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Updated Feb 13
Updated Feb 13

Meet your Posher, PJ

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm PJ. I'm 52 years old I love reading. I have severe rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, psoriatic and osteoarthritis in the knees. I have decided in my life that I will not let it beat me. I get up every day and do different things to make sure I don't let it get me down. My next favorite thing is clothes. I love them and cats. I am new at this and having a lot of trouble with the pictures so please overlook any mistakes.
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foreverfortyone Greetings from the state of South Carolina. Please stop by and visit my closet anytime. I offer great bundle discounts and I always accept any reasonable offers. I have several $5.00 items in my closet.
Jan 31Reply
poshgarden Welcome to Poshmark 💟
Feb 03Reply
grapegummiebear @callie5510 Thank you I am very new at this
Feb 03Reply
swanagin Welcome! The ladies & a few men on Poshmark have been so helpful to me in getting started! The best advice I've gotten is to join 2 or 3 share groups. Just search follow games and read the directions for some that fit your schedule! It's helped me a ton!!!
Feb 04Reply
jassieboo92 Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Feb 04Reply
grapegummiebear Just to let everybody know the first picture is a picture of my kitty who passed away a couple weeks ago it like to broke our hearts but I still love her and I will never forget her. The next picture is my first grandchild and the next picture is my second grandchild
Feb 05Reply
m3zzi Welcome! !
Feb 05Reply
laslollipop Welcome to POSHMARK good luck🍀with your closet sales!!💰🍭
Feb 05Reply
laslollipop You did an awesome work on your closet!! The pictures are great!!! Hang in there!!😻sorry to hear about all your health problems!!😺😸😽😻🙀I love cats too!! I have a Himalayan named Leo and he is so handsome and big but like a teddy bear !!
Feb 05Reply
vicky_ymcagirl Welcome to the Posh family! 🤗 This is where you will find a truly wonderful community of women always willing to help you! 👭 😇 my short time here, the most important things I have learned to be a truly successful posher & be eligible for those wonderful 🎉 host picks 🎉 1️⃣ maintain a posh compliant closet 💯 2️⃣ share share share 👠👗👙 3️⃣ follow follow follow 👣👣👣 4️⃣ ask questions!! 🤔 And check out @poshuniversity and @official_forum for great info
Feb 05Reply
vicky_ymcagirl Hey friends, when you have a few minutes would you please drop by this new poshers PC closet and show some of the posh love we are so famous for! 💖👭☺️ @abstractdreams @lisa2644 @bdbcsr @jodisjewelry @tezza630 @kbarkhimer @pink_bee @cbltrio @mlaferte @exwolfe @faithcloset914 @ptl8 @lizray529 @kenzie_alexis @nic39
Feb 05Reply
nic39 Hey P.J I'm Nicole!! Welcome!! I love your closet name...too cute!! I can relate I have fibro and other health problems! I had to "retire" from dental hygiene in April and not long after started on Posh! It's been a huge help for me and I've met some amazing women that know what it's like to suffer!! If you ever need anything or need to talk just hit me up😊💕💕thank you @vickyss 💕💕
Feb 05Reply
grapegummiebear @shawnascott my closet will be posh compliant . I am A rule follower always have been. I know you've done this a lot longer than I have so if you see anything of mine that is wrong would you please let me know ? Thank you and I hope your closet does really well and your closet is really nice.
Feb 05Reply
grapegummiebear @laslollipop thank you I try really hard. I'm sure your cat is wonderful I miss mine so bad. Thank you for all the nice things you said they were really kind. You also have a wonderful closet.Thank you and have a good day. PJ
Feb 05Reply
grapegummiebear @only1mitzyrose thank you for your kind words and your help and I wish you the best of luck also .
Feb 05Reply
creative2 @grapegummiebear 😃Hi Pamela. A big WELCOME to Poshmark! Your closet looks great by the way. If you have any ?'s, don't hesitate to ask. Always glad t help if I can. Most of all, have FUN and happy Poshing!💕💓😊
Feb 05Reply
pink_bee Welcome to posh😽
Feb 06Reply
grapegummiebear @vickyss thank you for all the wonderful information. I will try my best to always be posh compliant. As I said earlier I am a rule follower and I like everything to be so so. And thank you for asking for all the shoes for me I really appreciate it. PJ
Feb 06Reply
grapegummiebear @nic39 I'm so sorry that you have arthritis I do not wish that on anybody. Mine was a rare case I went from taking no pills at all and not a problem in the world as far as walking or anything to do with any type of physical work . The next day I woke up and I couldn't even walk at all. Now I take 12 pills a day in the morning and 4 pills every 6 hours for the rest of the day.
Feb 06Reply
grapegummiebear @nic39 thank you for the kind offer of your help I may take you up on it one day thank you PJ
Feb 06Reply
conejito0660 Welcome to Poshmark!🎀😊
Feb 06Reply
exwolfe @grapegummiebear welcome tp poshmark. you have a lovely closet going. share as much as possible and you will get sales.
Feb 06Reply
grapegummiebear @creative2 thank you for the big welcome and your closet looks really nice too Thank You PJ
Feb 06Reply
grapegummiebear @shawnascott I'm having trouble keeping up with all the shares right now as soon as I get that and the closet completely loaded I will share it everyday a couple times a day
Feb 07Reply
grapegummiebear @shawnascott I really wanted to thank you for being so helpful you've been really good at helping me. I will probably be loading a lot more tomorrow a few tonight. Thank You PJ
Feb 07Reply
beansmama19 Hi PJ!!😍. I'm Teresa. I'm 64 and a Wife, mom, g'momma and best friend. Today, I'm lying in a hospital bed, waiting for surgery. But I'll be home in a couple of days and I am happy to help you with anything! Welcome to Poshmark, and we'll chat soon!! 🎀💄👚👕👖👔👗👙👘👠👒🎒🕶👝🎩👡👢🎓👛💍🌂💼👜
Feb 12Reply
msuebest @grapegummiebear hi PJ! Welcome to Posh! I understand & "feel" your pain. I have about everything you listed plus migraines, chronic back pain, anxiety, some depression & the fibromyalgia you know is always an uphill battle! But I listen to Rachel Platten's single "Fight Song" & I started to POSH! Life day by day is getting better!
Feb 12Reply
msuebest @grapegummiebear LOL! I wanted to give you some app names some folks passed on to me that I am slowly learning how to use as I just had neck surgeries 1/26 & 2/9. So, I am in recovery mode, but do find time to follow & share always! The apps: frame ur life, retype, instant collage, & pic jointer. You will see others as you add these. I only have been able to change one listing to a new look, but wow! It snaps! Lots of ❤️ on Posh, that's for sure! I'm here for you, just ask! Mary Sue
Feb 12Reply
themagicarmoire Hi PJ and welcome to the party that is Poshmark! I am fairly new, too! I love it so far! Let me know if you have any questions and I'll try to help get them answered! 💗
Feb 12Reply
pattyjune8 Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! If you share two or three closets you visit or those who follow you, you'll have lots of followers. Go to the parties as well! I really think the biggest thing is keeping to Posmark rules and lots of sharing!!💐🌺😘
Feb 12Reply
gumbob Hi, nice to e-meet you, give you a warm welcome to Posh & browse your closet. Wishing you a great day & many sales. Happy Poshing 😊
Feb 12Reply
thekatspajamas 💕Welcome to Poshmark💕💕I hope you love it here as much as I do❣Cheers😻Kat
Feb 12Reply
janine_e Hi PJ! Welcome to Poshmark! Your closet looks great! I pray for healing for you and for The Lord to use it for His good. Have a blessed day Hun! 💕💕
Feb 18Reply
loopholer Oh I want to steal your kitty and your baby how cute!
Feb 19Reply
donnastreasures Hi, I'm Donna. Welcome to Poshmark! You're off to a great start! The best advice I could give you is to follow as many people as possible & share their items. They'll do the same. This will help build your business . We all try to help one another sell. I'm on Poshmark 7 days a week, many times a day. If there's ever anything I can do to help you, please don't hesitate to contact me. If you're interested you may find The Posh Society on Facebook helpful too. Tell them I sent you!💚
Feb 20Reply
winsomewardrobe @grapegummiebear thanks for all the shares tonight :)
Mar 09Reply
grapegummiebear @reinem you're very welcome and thank you for all the shares also
Mar 09Reply
lynnk4 @grapegummiebear hi PJ, nice to meet you! I feel your pain hun, hang in there and keep up the positive vibe!
Apr 01Reply
grapegummiebear @lynnk4 thank you I really appreciate you saying that it gives me encouragement that was real sweet
Apr 01Reply
anna_delgado Hello thank you for accepting both my offers. When might I be expecting my package?
Aug 25Reply
grapegummiebear @anna_delgado I'm doing it as we speak right now I'm sorry it's taking me so long to do everything but my husband had been in the hospital he had been sick he had three Strokes and has been in and out of it
Aug 25Reply
anna_delgado @grapegummiebear okay just making sure all is going smoothly! I'm sorry for y'all's situation.
Aug 25Reply
eyeonvalue Hi PJ, woke up to all your shares. Thank you so much! I’ll return the 💕 this evening. Sorry you lost your kitty. I love my monster tiger cat.
Sep 13Reply
mommysdeals Hello we have a lot in common... I too have a lot of the same illnesses plus Cancer and other issues. I too Love reading... N shopping... Maybe we can swap...I love swapping books with readers. What are some of your favorite authors? Keep your Faith in God...Your in my Prayers Posh Friend God Bless
Sep 17Reply
ccsqna Thanks for following my closet! 🎃 All posted prices are negotiable and I add new listings daily : ) I also give 20% off bigger bundles, so make sure to look around! 🎁
Sep 29Reply
gretavonk Hi! Thanks for the follow! Gotcha back :) you've got a fantastic closet!!!!!
Nov 02Reply
dogmamabling Thank you so much for your purchase, your order has shipped and tracking will update soon. I appreciate supporting my little fashion business and hope to see you again real soon! Have a great weekend! ~Lori 💐💐💐
May 17Reply
dogmamabling No apology necessary, your husband comes first. Hope all is well! Have a great holiday! ~Lori 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
May 27Reply
cutehosiery @grapegummiebear Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 30Reply

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Last Active: Apr 28 2021

Tuscaloosa, AL
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Last Active: Apr 28 2021

Tuscaloosa, AL
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