Meet your Posher, Pearl
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Hi! I'm Pearl. Some of my favorite brands are Louis Vuitton, Tory Burch, Michael Kors, and MAC Cosmetics. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

10 others
like this

Please take this down.
I did not state this or ask to shop in anyone’s closet 🤷🏽♀️😖
Jan 19Reply

Go ahead Pearl its all set to purchase bras thanks...
Apr 02Reply

I didn't realize you lived in Houston. I do too! Usps said they weren't able to deliver. They may have left a notice? I just wanted to make sure you receive it. (Louis Vuitton Artsy Handbag)
Apr 02Reply

@eh1045 my husband was going to pick ice it up this morning.❤️👌🏽
Apr 02Reply

It’s always great doI gotta business with a Houstonian!!👏👏👏
Apr 02Reply

Pearl before I send out the bras that you purchased there is a little problem if you could read the comments under the bras that you had purchased I would appreciate it
Apr 02Reply

I’m confused? Yes I saw where order cancelled but I resubmitted for the 31 dollars
Is something wrong?
Please advise. That’s the only message i see that one about canceling
Apr 02Reply

Are u canceling the order totally or what. I don’t understand
Apr 02Reply

I have the comments under the cancelled order. What happened was i was trying to do that all last night late at nite and not noticing that the one order with the 2 bras is the same bras as the other order with the 3 bras. So i cancelled the order because of this. I have 3 vs bras one in peach one in blue green and one in black. They are all 34d except the peach one is a,34dd but it fit my daughter too even though she wore a 34d.
Apr 02Reply

So i created another order that reflects all this so u know what u will be receiving and it has hold for pearl on it so u can see what i am talking about. This would be the one that has all the correct info for u too purchase. The order that had the 2 bras i was asking 15 and the order with the 3 bras i was,wanting 25 so that is 40. With the 10 percent off it would be 4.00 off coming to 36.
Apr 02Reply

What happened to theBali bra? U didn’t mention it?
Are u changing some of the bras out? Are the the same ones in picture?
Apr 02Reply

@24vaneses I don’t want black or peach right now. Only want what was shown on the site.Purchasing for my 21 year old daughter ❤️
Apr 02Reply

@24vaneses how do I complete the transaction. It’s a freeze on account
Apr 02Reply

Received my bag today and I love it!!!!
Thank you. I will keep watching your closet for more treasures 👍
Apr 02Reply

What is the price on the other bras I mentioned on the email ( black and peach)?
Apr 02Reply

Ok i have the three originals they are the VS grey and white trim and 2 Balis. So i have 3 that u originally wanted. Im going to post a pic of 3 more 34ds she has. One in blue green VS one in a coral that is 34d,VS and one aerie white 34d . Let me know from the pic if u r interested in any of these 3 . Then i will do a listing of what u want so u can purchase.
Apr 02Reply

Okay I just posted a pic of the three other bras that I have available. If you like any of these just let me know. I will add them to the other three originals that you do want and then I will create a new posting that has all the ones you want on and you can purchase. Sorry for all the confusion.
Apr 03Reply

I just added to my bundle. Lets finalize please
Apr 03Reply

Since you can't put pictures under the comments it makes it so confusing . So what I did was create three different listings just choose what one you want. I did include the 10% off and the shipping will be just the one shipping charge. So I hope we are done with this because I've been working on this whole night. Thanks again and sorry for all the confusion.
Apr 03Reply

Don't bundle any they are already at the 10% off price so just purchase what set you want. The one that has the three bras on and the one that you chose for the bundle deal is the $30 one so just purchased that if you don't want any of the other ones but don't bundle anymore it's making it too confusing.
Apr 03Reply

Look under my listings that I have created. If you want the four bras that you just said it's the listing that is $30 if you want the five bras that I have then look at the other two listings that I just posted and pick one of them it was five for $36. I have no six bras your original order was for five bras.
Apr 03Reply

Typing error
I want the 5 for 36
Can I redo
Apr 03Reply

@24vaneses I’m getting sleepy so I will see what u decided I should do to correct. I’m a school teacher so will try to review tomorrow before work 👌🏽
Apr 03Reply

Hello received the completion of your order there is only 5 bras like i stated before not 6. So that is what will be shipping the five.
Apr 04Reply

Vanessa, you are correct, 5 bras was in one order for 36 dollars; but I paid extra for the bundle which was an additional bra at 12.00. So u will be actually sending me six bras...
Do you have this information as I have stated it?
Apr 04Reply

It looks like to me on the order what happened was you bundled one and when you bundled one it was added to the order that you purchase that had the five on. The reason why I told you not to bundle was because that one that separate is in the original five it is the same one that is in the set of five. On the order they also took off an additional 10% which was 4 80 and I already gave you the 10% discount on the $36. So you ended up getting 20% off instead of 10%.
Apr 04Reply

Where is the green Victoria's Secret bra the melon Victoria's Secret bra the beige Victoria's Secret bra the gray and white Victoria's Secret bra and the Bali bra that's the five that I have. I listed them as all separate listings try to sell them and I listed them as a bundle. I think where you got confused as you thought the separate ones were different bras and they weren't they are the same bras as the bundled ones.
Apr 04Reply

Here u go confusing me card was charged 49.69. I paid for a bundle of 5 and a separate bundle added that was 1 additional bra at 12.00.
As a seller it is very unfair for you to ask me not to bundle or purchase something because it makes it harder for you... as a customer I don’t think that should be my issue. It appears that we are having communication issues...
Apr 04Reply

I will gladly contact Poshmark tomorrow and ask for my 12.00 refund for my single order bra since u r not willing to send it to me . This is what I purchased from your closet..
36.00 was for a bundle of 5 bras.
If u can’t understand then maybe u should cancel and we can go out separate ways
Apr 04Reply

No hard feelings... this is too much drama behind 50 dollars.. 2 days in a row
Apr 04Reply

The original order was for $40 and I gave you the 10% discount which brought it to $36. When you purchased the items Poshmark at the end did it additional 10% which took off 4 dollars and $0.80 more. So actually you got $4 and $0.80 more than what you were supposed to. In all actuality you are paying $3 and somewhat more sense for these bras.
Apr 04Reply

I just want you to understand that I only have the five bras. That's why I had asked you to look at the listings and just purchase that and do not bundle any. That is where all the confusion is is when you bundled it it added it to the order that you purchased. I have spent all last night and today trying to resolve this. I care about my customers and want them to understand and now I'm not trying to cheat anybody that's why I taking the time to tell you what happened.
Apr 04Reply

The bottom line is to make you happy as a customer and I would like a good review. So I can either do one of2 things. I can cancel the order and relist the 5 for u to purchase at 36.00, only purchase it do not do any bundling to confuse the order or i have the label printed and just send out the 5 the way it is now. Let me know i wont ship till u let me know
Apr 04Reply

You also added the bluish-green bra to a bundle after the order was already placed. So when I list a new listing for you to purchase it's going to do the same thing when you purchase it it's going to take the original order that you purchase and add that bluish-green bra to the bundle and we're going to have the same problem so can you please delete the Victoria's Secret bluish green bra that you bundled so there is no confusion.
Apr 04Reply

If you have any bundle items of the bras which is the bluish green or any other bras just delete them. You go into bundle it'll bring it up and u just x off the items. If you decide to do the repurchase we don't want any bundle items showing that are going to do the same problem that happened on the last order.
Apr 04Reply

Apr 04Reply

I didn’t realize that I could do anything to the order once I have submitted and paid. U can cancel just as u did before and I will purchase the group of bras that u will price . I will not add any additional items to bundle.
Thank you
Apr 05Reply

Okay I think you're not understanding us because 28 minutes ago you added a bundle the blue green bra. Please go into the bundle and exit out to cancel that because what is going to happen is when I put the new listing on and you purchased that bundle is going to be added to the purchase again and we're going to have the same problem so go in and cancel that bundle that you just created you got to do that before I do a listing
Apr 05Reply

So you're going to have to go into bundle X out that blue green bra. Once you do that then I can go ahead and create the listing for you to purchase but please do not keep a bundling things
Apr 05Reply

What r u talking about? I have not looked at your site today. I’m not doing a thing until I see that u have cancelled my order from 2 days ago.
I have NOT tried to purchase anything else from you.
I simply sent u an email stating that I am interested in u cancelling the order.
I can’t do anything to that transaction since I have submitted it as a purchase.
R u still trying to confuse me by saying I don’t understand?
Apr 05Reply

Okay before I do anything you need to go in to the Victoria's Secret blue green bra that you bundled yesterday today I'm not sure when you bundled it but please go in to bundle it off so it's not bundled anymore then I can create a listing that you can purchase. If you don't do what I'm saying the bundle order is going to be added to the new order that you purchase and we're going to have the same problem please do this
Apr 05Reply

The thing is you're not understanding how these orders work. Yesterday you bundled right after that order was placed a blue green bra. So since it was bundled after you placed the order it is going to be added on to the New Order that you're going to be purchasing and we're going to have the same problem I'm trying to have you understand this I don't know what else I can do to get you to understand this just please do it
Apr 05Reply

It should show under your likes you will see the green bra that you bundled you did this yesterday after that order was placed. So go under your likes and x out delete that bra
Apr 05Reply

Apr 05Reply

Okay now that you did that it's fine. I'm going to go ahead and cancel that order and put on the other order for you to purchase with just the five bras on. Please do not do any bundle thing just purchase the listing thanks I want to get this resolved as much as you.
Apr 05Reply

Okay it's ready to purchase I will ship this out tomorrow
Apr 05Reply

Hi! I don’t have the black bra, can I replace it with a red one? Lmk! Thanks!
Apr 06Reply

Who is the vendor?
Will u please send me a picture?
Purchasing this for my heavy chested daughter who is in college
Apr 07Reply

I think u were the one confusing things bundling items before order was placed
and after order was placed . You didnt understand how it worked but blamed me instead. Im glad u like your bras because,i took a loss only getting 5.00 each for all the hassle. I cant believe u only gave me a 3 star after i did everything and explained things many times only for you not to understand. In the long run i should have just cancelled the order and left it that
way .
Apr 08Reply

Nice 1 star now. Well at least no more shopping in my closet. BLOCKED...
Apr 08Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet, Pearl❣ I’m Jan! 😄💞 If you decide to start selling, let me know and I will share your listings!💜💕💜
Apr 13Reply

Just noticed you “liked” 4 items andouille one in a bundle... If you would like to make a bundle of them, I will give you free shipping on top of the 20% bundle discount! No pressure, just an offer..😍💕
Apr 13Reply

Left my phone at home... I will start poshing later tonight. Sounds like an inviting idea!!
I’m working on setting up my closet now 👌🏽
Yes please follow me
Apr 13Reply

Hey 🤗! Welcome to Poshmark. Come check out my closet. happy Poshing 👋🏾👋🏾
Apr 14Reply

I’m looking at my response and I sincerely owe u An apology..I didn’t understand or know what this site was. My daughter set it up for me and I am just setting up my closet.!! I’m loving it so please accept my apology for responding without having appropriate information 👍
Apr 14Reply

Thank you for your purchase! I will have it out first thing tomorrow morning so keep your eyes open you’ll have it in a few days. Hope you enjoyed your weekend! Thanks again😉🤗
May 04Reply

Hi Pearl , thanks so much for your purchase ♥️I will get it out first thing Tuesday morning ( Monday being a holiday) thanks again 😃
May 27Reply

May 27Reply

Hi Pearl 💝 your bundle is out for delivery. Please inspect, accept and rate. Thanks for your purchase and please visit my closet again😘
May 31Reply

Thanks for the shares ❤️ I really do appreciate it 😘 Wishing you many sales and much success 💵
Jun 04Reply

Hi. Thank you for your purchase and all shares. I really appreciate it. This dress is my favorite. Colors and style are beautiful. I will send it tonight. 🙂❤️
Jun 04Reply

Your closet is phenomenal!!!
I will return 👏👏👏
Jun 04Reply

@pblack82 Thank you very much!!!! I love your closet as well!🙂
Jun 04Reply

Thank you for all the 💗💗💗💗💗 if you want to bundle your likes I will give you an awesome deal but if not I still appreciate all the 💗💗💗💗💗 have a nice weekend!!!
Jul 06Reply

If you just want the earrings, please counter
Sep 26Reply

@pblack82 - Thanks for the Follow💙 & the Visit💞. Happy 🌞 Poshing.
Nov 26Reply

Thank you for your likes, any questions please feel free to lmk 💖💖
Dec 25Reply

Hello, You left me a review about a pair of boots and in the comment section it says other what does other mean ? Was there something wrong with your order ?
Jan 08Reply

Not at all, there was nothing wrong with the product.. just something wrong with me liking them once I tried them on... shopping online is not like being able to try the boots on to see how they look on you once u make the purchase.. that element was missing and for that reason , when I tried them on , they weren’t appealing to me on my feet... nothing that u could have controlled... and yes they are extremely nice shoes and I’m sure I will still manage to enjoy them.
Jan 08Reply

@pblack82 Ok I was just wondering I do take reviews serious and I think there are a good element to see what needs improvements and and to makes sure transaction are going smooth and people are happy I just saw 4 stars and the word other and I needed to know why it had me wondering if it was the item or the way it was shipped.Thank you for letting me know .
Jan 08Reply

Hi, thanks for the share!
Feb 27Reply

@pblack82 I am so glad you wandered into my closet I have a little bit of everything as you can prolly tell! So grateful for weight loss hypnosis, I am now an 8 from a Size 24W! What you see are all the items in between those so many never worn we launder all untagged and have all tagged steamed for great pics! Live with a house full of Fashionista's! We love to shop! Please send offers as I prepare to take the hardest working man I know on Vacation!!!
Your New P.F.F.
Mar 09Reply

@pblack82 Bundle and have saving for even the clearance items ($25) or less items when you buy 3 & get combined shipping!!!!
Non clearance items get an addl private discount!!!!
Mar 09Reply

Hello!😊💕 feel free to visit my closet to see amazing finds!👚👗👙👘👠👡👢👜👛👝🥿
Mar 25Reply

Thanks for your offer on my jacket. Just last week I went thru and lowered prices on my entire closet. It’s a great piece and I feel my counter is very fair after the 20% is taken out. Thank you for looking...neighbor!
Apr 12Reply

Thank you for the purchase of my jacket. I’m trying to get it ready before my post office closes at 9:30 this morning...which is too early on a Saturday morning!! 😬 Hope you get tons of compliments when you wear it. It’s a beautiful jacket!!💕
Apr 13Reply

@lifeinpics thanks so much!! I’m excited .
I appreciate your promptness at getting it mailed ❤️
Apr 13Reply

Hello, how you doing today. Can you please take a moment to check my Closet. I'm a silversmith and always working on new pieces, also have other designers as well... you can find something that you may like. Sincerely appreciate your interest. Have a great day! Thank you, George.
Dec 14Reply

Dear Pearl my apologies, I shipped out your Chanel bag to Posh headquarters but accidentally left out the free non-Chanel chain. I actually included another gold chain to switch out with. I don’t have your address to send this to? Can you leave your address under the comment section of the First pic and shown in my closet the one the says Chanel with the flower, once I get your address I will delete. That way I can ship them his right out to you. I am very sorry for any inconvenience.
Jan 28Reply

Please let me know if you received my email with my address
Jan 28Reply

@pblack82 Sorry I missed your message. I have not received the email please use my mnyandrews
Email listed on my about section and I will reply. Thanks!
Jan 28Reply

This is getting confusing and I don’t want it to be a problem so please send chain as shown in picture with bag to 5410 Scott St Houston Tx 77021
Attn: P Black
Jan 28Reply

@pblack82 Got it! will do! Thanks!
Jan 28Reply

Hi again just checking to see if you received the chain, if not today you should have it by tomorrow.
This is the USPS Priority tracking number #9405-5036-9930-0241-5995-77
you can go to and enter this number to get tracking info and set up delivery alerts! Thanks again! 😊
Jan 30Reply

Hi there! I’m a fellow Spelmanite 💙 class of 1991. I’d love for you to take a look at my closet and follow me! I am working to pull together a Spelman PFF closet feature group. I hope you’ll be a part of it!
Mar 02Reply

Hello Pearl! Thanks for the like on the ring. Please feel free to make an offer on it or anything else you like in my closet.
Jun 22Reply

Hi! Thank you for the follow. I am having a Name Your Price Sale. I would love to accept your offer, or counter with my lowest price if I’m losing money. Have a great day!
Jul 05Reply

Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as D&G, Gucci, Lululemon, Nike, Kate Spade, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts!
Xoxo, B.
Jan 13Reply

Thank you! Will ship in the morning. Have a good evening.
Feb 05Reply

Hope you all well.
I got a ski overall pants from you and the app say it was delivered but I can’t find it. Can you please let me know what adrenal did you send it too?
Thank you
Feb 12Reply

530 Old Grass Valley Rd
Colfax Ca
Feb 12Reply

Hello again
I send you message yesterday
But no response
I need you help to truck the ski overall you send me.
Can you let me know what address did you send it too?
Thanks sahar
Feb 12Reply

My response is on this string of messages above this one.
I have responded.
Feb 13Reply

Hi!🖐 Happy New Year. Feel free to check out my closet sometime.
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊 Adding new stuff weekly!
Feb 16Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!
Mar 17Reply

@pblack82 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Aug 13Reply

Hi Pearl. I'd love for you to check out my Poshmark closet! I've got some awesome finds that I think you'll really like. From trendy outfits to must-have accessories, there's something special waiting just for you. Happy Poshing!
Sep 03Reply

hello! if you love authentic designer bags please check us out 🤗✨ happy poshing!
Nov 15Reply
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