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Updated Feb 23
Updated Feb 23

Meet your Posher, Pam

Meet the Posher



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Hey Pam here. Every item I list comes from myself or (numerous) family members, friends. My prices are fair and I counter once if at all. Seems here on Posh we each have the other’s back, sharing, spreading the love. That’s my (newbie) take. Drop by🙂
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jgreen0722 Hello Pam, Welcome to Poshmark! I think you will find it’s a great place to sell and a great big fun place to shop! If you ever have any questions feel free to reach out and ask me. Best wishes Jennifer G
Jan 28Reply
lajefa2015 What happened to the weekender bag?
Feb 23Reply
justgivemeone Just saw this. Nothing happened, it's still hanging at home:)
Mar 04Reply
jilkauffman 😊Nice closet!! Happy Poshing!!🌺😎🌺🙋‍♀️🌁🌉
Mar 12Reply
missdiva788 Hey girl do you want to resend the offer for the Tiffany’s box I will accept it
Mar 15Reply
hotfashionbrand @justgivemeone Thanks for liking our Sale item. If you are interested in some our of the luxury brands in our closet, we try our hardest to offer great pricing, and speedy delivery. All of our products are Brand New and Authentic. We are official resellers of over 40 brands and starting to list some of our Hottest selling items here on Poshmark. Feel free to send us a message and we strive on making a great shopping experience for our VIP clients.
Mar 29Reply
fafala77 Hey Pam, I can lower the price an extra $5 if you can swing that. If you are interested, simply make me the offer. Have a great day.
Apr 04Reply
justgivemeone @fafala77 That’s cool. I appreciate it. Gimme a minute to think about it ok? I’m in Lisbon and that son of mine isn’t acting all that deserving right now❤️
Apr 04Reply
justgivemeone How bout another $5 and I’ll take them. Make him mind his manners tho before I hand em over!!🙂 They are really great looking tho, I love em
Apr 04Reply
justgivemeone Poshmark is new to me and they’re just cruel on their fees. I won’t beat you up over 5 bucks. I’ll send an offer and appreciate you. He’ll be happy, he’ll get out of his own way in time. Happy Wednesday!!
Apr 04Reply
justgivemeone Hey falala. I sent the listing to my son of your shoes and he loved them! Then he sent me a listing for them on a site I don’t know and said, ‘hey mama, they’re $156 here’ so I gotta check that out first. I’m sorry, but same shoe, same size. You’d do the same my friend. This kid has a ton of shoes, I gotta save where I can
Apr 05Reply
maprejean0063 ok I have them in your cart. I no longer see the offer. can you tell me what I offered it for? leaving on vacation tomorrow and closing my closet. I'll get these in the mail today. Thanks
Apr 05Reply
hahncycles Hello and best of luck to you on Poshmark!
Apr 15Reply
justgivemeone @hahncycles Why thank you!! Just a newbie feeling my way. I appreciate you
Apr 15Reply
jilkauffman Hi PFF! Hope all is well. Happy Poshing tonite🤗🌺🌺🌺🌁🌉🙋‍♀️
Apr 16Reply
justgivemeone @jilkauffman Hello friend!! Do you know if one can have two accounts on Poshmark? I’ve hardly begun with my stuff but I own an apt complex in a college town and kids leave sh*t!! I typically donate but thought I’d sell all items for $7, end of semester and some of the stuff is great!! Plus pays for cleaning services🙄 Glad to hear from you!!
Apr 16Reply
jilkauffman @justgivemeone 🙋‍♀️you are so energetic! I don’t know about having more than one account but if you email support you should get an answer. I’m getting ready to do a thredUP box to get stuff out that I’m not putting on PM!
Apr 16Reply
justgivemeone @jilkauffman I did that several years ago! Forgot about that option. And I’m not energetic, I’m bout beat🙂
Apr 16Reply
lizfrumtn Nice too meet ya Pam...I’m Lisa by the way. Have a great day! Sending you some Posh Love 💕
Apr 20Reply
justgivemeone @lizfrumtn Grazie Lisa!! I’m just a newbie really so it’s much appreciated ❤️❤️
Apr 20Reply
lizfrumtn @justgivemeone Well,I didn’t know you’re still new. Welcome too Poshmark girl! You’re gonna love it here. There’s a lot of great ladies on here. If you ever have any questions you can feel free to ask me. If I don’t know the answer I can help you find the answer. I’ve been on here sense 2016 and I’ve just dearly loved my interactions with the ladies here. Anyway,I won’t keep you but God bless you on your journey! Thanks for allowing me to take up some of your time for a few 😁 Sending you love 💕
Apr 20Reply
doublesouthern I ❤️your baby V8
Apr 23Reply
justgivemeone @doublesouthern Like a matchbox truck right??😂
Apr 23Reply
doublesouthern @justgivemeone I ❤️all the windows. Incredible. If it could talk, wow we could hear some grand stories😎
Apr 23Reply
justgivemeone @doublesouthern Oh she talks all the time, moody as hell. Sleeps inside and starts when she wants!! But I really only drive it in the summer and need to start it more often. But yea, she’s a babe❤️
Apr 23Reply
vrziii Thanks for sharing Posh On
May 02Reply
justgivemeone @vrziii My pleasure 😇
May 02Reply
sveller21 Love the truck!!!! I'd love to have an old truck someday😁
May 02Reply
justgivemeone @sveller21 She’s a gem for sure❤️ Lots of fun!!
May 02Reply
nice_matters11 🌵🌷🙋🏻‍♀️ Hi! 🌵 Thx so much for all 🌵 the shares. I really 🌵🌷 appreciate that 🌵🌸 Monica in AZ 🌷🌵 🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵
May 08Reply
justgivemeone @nice_matters11 Let’s all help each other out coz....nice matters😉
May 08Reply
nice_matters11 @justgivemeone 💝😊 my favorite saying. 😆
May 08Reply
justgivemeone @nice_matters11 Pays back tenfold and mean people suck😳😳
May 08Reply
nice_matters11 @justgivemeone Lol 😂 that’s my second favorite saying Mean People Suck!! Lol great minds think alike.
May 08Reply
melindamanch995 Thanks for sharing my items Best Melinda
May 08Reply
justgivemeone @melindamanch995 Welcome my friend!!❤️
May 08Reply
wlw1983 Hi, love the pics . If you want both barrett sets I'll be happy to give you a great deal🐞🤗🗼
May 09Reply
wlw1983 I also have been accused of being a horde. It does feel good knowing someone else is enjoying my important stuff. Welcome💕and Happy Poshing🦋
May 09Reply
wlw1983 Horder🤪sorry fat fingers.
May 09Reply
justgivemeone @wlw1983 I may as well throw that money out the window here in Portugal!!! Honest. I’d lose them on the way back home😂😂 I couldn’t help liking them, my mother still says I’m a hoarder, yet she has an entire closet organizing things like gorgeous bobby pins like yours! Many things I’ve listed thus far as hers. I’m always flying, I have 100’s to yet list
May 09Reply
justgivemeone Maybe the truth just hurts???❤️❤️
May 09Reply
wlw1983 @justgivemeone So jealous you get to go all over the place. That was always one of my bucket list places to go. I guess I'll be stuck here in Florida for a little bit. One day😁 Be safe thanks for checking out my closet I'll keep checking out yours. I have a grand baby on the way so I've got to make Room.💕💕💕
May 09Reply
wlw1983 @justgivemeone If we weren't hoarders we wouldn't be able to sell all this wonderful stuff😂
May 09Reply
justgivemeone @wlw1983 You’re jealous of ME??? I’d absolutely LOVE to have a grandbaby. I’d fly no more, sit on my porch, pick my summer tomatoes and sing. You’re the lucky one❤️
May 09Reply
wlw1983 @justgivemeone O believe me when my daughter and her husband told me they were going to have a baby it's the best thing that ever happen to me. I can't wait for her to get here may 20th. I've done my fair share of traveling And I love it too but not as much as I'm gonna love my grandbaby.😍😍❤💖💗💞💝
May 09Reply
wlw1983 @justgivemeone thank you I feel like the Luckiest person in the world to get to share this. And I do have tomatoes and a front porch swing. Can't sing a lick though, Hopefully she won't mind.🤩
May 09Reply
justgivemeone @wlw1983 Lucky you and less than two weeks you’ll be living my dream❤️ Best to you!!
May 09Reply
wlw1983 @justgivemeone Dreams really do come true I'm living proof in more ways than one . Keep dreaming yours will come true too. ❤
May 09Reply
wlw1983 @justgivemeone It was meant to be. I Survived breast cancer 💐. Do you think I will get this by the time my granddaughter gets here. If she comes when she is supposed to?
May 09Reply
snowblessed Very sweet for all the shares🥰💝! Had a rough week, means alot🥰...daughter was in a rollover wreck...totaled her vehicle but she walked away from it😱☺️!!
May 14Reply
justgivemeone @snowblessed That’s how blessed you are!! My son totaled two cars before he got out of high school without a scratch. He’s 27 now, they grow up at our expense (just like we contributed to our parents’ grey hairs:))) And you’re welcome my friend!!
May 14Reply
snowblessed @justgivemeone Lol, on gray hairs! never thought of it that way😆! yes very blessed and so awesome your son is doing well too🥰
May 14Reply
daisyspaide Hi! Please let me know if Pearl is ever for sale. LOL Happy Poshing!!
May 17Reply
justgivemeone @daisyspaide Everyone that sees her says that!! A matchbox truck🙂🙂 I always reply ‘You might could afford to buy her, but it better be a hobby/toy coz she’s moody as hell!!’ Thanks for your comment❤️
May 17Reply
flagirlfsualum1 I love Pearl. She looks immaculate. It would be nice to have as a second vehicle to mess around in on the weekends. Happy Sunday!😊
May 19Reply
justgivemeone @flagirlfsualum1 That’s exactly what she is!! (actually a 3rd vehicle). But my favorite in the summertime. Thanks for your comments, she has a million more admirers than I’ll ever have🙂🙂
May 19Reply
alvarado1200 Thanks for all the shares!! Returned ❤️🥰🙏
May 22Reply
mogiep Hi Pamela, Thanks for buying my shoes! I was able to get them packed up and in my mail carrier's hands today! You will hopefully be getting them by the weekend... If USPS does it's job. Thanks again! ❤️👍
May 22Reply
justgivemeone @mogiep No worries. I’m a flight attendant, I won’t even return home til Monday and thanks my friend ❤️
May 22Reply
mogiep @justgivemeone Love your Bronco, btw! Sweet ride!
May 22Reply
justgivemeone @mogiep Yea she’s a head-turner. But moody as hell😂, sleeps inside and only comes out in the summer. Thanks for your comments my friend!!
May 22Reply
mogiep Lol! She's just feeling her age, we do that when we get "more mature". Take it from one who knows. 👍 Happy traveling! Hope all your flights are smooth!
May 22Reply
justsamone Hello! Just wanted to say thank you so much for sharing my closet! I appreciate it so much! And that’s funny, my mom called me a hoarder too lol! Good luck with your sales, you have some nice things! 😊😊😊
May 24Reply
justgivemeone @justsamone Thank you my friend!! We’re all here to help each other (even if we are hoarders:)))
May 24Reply
justsamone @justgivemeone you’re very welcome! ❤️
May 24Reply
mogiep Thank you for the five star rating and nice comments! I love five star ratings, I also love it even more so when my buyer leaves nice comments.I hope you enjoy those shoes! ❤️👍
May 24Reply
justgivemeone @mogiep You deserve it! And I actually bought them for my mother. She teaches a Silver Sneakers class at the Y. (SHE IS 81) She will love love love them!! Thanks again
May 24Reply
mogiep Oh my gosh! Bless her heart! Moms are the best! I hope she loves them!
May 24Reply
justgivemeone @mogiep My mother hates everything!! Why so much of her stuff is on here NWT. They’ll end up mine but I love them and my son just said they’re SICK! It’s all good my friend ❤️
May 24Reply
mogiep Love you long time! Thanks for all the posh love!
May 25Reply
justgivemeone @mogiep We are all here to help each other❤️
May 25Reply
sanjac10 Thanks for Liking my closet!🥰💞🥰💞 You closet and landing page are fabulous! Happy successful Poshing!🥰💞
May 27Reply
goodeal13 Thank you for the sharing 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
May 30Reply
justgivemeone @goodeal13 You as well!! Gotta help each other out on here. Love love love your closet!!!!❤️❤️
May 30Reply
goodeal13 Thank you 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺👍👍👍😃😃😃😃
May 31Reply
justgivemeone @goodeal13 We all need to help each other out!! Happy Saturday ❤️❤️❤️
Jun 01Reply
scoutanddesign Oh wow . . . Love your closet and love Pearl! I alway love seeing these on the road, instant crushing on the Bronco! Keep up your great curating, or closet clearing. Either way you are doing a great job! Have a great Wednesday and I wish you many sales!
Jun 05Reply
justgivemeone @closetmining That’s so thoughtful!! Yea, Pearl only comes outside in the summer, too moody any other time of year😂😂 Thanks for your wishes, I’m pretty much a newbie, just a few months now but I have ‘met’ amazingly kind people here❤️
Jun 05Reply
krede715 Hi Pam. Beautiful pictures! I saw that you like lucchese. A friend of mine gave me her boots to sell and I didn’t see the lucchese label inside them and she didn’t tell me how expensive they were so I sold them for almost nothing! I just listed them as cowboy boots! You live and you learn. Happy Poshing! 😊
Jun 15Reply
justgivemeone @krede715 I just shared a pair of mine. They’re outrageously priced but your friend should have known that. Like you say, live and learn. And I LOVE your closet listings❤️❤️❤️
Jun 15Reply
justgivemeone Also your garden if that is your home!! One of my great passions and it’s almost time for summer tomatoes for the BLTs!!❤️❤️
Jun 15Reply
krede715 @justgivemeone Thankyou and yes that’s my garden! I could spend all day there ! It’s so peaceful!😊
Jun 15Reply
brimacly Thanks for sharing my stuff like everyday I love that. I love your closet and I love reading your descriptions they crack me up ❤😊
Jun 19Reply
justgivemeone @brimacly Why thank you!! And maybe they seem funny but only because they’re true!! We can’t take this stuff all to seriously after all😂😂❤️
Jun 19Reply
gypsymama84 Pam, your Bronco! I have the identical one possibly in black. Mint condition! Is yours a 79’? LOVE!!!!!
Jun 23Reply
gypsymama84 Actually mine is a 4 seater, & the top comes on & off, I want a lighter color! I love the color of yours, what a beauty💙💚💛💛💙
Jun 23Reply
justgivemeone @gyspymama84 Pearl is a 76 and only made a half year, her top comes off as well but I’ve never removed it. I think Ford only made them half a year coz the bed is so short, like a Matchbox truck😂 I love her to pieces, big V8, never disappoints. Share a photo of yours!!!
Jun 23Reply
gypsymama84 @justgivemeone Yes, I will now 🤗❤️. I must upload some photos, I’m camera shy ;). There is 1 like that here in Maui. It’s “upcountry” where I grew up, and I’ve loved it since I was a child, it is still mint like yours. The one I have has a Hemi in it ( bought it a few years ago, I have a passion for old vehicles, I got that bug from some very special men in my life❤️ ;) I’m very petite so I need to change the engine. It’s a lot for little me to drive 😂.
Jun 23Reply
gypsymama84 I’ll get it perfect for me soon enough.... can’t wait! Have a beautiful day ✨
Jun 23Reply
justgivemeone @gyspymama84 You can send me a photo of it on my cell and f you like. 304.541.3313. I mean in case you don’t want to share it to your listings. I’d LOVE to see it. I’m in a Bronco club and a drivers club with Hagerty. I have another classic as well😎😎
Jun 23Reply
gypsymama84 @justgivemeone Oh nice, I’m so impressed & stoked that you are in a bronco club🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
Jun 23Reply
gypsymama84 I was just thinking about your lake house, it sounds so peaceful.. so amazing.. & and I’ve learned thru my life, simple is best for me. Lakes are amazing, growing up here I didn’t have much access, but we have a place in Lake Tahoe & every time we go, I feel sooo peaceful, goodness I love lakes they are such a blessing 💙💙
Jun 23Reply
gypsymama84 @justgivemeone I will totally get you a pic! xxo
Jun 23Reply
gsschwarting Hey Pam- just wanted to thank you for the Posh love and to tell you I LOVE YOUR CLOSET!!!!!! Absolutely love it!! You give me goals!!!💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Jun 24Reply
justgivemeone @gsschwarting What a gracious thing to say, Grazie!! Looks to me like you are exceeding goals with your closet, I’m just a newbie. Your closet has something for everyone and it is quality!! But I do appreciate you taking the time❤️❤️❤️ Happy Monday!!🙂
Jun 24Reply
ritamarbley U are the sweetest!! Thanks so much for always sharing the Posh Love!! 😉😘💕
Jul 02Reply
justgivemeone @ritamarbley Even with a broken shoulder.....😂😂😂
Jul 03Reply
ritamarbley @justgivemeone Wow, so you're the real Super Girl!!! 🦸‍♀️ Hahaha
Jul 03Reply
justgivemeone @ritamarbley Nah. Get this air cast off next Monday, it’s much better. Then a bit of physical therapy and back to flying full throttle!!! Happy Fourth 💥💥💥💥
Jul 03Reply
ritamarbley @justgivemeone Happy 4th to u also!!! 🍻💥
Jul 03Reply
gypsymama84 Hi Pam :) I updated, no bronco yet, that one is coming up.
Jul 08Reply
gypsymama84 I’m going to take the personal photos down. I just posted for a couple posh friends
Jul 08Reply
gypsymama84 Hi, ok I’m guessing you saw, have a great night🌺
Jul 08Reply
justgivemeone @gyspymama84 No one just got home!! I was getting highlights and mani/pedi with a friend
Jul 08Reply
justgivemeone Send the Bronco photo! Pearl wants to see it
Jul 08Reply
gypsymama84 @justgivemeone ok, I’ll get to it soon ;)
Jul 08Reply
k8incorporated Oh my gosh! Thanks for the tumblr post! I don’t have an account but maybe I should make one! Thoughts? 🤔
Jul 09Reply
medical23 Thanks for sharing my closet. It is very much appreciated and so thoughtful of you.
Jul 10Reply
justgivemeone @medical23 You are welcome my friend!! And you as well, I’m still a newbie but it didn’t take long to figure out that we all need to help each other out❤️❤️
Jul 10Reply
medical23 @justgivemeone I certainly will always try and help. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me. I made Poshmark Ambassador back in March, so I try to help as many as possible. #Teamwork
Jul 10Reply
justgivemeone @medical23 Thank you. And see, I started in January of this year and was given the ambassador status I think in April?? I had no clue what that meant!! I asked other Posh sharers😂😂😂 Then offered Affiliate but still don’t understand that, except it seems time-consuming and I’m a flight attendant and own another business at home.
Jul 10Reply
justgivemeone I was clearing out mine, my son’s, my daughter’s and some of mother’s things and my son suggested Poshmark and I wasn’t SURE what IT was😂😂😂 He forewarned tho, ‘mom, it’s like a cancer, you’ll buy more than you ever sell!!’ Hilarious.......
Jul 10Reply
medical23 @justgivemeone As an Ambassador it gives you special perks on Community insight; building your following Customer Base quicker so you can get more sales. It also, alerts new Customers that you are the following: Fast Shipper, Customer Friendly, Received Great Love Notes from Customers, and High Sales. I hope that helped some. I had to learn on my own. lol
Jul 10Reply
moderndaymystic Thank you for the shares! In gratitude- Aimee ✨🌙
Jul 10Reply
justgivemeone @moderndaymystic It’s easy!! I love your stuff❤️❤️❤️
Jul 10Reply
gypsymama84 Hi sweetie, hope you are well! I totally followed your friend, & shared all her stuff... I even liked something of hers.... I got absolutely no share back or response.... ugh!
Jul 15Reply
justgivemeone @gyspymama84 She isn’t a friend, just brand new. I only found her because I was looking for pieces of Sajen jewelry on Posh becoz I have a massive piece to list of my great aunt’s estate, she happened to have one. If you look under her profile you’ll see that another person had welcomed her and advised her to share her listings. Her response was ‘how do I do that???😂😂 Posh has quite a learning curve....
Jul 15Reply
gypsymama84 @justgivemeone Good morning :) Ahhhh, i see.... I’m really bad at this stuff. It’s the only app I have besides my local dispensary 😂, and I figured I the sharing & slot quickly, cause I love clothes & love to share, like you ;). Some other stuff, tagging etc I still don’t know so I just don’t bother....I followed her & I do like one of her pieces.... I’ll keep an eye out & keep sharing, I like helping the new girl..... always have..
Jul 15Reply
justgivemeone @gyspymama84 She’ll catch on and I have no clue how to tag anyone either. That Posh Bible....must be out there somewhere 😎
Jul 15Reply
justgivemeone And someone pointed out a stone to me on a listing of my aunt’s of what it was!! She’s been very helpful with this new piece and it’s funny coz I think she’s a Posh friend of yours!!
Jul 15Reply
gypsymama84 @justgivemeone 😂😂😂 😘🌺
Jul 15Reply
justgivemeone @gyspymama84 It’s moderndaymystic that’s helping me with the Sajen piece. I just dropped it at my jeweler but she had pointed out on my aunt’s pearl earrings what the other stone was
Jul 15Reply
gypsymama84 @justgivemeone moderndaymystic is amazing, she can definitely help with ..... a lot. Good woman! Yes, please lmk when you post, I’d love to see, Love turquoise 💙💙
Jul 15Reply
justgivemeone @gyspymama84 Not turquoise. I’ll list for a second like I did with her so you can see. It’s at my jewelers in original box. I researched the story of Sajen, it’s amazing!! I’ve found nothing that compares to this one however
Jul 15Reply
justgivemeone I may even end up keeping it but I know I’d never wear it. Message me back if you’re on and I’ll send a couple photos ok??
Jul 15Reply
gypsymama84 @justgivemeone Hi, oh my I don’t know if I’ve seen it. I’d love to see! I’m on now, but not sure if you are awake....🌟
Jul 16Reply
gypsymama84 @justgivemeone I’m so so excited🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 I will msg you whenever I’m come on to see if you are on.... I don’t have any alerts do we will have time it.... 🤗😉🤫
Jul 16Reply
justgivemeone @gyspymama84 I just got home. If you’re on I can send it. There are two she is helping me with
Jul 16Reply
littlebithad12 Thanks! I love my place! I love your truck, too! Thsml you for all of the shares!
Jul 16Reply
justgivemeone @littlebithad12 Thank YOU for your shares as well❤️❤️ We have to help each other. And Pearl my truck gets way more compliments and attention than I ever will. She doesn’t come out often but causes a stir😂😂😂
Jul 16Reply
moderndaymystic Came by to say hi! ✨🌙
Jul 18Reply
money4asd Thank you for sharing my items!🤗
Jul 20Reply
justgivemeone @money4asd You as well my friend!! Just helping each other❤️❤️❤️
Jul 20Reply
cherrienc Thank you for sharing my closet! 😀😀😀
Jul 21Reply
justgivemeone @cherrienc You as well my friend!! We all gotta help each other....right?
Jul 21Reply
cherrienc @justgivemeone that’s right. Have a good weekend!
Jul 21Reply
moderndaymystic Came by to say hi, than share your amazing closet! -Hope you’re having an amazing weekend! -Aimee ✨🌙
Jul 21Reply
justgivemeone @moderndaymystic Not as amazing as I’d like!! Brother in his cups, mother angry, family visits....ugh☹️ Anyhow, I have a couple more ‘finds’ of Aunt Pib’s that I find cool. I want to get the sterling cleaned but they’re a necklace and a bracelet. The necklace is howlite?? I think the bracelet may just be glass beads but pretty as can be!!
Jul 21Reply
justgivemeone When I get home from this disastrous gathering, I’ll share your closet and share a photo of each to get the ‘expert’ opinion🙂🙂 Thanks for all the shares my friend ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jul 21Reply
bamamom62 Hi Pam! Thanks bunches for all the shares tonight. Greatly appreciated! Happy Poshing! Kathy
Jul 26Reply
justgivemeone @bamamom62 Back at you!! I have such a strange schedule, I just try and do it when I can and we’re all here to help each other! Love your closet btw❤️❤️
Jul 26Reply
hugsandprayer Thank you so much for all the shares👍🏼
Jul 28Reply
justgivemeone @hugsandprayer Thank you as well!! We are to help each other❤️
Jul 28Reply
hugsandprayer Wow. Thank you!!!!!!!
Jul 29Reply
justgivemeone @hugsandprayer Just keep sharing all the time was the advice I received and I’m a newbie myself.
Jul 29Reply
littlebithad12 Your daughter is cool! She told me your truck is a Bronco! It must be a really early one! Been chasing goats and chickens all day! Thanks for the shares! You're the best!
Jul 29Reply
ladykrc @justgivemeone Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by and Sharing Fabulous items from your closet store for my Followers to Enjoy🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Jul 30Reply
moderndaymystic Oh my word! I’ll never catch up to the shares! Killing me! ✨🌙💜
Aug 01Reply
osakagirl Amazing Closet! I just got lost in it! 💕
Aug 01Reply
osakagirl I’m really curious to know if you can readily find things once they sell since you have so many items! I’m working on a system to keep things organized bc every now and then I panic when I can’t locate something that just sold!
Aug 01Reply
justgivemeone @osakagirl I’m not sure I understand your question...,
Aug 01Reply
osakagirl @justgivemeone Sorry, it’s late here and I probably didn’t word it right...I guess I just marvel at closets like yours with so many items and figure you must have a lot of storage space. I don’t, but doing my best to keep everything organized!
Aug 01Reply
justgivemeone @osakagirl We actually have lots of storage space that we are emptying. Everything I have is from mine, my kids leftovers, my mother’s and my great aunt’s estate. That’s the goal, empty it out. And the garages
Aug 01Reply
osakagirl @justgivemeone Well you’re doing an amazing job and great taste evidently runs in the family! Have a good night...
Aug 01Reply
justgivemeone @osakagirl Thank you and please come back again!!❤️
Aug 01Reply
fribble17 I ❤️ Pearl
Aug 01Reply
justgivemeone @fribble17 She gets way more looks and compliments that I ever will when I take her out!! She’s a gem❤️
Aug 01Reply
lizajane74 Hello, thank you for the shares😊much appreciated.
Aug 01Reply
justgivemeone @lizajane74 You as well!! Just helping each other❤️
Aug 01Reply
jkdesigns Gorgeous closet!
Aug 02Reply
justgivemeone @jkdesigns And thank you, so is yours! Thanks for the shares❤️❤️
Aug 02Reply
tonihallmark Thanks for the shares, you have a beautiful closet worth sharing. More sales to you.
Aug 04Reply
justgivemeone @tonihallmark Why thank you!! Everything is from my family’s closets, we clearly have hoarding issues😂😂😂 And thanks for your shares as well. Happy Sunday ❤️❤️
Aug 04Reply
yolandav57 Amazing closet. Elegance at its best
Aug 04Reply
justgivemeone @yolandav57 Wow!! Thank you for those kind words. I’m still a newbie, just since January of this year. All of my listings are from my various family members closets, clearly we are all hoarders😂😂😂😂 I appreciate that more than you know! Happy Sunday ❤️❤️❤️
Aug 04Reply
moderndaymystic Goodmorning! it’s MOVIN’-Your-Closet- MONDAY!!!!! Gonna share away! Xo Aimee✨🌙
Aug 05Reply
moderndaymystic Morning! How are you! Thank you sooo much and Kelsey for the nice messages! About to catch up on my shares in your closet! ✨🌙Aimee
Aug 06Reply
justgivemeone @moderndaymystic I skipped two days!! I’ll be at this for hours😂😂😂
Aug 06Reply
moderndaymystic Oh man I feel your SHARE pain! Lol see you at midnight ✨🌙💜
Aug 06Reply
janellebunce Thank you much for sharing. Hope you have a wonderful day. All the best!!🌸🌼💕💕🙏🏻
Aug 06Reply
miimii2014 Thank you for sharing my items 🦁🦁🐥🥰🐥🎉🤣🎉😅🐴🐴😅🐴🦁
Aug 06Reply
hugsandprayer .... thank you again....👍🏼😘. So kind👍🏼
Aug 06Reply
justgivemeone @miimii2014 My pleasure! We need to help each other❤️
Aug 06Reply
justgivemeone @hugsandprayer You as well!!! It benefits us both and Happy Tuesday ❤️❤️
Aug 06Reply
moderndaymystic Came by to say hi✨🌙
Aug 08Reply
justgivemeone @moderndaymystic I’m glad you dropped over!! I’m just about to finally get to bed. I’m flying to Charlotte tmrw to see ortho doc! I’ve made amazing progress, yes big round of applause, but not quite ready to return to work. And you should see K in that tank!! It’s funny, she’s always had too much, but TREASURES it!!
Aug 08Reply
justgivemeone We’re all gonna be at the lake house this weekend and I know she’ll wear it every day. It must be smelly by now😂 I’m afraid she will abandon her Posh account, too much effort for her, but that’s ok. She has better things to do❤️
Aug 08Reply
jeanybee925 Thank you so much for all the Shares today! Best of luck with your sales and Happy Poshing!
Aug 10Reply
justgivemeone @jeanybee925 You as well my friend!! Happy Weekend ❤️❤️
Aug 10Reply
osakagirl Grateful as always for the shares! 💕 Had a discouraging weekend here, one measly sale... Hope yours was better! ~Carla
Aug 12Reply
justgivemeone @osakagirl We’ve been at the lake house since Friday. Just got back earlier and I actually sold an LV belt of my son’s but nothing else. It comes and goes, right?? And I appreciate your shares as well, they all count I think❤️❤️❤️
Aug 12Reply
osakagirl @justgivemeone They do! Hope you had a relaxing weekend at your lake house.
Aug 12Reply
justgivemeone @osakagirl It actually belongs to my entire family, my brother keeps horses there. It was our grandfather’s. But it’s so fun, crickets and fire pits and lazy days❤️
Aug 12Reply
thingsandrings Hi Hon, Thank you so much for following me! I will be adding new items daily, so please check out my closet often. All of my items are brand new with or with out tags, unless stated otherwise. See something you like but, don't like the price. Please feel free to make me a reasonable offer. I love to bundle items at a huge discount. I ship all items immediately and via USPS and the tracking number will be provided.
Aug 13Reply
gypsymama84 Hello my PFF! We are missing each other, you are going to wake up soon & I’m catching up 😉 I still would love to see your pieces💗🌺
Aug 18Reply
saltandsand45 Thanks for the shares! 😊💕
Aug 26Reply
justgivemeone @rjones2325 Welcome my friend!! You as well❤️
Aug 26Reply
marylee12345101 Hi Pam! Thank you for all the shares! ❤️❤️❤️You have a great closet!!!
Aug 27Reply
justgivemeone @marylee12345101 Why thank you! We all need to help each other out right?❤️❤️❤️
Aug 27Reply
osakagirl Pam, Thanks! You are just the BEST! I’ll happily return the shares tonight after work! 💕💕
Aug 27Reply
gypsymama84 Hello my beautiful PFF! I’ve missed you! So happy to see you here in the closets! Hope all is well💕🦋 😘💛🌺
Aug 27Reply
gypsymama84 💕💕
Sep 02Reply
gypsymama84 Sorry I haven’t been in touch! Hope you are well!
Sep 02Reply
justgivemeone @gyspymama84 I’ve been way off on my shares!! Keeping up with therapy and renovating a commercial spot for a new tenant. I’m well as far as my shoulder improving, not released to work, but I don’t know how I would fit that in anyway!!😎
Sep 03Reply
stuffdiscount 😜Hope you are having a POSHing day 🎉🎉🎉😘👌🏼👋
Sep 04Reply
k8incorporated Hello you Air Goddess! Thank you so much for the nice review! ❤️ I’m glad you got the bag! (Check the pocket-Left you a note! :)
Sep 05Reply
k8incorporated 😂-I meant *SKY Goddess but AIR works too!
Sep 05Reply
justgivemeone @k8incorporated I got the note!!! I LOVE the card❤️ I just had to run off to PT and was gonna message you later. And btw, we use the same exact tissue paper for funny. Thanks again, adore the bag😎
Sep 05Reply
k8incorporated Thanks for the shares! 🤗 Gonna pull the “big shoes” listing and re-list it with the dimensions. Btw-She commented twice more. If you want a laugh read it before I delete it! She called me a “toothpick”
Sep 08Reply
justgivemeone @k8incorporated I saw it! I cannot figure that person. Usually you can get a picture ya know? But that was just ‘postal’
Sep 08Reply
k8incorporated I think it’s a her-lol. Name is Salena from DC. I guess could be a man but the way she wrote guuuuuurrrrrllll etc and weight bashing and whatnot I just assume. You know when you go to msg someone and put in their @ it shows the name. First and last.
Sep 08Reply
delilahwear Hi Pam, gorgeous closet Thank u for the shares Happily share back 👁🥰
Sep 12Reply
littlebithad12 Thanks for all the shares! Freddie is in goat heaven. He tried to ram my lady parts and that sealed his doom. I figured out he was never neutered. He came from a herd and I guess they missed him. It is mating season for goats, which causes the agressiveness. Little Ricky missed him for a couple of days. I think he is happy Freddy is gone, because he was bullying him. Ricky is was a runt.
Sep 14Reply
justgivemeone @littlebithad12 Well I’d send ANYONE to goat heaven if they rammed my female parts😂😂😂😂 He’s smiling down..... ⛅️ ⛅️⛅️
Sep 14Reply
littlebithad12 @justgivemeone. 😹😹😹! I left him out that night in hopes the cougar would get him. He was sent on his way the next afternoon. My daughter was upset with me when I told her I was making him a dead goat...that was until she saw the huge bruises on my legs. She said, "He has to die!"
Sep 14Reply
littlebithad12 @justgivemeone. Your daughter wrote me that you own an apt building. I already have 2 rental spaces on my property. I have 2 elderly men in their travel trailers. I have a huge storage shed with water and electric, which hopefully I can rent out by Nov. I have to gravel the driveway. I am thinking about buying a small 2 bd room or duplex as an investment property. Is your apt building a big hassle?
Sep 14Reply
justgivemeone @littlebithad12 Oh lord!! It’s 22 units in a college town an hour away. The pros would be 1) I don’t live there 2) it’s a great income and 3) it’s paid for. Now, the cons. I don’t even know where to begin. I’ve had it almost 20 years, meaning I’m older now than when I bought it. The headaches have gotten progressively worse. Your situation is quite different and seems ‘manageable’ with elderly men. Think about 100 testosterone fueled teenaged boys and 100 emotional girls!! Add that up!!!
Sep 14Reply
justgivemeone Plus I’m a flight attendant so I’m out of the country 8-9 days a month. My son lived there during college, he was the worst offender!! Frat brothers blowing up beer in the hallway for example. Frantic girls calling me coz their boyfriends cheating or their car got towed...IM NOT YOUR MOTHERS!!! My son is now 28 and plans to take it over at 30. And PS, I also own a sports bar there. I lease it, not run it
Sep 14Reply
justgivemeone I’d rather pick my tomatoes and lettuce for a BLT and kick the goats!!😂😂❤️
Sep 14Reply
xavibee Thanks so much for all the shares, you have a wonderful closet worth sharing. Hope your sale grow.
Sep 18Reply
breecreativ_ Your closet is great!
Sep 20Reply
justgivemeone @breecreativ_ Why thank you!! It’s actually all just a combination of mine, my son’s, my daughter’s, a bit of my mom’s and my great aunt’s estate. I’m lucky to have a large house:))) Trying to pare down a bit. Happy Friday ❤️❤️
Sep 20Reply
lindlac0918 Hey, thanks you all the shares. It is very much appreciated. Happy sales to you!! You have a beautiful closet and I love your hair tie photo. It is so true. They disappear like pens!! Night.
Sep 29Reply
justgivemeone @lindlac0918 No keeping up with them!!! Happy Saturday! Well now it’s Sunday here on the east coast
Sep 29Reply
hbbk2013 Hi Pam! Nice closet. Love your jewelry. Thanks so much for all the shares.
Oct 08Reply
justgivemeone @hbbk2013 Well you’re welcome and you as well, and the kind words!! Hap Tuesday ❤️
Oct 08Reply
a497530310 Thank you for sharing the posh love! Happy poshing.... Dawn
Oct 10Reply
classylady1111 Your closet is gorgeous!!!🌹🌺🌻🌼🌷
Oct 10Reply
justgivemeone @classylady1111 Wanna trade??? I LOVE yours🙂🙂
Oct 11Reply
justgivemeone You as well my friend!!❤️❤️❤️
Oct 11Reply
classylady1111 @justgivemeone Are you looking to trade the Lexus convertible for my gown???? I love wearing black, my gown is black so if the Lexus is black, how could I say no!!!!😎😁
Oct 11Reply
justgivemeone @classylady1111 🤣🤣That’s funny!!! Neither of those two get driven, they just came out for a bath!!! I bought the Lexus F-sport two years ago, would never part with the Bronco but my son wants the convertible when he finishes school. But for that dress........🤔
Oct 11Reply
classylady1111 @justgivemeone Yes, it is a fabulous dress!!!!!
Oct 11Reply
jkdesigns Thanks for all of the shares! Very kind of you.
Oct 12Reply
beaches611 Love your closet, it’s breathtaking! 🎀
Oct 14Reply
justgivemeone @beaches611 Wow. Thank you!! Everything is either mine, my daughter’s, my son’s, my mother’s or from my great aunt’s estate. We all seriously needed to let go of things! You probably know what I mean, just too much clutter. Thanks for the shares❤️❤️
Oct 14Reply
money4asd Thank you as well...☺️
Oct 14Reply
beaches611 @justgivemeone Unfortunately I do know what you mean. I’m in the process of going through bins of toys and school papers (art etc) that need to go in albums, list or get thrown away. A daunting process.🙄
Oct 14Reply
crewjunkie Pam, you have a lovely closet! Thanks for stopping by mine too! ;)
Oct 14Reply
myprettypearls Beautiful closet! Posh love to you ❤🥂🍾
Oct 15Reply
kellygates58 @justgivemeone thank you for all the Shares 💕💕💓
Oct 24Reply
justgivemeone @kellygates58 You as well my friend!! We all need to help each other out❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oct 24Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Thank you for following my 🚱.  I greatly appreciate it.  I've Followed you back and Shared some of  yours. You have a awesome selection especially when Christmas coming 😁. If you have a chance take a peek at my closet.  I love offering Bargains to all my Poshmark Friends and Family.  Wishing you Abundant Poshmark Prosperity.  Enjoy your Poshmark journey🌻❤🌻❤😁
Oct 24Reply
justgivemeone @makeyoulaugh67 Thank you!! I’ve only been at it 10 months, still haven’t quite cracked the code so to speak😳😳but loving it nonetheless!!!❤️❤️❤️
Oct 24Reply
megan274 Thanks for all the shares! Love your photos
Oct 24Reply
prettyaftr50 Thank you for all the shares, I really appreciate it!!
Oct 24Reply
justgivemeone @prettyaftr50 Well ‘pretty after 50’, you’re welcome and WE ALL ARE❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thanks you you as well and Happy Thursday 😎
Oct 24Reply
zardiva1 Pandy (my kitty) said “😽” to you for *liking* him (😆😆😆).
Oct 24Reply
life4loven Selling the Bronco?
Oct 28Reply
justgivemeone @life4loven Just put her up for the winter and yes, I’m selling her in the spring. I don’t have enough garage space and one of the 4 cars need to go!!
Oct 28Reply
kellygates58 @justgivemeone thank you for all the Shares!!💜💜
Oct 28Reply
justgivemeone @vld123 Like them???? People LOVE them. You were brilliant to use this avenue to generate exposure for your talents!!!!
Nov 03Reply
carolt02 Great closet!
Nov 03Reply
justgivemeone @carolt02 That’s so nice of you but I found yours first🤣🤣🤣 LOVE IT❤️
Nov 04Reply
carolt02 @justgivemeone Lolol! Yes you did! Thanks for the shares. I actually shared directly to some of my friends who are always looking for “different” stuff. I hope they like it as much as I do!
Nov 04Reply
justgivemeone @carolt02 Well thank you then!! Different??? Hmmmm.....I actually like different!! But everything is from all my messed up family’s closet so.....different we ARE😎😎😎😎😎
Nov 04Reply
carolt02 @justgivemeone Different...variety...the spice of life! And your closet is spicy!
Nov 04Reply
kellygates58 @justgivemeone Thank You again for all the Shares 💟💟💟
Nov 04Reply
justgivemeone @kellygates58 You as well!!! We need to help ALL of us here I’ve found....😎😎
Nov 04Reply
kellygates58 @justgivemeone AMEN 🙏🏼💟💟💟
Nov 04Reply
funfinds4you Thanks for all the shares! Love, love, love your closet!!!
Nov 06Reply
justgivemeone @funfinds4you Thank YOU my friend!!!! Love yours as well❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nov 06Reply
justgivemeone @vld123 Why thank you Vince!! I already have my eye on the next one......I’m sure I’ll be very pleased
Nov 07Reply
justgivemeone @vld123 And so you know....we have a lake house that we just closed at the beginning of October. It needs some updating so I ordered new furniture and YOUR artwork is going to be ‘featured’ in the living and dining room!! It’s so fantastic. And as I mentioned, once I determine what else we will need, I will return. Thank you much!!!!!😀
Nov 07Reply
justgivemeone @vld123 Yes our lake house is a little over 2 hours from our home. It actually belongs to my brother and I, it was our grandparents’. My brother keeps his horses there, it’s really just a money pit🤣 but our kids spend the entire summer there. My daughter is in love with the gold jeweled piece you did!!!! I always lean toward trees, they both are smashing❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nov 08Reply
debbreescloset Hi Pam, my name is Debra. Thanks for following me and for the shares. You are appreciated. Have a wonderful weekend 🥰
Nov 08Reply
sparkielane4u Thanks so much for visiting and sharing my closet! 💕👗👜
Nov 08Reply
justgivemeone @sparkielane4u Hi Debra!! You as well.....we all need help with sharing❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nov 08Reply
justgivemeone @sparkielane4u Ooops. Sorry. That was another ‘you’re welcome’. I’m such a ‘newbie’ 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Nov 08Reply
justgivemeone @debbreescloset Hi Debra!! Yes well.....we all need help with sharing!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nov 08Reply
sparkielane4u @justgivemeone No worries. Happy Poshing and have a great weekend! 😊🌷🍹
Nov 08Reply
beaches611 I would have loved visiting your Great Aunt! She had so many treasures. I’m sure she also had wonderful stories to tell. It must be difficult parting with so many personal items. I don’t know if I could do it. I adore antiques! 🎀
Nov 10Reply
justgivemeone @beaches611 My Aunt Pib was the best!! I kept what I feel are the best things of hers, as she wished! Thank you for your comment. She was extremely special ❤️
Nov 10Reply
carolt02 I love the new stuff! Closet rockin’!!!
Nov 11Reply
justgivemeone @carolt02 Why thank you Carol! It has taken over 10 months to get these things listed. It’s never-ending really🤣
Nov 11Reply
carolt02 @justgivemeone tell me about it! You inspired me to post some more things that were sitting in queue. Some I forgot about! I love when that happens, lol! Fab find all over again!
Nov 11Reply
dd_2 hey!!! thanks for all the shares! I thought the Bronco was a stock photo for your profile shot. I just read your profile...and it's your baby!! Nice!! Did you get it modified/rehabed by Icon? or is it an original vintage? Still ❤❤❤ your closet... only I wish I was a dress sz.4 with smaller feet..soo muchhhhh greeeattt stuffff nonetheless!!😎
Nov 12Reply
justgivemeone @dd_2 Pearl is all original. Only modification I’ve done is Bluetooth and USB ports. Roll-down windows, no air conditioning, but heater works perfectly in summer🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for the comment, she gets way more compliments that I ever will!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nov 12Reply
dd_2 @justgivemeone 😁Pearl...suits her. she us beautiful and unique. Roll down windows always work!! I am sure ypu wouls get lots of compliments if we could see you on your page...but we can only see Pearl and her Lexus convertible friend...🚘 Ill send you a link to Icon...they do sime amazing things with vintage vehicles especially making them reliable daily drivers.
Nov 12Reply
Nov 12Reply
justgivemeone @dd_2 Much appreciated but Pearl is my 4th car, she’s moody and likes to sleep a lot. I don’t mind, she will never be a daily driving experience🤣🤣🤣
Nov 12Reply
dd_2 @justgivemeone Pearl is my spirit animal/car...we are twins!!! 🚘👧
Nov 12Reply
justgivemeone @dd_2 I forgive her everything!! And never ask more than to haul some mulch or run to the lake house😎
Nov 12Reply
maidmarian Love the pickup 🙌
Nov 12Reply
justgivemeone @maidmarian Thank you!!!! She’s a beaut❤️❤️❤️
Nov 12Reply
marjangh Thank you so much.
Nov 15Reply
bertads 🍁Hello pam I’m Bertha thanks for the follow 🍁🍁
Nov 15Reply
madblk3 🧡Beloved🧡I am delighted to know you😃My endeavor includes being respectful to all in the Posh community💕🌸sharing🌺caring🌻💐and supporting your efforts😇I will be humbled should you choose to check out my closet🌼it is not a requirement however🎀I only pray for your health wealth and joy💯🛍Happy Poshing💐🌷☘️🧡Be Blessed🧡
Nov 16Reply
liplindy Thanks for following me
Nov 16Reply
justgivemeone @liplindy You as well my friend and Happy Saturday❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nov 16Reply
jocole96 welcome happy poshing, 😃
Nov 17Reply
gypsymama84 Hi beautiful! Sorry if I’ve missed you in my feed.... yikes, I fell behind because of the share games... please always comment me so I can catch you back! I’ve been thinking of you hoping the weather is beautiful for you 🍂🍁🌞🌻🍂🍁
Nov 18Reply
justgivemeone @gyspymama84 Share games? Aimee mentioned that to me. I haven’t done that yet but I’m busy back to work and share game or no, I love scrolling through your closet and sharing it❤️❤️❤️
Nov 18Reply
classylady1111 Thanks for sharing and putting a smile on my face. Hopefully I put one on yours🥰🥰
Nov 22Reply
justgivemeone @classylady1111 But of course!!!❤️❤️❤️Happy Thursday and thank you!
Nov 22Reply
classylady1111 @justgivemeone Happy Thursday!🥰🌹🥰🌷🥰🌹
Nov 22Reply
classydiva55 Love, love, love your classy closet!! ❤
Nov 22Reply
classydiva55 Love, love, love your classy closet!! ❤
Nov 22Reply
justgivemeone @classydiva55 That’s so kind!! Thank you for the comment, I love YOUR closet as well. All those gorgeous UGGs❤️❤️❤️
Nov 22Reply
digitalsandy Welcome to Poshmania! 🎪 Friends will answer your questions❓and cheer👏 you on! Posh is all about sharing your closet and the closet(s) of others. Goto people that have 'liked' 😋someone, (just under Like, Comment, Share & Add... ) Touch the names, one by one. Now they are your contacts! Goto the 'About' page. At the bottom, click on 'Closets.' Touch ea. name in blueⓂ️. Share from their closets! A large number will follow 👣you back. 😀 Pls. ✔️ out MY closet. Saundra, Posh Ambassador.
Nov 23Reply
digitalsandy Thank you for visiting my Closet store, Pam. I really appreciate it. Not only that, but you flatter me, my taste, or both by sharing some things you found there❣ The 'spiel' I printed for you is something I do an awful lot of, but I'm eighty years old and it gives me great joy😍 Sending Posh Love,❣
Nov 23Reply
charliee33 👍🥰🙏😘😁
Nov 23Reply
nwto Would you sell Pearl ? lol Thank you for sharing my Patrica Nash. Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Holidays-))))))))))))))))))))
Nov 24Reply
justgivemeone @artnfireparis Sell Pearl?? Well yea for the right price🤣🤣🤣🤣
Nov 24Reply
nwto I felt same way with my car. My first ever that I bought here in Miami. By myself lol. With my own checklist. It took more than 2 hours by bus to go see it. The dealers were nice and took me back to the bus station. I was so scared to be scammed. I miss my car. I loved it so much. So hard to sell it-)))))))))
Nov 24Reply
craigcantrell Thank you so much for sharing my Closet awesome”Ford Bronco”.
Nov 25Reply
justgivemeone @craigcantrell Yr welcome and yea she’s a cool ride right??
Nov 25Reply
turtlewhisperer Thank you, my dear friend! ; ) I'm going to get the earrings in the mail to you today. Wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving! ; )
Nov 26Reply
carolt02 Happy Holidays, my friend! I’m celebrating today as I will be working Thursday and Friday! Have a great day!
Nov 27Reply
deedon63 Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family as well! Thank YOU for all you shares and lovely comments. Very much appreciated. I am happy to call you my friend. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving day. 🦃🦃🦃😊😊😊
Nov 28Reply
justgivemeone @vld123 I have shared your contact with several Posh friends directly as well. If you have a site where you purchased artwork is shown, I’d be happy to post photos and a review of your work. The 3-piece one has not been hung yet becoz we can’t decide on the perfect spot yet😃😃😃. They are ALL amazing
Nov 28Reply
icebly1956 Thank you, I give you thanks for every share I am enjoying sharing your beautiful closet 👠❤️💄Happy Thanksgiving 🍁🦃🍂
Nov 28Reply
littlebithad12 Happy Thanksgiving! I wish you and yours great happiness! Thank you for your shares, too!
Nov 29Reply
virtualcool Hello💕 Thank you for sharing. Wish you lots of sales. Have a great weekend. Lots of love 💕🧚🏻‍♂️
Nov 30Reply
justgivemeone @vld123 We have snow at the lake but not at home. Your new Silver Threads would be awesome with the Gold one I purchased! You’re amazing!! All of my items are from members of my family, we have too much😕
Dec 05Reply
lenoregarnhum @justgivemeone I always love admiring and sharing your beautiful closet! Happy holidays! 😊
Dec 06Reply
justgivemeone @lenoregarnhum That’s the very nicest thing I’ve heard all this day! Thank you❤️
Dec 06Reply
achepati Thank you for the shares 🤗
Dec 09Reply
sophiesue516 thanks so much for the shares. have a great weekend!!
Dec 14Reply
crewjunkie Love that Ford! ;)
Dec 14Reply
justgivemeone @crewjunkie She loves you right back!! I’ll never receive the compliments Pearl does🤣🤣🤣
Dec 14Reply
grojivxatu Hello, how you doing today. Can you please take a moment to check my Closet. I'm a silversmith and always working on new pieces, also have other designers as well... you can find something that you may like. Sincerely appreciate your interest. Have a great day! Thank you, George.
Dec 14Reply
justgivemeone @vld123 You do realize that it is NOT necessary for you to share my ENTIRE closet?? I mean I thank you for that, but it is too much. You have many followers and admirers, I enjoy sharing your work!
Dec 14Reply
polotown Hi. I just wanted to tell you that I LOVE your closet. I wish I could buy it all, but I'm a bit of a hoarder and need to clear out some of my own stuff. I think I would have adored your aunt. 😀
Dec 16Reply
justgivemeone @polotown Hoarder?? I started this under a year ago in January precisely because my mother accused me of being one!!! I’m really not, I can let go easy. Everything on here is my daughter’s, my son’s, my MOTHER’s, mine too, and my great aunt Pib’s. But she was the bomb diva. My son suggested Poshmark but said ‘Mom, be careful! It’s like a cancer. You’ll buy more than you ever sell’🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Dec 16Reply
polotown @justgivemeone LOL it's true. I keep on 'refreshing' my closet. I've barely made a dent and haven't even started on my mom's stuff. 😂🤣😂
Dec 16Reply
Dec 17Reply
fryemeup Hi Pam thanks for the Shares👍🏻 I shared back and what a gorgeous closet you have 😍🎉
Dec 17Reply
justgivemeone @fryemeup Why thank you for that. I still feel like a newbie, less than a year and the Posh learning curve is quite steep😳
Dec 17Reply
fryemeup @justgivemeone You have accomplished a lot in a year🙌🏻 If you have any questions feel free to ask as I may or may not know the answer😆 💗😉
Dec 17Reply
justgivemeone @fryemeup Every single time I ask a question, I get conflicting answers from the people I ask. So I just wing it. 😎😎😎
Dec 17Reply
fryemeup @justgivemeone Seriously? Thats so bazarre🤔 I guess it depends on the question.
Dec 17Reply
beaches611 Merry Christmas! Try to stay off of the naughty list! 😉🎁🌲❄️
Dec 18Reply
justgivemeone @beaches611 No WAY😎😎😎
Dec 18Reply
justgivemeone @crr1723 No worries and thank you as well!!! Merry Christmas ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Dec 19Reply
checkedskipper Thanks for all your Shares! 🥰 I’ve been looking at all the wonderful things in your Closet & love the Comments about the summer place & horses & little Pearl! 🤪🤪🤪 I love the fact that there are all of these vintage, much-loved items that won’t end up in the trash heap because of those of us who take the time & love to Offer them up to the world! So many treasures that I see from childhood! And even more treasures I’ve NEVER seen! 😘🦋
Dec 21Reply
justgivemeone @checkedskipper Thank you for these kind words❤️ My great aunt’s items are a blast from the past but would never be to the trash, my daughter would slay me!!! We kept a bunch but still like remembering....Merry Christmas and I appreciate every share I receive 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 Pam
Dec 21Reply
05teddy11 Blessings PAM in sharing from my family closet 💜🤟🏻❤️. Merry Christmas 🎄🙏🤟🏻💜❤️🙏🎄
Dec 23Reply
justgivemeone @05teddy11 It’s MY family closet as well!! Thank you and I hope a prosperous 2020 for you❣️❣️
Dec 23Reply
crafteelinda490 Thank you so much for sharing from my closet. I have returned the Posh Love.
Dec 23Reply
justgivemeone @crafteelinda490 Thank you Linda and Merry Christmas!!!❣️❣️❣️
Dec 23Reply
05teddy11 @justgivemeone awesome🎉👏🏻. Posh ❤️💜for your family prospering in 2020 also ❤️🤟🏻💜
Dec 23Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for your follow and shares including your baby. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package. And offers are always welcome, too.
Dec 23Reply
justgivemeone @glassprism70 Thank you!! Best for 2020💥💥💥
Dec 23Reply
rociodelgado311 Thank you so much for the follow and for the shares. Please let me know if there's anything in my closet that catches your eye. We offer super cool deals and we are open to offers!! Happy poshing!🙋🌟✨💥
Dec 23Reply
kellygates58 @justgivemeone Thank You Again for all the Shares!!!💕💕Merry Christmas🙏🏼🎄🎄🎄🌟
Dec 23Reply
bobbett328 Hello🙋‍♀️Thank you so much for stopping by, following my closet/boutique 😊🌺🌸Happy Poshing 🛍🛍Wishing you and your family the Happiest of Holiday’s 😍😍
Dec 25Reply
mariva931 Hi!! Thank you so much for visiting and following my closet and for all the shares 🤗 🤗 Have a Joyful rest of the Christmas Season🌲🤗 and a New Year full of Love and Blessings 💕
Dec 27Reply
justgivemeone @mariva931 Thank YOU!! I’ve been gone for a bit and backed up now. Your closet is easy to share❣️❣️
Dec 28Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for all of your shares. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package. And offers are always welcome, too.
Dec 29Reply
justgivemeone @vld123 You might just be the most thoughtful man ever❣️❣️. No wonder your art is so fabulous 😉
Dec 29Reply
scorpiomvp Hi, I'm Angel ! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day! ∞ Sнoppər|#ShopSmall ∞,#GETMORE for way less ∞ #ShopSmallBiz + ✅ Verified #Google Business Owner #🌍❤️🔑 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ @scorpiomvp ┈┈┈┈╱▔╲▂▂╱▔╲┈┈┈┈ ┈┈┈▕╮╱▔╲╱▔╲╭▏┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱╋▏┊▕┊┊▕╋╲┈┈┈ ┈┈▕╋▕━▅━━▅━▏╋▏┈┈ ┈┈▕╱▔╲▔╭╮▔╱▔╲▏┈┈ ┈┈▕┊┳┊▔╰╯▔┊┳┊▏┈┈ ┈┈┈╲╰━━╯╰━━╯╱┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱▔╭┈┈┈┈╮▔╲┈┈┈ ┈┈ 🛍🛒🎀 👚👡👔👖👕👟🎩👙🧤🧣👒👜🧢👘👢👗👡👠💼👜👛👓🎒🌂🕶👓
Dec 29Reply
justgivemeone @scorpiomvp Thanks Angel. I love your closet, everything is tres chic😉 I spend some time in Miami, your closet reminds me of the reason I love to ‘people watch’ there❣️❣️❣️
Dec 29Reply
scorpiomvp @justgivemeone thank you 🙏🏾 ❤️ Your closets is dope 🔥🔥🔥🔥Happy Holiday’s ! 2020 PROSPERITY POSH FAM
Dec 29Reply
crafteelinda490 Thank you so much for all of the shares. I really appreciate it.
Jan 01Reply
gladyshernan403 Thank you so much for the follow and for the shares. Please let me know it there’s my closet anything that’s catches your eye. I offer super cool deals and I am open to offers 👍. Happy poshing... regards.
Jan 01Reply
echobeast1 🎉🌈💕 Happy New year to you 🐶💘😺
Jan 02Reply
justgivemeone @echobeast1 Thank you my friend!! You’re back from vaca??? Welcome back❣️❣️
Jan 02Reply
echobeast1 @justgivemeone ❤️Not quite. Still working six days a week. Everything in our store is 50% off so it's still really busy.
Jan 02Reply
justgivemeone @vld123 No worries or hurries my friend!! Just feel better. This piece will look great with another of yours. They all look fabulous at the lake house. Everyone compliments them❣️❣️❣️❣️
Jan 03Reply
firstclassfinds Thanks for the shares! Have a great evening! 🛍💖
Jan 03Reply
popcool Thank you for all the shares!!!
Jan 03Reply
glassprism70 Appreciate all of your shares.
Jan 03Reply
justgivemeone @glassprism70 You as well. We just all help each other out right???❣️❣️❣️
Jan 03Reply
juliemartin1 Thankyou for likeing and sharing my closet Wishing you many sales and a very Happy New Year !!!
Jan 03Reply
imashoeluver Great pics 😍 Thank you for sharing my posh closet 😇🥰🤗🥰😇
Jan 03Reply
justgivemeone @juliemartin1 You as well❣️❣️❣️ love your closet!!
Jan 03Reply
justgivemeone @imashoeluver I’m a shoe lover myself, can’t have enough of them!! Thanks for the shares❤️❤️❤️
Jan 03Reply
cathyfrangos such a lovely closet!!! thanks for sharing mine!!!
Jan 03Reply
justgivemeone @cathyfrangos I thank you for the compliment and for the shares as well❣️❣️❣️
Jan 04Reply
cathyfrangos @justgivemeone you two have a lovely closet and thank you so much for all of the shares
Jan 04Reply
deedon63 Hey Pam Happy New Year 🎉🎉🎉🥂🥂🥂🎊🎊🎊Wishing you excellent health, happiness and lotsa Posh sales in 2020!!! Dee
Jan 04Reply
justgivemeone @deedon63 Here’s to all of us, right?????❣️❣️❣️❣️
Jan 04Reply
emilysjoys phenomenal closet🙂🙂🙂🙂
Jan 04Reply
beaches611 Hi!!! Read the instructions at the top in order for her to look at your closet. I think you have to say hi, like & share. I shared the party info plus items from her closet.🎉✨🎉
Jan 06Reply
justgivemeone @beaches611 I’ve never been able to follow instructions 🤣🤣🤣
Jan 06Reply
beaches611 @justgivemeone 🙄 I’m looking out for ya❣️🤣
Jan 06Reply
justgivemeone @beaches611 Appreciate you😉
Jan 06Reply
sedillo0112 I purchased Elizabeth Arden Lipstick in Pretty Pink last week, have you sent this item?
Jan 07Reply
justgivemeone @sedillo0112 Yes. It was whipped on Monday. You should be able to track it. Here’s hoping you love it!!
Jan 08Reply
nwto Hey you I thought you`d get the case more than the fennels lol Just saw your order. I`m going to package it and bring it to USPS this afternoon. They`re usually fast. SO you`ll get them by Friday. I`ll confirm the shipment later tonight when I do my second round of sharing-))))))))))))))
Jan 08Reply
justgivemeone @artnfireparis You’re so kind!! My mother bought her a case. I ended up buying her Coach bag charms, she’s a fanatic about Coach. I kept sharing your funnels and thought, gee, I need those🤣🤣🤣🤣
Jan 08Reply
beaches611 I ❤️ browsing through your closet! 🌸
Jan 09Reply
nwto @justgivemeone I never thought I would actually sell them lol. I do hope you`ll like them. They are on their way-)))))))))) Now time to work lol
Jan 09Reply
nwto You like them ? lol I`m just answering a few messages. Didn`t have time to check the tracking. Didn`t start to share yet. BUT THANK YOU-)))))))))))
Jan 10Reply
justgivemeone @artnfireparis Of course!! Thanks for expediting shipment. My mother wanted one of them, they’re quite useful. Thanks again❣️💥💥
Jan 10Reply
nwto All my friends wanted one too lol MERCI-)))))))))))))
Jan 10Reply
crafteelinda490 Thanks so much for all of the shares from my .closet. I have visited yours again and shared your Posh Love. I have lots more to add so please visit again.
Jan 11Reply
justgivemeone @crafteelinda490 I certainly will visit again!! I thank you for dropping over❣️❣️❣️
Jan 11Reply
pm_r My name is Pam as well I like a lot of your listings unfortunately I am unable to buy anything until February but trust me I will definitely be in your closet purchasing I love your taste and can't wait to shop here! Pam
Jan 14Reply
lakedwellerhb Hi Pam, thank you for following us! Good looking Bronco & Lexus & horse's!🐎👍 We are Jimbo & G.🤠🐗🙋 I hope you have many sales & find tons of bargains!💰📈 Happy Posh'ing & we hope you have a prosperous 2020! Be kind & have a blessed day! 🙏✝️🕉️☮️💞
Jan 17Reply
osakagirl Hi Pam, A couple days after I gave you the measurements for the sweatshirt it SOLD in the Mens listings! I messaged you in the Women’s listing to let you but I don’t know if you saw it before I deleted it. So I just wanted to make sure you knew. I hope it had turned out to be too big/small for your daughter!
Jan 19Reply
justgivemeone @osakagirl Yes I did see that you sold it. It went to a good home then, I should have bought it for her. My son would’ve gotten a kick out of that!!! He disliked badminton SO MUCH🤣🤣🤣 Thank you
Jan 19Reply
darlhouse Hi Pam, just wanted to tell you what a beautiful closet you have, great unique pieces!! Best wishes and safe travels to you!! -kind regards Darlene
Jan 20Reply
justgivemeone @darlhouse Why thank you Darlene! It’s a lot to manage with flying and I have another business at home as well. But I love the Posh gig and I appreciate your kind words❣️❣️
Jan 20Reply
beclassybebold I Thank you VERY much for generously sharing my closet!!! It is very kind of you! I am pleased to share your beautiful things as well!!! I wish you hot sales, my Poshfriend!!😃♥️
Jan 22Reply
justgivemeone @beclassybebold Thank YOU❣️❣️ ...... and hot sales would be nice, you’re funny!!!
Jan 22Reply
beaches611 Your Key ...I thought it was cuffs! 🤣 I was going to leave you a sarcastic comment! 😆
Jan 27Reply
beaches611 Guess what? I tried to type the second part of the key word & PM told me no profanity! I couldn’t type the word! 😂
Jan 27Reply
justgivemeone @beaches611 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Jan 27Reply
justgivemeone @beaches611 I wrote that in the description and I’ve had.a couple people say the same thing about it!
Jan 27Reply
ljadec1973 Superb closet! Awesome pictures! Interesting career! Will shop soon! Welcome.
Jan 28Reply
justgivemeone @ljadec1973 Why thank you! Drop over anytime❣️❣️
Jan 28Reply
ljadec1973 of course, you're welcome.
Jan 28Reply
justgivemeone @vld123 GO SAN FRANCISCO!!! I always loved the moon one. All of your art is amazing to me❣️❣️❣️
Jan 29Reply
money4asd I was just thinking about you ..🤗
Jan 30Reply
beaches611 😂😂😂Ahhhh! The odds of coming across that! 🤣🤣🤣😂
Jan 30Reply
justgivemeone @money4asd I hope nice thoughts .....❣️❣️
Jan 30Reply
justgivemeone @beaches611 Slim and none my friend 😉
Jan 30Reply
crafteelinda490 Thanks for all of the shares.
Jan 31Reply
justgivemeone @crafteelinda490 And thanks to you as well❣️❣️
Jan 31Reply
carolt02 Yay! I am so glad you like the robe!!!👊🏽💕👍🏽
Feb 01Reply
justgivemeone @carolt02 The repair is of no concern to me, it’s lovely!!! My mother the empress would notice🤣🤣🤣 I’m very happy to keep it and snuggle in it on a Netflix night. Beautiful color and so soft❣️❣️❣️
Feb 01Reply
carolt02 @justgivemeone Your mom must be quite the lady! Lol!
Feb 01Reply
augustbellhome From Pam to Pam You have an AMAZING CLOSET!!! So enjoyed perusing and SHARING. I feel a story behind so many of Your Lovely 🌹pieces. Wishing You many sales. Beautiful Day. ❤️🙏😊🌈
Feb 02Reply
justgivemeone @augustbellhome Why thank you Pam❣️❣️❣️ Happy Sunday to you and I’m glad you dropped over for a minute. I invite you to return anytime ... 🙂
Feb 02Reply
maedecember Thanks for the follow @justgivemeone ! I look forward to Poshing with you!
Feb 05Reply
justgivemeone @maedecember Thank you!! I do as well
Feb 05Reply
ksicola Hi! Feel free to check out my closet! I have clothes listed from Victoria’s Secret PINK, American Eagle, H & M, Forever 21, Torrid, Under Armour and more! Happy shopping!!💓
Feb 07Reply
pamwali Thanks for the Shares 🌸totally appreciated!!! My motto is Sharing is Caring!!! Let’s continue to help each other WIN!!! 😃
Feb 07Reply
justgivemeone @pamwali That’s MY motto too Miss Pam, so we have that in common as well as our name 😉
Feb 07Reply
debcolby Hi Pam! That's for the follow! I really appreciate you stopping by to check out my closet! Debbie
Feb 08Reply
glassprism70 Thank you ever so much for you kind sharing. Your help is appreciated. It seems like I make about ten cents an hour.
Feb 09Reply
justgivemeone @glassprism70 🤣🤣🤣Stellar!!! That’s double my nickel 😉
Feb 09Reply
glassprism70 @justgivemeone. Holy cow. Thought I was the only one. You have quality items with value. And there is a lot of competition out there. Who is earning so much money here, they can buy cars, weddings, total income ?
Feb 09Reply
justgivemeone @glassprism70 It’s a myth created and perpetuated by marketing. It’s no secret who’s really cleaning up on all the sales😉 That’s my take after only one year anyhow
Feb 09Reply
glassprism70 @justgivemeone. Agree. The most all major feed people are probably them with algorithms preset. No one is just adding items individually all day.
Feb 09Reply
justgivemeone @glassprism70 I don’t even know what an algorithm is🤣🤣🤣
Feb 09Reply
davefratt I love your Bronco!!! I built that model when I was a kid.
Feb 12Reply
justgivemeone @davefratt Yep. She’s a beaut!! Thank you❣️❣️❣️
Feb 12Reply
letitiaflower Great bio!
Feb 13Reply
msrosered Hello, my name is Kaylene. Your closet is fabulous!
Feb 13Reply
hondoh Love the Bronco!
Feb 13Reply
justgivemeone @msrosered Why thank you for stopping by❣️
Feb 13Reply
justgivemeone @hondoh Yea, she gets more compliments that I ever will🤣🤣
Feb 13Reply
polka5dots Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
Feb 14Reply
beaches611 🎉🎈🎉Congrats on your pick as Pink Lady! 🎉🎈🎉🥂
Feb 14Reply
justgivemeone @beaches611 Thank you❣️❣️❣️❣️
Feb 14Reply
littlebithad12 Hi! Sorry I've not gotten back to you. In Oct my daughter in ICU for awhile.. She has Kidney disease and I almost lost her. She's great now! I do have a new renter. He dragged in a 40ft trailer in in Dec. He had been coming since last Feb. He sucks more pwr than the rest of us, combined. I spent 1k getting rid of rats and he brought more. I caught him piling his trash in the back of his 🚚. I'm so tempted to 86 him, but right now I'm helping my daughter get on her feet.
Feb 15Reply
justgivemeone @littlebithad12 Being a landlord is the hardest job in the world!!! I’m happy to hear that your daughter is fine tho, that’s most important.
Feb 15Reply
littlebithad12 I was the only one who knew she'd pull out of it. She was flat lined when they got her to the ER. She died twice in ICU. At one point she had 12 IV's, was on an artificial kidney machine, and a respirator. Some nurse tried to talk me into pulling the plug. I gave her a look which made her scuttle out of the room and never come back. I know my little girl. She simply refused to die. Old men are as bad as little kids. I even have one who tattles😹😹!!!
Feb 15Reply
carolt02 Happy Saturday, Doll! I hope you have had a chance to cozy up in your robe!
Feb 16Reply
justgivemeone @carolt02 I love it so much!! After every shower and in the evenings, you’d find me in it!! So soft. Thank you❣️❣️❣️
Feb 16Reply
gypsymama84 @justgivemeone Hi beautiful! I just randomly saw you in the feed! I never even look in the feed😂..... So this is a sign that I must say Hello! Hi beautiful I hope you are well and 2020 is off to a fabulous start to you ✨🌸✨
Feb 19Reply
jeansguru Hi Pam. Your closet is unbelievable. You inspire me.💃Thank you for all the shares.😘
Feb 19Reply
mklover87 Thanks for the shares today Pam!! ❤️
Feb 19Reply
justgivemeone @jeansguru It’s so easy to share your closet❣️❣️❣️
Feb 19Reply
justgivemeone @gyspymama84 Long time, no chat!! Hello my friend❣️❣️❣️ I have never used the feed button, not sure what is its function ..... but I’m happy to hear from you and extremely jealous! We east coast people happen to be suffering the cold while you live in Paradise🙂 Happy 2020 (belatedly) to you and I hope this finds you and your daughter well and peaceful❣️
Feb 19Reply
jeansguru @justgivemeone Thank you!♥️
Feb 20Reply
menger325 Love your closet! ❤️❤️❤️
Feb 20Reply
justgivemeone @menger325 Thanks for stopping over❣️❣️❣️
Feb 20Reply
justgivemeone @charactercounts Welcome my friend❣️ I love the name by the way ....
Feb 22Reply
classylady1111 Just catching up on my pink lady shares!! Happy poshing!!! 🌸🌹🌺🌷💐
Feb 22Reply
jinxy231 Thank you for sharing my items. Have a wonderful day 😊
Feb 23Reply
justgivemeone @jinxy231 You as well my friend ❣️❣️❣️
Feb 23Reply
glassprism70 Thank you again for all,of your shares. It is tough out there. Would be nice if PoshMark would run some buyer instead of seller ads.
Feb 23Reply
megansears577 Thank you for shares!! 😊 I sure do appreciate it !
Feb 24Reply
justgivemeone @glassprism70 Right???🤷‍♂️
Feb 24Reply
mypinkboutique2 Hi Pam, beautiful photos of your travels, and you have a beautiful closet. love your items. im still a newbie and learning as I go. happy poshing and lots of luck to you♥️🌸🌷🌼👗
Feb 24Reply
justgivemeone @mypinkboutique2 I’m a newbie as well, just over one year now. But I’ve learned enough to be dangerous so if you have questions, ask me. If I don’t know, I can point you to someone who does. And thanks for the compliment❣️❣️❣️
Feb 24Reply
tashiana56 @justgivemeone I’m a traveler too! I’m loving your collection of unique items. I couldn’t resist to share yours... Thanks for sharing mine. I plan to visit yours often! 🥰
Feb 25Reply
justgivemeone @tashiana56 Why thank you. It’s always best being HOME tho right❣️❣️❣️
Feb 25Reply
chloescloset07 Hi Pam, thanks so very much for all of your shares and posh love. 💗💕 I greatly appreciate it. 🥰❤ Your closet is awesome, so easy to share. 👚👜👗👠 Wishing you many more sales this new year and of course some purchases too. 🛍👛🛍 I hope you're having a Terrific Tuesday ~ Barb 😊💜💛
Feb 25Reply
clothingsale4u thank you for the follow ♥️ appreciated it 😀. have a blessed 🌻 day 🌞
Feb 26Reply
justgivemeone @clothingsale4u And you as well my friend❣️❣️❣️
Feb 26Reply
justgivemeone @chloescloset07 Thank you Barb, we all have to help each other here❣️❣️❣️
Feb 26Reply
gladyshernan403 Thank you so much for the follow and for the shares. Please let me know it there’s my closet anything that’s catches your eye. I offer super cool deals and I am open to offers 👍. Happy poshing... regards.
Feb 26Reply
chloescloset07 @justgivemeone Yes, we do.😊💜💛
Feb 26Reply
beckymadore thank you for the shares...💕👍🤗😁
Feb 28Reply
beckymadore thank you for the shares...💕👍🤗😁
Feb 28Reply
2turnheads Thank you for setting such a sterling example of EXCELLENCE in your closet! So appreciate what you bring to this platform. Much continued success in your closet. YOU ARE A BOSS! Robbie
Feb 28Reply
justgivemeone @2turnheads Why thank you! And I can say the same of YOUR closet. Wow❣️❣️❣️ And thank you for dropping over, Happy Friday ....🙂
Feb 28Reply
2turnheads Thank you. I work hard but I am disabled on oxygen support 24/7 for 8 years so sourcing is a real challenge but I LOVE IT and my closet pays for medicine and medical to live. Right now busy trying to find N95 or N99 masks and there has been a run on them and all SOLD OUT EVERYWHERE! I REALLY NEED because of underlying issues. Oh, and the PRICE GAUGING IS UNBELIEVABLE!!! Stay safe. Robbie
Feb 28Reply
merlekb @justgivemelove You've got a lovely closet. Thanks for stopping by my closet. Would love for you to share. I'll share yours.
Feb 28Reply
justgivemeone @merlekb Thank you and Happy Friday ❣️❣️❣️
Feb 28Reply
justgivemeone @2turnheads Oh no I’m sorry to hear that! When people WANT things, prices go up and down. When an item is NEEDED, it just remains high (and fixed)
Feb 28Reply
tmbratton22 Hi! You have a stunning closet!! Thanks for the shares!! Happy Poshing!! Tanya 🙏🏻💜🦋
Feb 29Reply
justgivemeone @tmbratton22 Thank you as well and Happy Saturday ❣️❣️❣️❣️
Feb 29Reply
justgivemeone @tncountryfeller Why thank you Tennessee!!
Mar 01Reply
wishlist2u Thanks for sharing 😊🌹
Mar 02Reply
juliemartin1 Thankyou so much. Your closet is fabulous
Mar 03Reply
fralees Hi Pam, I love, love, love your Bronco! I am a Jeep girl not my 2nd choice and dream car is an old Bronco. Thanks for sharing my closet. You have an amazing closet as well. Save travels and enjoy that Bronco.
Mar 04Reply
justgivemeone @fralees She’s a beaut❣️❣️. Thank you for the kind words and all those shares. Happy Wednesday ❤️
Mar 04Reply
jeanybee925 Just a quick note to say what a fabulous closet you have! So fun to browse and I've Liked a few items that really caught my eye! I'm waiting for some sales to close so I can do some shopping for myself. Happy Poshing and best wishes to you!
Mar 05Reply
justgivemeone @jeanybee925 Thank you so much❣️. Drop by anytime
Mar 05Reply
justgivemeone @mysuzis You are welcome my friend❣️❣️. Your closet is easy to share🙂
Mar 06Reply
vanburendavid17 I have one to give
Mar 09Reply
vanburendavid17 Nothing just kidding around
Mar 09Reply
vanburendavid17 I guess it wasn't as funny as I thought at the time
Mar 09Reply
princessinbloom Hi Pam!💗 I want to thank you so much for the super sweet love note you left regarding the Paige jean shorts!😍 I'm thrilled you like them! Appreciate all the shares and wishing you bountiful Posh sales!🛍💐
Mar 09Reply
justgivemeone @princessinbloom It was much deserved! What a steal and I appreciate the shares as well❣️❣️❣️
Mar 09Reply
princessrainbow Hi, I am happy you were totally satisfied with your purchase! Shop my closet for more great deals. Have a super evening. Kimberly
Mar 10Reply
lynnaxel Hi ! Not sure if I ever thanked you for all the shares ? Either way THANK YOU !! 😘😘
Mar 12Reply
carolt02 Hi Pam! Thanks as usual for the shares! Hope you and your family are doing as well as can be during these crazy times! Safe safe and God bless!
Mar 14Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for your kind words. The measurements are on the silk top page.
Mar 15Reply
justgivemeone @vld123 Thank you Vince. I have family in Italy, so we’ve been worried for months! I’m not flying, I took a 6-month leave and staying close to home. I hope your family remains safe and healthy as well during these unknown times❤️❤️❤️
Mar 19Reply
gypsymama84 Hi my friend, how are you? Checking in to see that you are staying safe & healthy & that of course you are staying in! 🌟🌟🌟
Mar 27Reply
justgivemeone @gyspymama84 I just got back from a short vaca to the lake house, not working in this mess. I took a leave at the end of February thru the first of July. I hope you and your daughter are safe and healthy❣️❣️❣️
Mar 27Reply
gypsymama84 @justgivemeone So happy to hear that you are laying low! Me & kids have been pretty quarantined since I first heard. There were just SO many tourists here that locals take it very seriously! We must protect! Thank Goodness many are gone now! Some 🤬 still flying in. So insanely disrespectful! So we are going a bit 🤪🤨 at home but I’m lucky to be in a lot of nature.... The lake house sounds great💙
Mar 27Reply
littlebithad12 Are y'all Okay?
Mar 29Reply
justgivemeone @littlebithad12 We’re all safe and healthy! I’m not flying, I took a leave until it’s safe to do so. How’s your family??
Mar 29Reply
littlebithad12 @justgivemeone. My family and I are just fine. My 3 geezer renters are too. I worry about the 80 yr old who is in poor health and won't accept the seriousness of the virus. He keeps going to town. I can't make him stay on the property. I go to the post office, gas station, and the bank. My youngest works at a care home. We are both worried about it getting there. She does have kidney disease. My oldest has a successful cleaning business she's had to put on hold, but her husband is working.
Mar 29Reply
allyrio So far yes we are all healthy. I hope the same for you and your family too🌷😊
Mar 30Reply
carolt02 Her there, my friend! Hope all is well with you and your family! Just checking in!❤️💕❤️💕❤️
Mar 31Reply
justgivemeone @carolt02 We’re all fine, took a short break to the lake house. I’m definitely not flying in this mess!!! I hope you’re safe and healthy and stay that way❣️❣️❣️
Mar 31Reply
carolt02 @justgivemeone Yeah, so far so good. Glad you all are fine! Just trying to keep up with my posh closet in my free time and other projects! I miss shopping for stuff!
Mar 31Reply
justgivemeone @carolt02 Oh yeah! You can’t do your Vintage shopping hobby .... another way in which everyone is suffering, be it small. It’s difficult now all around
Mar 31Reply
carolt02 @justgivemeone Well one good thing is that I have tons of inventory! I just need to start to process it.
Mar 31Reply
carolt02 On the bright side...I just found out my cleaners is still open so I can take some inventory in and get it ready to post! Yippee!!!
Apr 01Reply
justgivemeone @vld123 No normal over here, but can’t complain, we’re all safe and healthy. Painting now is what you SHOULD be doing!! It’s its own therapy❤️
Apr 01Reply
jkdesigns Thank you so much for sharing my jewelry. I appreciate you.
Apr 01Reply
nananellasrooms Thank you Pam for visiting and sharing my closet. So much appreciated! I’m fairly new and am still putting things up. Come back again soon and see if there’s anything you might like. Till then, happy sales sand happy Poshing 🙏🤗
Apr 02Reply
justgivemeone @nanazl327 Thank you Zoraida, I’m still a newbie, just a year. You have a lovely closet with interesting and unique items❣️❣️❣️
Apr 02Reply
legs9160 Thank You For The Shares 🥰😷
Apr 08Reply
justgivemeone @legs9160 You as well my friend. Stay safe and healthy ❣️❣️❣️
Apr 09Reply
frankiemom @justgivemeone Total truck envy😂😂Hello! Thank you for sharing! Happy Poshing!🐚🌺
Apr 09Reply
justgivemeone @frankiemom Pearl thanks you for the compliment🙂 And I thank you for the shares. Stay healthy ❣️❣️
Apr 09Reply
wiguinn Love 💕 love 💕 your truck 😊 if you ever sell let me know 👍🏻. Thanks 🙏🏻 for sharing.
Apr 10Reply
justgivemeone @wiguinn Thank you! She rarely goes out and about but everyone says that. Thanks for the shares btw and stay safe and healthy ❣️❣️❣️
Apr 10Reply
mamaw5172 Thank you for visiting my closet and sharing my fantastic finds 🛍🤟🏼🌸🌹
Apr 11Reply
justgivemeone @vld123 Hi Vince. I wish the exact same for you and your family. Also .... don’t eat too much 🙂🙂🙂
Apr 12Reply
echobeast1 🐇💐Hope that you had a great Easter! 🐥🌷🌻
Apr 13Reply
justgivemeone @echobeast1 It was strange to say the least ....You as well my friend ❣️❣️
Apr 13Reply
j_steffen Such a gorgeous closet!!!!
Apr 14Reply
justgivemeone @j_steffen Why thank you for your kind words❣️❣️
Apr 15Reply
j_steffen You're very welcome!!!!!!
Apr 15Reply
addysboutique Hi,my friend,I'm trying to stay healthy,just staying indoors alot more except to go out for yard work and pick up groceries. I hope you're staying safe and healthy as well.🙏🤗🥰
Apr 18Reply
lillievonstoop1 💞💞Thank you for the follow💞💞
Apr 20Reply
mayra_posh Thanks a bunch for sharing my closet 💕
Apr 20Reply
glassprism70 Your baby is just so adorable. Hope you are doing well and staying as busy as you would like. Please take care ! And thank you.
Apr 23Reply
kellygates58 @justgivemeone thank you for all the Shares!!💞💞💞💞Stay Safe!!!
Apr 24Reply
laflygirl Hey there! Thanks for all the shares!!!! Wanted to introduce my friend @thatluckybuy . Let’s show her some Posh luv. She is crew as well 😍 @monicairish
Apr 25Reply
justgivemeone @laflygirl Another stew in the family❣️❣️❣️
Apr 25Reply
justgivemeone @vld123 Thank you Vince. I was flying during 9/11 as well, stuck in Alaska for 10 days. I’m not flying now, I took a 12-month leave if I didn’t tell you. Just like 9/11, best to just stay home! Unlike 9/11, which was an INSTANT shock to grab undivided attention, this just lingers being underestimated. Stay well❣️❣️
Apr 25Reply
laflygirl And let me just tell you- I’m drooling over pearl! My dream!
Apr 25Reply
justgivemeone @laflygirl My friend, EVERYONE drools over Pearl, including me, she’s a Babe. Top comes off, no a/c and roll-down windows. What else ya want???😉
Apr 25Reply
robynridge Your closet is lovely! I love the sequin top! I shared a bunch of your beautiful items. Please Stay, Happy, Health and Safe. ~Take Care, Robyn
Apr 26Reply
rociodelgado311 Thank you so much for the follow and for the shares. Please let me know if there's anything in my closet that catches your eye. We offer super cool deals and we are open to offers!! Happy poshing!🙋🌟💥✨
Apr 30Reply
justgivemeone @vld123 We go back and forth to the lake. In fact, we got a new puppy and I posted a new photo of him there not realizing that a portion of one of your paintings is in the photo❣️❣️❣️ We’re all stir crazy .....
Apr 30Reply
treasuredsoul Thank you for your very generous sharing!💞
Apr 30Reply
brokegrandmom Thanks for all your shares! have a great weekend! Stay safe and well!
May 02Reply
chicnation @justgivemeone hope your having a good evening, chicka👋😀! From Chic Nation Boutique
May 04Reply
ltwyman1 Nice closet 💕
May 05Reply
justgivemeone @ltwyman1 Why thank you❣️❣️ Drop by anytime
May 05Reply
ednal1954 @justgivemeone Hi thanks for shopping my closet l will have the post office pick up tomorrow. Take care!
May 06Reply
justgivemeone @ednal1954 Thank you!! My mother will LOVE these❣️❣️
May 06Reply
dexters_duds Your closet gives me MAJOR incentive to lose my last 10 lbs! How do I “bookmark” you?
May 06Reply
justgivemeone @dexters_duds Why thank you❣️❣️. Just like this page, it will come up under your ‘Likes’
May 06Reply
jeansguru You are one amazing lady.💃🎉 It is such a pleasure to share your closet. I try to share it everyday because, it's so very therapeutic seeing your beautiful items. Have an awesome weekend my friend! ♥️😘
May 09Reply
dtailzresailz Thank you so much for the ❤!
May 09Reply
gypsymama84 Hi beauty hope you are well! I’m selling my black beauty, wondering if you know of anyone lookin for 1....? I’ll shoot you some photos in a listing. I had an an interested party calm this morning from SD county... isn’t that where your from?
May 19Reply
gypsymama84 Check out my listing for it, the inside iS IMMACULATE
May 19Reply
gypsymama84 Miss you😘😘😘
May 19Reply
justgivemeone @gyspymama84 You’re selling your Bronco??? I didn’t see a listing for it but that will be a hard parting I bet!! I’d never sell Pearl, my kids both expect to inherit😉 I’d sure love to see your photos and I belong to a couple Bronco clubs, I might know someone. I’ve had cars shipped before (including Pearl) but not from Hawaii. I bet that’s significant
May 19Reply
gypsymama84 @justgivemeone I tagged you, pearls a bit different, she’s super sweet, mine is a lot of truck & I’m 5’1 😄. Plus I’m moving & don’t know if I want to build a whole separate garage. She needs tho be driven & loved 🖤🖤🖤
May 19Reply
justgivemeone @gyspymama84 Shoot!! I don’t know how I missed it. I’m a Bronco lover. Maybe try again?
May 19Reply
superblessed131 beautiful dog horse and cow !! how neat!!! Love the animals! happy poshing!!!!😊😊😊😊
May 22Reply
justgivemeone @superblessed131 We all love our animals don’t we??❤️❤️❤️
May 22Reply
_caitscloset_ Hi! Thank you for the follow. I am having a name your price sale so feel free to send me an offer on anything that you like from my closet and I will accept any offer that you send. Have a great day.
May 26Reply
pearshapeposh Thanks for the shares! You have a great mix of items in yours, I enjoyed shop/sharing it! I also love that old Bronco! 🥰
May 30Reply
lorriegranthawk Beautiful closet! 💜😇
Jun 03Reply
gladthis Stunning closet.
Jun 06Reply
celtic0088 Hey Girl!!!! @justgivemeone 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 You are on fire girl and are featured in today’s HEY GIRL game! Wishing you many new followers and lots of sales! Go to @celtic0088 and TAG YOUR FRIENDS!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Jun 09Reply

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