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Updated Apr 13
Updated Apr 13

Meet your Posher, Posh

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I am a twist of cottage and a dash of kitschy. If it's rusty, dusty, glittery, chippy I am buying it. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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pjhb Hello! Thanks so much for liking my type setter! Old things are so neat aren’t they? Thanks for visiting my closet! I DO take offers! I can give you a good deal on this! Check out my closet for more treasures and deals! I am a 5 star ⭐️ seller!🌸
Mar 22Reply
groovyglam 🎊Welcome to Poshmark🎉 I am a Posh Ambassador so if you ever have any questions feel free to reach out. Best of luck with your closet😃 Liz
Mar 22Reply
theoldme Your Closet name is GREATNESS!
Mar 26Reply
aliwah hi! make me an offer...time to put this on someone's wall! Alice
Mar 30Reply
shopmt Hi @habitualhoarder I went to pack your Marmalade Crock and noticed there's a defect in the glaze in the back. So I'm going to go ahead and cancel. I'm sorry about that!
Apr 01Reply
buyfelicia_napa Hi! Thank you so much for your offer, I countered only because the 3 items are heavy and I have to upgrade and pay more for shipping-Each of the 3 items are heavy alone. Have a good day!
Apr 01Reply
riwi Welcome to Poshmark! Happy Poshing! 😊😊
Apr 03Reply
5stella555 hi, thanks for the visit and noticing the material bundle. several crafting things in my closet including a wonderful bundle from australia gifted to me by a good friend visiting here. very unique materials with wonderful prints etc. as well as some great vintage yardage from yesterday. needlepoint and crewel vintage kits. return any time and poke around a bit ... maybe find an item or two that earn a smile. thanks again. @5stella555
Apr 03Reply
ukester Welcome to this amazingly supportive community! Thanks for visiting my closet. If you have any questions, please reach out. I’m happy to help. And, oh by the way....your closet name is terrific! 🤩
Apr 05Reply
sinsofcyn I have a feeling YOU'LL do VERY WELL here 👡 Appreciate YOUR Visit, quite Extensive CLOSET, Further STROLL 💃 when Your time allows. ENJOY THE DAY.... as WE NEVER GET A REDO 💖 Cyn      PLEASE NOTE: my info on AVAILABILITY, MY 🙏 MOM is MY PRIORITY ❤      POSHERS are VERY MUCH APPRECIATED, just wish YOU know ahead of time, in case Unexpected Events put a HOLD on things
Apr 06Reply
catsgarden Thank you for visiting my closet and liking some items! Feel free to make a bundle so I can give you a better price!
Apr 07Reply
tdaller Make an offer on child’s suitcase - I’m reasonable 😃
Apr 08Reply
ashhaven Hi! Thx so much! I will send your goodies tomorrow. 😊 Best, Adrianne
Apr 10Reply
derinda I love the name of your closet. Very creative.❤️
Apr 10Reply
littlelulu35 Thank you for liking my wooden picture frame. Today Poshmark will pick up $2.50 towards shipping if I drop my price 10%. Let me know if you are interested and I will do that immediately so you can get the best price for this item.
Apr 11Reply
5stella555 hi, thanks for noticing that little cobblers shoe form. my husbands grandfather made shoes and ran a shop here in the early 1900's . I can make an offer if you like with discounted shipping today. Will wait to hear, in the meantime, swing by and poke around a bit. perhaps find another item that earns that cute smile. @5stella555
Apr 11Reply
plaboe Love your closet!
Apr 12Reply
justineshriver Hi! Thanks for offer, please go ahead and counter offer your original. I missed seeing it. Thanks so much and I will ship it to you tomorrow morning!
Apr 13Reply
rockycash Hi Posh... Welcome to Poshmark! Wishing you success! If you have questions, feel free to ask. Thanks for visiting my closet and for liking the **Host Pick** Vintage Wooden Napkin Holder. If you are interested in purchasing any of my items, a five percent discount is offered on bundles of 3 or more items. Have a wonderful week and stay healthy and safe during this difficult time in our country.
Apr 13Reply
heidis_vintage love yard fun uplifting store. thank you for listing all your goodies.
Apr 18Reply
margaret_herz Hello, I see you liked the old Dolls ,I will be posting other types next week of possible ,Im sizing down here. have a Show Case full Blessings and Peace. ♡
Apr 20Reply
peachystatus Your screen name... I felt that in my soul 🥴❤️
Apr 27Reply
emerald50 thanks for the like and visiting my closet!
May 07Reply
5stella555 hi again, the little antique cobblers shoe form you liked has sold. I see your new like on the anitque book. I'll send an offer to likers as its closet clear out so there's extra shipping discount offered by Posh. hope you see it. @5stella555
May 07Reply
finbose Love 💘 your closet name!
May 07Reply
chee2215 Thank you for looking at my closet. Please feel free to make an offer or bundle items for an extra discount. Happy poshing!
May 07Reply
monicawells79 I love your closet name & closet!! Also, I wanted to let you know that you inadvertently taught me a new word-kitschy. I had no idea what it meant & I saw it all throughout your closet, so I just HAD to look it up, lol! Thank you for teaching me something new! Happy poshing!!!
May 10Reply
mags73 Hello there! Thank you so much for purchasing the bundle of Christmas Ornaments, chalkware, etc. I really appreciate it. For some weird reason I cannot locate the vintage stocking ornament in that lot of 6. I hope it's ok that I replaced it with a bunch of extra vintage ornaments😊
May 10Reply
habitualhoarder @mags73 oK. thanks! :)
May 10Reply
andyrr1 thanks for the kind review enjoy your day!💐
May 17Reply
brendazumba Hi I apologize for the delay I. Shipping . I had my antiques stored away in my second home. I have retrieved them and I’ll ship by days end or tomorrow for sure. Thank you
May 19Reply
momsveryvintage Good morning! I am going to accept your offer on my vintage tins. I just want to retrieve them first. They're safely packed away in my daughters closet. Thanks again and I will have them off in a jiffy. Maybe i will come across something else you may enjoy too! Love your style😊 -Jackie@momsveryvintage
May 20Reply
habitualhoarder @momsveryvintage sounds good. thank you!!!
May 20Reply
momsveryvintage @habitualhoarder Hello I'm pretty embarrassed but I cant seem to put my hands on those tins. I will let you know when I find them in case you're still feeling interested. Again I'm so sorry. Letting the offer expire in case there a miracle discovery tonight.
May 20Reply
habitualhoarder @momsveryvintage it's ok. if you want to cancel this and I'll repurchase later
May 20Reply
momsveryvintage @habitualhoarder yes I will. thanks for being so nice you're awesome. I know I'll find it and I'll let you know when I do!
May 21Reply
clickbuywear Such fun listings
May 21Reply
clothesbykathy Hello! Thank you for buying the vintage cookbook pamphlets from me. I will package then and get them in the mail to you. Again, thank you! Kathy
May 21Reply
pineandfern Hello ☺️ I got your offer for the Santa Party Picks put through, but I was away from inventory in time to ship today. I will have it traveling with USPS Monday. Thank you. Also I LOVE YOUR STUFF! So cool !
May 22Reply
clothesbykathy Hi! Thank you so much for the five star rating on the cookbook pamphlets. I appreciate it! All the best to you, Kathy
May 25Reply
jacqwell Hi there! I wanted to thank you for your purchase and let you know I will be mailing your Christmas books today. My apology for the delay; I normally send out the day of purchase or the following day (if purchased on a weekend), but I have been away. Thanks in advance for your patience.💐
May 25Reply
habitualhoarder @jacqwell no worries. thanks
May 25Reply
renehl I received your offer. I always like to look over my items before I accept an offer. Upon examining the item. I noticed a small hole at the seam of the center pocket. I am adding a picture of this tear. If your still interested I will accept your offer. Thank you for your interest 😊
May 26Reply
macysfunfinds Thank you for the offer on the vintage books!😁 I just wanted to make sure, before I accept your offer, that you know I have an other vintage dairy council book set for sale in my closet.💟 I would love to sell them to you as a bundle! Just let me know....I didn't want you to see them later and have to pay a separate shipping price.😊 Thanks again! Happy Poshing!💖
May 29Reply
betty1225 Hello, LOL it's betty, we have the same taste, love your closet. Are you interested in purchasing?
Jun 02Reply
catshep2002 I see you put the teapot wall pocket in your bundle. I cant go any lower, but I am putting a matching pair of wall pockets on tomorrow. If you add them to your bundle you can have them all for $8
Jun 10Reply
habitualhoarder @catshep2002 that sounds good. I will check back tomorrow
Jun 10Reply
ingrid_obrien Hi! If you're interested in the Family Handyman Magazines send me an offer and they are yours.
Jun 15Reply
lucy6317 Hello my vintage loving posh friend! Thank you for your order and visiting my closet. I wanted to leave a message and let you know that I’m not home I am helping my parents til Thursday. I can ship it then or if you are anxious to get these I can have my husband mail them sooner. I wanted to reach out bc I try to mail within 24 hours but this trip was a bit unexpected. Thanks again
Jun 29Reply
habitualhoarder @lucy6317 hello. no worries or hurries. family first.
Jun 29Reply
kitschynbitchy I apologize for not shipping your tray in a timely manner. I am having treatment for breast cancer and had an unexpected hospitalization. In any case, I’m happy to sell it to you for your original offer and ship today if you are still interested.
Jul 01Reply
habitualhoarder @kitschynbitchy oh my. As someone with medical issues myself, my heart goes out to you. I just order 3 trays that were all very similar and got the others displayed and I am not sure I have the room for this one. that was my main reason for cancelling. I am sorry. :(
Jul 01Reply
kitschynbitchy @habitualhoarder No worries, thanks for being understanding.
Jul 01Reply
omahowe Welcome to Poshmark! We hope you enjoy Poshmark as much as we have. Mother-Daughter Team, Liliane and Caroline
Jul 03Reply
bobbienjoying You are an adorable treat! Tank you for purchasing my family box of vintage cards. They are fun to look at and to use. I was actually thinking of framing them. They will be shipped to you on Monday🌸
Jul 11Reply
sinsofcyn Welcome and so glad that you Discovered my MESSY LIL’ Closet most of my items I try to not make so dusty but I’ve been trying to list more because I have two years of almost not attending to my closet ON a REGULAR BASIS due to LIFES BIG BUMPS
Jul 20Reply
melissajdimitt welcome !! you have an awesome closet, very creative!!
Aug 03Reply
heatherscottage Before I ship your Christmas record, I wanted to ask if you are interested in 2 others that I will be listing in my closet later today? Are you just interested in the cover art for vintage Christmas, or do you want the actual vinyl to play? If you like the other two, we will cancel your sale and then make a new listing for all three of them.
Aug 03Reply
bitsofcountry Hi there just wanted to thank you for another purchase. I really appreciate it and I will get your things mailed tomarrow. Enjoy your Sunday. Becky
Aug 08Reply
littlepeachxo hi i just wanted to let u know that i’m having a $5 sale which vinyl records & all sales are donated to help child abuse survivors. 🤍
Aug 20Reply
mazyodc Hi, I’m Marianne, a Poshmark Ambassador. I would like to invite you to visit my closet. I have many unique and vintage items in my closet including china, seasonal decor, books, DVDs, video games, clothing, jewelry and religious objects. I am happy to consider all reasonable offers. I hope you’ll visit my closet and I will visit yours too.
Aug 22Reply
marciarogers Thanks for liking the Halloween things. If your interested I do accept reasonable offers and discount bundles Marcia
Aug 29Reply
magmile Hi! LOVE your closet! Thanks for offer on the typing supplies. I’ll drop the price and Posh will add discounted shipping. 🤗
Aug 29Reply
laurahowell86 Hi Shannon, thank you so much for your purchase. My family and I greatly appreciate it. I will ship your costume out first thing in the morning. I hope you have a great day. 😊 Laura
Aug 31Reply
laurahowell86 Hi Shannon, I shipped out your costume this morning. Tracking should update soon. I hope you have an awesome day. 😊 Laura
Sep 01Reply
betty1225 Goor morning, Shannon, Thank you for placing your order. I will ship your adorable vintage valentine cards today. Love your vintage closet. Safe travels little cards. Betty
Sep 14Reply
betty1225 Love your closet. It’s Betty , there was a little delay with post office dilivery , just wanted you to know. Hopefully soon . Thanks for your patience.❤️
Sep 19Reply
michondgo I love your style. A lady after my own heart! Keep up the great work. Welcome to Poshmark. I’m fairly new too. (It says I’ve been here a few years, although I wasn’t an active participant until a few weeks ago : ) Happy day to you🧸🎉
Oct 03Reply
days_delights hello this is Day's Delights closet, if you are interested in the ceramic squirrel you can make me an offer of $20. That is a $5 savings to you on your shipping. Thank you. I hope to hear from you soon.
Oct 16Reply
jessicahawks809 hi. i just wanted to let you know im taking extra special care of shipping this to you..its very special to me and hope it will be to you or you can give it a beautiful life for someone is fragile and obvious it was played alot in my family. thank you for your purchase
Oct 18Reply
spanishluna thanks for the like have a safe and blessed day send a offer if you like be careful out there
Oct 20Reply
shop921thrift Thank you so much. I have them boxed up and they will be shipped out in the morning ❤️
Oct 23Reply
momentsinthyme Hi! Thank you for the offer on the child’s dollhouse dust pan & clothes pins. As you know there are fees here at the site & for this reason I have declined your low offer. Best of luck to you! 🍀
Oct 28Reply
bligon23 Hi, thanks for liking my Santa cups. I am taking offers. Gift with purchase. Have a Blessed day.☺
Oct 30Reply
bligon23 Hi, thank you for the like. I'll accept a reasonable offer. Have a great weekend. 😊
Nov 06Reply
trinkitz Hi there! Thanks for visiting my closet and finding a great deal! I'll package it up and ship it to you today! Enjoy! I'll be sharing your closet too...Keep on Poshin'!
Nov 10Reply
bligon23 Hi, thanks so much for the like. I am open to offers.
Nov 10Reply
romt120 Hi, thanks for visiting and for the like. ❤ warm wishes 😀
Nov 10Reply
fingersnfaces Thanks for shopping with me again and for your kind review! 🤗🥳✂️
Nov 13Reply
trinkitz Hi there! Thanks for the 5-star rating!! I appreciate it! XOXO
Nov 17Reply
izzybizzycloset Thank you so much for your order. I wanted to make sure that you saw the condition and wear on the ornaments? I will be shipping today and I just wanted to double check.
Nov 23Reply
habitualhoarder @izzybizzycloset yes. thanks for your honesty.
Nov 23Reply
wuzzball Hi, thank you for liking my skates. Please feel free to make an offer. I really need to make room over here 😁
Dec 08Reply
randymcewen Good morning!! I was rummaging around in the attic and found another set of vintage Superior Christmas lights. They were in a crazy old steamer trunk, don’t know why Great Grandmother had them there! Anyway I’m listing them if you are interested
Dec 10Reply
nyfashionstore Hi! Can you check out my closet if you have any time! I am accepting all offers! :) happy holidays ❤️
Dec 26Reply
nicholepruitt73 I'm doing a end of the year clean out, Santa has came and went. Now it's your turn , pic any 2 items and only pay for the higher price, 2nd item of equal or lesser value is absolutely FREE. FOR A LIMITED TIME ALL SALES WILL GET A FREE MAKEUP BAG FILLED WITH 3 MAKEUP ITEMS. BAGS ARE SHAPED LIKE 🥕'S AND 🍌'S. ONLY WHILE SUPPLY LAST
Dec 27Reply
nicholepruitt73 u r aware that IM GIVING AWAY FREE MAKEUP BAGS TO THE FIRST 6 CUSTOMERS. EACH BAG COMTAINS 3 MAKEUP ITEMS AND THE Bg is shaped like either a carrot or a banana
Dec 27Reply
nicholepruitt73 I will do u a deal on all the rolls I have if u like. I'm already doing a buy one get one, but if u want all I will do buy one get 2 free ( only on the tickets) for the next 15 min
Dec 29Reply
mablescloset I really like your closet, nice job!
Jan 10Reply
gloria_engdahl Thanks for creating a bundle! I’m having a HUGE Sale!! Two items for $10!! So if you add one more item to your bundle I can send you that offer! Plus 15% off shipping!
Jan 28Reply
raadams267 Hi there, I am just acknowledging your like. Thanks for the recognition I wanted to give you a heads up that we are running a 10% off sale. Please come back to visit!
Jan 31Reply
bitsofcountry Hi I just wanted to let you know that I sent 2 boxes because of size. I couldn't find 1 big box. Also please excuse my wrapping job it's probably 1 of my top 10 worse. Thank you Becky
Feb 12Reply
bitsofcountry Thank you so much for your rating and comment.I appreciate it friend🙏❤😊
Feb 16Reply
rockycash Hi Posh... Thank you so much for stopping by again and for liking the Vtg McCoy Yellow Oblong Pottery Planter. Our family appreciates the likes and shares, as they hopefully help all Poshers gain followers and generate sales. It is great we can help each other in this simple way! Have a great weekend!
Mar 04Reply
rustic_melody Hello! Please feel free to check out our vintage and non vintage items if you have a minute. We offer variety including pottery, jewelry, a Breadbox, cute handmade Easter chicks and bunny sets, and more. A little bit of everything:) Enjoy your weekend!
Mar 18Reply
venessalambert Hi, I noticed you liked the CROCHETED BUMBLE BEE. I just wanted to say hi and send you a deal. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you and happy poshing!
May 15Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
May 16Reply
suckamc hey hun I can send the milk glass jars out today but you need to update your payment info. thanks!
Jun 14Reply
habitualhoarder @suckamc weird. I fixed it.
Jun 14Reply
suckamc @habitualhoarder no prob its on its way soon. I delete my payment info here so I'm not too tempted lol! have a good day!
Jun 14Reply
bitsofcountry Hi honey I accepted 25 but they said something about updating payment method but do you want me to hold it. I don't know why it didn't go through last night either. I'll just wait on you to let me know thanks honey.
Jun 14Reply
bitsofcountry Thanks honey so much. I'll mail in the morning. Have a good night.
Jun 15Reply
jenidolphins @habitualhoarder Hi 🌼!! Thank you for your purchase 🛍!! I’ll have it mailed out for you tomorrow 📦!! Have a great evening, enjoy!! Jen
Jun 26Reply
wiredrose @habitualhoarder love your bio and your closet!! ❤️❤️❤️
Jul 12Reply
roxannelou would you like to cancel vintage wood piece and combine 2 items for shipping
Jul 21Reply
roxannelou you could offer 25 for the 2 items
Jul 21Reply
roxannelou hi. I am preparing your one item to ship tomorrow.
Jul 21Reply
dijkstrasalgo sent you $29 offer on the Mid Century Modern small nightstand you liked. Offer good for 24 hours.
Jul 31Reply
dijkstrasalgo I bundled and sent you $21 offer. + $5.95 shipping discount on the small mid century modern French Provençal nightstand. Offer good for 24 hours.
Aug 03Reply
daffodildog23 I have true kinship with those who proclaim their flaws a bit- collecting leads to hoarding; & then we sell on line for redemption 😂😘. Elizabeth
Sep 28Reply
carolynblack448 I didn’t hear back from you about the Christmas bundle again I’m gonna block you from my website I don’t want customers like you not worth it
Nov 02Reply
faithannmatting Hi you bought my thanksgiving vintage dolls and I got another pair similar and wanted to offer them to you first.
Nov 06Reply
habitualhoarder @faithannmatting let me know when you post them and I will check them out. I am definitely interested.
Nov 06Reply
fwoppy Hi - I have just listed more Vintage pieces if you are interested in bundling🤗
Nov 12Reply
buynowandenjoy Hi I’ve never actually sold anything on Poshmark, so I am not sure about your bundle thing. Get 10% off 2 or more on bundles. Thank you in advance.
Nov 23Reply
emmaelady Hi, are you still interested in these three decortives pots in your Bundle?
Dec 10Reply
soul_embellish @habitualhoarder 🥂🍾Happy New Year’s!🎊 Thank you so much for stopping by my Posh boutique shop! I went ahead & sent you a discounted offer, which I’m hoping you’ll consider but I do accept all reasonable offers/counters.+ Every purchase receives a lovely surprise gift, which I’m pretty sure you’ll truly love & enjoy!! 4 an extra discount, bundle 2®️more items to receive my sellers discount, an xtra 15%OFF!🎁TIP:🆓items hidden throughout my shop, see listings 4 details! Laney »— @soul_embellish —»
Jan 04Reply
hwolf83 Hi! You may have liked an item in my closet a while ago or just recently, but regardless of when it was, I want to thank you for taking the time to look at my closet. 🥰 I am currently trying to turn over items in my closet. 🤩 I am open to all reasonable offers. I’ll either accept your offer or counter offer back my lowest price. 🥂😊 Don’t forget, if you like something but don’t necessarily like the price, send me an offer. I would love to help you find something new!
Jan 19Reply
betty1225 Hello there, it’s Betty, thank you for liking the sweet Valentine Cards. Would you like me to make you an offer? 💕
Jan 23Reply
betty1225 Hi, it’s Betty I did get your updated address🦋Thank you for loving these sweet cards I can’t seem to locate one card . It’s hiding on me .🤪I’ll keep you posted..have a good night.Betty
Jan 24Reply
calilaura21 Hello, Thanks you got the offer. :). I’m looking for it like crazy. I moved it and cannot remember where I placed it. I will keep looking… ( the shovel & Lady bug). If I cannot find it, I can notify you when it’s found. I am so sorry. I can decline offer and I will message you when I locate it. I will accept your offer then. If you are still interested. I just don’t want to hold your money up. Sorry again.
Jan 28Reply
calilaura21 @habitualhoarder Please see comment I left above. Thanks.
Jan 28Reply
mrshark413 Hi HabitualHoarder! I'm MrShark413 🙂 🦈...You found my little shop again?..
Jan 29Reply
wendic11 Hello. I just wanted to let you know that my closet will be closed from Feb 2 to Mar 20, and you liked an item there. Take another look, and if your still interested, make an offer or buy it now! All the best, Wendi
Jan 31Reply
heatherctay ♥️ HAPPY VALENTINES DAY FRIEND ♥️ Hugs and Kisses ~ Heather Tay
Feb 15Reply
trendystyle77 Hello I had to counter offer for $19 for the flower because I missed your other offer thank you
Mar 22Reply
valvirden12 @habitualhoarder I love your closet! It’s great! 🌷🌸🌷
Mar 26Reply
olivia_ps Thank you so much for visiting my closet. Olivia
Mar 31Reply
tuesdai_noelle Hi. Thank you for your "like" on the postcards. I gave sent you an offer. Happy Poshing 🛍🛍🛍
Apr 15Reply
latxgal60 I have many patterns some from 1966 an up
May 13Reply
latxgal60 Hello just wanted to say I have more patterns that start at 1966 on up. Thank you for liking.
May 13Reply
rockycash Hi Posh... My family and I thank you so much for liking and purchasing the three Vintage Craft Kits. They are being wrapped and will be mailed tomorrow. You will be updated when your package begins tracking and should there be any delivery delays. Enjoy your weekend!
Jun 09Reply
more4u123 Sorry. Hit the like by accident when I was scrolling through your closet.
Jun 09Reply
more4u123 Hi. Thanks for checking out my closet. You started a bundle with one item. That’s great. Earn a discount by bundling any 2 or more items (including the wooden bowls you also liked. I’ll send that discount when you are done shopping. If you decide you’d just like the one basket, use the buy button and it’s yours. Have fun! 🙂🌺
Jun 09Reply
rockycash Hi Posh... FYI. Your package is on its way! It started tracking today at 2:42pm. Have a great day and weekend!
Jun 09Reply
rockycash Hi Posh.. FYI. Check your mailbox/porch today. Tracking states your package is Out for Delivery today at 6:10am with Expected Delivery by 6:45pm. Enjoy your day!
Jun 12Reply
rockycash Hi Posh... My family and I thank you so much for taking the time to rate your buying experience 5 stars. The ratings are important to us, as they let us know how we are doing as sellers and if you are a satisfied buyer. We are very happy you like the craft kits and hope you enjoy turning them into beautiful creations with your talent. Enjoy your Summer!
Jun 13Reply
toothfairy425 @habitualhoarder hi! I just saw you made me an offer before I even finished listing these cards. I just listed two more bunches. Not sure if you were interested in more or just the ones that you already have. 🤔
Jun 30Reply
habitualhoarder @toothfairy425 please decline my offer and I will add these to my cart. thanks!!!!
Jun 30Reply
toothfairy425 @habitualhoarder if you’d like the photo ones, I have another set of photo ones also.
Jun 30Reply
toothfairy425 @habitualhoarder I automatically take 30% off of bundles of seven so by adding those extra cards, you pay almost the same price that you were offering me for four sets. 😊
Jun 30Reply
toothfairy425 @habitualhoarder Hi! Thanks for making the bundle! Because there’s more than seven items, it automatically takes 30% off. I took a little bit more off for you so there’s a total of $23 taken off of it!! 😊Sue
Jun 30Reply
sharpposh Hi there, thanks for liking my vintage tin filled sewing notions. I’d be happy to consider an offer from you if you’d like to make one. Let me know if you have any questions. Happy poshing.
Jul 13Reply
ravenvega Hi! I saw you created a bundle, but only included one item. Were you interested in purchasing?
Oct 05Reply
ravenvega Sent you an offer on the item you liked. Hope you’re interested!
Oct 15Reply
quiltsewcraft Hello! I have two non-thrifted closets where I sell new and gently used items that were purchased and owned by non-smoking family members. I am an honest and dependable seller, I package carefully, and I usually ship within one day. Please have a look when you have time - @castlerocker and @quiltsewcraft. Thank you, Christine B
Feb 12Reply
bkrome Hi there! You liked my handmade macrame wall hangings. I do even better discounts and a free gift with bundles, and you get up to 5 pounds with your standard shipping cost. Let me know if you’ve got your eye on anything else ❤️✨🤍✨💙 happy Sunday!
Feb 18Reply
bkrome Hi! I have the items you were interested in ready to bundle, and that set of handmade macrame wall hangings is already carefully packed up for you ❤️ let me know if you need any help!
Mar 06Reply
bkrome Hi! I have your initial order still packed up, you cancelled to bundle with other listings. Please let me know, it’s been about a week and I have other folks who are interested in the items ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Mar 16Reply
thillbill Hello fellow posher! Feel free to check out my closet sometime, few thousand items and many to still add. Sometime for everyone. Hit the search button if looking for specific size or items. shopping 🛍
Mar 25Reply
cooolcatart ALOHA from LA LA Land! THANKS for visiting my closet and liking that COOOL item. I'm always open to offers. 😎
Apr 15Reply
ivan_d_jauri HI ! thank u for visiting my closed and like my. Vintage Gnomes Hand Painted Ceramic Garden Elf Flowerpot Gnome 5” Set Of 2 let me know if you are interested in it feel free to reach out i'm here to help offers are always welcome
Apr 20Reply
soccerlovinmom Hi thanks for the love on my items! Reasonable offers are welcome and appreciated.
Jun 02Reply
jodel19 hello there! thanks for liking my little crock, I'm open to offers, hopefully we can make a deal. thanks Jo F.
Jul 12Reply
mehgan297 I love your username! :D
Aug 17Reply
beth_boland Hello I just made a bundle offer for both your likes not realizing that the weight will be way over the 5 lbs. I would love to see if you would wait till the offer expires and I can make an offer separately giving you the same total price offered. Thank you so much.
Aug 26Reply
hellobonnyllc Hello thanks for shopping my closet I see you have bundle 2 items unfortunately they are large items that cannot be shipped as a bundle I can offer you the 20% separately and they would need to be shipped separately as Poshmark do not allow shipping over 10lbs
Sep 08Reply
linds8848 Hi, welcome to poshmark love for you to check out my closet when you have a chance. I have good deals on everything I have 3/$10, 3/$12, 3/$15 womens deals! Kids 5/$13 deals and Mens 4 for $25 deal. Have a blessed day!😊🛍
Sep 16Reply
hoarderhaven I am hoarding more things than you it appears, thanks for being brave enough to mention hoarder in your title mine was meant to be more of a joke
Oct 09Reply
wendyrose70 Hello, I left you a message on the canceled bundle. If you can't see it, let me know.
Dec 09Reply
farahscloset_ Hi there, Nice to meet you 😊 I’d like to invite you to visit my closet. I believe there’s a little something for everyone. If you see something you like, would you please send me an offer? I accept most reasonable offers. Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year 🎆🎊
Jan 03Reply
gracegboutique 💖 🦋🍭🌷 A Special Offer Has Just Been Sent To You On That Fabulous Item That You Liked ! 🤗🛍️ Grace G Boutique @gracegboutique 🦋🍭🌷 💖 🌷🌸💐💝🌷🌸💐💝💐🌸🌷
Jan 14Reply
mckenziejruud $10 or Under Closet Alert! I have a ton of different brands such as Michael Kors, torrid, Maurices, Aeropostale, PINK, Apt 9, Calvin klein, rue 21 ,Loft, Express and many more. Size range from XS to 4X and Tons of things that are new with tags! Will be posting more daily. If you have time check out my closet. Ship same or next day depending on time of purchase😀 Happy Poshing! ❤️
Feb 19Reply
lakesidetrades We will include a couple extra surprises with the Bellefleur Book
Mar 12Reply

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