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Updated Nov 09
Updated Nov 09

Meet your Posher, Pamela ann

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Pamela ann. Some of my favorite brands are Coach, Nike, Kate Spade, Louis Vuitton, Gucci , and Michael Kors. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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cyberlexa Thanks for all the love! Feel free to make a bundle, offer, and ask any questions!
Jan 03Reply
glitztrends Thanks for the love!
Jan 03Reply
minedthemanor Hi! 😊 Welcome to Poshmark! I just wanted to welcome you and let you know if you have any questions or need any help please don't hesitate to contact me by replying to this comment! Happy Poshing! ⚜️♦️⚜️♦️⚜️♦️⚜️
Jan 04Reply
anka0921 Tnx for all the likes!!! Don’t forget to follow!!! Open to offers or bundle for private discount!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🤑🤑🤔🤔🤔😻😉😘🤗
Jan 05Reply
anne1993cc @pamannh Hello! Thank you so much for taking the time to like some of my listings. I hope you’re having a fabulous 2018😊! I would like to offer you some really great deals/ discounts! If you would click on add to bundle on the items you are especially interested in, I can offer you an awesome private discounted offer.
Jan 05Reply
kriss10fashion Pamela, thanks so much for all of your shares. If you like any items, I will give you the best deal possible. Deb @Kriss10Fashion
Jan 05Reply
jeweled_by_elle Greetings!! Just an FYI...I offer bundle deals, accept reasonable offers, & will style you if you'd like 😘 don't hesitate to ask any questions...have a good night 💫 P.S. if you bundle your like(s), I'll send you an offer 🤗
Jan 06Reply
xdemedici Thanks for all the closet love. :-) lmk if you're interested in a bundle.
Jan 08Reply
kmrcreations Pamela, Thanks for visiting my closet and all the "likes". I appreciate it and wish u lots of sales for 2018.
Jan 08Reply
kriss10fashion Pamela, I am so sorry...PM just now notified me you had created a bundle on the Coach vintage bag. I just sent you an offer and hope it works. I had marked it down from $49 originally. I can ship immediately if this works for you. My sincere ailogy to you. Deb @Kriss10Fashion
Jan 08Reply
vllaureano Feel free to check out my closet 💕
Jan 09Reply
dbrgnz HI and welcome Pamela Ann! Thank you for all the likes! 💜 Nice to meet you and Happy Poshing!☺
Jan 09Reply
chrisalexeric Thanks for looking at my closet!!!!
Jan 10Reply
gytham Thank you for spending time at my closet! I wanted you to know that I offer 20% off on 3 items. I appreciate your attention and wish you a happy and bright new year🎆🎉🎇.
Jan 12Reply
densko Hi Pamela Ann! Hope y'all are having a wonderful day! Let me know if you are interested in bundling your likes. I'm ready to make a sweet deal. No pressure, of course. ☺
Jan 12Reply
pamannh @kriss10fashion I'm blocked. Why?
Jan 14Reply
pamannh @kriss10fashion I accidentally put $5 & now I'm blocked
Jan 14Reply
kb3055 Hi Pamela, I hope you are having a great weekend!! Please let me know if I can help answer questions about any of my listings. Thanks so much!!:)
Jan 15Reply
nikkiwes82214 Hi! Thanks so much for all the shares! 😘😘 Wishing you many sales and happy Poshing!! 😉
Jan 17Reply
pamannh @nikkiwes82214 thanks and same to you😁
Jan 17Reply
sunflowerpetals Awwwwwh what a beautiful picture. Happy New Year and thank you kindly for stopping back.
Jan 17Reply
pamannh @sunflowerpetals thank you kindly miss and happy New Year to you! I wish you many sales and a blessed life😁
Jan 17Reply
pamannh @kb3055 thank you kindly!
Jan 17Reply
pamannh @jeweled_by_elle thank you so much!
Jan 17Reply
pamannh @xdemedici thank you!
Jan 17Reply
pamannh @poshalexa thank you!
Jan 17Reply
pamannh @karen709 thank you!
Jan 17Reply
pamannh @minedthemanor thank you very much!
Jan 17Reply
xdemedici @pamannh of course! Thank you :-)
Jan 17Reply
tanlegsintx Hello Pamela! Thanks for the share/like and follow. Still in the process of setting up my closet so stop by again in the near future. Here’s to Posh-perity and good health this year! Take care. 👍🏼🎉🤗💛 ~ Jess
Jan 19Reply
pamannh @tanlegsintx thanks and i sure Will!
Jan 19Reply
soonerchef Hi, if you bundle all 20 likes I'll send you a great offer. Thanks fir the likes and shares.
Jan 25Reply
lesbennett1 Hi Pamela ! Having a lazy rainy Sunday morning here in NY. I see you put 2 items in a bundle. For some reason they are not in the same bundle which means as you know they will be subject to separate shipping. Which is NO GOOD!! I see you have four items that you liked. Logistically if you can try and rebundle the four of them into one shipment/ bundle. I would be happy to offer all 4 items at $24 . If not please try to get your 2 likes into one bundle so I can send you special offer on those.
Jan 28Reply
chrisp2015 Hey sweety, I did see you had s ome likes in my closet, all are still avail. If Interested id be willing to get them to youyou I can open shop, which I'm debating, but tjose are awesome items,the bags and the shoes are hard to believe not sold. Been collecting dust 4awhile??!
Jan 28Reply
robertbiondi Thanks sweetie!!! Have a great night!!
Jan 29Reply
pamannh @robertbiondi ty and you do the same!
Jan 29Reply
tricia77r Nice to meet you on posh. Hope you are loving it! 💕
Jan 30Reply
pamannh @tricia77r thanks love♡
Jan 30Reply
mjackman983 Thank you for following me and sharing the shirt 😊
Feb 01Reply
playboy_jewelry Hey Gorgeous! Thanks for all the likes! Click Add to Bundle! Playboy Jewelry is on sale with 65%+ off retail prices! NWT Genuine Authentic Official Licensed Playboy Jewelry including Watches, Necklaces, Bracelets, Earrings, Rings, Belly Rings, Charms & Cell Phone Charms. Now SAVE even MORE: Want only 1 item = Click Make an Offer. Want 2 or more items = Click Add to Bundle on each item & get an Additional 25% Off the already discounted 65% off MSRP price! PS. Hit Reply to respond.
Feb 02Reply
tmccarth Hi! Thanks for the like! Feel free to send an offer.😘
Feb 04Reply
bluesea38 Hi dear Pamela, thank you for all the likes🌹you are more than welcome to make me an offer💝 stay bless and beautiful both of you!❤️🙏🙏
Feb 04Reply
pamannh @bluesea38 I love your closet! You are so very blessed🤗
Feb 04Reply
bluesea38 @pamannh oh darling, thank you so much for your beautiful comments💝 you are very kind 🌹
Feb 04Reply
pamannh @bluesea38 you seem so sweet 💟 I live in Kentucky. My husband is retired U.S army. I'm from Illinois. Where are you from or reside?
Feb 04Reply
bluesea38 @pamannh oh wow! Thanks for his service! I live in Miami, with my husband and one daugther, the older live in New York, she graduate there and got a job in Ralph Lauren head quarter, thanks god! You have children? You and your husband looks like a beautiful couple ❤️
Feb 04Reply
starbucks815 Thx for the likes. Feel free to bundle all your likes and make me an offer 💝☺️☺️
Feb 10Reply
marieenave @pamannh 🌹 Thanks for all the likes add them to your Bundle I will make you an amazing offer 😘
Feb 11Reply
hatbea Thanks so much for all of the closet love ❤️❤️❤️! Please feel free to send me an offer on anything, I'm open! Or, you can bundle items, and I can send an offer directly to you. Thanks again!😘
Feb 13Reply
koonopak Hi again! I have someone with an offer on the table for the rose gold Michael Kors purse you like and I'm thinking of taking it but I feel bad because you seem so sweet💕and I would love to see you have it if the price is right. Realistically how much do you think you were planning to offer?
Feb 20Reply
pamannh @koonopak I was thinning around $70-80 not 100%sure. Just been keeping my eye on it. I dont want you to lose your sale. By all means take the sale if you need the money or space. I wholeheartedly appreciate your thoughtfulness. So sweet of you. I'd love to have it but i can't make my offer until monday. A week from today. If you take it I totally understand. If not then i will get it. Promise.
Feb 20Reply
koonopak @pamannh Ok, I will be taking her offer after all... but I will be keeping an eye on your closet so I can help with shares💕I went to University of Illinois :)
Feb 20Reply
pamannh @koonopak ok ty again. Hopefully I'll find another one in decent shape and reasonably priced too. Ty for sharing for me. I'm in recovery and my gift to myself with my sales is a Michael Kors purse and wallet. Just trying to get there. Your so sweet. I love your closet . I'm a shoe and purse fanatic. Lol I have been to champagne to u of Illinois back in 1988. I kept score for our high school wrestling team. I was born in stl and grew up in East st louis Illinois. Have a blessed evening.
Feb 20Reply
koonopak @pamannh Her credit card actually didn't through just now. So if she doesn't work it out there's still a chance you can get the purse, if you want to keep an eye on it still👍
Feb 20Reply
pamannh @koonopak ok ty for letting me know. Btw you are very pretty!
Feb 20Reply
koonopak @pamannh That's really kind of you to say, thank you! YOU are pretty too :)))
Feb 20Reply
pamannh @koonopak thanks. Goodnight love.
Feb 20Reply
tapqueen1957 Hi🤗thanks for your likes on the Betsey Johnson purse and wallet. Let me know if you are interested in a bundle. Both are very beautiful. 💝Have a great evening💖💐💞
Feb 20Reply
pamannh @tapqueen1957 ok ty i will. Thank you very much for the compliment. Have a blessed day love!
Feb 20Reply
tapqueen1957 @pamannh And you too💐💞
Feb 20Reply
playboy_jewelry @pamannh Hey Gorgeous! Thanks again for the likes! Are you waiting for a price drop? FYI, there won't be anymore, because almost everything is already discounted 65%+! Now SAVE even MORE: Want only 1 item = Click Make an Offer. Want 2 or more items = Click Add to Bundle on each item & get an Additional 25% Off the already discounted 65% off MSRP price! Plus, you pay shipping only ONCE on all items in your Bundle! PS. Hit Reply to respond
Feb 21Reply
pamannh @playboy_jewelry ok I'll look in a little bit. Ty!!
Feb 21Reply
playboy_jewelry @pamannh 👯❤️🐰😘😍
Feb 21Reply
hit111 🙏 to have 🎓 to the 🌍 of fashion...... Have fun.... Thanks 🙏 for following........if u want to purchase make an offer, private offers r great 👍
Feb 21Reply
shebops Thanks for the shares Pamela!
Feb 22Reply
robertbiondi Hi there! I see you have a few items bundled! No rush, if you'd like to purchase let me know and I'll extend my very best offer! Thank you! Denise
Feb 22Reply
pamannh @robertbiondi yes ma'am ty
Feb 22Reply
lovechelsea_ann Hey ♥️ if you really want the dress and can make some verbal commitment I would be happy to try to cancel the private sale I just started. It always makes me happy for items to find homes that will truly enjoy them 💕
Feb 24Reply
lori9192 Offering $168 for both the Brahmin and athletic shoes w/4.99 shipping.
Mar 01Reply
pamannh @lori9192 yeah we're too far apart right now on the bag but ty. I'm most interested in the brahmin
Mar 01Reply
lori9192 @pamannh Make an offer on the bag if you would like. Maybe we can work it out
Mar 01Reply
lori9192 There is one other bag like this one, that I know of on Posh, for $165
Mar 01Reply
lori9192 Can’t find it a way! Think my daughter has it!
Mar 01Reply
pamannh @lori9192 can't find What? This bag?
Mar 01Reply
lori9192 @pamannh Yes. Ive sent message to Poshmark.
Mar 01Reply
pamannh @lori9192 so this bag is not for sale because you can't find it? Am I understanding you correct?
Mar 01Reply
daicyfuentes Hello:) I see you created a bundle before I try to make you a offer I wanted you to take another look at the bag and be be aware it has a couple of imperfections on the handles and a couple of marks on the inside i believe is all not too noticeable the outside of the bag though has no signs and looks good:) please take another look and let me know if you would like to continue;)
Mar 02Reply
modernowlbtq Pamela, Wεℓcσʍε to ᖘσѕʜʍαʀᴋ! ᖘℓαʏ my Super Posher Game at @rachelrbenson for a chance to be ᖴEᗩTᑌᖇEᗪ TᕼᖇEE ᔕEᑭᗩᖇᗩTE TIᗰEᔕ! Ŧιʀѕτ, as a 🆕 Posher (💜), then as a Featured Posher (💚 & ❤️), and F͜͡I͜͡N͜͡A͜͡L͜͡L͜͡Y͜͡, as a Closet to Revisit (💙)! GᗩIᑎ 500+ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯEᖇᔕ ᗪᗩIᒪY, simply by playing!! Remember to ¢σммєит, "Shine Bright like a Diamond," to be added to the game! Please check out my Q&ᗩ listing for any questions; I'm happy to help ᗩᑎY way I can! Hope to see you soon @rachelrbenson & @jcrewgal81
Mar 03Reply
sassybaxx Thank you for the Likes! If you choose to bundle I will deduct $14.00.
Mar 09Reply
adriennef315 Hey! .. 🙌 I noticed you liked a beautiful item in my closet! If you have any questions, or I can help with anything please feel free to reach out to me!✨ I offer discounts for bundles!! 😃
Mar 18Reply
tanya02003 Hi there thank you for the likes! I see you liked the shoes and the Mk set. If you are interested on buying I can give you the shoes for free if you buy the Mk set! Let me know if your interested. Thanks, Tanya 😊💕
Mar 18Reply
pamannh @lisag124 I want the shirt but it says listing not found?
Mar 22Reply
garthlover Hello. I wanted to let you know I am running a special for a free bath bomb with any shoe or ours purchase through Monday! I saw you "liked" a couple shoes, purses, wallets from my boutique and wanted to pass along the opportunity,,, you will LOVE the bath bombs also. I added to your dressing room. If interested, I'd love to do business with you 😃
Mar 28Reply
michy82 Hello I noticed the delivery was made yesterday of your purchase!!!
Mar 30Reply
pamannh @michy82 I will look at it today. I have not had a chance to yet.
Mar 30Reply
michy82 @pamannh The order still says pending acceptance??
Mar 31Reply
spiritualt Thank you for visiting my closet an liking my listings.what a beautiful couple.❤️
Apr 01Reply
amykleman Hi Pamela Ann! I just added a bundle discount it you’re still infested in my closet 🖤😘🤗
Apr 10Reply
pamannh @amykleman ok thanks im mostly interested in passport holder. It's just an odd color for me so I am not sure about the price. I've been thinking about it.
Apr 10Reply
amykleman @pamannh sounds good, and you can always make me an offer! Thanks for stopping by 😊
Apr 10Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Apr 14Reply
pamannh @spreadlove hello and ty😊
Apr 14Reply
nik92alex Hi girly! I sent you an offer for the bundle you made, hope it works out for you! :)
Apr 19Reply
dafh88 Hi there @pamannh I can offer you free shipping on any bundle. Let me know or add items to a bundle
Apr 26Reply
angelred7997 Good afternoon sweetheart I just wanted to let you know I'm very sorry my mom's been in the hospital and I've been really busy but I'm going to work on your request tonight 😘🤗
Apr 28Reply
pamannh @angelred7997 Ok thanks so much!
Apr 28Reply
pamannh @angelred7997 I hope your mom is ok and gets better
Apr 28Reply
heather_witt Hi @pamannh! Are you still interested in buying the bundle of Coach shoes you said you said you wanted to purchase last night? I have an offer from someone else on the ballet flats so if you want to buy them, please let me know tonight. Thank you!!
Apr 30Reply
lnwimbs Hi, Make me a counter offer and I’ll try to make it work
May 06Reply
lisa_darlene @ pamannh hi I just listed the silver MICHAEL KORS Key chain you were interested in. I can do 25 on it. As you know unfortunately posh takes 20% . Anyways it’s there if your still interested. Thanks Lisa
May 14Reply
heather_witt @pamannh I have another offer on the small coach purse (pink and brown). If you would like your bundle, please purchase it very soon or it will be sold. Thank you!
May 14Reply
crissyhw Hi. I was looking for the listing for the Hello Kitty scarf pictured with the black HK wallet. In the wallet’s description u said scarf was for sale separately. Didn’t see it listed or that it sold. Is it still available?
May 15Reply
lizfromny @pamannh , hi Pamela Ann thanks for your purchase, they'll be on your way tomorrow.... 🏵🐝🌹🐞💮🐝🌼🌻🌺🐞🌷🌼🌻🐝🌷⚘🌼
May 25Reply
twicenew76 Hi There.... I saw the coach bracelet in a bundle.... I can’t do anything with it since I’ve already offered it at a lower price.
May 28Reply
pamannh @twicenew76 I'm still shopping
May 28Reply
twicenew76 @pamannh that’s not a problem, I just wanted to let you know I was not able to do anything with it.
May 28Reply
xstardustgirlx Hi @pamannh ! I would accept the $25 counter offer on the VS Pink robe, but I never got a notification from Posh and now it's expired. Want to try again? Thanks! :-)
May 30Reply
blackcatmoon Happy Poshing! Have a great week! 🐾🐾
May 30Reply
scarletteheart Hello pamannh, I’m sad to hear that, your purchase from my closet wasn’t 5 stars—the tag must have fell of while I was putting it away. Anyways, have a great day, and a fun selling/shopping experience <3
Jun 03Reply
peightonhargis Hi! Thank you so much for purchasing the Coach wristlets! I’ve been out of town, but I get back tomorrow and will ship them first thing! So sorry for the wait!
Jun 07Reply
irishjenn04 @pamannh hey sweetie it’s jenn. Please give me a few!!! Normally I would do it for ya IMMEDIATELY!!!!!! I am going through SOOOO much personal family troubles and I am trying to take care of my 4 young daughters. Please just let me see what I can do. I am FAR!!!!! From a nasty person! I will put it not for sale till I figure it out.
Jun 10Reply
irishjenn04 @pamannh please just a few minuets!!! Thank you sweetie ☺️
Jun 10Reply
irishjenn04 @pamannh ,UGHHHHHHH just my luck it won’t let me put it (not for sale) because it’s saying I have active offers on it.
Jun 10Reply
pamannh @irishjenn04 sl can I buy it? I cancelled my 24 offer
Jun 10Reply
irishjenn04 @pamannh @pamannh hey sweetie with everything going on right now that’s honestly the best I can do. I really really hope it helps
Jun 10Reply
irishjenn04 @pamannh hey girl it’s jenn. I am sitting here and I just feel terrible!!! Especially because it’s for your baby!!!! How about the $25 but you have to pay shipping so I can at least get a $20 outta it. I need everything I can get right now for my babies.
Jun 10Reply
pamannh @irishjenn04 9k no problem
Jun 10Reply
pamannh @irishjenn04 it's in good condition? No stains or damage?
Jun 10Reply
irishjenn04 @pamannh hey sweetie it’s jenn. I’m between my daughters graduations now. I just wanted to see if you got my message? I swear I am showing no offers from you. I will gladly show you my offers!! Just let me know if you still would like it,after my youngest daughters graduation I will be going to get a few things I need before shipping. Thank you ☺️jenn.
Jun 11Reply
pamannh @irishjenn04 yes I still want it. It's in a bundle. How can we do this? Let me know when you figure something out so I can buy it. Thanks
Jun 11Reply
irishjenn04 @pamannh sweetie it’s me again lol. I am going to head to my babies kindergarten graduation now so if you decide you want the purse I will put it on hold when this is over. Let me know sweetie and THANK YOU again for your purchase ❤️
Jun 11Reply
irishjenn04 @pamannh,aweee Pam!!!!!! THANK YOU SWEETIE for your note!!!! That was EXTREMELY kind of you❤️ I get soooo happy when others are satisfied with their purchase 😃 I haven’t smiled in DAYS!!!! And I just woke up to your lovely note and you made me smile 😊!!! I really really hope that you won’t be a stranger!!! Your posh friend,jenn❤️🍀
Jun 16Reply
irishjenn04 @pamannh hey love it’s jenn☺️ hope your day is going good!!! I saw that you made a bundle,did you want me to send you a offer? Just let me know sweetie ❤️ jenn
Jun 16Reply
pamannh @jhcortez your very welcome
Jun 17Reply
irishjenn04 @pamannh, hey love get ahold of me when you get on❤️jenn🍀
Jun 17Reply
pamannh @seeleydebbie I missed it
Jun 25Reply
irishjenn04 @pamannh I am so very very sorry about last night!!!! You know that I respond right away to questions but I had a big party for my baby then I redecorated my downstairs after and everything just went wrong!!! But I sent it and I hope you understand it was just a crazy day yesterday!! Thank you sweetie,jenn ❤️
Jun 25Reply
irishjenn04 @pamannh ow ya sweetie I forgot,look through all the pics I tried to get a pic of every angle possible on the bracelet and bag. Thanks sweetie 😊
Jun 25Reply
evamaria01 Hi there, thank you for stopping by and checking out my closet, and, thank you for all your likes 😊! Please let me know if you have any questions! Also, if you bundle your likes, I can give you a great discounted price! Thanks again, blessings and Happy Poshing!!! 😃🌸💕🙏🏼
Jun 26Reply
gemstone14kt Thanks for the like😊 If you have any questions feel free to ask, offers are welcomed @ gemstone14kt💎 All merchandise purchased today will ship tomorrow.
Jun 30Reply
kah26 Hi Pamela! Thanks for the POSH likes💕 if you bundle your favs, I can offer you an awesome deal at no obligation:)
Jun 30Reply
kah26 Hi! Thanks for your purchase! I will ship this purse scarf out to you today! I see you’re been eyeing this pattern. It’s super cute and fun! It’s the final piece of my floral bee set🐝as I’ve already sold the tote and Wristlet. Thanks again :)
Jul 02Reply
turtlewhisperer Hi there, Pamela Ann! Thanks so much for all the shares and likes from my closet. It looks like you might be a Coach lover. If you care to bundle all those likes, I make some pretty awesome deals on my bundles. Of course, you're always free to counter my offer. I hope to make a deal with you! Thanks for stopping by, Alison
Jul 02Reply
gminials Hi! Just saw ur comment re the sandals. I’ve just rcvd an offer from someone else. Will wait an hour or so before accepting, in case ur still interested 😃
Jul 11Reply
chrisp2015 Hey y'all, made an offer on your bundled items, 4 hours left , however, always love to deal. Willing to talk more discount, chucks are for real brand new, the other can be worked with.
Jul 11Reply
krista1l Hi you should definitely check out my closet I have brands like PINK, FASHION NOVA, JUICY COUTURE, and SEPHORA. I also have a ton of other brands. Hopefully you can come and check out my closet. And feel free to make any offers with me on anything you like!💕
Jul 13Reply
rebeccaabrooks8 Hi do you do trades? If so take a peek at my closet I have a Kate spade in stock you may be interested in :)
Jul 20Reply
netti1106 Feel free to check out my closet 🛍
Jul 29Reply
krista1l Hi you should definitely check out my closet I have brands like PINK, FASHION NOVA, JUICY COUTURE, and SEPHORA. I also have a ton of other brands. Hopefully you can come and check out my closet. And feel free to make any offers with me on anything you like!💕
Aug 01Reply
tapqueen1957 Thank you for your shares and likes🌸❤️🤗💞💋Have a beautiful day, Helena🦋
Aug 17Reply
simpsdan Thanks for the likes and checking out my closet 🌻🌻
Aug 18Reply
snowbabies28 🛍️I just wanted to take a moment and say you have the cutest closet I have seen yet💜. I could not stop scrolling. LOL. Your dresses are so adorable I wish I could wear one of them. But I did share some LOL. And I do like your coach stuff. Thank you for letting me look in your closet I'll be shopping soon 😉
Aug 19Reply
fashnlov3r Hi Pamela, feel free to make an offer on all your likes... really need to purge! 😁
Aug 24Reply
gat8or Hey there, I appreciate you stopping by! Feel free to make a bundle on one or multiple items (the larger the bundle the bigger the discount). huge summer sale going on right now, new loving homes needed. ☺️ Thank again and enjoy the Posh journey!!! 😃 Cheers, Stephanie
Aug 26Reply
ismoboo5 Hi pam do you still want to trade ?
Sep 25Reply
ismoboo5 Hi pam, debbie here, i will trade you wallet for coach purse and dust cl ok th ! Is that ok ???
Sep 27Reply
3grandkid GM I saw you liked one of my listings fill free to make a reasonable offer thank you. Melissa
Oct 06Reply
breezyjean6601 Thanks so much for rating your purchase! Hope you love the hat! I saw you liked the coach gold mini backpack and credit card holder I have listed! If you decide you want to purchase the backpack I’ll include the credit card holder for free! :)
Oct 09Reply
aprilhill05 I’m sorry I didn’t see your offer until this morning. Have a great poshing day😊!
Oct 10Reply
thepiperjames Good afternoon Happy Poshing! 😊 Please check out my closet. I sell really fun baseball caps, beanies, and jewelry. 😍
Oct 12Reply
cathyfrangos I just wanted to say hello and thank you very much for both the follow in the like on my Coach bag just a heads up I put to a price drop down to $25 in a shipping discount that's about as low as I can possibly go on that bag so if you're interested you might want to take advantage of this 24-hour offer. Thank you again for the follow always nice to meet a new PFF.
Oct 14Reply
chris3riv Hi! It’s Christina about trading. My email is
Oct 23Reply
pamannh @chris3riv ok mine is
Oct 23Reply
ksposh4u Thanks for the follow / Like, Thanks for the Posh notice. And I am here for any questions about any of my items and the one that you like. this is a really awesome pick , you are going to love it if you purchase it, did you see I have a free item for purchasing a certain amount also? Look thru and read the descriptions and pick one if you qualify, hoping to hear from you soon, hoping to be sending off a nice box to you. kathy.
Oct 24Reply
ksposh4u thanks again for all the likes!
Oct 24Reply
ksposh4u Bundle what your truly interested in and then i can send an offer, k
Oct 24Reply
tapqueen1957 Thanks for your like on the watermelon 🍉 Wristlet, so cute❤️💚have a beautiful day. Helena🎃🍁
Oct 25Reply
fancypants0078 Omg, Why don’t you just purchase items that are Brand New? Coach used sneaker for 25, in nice condition is a good deal. Pictures show exact condition of sneakers. Why don’t people understand that used, doesn’t mean new!!!.
Nov 05Reply
missytoes @pamannh heya hun I sent you a discounted bundle offer on the bag shoes and slippers💕💕💕 Please let me know if your interested in buying 👍
Nov 09Reply
truekittycat1 Hello. I blocked you (ISO photo )because you used my photo without my permission. According to Poshmark community guidelines, you can’t use other Posher’s photos and must ask if you want to use them. Not cool. If you’d like to respond, I lifted the block, and you can respond on my personal page and would appreciate not on my listing. I totally appreciate your sacrifice to service, as I am in the same circumstance and have been for many years. Cat.
Nov 10Reply
thekillercloset hii! feel free to send me an offer💕
Nov 11Reply
marnihaggstrom Hi there, I’m new to Poshmark. I saw you liked my item. I recently lowered the price. Maybe you may now be interested? Or maybe you want to offer a bid? Thanks!
Nov 21Reply
lisaannheal Hi! Those Coach items are gorgeous! Would love to send you a private offer if you would like to bundle
Nov 29Reply
aforeverlylove Hey girl! I just listed a beautiful NWT pair of pink wedges. Tag still attached, was 65$. I'm asking 25$ or best reasonable offer. Just thought you might be interested. They're super cute! Size 7.
Nov 30Reply
jbent2125 Offers welcomed :)
Dec 01Reply
honeyandpine Hi I saw you like a coach purse from my closet, let me know if you have any questions.
Dec 02Reply
thekillercloset thank you for liking! feel free to make me an offer💕
Dec 03Reply
missmwiggins Welcome😃
Dec 13Reply
n_s_whales Hi there! I’m willing to negotiate on the coach purse, just let me know!
Dec 19Reply
tapqueen1957 Thank you for your like 💙💙
Dec 20Reply
tapqueen1957 Thank you for your likes💋💕and bundle. Have a great day. Helena🎅🏻🌲
Dec 20Reply
aforeverlylove Hey babe! Sorry you missed the other listings 😔 are you interested in the girls Burberry boots though? I'll discount them for you. 🙂 I'm also hoping to add a bunch more listings today! Are you looking for anything specific? ❤️
Dec 20Reply
Dec 22Reply
tris1957 Girl, this is a great price, ive reduced for xmas, its a substancial amt. Of silver, i loved it so much, i had to keep 1 for myself, n to hand down to granddaughters.
Dec 23Reply
nsmith3305 U like my shoes. Go to offer look for fabreeze b make sure you're search is on nation wide click on it it will be 5.00 click on the camaro u will see all my listing happy shopping the fees on here are to high the shoes are cheaper on there and so is the shipping thanks
Dec 24Reply
tris1957 Awww...i kno..its georgpus,but after hurricane harvey, we became RV ers....and i hav no place to display them...they deserve to be out!
Dec 29Reply
tris1957 If u bundle 2 or more, ill do 25 percent off , and free shipping
Dec 29Reply
pamannh @snowbabies28 oh thank you so much love! I am just seeing this. I appreciate your generous compliment. Have a blessed day and I look forward to working with you soon if you see something you just cant live without. Lol
Dec 29Reply
southpawbling Thank you for the likes! Happy New Year to you and hubby🎉🌞
Dec 30Reply
zmuntaqim3 Thank you for the like. I'm always adding new things every week. Happy shopping :) new years party
Dec 31Reply
jlanoce Thanks for your like ! Buy 2 items get third free :) does that work for you ?
Jan 04Reply
nicholls1123 I saw that you liked my coach slip ons. Are you still interested? $3 shipping if you are. Let me know 😁
Jan 10Reply
pamannh @nicholls1123 i like them but the price is a bit too much for me at this time. Thanks
Jan 10Reply
nicholls1123 @pamannh what is a good price?
Jan 10Reply
pamannh @nicholls1123 i am looking for 25-30 range possibly
Jan 10Reply
tiara4u2 You have a great closet.
Jan 14Reply
elevatedarmoire Hi pamela! I am clearing out my closet and need to get items sold. Are you still interested in the Coach purse and if so what is your budget for it? I'd love to work with you and come to a price we are both comfortable with. Let me know :)
Jan 14Reply
kygirlcloset Good morning..... Happy Poshing!
Jan 16Reply
thecloseteers Hi I just met you earlier!
Jan 17Reply
pamannh @laurcrug im absolutely interested. Around $50. My daughter would love it if she got it. She saw one one time but it was pink and blue but i don't think she would mind the color difference. It sold for 45 and i went to buy ut and someone had just got it on here.
Jan 17Reply
pamannh @tiarabee thank you!
Jan 17Reply
tiara4u2 I saw you liked 3 items in my closet. Wasn't sure if you wanted me to make you an offer or not. So I did. 😆
Jan 17Reply
elevatedarmoire @pamannh oh man, it’s brand new and in perfect condition so I was hoping to make a little more on it. Would you possibly be able to do $60? I’m an artist so I can include a free birthday gift for your daughter in the package as well. (Handmade card and some fun stickers) Let me know what you think :)
Jan 17Reply
pamannh @laurcrug wow thats very interesting! An artist. Ok let me see what I. 8 definitely want it its just a matter of how much i have available plus shipping. Thank you so much!
Jan 17Reply
pamannh @laurcrug also im interested in the plaid one as well. Can't get them at the same time but the sequins one 1st for her birthday and the other soon after.
Jan 17Reply
tris1957 Gotta sale girl...BUNDLE N BUY any 2 tiff. Items, incl. trinket boxes...20 to 25 %off bundle
Jan 18Reply
pamannh @tris1957 i wish i could afford it! I want one hopefully soon.
Jan 18Reply
tris1957 I hear ya the cats trinket boxes at the bottom...are not the tiffany are the same, by the same artist, but she did some for tiffany, those are stamped tiffany on the bottom...n the others are nancy Lopez on the bottom...i hav both...n unless i look at the underside i cant tell the difference!
Jan 18Reply
kbacon33 @pamannh hi! One of the items from your bundle was sold. Do you want to add a new item to the bundle?
Jan 21Reply
twinsdesign @pamannh Cute Closet!! I will have to follow and share too. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. I love how everyone's closet is different in their own way. You may look at my closet and i would be glad to answer any questions. Have a great day
Jan 23Reply
tris1957 Hey girl, u remember that tiffany clear crystal trinket box, with the bow?
Jan 30Reply
tris1957 Anyway, theres 1 on etsy for 40.00...! a search of tiffany trinket box...good luck!
Jan 30Reply
pamannh @tris1957 ty your sweet!
Jan 30Reply
tris1957 Your welcome!...i hav 1 but because of 20,%i hav to ask more....etsys got a great deal on that crystal trinket box!
Jan 30Reply
pamannh @fancypants0078 i wish you would unnlock me so we can trade. The tennis shoes were an isolated incident. Can we give it a try?
Feb 04Reply
pamannh @tris1957 i see one for 50 not 40?
Feb 04Reply
pamannh @twinsdesign thanks. I apologize im just now seeing this.
Feb 04Reply
tris1957 @pamannh...i dont see it either...but go to ebay...i just looked ..enter tiffany crystal trinket....theres several in the mid 40s, with or best offer, and several in the far in auction
Feb 04Reply
pamannh @tris1957 the mini rtt heart Earrings i saw some on there but people seem shady on etsy. They advertise items as chanel, tiffany gicci dior etc and they are not authentic. When ive asked directly to see the back of Earrings or if its authentic all communication stops and they reply they sold. Sketchy!
Feb 04Reply
tris1957 @pamannh yes, i agree, they should always show more pics n answer all questions...n all the earrings that ive ever had, or seen ....always hav the tiffany logo somewhere...the little bow earrings were actually on the stem! go with ebay..if u see something u like, go on posh, etsy, and tradsey, and compare...then bid, or offer...ebay has a money back guarentee, and they are really easy to deal with!
Feb 04Reply
couponnewyork Hello Pam! 🌈🌈idk if you’re still interested in the VS Tote (NWOT) but I’ve brought it down to $20 and I’d do $18 for you! I will be taking it down permanently in about a week! 😃😃🦄
Feb 05Reply
lauderdalegirl Hi Pam, saw a comment of yours. Not saying where or what! But in any case , it led me to follow you. It was perfect! LOL!
Feb 05Reply
pamannh @newtoyouandme ok lol now you have me curious. Thanks for following me. I believe I'm following you as well.
Feb 06Reply
tris1957 Did u find 1 of the little ones on ebay?
Feb 06Reply
tris1957 Hey girl, did u find your trinket box?
Feb 09Reply
pamannh @tris1957 no not the blue bow I want
Feb 09Reply
tris1957 @pamannh...oh u want yhe blue bow...ughh those are so ebay i found a crystal 1 with the bow...for 40.00 plus shipping
Feb 09Reply
tris1957 And there is a mini blue with bow for 42, plus 5.00 shipping
Feb 09Reply
tris1957 If you put in tiffany trinket box...under your search you"ll see them...i put them in my basket...not to but , but to tell u bout them
Feb 09Reply
pamannh @tris1957 ok thanks so much! I found one that has a nick on it on here I bought pretty cheap. No a chip but the etched part on the bow has a chip scratched off. I'm surprised you didn't see it . It was listed fairly cheap
Feb 09Reply
tris1957 @pamannh..i rarely look on here, because of the 20%.posh fee...makes its so sell...i look at all the sites plus tiffany for jewlery pricing...i want to be the cheapest, lol...but ebay , because its so big has to be competative...i looked for the big one 4 look at the price of those!...omg!...if u decide u want the little matching xmas 1, or any other that i hav left...put it in a bundle ..
Feb 09Reply
tris1957 N ill give u a super secret price...within ur budget...0s...i kept an xmas 1 that randy , my hubbs glued back together...
Feb 09Reply
tris1957 @pamannh...if u want the matching 1...but it xmas...jus bundle, ill do 45.00...but only 4 u cause i kno ull cherish it!
Feb 09Reply
tris1957 Girl...i think ur right...i cant see it with my naked eye...only buy enlarging the pic!
Feb 16Reply
tris1957 Thanks i amended that listing!
Feb 16Reply
tris1957 Hey girl i made an offer of 31.00...for the u still want?...i did 31.00 to ofset the shipping
Feb 17Reply
crystalco Hi! Thanks for visiting and liking my closet. I appreciate it very much. Have a great day!❤️Patricia
Feb 21Reply
tris1957 cutting tiffany trinket boxes to the bone...if you want any other 1, ill do 35.00 on it...!!..this im only offering to my likers.. secretly...!
Feb 24Reply
tris1957 Ps...ill hold it for u
Feb 24Reply
pamannh @tris1957 thank you! I really want a bow box 😔
Feb 24Reply
lularoesara Hi my name is Sara and I am a LuLaRoe Consultant. I just added a CLEARANCE section at the top of my closet including several Julia dresses for $25 (Regular $42). If you scroll further down you can see more Julia dresses as well. If you see something not in the clearance section you like, I can be flexible with pricing. I also do same day shipping, or depending on the time, next day shipping at the latest. If you’re interested, please stop by closet. Thanks!
Mar 04Reply
mmdell11 hi! I just wanted to stop by and introduce myself, im Maddie! I'm having a 3 for $20(or less) sale if you are interested! I have women, men and kids clothing! happy poshing
Mar 16Reply
tamekiarobinson Hello📦📮I'm a Poshmark Ambassador. Feel free to make me an offer or bundle 3 items to receive 15% discount 🛒If you have any questions, please ask. Share💌Like❤Follow💞 Happy Poshing🤩
Mar 27Reply
dreamer8414 😊 Hi Pamala Ann, I came by to visit and share. I'm need and getting ideas as I go viewing WONDERFUL closets like yours. Any advice is appreciated. I'm looking forward to learning the Posh platform. I hope your having a GREAT Posh Day 👌👍
Apr 02Reply
pamannh @dreamer8414 hello and welcome. Go follow @reinascloset shes also on Instagram as fashion lover. She has been doing this a long time and I get great ideas from her. If you have any questions I will help just let me know. Best wishes love!
Apr 03Reply
chicfununique @pamannh and @dreamer8414 hi!!! It’s me! Renee Love fashion and love going on IG Live to share my tips as a poshmark reseller. You can find me @FashionThrifter2018 - 💕 thank you Pam for sending her my direction both you women are super adorable! Have a beautiful day!🤗
Apr 03Reply
buy_stuff_sell Check out my closet I have some cool stuff
Apr 10Reply
fashionfun8 Just added a Tiffany & Co baby bank to my acct. lmk if you have any questions! Saw you were interested in this item! 💕
May 15Reply
curvygurlzrock Thank you so much for your likes 💜💜💜
Jun 02Reply
tris1957 Hey girl!..hows the grandbaby? are u guys, your closet looks u still have the tiffany trinket?..if so do you want to trade?
Jun 15Reply
tris1957 Girl text stuff to tell u! ..989 390 2605!!!
Jun 15Reply
idalyy_07 Hey, I have some Micheal Kors and Nike in my closet, you should check them out, I hope your interested! Happy Poshing!🤗💕 you hav an amazing closet by the way!💕
Jun 30Reply
oneolivia Hi - I have a pair of the Rag & Bone floral pool slides. Are you still interested?
Jul 19Reply
pamannh @oneolivia im interested are they listed? It really depends on the price as well
Jul 19Reply
pamannh @oneolivia also what size? Are they new or used? What color are they? How much? Original box included? Please let me know thanks
Jul 19Reply
oneolivia @pamannh Hi, they’re a 39, the white floral, not listed yet but I can put them up for you to see. I’ve used them once for a few hours but they’ve been in the box ever since. I’m a true 8 but these run small. And if it helps, I’m an 8.5 in Nike, a 38.5 in Gucci and Valentino, a 38 in Birkenstocks, 38 in Steve Madden. Orig. $125, so I’d like $70 for them. Let me know what you think.
Jul 19Reply
pamannh @oneolivia im interested i respect what you paid for them and on here especially its going to difficult. Im looking at a pair that new for 80 so there kinda is no benefit for saving 10 on ausedlike new pair. Id like to see them and we can go from there. Maybe it will work out. Do you trade?
Jul 19Reply
gigi11155 Just dropping by to let you know I’m running a BOGO FREE SALE on $12.00 or below items. Great items going fast!! Come check it out!! Happy Poshing!!❤️👍😊🌹🌹🌹🌹
Aug 20Reply
ltsam55 :D Actually, I'm one size larger.
Aug 31Reply
bostongalpm Hi! Check out my coach sneakers listing and the rest of my closet! I think you’ll love it!
Sep 17Reply
jweezi24 Hi! I love your closet! Such cute items! I think we have pretty similar styles, make sure to check mine out too 💕😎
Sep 18Reply
disneygurl2u I see you like an item I am selling. Make an offer.
Sep 20Reply
stylist69 Thanks for the like!
Sep 30Reply
luckeelady25 So glad you found my closet and even better some things you have loved ❤️ enough to like 👍🏻. I went ahead and sent you a 10% off offer on the item but I want to mention I am offering an automatic bundle discount of 25% off 3 or more right now so the more you bundle the more you save💲 I’d love to see you save even more 😉. Happy Poshing and I hope you find something else you didn’t know you really needed 😋
Oct 09Reply
mandapanda70 Thank you for all the likes so sweet of you❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oct 10Reply
crystalco Hi Pamela Ann! Thanks for visiting and liking my closet!! I appreciate it very much! Have a wonderful evening!💕Patricia
Oct 29Reply
crystalco Hi again! Thank you so very much for all the other likes as they mean a great deal to me.❤️
Oct 29Reply
sheliaskipper Beautiful picture of you 2 thanks for your help I Love the Orange purse
Oct 29Reply
pamannh @sheliaskipper your welcome. I sent a counteroffer. I paid too much for it to let it go for any less. Poshmark takes 20% so im not even breaking even on it. The offer i sent to you is only yours. I wont go lower as far as other potential buyers. Have a blessed evening love!
Oct 30Reply
amandasue143 @pamannh Hi I was just wondering if you recently purchased a Michael Kors purse from another Posher? It’s tan, orange, silver
Oct 31Reply
amandasue143 @pamannh Sorry, it is tan,brown,gold and orange.
Oct 31Reply
pamannh @amandasue143 no i didn't please tell me why you are asking this and where is this coming from?
Oct 31Reply
amandasue143 @pamannh I meant to ask if you received a pair of Nike Vapormax because it got sent to the wrong person hun thank you
Nov 01Reply
pamannh @amandasue143 no i have not received any tennise shoes nor a package that didnt belong to me.
Nov 07Reply
quinnys Hi, thank you for checking out my closet and liking the Nike sneakers, I’m currently cleaning my house, so I add new stuff to my closet everyday, please feel free to make a bundle and I’ll give you a good discount. Happy poshing!
Nov 11Reply
wrosegold Hi, I think you’re styling the wrong person maybe check their account name and try again! Happy Holidays beauty! —Rose
Nov 24Reply
100durazo Hello, can you please decline my offer on the sandals so I can delete the listing since I have sold them. Thank you!
Nov 25Reply
stclair_b Hi welcome to PoshmarK W/ us @stclair_b 🤩🎄🌲🎄🌲🚚♦️🚚
Nov 26Reply
myhin Happy Thanksgiving my friend. 🥰. I hope you like your new Tory Burch slides.
Nov 27Reply
ladykrc @pamannh Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by and Sharing Fabulous items from your closet store for my Followers to Enjoy🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I enjoy sharing, shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈#HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Nov 29Reply
shelling101 I’m new and don’t know what I’m doing, please disregard the offfer on my ugh boots as they are no longer available, sorry
Dec 07Reply
rrt424 Hey Pamela Ann! Thank you for checking out my closet! Let me know if you have any questions about the UGG slippers you liked💗 And feel free to put in an offer!
Dec 15Reply
tapshe Thank you so much for visiting my closet and liking the coach pet collar and leash. Please let me know if you’re interested in purchasing them, I do discount on bundles. Have a great day ❤️Sheri
Jan 03Reply
beasmama Any interest in purchasing my UGG scuffettes?👍🏼
Jan 05Reply
billwinz Hi there :) I noticed you liked a post of an iridescent Dickies fanny pack - I’m selling one too, but in clear! Check it out and let me know if you have any questions!
Jan 26Reply
1girls_treasure Hello :) I saw you liked some Flounder and Little Mermaid stuff and I wanted to let you know I’m selling a Flounder Makeup Bag for $15. If you’re interested, give it a like and I’ll send you a discount! :)
Feb 05Reply
g1arlock check out my closet I have some cool stuff for dogs 🐶🐕🐩
Feb 09Reply
ellisarose Hello Pamela, I would love for you to visit my closet, if you love an item today’s a great day to make an offer I can’t refuse! Happy Poshing :)
Feb 09Reply
lovingmyclothes Yeah Pam, I have sent several messages b/c I had NOT received the tracking # (I sent Monday 2/10), I sent a message to Posh to let them know, I also notified the postal driver & all of a sudden it's tracking...I am SO sorry, they should have been on your feet yesterday (Wed). Please let me know AS SOON as you get them please. Thank you again for shopping with me & have a great weekend. Tara
Feb 13Reply
vintage_gucci_ Sharing your closet for speedy sales😊
Mar 03Reply
pamannh @dgarza956 thank you!!
Mar 03Reply
sandycupcake 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉Congrats on your “Deal Days” win! Excellent cure for winter blues. Now it’s time to shop guilt free. Would love for you to visit my closet. I have something for most everyone at great prices. Love offers, likes and followers. Always willing to negotiate. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉Happy Poshing, Sandy Current Sale: Buy one, get one free on all items under $15. No limit!
Mar 04Reply
amber2286 Congrats on your Deals Day win! It’s so exciting! They announce winners and you get posh credit to be used on posh. So I’m running a huge special for winners with HALF-OFF my entire closet this week. Please Just make sure to make a bundle and use code word WINNER so I can be sure to give you a special discount. If you have any questions about bundles, let me know. Please visit my closet for great stuff and look my great reviews!! Congrats again and be sure to spoil yourself ❤️
Mar 04Reply
darcy93534 Congratulations on your win! I hope you check out my closet. I have lots of fun and unique items and offer 15% off bundles of 3 or more.
Mar 05Reply
pamannh @sandycupcake thank you i didn't even know i won
Mar 08Reply
pamannh @darcy93534 i think you have the wrong person. i just looked at thelistand idid not win
Mar 08Reply
pamannh @amber2286 i think you have the wrong person. i didn't win
Mar 08Reply
pamannh @sandycupcake you yave the wrong person i did not win
Mar 08Reply
sandycupcake Color my face red. Not sure how I manage to do that. Sorry, got your hopes up. Sandy
Mar 09Reply
amber2286 @sandycupcake I saw her name too, that’s weird
Mar 09Reply
sandycupcake I sent Poshmark a comment. There is no way 3 separate people made the same mistake.
Mar 09Reply
tomjollay Ms Pam did you find any of the others you were looking for for us??
Mar 09Reply
pamannh @tomjollay hello yes i did. im not sure if they are the right size or not but im posting them now.
Mar 11Reply
tomjollay Ma’am they’re all very nice and pretty but she’d prefer ones with elastic around the leg openings. Would you have any others that would be made like that. Not all cotton please!! She hates that kinda material. Thank you very much Ms Pam!!
Mar 12Reply
nhowan68 Hi, thank you for your interest in Kate Spade Jill Rosette Pale Pink Wedge Sandal. They are stunning and needs someone to wear them out. Make me an offer within reason. Best wishes 🌷🌺
Mar 22Reply
luvcoachgal7 Hi 👋 hope you can stop by my closet 🙏🤩🤗
Mar 22Reply
heyd61 Hello beautiful! Thank you for the likes !! Clearing the last UGG’s out , get these beauties at a deal, bundle and offer !! ❤️
Mar 30Reply
ad8_closet Hi!! I have some LulaRoe items you might like!! 😊
Apr 06Reply
a_mascari 🌟🌟HELLO🌟🌟 hope all is well :) 🎉🎉just dropping by to let you know i’m running buy 2 get 1 free on most items in my closet now! 🎉🎉 looks like my closet has a few of your “fav” brands! 🌟🤩come check it out🌟🤩
May 02Reply
practically_new Hi there! Thank you for your likes. Add those two to a bundle and let’s talk price!
May 05Reply
purchaser1234 Hello there. Wanted to invite you to check out my closet. Have a little something for every Posher and every size! sizes small through 28x. just a word of caution, I absolutely ❤❤❤ to sparkle. Bundle for savings! So stop by Curvy K's closet (@purchaser1234) you'll be glad you did! ❤💕👕👖🧣🧤🧥🧦👘👙👚👛👜👝🛍🎉
May 27Reply
coachandtrunk Hi Pamela Ann, if you are a Lady that loves💖bags made by👜 COACH & kate spade 👜, come take a peek in my closet. I have a wide variety of styles & accessories that would make great additions to any COACH Lady’s collection. All items are guaranteed 100% authentic. You can buy with confidence, just check out my “credentials” and what my customers have said. I think you find my prices are competitive as well. Take care, Sharon🌺
Jun 20Reply
jared_esparza Thanks for the likes on the hats 😊 Just wanted to let you know that I also have them listed on Vinted under jaredesparza where shipping would only be $3.89 if you bundle on there ❤️ if you have any questions feel free to ask
Jun 23Reply
gkscloset Hi! I hope you're doing well! I'm having a sale going on in my closet right now for one day only. Sale items are final price but all other items are open to offers. Let me know if you have any questions about anything and hope to see you soon! Best wishes, Gabby
Jul 20Reply
shophom Hey 😍 . We are a fashion boutique curated in Miami and inspired by Miami. Check us out when you have time💋.
Jul 22Reply
heavenclothes Hi Gorgeous, Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉 on your winnings of the Love or List Challenge.💃🏻🕺🏽👯‍♀️ If you’re looking for a closet to spend your winnings I can give you an awesome discount. I am having a 😘🦋🌻 I won Make a Deal Days Challenge and it was so fun to be able to spend that money to support other Poshers. ❤️ ❤️💕 💐HAPPY SHOPPING and POSHING💐 💕Shannon💕
Sep 08Reply
karlensclassics @pamannh Hi Pamela Ann, Congratulations on your Make a Deal Days win! Have fun shopping!
Sep 08Reply
sandycupcake P😍sh L♥️ve 🌹🌹 🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹 Congrats on your “Deal Days” Win! Enjoy your guilt free shopping. Sandy
Sep 08Reply
amber2286 Hello! Congrats on you win!! Please enjoy my closet and I’m happy to offer HALF OFF for all winners for any item whn you bundle and use code word “winner.” Please do this so I can know to send your special offer. So excited for your big win and be sure to spoil yourself because you deserve it!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Sep 09Reply
goldneyez311 Hi.👋😁 How are you? Just wanted to invite you to come check out my closet!! 🛍I have a ton of inventory to list right now- So make sure to keep an eye on my closet. If you are looking for ANYTHING in particular,  please let me know. I have it all!!😊 I am more than happy to spread love by offering great deals on anything you like & bundle! Come check it out!😁💗Wishing you Happiness and Good Health. @Goldneyez311
Sep 09Reply
goldgatecloset Hi there! I would like to invite you check out my closet when you have a chance. I think I have some of the brands and pieces that you would enjoy it. Thank you.
Sep 20Reply
fulltimeseller Hey!!! Feel free to take a look at my closet, I’m doing 5 piece bundles for $18 w/ free shipping!! (All my orders come with free mini gifts!)
Sep 22Reply
abel6583 Hey hey , I’m Ashleigh. I have a closet with sizes ranging from s-3x. Dresses, Pants, Jumpers, Sweaters, Tunics, Swimsuits, boots and more. You name it…. it’s probably there. I’d appreciate if you checked it out 🚪. Oh yeah and I LOVE offers! If you don’t find anything for you, I’d like you to share something. I share back 🔄🤩 🛍 HAPPY POSHING 🛍
Oct 06Reply
colleenscache Thank you for liking so many items in my closet! Happy Poshing!
Oct 21Reply
shahin2 Dear Pamela, thank you for stopping by my listing, I truly appreciated. Also thanks for your like. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Nov 02Reply
jennifernora32 @pamannh Hi Pamela, I’m Theresa. It’s a pleasure meeting You tonight. These Amazing Ugg Gloves are Fabulous and so Soft. I adore the Color too. 💜💜. If you’re really interested just pop them in the Bundle. 🌸🦋🌸
Nov 06Reply
wondergiz Welcome to my closet 🤗. Enjoy my offer for this beautiful Bag, that is more beautiful in person 🥰 plus a gift in gratitude with your package full of love ❤️, Bundle and Save for more discount and good deals 🥳🤩🥳. Blessings and stay safe, Giz 🤗
Nov 08Reply
grandmatravel Thank you for visiting my closet. I see you like the Fila sweatshirt. Make me an offer and it could be yours
Nov 09Reply
grandmatravel I just reduced the price on the Fila hooded sweatshirt AND it gets discounted shipping of just $4.99
Nov 10Reply
truekittycat1 Pam, FYI: the wallet you are looking for is on eBay. The seller was asking $499(yikes!) but I was just notified that she lowered the price to $299. Good for 48 hours. You may be able to counter? Cat.
Nov 17Reply
ecrevar4 I see you've liked a few of my items. Yay! Feel free to bundle for a discount so we can put some outfits together for you! ☺.
Nov 18Reply
sawah333 Your pup is so cute!!!
Nov 19Reply
starplunep Hi. Do you still have the Kate Spade Seaglass Tricolor Umbrella available for sale? Thanks!
Nov 22Reply
irenecase Have a Happy Thanksgiving 🦃♥️🍂
Nov 22Reply
dardardardar1 Hi! Thank you for the likes! Would you be interested in creating a bundle? I can give you a discount and you will save on shipping!! Dar
Nov 22Reply
heyd61 Hey Pamela ! This is the Last Pair I have like this !! Offers welcome
Nov 24Reply
preppy22 @pamannh hi I noticed that you liked the Michael Kors wallet just wanted to let you know that I lowered the price and if still interested I can give it to you for 25 with 4.99 shipping let me know 😊
Dec 04Reply
ney7kline Greetings Pamela, Thank you for browsing my jewelry collection. While the item that you liked is fresh on your mind, I’m accepting all offers including Low offers. Don’t be shy. Happy New Year 🎊
Dec 28Reply
yagade9903 Hi! I reduced the price on the sweater you liked from $40 to $24 last time. I will do a last price reduction today. If interested you may press BUY NOW and get $4.99 shipping. I can ship tomorrow. Thanks for browsing my closet!😘
Jan 16Reply
yagade9903 Hi, do you want me to send an offer on the 3 items or you prefer to send one yourself? Thank you!♥
Jan 20Reply
crystalco @pamannh Hi and thank you for the like on the Kate Spade Blanket! Please let me know if you have any questions.
Feb 25Reply
darlascottage Hey! I want to urge you not to close your closet, just put it on vacation mode in case circumstances change. Over 100K followers is great, and when your followers get to 200K, I’m tellin’ ya, it gets better! I’d be happy to be your buddy to help you. There are some techniques that I’ve found that work & decrease the amount of time spent. Let me know.
Feb 25Reply
shybkq Hi there ! Thanks for all the likes. Feel free to ask any question and send me an offer ✨
Mar 15Reply
angelwithana70 @pamannh thank you for the ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐s. Such an adorable outfit 🐇 and so many likers. This was one of the first couple post i did in 2019 when i started Posh. 😇
Mar 23Reply
apextim Hi PA Thanks for liking my item-cards jersey Happy Opening Day weekend I am shipping next on April 5 Remember if you buy 2 items you save 15% and get combined shipping If you only want 1 item - feel free to make an offer Thanks for being on POSHMARK and you stay safe My closet has awesome stuff for everyone
Apr 04Reply
crystalco Hi Pamela! Thanks for visiting again and for liking the Betsey Johnson Bag with lipstick.
Apr 05Reply
trix27567 Hello. I sent you an offer. Let me know if I can help you with anything. Thank you
Apr 08Reply
golden_gal1 I am sorry, but $49 is the lowest I can go on this Ugg bag that cost $150 at What I paid plus the 20% selling fee posh charges I am already losing. Thank you for your interest, though. 🌹
Apr 09Reply
pamannh @golden_gal1 actually you are offering $47 with the discount shipping. I offered $45 until just now I canceled it after reading this. its 2 bucks less than your offer but thats all I have with tax and shipping.
Apr 09Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉🎉🤗
Apr 11Reply
rbsinger @pamannh Thank you for visiting my closet. Please check the top listing you like for an offer. Have a great night. 😀
Apr 26Reply
linzluvsed @pamannh hi 🙋‍♀️ are you planning on shipping the Cupio Sparrow blouse? I haven’t seen any tracking information yet and it’s been about a week. Thanks.
Apr 27Reply
linzluvsed @pamannh hi, I see you’ve been active on Posh but haven’t answered any of my messages and it’s been over a week since I purchased the Cupio Sparrow blouse. Guess I will just just cancel it today Because it seems that you are ignoring my messages for whatever reason.
May 01Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet someHi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
May 08Reply
thicckthicck @pamannh Hi! Sent you my rock bottom price for the Champion sweatshirt. It is super cute, brand néw with tags. Lmk if you have any questions. Thanks!
May 25Reply
fadhionlover @pamannh Hi, & welcome to my closet. bundle with other items from my closet and save. 25% OFF any 3 or more listings, & listings $10 & under are 4 for only $20. let me know if you have any questions. I wrap with care and ship fast. smoke free home
May 29Reply
triplesquared Hi Pamela Ann, thank you so much for liking my sneakers. Please feel free to visit my closet at anytime. You may see other items you may just as much, or more.
Jun 23Reply
amberkarels Hi! Thank you for liking one of my items. I’m currently running a sale of buying 2 items & get your 3rd item free! 🎉☺️
Jun 29Reply
deborahheim Hi! Did you accept the Tiffany” necklace? I bought one from the same vendor after you and, upon receipt, I believe it is fraudulent. The packaging especially, gives it away. I took pics and filed a claim with Poshmark.
Jul 06Reply
convintageous Hi Pamela, thank you for the like on the UGG comforter. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask anytime🙂
Jul 18Reply
cactus_cowgirl Hello, Welcome to our closet.. We are "The Indiana Hillbillys" offers welcome! Bundle for great deals! Thank you for visiting our closet! Check out my two sisters and my mom's closets @indiana1992 @halfpintlove @indianalove1971
Jul 18Reply
kellyfrontino2 Hi!! Thanks for the “like” it looks like we have similar taste! You have a gorgeous closet! I am currently offering a buy 2 get 1 free sale! Add any three items to your bundle (or more) 😉 and I will be sure and give you this smoking hot deal!! I have a ton of Free People, Lululemon, Anthropologie, Madewell as well as many other designer name brands available! Let me know if you’re interested? Happy shopping!! 🛍
Aug 07Reply
luzs_closet Thanks for liking somethings from my closet 🙂 Hope I can serve you soon
Aug 08Reply
convintageous Hi Pamela, you have a beautiful family. Thank you for the like. I’m not sure what I’m still doing up but I’m glad I was. It’s nice to meet you 🙂Caroline
Aug 08Reply
khoke74 @pamannh hi Pamela thank you for the like ❤️it’s a cozy set so soft I’m a 5 star ⭐️ seller and ship daily 🌼🌺🌸stay safe d add me happy poshing
Aug 08Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 1000 items. Bundle and save! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Aug 15Reply
sweetpeach18 Hi @pamannh! Are you looking for a Gal Meets Glam Ardith dress? I have one for sale :)
Aug 19Reply
pamannh @sweetpeach18 is it listed? I'm not sure what dress that is?
Aug 21Reply
sweetpeach18 @pamannh Haven’t listed it just yet! I saw your comment on another listing, so I thought you might be interested. You can find a stock photo on Google if you search “Gal Meets Glam Ardith” - it’s a navy/white sleeveless gingham midi dress. Perfect all by itself as we wrap up summer, then just add a cardigan to bring it into fall!
Aug 21Reply
pamannh @sweetpeach18 what size is it? I'm interested!
Aug 21Reply
sweetpeach18 @pamannh It’s a NWOT size 18, but it runs small. Recommended for size 12-16.
Aug 21Reply
joepi @pamannh Thank you so much for your 5⭐rating and review ❤️
Aug 23Reply
mrsknle Hola- I see you like what you see. You never know if Poshers are complimenting your tastes or contemplating a purchase. I keep it low key + pressure free. If you are showing closet love, thank you! ❤️ If you are ready to shop, I encourage you to make an offer. Mama is always down to deal - like 15% off all Bundles of 2+ items. Just happy you stopped in to see us at 👟+👕. Happy Poshing!
Aug 26Reply
marabargainposh THANK YOU for your purchase! I ship & get a receipt at the PO every AM except Sunday but USPS has nationwide delays--it's worth the wait! 🌸Mara
Sep 14Reply
jackiecristal Hi I am Jackie! 😊 You are welcome to come check out my closet @jackiecristal. I have posted many new items. If you see something you like feel free to make an offer. Also, I ship same day or next day! 🚚 Happy Poshing! 💕
Sep 14Reply
convintageous Hi Pamela, thank you for the like on the Steve Madden tie dye slippers. You have a beautiful family 🙂
Sep 19Reply
marabargainposh Thank you for 5⭐Glad you like the top & hope you visit again 🌸Mara
Sep 21Reply
lauracieslak Hey there! :)) If you get a chance I’d really love for you to come by and check out my closet, I’ve got a variety of styles in clothing, shoes and beauty products so maybe you’ll find something you like! Either way, thanks a ton and Happy Poshing:)
Sep 27Reply
rockycash Hi Pamela ann.... I hope you are enjoying this friendly Poshmark community. Wishing you success with many sales! Thanks for visiting our family closet and for liking the Reebok Brown Jogging Suit. If you are interested in purchasing any of our items, a five percent discount is offered on bundles of 3 or more items. Have a great week and stay safe and healthy during this difficult time in our country.
Sep 27Reply
luzs_closet Hi Thank you for all your likes! Hope you like something you can purchase 😊
Oct 01Reply
luzs_closet Hi just wanted to let you know I just lowed my Gucci bag you liked in my closet to $315 😊
Oct 02Reply
binksbestbuys4u Good morning! Just wanted to apologize for plugging up your notifications with so many offers. I decided to have a ‘rock bottom’ day and wasn’t sure how to do it without sending out a gazillion offers 😂. So, again, I’m very sorry. Have a great day!!
Oct 15Reply
pamannh @binksbestbuys4u thanks its no problem thats how you make sales. I love your closet unfortunately I've not found a set i can afford. since the pandemic its been tight. I am looking now though. have a blessed day love!
Oct 15Reply
lol2344556 Thank for like please share with your followers.
Oct 21Reply
shop_makeup Hey there! Will be really happy if you found to. Is it my closet 😁❤️
Nov 16Reply
geraldkelly2478 ty for the like on my champion sweatshirt make an reasonable offer ty n bless you
Nov 17Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2500 items. Bundle and save! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Nov 23Reply
jewdy09 I’ve got the Torrid rainbow skull jogger in size 1 and 2.
Dec 07Reply
lmoore840 Heeey, I am happy to say, I am still doing my HOLIDAY SALE on my page, come check it out, won’t be doing these sells for long, get things low while you can!!!😃😃!!YAAAAY! 🎁🎁,Happy New Years!!!!🤩🤩🤩!!!
Dec 27Reply
alli_65 Hi! Thank you for the like on the Ugg slippers. I sent you the offer and just wanted to let you know that if purchased I always ship the same day priority mail 😊
Jan 08Reply
alli_65 Hi! If you’d like me to send you an offer on the items you liked just decline any offer I sent and then I can bundle them with one shipping charge and discounted offer😊
Jan 09Reply
amberkarels Hi! Thank you for liking some of my items. I’m currently running a sale of buying 2 items & get your 3rd item free! 🎉☺️
Jan 18Reply
thea229 @pamannh Hi Pamela Ann! I wanted to invite you to my closet! I offer a large variety of brands you may like, several different sizes, and I also offer 20% off all bundles! Feel free to stop by, and I hope we can make a deal! Have an amazing day! ☺️😁
Jan 26Reply
apextim Hi Pam Thank you for liking my item - Rare Nike Masters magnolia golf cap If you buy this weekend , I am shipping on Monday Please know that if you buy 2 items or more you get 15% off and a Combined Shipping discount Thanks again for being on POSHMARK for your needs and feel free to make a fair offer if you only want 1 item All the best and stay safe this flu season Tim
Feb 05Reply
gnutter02 @apextim did you order a tie dye hoodie from me?
Feb 19Reply
apextim @gnutter02 -don’t think so
Feb 19Reply
thillbill Happy 2022. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2700 items. Bundle few items and save more! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Feb 20Reply
fadhionlover @pamannh hi and welcome to my closet. why pay shipping for only 1 item. bundle and save! 25% OFF any 3 or more listings. all $10 & under listings are 4 for only $20. let me know if you have any questions. I wrap with care and ship fast.
Apr 26Reply
daniellepier160 Thanks for the like I’m open to offers
May 05Reply
cutehosiery @pamannh Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 23Reply
marveylust Hi sweetie❤️ you “Liked” both mu UGG throws. I once sold both for $100 but the cost of shipping was extra $18 (this site WAY overcharges for each add’l pound). Therefore with fees I am only doing $50 each and $4.99 ship, but they can’t be bundled. If serious, I can send offer. 🌹
Jun 01Reply
stephaniehunts4 Hi, thanks for visiting my closet!!! Please feel free to make me an offer🙂
Jun 12Reply
sell528 Hi, thank you for liking the Juicy Couture backpack and wallet!😊 Reasonable offers are welcome.
Jun 12Reply
thillbill Happy 2022. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2800 items. Bundle few items and save more! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Jun 18Reply
rureddy39 Good afternoon! I noticed that you have liked a few items from my closet. If you bundle, 3 or more items, I will send you an offer for an additional 20% off your entire bundle. That means you can get ALL items bundled at a total of 30% off the listing price!! Thank you for your interest in my closet and Happy Poshing!!! 😊
Jun 19Reply
alli_attic Thanks for the boys polo plaid ❤️. I ship fast from a smoke and pet free home. Please check out my great reviews 😃.
Jul 09Reply
prcoffee Wow! Thank you so much for all the likes! I’m flattered! Let me know if there is anything that interests you 🥰 Have a great week 💕
Jul 12Reply
marissa__andrea @pamannh Hiiiii! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by my closet! Create a bundle and save! 2+ items you’ll receive 10% off your bundle Only found one item?!? Make a reasonable offer! Happy Shopping! 🙂
Jul 17Reply
amberkarels Hi! Thank you for liking one of my items. I’m currently running a sale of buying 2 items & get your 3rd item free! 🎉☺️
Jul 31Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Aug 01Reply
jwing0177 Thank you for the like!
Sep 10Reply
jwing0177 Thank you for the like!
Sep 10Reply
tris1957 hi girl!...long time no hear!...heyvthe best I can do on that heart is free shipp if u put it in a bundle!, imselling my 5 set of mrs delanys garden hearts, I just have to purgee...gonna sell as a set...all in awsom order...for all 5 im charging 350.00(70.00 each)....with free shipping..!
Sep 28Reply
cindyscloset574 Hi Pamela, thanks for all the “likes” in my closet. If u r interested I can make you a special offer with a discount on shipping in your bundle. Have a Blessed Day
Oct 03Reply
anasbcloset Hi, Thanks for the like,👍
Oct 03Reply
2girls2122 Hi Pamela ann thanks a bunch for your likes in our closet..If you are interested in anything send in an offer..You have a beautiful family and love your dog..I help out a rescue and place dogs in there forever homes..Have a great evening 🌻.Happy Poshing 📦..
Oct 04Reply
brendaragosta @pamannh Thanks for the ❤️on the bracelet. Fabulous Tiffany.:) All your family pics are sweet.:)
Oct 09Reply
efgscloset @pamannh check your F B mess enger . I sent you a note.
Oct 13Reply
sell528 Hi, thank you for liking the Tommy Hilfiger Laptop/Briefcase!😊
Oct 14Reply
alli_65 Hi! Thank you for the like on the Ugg crossbody bag. I sent you the offer and just wanted to let you know that if purchased I always ship the same day priority mail 😊
Oct 24Reply
sell528 Hi, I am not home right now. But I will check again when I get home to make sure I didn't miss something. Thank you for your interest!😊
Oct 24Reply
sell528 Hi, thank you for liking the Juicy Couture Pillow!😊 I see you also have liked some other things before. Open to reasonable offers and bundling as well.💕
Oct 28Reply
alli_65 Hi! Thank you for the like on the Ugg shoulder bag. If purchased I always ship the same day priority mail 😊
Nov 01Reply
2girls2122 Hi! nice to meet you Pamela. If we can help you with any questions don't hesitate to ask. Wishing you an awesome day! Happy Poshing 📬.
Nov 27Reply
alli_65 Hi! Thank you for the like on the Ugg crossbody bag. I sent you the offer and if purchased I always ship the same day priority mail 😊
Dec 22Reply
alli_65 Hi again!😊I sent the offer on the Ugg crossbody bag & if purchased I will ship priority mail asap😊
Dec 25Reply
foresttreasures Hi Pamela ann! 🙋 I'm Cindy from the mountains of NC! WELCOME to my closet! I saw you liked the cute Disney shower curtain, so I sent you an AWESOME offer & hope that makes you LOVE it even more! Like a few other items & we can bundle for an even better deal & the other items SHIP FREE in the bundle! 🎄 🌟 🎄 HAPPY 🎄 🌟 🎄HOLIDAYS & 😀 HAPPY POSHING! 💋 Cindy from the 🌳
Dec 30Reply
alli_65 Hi again!😊I sent you the offer on the Kate Spade sunglasses. Again, if purchased I always ship priority mail asap😊
Dec 31Reply
savyshopper22 Hi Pamela, Thanks for visiting my closet and liking the Womens NWT NIKE ACTIVEWEAR LEGGINGS! Sorry for the delayed response 😅 😬! If you're interested in purchasing them I've sent you a discounted offer with discounted shipping! As Always Happy Poshing 😊 😃!
Jan 06Reply
mountainlife8 Hi 👋 I accepted your offer 5 days ago. Unfortunately there’s a payment issue and I can’t ship your item until you fix the payment.
Jan 12Reply
katybug13golden Hello Pamela! I recently made an offer on the Sam Edelman sandals with dots. Are these still for sale? I did not receive a counter offer. Thank you, Kate
Jan 13Reply
kbetzwiser Feel free to make an offer. Thank you for looking at my closet
Jan 13Reply
thillbill Hello, Feel free to check out my closet some time. It may take awhile, well over 3500 items. Bundle a few items and save more! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Jan 22Reply
sell528 Hi, thank you for liking the Juicy Couture Throw pillow!😊
Jan 23Reply
tangela76 Thank you for looking at my closet. I’m trying to get this closet up and running. I’m reading everything and going by the book, but it seems I am missing something. Do you have any advice on how to list and sale? Also I’m trying to get “Not For Sale” off an item that had not sold. I’m so confused on how to make this work in my favor. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. Have an awesome day.
Jan 25Reply
pamannh @tangela76 hi love go to the listing you want to change to for sale or not for sale anything at top right "edit" button then at bottom you can change for sale or not for sale and other options. let me know if this helps. I'm here and I'll help you
Jan 25Reply
tangela76 Good morning, I tried to fix the issue with the “Not For Sale” but it still wouldn’t let me switch it to “For Sale”. So I just deleted the listing since that was the only option at the bottom of the edit page. I will re-list it this evening with some other items. Thank you again for all you help. Happy Poshing!!!!
Jan 26Reply
lovenarf Hi Pamela. Thanks for liking my Laura Ashley jacket. Since it is closet clear, out day, I can reduce it to $25 and Poshmark will give you discounted shipping. Please let me know if you would like this offer.
Jan 29Reply
kaysuniverse Thanks 4 liking an item from my closet. 🤗 I carry quality brands at affordable prices. As a PM reseller I've kept a near perfect rating for over 3yrs. 😇 All items are described in detail already. I ship next day and I'm always flexible on price. If you like sumthin 😍 "don't wait... Make an Offer b4 sumbdy else does!" 😉
Jan 30Reply
liquidchicken55 @pamannh Hi there! Just wanted you to know that I have an UGG Pink Backpack listed for sale! You liked one back in December but they were sold out! If you’re no longer interested, no worries, sorry to bother you but only wanted to tell you so I can clear out my closet and today is $4.99 or free shipping from Poshmark! Thanks
Feb 06Reply
rockycash Hi Pamela ann.. Thanks for stopping by again and for liking the Vtg Cherished Teddies Holy Communion Frame. Have an enjoyable weekend. Happy Saint Patrick's Day to you and your family!
Mar 17Reply
thillbill Hello, Feel free to check out my closet some time. It may take awhile, well over 2500 items. Bundle a few items and save more! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often Tons to add!!
Mar 18Reply
amberkarels Hi! Thank you for liking one of my items. I’m currently running a sale of buying 2 items & receive your 3rd item free at equal or lesser value! 😊🎉
Apr 01Reply
jmsmooth23 👋🏽 hi there, I wanted to let you know that your liked SALE item (marked down additional 33% today only) is 💥EXPIRING TODAY 💥 ➡️I will be relisting the item at regular price ✌🏽💝😁
Apr 02Reply
kakosi Hi! Please take a look at my Tiffany earrings. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.
Apr 13Reply
thillbill Hello, Feel free to check out my closet some time. It may take awhile, well over 2500 items. Bundle a few items and save more! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often Tons to add!!
Apr 22Reply
thillbill Hello, Feel free to check out my closet some time. It may take awhile, well over 2500 items. Bundle a few items and save more! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often Tons to add!!
May 02Reply
lovenarf Hi Pamela. I see that a while ago you liked a red plaid Talbert blazer. I just posted one in my closet that might be of interest to you. Would love for you to stop by.
May 16Reply
pdirv Hi Pamela, thanks so much for visiting and liking my Tory sandals! 🎉😊 I’m happy to help, so feel free to reach out! 🛍🪴🌺
Jun 10Reply
smileslori Hi there just stopping by to let you know that I have some Michael Kors bags that you might be interested in. Thank you so much.
Jul 19Reply
peaceful22 Hi! The jellies were listed at the wrong price. They were 188.00 new. I had to adjust the price. I looked at the wrong receipt!! Just wanted you to know.
Aug 08Reply
thillbill Hello, Feel free to check out my closet some time. This is a large closet so use the filter button. Bundle a few items and save! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often Tons to add!!
Aug 15Reply
suzycos Hi! I just saw you liked three things in my closet and I’m very negotiable if you are interested in a bundle on any of them. I am an extremely quick shipper! The Chanel would need to go to posh first for authentication and then to you! 💕
Oct 12Reply
craftygranny Stopped by and shared 😃! Have a great day ☀️! Hugs 🤗!
Nov 14Reply
alli_65 Hi! Thank you for the like on the Ugg items. I sent you the offer and if purchased I always ship priority mail asap😊
Nov 19Reply
thedarningyarn 🎀🌸🌟💗🌟🌸🎀 super power shizamm to you 🌟💫💛
Dec 03Reply
alli_65 Hi! Thank you for the like on the Ugg hooded robe. It’s beautiful 😊I sent you the offer & if purchased I always ship priority mail the same day
Dec 22Reply
thriftymom317 Thanks for liking several items in my closet. Please feel free to make a bundle, I will send a discount
Jan 14Reply
modest_finds Check out my closet! I sell Tory Burch
Jan 19Reply
chris1525t @pamannh - hi there, 👋 the 1piece pajama set is in excellent condition- like new / ready to wear - super comfortable- made with high quality materials- & loads of fun 🤩🥳 I can ship this Beauty out for you first thing tomorrow morning- no problem- thank you & take care love! 💕
Jan 24Reply
theresathigpen Hello, I saw your posting you are looking for this. I thought I would pass this on to you.
Jan 29Reply
jmcd976 Hi Posher! Please stop by my closet. We have quality kids clothing from stores like Janie and Jack and Burberry. If you know toddler parents, ask them to stop by my closet. We also have items for women (shoes from Ferragamo and Tory Burch)and men’s clothing. Let’s get together and posh soon<3
Feb 04Reply
mrsknle Hola- I see you like what you see. You never know if Poshers are complimenting your tastes or contemplating a purchase. I keep it low key + pressure free. If you are showing closet love, thank you! ❤️ If you are ready to shop, I encourage you to make an offer. Mama is always down to deal - like 15% off all Bundles of 2+ items. Just happy you stopped in to see us at 👟+👕. Happy Poshing!
Feb 07Reply
thillbill Hello fellow posher! Feel free to check out my closet sometime, few thousand items and many to still add. Sometime for everyone. Hit the search button if looking for specific size or items. shopping 🛍
Feb 14Reply
giftsbyril7 Hello Pamela and thank you for visiting! Accepting all reasonable offers. Best Wishes in your selling ventures as well 🙂Donna
Apr 14Reply
timelinestyle ✨ PAMELA ANN ✨ thank you for visiting Timeline Boutique 👠 as seen on Fashiontv 👠 excellent service + same day shipping! ✨
Apr 27Reply
prcoffee Hi Pamela, I lowered the price of the Minnie bag you liked so you can take advantage of the $4.99 shipping during CCO. The offer is good for 6 hrs 🥰♥️🥰 Have a beautiful day! ☺️🌞
Apr 28Reply
ahuot Hello. I’m trying to close up Shop! So I’d like to invite you to check out my eclectic closet. I’m running some epic sales on rare cute goodies! I offer a 10% bundle discount, discount shipping, and I ship next day❣️Reasonable offers welcome ✌️❤️
May 26Reply
myroses845 @pamannh hi! thanks for the like! offers welcome on the adorable Marvel beanie!
Sep 09Reply
unclaimed Pamela Ann ,Amazing beautiful picture.Nice closet. Wishing 🙏 you health, happiness and prosperity. Enjoy a 50% on your next purchase of $50+. Expires 09/25/24. I also wholesale: purchase any items priced $20 or less for $5 ,with a minimum purchase of $50. Check out the Poshmark videos on YouTube channel: Great ideas to increase your sales!!
Sep 20Reply
stormtreasures hi Pamela Ann thank you for liking our COACH items... if you bundle your two items we will work with you and offer you the best Holiday Deal ☺️ thank you for your interest Deacon Ricky
Oct 15Reply
daadoo_07 Hello, thanks for the likes 🙂 would you like to bundle the HK shower curtains?
Oct 22Reply
myguenevere @pamannh Hello. I see that you Loved several of my items. I am going to take a bunch of stuff to the resale shop. Instead if you want to bundle them I would be happy to give you a great price :D
Oct 31Reply
Nov 15Reply
sumthinvintage Hi Pamela l,thanks for stopping by my closet! If you throw me an offer on that Apron you like I will probably accept it, I like to keep my closet fresh! We're getting ready to go to the post office, let's get it in the mail!
Nov 26Reply
siricaf hi u liked the new Tory Burch silver Ballet Flats. I can work with u on price. make an offer
Dec 03Reply
suziscouture Hello Pamela😀Happy New Year!🥳U r my neighbor.. I’m from Elon/ Burlington area . 👌Just sent u a great offer with discount shipping on Leather Coach trifold wallet. ❤️⭐️Can send out ASAP! I’m a 5 star rated posh ambassador/ top 10% seller. Please follow my boutique for all your favorites. Hope this offer works for you. Thanks! 👜
Jan 04Reply

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