 I will have it up in a min. Please check back
Nov 24Reply

@shawnyg187 I posted it.
Nov 24Reply

Hi! I know there are many closets but I'd be grateful if you checked out mine! Either way I wanted to say hello. Have a great weekend!
Dec 09Reply

Hello there. Please read my help negihbors listing.
Dec 12Reply

If you are able to help me please let me know thanks so much
Dec 12Reply

Are you going to send the jeans I bought from you soon? It's been three days and I see they haven't been shipped. If you don't ship soon,Posh will cancel the order.
Jan 16Reply

@knoeldevries hello! I dropped them off at the post office the next day you bought them. I hope they update the tracking soon! If they won’t I’ll go to the post office first thing tomorrow to see what is taking so long. So sorry!
Jan 16Reply

They were closed yesterday so hopefully that’s why it hasn’t been updated yet. I ship my items right away or the next day if bought after NOON.
Jan 16Reply

Jan 16Reply

@cornershop_23. ok, yeah maybe it was because of the holiday!
Jan 17Reply

I still did not recieve any shipping notification. Actually, when I take stuff to the post office, they actually scan it right when I give it to them, and they hand me a receipt, so if you dropped it off, you should have a tracking slip and I should have got notification :/
Jan 18Reply

@knoeldevries hello I attached the picture of where your package is located. It was sent out, delayed due to the holiday on Monday and weekend. Hope it helps!!
Jan 18Reply

Thanks! That's just so wierd that it still saying awaiting scan. Must be a Posh glitch!
Jan 18Reply

Hello Orisya!! Thank so much for the follow 😊🌹🎀 Nice closet!
Jan 18Reply

I got the jeans! Unfortunately, I thought your listing said 36" for inseam and they are about 6" too short. I realize now that it just said length, and inseam 29, but they are actually only 28:(
Jan 19Reply

@knoeldevries I am sorry, my measurements are usually accurate. I check twice.
Jan 19Reply

@cornershop_23 that's ok. My fault. I would have needed the inseam to be 36. And they are actually way too tight anyway, maybe because they are for a shorter person, the waist is super low. I'm thinking I might return them... Not sure the process for that but I'll check it out.
Jan 19Reply

@knoeldevries okay, I am not sure what poshmark does since everything was written in description. The measurements. Sorry once again! This hasn’t happened before to me.
Jan 19Reply

Hope you’re enjoying Poshmark where the shopping 🎁 is always fun 👗 & the selling is easy💞 For men's items please ask me about my other closet! Ask for anything you're looking for but don't see! Both closets are always 100% Posh compliant! I'm an avid "closet sharer" - I hope that you'll return the favor! Sharing is caring! Watch for the parties 🎉that get posted to your feed daily & post to them. You get greater visibility that way! HAPPIEST POSHING💞 
Jan 25Reply

Thanks for the share ❤️
Feb 04Reply

@christineattia Hello, I am sorry the lowest I can do is 120 with 4.99 shipping, it’s a brand new coat and retails for over $300+. Let me know! ❤️
Feb 23Reply

Thanks for sharing my listing
Feb 28Reply

@abbynm hello thank you for creating a bundle, I lowered the pants on the original post, if you purchase through the original post you will receive cheaper shipping for an hour. Thank you for your interest ❤️
Mar 01Reply

Thank you for the share! 😀
Mar 16Reply

Nice to meet you!😊❤️👏🙏
Great closet, thank you for the shares!
Apr 04Reply

Thank you for sharing my item. Have a nice day. :)
Apr 08Reply

Thank u for the share and please have a look at all the great items for yourself and for gifts in my closet.
Jun 14Reply

Quick question, if i change the pic in the box that shows BX, is there a way to change it back later if i want to go back to it at another time in the future?
Jun 14Reply

By any chance did you go to M-E high school?
Jun 21Reply

@jen_d79 No sorry!
Jun 21Reply

@cornershop_23 lol no worries. I graduated from there & thought you may have been someone I went to school with 😊
Jun 21Reply

Hi, thanks for the share and checking out my closet. If you see anything you like, I'm giving good deals on kids bundles. thanks
Jul 07Reply

Hello! Thank you for visiting my closet & shares. I greatly appreciate it, Happy Poshing! 💎💎💎
Jul 09Reply

Thanks for the share! Your closet is rocking!
Jul 10Reply

Hi Orisya! Thanks for sharing my Skotts suede jeans! 💕😊
Jul 11Reply

Jul 15Reply

Thank you so much for the amazing offer!!
Jul 24Reply

@asilynna most welcome! I will have them out tmr morning! ❤️ enjoy!
Jul 24Reply

Thanks for the share. I add new items most days,stop by when you a chance...🌟
Jul 29Reply

@cornershop_23 hey there , come check out my closet everything is 50% off plus discounted shipping :)
Aug 03Reply

Thanks for sharing my listing
Aug 04Reply

@cornershop_23 Hey i would love if you could check out my closet I accept many offers😊
Aug 12Reply

@pheobyphebes77 Hello I am packing up all sold items now to be sent out in a little bit, please let me know if you are interested in the shoes or not. Thank you ❤️
Aug 16Reply

Thank U for your share
Aug 18Reply

Thank you for sharing my listing!!!
Aug 19Reply

Thank you for visiting and following my closet Orisya, please let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day!
Aug 31Reply

Hello Orisya Happy Friday Night 😄
Thanks for liking my St. John's Bay Beaded Top. Please, feel free to make me an offer...I consider all😊
Btw...Like your closet...Happy Poshing
Sep 01Reply

🌸Thanks for sharing🌸
Sep 01Reply

Yes thank you for the ❤ of luck in sales and thanks for the offer! Happy POSHING
Sep 07Reply

Thank you for sharing my blouse from my closet. Ann Conate
Sep 09Reply

thanks for sharing my lisitng
Sep 13Reply

Hi Orisya! Thanks for sharing my Vintage Girbauds! 💕😊
Sep 15Reply

Beautiful closet!💕😍🌸🌹
Sep 16Reply

@elimargetts Hello thank you for your offer! I am packing up all sold items now to be shipped in the AM. Please let me know if you are interested in the adidas joggers. Feel free to counter offer.
Sep 17Reply

@jlee78514 Hello I am packing up all sold terms now to be shipped in the AM. Please let me know if you are interested in the pants. Feel free to counter offer.
Sep 17Reply

@jlee78514 If you send the same offer I will accept.
Sep 17Reply

thanks so much for sharing my listing
Sep 22Reply

Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by to take a look at my closet! I will be moving soon and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached, like Michael Kors, Calvin Klein, Zac Posen, Coach, and so much more! so take a look a around. And if there is something that you like, but not the price, make an offer! XoXo, B.
Sep 24Reply

Adorable picture doll
Sep 26Reply

Hello! Thank you for visiting my closet gem & shares, I appreciate it. Happy Poshing & Best Wishes! 💎💎💎
Sep 29Reply

Hi There!
Followed & Shared 😊 Bookmarking your page to check back later. 💕
With Love,
Sara Ash
Sep 29Reply

@psharma1 Hello thank you for your like. I am open to offers and bundles. I am packing up all sold items now to be shipped in the AM. Please let me know if you are interested in the coat. Thank you. Feel free to counter offer
Oct 02Reply

Thanks for the share
Oct 08Reply

Thank you so much for stopping by and Sharing my closet. I appreciate any and all likes and shares. Please feel free to look around my closet anytime 💕💕
Oct 11Reply

Wow same day ship is something to be so proud of!! Nice work!! I was fighting off a bad illness when I first started poshing and as a result of hospital stays in the beginning I'm working super hard to get my shipping average down, that's the only thing holding me back from being an ambassador, but every new sale counts now and I'm motivated!! You have an impressive closet! Sending you a big hug from Seattle🌲🌻 Come say hello anytime. Namaste☮💜Joy
Oct 12Reply

Thank you for working with me! Your response was one of the fastest I have ever received on this app!!
Excellent service :)
Oct 15Reply

@seendoom most welcome! If you see anything else you like I can bundle along with the suit and give a GREAT discount! 🎉
Oct 15Reply

@cornershop_23 thank you 🙏🏽
I really like the Bannana pea coat but it’s not really my size and I can’t justify spending that much for coat that might be to small...I don’t want to low ball u
Oct 15Reply

@cornershop_23 thank you soooooo much! Wow!
I wasn’t expecting that at all ! At that price I can justify it. If it doesn’t fit For some reason I’ll give it to a family member that it will :))))
Oct 15Reply

Hello 🌸 just stopping by to ‘share’ the love. Be sure to check out my closet for 2 for $30 deals on NWT Nike, Adidas and Under Armour items. Wishing you speedy sales and best of luck 💕
Oct 22Reply

Thank you so much for the sharing 😊 🌹
Oct 25Reply

Thanks so much for all the shares. Happy Poshing to you!
Nov 02Reply

@cornershop_23 Thanks 😊
Nov 03Reply

Orisya Nice closet and beautiful pictures ,wishing you much success ,thanks for your support. Enjoy a 50% off allowance on your 1st puchase of $50 or more from this closet expires 11/20/2018.
Nov 03Reply

Hi, Orisya! Nice!!!✨
Nov 08Reply

Thanks for sharing my listings!!! 💕
Nov 30Reply

Absolutely love your closet!! Feel free to check mine out if you�re interested!!!🎇
Dec 09Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to make an offer on anything in my closet! Have a wonderful day! ❤️🎅🏼⛄️
Dec 10Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Hope you’re having fun getting acclimated. Please feel free to visit and bookmark my closet. I offer a bundle discount on all items. Look for these symbols in the postings:
🛍= BOGO 1/2 OFF
Jan 05Reply

🥰Thanks for Sharing
Feb 20Reply

Thank you so much for the share!!
Mar 07Reply

Hey ! Just Stopping By To Say Hello! feel free to stop by my closet and take a look! any questions feel free to ask! have a beautiful DAY hon
Mar 22Reply

Hello!😊🌷 Please feel free to visit my closet to see amazing finds!🌺 I accept reasonable offers and give great discounts for bundles. Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions. Thank you & Happy Poshing!😁😘🌸 XO Aireen
Apr 19Reply

Hi Orisya:) Thanks for the shares. Sooo appreciated!!! Am following you now. Will check out your closet. FYI if ever interested in anything in mine, I'm always open to offers & take 20% off bundles of 2 or more items. Hope you have a great day & Happy Poshing!!!
May 14Reply

Hi, Thank you for the offer, but I think I spent my quota on shorts, since I realized I only had one pair. Thank you
Jun 02Reply

GREAT CLOSET with GREAT pictures.
Jun 19Reply

@gramma_g thank you! EVERYTHING under 50 is 2 for $30 or 3 for $40 ❤️
Jun 19Reply

Love your closet!
Oct 21Reply

whatup posh fam!
Oct 21Reply

Hello! I am not very popular on Poshmark and see that you have many followers and sells. If there is any was could you point me in the right direction to start selling? If you do, thanks! And if you could buy something that could help to!😉
Nov 05Reply

Love your shop! 🌸🥰
Feb 10Reply

Hiiii!! I’m listing some American Eagle, Nike and Pink!! Feel free to check out my closet and do some shopping! I love when people give me offers and bundles!
Mar 07Reply

Please disregard my question in my comment on my acceptance of the pants. I went back and looked at the listing again. They are great slacks. Thank you.
Aug 29Reply

Hi hun! I am accepting most (basically all) offers this week! I am looking to reduce my closet so feel free to check it out and bundle/offer on anything you like! Thank You and have a great night!
Sep 16Reply

My order of a couple weeks ago has still not shipped, what’s the problem? I want to be sure these are actually velvet pants and not velveteen. I’ll cancel order if I don’t hear from you about fabric and shipment , right away. I had wanted these for Christmas. Thank you. Sharon
Dec 27Reply

Hi!🖐 Happy New Year. Feel free to check out my closet sometime.
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊 Adding new stuff weekly
Jan 26Reply

Happy 2022. Feel free to check out my closet some time. It may take awhile well over 2900 items. Bundle few items and save more!
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Sep 12Reply

@cornershop_23 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 08Reply

Hello. I bought an item 9 days ago but it still has not shipped. I have reached out three times but if not received a response. Could you please send or respond with an update? Thanks.
Jan 31Reply
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