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Updated Nov 17
Updated Nov 17

Meet your Posher, Patricia

Meet the Posher



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Howdy! I'm Big Red and welcome to my closet! if I'm doing this right by the time you're here there should be a good mix of things I've enjoyed and am now passing on to you. Sorry about the number of rompers (I LOOOOVE them).
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 3+ Bundle

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triplesquared Hi Patricia, welcome to Poshmark and thank you for liking the Charlotte Russe Round Toe Rainbow Glitter Platform Stiletto Heels in my closet!!
May 30Reply
neicyfish Hello Patricia! Welcome to the great community of Poshmark! My name is Denice and I am a Poshmark Ambassador. If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them. Thank you for visiting my Closet. I see that you liked the Born Concept floral leather thong tan sandals. They are beautiful! Let me know if you have any questions or concerns about them. Feel free to visit my closet as often as you’d like. I list several times a week. Again, welcome and Happy Poshing!!!
Jun 20Reply
ozarkgirl12 Hey Hey Patrica! I just wanted to let you know that I added some new items today and the last few weeks if you have not visited my closet lately. I was thinking about you as I added a few of the heels. I hope you are doing well and keeping cool in this heat! xoxoxo Gwen ;)
Jul 31Reply
kitie2u 🐱 Thank you for being a guest in my closet. Please stop by anytime to say, Hi! Chat! or Shop! Blessings in your direction always! 🐱 From The Kitie2u Closet
Aug 08Reply
ozarkgirl12 Good morning Patricia! SO good to see you back looking at my closet! I hope you are doing well. I just wanted to tell you that if you will add those two pair of shoes that you liked in my closet, I could send you an offer and you would save on shipping if you bought them both at the same time. I'll make you a good deal on both of them. Cause I love selling shoes to you! ha! I hope you are well and survived this long hot summer we had. XO, Gwen
Oct 27Reply
pfern1983 @ozarkgirl12 sorry it's been a minute girl! I've got some things I'm going to try to sell but I'm headed to your closet right now to sneak a peek (cuz it's probably where my earnings are going LOL)
Nov 17Reply
ozarkgirl12 @pfern1983 Oh Pat!! You and I both Lady! If I sold as much as I bought on this site, well, I would have some money in my checking account! ha! This site is addictive I swear! Good luck with your sales! xoxoxo. Gwen
Nov 17Reply
ozarkgirl12 Oh yeah! The other thing! I have SOOOOO much stuff to photograph and list to be in my closet on here that I am absolutely overwhelmed. My clearing out my closets and downsizing is extensive, but I am slow as molasses on getting them on this site I swear! I wonder if I am the only one that suffers from this hangup when it comes to Poshmark? I am sure I make it harder than it has to be....haha. I will let you know when I get them on here finally. Have a great Sunday Lady!
Nov 17Reply

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Last Active: Feb 19

Corpus Christi, TX
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Last Active: Feb 19

Corpus Christi, TX
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