Meet your Posher, Pam
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Hi! I'm Pam. I'm from Auburn, Pa. and some of my favorite brands are Frye, Freebird and Hollister. My best friend is a German Shepherd named Sammy and my husband and I live in a small town out in the country. The 3rd photo is my beautiful daughter Ashley who is the light of my life. PLEASE DON'T BUNDLE BOOTS! THE SHIPPING IS TOO HIGH FOR ANYTHING OVER 5 POUNDS . I'M SORRY FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE.

42 others
like this

I'm not ready to sell just yet, but I found a lot of great stuff to buy.
Sep 27Reply

Hi! Thank you for your purchase. I will ship it out as soon as possible. The weather is really bad due to flooding from the hurricane. As soon as the streets clear I will send it out. Thanks for your patience.
Oct 01Reply

I'm so sorry to hear about the weather there. Be safe! I'm in Pa and we are having showers but nothing serious yet.
Oct 01Reply

🌺Hello it's nice meeting you! 💕💕I'm Akera and welcome to Poshmark! 🎉🎉 You will love it here as we all do! 🌺I just finished checking out your closet, be sure to stop by mine!!! 🌺Also, just a heads up I have random $5 sales weekly! (Going on currently) 💕💕Happy Poshing💕💕
Oct 06Reply

Hi, it's nice to meet you too. I'm still trying to figure out how to list my stuff.
Oct 06Reply

@butters15 Is everything okay? Do you need more time to ship?
Oct 26Reply

@pyewacket hi hun, I have been really sick with a cold, but I'm going to drop your package off at the post office in a little bit when I go to the store!!!! I'm soooo sorry that it's taken this long....I put 2 more items in the package for you!!!!
Oct 26Reply

@butters15 I'm just glad that you're okay, but sorry that you have a cold. Just take it easy and take care of yourself. Ship when it's convenient for you. I can wait.
Oct 26Reply

@pyewacket You're super sweet, thank you for your concern!!!! ❤💞 I'm feeling so much better now, my doctor put me on a couple of antibiotics and they're helping!!! But I'll drop it off at the post office, and I never use the outdoor drop boxes, I'll take it inside!!!
Oct 27Reply

You are a very sweet person. Thank you so much!
Oct 27Reply

@pyewacket awweeee thank you,!! I just dropped it at the post office!!
Oct 27Reply

@butters15 Thank you for everything.
Oct 27Reply

@pyewacket oh thank you too sweetie, I hope you enjoy your tops!! And thanks for being patient with me!!
Oct 27Reply

@butters15 It doesn't seem like it's been that long. Tops as in more than one?
Oct 27Reply

@pyewacket oops hahaha, the 2 extra items I put in your package are tank tops along the same style as the one you bought.......I'd like you to tell me how you like the way they fit.......😉
Oct 27Reply

You are just the nicest person!
Oct 27Reply

@butters15 How can I pay you for them?
Oct 27Reply

@pyewacket you don't pay for them hun, they are my gift to you!!! I understand just how hard it is to find clothes that you love that fit just the way you like!!!
Oct 27Reply

@butters15 I'm speechless. Thank you so much! You are such s sweetheart.
Oct 27Reply

@pyewacket 💞💞 thank you 💞💞
Oct 27Reply

@butters15 I hope that you got my note. Thank you so much! They are all my style. I'm 5'2, 89lbs. and that's what I wear pretty much all the time, with skinny jean leggings and boots! Have a great weekend Dottie and thank you again!
Oct 29Reply

@pyewacket you are so very welcome hun!!! I was hoping you would like them, especially since old navy doesn't make that tank top anymore, a girls got to have back ups 😆
Oct 30Reply

@pyewacket since you like skinny jeans, go look in @claysoldlady closet and tell her that you are a friend of mine!!!
Oct 30Reply

Thank you so much!!!!
Oct 30Reply

@butters15 I love the bracelets but my daughter (she's 18) wouldn't wear them. The only jeans that fit are Hollister 00 jeggings and I've got enough cause I stocked up at a sale last year.
Oct 30Reply

I'm always looking for racerback tanks, though.I need to get my daughter over here so we can look through closets together and pick out stuff for her. She 's always studying at her boyfriend's house. She's a freshman at Penn State.
Oct 30Reply

@butters15 you probably didn't get that message. I keep forgetting to put your name first. I want my daughter to come over so we can go through closets together. I need to get stuff for her. Our taste in clothes are so different. She hates what I pick out for her.
Oct 30Reply

@pyewacket what type of clothes does she prefer??
Oct 30Reply

@pyewacket (if you always hit reply at the end of my comments) 😉😉 it automatically contacts me......if you see anything you think she might even remotely like, let me know and I'll hold it back until she gets to see it....
Oct 30Reply

@butters15 Ashley likes Hollister and Victoria Secret Pink but she is very picky.
Oct 30Reply

@butters15 Also she is a size large or extra large.
Oct 30Reply

@butters15 She is a size large or extra large and won't wear tank tops.
Oct 30Reply

@pyewacket there's a few things in my closet that might say not for sale, not sure if they are her style, but I'm sure we can find her some stuff!!!
Oct 30Reply

@butters15 I'll tell her. She just texted me late last night that she got a job at this place called Hillside, it's a local no kill animal shelter. She is pretty excited because this is her first job. Right now it's only for weekends cause she has classes all week. She'll be wearing old clothes to be working with the animals.She comes over on Tuesdays so I'll see what she says.Thank you so much for caring!
Oct 30Reply

@pyewacket awwweeeeee tell her congratulations!!! And it's a bonus that it's a no kill shelter!!! Let me know if I can help you girls out when she comes over!! Do the shirts fit OK??
Oct 30Reply

@butters15 They fit perfectly and I'll send you a message when she's here. She is quiet and sweet and has no idea how beautiful she is. She never fit in with all the skinny, cheerleader type girls in elementary and high school. She is still finding herself but she has a great boyfriend who has given her such confidence.
Oct 30Reply

@pyewacket she sounds like a really sweet girl, and it's great that she has a boyfriend that brings her confidence out, she's going to turn out to be one of the best friend anyone can have...
Oct 30Reply

@butters15 during her senior year in high school she moved in with her boyfriend and his parents and it broke my heart. She wanted to be with her boyfriend and they are best friends as well so I let her go. We had just moved here so it was really hard on me. I was a single mom most of her life and we were always together. I am married now but she doesn't like my husband. In a way it was good for her because I did everything for her and she is learning how to do things on her own.
Oct 30Reply

@pyewacket I understand what you mean, I know as a mother how hard it was for you to let her go, at the same time knowing it was the right thing to do....
Oct 31Reply

@butters15 I always wanted her to be more independent but I never realized how much it would hurt to let go. I'm doing okay with it now.
Oct 31Reply

@pyewacket I'm not sure if we ever really let go completely....but that's part of life so......who knows 😁
Oct 31Reply

@butters15 So true!
Oct 31Reply

@butters15 I'm trying to reserve a pair
Oct 31Reply

@butters15 of boots. How do you do that? The buyer made an offer and I accepted but her credit card won't work. I'm trying to hold them till tues. but I can't change the listing to not for sale because i have an active offer.
Oct 31Reply

@butters15 Hi, Dottie. We got it straightened out. She cancelled the order. I'm still learning how to do this. Have a great weekend.
Oct 31Reply

@pyewacket sorry hun, I haven't really been on here today, sorry I couldn't help......
Nov 01Reply

@lilyboobear Hi I am so sorry I didn't see your offer. I took the Zodiaks off because they are too damaged.
Nov 09Reply

@butters15 Hi, I 'm sorry to bather you but I don't know who to ask. How do you trade something? A girl told me to make the price $3.00 for both of our items and buy them but I said that I don't want to get in trouble with Posh. What do you do?
Nov 15Reply

@pyewacket I also mark the item to $3 for a trade, that covers the “purchase" and the shipping, that's the way to keep you out of trouble
Nov 15Reply

@butters15 Thank you. I just wanted to make sure.
Nov 15Reply

@pyewacket no problem!!
Nov 15Reply

Hey! Thank you for your purchase. I will be sending it by Tuesday!
Nov 22Reply

@ambe3 Sounds good, thank you.
Nov 22Reply

@pockets_full Hi I realized that I liked that jacket too much to sell it. I'm sorry for any inconvenience.
Nov 23Reply

@pyewacket Hey, I just dropped the pants off at the post office! Hope you like!
Nov 25Reply

@ambe3 Thank you. I just hope that they fit cause I really like the way they look.
Nov 25Reply

@pyewacket I'm glad they fit and you liked them. And, thanks so much!
Nov 27Reply

@pastellemotel@iloveshawni@96supreme@lisab3300 I just wanted to let you know that I decided to keep the Frye Smith boots. My husband really likes them and that's a real shocker. Thank you for all the likes.
Nov 30Reply

@iloveshawni Decided to keep the boots.
Nov 30Reply

@96supreme Decided to keep the boots.
Nov 30Reply

@lisab3300 Decided to keep the boots.
Nov 30Reply

Good decision! They looked amazing on you!
Nov 30Reply

@iloveshawni Thank you!
Nov 30Reply

You should. They look great!!
Nov 30Reply

@lisab3300 Thank you.
Nov 30Reply

@marissa_on, @mako111, @tammiross, @dkohli103 I am listing a pair of Frye boots.
Dec 15Reply

@jmw Thank you for the update. I can only get the shipping label to download on Firefox, nothing else works for me.
Dec 24Reply

You're gorgeous ❤😄
Jan 27Reply

@aavangg You are so sweet! Thank you.
Jan 27Reply

In obsessed with your closet! Please tell me you have more boots ☺️
Feb 13Reply

@dissidentyouth In the spring I'll put more on. I'll tag you.
Feb 13Reply

@bluebluelife It's a beautiful jacket!
Feb 26Reply

@michiedgiants Hi, I deleted the listing. I decided to keep them. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
Mar 06Reply

@michiedgiants I will definitely tag you.
Mar 06Reply

@michiedgiants I have one more pair that I want to wear some more but will eventually put them on here.
Mar 06Reply

My jacket would fit you great since your very petite :)
Mar 22Reply

Heyy u have bought from me Before just wanted to let u know that I'm selling new items and feel you may be interested 😌😊
Mar 23Reply

@wildbeautys Thank you for letting me know. I didn't see anything that I need right now but I'll keep checking back.
Mar 23Reply

Hey Pam! I hope you're having a wonderful Poshmark experience. Have a great evening :D
Mar 27Reply

@blingnthings You as well! Best wishes.
Mar 28Reply

You are gorgeous!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Please please please tag me in anything you sell. I absolutely love your closet Hun!
Mar 29Reply

@alyssagallatin Hi, Thank you for the kind words. I will definitely tag you when I put more on.
Mar 29Reply

I love your boots!!!! I am new to posh and I'm just figuring out how to find style mates. I am working on improving my closet, but for now, will you tag me when you list any new fryes? I love them and just can't afford them new! Love your whole closet and style! :).
Apr 01Reply

@smthomas1981 Hi, welcome to Posh. I came in September and it's been great for me. I tend to shop too much but there's a great selection on Posh. I will definitely tag you if I put Fryes on.I'm trying to figure out what I'll never wear but it's still hard to let go.
Apr 01Reply

@pyewacket thanks! I am so excited to see more of your great closet... And hopefully buying! :).
Apr 01Reply

Awwwwwww she's beautiful just like you!!!😍
Apr 12Reply

@uniquefinds Thank you so much!!!!! You're so sweet!
Apr 12Reply

Thank you for the sweet note with my boots! ❤️💕❤️💕💕😍💕If you ever sell any of your freebirds or anything for that matter tag me! Lol lol!! I love love love all your boots girl! You are so sweet!!
Apr 15Reply

@alyssagallatin Thank you!!! I definitely will tag you when I put more on!
Apr 16Reply

Pennsylvania you are the third person out of all the thousands that I run into on Poshmark that's from Pennsylvania like buy I kayak. Where is Auburn I'm from Pennsburg. that's near Allentown Quakertown area. I've heard of Audubon but not Auburn. Check out my closet I don't have boots on yet but I will be putting some boots on shortly and jeans but I do have a lot of tops. sandralee6
Aug 02Reply

@sandralee6 Hi, Auburn is in Schuylkill county. We are near Pottsville and Minersville. I lived in Lancaster county for 20 years but I'm originally from Montgomery co.
Aug 02Reply

I'm in Montgomery County was born in Northumberland witch is up around Sunbury Milton area. Its nice to met you. Have a good evening
Aug 02Reply

@sandralee6 Nice meeting you as well.
Aug 02Reply

@mysheilabeila25 Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I decided to keep the Frye boots that you liked. That's why the listing is gone.
Aug 03Reply

@pyewacket, thank you for letting me know. I liked it to also refer back to your closet as I love boots also. I'm a 7 1/2 and if you come across some please tag me in your post. Thank you again.
Aug 03Reply

@mysheilabeila25 I will put your name on my list.
Aug 03Reply

@pyewacket, thank you so much. I appreciate it.
Aug 03Reply

Checkout my closet?:)
Sep 19Reply

Thank you for your purchase! I am at work today but will ship first thing tomorrow :)
Sep 25Reply

@ashstu92 That's great. Thank you so much.
Sep 25Reply

@scarlettoconnor I love her too!
Sep 28Reply

@scarlettoconnor I loved the movie so much and I named my cat Pyewacket. The name became my posh name as well.
Sep 28Reply

Hi Im Vicki From Houston,Texas The City With NOLIMITS💞🌹🌷
Oct 04Reply

@visavell Hi, Vicki
Oct 04Reply

Thank you!! I will get the sweaters ready and ship first thing tomorrow! :)
Oct 07Reply

@ashstu92 Thank you so much!
Oct 07Reply

I'm so tired of seeing my boots end up on ebay. I sold my boots at a reasonable price so more people could enjoy them as well and not make a profit. I just found out that I have liver cancer and don't know how it will turn out. I'm just really disappointed right now.
Oct 28Reply

@pyewacket I'm sorry that some people here have disappointed you. It is a bummer to hear that. It's all about the $$$ for them I guess. You have a great heart, keep smiling and I will be thinking positive thoughts for you. 💜
Oct 30Reply

@mysheilabeila25 You are so sweet. Thank you.
Oct 30Reply

@sydloves_kidd Hi, I'm sorry but I have so many cowboy boots my husband would kill me. Thank you for letting me know though!
Nov 18Reply

hi! thanks for the offer! lowest i can go is $15, as it is already half of what i originally bought. I will also throw in a free gift. Hope this helps! xo
Nov 21Reply

@bunnyzzzzz Hi, Thank you for the message.
Nov 21Reply

Hello I see you cancelled your offer. I would happily still accept if you're still interested! 😄
Dec 04Reply

@heather_sparkle Hi, I am still interested but I wanted to make sure that I have enough money left. Thank you for letting me know that you will accept the offer. I just have to wait a week or so.
Dec 04Reply

@heather_sparkle I have wanted that vintage American eagle for awhile but there was always other stuff I needed more. Now I have to deal with medical bills and more tests. I'm so sorry that I had to cancel. I've always been so healthy so this is all very hard for me to accept.
Dec 04Reply

@pyewacket I'm so sorry to hear that! If you want, I'll put the items on hold for you so nobody buys them!
Dec 05Reply

@heather_sparkle Thank you but you don't have to do that. As soon as I get enough extra money I'll definitely buy.
Dec 05Reply

I am watching Bell, Book and Candle now...happy holidays
Dec 24Reply

cool! @ginamaria77
Dec 24Reply

@ginamaria77 Happy Holidays to you as well!
Dec 24Reply

@@gretchen1023 Hi, I looked on M for the tank tops cause I kept going back and fourth about buying them. I couldn't find them so I guess they've sold. If not I am still interested. So sorry about being on the fence so much,. I have been sick and have lost so much weight that stuff just doesn't look flattering on me anymore.
Jan 01Reply

@@gretchen1023 Thank you for letting me know.. I guess they weren't meant for me. Have a great New Year's Eve and Day!
Jan 01Reply

I love all the boots and things you are selling. I am wondering why they are so low? Please tag me if you come across any size 8 in boots of Bed Stu, Frye, etc. Thank you. Awesome closet !!
Jan 08Reply

@luvmyiggies Hi. I started selling my boots and because they were used I wanted to be fair. I wanted to give ladies a good price so that they could enjoy them too. I started seeing them turn up on ebay so I'm not doing that anymore. I was recently diagnosed with a liver hemangioma. At first they told me I had cancer and a month later I had 3 CAT scans that showed it was benign. I still have issues and pain so more testing. I am not selling right now because of that.
Jan 08Reply

@luvmyiggies I used to tag a lot of people but it just got to be too much so when I start selling again I'll just share it on here.
Jan 08Reply

Wow, i am so sorry. You were not only fair, but you basically were giving them away. I have never seen prices that low on the brands you were selling. I sincerely hope you are going to be okay. I know what it is like to have health issues. Please keep in touch. My heart goes out to you <3
Jan 08Reply

@luvmyiggies Thank you so much for the kind words. I was really upset for a while. I sold to people on here and randomly saw them listed for 3 times what they paid. I had to realize that it's a business to a lot of people on here and they are just trying to make money. Anyway I'm just trying to pay off the medical bills that I have before going through with the next procedure and I'm scared to death.
Jan 09Reply

@luvmyiggies I just keep praying and stay positive! Thank you again for the words of encouragement. It means a lot! I've met some wonderful people on Posh and you are one of those. Take care and thank you!!!!
Jan 09Reply

@pyewacket awwww , stay strong sweet lady , I'll keep u in my prayers ! Xoxoxoxoxo!!! !
Jan 18Reply

@pyewacket I love love looking at all your rugged boots ! I don't know why but I think old worn boots have a kinda spirit! I sometimes make them into planters for sedum. They look so cool . Look it up on Pinterest! ❤️
Jan 18Reply

@sheldoncat Thank you so much! You are a very sweet lady yourself!
Jan 18Reply

You are so beautiful!! And have a gorgeous daughter!!!💖 Happy Poshing!!🦋🌺🌺🌸🌸😘 @pyewacket
Jan 20Reply

@cashmoni Thank you so much! You are very beautiful yourself and you have a beautiful family!
Jan 20Reply

@pyewacket thank you so much!! So kind of you!!😘
Jan 20Reply

@jeaninelorenzo Hi, I remember you. Something like this just happened to me and I know how you feel. I was devastated. If the jacket is too big for me I will definitely sell it to you. If it fit's I would like to keep it. I've been looking for this jacket and I really like it! I am feeling okay but I have to pay my medical bills before I go on to the next procedure. This has been a very difficult time for me. I will reopen my closet when I am feeling better. Hopefully in the spring!
Feb 16Reply

@jeaninelorenzo I just left you another message The jacket fits so I'd like to keep it. I'm not doing that great, but if I get worse I'll make sure that you get this jacket, I promise!
Feb 17Reply

@jeaninelorenzo Ahhh you are so sweet! I haven't been feeling very well but that is to be expected. I have a large tumor on my liver and it's benign but is causing other problems and I may have some tumors in my colon. I'm praying that they aren't cancer but I can't really gain weight and I'm in pain a lot. I will definitely give you the jacket if I get worse and thank you for the kind words.
Feb 18Reply

@jeaninelorenzo Thank you so much for the prayers!!!
Feb 19Reply

Hi Pam, thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Mar 06Reply

@hmsimon1 Your welcome! They are beautiful.
Mar 06Reply

Hi! I've been thinking about you! I hope everything turned out ok with your liver.
Mar 07Reply

@alyssagallatin Hi, I have a hemangioma which they thought was cancer because I'm so thin and it cost me a lot of money for tests so I'm slowly paying them off before I can do more testing. There is a possibility that I have colon cancer but I just can't handle it anymore. I want to live my life to the fullest no matter what!
Mar 07Reply

@pyewacket I totally understand and I will be praying your tests come back cancer free and you start on the road to Health. ❤❤
Mar 07Reply

@alyssagallatin Thank you so much! I am so blessed to have you praying for me. There has been so much support on Poshmark that I ever would have thought possible. Thank you again!
Mar 08Reply

@pyewacket ❤❤❤
Mar 10Reply

Hi there! Your closet is one of my favorites! I remember a while back you had health issues. Just sending positive vibes and hoping everything is ok! ♥️♥️♥️
Mar 19Reply

@iloveshawni Thank you so much! I still have issues. I am paying medical bills but I need some more tests and I'm scared to death. The tumor on my liver is benign but the other stuff going on isn't the greatest but I'm happy to be alive one day at a time. Hope you are doing well too! Thank you so much for the positive vibes and I'm sending them back to you as well!
Mar 19Reply

Apr 05Reply

@makeminepink I am blown away. Thank you so much for the kind words. Actually I'm not brave at all. I'm scared to death. I'm alive today and that's all that really matters right now! I can't thank you enough for the words of encouragement. Have a great evening.
Apr 05Reply

Apr 05Reply

@makeminepink You are such a wonderful person and I am so grateful for your encouragement and support. You truly are an amazing and giving spirit and I feel so blessed! Thank you again.
Apr 05Reply

hi Pam! love UR stuff wow ! wish boots/ jackets bit bigger UR the 💣! good luck check out my stuff need list more!🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
Apr 09Reply

@betrp922 Hi, I love your closet!!!! Yes I weigh about 83 lbs. Trying to put more on though!
Apr 09Reply

Hello, I love your closet!! I also love boots. I wanted your Frye engineer boots bad!! But they sold before I got paid. I am looking for Frye engineer boots in a 7.5, if you happen to have any more please let me know. I am on a fixed income and only get paid once a month. Thank you so much!
May 12Reply

Just reading everyone's comments, I will pray for you!! I just went last week myself and had precancerous cells removed. Want know until the 30th if they got them all. I know how scary things can get and how high medical bills can be. I have no insurance. I guess I should not have been looking at your boots but wanted to treat myself to something nice. Best wishes to you, and God Bless you.
May 12Reply

@tarafariss I don't have any more Frye engineer boots but if I see any I'll tag you. I'll pray for you as well! I am just too broke and too scared to go any further and look for cancer. I know what you mean about treating yourself. Poshmark is the only thing that takes my mind off everything. They don't know my Symptoms are because of the giant hemangioma on my liver or colon cancer. I thank God for every day that I'm alive.
May 12Reply

@tarafariss I'm also going to pray for your medical bills to get paid somehow. People don't realize how nasty these collection calls can be. I'm finishing off my hospital bills and that's it. I can't take anymore. I am praying for your full recovery and cancer free results. Thank you for reaching out!
May 12Reply

@pyewacket Thank you so much! Yes, the collections calls are nasty. I was afraid they was not going to do my procedure last week because of it, but God was with me and they went ahead and did it. I am like you, not sure what will happen if the results are not good on the 30th. I am also dealing with a child leaving home. I wake myself up at night cring for my son. My children are my life!! We have alot in common, I will pray for your health, your bills, and your family!! God Bless you!!
May 12Reply

@tarafariss Oh my goodness we do have a lot in common! I still cry for my daughter who spends every minute with her boyfriend. It was always just her and me. The husband I have now never bothered with us. Well, she's happy and I can't ask for motr than that. Her boyfriend is a great guy who always puts her first! She is everything to me too! I have boon praying for you tonight. I'll continue to pray for you and you family! God Bless you too!
May 12Reply

Thank you! So glad you love the necklace!
Jun 23Reply

Hello! Thanks so much for your purchase. I shipped the boots today, you should receive them on Monday. I hope that you enjoy them! 😊
Aug 26Reply

@southpaw973 Thank you so much!!!!
Aug 26Reply

@pyewacket hi this is me about the frye artisan boots.. i really want these but I can't purchase them until fri... when she sold them i actually bought another pair. also could you model them for me?
Aug 29Reply

@beachbum2020 Of course. I'll post them and put not for sale. Done!
Aug 29Reply

@pyewacket okay thank you ♡♡♡
Aug 29Reply

Hi Pam i must say that i love love your style in boots they're all lovely..wish i came across you sooner☹️ because i would have def purchase a few pairs from u.
Aug 30Reply

@katt825 Thank you for the complment!
Aug 30Reply

@astercham HI, The address that printed out was Ca. buy on your page it says New York and I just want to make certain that I'm shipping to the right place!
Sep 04Reply

Sep 04Reply

I just moved recently!
Sep 04Reply

@astercham Thank you for letting me know.. I'll get it to you as fast as possible!
Sep 04Reply

If you find anything else in my closet I'll give you a bundling discount and will ship today :)
Sep 14Reply

@briannahetrick Hi. I have to wait until I get more money. Are those 2 tops I liked available?
Sep 15Reply

@pyewacket yes :)
Sep 15Reply

@briannahetrick That is so cool, I read that you are 95lbs. I am 84 lbs. so we are similar in size. I would like to bundle the Kirra bundle, the Abercrombie and Fitch flannel and the sheer floral tank. I may be able to purchase Monday but if not then definitely Friday Sept. 22. Thank you so much!
Sep 15Reply

@pyewacket ok! :) I'll give you a bundling discount for all of it as well💕
Sep 15Reply

@briannahetrick Thank you so much!
Sep 15Reply

@briannahetrick I just read that the flannel was oversize so I really don't need it.
Sep 16Reply

The flannel is actually not oversized, I confused it with another, it's form fitting on me :) if you look to the picture below
Sep 16Reply

@briannahetrick It looks like someone else is buying the flannel?
Sep 16Reply

@pyewacket no not anymore :)
Sep 16Reply

@briannahetrick How much for my likes and the Abercrombie and Fitch flannel and I'll see if I can do it now or later.
Sep 16Reply

@pyewacket could you bundle your likes and I'll send you my lowest offer :)
Sep 16Reply

@briannahetrick I did.
Sep 16Reply

@briannahetrick I didn't get it so I
ll check back later.
Sep 16Reply

@briannahetrick Thank you so much!
Sep 16Reply

@pyewacket you're welcome ! I hope you love it all!
Sep 16Reply

@briannahetrick I'm sure i will. Thank you so much!
Sep 16Reply

Hello can you tag me if you post any more Frye or Freebidb Boots!!! Love you closet and style 😘
Oct 12Reply

@sananquanitat yes, I will let you know.
Oct 12Reply

🌵🌺Hello! I hope you loving Poshmark as much as I do. It is a fantastic community full of friendly people. If you have any questions please let me know, and I will try to help out. Please stop by my closet - I have a ton great items. Thank you in advance! Best advice is be Posh Compliant and to SHARE SHARE SHARE! Come follow me my closet. Happy Poshing!🌵🌺
Nov 18Reply

Thanks for the like on the leather purse!. Let me know if you have any questions. Wanted to let you know that 2 or more items bundled together automatically saves you 10%off.👍Have a great day!🌸
Nov 30Reply

So sorry I didn’t get back to you right away. I am interested in the boots!! Just let me know if you change your mind 😊
Dec 08Reply

@bettinasim I will. Thank you being so understanding. I have sold many boots and regret selling most of them. I will definitely will let you know.
Dec 08Reply

@pyewacket Thank you! Happy Holidays!
Dec 08Reply

Hi Pam 💗. Haven’t talked to you in awhile and thought I’d check back with you and see how your boot bling is working for you?? WOW 😲 looking through your closet and you have sold a ton...Good for you!! I wish I was doing as well 😪. I had shoulder surgeries in the last few months and haven’t done anything new but hope to get started back up soon. Keep up the good work 💜 blessings Cathy
Jan 19Reply

@cowgirl4872 The boot bling is great but it is miserable and snowing so all I'm wearing is Ugg boots. I'm pretty much cleaning out everything I don't wear in my closet and take a Posh break. I hope that you have a speedy recovery so that you can get back to creating beautiful boot bling!
Jan 19Reply

@pyewacket I’m happy to hear it’s holding up for you. I strive for excellence in my jewelry but you never know so thought check in with you. It’ll be nice again soon 💕
Jan 19Reply

@pyewacket any Frye campus boots that you might be selling?
Feb 04Reply

@mommyhaze9 I'm so sorry but I don't have any left.
Feb 04Reply

@pyewacket You have Gorgeous Kitties & a Gorgeous Puppers! Lovely, Beautiful items. I send you many blessings to help you with your medical bills. 💖💞💖🐱🐱🐺💖💞💖⭐⭐👼👼⭐⭐
Feb 24Reply

@tracyalexandra Thank you so much!
Feb 24Reply

@pyewacket Hi Pam, just wanted to say “Hi”. Take care and text me anytime. I’m still home and won’t be traveling for work until next month. Keep smiling and keep in touch.😊🌸
Feb 25Reply

@pyewacket you're stunning and I might be biased lol but I love that you named your daughter Ashley :)
Mar 10Reply

@mermaidcolours Thank you so much! Yes, Ashley is my favorite name! It is so beautiful! Have a wonderful weekend!
Mar 10Reply

Hello, Hope all is well haven’t seen any new boots posted. ❌❤️❌❤️
Mar 13Reply

@sananquanitat Hi, I'm okay. I just decided not to sell anything for awhile. I hope that you are doing well. I just needed a break.
Mar 13Reply

@pyewacket I’m well, Thanks. Understood it can be a drain, hope to see you back selling soon. You have great stuff.
Mar 13Reply

I want to apologize for the delay in mailing out your order. I’ll have your tank tops out in the mail tomorrow. I’ve been caught up with my Newborn not feeling well. Sorry for the delay and I’ll have it shipped out tomorrow!! Thank you for purchasing from my closet too! 😘
May 08Reply

@msvincent21 It's okay! Ship them when you get a chance> I hoope that your baby id feeling better! My baby will be 21 this July and I just don't know where the time went!
May 08Reply

@pyewacket thank you for understanding. And i totally understand. JJ will be four months old on the 22nd and I don’t know where those 4 months went. I felt like I just had him yesterday. He’s growing up too fast. Doesn’t help he doesn’t look or act his age but like he’s older. Lol. Again thank you for understanding and I’ll have that shipped soon today!! ❤️❤️
May 08Reply

@msvincent21 Treasure all these moments! They really fly by! Ship whenever you get a chance. Have a wonderful day!!!
May 08Reply

Thank you for the very kind review!!! I’m so glad you’re happy with your scarf!! ♥️😊
Sep 13Reply

@waitressamy I absolutely love it! Thanks again!
Sep 13Reply

I’m so flattered for the Like! 😊 That price is just a One Day Sale 🔥 for Closet Clear Out Sale yesterday and the price will go back up today sometime so if you’re still interested I’d hop on it🐰🙃. I offer an automatic 15% off 3 items on top of my current prices, So check it out cause you might find more you didn’t know you really needed😁. My prices are fair but I’m always happy to get an offer I can’t refuse! So bundle your likes and see 👀🙃
Sep 22Reply

Happy poshing 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Sep 27Reply

@sayyestojewelry Thank you! I love your closet!
Sep 27Reply

Just had to say, I love your closet!
Oct 02Reply

@beautydefies Thank you so much!!!!
Oct 02Reply

@beautydefies I am also obsessed with Kooba bags. I got my first Kooba Jonnie a couple months ago., it is the color Cocoa. I then purchased the one I have for sale on here but I had to have another one so I purchased another black leather Jonnie from Bloomingdales and now my husband flipped out. That is why I am selling this one. LOL Have a great evening!
Oct 02Reply

@pyewacket YES! I love them so much! I prefer a longer strap though so I like the Zoey model better. Otherwise I’d have snapped up the one you have listed! A lot of the old models had thicker, softer, higher quality leather that’s TO DIE for. You should check out the Marcelle model, I wonder if you’d like it.
Oct 02Reply

@beautydefies I will definitely check it out! I can't get anymore bags for awhile but I can still look!!!
Oct 03Reply

@beautydefies I found some on here and they are very pretty! I am obsessed with the Jonnie bag though. I have the Cocoa one with the woven flap and gunmetal hardware and one with just black leather and gold hardware. I didn't care for the calf hair as much but I like the magnetic closure on the flap and the key holder on that model. The newer ones don't have that anymore.
Oct 03Reply

@pyewacket really?? Poor decisions!! I love those features! I’ve been eyeing another Zoey but the gold hardware has thrown me off. Idk if I can do it. But it’s so tempting. 🙄🙄
Oct 03Reply

I got the Liv hobo in black with gold hardware and I find it throws me off. Most of my jewelry (the casual stuff) is silver.
Oct 03Reply

@beautydefies I too wear silver, white gold and I ordered the bag in gunmetal/silver tone and it came in gold so they gave me a discount but I was going to send it back anyway but the gold makes the bag really pop and It's different than my usual so I couldn't sens it back. I really like it!!! I wish that they still had the magnetic closure on the flap of the kangaroo pouch, though
Oct 03Reply

@pyewacket yeah they need that magnet on there! And the clip to hold your keys is nice. I have one of those smart keys so I’m always losing mine 😳😳 I’m going to wait and see if maybe the gold hardware grows on me....
Oct 03Reply

Hi there 🤗thanks for stopping by my closet ❣️
Oct 05Reply

Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Nov 11Reply

@spreadlove Hi, I am sure that you will love Posh! I have met so many wonderful women on here. Enjoy!!!!
Nov 11Reply

@jhcortez You are so sweet. I would like to purchase the vest on Friday the 16th. Have a wonderful week!
Nov 12Reply

@jhcortez Hi, I just wanted you too know that I won't be able to purchase the vest this week. I just have too many bills. I'm so sorry!
Nov 13Reply

I just lowered them from $20.00, and I have them on other sites.
Nov 15Reply

@nubie66 Hi. I don't mind paying $15.00. I can purchase on Friday!
Nov 15Reply

@nubie66 I just purchased. Thank you for letting me know.
Nov 15Reply

Isn’t it funny how styles truly come & go- and come back.. I had a fringe suede jacket - really nice real sued- went “ out of style - cut the fringes off🤭🙄🙄🤭.. Peasants. Tops... Straight legs all of a sudden round and round.. this is a beautiful classic great material I probably wore it twice😳🙈😮❤️
Nov 22Reply

@luvyorlook Yes I know exactly what you are saying. I had a suede fringe jacket as well. I wish that I hadn't donated so many great jackets. I had a wonderful collection. I said that I would never wear skinny jeans again but I live in them now and they were popular in the 90's I think but I can't remember. I'm 62 and I've seen so many styles come and go. That jacket is a classic and will never go out of style!
Nov 22Reply

Yes . Still would like😍
Nov 22Reply

Than you so much.... so - what I liked - is what you liked and it’s not “ quite on par to what our “ tastes “ or quality we’d prefer.. 👍Like I said - thank you for your honesty❤️
Nov 23Reply

@luvyorlook That's absolutely true. Thank you for the very kind words! Honesty is the best policy.
Nov 23Reply

b_graham14 Hi, did you decide to keep the vest? I used to change my mind about selling my stuff all the time! I hope that I didn't insult you with my offer. I can pay full price today if it is still for sale.
Nov 30Reply

@b_graham Did you decide to keep the vest? I can pay full price today if it is still for sale. As I said above I hope that you weren't insulted by my offer. I was down to nothing in my checking account. If you are keeping it I will be happy. It's beautiful vest!
Nov 30Reply

Hey hun, I just wanted to let you know I’m offering 50% off bundles of two or more. Happy poshing 💕
Mar 07Reply

Hello I would love 💕 it if you had time to stop by and check out my closet. I love offers and make Fantastic bundle deals. So if you can stop by and check it out ! Thanks 🌸🌼🌼hope your day is a great one
Aug 11Reply

Hi @pyewacket 💕😇 I just wanted to say hello 🤗 My name is Katelyn, it’s always nice to meet a fellow Posher ❤️ If you happen to have any spare time, I was wondering if you could check out my closet? 🙏🏻 I have some great items that I think you will LOVE in my closet for AMAZING prices and I will always do my best to work with you to find a fair price for the both of us 🤗 Thank you so much and I hope you enjoy my closet!!!!!! Have fun on Poshmark!!! ❤️
Sep 05Reply

Hey girl! You have purchased from me in the past and I wanted to let you know that I am having a BOGO sale right now. Everything in my closet is buy one get one free until 10/31 🦄 🍭 🌈
Oct 24Reply

@pyewacket Hi! So glad to hear you love the boots!! 🤗 And thanks so much for taking the time to to rate & provide your great feedback! Much appreciated! Hope to work with you again soon!
Dec 19Reply

@botablu Thank you so much! I love them! I am saving up for the other pair I liked but it may take a few weeks. I love your closet and I am so happy that I found you on here.
Dec 19Reply

@pyewacket Awesome!! 😊 And thank you!!! Means a lot! Look forward to your return!
Dec 21Reply

Hi Pam! Your Gorgeous! Your Friend
Xoxo Olivia💋
Feb 24Reply

@xoxo_olivia_ Thank you but I'm getting old! That photo is about 4 years old. I just turned 63.
Feb 24Reply

@pyewacket no you aren’t! Your style is so cool!
Feb 24Reply

@xoxo_olivia_ Awe you are so sweet! My 23 year old daughter just rolls her eyes at the stuff I wear. She is very conservative. I was married to a heavy metal guitar player when I was in my 20's and I liked to copy the guys in the band.
Feb 24Reply

@pyewacket yes I love it!
Feb 24Reply

Hi Pam!! First I want to thank you for the purchase😀😉 I made a mistake on the color of the Free People tank is not black, it is a medium gray color. The camera I used for that is way off, and I completely missed that. I wanted to let you know, in case it makes a difference to you. if you don't have a problem with that, I can have it ready to go in the morning for you. please let me know asap so there are no delays😊✌💙
Feb 27Reply

oh....and I hope you are having a wonderful night!!😊😉
Feb 27Reply

@meloneewalker Hi, Gray is perfect!!! Thank you for letting me know and I love the top! Thank you for shipping so quickly!!!!!
Feb 27Reply

@pyewacket oh I’m SO glad to hear!! I will ship in the a.m.👍✌️💕
Feb 27Reply

I there! Thank you so much for shopping my closet! I sent your package out early this morning... I am hoping it will start tracking soon! Have a great weekend! XOXO
Mar 07Reply

*Hi there! Thank you so much for shopping my closet! I sent your package out early this morning... I am hoping it will start tracking soon! Have a great weekend! XOXO
Mar 07Reply

@scoutmariek Thank you! Your closet is amazing! Thank you for shipping so quickly.
Mar 07Reply

@scoutmariek It started tracking! Yay!!!!!!!
Mar 07Reply

@pyewacket yay!! 😘
Mar 07Reply

thank you for sharing my listings, be safe during all that is going on now
Mar 20Reply

@thecount1977 You stay safe as well! Thank you!
Mar 21Reply

Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
May 06Reply

Hi, you are receiving this message because you have purchased from my closet in the past. Unfortunately, my closet will be closing - house is on the market. I have over 900 listings and therefore asking my prior customers to visit my closet again, make bundles and Name your own price!!! Have fun shopping and grab the right brands and sizes while I have 900 listings. Enjoy!!
May 14Reply

Thanks for your purchase!
Mail doesn’t run tomorrow due to the 4th holiday- so, I can’t send until Monday 😢
I’m away from home or I’d try to hurry & send today-
Jul 03Reply

@seastheday50 Don't worry about it! Ship when you get a chance. I can wait!!
Jul 03Reply

@pyewacket thank you so much- ❤️
Jul 09Reply

Glad you received the top so quickly and you love it! ❤️ Will be posting some new items soon so stop by the closet again or follow if you are not following already. Thanks again for your purchase!
Aug 04Reply

@crp60 I will definitely be following you! Thank you again!!!
Aug 04Reply

I love your closet, beautiful
Nov 22Reply

@allinfashion Thank you!!!
Nov 22Reply

Hi! Hope you’re enjoying the Poshmark community. I sure am😊 I would love for you to check out my closet 🎁❤️☃️
Dec 06Reply

Hi there! Welcome to check out my closet 😊. Happy Holiday 🎉🍾🎊 ~ all the best for you!! ❤️
Jan 05Reply

Hey there! I’m trying to get the word out that I just added some more Lulus brand items to my closet and some other great pieces as well, it’d be awesome if you could check it out :) Thanks and Happy Poshing!
Apr 17Reply

@pyewacket Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 18Reply

I hope that you have a blessed year! I am giving away a free 925 sterling silver heart necklace with the purchase of any purse .....this month in April 2023
Apr 16Reply

Hello! I sell both Men and Women's clothing. Feel free to visit my closet and ask any questions. I offer bundle deals of 15% on any 2 items or more. Happy Poshing! @Shopper411411
Mar 03Reply
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