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Updated Nov 15
Updated Nov 15

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Hi! I'm Posh. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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psya80 Welcome to Poshmark!! You will sell lots of things as well as find amazing deals!
Oct 01Reply
roger1926 @psya80 thank you. I am new to this so I have a lot to learn. I know how to post things but after that if I have an offer that I like, I don’t know the process on how to get the money etc.
Oct 05Reply
roger1926 I need to talk to a person. I have an offer that I want to accept and he wants to pay me but it’s saying my account has not been activated please help
Oct 05Reply
psya80 @roger1926 hi, they shoukd have sent you an email regarding your offer.
Oct 05Reply
psya80 @roger1926 poshmark I mean. you can follow that. or you can check the previous emails when you initially started your poshmark. they should have an email that guides you through the process. if not check your account info on your page and see if you need to add any further informaction. most times they have to first confirm you are an actual person before anything.
Oct 05Reply
roger1926 @psya80 thank you
Oct 06Reply
divynestock Your closet is truly amazing ♡♡♡
Nov 20Reply
roger1926 @divynestock thank you. They took me off they said for counterfeit but everything in my closet is authentic from my own private collection and my late mothers jewelry box. They still haven’t put my vintage Chanel bag back up but they did repost my Valentino bow tie pumps
Nov 20Reply
divynestock @roger1926 Hi sorry I wandered away to make popcorn for movie afternoon with my daughter lol
Nov 20Reply
divynestock @roger1926 It's a bummer when ppl flag your stuff as being counterfeit. I believe many sellers do it either out of jealousy or in order to reduce competition if they're selling similar items. Just keep doing what you're doing because it's obvious that all of your items are 100% authentic.
Nov 20Reply
roger1926 @divynestock do you think I should put my black patent leather Chanel bag back on there? That was my mothers that’s totally authentic or should I just let that go?
Nov 20Reply
roger1926 I believe someone’s trying to sabotage me as well
Nov 20Reply
roger1926 My other Poshmark friend said beware of the women that sell purses because they do do that out of jealousy
Nov 20Reply
divynestock @psya80 OH, I liked the lulu jacket but I have a similar one. Looking for one much more plain right now. I use the Like button almost as a bookmark feature and I expect that folks will often send an offer when I like something. If I'm merely bookmarking it I'll usually ignore the offer as I know it will expire. I rarely feel the need to actively decline an offer.
Nov 20Reply
divynestock One thing I know is that the more likes an item has the more likely someone will buy it so sometimes I like stuff to help generate interest for another seller 😊😉
Nov 20Reply
divynestock @roger1926 Hmm what's it the item you're interested in? If you want to tag me I'll be able to see it. You can tag me by putting my username in the comments like this: @divynestock
Nov 20Reply
divynestock @roger1926 OH I just realized I was replying to a message from awhile ago that wasn't intended for me lol
Nov 20Reply
divynestock @roger1926 If you ever have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out; just tag me in a comment and I'll be notified. I've been less active on PM lately so a lot of messages get lost in the news feed unless someone actually tags me by name. I actually get more motivated to post when I'm in Posh Mentor mode 😅
Nov 20Reply
divynestock @roger1926 I say absolutely post it. If it's over $500 it will automatically be sent to PM before it goes to the buyer so they won't be able to claim it was fake. DO BE CAREFUL THOUGH--I recently got scammed by a buyer who bought a pair of shoes and then opened a case saying they were damaged or not as advertised and she sent back a different pair of shoes (that were disgustingly filthy and damaged)...There are scammers here especially when you're selling luxury items.
Nov 20Reply
divynestock @roger1926 I rarely sell anything higher end so I'm less of a target but if someone buys or makes an offer on something of yours be sure to check their profile. Ideally you want them to have some established history or activity and if not, be sure to take pictures or even film the boxing up of the item before you mail it as extra insurance. xo
Nov 20Reply
roger1926 @divynestock I got a brand new Lulu Jacket I’ll list from this season
Nov 20Reply
roger1926 Thank you so much for your help
Nov 20Reply
roger1926 Yes I want to help people too
Nov 20Reply
divynestock @roger1926 My pleasure Amy! Wishing you closet clearing sales and happy holidays 💌
Nov 20Reply
divynestock @roger1926 Yes, there are some sellers here that will try to sabotage other sellers by flagging their listings. I don't think they realize that it works against them--I think that Poshmark may shadow ban (meaning push down their items in search results, etc) people who maliciously report other sellers. Besides just generating plain old bad karma lol.
Nov 20Reply
divynestock If something is obviously fake (and there's plenty of that here) then YES absolutely report those listings because they hurt everyone.
Nov 20Reply
roger1926 @divynestock thank you for liking my closet
Nov 21Reply
roger1926 @divynestock I just changed the picture. The lulu poncho is so heavy and cool and I’ll put more lulu on there. I have a navy down lulu jacket. Car coat length. Would you like that?
Nov 22Reply
roger1926 Also I have a friend on here who is always sharing my individual items like every morning she spends 2 hours sharing. Does that mean she goes into my closet and shares all of my things individually. Because it’s so nice to get the exposure. Is that what I need to do for her. Choose every item I want and share it? Hope I’m not interrupting dinner!💋
Nov 22Reply
roger1926 You would die if you saw my nails right now. What I really need is a mani/pedi
Dec 01Reply
roger1926 Hi hon, is there a way to tell my followers that I will be gone for 2 days but will still be taking offers? That I’ll check in from time to time
Dec 05Reply
shereebruner @roger1926 Hi there! Left you 2 comments under your listing for a Rag & Bone blouse- but I am also responding to your inquiry regarding taking time off. You can put your Closet on vacation mode by going into Sellers Tools , but there’s really no way to let your browsing public know you will still be checking for offers unless you manually post a new listing that states just that, which you can do- but at the very bottom of the listing, just change the mode to: NOT FOR SALE. Hope this helps! :)
Dec 06Reply
roger1926 @shereebruner thank you so much. Just feeling a little overwhelmed with Christmas as I am sure many people are. This is a full time job if you do a good job, pretty tissue paper, thank you notes and trying to get to the mailbox in 1 or 2 at the latest. I love it. I have been in retail my whole life including around 4 years at Nordstrom so I like fashion and appreciate pretty clothes. I appreciate you helping me with things. I’ll lower Rag n bone one more time for you. It’s such a great blouse
Dec 06Reply
shereebruner @roger1926 Thanks but I won’t have any extra dosh until after the Holidays! If you could wish on a star for me that it doesn’t sell, I would definitely pay for it the 3rd of Jan.! Please advise! Oh yes- and I worked part time in Designer Salon SFA for 2 years to beef up my work wardrobe. I love fashion too but so many things I just don’t have the lifestyle for anymore!
Dec 06Reply
roger1926 Good morning hon. I know there is a way to take pictures to send to people. Can you tell me how to do that
Dec 07Reply
roger1926 Hi hon, I went into my closet today and they had taken off my wide Bulgarian rose gold with bronze enamel that I either paid $2250 or $2500 for lat year and I had it on for $1500. It was gone. Well I just woke up again and it’s gone again. Can you tell me what is possibly going on
Dec 10Reply
roger1926 I’m sorry, this time I was not in my closet but I tried earlier today. I clicked on the picture and it said it could not load to try again. I did and it wasn’t there but now it is. So weird
Dec 10Reply
roger1926 Hi Posh, I would like to join the best in jewelry party but I have no clue as how to do that. Do you have time to help me? Or I should just probably go to how to join a party
Dec 10Reply
roger1926 Make me an offer please Posh 💋
Dec 11Reply
tiffanyandco_az Great Closet 😍! Thank you for sharing some of my listings!
Dec 18Reply
roger1926 @tiffanyandco_az I just lowered some prices. If you so desire, let me know if there is anything you like and I’ll work with you 💜
Dec 18Reply
stilleto51 Great stuff ! You think you’ll ever run out?
Dec 20Reply
roger1926 @stilleto51 hi Posh just wanted to tell my followers I’m going on vacation for a few days. Is there anyway I can do that more than just saying not for sale?
Jan 07Reply
roger1926 @tutuwig hi posh, whoever picks those things they post just for me is very sweet. I don’t have time to go through everything right now. I just wanted to thank them for doing that
Jan 13Reply
roger1926 Hi Posh, I was just going through my closet and there are many things that have been listed twice sometimes z3 times. Do you know what’s going on?
Jan 26Reply
ochristofakis I love your closet 😍😍😍 if I could afford it right now I would definitely make many purchases!! Thank you for the share ❤️❤️❤️
Jan 29Reply
roger1926 @ochristofakis thank you for the wonderful compliment
Jan 29Reply
ochristofakis @roger1926 absolutely! I know I definitely will be buying from you in the future as soon as I make some money on here!! ❤️
Jan 29Reply
roger1926 That is so sweet of you. Thank you
Jan 29Reply
roger1926 I am still holding the black and white Rag n Bone for you Posh
Jan 29Reply
krystalmcc1621 Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your items with my followers. Have a wonderful day 🌞 and many sales📦!
Feb 03Reply
roger1926 @krystalmcc1621 thank you so much
Feb 04Reply
gcellison Amazing closet!! Incredible vintage designer items!! So many rare beautiful pieces!! 😍
Feb 10Reply
roger1926 @gcellison thank you so much. What a beatifil compliment! 💖
Feb 10Reply
elhusuba Thanks for following!!💛🙌 We Sell only Authentic bags!.. 🚨Good news!.. ‼️Limited Time ‼️ When you Like any our designer bags or wallets, get up to 30 percent off!!👍->❤️💸 Or make and offer i can do best! Have a wonderful days and work!. 🌈🦋
Feb 18Reply
maxwellestate Your closet is looking so beautiful. Here's hoping for a Great Run of Sales for you darlin 🥰💐🥰
Feb 22Reply
roger1926 @maxwellestate yours too. I don’t know. It can be so discouraging sometimes but thank you honey. I hope you have a great day too! Love you
Feb 22Reply
cutehosiery @roger1926 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Feb 26Reply
roger1926 @shereebruner OMG. I just saw this. Things have been so crazy here in Flagstaff. It’s been a difficult winter in many ways but thank you. Are the rag n bone things still in my closet. OMG were you the one I told I would take off until you were ready? Please let me know in shares or comments would be the best because I did take the black and white shirt off and am still waiting for u
Feb 26Reply
roger1926 I’m going to wait to hear from you then I’ll list the white and black rag n bone shirt
Feb 26Reply
roger1926 Thank you so much for the compliment. Does anyone know who wanted my rag n bone black and white shirt
Feb 26Reply
roger1926 I am listing the black&w hotel Rag n bone shirt today
Feb 26Reply
roger1926 @stilleto51 I hope not. You need to spend money to make money right?
Feb 26Reply
stilleto51 Yes darling!
Feb 26Reply
roger1926 I think I need some help with sellers tools. Thins don’t seem to be moving very well at all
Mar 12Reply
roger1926 Hi Posh, I need help with exposure. I’m just not selling that much. It seems everybody wants something for nothing
Mar 12Reply
giftsgalore51 @roger1926 Hi Hon!!! you can contact Poshmark and explain!!!
Mar 19Reply
roger1926 @giftsgalore51 hi posh, I am back but I was a victim of fraud yesterday and they got $29,000.00 out of me through a wire transfer. I am really sick over all of this. Is there anyway to let my followers who are on the fence about something to help them to buy. I am in crisis right now. I mean I’ll be ok eventually but I’m just going to try to sell everything I have bought treasures to try to recoup some of my money
Apr 20Reply
maxwellestate Hey Sweet Sister you're on my list to call today. I'm. spinning, I'm so busy But, soon as I can relax a minute, I'm calling!! love you 🥰
Apr 27Reply
roger1926 That woman hee voice, and lyrics were so beautiful. I could listen to all that music all day
Apr 28Reply
roger1926 I want that Angel pin but I just have to wait a few more days. I sold gold Chanel bag for $2000. I was just so sick of ridiculous offers
Apr 28Reply
shopaholic100 @roger1926 Hi there! 🙋🏼‍♀️ I saw that we have similar tastes! 💎 I’m offering killer deal on a Mystery Luxury Box including a designer bag as well as other 5 LB MYSTERY BOXES. My loss, your gain due to not having time to stage items! Also you can add $10 to any item and turn it into a Mystery Box! I’ve been marking my items down over the last few weeks. I’m having a BUY 1 GET 1 on select items under $80! Please browse my closet when you can! Have a great day! ☺️✈️🎁💰
Jun 23Reply
floridagirl108 @roger1926 Good morning, Thank you so much for your shares, I just started listing and appreciate the help. :) I will definitely share your beautiful items
Jul 11Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily Rose😊🌹and Welcome to Poshmark🎉🎊I’m doing a closet clear out sale which means…………………………… I’ll be accepting any and all reasonable offers even on bundles!
Jul 20Reply
khaleezzi You have a FAB Closet
Jul 23Reply
teesrn_plus Hi Thanks for the follow Just wanted to let you know I give 30% discount to new customers in my closet. Come take a look. Just like or bundle and I will send you offer. Check out my Weekly Sales. Any questions about selling on poshmark, just ask. Thanks. Ronnie
Aug 24Reply
gypsy420 hi beautiful! please check out my closet for disney items & nails 💅
Aug 29Reply
ig0000 Thanks for sharing my closet.
Sep 10Reply
jewelry_heaven Hey there, I hope you are enjoying Poshmark as much as I have. If you have any questions about selling please ask, as a Posh Ambasador II. I can help with most questions you might have. BTW. There are some stunning jewelry pieces in my closet over 2500 fine jewelry items that will surely match with your style or make a nice gift to your Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother, Girlfriend or anyone around you ;) Holidays are Coming!! All items come in the Gift Box and we size rings for free.
Sep 26Reply
roger1926 @lherbert420 great so I’ll send first thing. I guess I was just confused
Oct 07Reply
brandauthentic Hey posher!!💛🙌 Come & Join to BrandFam! We only sell 100% authentic designer items! If you would like to be notified about our live shows like our “Crazy Mom’s Deals” listing!🔔Don’t forget to make offer on items in our closet and get the discount✨
Oct 16Reply
lkeeton9 Thank you for share. Your closet is one of the most unique I’ve seen. Scrolled thru yours, each item was like a little surprise. Enjoyed window shopping!
Nov 02Reply
roger1926 Thank you so much. I have worked hard on it
Nov 03Reply
cougarvonmilfen What a beautiful and classy closet! So happy I discovered it. Wishing you many sales and happy days ahead. Posh Love! 💖
Nov 09Reply
shoppinknmorr Hello fellow Posher! I saw you liked some of my items so I thought that I would send you a bundle discount. Im offering a 40% off on all bundles of 2 items or more send me the offer and I will accept! offer valid through Nov 25.
Nov 23Reply
roger1926 @shoppinknmorr thank you but I need to sell first
Nov 26Reply
roger1926 Hi thanks so much for liking my stuff. I really appreciate it
Nov 26Reply
tatnaples Hi Posh! Thanks bunches for your follow and support, happy Poshing 💜 Tamala
Feb 13Reply
maxwellestate Happy Birthday Beautiful 💕🎊💗🎉💕
Apr 05Reply
smilez22222 Hello and Thank You for Following my Closet! 🦋🙂🦋
Jul 21Reply
streetwheres Hey! Thanks for your purchase! Xmas time again isn’t it? Anyways, just wanted to to say I noticed you in my feed and hope all is well! Happy Holidays!
Sep 29Reply
roger1926 @streetwheres happy holidays to you too
Sep 30Reply
materialobjsco Hi! I see that you love Armenta!! Check out the gorgeous pendant I just posted ☺️ I’m open to reasonable offers!
Nov 04Reply
roger1926 it's beautiful but i can't afford it right now
Nov 04Reply
travelingfrog hi you left some weird comment about some ring I made no offer or had no interest in. you must have me confused for someone else.
Dec 01Reply

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Last Active: Mar 19

Flagstaff, AZ
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Last Active: Mar 19

Flagstaff, AZ
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