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Updated Dec 20
Updated Dec 20

Meet your Posher, Pabi

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Pabi. Some of my favorite brands are Coach, Free People, LuLaRoe, Michael Kors, and Old Navy. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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phoebemont **Welcome to Poshmark!**
Dec 20Reply
thrifting4fun Hi Pabi Welcome to Poshmark Thanks for liking my cami I hope you have lots of fun shopping and growing Your Poshmark closet. Happy Poshing 🎉🎉🎉❤️
Jan 15Reply
pabiford @thrifting4fun...thanks for the welcome! The more i shop, the more favs i realize i have!!😁💜👚👖👗👜🛍👡👢💄
Jan 15Reply
denimmunkies Hello there!!! Happy New Year's!So glad you happened upon my closet! Thank you for taking time to check it out!I have lost a lot of weight from a plus 24 to now an 8 :0) in case you wondered & live with a houseful of fashionista's male & female! We like to shop! Please do not hesitate to send offers we accept 9 out 10 & simply counter the other! You could be wearing it! Do not Panic! Buy it!!! ~Mel~
Jan 15Reply
pabiford @jeanfinder CONGRATS! That is amazing. Im glad i found ur page too...ima cosmetologist so i know a lil about fashionistas!😁
Jan 15Reply
denimmunkies @pabiford right I dont know what I would do without my hair dresser thats for certain!!!
Jan 15Reply
denimmunkies Bundle and have saving for even the clearance items ($25) or less items when you buy 3 & get combined shipping!!!! Non clearance items get an addl private discount!!!!
Jan 15Reply
sphicks Hi Pabi thanks so much for purchasing my boots! You will love them!! I am out of town and will be returning home tomorrow evening. I will get them in the mail to you Thursday ASAP. Thanks again!
Jan 16Reply
denimmunkies so how did he do???? what do you think of the new colors? and what is the best shampoo and conditioner to use because I cant find what he told me to get
Jan 17Reply
pabiford @jeanfinder. Ty! Im learning😁
Jan 18Reply
pabiford @sphicks np. Thx for letting me know!
Jan 18Reply
pabiford @jeanfinder. Its AMAZING! I love the color💜👌 Id use a color protector s/c. Paul Mitchell has a pretty good one. Aquage hascan amazing one But my fav is amika. If you cant find one, lemme know, ill send u one!
Jan 18Reply
pabiford @jeanfinder. What did he recommend? Do u remember?
Jan 18Reply
denimmunkies @pabiford dont have a clue what he said he left for vaca:0(
Jan 18Reply
denimmunkies @pabiford please help let me know what I need to send and how lol and a really good conditioner
Jan 21Reply
love2bthrifting @pabiford Hello, first of all thank you so very much for your purchase. I just wanted to give you a heads up just in case you aren't aware but the weekend and the holiday has put your package a little bit behind schedule. It is at the post office though and waiting to be scanned then it will be headed your way. Again Thank you! Melissa
Jan 22Reply
robbieschmidt I’ve took $17 off the bundle and it’s new items. Plus I won’t be getting the amount your offering, because of Poshmark selling fee. I can’t do any better, sorry. I’m not going any farther backwards.
Feb 11Reply
pabiford @robbieschmidt i apologise. I didnt mean to offend you. Im fairly new to pm, some people say ask, ask, ask. I seriously just thot it was ask & counter or decline. Im so sorry.
Feb 11Reply
robbieschmidt @pabiford This right now is my job, I have to make something. Have a great day sweetie.
Feb 11Reply
lotu5 Thank you for rating me💕. Enjoy your week & I hope you visit my closet again.
Feb 18Reply
jessica_jens @pabiford hi! I have some makeup in my closet you might be interested in🤩
May 03Reply
beautystylist13 Hello🤗 Happy Poshing!! Everything in my closet must go😊 If you see something you like you can always send me an offer💐 and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask❤️ thank you🌹
Jun 16Reply
aaharvey73 Thanks for sharing
Jun 25Reply
christi00 Hi, I left you a comment on your bundle that you purchased. When I was getting ready to ship your bundle yesterday, I noticed a hole in the green lace shirt that I did not notice before. I am very sorry about this. I can substitute something else from my closet since this was my mistake or I can cancel the order and redo the bundle price without that shirt. Just let me know how you want to proceed. I apologize for any inconvenience this causes.
Jul 18Reply
shawndafarmer Hello I just wanted to let you know that I'm having a sale this weekend at my closet buy any 3 items marked with a 🌞 and get them all for just $15
Aug 18Reply
dalila_33_4 Hi Pabi nice picture you look beautiful! Just wanted to introduce myself I'm Dalila I hope you're enjoying this awesome place buying fashion stuff. Hugs and kisses 😘🤗😘🤗
Sep 13Reply
camposard Hi Pabi! Thanks for looking at my closet. Everything with ‘move out sale’ in the listing has to go this week!! Make an offer or two! Make a bundle! Let me know if you need any help.
Nov 19Reply
pabiford @camposard ty sooo much for the info!! I have a niece I help with...16 years old...obsessed w/lulu!!😊 I'll def bundle!!
Nov 19Reply
camposard @pabiford ❤️❤️❤️
Nov 19Reply
sometimesjenny Yay! Yw. 😀
Dec 19Reply
sacposh Thanks for taking a peek and liking an item in my closet🚪. Let me know if you have questions and I am open to offers. Or if you prefer add it to your bundle and I can make you an offer. Best of luck Poshing🛍
Dec 19Reply
pabiford @sacposh very cute closet! I'll be back! thx
Dec 19Reply
suzysboutique1 hi. you bought a marijuana leaf necklace from me right at the same time I closed out my closet. I assume you will get a refund but in the meantime if you still want it i cam send to you directly. let me know. Suzanne Rogers 303 884 0688
Dec 21Reply
suzysboutique1 hi. me again. in trying to get the shipping label again. I will get back to you about the sale. Sorry for the confusion. suzanne
Dec 21Reply
pabiford @suzysboutique1 yes!! that would b amazing. It was a Christmas present but if it's late, no problem. thank u so much!
Dec 21Reply
pabiford @suzysboutique1. would LOVE to still get. keep me posted pls tia!
Dec 21Reply
robbieschmidt Thanks for sharing and following my closet. And for the likes ❤️ if your reasy to purchase just bundle them. I do 15% off bundles of three. And usually can sweeten the deal more. Have great Christmas and I’m sure the mistletoe will be busy around such a beautiful woman.😁
Dec 22Reply
suzysboutique1 @pabiford I cannot get a mailing label due to closing my closet. give me your address and I will send to you. You can mail me a check if that works for you.
Dec 22Reply
suzysboutique1 @pabiford actually I think I can still get the money off here. send me your address since I can't get the mailing label.
Dec 22Reply
pabiford @suzysboutique1 I'm so confused. it shows the $ came out of my acct?
Dec 23Reply
cassandrapetelo Thanks 🙏 so much for offering me a counter offer... unfortunately the $108 is firm. This bag is brand new never used and I need to make back what I purchased it for. It is in mint condition - 👌 thank you so much for your interest 🔥❤️💌
Dec 24Reply
suzysboutique1 @pabiford I know! I'm so sorry. I can't seem to get the label from them. i swear I will get it to you then figure out how to get the money from them. arch. Here us all my contact info ... Suzanne Rogers. 8033 E. Hampden Circle, Denver Co 80237. cell. 303 884 0688. I won't rip you off. ill try 8ne more time to get label then if notbill get your address and send directly. ok?
Dec 24Reply
rivers_roads Hi! Check out our closet! We have tons of cute boutique clothes with brands like Umgee, kancan, Cello etc. Great new winter arrivals too! Also offer discounts for bundling. 🥰
Dec 28Reply
suzysboutique1 hi. I'm checking to see if you received your necklace. it was sent.
Jan 04Reply
pabiford @suzysboutique1 I did receive it & it was perfect! thank u & thank u for the happy! U shouldn't have returned anythg tho, that wasnt necessary at all! I understood the issue. Thank u anyway!!
Jan 06Reply
kayzonlineclozt your offer is ready
Jan 06Reply
suzysboutique1 @pabiford whew! What a pain. I am glad it worked out. happy new year.
Jan 07Reply
king_kouture Hi....I’d love for you to take a look at my closet! I carry a lot of the brands you love ❤️ 💕... great discounts on bundles... 5 ⭐️ Posh Ambassador and fast shipper! Happy Poshing!
Feb 21Reply
anitracarter I’m an Ambassador & would like to welcome you to check out my closet. If you ❤️ like anything I’ll send you a special offer. Right now I’m having a blowout sale on certain items! Happy Poshing🤗
Feb 28Reply
dimpli1 🧚‍♀️I am stopping by to invite you to browse my closet. I offer a variety of sizes with great prices. If you find something you like 🌟Bundle & Save on Shipping🌟 ⚘Happy Poshing⚘
May 14Reply
dorrifa @pabiford Hello! Thank you for the offer on the Perch tunic/dress. 😃 I accepted, but Posh sent me a message saying the payment didn’t go through so the item would still be available for purchase by others. If I can help, let me know. Have a great day!
Jun 07Reply
dachs_dand Pain make me an offer on the late spade bag❤️
Jun 23Reply
robbieschmidt With Poshmark selling fees I can’t take your offer on the makeup. Good luck with your search for it on Poshmark. Thanks for looking at my my closet and have a nice day.😁
Jun 24Reply
denejkivdom Hello, how are you, I hope you can find a minute to check on my closet, I have some cool items you may find interesting. Appreciate your time, thank you, Viva
Jul 12Reply
tumbleforyou Thank you so much for shopping in my closet. Please feel free to make a offer or to put items in a bundle. :)
Jul 15Reply
nburch89 Hi!! Please come check out my closet to see my available items !! If you like anything please feel free to ask any questions ! Like and follow if you’d like and shares are certainly appreciated !!! Happy poshing 🌹🌹🌹
Aug 15Reply
lpr_1234 Hi if you have a minute I’d love for you to check out my closet! I have a range of items in my closet from Tiffany sunglasses to Lilly P dresses! Thanks :)
Aug 22Reply
abel6583 Hey hey , I’m Ashleigh. I have a closet with sizes ranging from s-3x. Dresses, Pants, Jumpers, Sweaters, Tunics, Swimsuits, boots, bridal stuff and more. I’d appreciate if you checked it out 🚪. I LOVE offers & bundles get 10% off! Take a peek if you dare 😉 🛍 HAPPY POSHING 🛍
Oct 26Reply
tj_giftshop Hi Gorgous! Thank you for visiting. Please let me know if you have any questions.🛍🌷🎉😘💝 Happy Poshing!🛍🎉🌷😘💝
Dec 15Reply
mindycress Hello & thank you shopping my closet if you bundle the items you like I can give you a better price & save you on shipping
Jan 25Reply
meyestoyoureyes hi welcome to posh
Mar 28Reply
thegoodiebox Hi Pabi, don’t you love Posh? So much fun exploring all the different styles and meeting lots of new friends. Please stop by and say hi sometime. Happy shopping! 😘
Apr 10Reply
cosabella05 Hi Pabi Thank you for the like/s on the face mask ;) *Masks are on sale 3 for $28 *Bundle to get shipping discount I wonder if you would like to take advantage and safe$$and safe on shipping ❤️🥰
Apr 10Reply
shopamorejewels Greetings! I would like to offer you a 50% off any item or items you like from my closet. Please visit my closet and take care! 😊🌸
Jul 12Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi! 🍍It’s nice to meet you🍍 I hope you’re loving Poshmark. I’d love 💕 it if you would stop 🛑 by my closet and follow me. And… I will do the same. 💫Wishing you all the luck 🍀 in the world 🌎
Aug 10Reply
shawnschmidt196 Hi I’ve recently listed a couple of 925 ss stamped rose gold plated gorgeous rings if you’re interested 😊❤️🌹
Nov 25Reply
lizzy2449 Hope you are enjoying the app!!!
Jan 31Reply
atl14420 @pabiford 🎈🎈⭐️Items $10 and under🎈⭐️🎈Offers Accepted❤️🤩🎈🤩Stop by and Save🌸😊🤩 Sending you Much Posh Love 🥳🎈❤️
Apr 12Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Jun 16Reply
avina1974 (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Hi 🖐 welcome to the closets of all Poshmark 🛍, if you see 👀 something flirtatious before your eyes let me know from my closet, happy day.
Sep 02Reply

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Last Active: May 22 2023

Corinth, MS
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Last Active: May 22 2023

Corinth, MS
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