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Updated May 07
Updated May 07

Meet your Posher, Pamela

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Hi! I'm Pamela. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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tris1957 Im sorry, i didnt reprice up after cyber week, you wont find this bracelet on ebay, here, or etsy for less than 100.00
Dec 11Reply
airmocha @tris1957 Hey, thanks for getting back so quickly, my concern is it looks pretty tarnished/stained around the clasp especially. Is that permanent or could it be cleaned? Thanks
Dec 11Reply
tris1957 @airmocha hi, yes it absolutly can be polished, the beads are harder to do myself, any jewler can make them look new, snd i try to shine up befor i say farewell, lol, to them...
Dec 11Reply
tris1957 Ps...they are 925 silver, and pretty substancial weight, i kept 1 for myself, these were to be for daughters, but then we got hit by hurricane harvey, still trying to get out of debt,!
Dec 11Reply
tris1957 Will polish it up n mail out in am!...u will love it!
Dec 11Reply
airmocha @tris1957 Thank you so much! Can’t wait to get it:-)
Dec 11Reply
tris1957 @airmocha youll have to accept and write me when you get it!!!
Dec 11Reply
tris1957 Hey girl, yor silpada bracelets out for delivery, CAN U PLEASE GO INTO POSH, N ACCEPT AND RATE, otherwise posh holds up my paymet FOR 3 WHOLE DAYS! normally this is not a priblem, but we have a sic frenchie who needs a mri,! So please accept in posh!
Dec 15Reply
traceybrown2121 Thank you for your purchase, it will go out in the morning 😊
May 12Reply
tattedj hi... I just saw your comment on your bathing suit review... I must have hit blue by mistake instead of black but the bathing suit is clearly black in all of the pictures under my listing.. I wish you had contacted me directly. thank you and stay blessed.
Jun 29Reply
airmocha @tattedj I thought I had? I’m sorry, still learning this app
Jun 29Reply
tattedj @airmocha I completely understand... if you are ever disappointed... you can always reach out to the seller or posh support directly to file a claim about your purchase... I stand by all of my items...
Jun 29Reply
bettysweet Hi, there! Thank you so much for purchasing the Soft Surroundings wrap. I plan to ship it to you on Friday this week. I hope that’s okay with you! Enjoy!
Aug 04Reply
joypeacebliss Hello! You purchased 2 cardigans from me today. Because they are 2 separate purchases, you’ve been charged for shipping twice. This order can be combined into one purchase and save you the double shipping. To do this we would need to cancel the orders, I would need to re-list the items, and you would need to add them to your shopping bag and purchase together. Would you like to do this?
Nov 06Reply
joypeacebliss I am reaching out again to alert you to something else about the cardigans. I made a mistake in my listing and the black one is a small, not a medium. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Please tell me how you would like me to handle this. Do you want just the tan one? Both even though the tan is a medium and the black is a small?
Nov 06Reply
airmocha @joypeacebliss I’m sorry, just saw this! Yes, I will still take both, and if we can combine shipping that would be great thank you. Just advise how to proceed.
Nov 07Reply
jenny4mtheburbs @airmocha Hi, I’m Jenny! I invite you to check out my closet! I might have some pieces that catch your eye. I’m open to reasonable offers. :) Thanks for your time. Have a great day! 🌺
Dec 08Reply
thedazzlingdiva Hi Pamela! 🙋‍♀️ I have a 💥BIG SALE 💥going in this weekend (ends Monday 1-31-22) and I would like to invite you to take a look. 50% off all skirts, 30% off tops and 20% off pants.🙀 Brands like TALBOTS, J. CREW, WHBM, Loft and more. 👖👚Bundle and send an offer or 'like' items and I will send for you. Good for bundles of 2 or more items up to 5 lbs. Hurry sale ends soon! 🏃‍♀️ ~ Patti
Jan 30Reply
replayresale Hi Pamela! Thank you again for your purchase of the Soft Surroundings top. Your business is greatly appreciated and I hope you shop with me again soon!
Mar 10Reply
like_buy_repeat Hi there! I hope you will visit my closet for quality products and excellent service! I’m so proud to be a gold Star ambassador recognized by Poshmark! Happy Poshing 😊
Apr 11Reply
lavars912 Hello and Thank You for your recent purchase. Your item has been shipped and should arrive to you shortly. Have a good evening and Thank You for Supporting my Small Business.
May 07Reply
imrescued Thank you so much for your purchase! I'll get out tomorrow for you 🌺
May 07Reply
skippyjj Thanks so much for your order! The Chico’s top shipped out this morning and is tracking now. I hope it’s just what you wanted and you love it 😃
Jun 13Reply
fran205340 You told ME to cancel the order for the red dress. It is YOUR responsibility as the buyer NOT the seller! The dress is marked SOLD which is NOT the case. Contact Posh for advisement or I will.
Oct 01Reply

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