Meet your Posher, Pamela
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Hi! To the counterfeiters, scammers, fake bag sellers on this platform: the fashion police (aka US Customs) are watching you here. It may seem like an easy & harmless “side hustle” but it’s not worth it. These fakes are made in China by bad actors. They cause massive losses to the brands we love, & you can find yourself in legal troubles by participating. Do 1 minute of research & you’ll see that there ARE low level sellers that have been successfully prosecuted & imprisoned. These people had a life & kids! If you’re selling a good amount of fakes, a search warrant can be procured and if you have a cache of fakes stored in your home, away you go.
To the buyers of fakes: Sure, you can get a decent “dupe” for a few hundred bucks but it’s usually pretty obvious to a bag connoisseur & that’s just embarrassing. If you supposedly love a brand enough to sport a knock-off why would you want to hurt said brand? For $300 I’d rather have a nice Coach, Lulu lemon or anything else-that’s real. Or pre-loved! F@shi0nphi|€ is a trusted source for reasonably priced authentic items in excellent condition! AND if you buy authenticated, you can ALWAYS sell and get your money back if you take good care of it!
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Welcome to this great group of people where sharing is always appreciated! I am a Posh Ambassador, so if you have any questions, please let me know. Feel free to stop by my closet, leave me a comment, follow me, and invite me to the shopping parties. Happy buying/selling to you my friend!
Hi Friend @pvoncollenberg!
I saw your comment on those overpriced (and used) Birkenstocks… 😳
I’m with you; Definitely price gouging. 👏
@cravebuylove Hey, yea it’s really kinda weird how some ppl think. I’m a long time Birkenstock collector & happy to pay premium for the Birk “exquisite”, their 1774 line or any limited edition/cool colabs. But these ppl selling the most basic Birk staple-“vegan” esp!-not even leather (and USED!) is mind blowing lol. You can literally go on the manufacturers site and buy them for $120-$150
@cravebuylove also another e-commerce site offering past season NEW and authentic legit for $60 on up. I don’t like counterfeiters and price gougers and will call them out every time.🙂
@pvoncollenberg I hear that! 👏
@pvoncollenberg I’ve bought new Birks from @rsehep23 a few times. They have good deals. If you “like” they usually make an offer pretty quickly too.
@pvoncollenberg I’m also a long time collector. My mom got me into them in the late 80’s but she was wearing them in the 60’s & 70’s 🤣
@cravebuylove Nice!! How cool. Your mom was wearing them when they were Uber dorky lol. What do you think about the Boston Magritte? I think it would be a good collectable, also I am wanting some Nagoya in 38 but sold out.
@cravebuylove It’s nice to talk shop lol with a fellow Birk lover!!!
This is a new acct. I closed my other one bc I got into it pretty bad with some Goyard & Louis V counterfeiters. Turned them in..nothing happened. Anyway. Have a great day!!
@pvoncollenberg Don’t think I’ve seen them … let me go check those out! 🤩
@pvoncollenberg those are great - I think you’re right! They could become collectible!
@cravebuylove Yea it’s a tough sell, my friends all think they’re too weird but it’s about that artist. I am waiting for them to go on sale😁
Also not leather but maybe with that print leather was too difficult-I’ll still get some when they go on sale for sure.
Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Hello there. So nice to meet you here. I love the beautiful and cute nail art. I hope you love too. Hope you have fun here. All the best.
@pvoncollenberg Thanks for commenting on the fake LV Neverfull. Don't know if you've seen this guy but he creates closets using other Posher's listings. These are all him. ruthvagzrk2001
HIS PHOTOS ARE COPIED FROM active and sold listings from boudoir__b and eslaroch and brittanyhouser listings! He makes several closets a night. We're all blocked from commenting on his 100's of closets. Watched him do this sine November. Crazy scammers!
@shaynight Hey, so I’ve reported these ppl SO many times I can’t even count. Poshmark looks the other way. They are an accomplice to illegal selling!!! I’m a legit seller on another platform and every time I consider listing an item on PM I see so many fakes it makes me sick. UGH!!!!!!!🤬 EEEEbay shuts down the counterfeiters quickly.
@pvoncollenberg That's why these scammers love Poshmark. I know there are many many people selling these fakes and this guy does this several times a day with the same bags. It's so frustrating. We're all blocked so we can't comment. Posh removed 5 of his accounts yesterday and already 3 today. What really makes me mad is that Poshmark will remove the closets YET they are allowing them to mail them out. That does make them an accomplice!!
@shaynight YEP!! I’m not sure what to do but it HAS to stop. I’m not understanding why this is continually allowed here. All they have to do is threaten the seller that they’re going to turn him into authorities and block the SS# like eeeebay does. Not to mention those bags are so obviously fake. Like if you can’t afford a real one wear a Coach proudly ya know??!! LVMH, Chanel, Gucci has to know this is going on, part of why the price increases.
@shaynight LVMH attorneys need to get involved. Take PM to court.
@pvoncollenberg Yeah, not sure who is gong to do that but they are as much to blame. My son is an attorney in Dallas. I can ask him what can be done but he is a restructuring attorney (bankruptcy for large corporations) don't know what he would say but worth asking. Seriously Poshmark needs to be held accountable. They are allowing it, enabling it and making profits from the sales and they ARE allowing them to mail them out after the fact of removing the closets. I know this as a fact.
@pvoncollenberg dianefagy1991 same scammer
Hi, it is a so nice place since you are here. Hope you get lots of fun here. I am selling the wigs. Thanks.
@shaynight yes it’s out of control!!!
hello. i saw your question about the LV DIY bag. yes that is the auth LV paper bag in special holiday version, then i put the DIY nilon bag outside
@daisynguyen82 very cool & creative! Thx
Hey there, I hope you have fun on Poshmark. There are some gorgeous jewelry in my closet. I think they are super matched with your clothes and you will be the focus no matter where you are if you wear them. Or they are very nice gifts to your mum, sister, wife, or girlfriend. So please feel free to check out my closet. Thank you and all my best wishes to you.
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