Meet your Posher, Patricia
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Hi! I'm Patricia. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

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Welcome to Poshmark - the most fun shopping experience online. Let me know if I can help in any way as you get started. Please feel free to check out my closet. I do accept offers and love to read comments. Have fun! May you be blessed and well dressed always, Darling!
Jun 21Reply

Thank you so much for buying! I'll be shipping your dress out soon! Have a wonderful night :)
Jul 19Reply

Hey Patricia! I just saw your offer. If you Bundle 2 or more items you automatically get 15% off..and I'll work with you on the price;) if you want to bundle!or were you only interested in this floral dress? ××there is a cute necklace that would match perfect in my closet:)
Jul 19Reply

Hola Patricia. Le gustaria acumular los cuatro articulos que ha comprado? Asi se ahorraria usted lo equivalente a tres envios. Parece que usted no ha estado en Poshmark mucho tiempo, a mi me tomo bastante aprender como navegar la pagina... dejeme saber si Le puedo ayudar con instrucciones de como acumular en un solo envio/oferta si usted no ha encontrado como hacerlo. Muchas gracias por sus Compras..... Bety. 😃
Jul 19Reply

@newventure2017 si,es verdad,yo tengo menos de dos meses comprando,y gracias por sus ayuda,por favor mandeme los articulos de la manera como ud. me esta subgiriendo
Jul 19Reply

Si,y por favor digame como puedo acumular para hacer un solo envio,muchas gracias
Jul 19Reply

@patrcsoriano @patrcsoriano Ok. Vamos a tener que hacer las compras de nuevo... Una vez vendidos sus productos, yo no los puedo revendet, aun asi sea a usted misma,,, 1) Voy a cancelar las ordenes que usted puso, 2) Usted vaya al primer articulo (cualquiera) y presione el cuadrito con flechita enmedio senalando hacia arriba, el cual esta a la detecha de donde dice Listing Details arriba de la primera foto del articulo,,,,
Jul 19Reply

3) Al presionar ese cuadrito, abajo apareceran unas opciones - seleccione la segunda "Add to Bundle",,,,,4) la llevara a otra pantalla donde en el lado izquierdo vera ese articulo, 5) abajo vera dos opciones, presione la primera "Add more,,," y la regresara a mi closet, para añadir el siguiente articulo,,, y asi sucesivamente hasta añadir todos sus articulos de compra en el mismo bundle (bolsa).,,
Jul 19Reply

6) una vez que todos sus articulos esten ahi, en la parte de abajo usted puede hacer la oferta por todos ellos juntos. Quiere practicar con otros dos articulos? Cualesquiera de mi closet... Yo Le negare la oferta y la transaccion no se consumirá, solo para que usted practique... 😃
Jul 19Reply

Thanks so much! I'll ship it tomorrow! 😊
Jul 20Reply

@rfl38 thanks
Jul 20Reply

@patrcsoriano hey Hun, I didn't make it to post office today. I'll try to drop it this evening or first thing tomorrow:))
Jul 20Reply

@rfl38 ok😊
Jul 20Reply

Hii! Welcome to Poshmark!! Feel free to check it my closet and make any offers! I'm happy to answer any questions you may have as well💕🌻✨🌸
Jul 21Reply

Welcome to poshmark :)
Jul 21Reply

@patrcsoriano Patricia I would be happy to accept your offer on my pink dress but I wanted to let you know I am having a 50% off sale today & tomorrow so i will be giving it to you for only $9! Since it's $4 cheaper than your offer I wanted to give you an opportunity to look thru my closet again & see if thers anything else you want, if so, add it to a bundle & save on shipping 😄
Jul 21Reply

@patrcsoriano if you want to just stick with the dress, let me know & I will counter offer you to $9 and once you accept I'll get it ready shipment!! Hope it all makes sense!
Jul 21Reply

@patrcsoriano also, I just realized I can't counter at a lower price than your offer so I would have to decline and then allow you to re-offer at $9. Let me know what works for you! Hope this doesn't get too confusing, just trying to save you your $4! :)
Jul 21Reply

@patrcsoriano since I didn't hear from you regarding your offer I went ahead & accepted at $13. You will also receive a free pair of earrings. Since you paid $4 more than what it would have been on sale for this weekend, I am wanted to let you know that the next time you purchase anything from me, I will be giving you at least $4 off. If you see this before my sale is over this weekend, it will also apply for that so it will be an additional $4 off of 50% off!
Jul 22Reply

@patrcsoriano thank you so much for your purchase & your package will be shipped out today!! Thank you for shopping my closet, I hope you will find another item in my closet to use your additional $4 off! I add new items almost everyday so keep an eye out for something new as well 😄
Jul 22Reply

Hola Patricia. Espero Le haya gustado su vestido de regalo 👗 😘. La blusa va en camino, el paquetito se me "escondio" abajo del asiento, y la envie ayer cuando la encontre ☹️.
Jul 25Reply

@newventure2017 siiiii,gracias,pero no estaba segura de quien me lo había enviado,mi hija me abrió las cajas,y no sabía en cual de ellas había llegado!!!pero gracias esta muy lindo,y me quedo a mi medida!!!!😁😁
Jul 25Reply

Tu crees q me puedes hacer un solo envio?
Jul 25Reply

Hi Patricia, I sent you the item you purchased. Under tracking, it says that the post office tried to deliver the package, but they couldn't. The package is at the post office for you to pick it up. Thanks!
Jul 25Reply

@bestkn01 ok thank you, can you please send me the tracking number
Jul 25Reply

@patrcsoriano Here you go -
Jul 25Reply

@bestkn01 ok😁
Jul 25Reply

ⓦⓔⓛⓒⓞⓜⓔ to posh!!! You're going to love it here! I might sell your favorite brands in my closet and offer 50% off bundles of 5+ items if you want to check me out! Have fun and ℋᎯℙℙᎽ ℙᎾЅℋℐℕᎶ!
Aug 01Reply

💐Hi I'm Laura it's nice to meet you!💕Stop by anytime if I can answer questions!💕You're welcome to follow me and like my Follow Game at the top of my closet as it will also help to increase your followers! Happy Poshing!😘❤️💋xoxo
Aug 01Reply

Good evening Patricia. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Aug 05Reply

Hi hun) welcome to my closet ! Feel free to make an offer with price you like! ❤️ have a wonderful day ☀️☀️☀️
Aug 24Reply

Thank you for the wonderful review and rating! GRACIAS XOXOXO
Sep 06Reply

Hi I just added a comment to my Talbot's skirt you made an offer on. The lining is a little longer than the skirt in back and needs to be hemmed. I just noticed it.
Nov 08Reply

Blessings 🌻
Nov 23Reply

Hi I apologize I didn't get that in the mail sooner thank u and Happy Holidays..
Dec 02Reply

Hi Patricia, it's nice to meet you. I hope I'm not bothering you. I saw you liked an item and I'd be happy to offer a free item of you choice in a bundle (lowest value). So buy three get there fourth for free. Thank you for looking, xoxo
Dec 13Reply

@patrcsoriano Hi, I see you have four $4 items that you liked. If you add two more $4 items, and offer me $16, I will accept. Basically, you'll get two items free! Thanks!☺️☘️
Jan 30Reply

Hi Patricia! I just accepted your offer before realizing I recently donated the Donna Rico dress to charity. I can cancel your order or substitute another dress. I have a cute black and white dress size 12 you might like. Like new and well made. Let me know what you want to do, i’m very flexible. Sorry for the inconvenience! (I’ll tag you on a couple other dresses!)
Feb 12Reply

@clevercouture don't worry,I like the white dress with black
Feb 12Reply

@patrcsoriano Perfect. I will mail out tomorrow. Thanks!
Feb 13Reply

@patrcsoriano Thanks for the rating hope you enjoy them :-)
Mar 13Reply

Thank you for your purchase. Ready for post office in am. 🌹
Apr 04Reply

Hi Patricia, if you bundle your 2 likes i can take 30% off the combination . Just let me know and we can make a deal🙂👍🏼
Jun 13Reply

Hi Patricia! You are welcome to come to my closet and find something you love! 💙Dee with bestbargain 💚
Jul 06Reply

Thanks for stopping by Patricia 🤗I sent you a private discount if you’re interested! Please let me know if you have any questions.
Sep 28Reply

Hi, I just lowed the talbot set to what you asked for, are you still interested?
Oct 18Reply

I’m sorry for the delay in shipping your skirt. I have been out of town for a death in the family.
Dec 03Reply

Hi Patricia! I'd love for you to check out my closet 💗
Dec 19Reply

I appreciate your patience with the delayed shipment of the dress you purchased. A family emergency came up and I didn’t get to ship the items as quickly as I try to. I’ll get it in the mail tomorrow and apologize for the delay. I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week!
Nov 13Reply

@lindseynatay I am so sorry to hear about your family emergency. I hope everything works out well. If you have time tomorrow, that would be good but if not its okay!
Nov 13Reply

Hi! I just wanted to follow up and let you know that I shipped your Ann Taylor skirt on 12/26. I see through the tracking that it still hasn't been delivered. I'm assuming this is due to the weekend and then holidays. I'll keep my eye on it, but hopefully you'll receive it soon. 😁
Jan 02Reply

Thank you for your order. Greatly appreciated. Packed and in the hands of the Post Office 😉
Jul 28Reply

Hi Patricia, thanks for shopping my closet. Will ship your Talbots jacket on Monday.
Aug 08Reply

Appreciate the awesome rating, glad you are happy with your wool jacket.😍Thanks, Resa
Aug 15Reply

@teatubby 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Aug 15Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Jul 15Reply
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