Meet your Posher, Posh Ambassador Shari
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Hi! Welcome to my closet! I’m Shari, Suggested User and Posh Ambassador! I work part time as a speech pathologist, married, and have two beautiful children aged 19 & 17. 💖We recently lost our golden retriever Miley, who we miss terribly!❤️ Everything I post is new or gently used!! I have a variety of sizes. Reach out if you have any questions or need my assistance with anything! Thanks for stopping by! ~Shari😊🌸💗🌷💕

66 others
like this

Check out my closet share some of my listings and I will share yours! Most items are under $10!! Bundles are completely welcomed😊. Every item or items you buy, you get unlisted item or items free along with your purchase😊 ANOTHER APP IM SELLING ON IS ♏️ercari!! TYPE IN MY INVITE CODE IF YOU SIGN UP!! JZYRXB happy poshing 🙃
Jan 31Reply

Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! This is such a great community, I know you'll love it as much as I do! If you ever need help, just ask! I'm happy to help. Follow my closet and I'll share your listings periodically for you. Have a great day!!
Feb 07Reply

@nn990 @mloconnor8 ... I realize I never responded back to both of your warm welcomes to posh mark, which I apologize!!! I guess it took me a little time to get acclimated and figure this all out. Thanks again and I love both your closets!! Feel free to come by and shop in mine any time!!😀😀
Apr 05Reply

Hi, I'm Donna. Welcome to Poshmark! 2 tips: 1)Follow your fellow Poshers & share their items. They'll do the same. 2)Make your pictures clear & bright to show off your beautiful items. If you're interested, I belong to a Facebook group of other sellers. We have lessons to help us further our business & we all support one another. If there's ever anything I can do to help you, please don't hesitate to contact me!💖
Apr 30Reply

@donnastreasures Thanks so much for reaching out!! Here's a question.. I admire others closets and how they create sayings or cool designs within their post.. Is there an app for that? Also.. How do I keep all the sold items at the bottom of my closet? Thanks so much. 😀
Apr 30Reply

To get the Solds to the bottom of the closet you have to keep sharing your other items so they go to the top, which will push the solds to the bottom. For the pictures, go to the app store., there's lots of free photo editing apps
Apr 30Reply

@donnastreasures Thanks so much. I appreciate your input!! Have a great rest of the day!!
Apr 30Reply

@sg1771 Anytime! 💖
Apr 30Reply

@donnastreasures Hi there and hope all is well. I was wondering if it is aloud for someone to buy something on posh and then resell on posh for higher fees?? I see that someone has done that with one of my items...
May 14Reply

@sg1771 Yes, it's allowed. ☺
May 14Reply

@donnastreasures thanks for the speedy response. I had a feeling.. Oh well!! Have a great day! :)
May 14Reply

@sg1771 It's frustrating I know. I had it happen to me too.
May 14Reply

@donnastreasures yup!! Annoying but that's the process.. I guess.. Thanks for the shares.. Will be reciprocating momentarily!! :)
May 14Reply

@sg1771 👍
May 14Reply

@sg1771 hi Shari. from one Shari to another I offer you a belated welcome to Poshmark. I hope you have had positive experiences and exchanges while here and wish you much success 🌞.
May 14Reply

@lilmilo HI SHARI!!! I love meeting another Shari!! Thanks for reaching out and nice to meet you. I will check out your closet and share momentarily!! Have a great day!!😀
May 14Reply

@sg1771 Shari, you have a lovely family & a sweet golden, makes me miss my "Ginger". Hope you are enjoying your Posh experience. I really like it! Wishing you a great week end, just a tad early! ....Mary Sue
Jun 03Reply

@msuebest hi Mary Sue.. Thanks for reaching out and thanks for the compliments. I have become addicted to posh and loving this community. Enjoy the weekend as well and I am sure I will "see" you around!! 😀😀
Jun 03Reply

Beautiful Family, and amazing closet!!!💕😌💕
Jun 05Reply

@tatyana29 Awwww. Thanks so much!! I'm always here. I had people help me when I first started so I know what it's like!! 😘😘😘
Jun 12Reply

@sg1771 hi namesake 🙂. thank you for the party tag. that was very thoughtful. I hope all is well with you.
Jun 14Reply

@lilmilo Hey Shari!! Of course!! My pleasure!! All good here.. Hope all is well with you!! 😘
Jun 14Reply

@carlanoble My pleasure Carla!! Thanks again!!
Jul 15Reply

Nice to meet you, lovely!!!! Thank you so much for sharing the 💞!!!!🤗💖💋
Jul 27Reply

@aishablake Hi Aisha! So sweet of you to reach out!! It's my pleasure and nice to meet you too!!🌸💕😀
Jul 27Reply

Jul 29Reply

@aishablake Hi my new friend Aisha!! Thanks for your ❤️!! 😘😘xoxo
Jul 29Reply

@sg1771 💖Hi Shari, I'm Karen. You have such a beautiful family and fur baby! Gorgeous closet too😍!💖
Aug 25Reply

@karebear51 Hey Karen!! Thanks so much for stopping by and reaching out!! So sweet of you to say😀😊😀😊!! Can't wait to share your beautiful closet as well!! Hope to connect again real soon!!
Aug 25Reply

Welcome to posh!!! A bit late lol Should you have any questions about posh, please do not hesitate to reach out!! Also feel free to browse my closet, and feel free to make me and anyone else an offer! If people say no, no risk no reward. If they say yes, all the better! Also if you like someone's closet, like something in their closet so you can go back thru your "likes" and see what's new in their closet! Well enjoy and happy Poshing! 😉😊🌞🌻🌻🌻
Aug 26Reply

@sunflowergirl53 Hi!!!🌻🌻🌻🌻 Thank you so much for your warm welcome and taking he time to write on my page!!! I so appreciate it!! I am very much addicted to posh and appreciate your advice. I see your out on Long Island.. I grew up in Syosset! Happy Poshing as well and hope to "see" you soon. 😊💕😀🌷🌸
Aug 26Reply

My daughter lives with my ex in Syosset! I'm in Merrick. Anything you need please don't hesitate to ask!!! :)
Aug 26Reply

@sunflowergirl53 Thanks so much!! 😊😊
Aug 26Reply

Hello Shari. It's so nice to meet you and what a beautiful family. I'm Deborah and I look forward to plundering through your closet.💖 💖💜💖@deborahrn
Aug 28Reply

Hi my new posh friend Deborah!! Thanks for taking the time to leave such a sweet comment!! 💕💕I look forward to "seeing" you around this posh community!! 😊😊
Aug 28Reply

@je_cours Pam.. I am so excited for you!!! 🎉🎉Thank you so much for letting me know!! Best of luck w the sale and I will be sure to continue to share and spread the love for your beautiful things!!!!😘😘❣❣
Sep 22Reply

Thank you so much for your purchase! I will package it and send it out Monday!! 💗
Oct 01Reply

@kroy2130 Thanks so much Katelyn!! Can't wait!! 😊👍🏻
Oct 01Reply

You're so pretty, Shari, and what a beautiful family you have, too. 😘Don't know why I never saw this post up until now. I probably didn't scroll down far enough. 💖💖💖
Oct 08Reply

@posh_pee_wees Thank you so much MJ! I am getting a major ego boost from you today and so appreciate it!! 😘😘I actually just updated thank you very much for noticing and taking the time to check out my family pics!! ❤️💙💜
Oct 08Reply

Oh, now I know why I never noticed LOL. I'd have never not said anything, had I seen your beautiful picture! 😍❤️. You're so welcome, Shari. Always. ❌⭕️❤️😘
Oct 09Reply

Thank you for your help Beautiful!! Wishing you lots of sales as well!!💙💙
Oct 22Reply

@beautifullife9 No problem at all Lidia!! Anything for my posh friend!! 😊😘💫✨💛
Oct 22Reply

Hey Shari - really lovely pics of your family👍💖PS- I'm moving locally...wish I was on vacation 🙃😣😉
Oct 29Reply

@jmjla7 Aww Thanks so much Linda!! Best of luck on your move... Always hard work but exciting!! 😊
Oct 29Reply

Hi Shari!! I am hoping that you can help me out with something. When you tag me on Party Hosting Posts what am I supposed to do afterwards? I do share them once in a while but I just don't know anything else after that. Thank you for always thinking of me when you tag me. I really appreciate it!!💙💙💙 I just haven't had to much time to learn about and get more involved with Party Hosting on here. Thank you my dear pff! ☺️💕💕💕💕
Nov 04Reply

@beautifullife9 Hi Lidia! Thanks for reaching out! My intentions in tagging my PF's in the host party lists is to potentially get them a host pick at the party. It's a great opportunity for the host to check out your closet and hopefully pick something and provide you with a quick sale. You can either do nothing or continue to spread the word and tag other closets to help them get a potential host pick. ...
Nov 04Reply

@beautifullife9 Cont.....The last thing I want to do is bombard someone's news feed or annoy you w tags😬😬. Please tell me if you would like to be removed bc I would completely understand😊💕💕❣️❣️
Nov 04Reply

Hi Shari! Please don't remove me from your list. I'm sorry I didn't mean to sound like I don't want to be a part of host parties 🎉 it's just taking me longer to understand some of these Posh games. I really appreciate all that you have done for me. Thank you for your help!! I definitely want to continue because I know that anything helps to get our stuff sold. Have a beautiful blessed day my dear pff ☺️💙💙💙
Nov 04Reply

@beautifullife9 I promise you.. you didn't come across that way at all.. I just wanted to make sure... I absolutely love having you in my posh life😉😀 and enjoy so much having you as a support system on here!! 😘❣️💕😘❣️💕😘❣️💕😘❣️💕
Nov 04Reply

I also love having you on my support system!! You're amazing Shari!! Thank you!!😘💕💕💕💝💝💝💐
Nov 04Reply

@sg1771 oh my goodness what a knockout you are !!!! Your family is just beautiful my friend. 🌹your daughter looks so much like you! She's a beautiful girl.
Nov 07Reply

@mcjayne ty sooo much!!! You are the absolute sweetest and gave me such an ego boost today!! I so adore you and feel like I can meet you for coffee right now!!! Lol!! I wish.. is it Jayne?? I need to know my new PFF's name... it's not in your bio. Also.. ty so much for the major share bomb💣💣today!! I so appreciate and will get you back!!
Nov 07Reply

@sg1771 now you just made my day! And it's been a really 💩 one! You must have ESP! Let's go grab coffee....I'll be there in about...hmmmm, Az to Nj...give me 3 days & in case I'm late? I need a raspberry mocha😉I had a lady at the PO tell me that my priority box was the wrong one, (same one I've always used since '11), because it said region A & she couldn't take it! They were from Ut, I didn't want to waste them, so I brought them in our move last month 🙄
Nov 07Reply

@sg1771 She totally argued with me, said she could take it, but that it wasn't technically right, wouldn't give me a marker to cover it😳 I was mad, I told her she was the worst PO clerk I have dealt with & finished with; "it's a shame this is such a small town because I'll have to deal with you again "again😂I'm still battling registering my daughter for 2 classes I don't homeschool! Can I have a Valium with my coffee please? We need a Starbucks to offer that! so glad we met!
Nov 07Reply

@mcjayne Ugh.. so sorry you had such a bad day!! People are such idiots!! Tomorrow will be better!😊😊❣️😘😘❣️
Nov 08Reply

@balincito you are so sweet! I so appreciate you and your kind compliments!!!
Nov 16Reply

@sg1771 Thank you for the shares 😊💝🌸
Nov 17Reply

@cassmarie8406 it's my pleasure!! I will always share back so more shares coming your way!! 😊😊❣️❣️
Nov 17Reply

@sg1771 Thank you!!! I will as well😍💝🌸❤️💐
Nov 18Reply

@sg1771 I won the poshmark lottery meeting you! You are truly a classy lady & I am so grateful we stumbled across each other! Just wanted you to know, how wonderful I think you are. Happy Friday my beautiful friend😘
Nov 18Reply

@mcjayne right back at you my friend!! I so appreciate your writing to me.. completely made my entire weekend! In this large poshmark community.. so nice to have a support system w each other!! 😊✨😀😘❣️
Nov 18Reply

@sg1771 Hi Shari, I'm Robynne. I know I'm late to welcome you, but I'm hoping late is better than not at all! I hope you're enjoying your Poshing experiences; it's kind of addicting😯 There are many fabulous Poshers here, who are always ready to lend a hand or a shoulder, whatever you need. I'm sure you're finding that out! The love and support between PFFs is like no other. Btw, you have a lovely closet, and beautiful family! Again, welcome and Happy Poshing! ☺ ❤
Nov 22Reply

@chicknthesticks Hi Robynne! I so appreciate you stopping by and saying hi! It's never too late to meet a new posh friend! I am very much addicted to this site and already enjoying, selling, sharing and loving meeting my new posh friends! Thank you so much for the shares which I will be returning to you shortly!! 😊❣️
Nov 22Reply

@sg1771 Oh my goodness, thank you for the shares! ❤️☺️❤️🌹
Nov 22Reply

Happy birthday, my sweet beautiful friend!! I really hope your birthday is as special as you are!!! You have a beautiful family and adorable dog, too!! 🍰🍨✨✨🎉✨✨🎊💙🎊💙🎊💙🎁🎈🛍🎁🎊❌⭕❌⭕❌⭕😘😘😘
Jan 07Reply

@piccadilly_posh Thanks so much MJ! I really appreciate the bday wishes and of course all of your support on here!! Initially had a lazy, cozy day bc of the snow but was able to go out with friends and celebrate in the evening 😊😊🎉🎉! Thanks for being YOU.. always appreciate YOU!! 😘😘😘😘
Jan 08Reply

Hi Shari, Don't find the spelling Common 🌺 Thank You For Visiting My Closet and Sharing 💕 Have a Great Day 🎆
Jan 08Reply

@sharimom I know.. so true! Ty as well for visiting my closet and the shares! Have a great rest of the weekend! 😊❣
Jan 08Reply

@sg1771 oh that's so nice then, Shari!! Glad you had the chance to at least celebrate at night. No snow here, but it's been so colddddd...brrr. High of 12 today, but tomorrow it is supposed to be a heatwave of 33 LOL 😂 Glad you enjoyed your birthday! You deserved it, my friend!! ❤️❤️😘😘🤗🤗☺️☺️
Jan 08Reply

@piccadilly_posh TY... yes..Soooo Coldddd!!! We had a high of maybe 17 today.. can't take it!! Stay warm and be safe in this frigid friend!! 😘😘
Jan 09Reply

Hey Pretty Lady 😘 Thanks For Sharing 🌺 Have a Blessed Week 😊
Jan 12Reply

@sharimom my pleasure Shari!! Thanks for reaching out!! 🌸🌹🌷😊❣
Jan 12Reply

Hi Shari! How's it going? Thanks so much for all the party updates & shares :)
Jan 24Reply

@1pandak hi Love!! It's my absolute pleasure!! Sorry if I bombard your news feed... lol!! My hope is that you will get more exposure to your beautiful closet and potentially a host pick! :) Always trying to help my posh friends!! Thanks for sharing back!! Been keeping busy! Hope all is well with you too!! Keep in touch!! ~Shari 😊❣
Jan 24Reply

Welcome! Welcome! Shari, 👋😁
I'm Karen great to meet you! I hope you'll meet lots of great posh friends 💓 Happy poshing!
Jan 31Reply

@texanlady hi Karen! Nice to meet you too! Thanks so much for reaching out and stopping by!! I appreciate it!! Happy Poshing!! 😊🌺🦋
Jan 31Reply

@sg1771 thank you so much💗😘💓
And thank you love for the posh 💕💗❤
Have a very good night💤😴🌜
Feb 01Reply

Ty for all the shares & posh love ❤️💕❤💕😘
Feb 04Reply

@cborelli1975 it's my pleasure Cristianna!! 😊🌺🦋🌷❣
Feb 04Reply

@meekastar Vicki... that truly means so much to me!!! I am always trying to improve my cover shots and make my items look the best they can possibly look! Ty for reaching out and I so appreciate this compliment!!! 😊🌺🌸❣🦋😘😘❣❣
Feb 08Reply

@meekastar I think your cloaetblooks fabulous!!! 😊😊❣❣
Feb 08Reply

Hi! Thanks so much for all the shares & endorsements - so sweet of you :)
Feb 20Reply

@1pandak Hi there!! It is my absolute pleasure!! Ty so much for the share bomb of my closet! Will definitely get you back! Have a great rest of the day!! 😊💕😘
Feb 20Reply

@carolynqx Hi Velda! Thanks for liking and stopping by!! I'm Shari and it nice to meet you!! 😊💕🌸🌺🌼😄
Mar 19Reply

Hi Shari! Thank you for the shares earlier today! I've missed you and other Posh friends! My life has been very busy for a long while! My family and I moved back to California a few weeks ago. We're also still traveling back and forth to Idaho because we still have a property back there and one of my daughters will be graduating in Idaho as well. Lots to do!!!🙂 Hope all is well with you! Have a wonderful night sweet friend!💐💕
Apr 28Reply

@sg1771 Thanks again for stopping by my closet! You, your family & your closet are gorgeous (including your fur baby 🐶 ) 😘💕
Apr 30Reply

@beautifullife9 Hi my beautiful friend Lidia! So sorry for my delay in response... I miss you as well!! Wow.. you are definitely busy. Best of luck in your new home in cali and your daughter finishing up her senior year! Very exciting and all good things but Im sure the back and forth is probably tough! Keep in touch and best of luck w everything!!! ~Shari😊💖💕🌷🌸😘
Apr 30Reply

@dkayscloset hi Donna! It's my pleasure and ty for stopping by my closet!! Thank you so much for your warm and sweet compliments!! You are the absolute sweetest!! ~ Shari😊💖💕🌸🌷
Apr 30Reply

Hello Shari! How's it going? I'm doing a clean out with my closet, so whenever you get a chance, can you please share this news with everyone and/or share my listings that say I'm donating? Thanks a bunch for your continued support! :)
Apr 30Reply

@sg1771 Thank you for taking the time to congratulate me on my host pick tonight. It's my first! 🍾
May 02Reply

@ymonoyan I'm so sorry for my delay in responding back to you!! You are most welcome! I am sure it will be the first of many host picks!!! 😘😊🌷🌻💖🌺
May 06Reply

@sg1771 Very beautiful picture of your family! So young. The dog is so sweet too. ❤️❤️❤️
May 07Reply

@bowdoin Thank so much my sweet friend Beverly! I appreciate it so much!! 😘😘💖❤️
May 07Reply

@sg1771 gorgeous YOU & family xooxoox❤❤❤❤❤❤🌷🌷🌷🌷💐💐💐💐
May 14Reply

@barellagirl Thanks so much! You are the absolute sweetest and I so appreciate your compliments!! 😘😘
May 14Reply

Hi!!! The technology challenged person again!!! I have a couple Dooney bags I was going to list. Been trying to figure this site out about buying and selling. Seems pretty straightforward. I don't actually have to worry about receiving payment correct?? Everything is done for you?? As far as the shipping label and what not. I just have to ship in a timely manner? Sorry to seem so lost😐😝
May 19Reply

@adele79 Hi Jeanne!!! I am so glad you reached out. Yes.. everything is done for you. When a buyer makes a purchase from your closet, you will automatically receive an email w the shipping label. You just print and attach to the package. Your earnings ..minus 20% bc goes to poshmark... will be stored in your account.. can redeem once buyer accepts package or can keep in there for poshmark purchases. You can track your earnings, sales, purchases under your profile as well.............
May 19Reply

@adele79 cont.....If and when you post your items.. you can use the camera feature from the poshmark app or use your phone/iPod camera to store and upload as well. Hope this helps.. please let me know when you have some items in your closet so I can help share. If you need help uploading.. reach out to me as well. Good luck !! ~Shari 😘😘
May 19Reply

Sorry for the late reply!! Soccer tournament all weekend! Exhausted!! Thank you much for the help!! Is there a limit on the price? One of the Dooney's I want to list for about $225. I noticed a lot of them are a lot cheaper. Thanks again!!
May 22Reply

@adele79 Hi Jeanne.. no worries at all.. I remember those days when my kids were on travel sports or sports tourneys over the weekend! Hope it was fun! The price is really your call. If it's in mint condition.. certainly attempt to sell at a higher cost. Be specific and give details in your description so buyer is not surprised by any imperfections. Cont....
May 22Reply

@adele79 Posh typically provides discount shipping when you then decrease the price by at least 11%. So try for your prices... get some likes and shares going...then can always discount when you feel ready. If you have any high end items that you sell for $500 or more.. posh will provide a concierge service. So your package would go directly to them first.. they view and authenticate, wrap it up and then send to the buyer.. cont..
May 22Reply

@adele79 takes a Little longer for the buyer to receive but it's a nice extra step that they provide. Keep me posted!! ~Shari😊🌷🌺💕💖
May 22Reply

Thank you for sharing my Posh Item! 😃
Jun 15Reply

@klmarler it's my pleasure!😊
Jun 15Reply

@fromme4u Hi Kimberly! Thanks so much for liking my profile and visiting my closet! So sweet of you to stop by!! ~Shari 😊🌸🌺💕💖
Jun 21Reply

Thank you for all your shares🏋️♀️
Jun 26Reply

@barbandjerry it's my pleasure!! I always share back so I should say ty for the shares!! ~Shari 😊🌷🌺🌸
Jun 27Reply

Hi Shari! You have a BEAUTIFUL Family! Love the pics! Update on those Nike Slides, my son loves them. You are such a sweetheart! Glad to have met yah! Hope you and your Family are having a Wonderful & Blessed Summer! 😊😘
Jul 06Reply

@shuffman77 Ty so much Sheila! So sweet of you to say! I am so happy your son is happy with the slides.. means so much to me! So glad to have met you too!! Enjoy the summer and keep in touch!! ~Shari 😘😊❤️
Jul 06Reply

@sg1771 so Glad to have met you too! It's so cool that we both have a son and a daughter about the same ages! I will definitely keep in touch! Oh and my daughter has her eyes on the New Slides you posted. Hopefully they are still available when I can buy them! Lol Talk soon! Have a Great Weekend Sweet Friend! 😊
Jul 07Reply

@shuffman77 I know!! Our kids are a year apart. My son will now be a senior.. so crazy and my daughter a sophomore! Where did my babies go!! Ty for liking the slides.. must have been lost in my news feed!! I would love for your daughter to have.. I would be happy with any offer especially if going to my newest PFF!!! Have a beautiful weekend my friend!! ~Shari 😘😘💕💕💖💖
Jul 07Reply

Good morning Shari. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Jul 07Reply

@sg1771 You too Sweetie! 😊😘
Jul 07Reply

My gorgeous pff!! Love the new pic, Shari!! Wowza!!! ❌⭕️❌⭕️😘😘😘
Jul 09Reply

@hmsimon1 it's my pleasure! You have beautiful pieces!! Thanks for reaching out! ~Shari😊
Jul 09Reply

@piccadilly_posh Thanks my amazing posh friend!!! Have an amazing beautiful day!!! 🌺💖😊😘
Jul 09Reply

@sg1771 Hi Shari!!! Just wanted to let you know that you have a beautiful family! ❤️❤️❤️❤️. Happy Poshing 🛍🛍🛍🎁🎈🎈🎀🎉
Aug 26Reply

@priscillas_posh Thank you so much Priscilla!! So sweet of you to say and I appreciate you stopping by!! ~Shari😊😊🌺🌺🌸🌸💗💗
Aug 26Reply

I have in laws from Caldwell NJ! thank you for celebrating my host pick with me! xoxo
Sep 05Reply

@obindee Hi Robin.. such a small world! Is your husband originally from the caldwell area? It's my please to share and celebrate your host picks... always well deserved.. your jewelry is so unique and beautiful! Thanks for stopping by!! ~Shari😊🌺
Sep 05Reply

@sg1771 His family was from west caldwell. This December will be 3 years since passed. Eckholt is the family name. Thank you for your kind words and support of my closet😘
Sep 05Reply

@obindee I am so sorry to hear! I'm originally from New York and now in north caldwell so I wouldn't know his family since I'm not from the area. Thanks again for reaching out and stopping by!! ~Shari
Sep 05Reply

Love your closet:)
Sep 14Reply

@brooke_alysse Thanks so much Brooke!! You just made my day! ~Shari😊😘🌸🌷💕
Sep 14Reply

@poshbff hi there!! So nice to meet you too! Thanks for reaching out and visiting my closet!! 😊💕✨🌸~Shari
Oct 06Reply

@sg1771 Hi my name is Sarah. Im. Mother of two Boys i commented so u could check my closet out i will be selling in 2018 i am stocking my closet full of great items rock revivals about 30 pair at least , miss me , LuLaRoe, Coach, Boys cloths Gap,Children’s Place, Mini Boden , Hannah Anderson ,Hurley, Fox , Buckle , Name Brand sunglasses, Michael Kors and some men affliction an American fighter
Oct 08Reply

@brightsummer15 Hi Sarah! Thanks for stopping by and introducing yourself! Sounds like your closet will be so fabulous and I am looking forward to checking it out!! Best of luck with it!! ~Shari 😊✨🌸✨🌺
Oct 08Reply

@sg1771 thank you
Oct 08Reply

Thank you for SHARES!!!
Oct 20Reply

@mymarket4all it’s my pleasure but I should thank you for the shares! I always share back so thanks for sharing first... lol😂😊✨🌸🌺
Oct 20Reply

I'm in love!!!! Miley is BEAUTIFUL!!!! The kids aren't so bad either!!! Just kidding- BEAUTIFUL FAMILY!!!
Oct 29Reply

@abeautifulchaos Thanks so much Chass! Really appreciate it!! 😘😘😘
Oct 29Reply

Congrats on the CCOD 🍾🥂🍾
Oct 30Reply

@jovigraham Thanks so much Latonya! I was excited!! Such an honor and I appreciate you sharing my closet!! 😊✨🌸✨🦋
Oct 31Reply

@sg1771 you're welcome 🤗🌸🤗
Oct 31Reply

You’re such a Sweetheart! Love yah Girlie 🤗😘
Nov 11Reply

@shuffman77 Oh my goodness.. Sheila.. ty so much for literally sharing my entire closet!! Truly appreciate it! Sorry I was unable to share as much but was rushing to leave my house! 😘😘💕💕💖💖❤️❤️💗💗
Nov 12Reply

@sg1771 Aww Sweetie, I didn’t want you to share back. That was my way of telling you that I was thinking about you. Wanted to do something nice for yah. I haven’t been Poshing this past month like I normally do. I lost someone really special to me and then had a family emergency to deal with. So, I want to thank you for always putting a smile on my face and for being such an Amazing Friend. Have a Wonderful rest of your weekend Sweetie. Sheila 🤗😘🤗😘
Nov 12Reply

@shuffman77 oh No! I’m so sorry to hear! Thinking of you and hoping you are ok! Sending lots of love ❤️, well wishes😘, and positive vibes 🙏🏻your way! Thanks for being such an amazing posh friend to me!! 😘😘
Nov 12Reply

@sg1771 Aww you’re so welcome! I am blessed and grateful to have met you on here! You are one of my most favorites Shari! You are the absolute sweetest & you are beautiful inside & outside! Love yah Girl! 🤗😘 Happy Sunday 😁
Nov 12Reply

@shuffman77 Love ya right back and feelings couldn’t be more mutual!! Thinking of you and sending lots of love ❤️💖💗❤️💖💗and smiles 😊😀😃😄your way!! 😘😘😘😘😘
Nov 12Reply

@sg1771 😊😊😊😊Made me smile really big! 🤗🤗🤗🤗
Nov 12Reply

OMG you have such a beautiful family & an ADORABLE FLOOF!!! 🐾🐶 I can’t remember if you’ve seen my bio pics, but I also have a lovebug golden floof ☺️ His name is Shiloh :) Anywayyyy, I was just coming by to say thanks for adding your closet to my listings & for always sharing & supporting everyone! You rock! XOXO -Jen 😘💋💋💋
Dec 01Reply

@jjj9_4 Thank you so much Jen! You are the absolute sweetest and I appreciate the compliments! I want to thank you as well for sharing and highlighting one of my dresses in your post! So very generous of you!! You have a golden too... they are the best dogs!! I am going to check out your bio shortly and can’t wait to see!! Have an amazing weekend my new posh friend!! 😘😘💕❤️💖
Dec 01Reply

Hi Shari! Thanks so much for your continuous support with all the tagging — I really appreciate it :) I wish you a lovely holiday with your family and another happy Posh year ^_^
Dec 16Reply

@ladypandak you are the absolute sweetest! Thank you so much for the share bomb earlier! I appreciate it so much! I will definitely be paying the posh love back to you! Wishing you a fantastic holiday season with your family and friends!! 😊💕😘💖
Dec 16Reply

Shari, thank you for all the shares! Happy New Year to you and your beautiful family!😊🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Jan 01Reply

@ginastyle85 It’s my pleasure Gina.. I should thank you for all the shares as I was reciprocating!! I appreciate it so much!! Happy, healthy New year to you as well!! 😊💕✨🎆🥂🍾~Shari
Jan 01Reply

Happy birthday 🎈🎂🎁🎊🎉 to you, my dear sweet pff!!! Please, no shares back. This is your special day, so enjoy every minute of it!! Love ya! ❌⭕️😊😘♥️😘🎉🎊🎁🎈🍾🥂🎂
Jan 07Reply

@piccadilly_posh You are so incredible! Ty so much for the wonderful bday wishes and shares! And thank you for remembering my birthday! So beyond sweet of you! I am so excited bc my family and I are seeing a broadway show in the city today!! Woo hoo! Will share your beautiful closet tomorrow my sweet friend!! 😊😘❤️💕💖💚💙💜
Jan 07Reply

You’re so very welcome, my friend, but please no shares back! This is my birthday gift to you and btw, you remembered my birthday, too, and I’ll never forget that!! Seeing a Broadway show sounds incredible, so have a great time! You’re so lucky to live so closely to Manhattan!! 🎂🥂🍾🎊♥️❌⭕️❌⭕️😘😘
Jan 07Reply

Happy belated birthday!🎂
Jan 29Reply

@maucri Ty so much! I appreciate your shares and reaching out!! ~Shari😊✨🌸✨🌺
Jan 29Reply

Great closet! I love the way you’ve organized it. Thanks for sharing my listing😊. Your fur baby is beautiful ♥️🐶
Feb 01Reply

@mlminiutti thank you so much Michelle!! So sweet of you to say!! And thank you for all the extra shares...will reciprocate the posh love shortly!! 😊✨💖🌸
Feb 01Reply

Hi Shari! You have a gorgeous smile and Fabulous Closet! Just stopped in to say hello - I’m relatively new to Posh(Nov ‘17) and making new friends!! Please check out my Closet and share with your PFF’s if you like it! Happy Poshing!
Mar 07Reply

@divakaaren ty so much Kaaren!! I truly appreciate your compliments and your shares!!! Welcome to poshmark.. your closet is gorgeous filled w fabulous items! I wish you so much success and if you need a friend to help you in any way.. I’m your girl!! Have a great evening and stay in touch!! ~Shari✨✨😘🌸🌹💕
Mar 08Reply

@kaytimae Hi Kay! Thank you as well for following me and for all the shares!! It’s so nice to meet you! My take is.. it doesn’t matter what items are shared... it’s just nice to be shared! ~Shari😊🌸🌷💗
Apr 26Reply

Hi Shari! I’m done with my studies & will be graduating this weekend, which is exciting, so in celebration, I shared as much of your closet. Thanks so much for always sharing my closet & being a wonderful Posher!
May 16Reply

@ladypandak so excited for you!! Congrats to you!! 🍾🥂🎉🎈Thank you so much for that major share bomb!!! My news feed was on fire 🔥! I just want you to know that I truly appreciate it! I will get you back one of these days as well! Congrats again and enjoy!! ~Shari😊🌸🌷💗
May 16Reply

Hi 🤗Im kinda new here..Thanks so much for following👣 sharing, liking, commenting & supporting my Pic'N'Save Closet 🎩👞👔. I will definitely compensate back in either of those ways.👀Stay tuned as I continue to upload pics. Be sure to click through the photos so you get a sense of each garmet and its fit.TIPS TIPS to improve are always welcome. ✏
May 22Reply

@jessyjosh You are most welcome and thank you as well for liking and sharing!! You have a stunning closet and off to an amazing start! I wish you all the best of luck! Please reach out if you need any guidance or any assistance on anything!! I’m happy to help!! ~Shari😊🌸🌷
May 22Reply

Hello Shari. Hope all is well💕
May 29Reply

@jovigraham Hi my sweet friend Tonya! Thank you so much for the shares and reaching out! Hope everything is going great on your end!! All good here! Xoxo~Shari😊🌸🌷💗
May 29Reply

You're welcome 🤗 All is well my friend. I'm glad the same is for you 🤗🌸🤗
May 29Reply

Thank you so much for the sharing Have a great weekend!
Jul 13Reply

Hi Shari - thanks for stopping by my profile and the welcoming warm words! Beautiful family and closet- stay always positive 😊😆😁😄😍
Aug 31Reply

@monellaus it was my pleasure... any time!! Ty so much as well! Have a fantastic Holiday weekend! ~Shari 😊🌸🌷💗
Aug 31Reply

@only1mitzyrose Thanks so much! 😊🌸🌷
Sep 09Reply

Hello, Thank you for the follow! I am already following you. I hope you have a great day! 😊
Sep 10Reply

@kimkay78 ty!! You as well!! 😊💗🌸🌷
Sep 11Reply

Thanks for the shares! Shares being returned now
Sep 28Reply

@radley761 it’s my pleasure!! Ty as well!! ~Shari😊🌸🌷
Sep 28Reply

Hope you had a Fabulous Weekend my friend! Thank you for Sharing. I am tagging and Sharing others from the Follow list. Wishing you all a happy and successful Poshing! God Bless
Oct 22Reply

@djb4maricopa Ty so much! I appreciate you sharing and visiting my closet! Wishing lots of sales! ~Shari😊🌸🌷
Oct 22Reply

@sg1771 hey I noticed I was charged for the first order and then charged again for the bundle. Will I get a credit for the first one?
Oct 28Reply

@justinsmith87 hi Justin. I had canx your first order so you should receive the funds back in your account. I’m not exactly sure how long it takes... but you will get it back! I will also look in the poshmark help center to see if that questions has been asked.
Oct 28Reply

@justinsmith87 hi again. I tagged you to a listing in which I posted some info about your refund. Lmk if that helps.
Oct 28Reply

@sg1771 Good morning And thank you so much for including me in your suggestion for tonight's men's party Host pick. I appreciate that. And thanks a million for all your Shares. happy poshing and selling. 🤞🇱🇷❤🌹🌷🌻👍
Nov 16Reply

@margitscloset hi there!! I was just going to write you a similar message thanking you for all the shares! Means so much to me!! I also was going to ask if you minded that I tagged you. Some posters are in multiple tag lists and although they appreciate it.. are in enough of them.. so please let me know .. and I will be happy to remove you!! ~Shari😊😘❤️
Nov 16Reply

@sg1771..good morning Shari. 😘 Thank you so much for reaching out. 👍Yes please do keep me on your list I am absolutely fine with that and appreciated it. thank🙏 you so much.😘🌹🌷
Nov 16Reply

Thanks for the Posh love!
Nov 19Reply

@sg1771 Hello there 💕😊Happy Holidays! if you would like to bundle your likes I can send a discount and ship with your gifts 🎁 asap
Dec 13Reply

@kfab333 I appreciate it Kimberly! I’ve bought from you many times.. I just need measurements on some.. I’ve made some wrong choices on here without getting the measurements so I need to make sure before I purchase! Thanks so much!! 😊🌷🌸💗
Dec 13Reply

@sg1771 yes ma'am - I appreciate you 💕😊 certainly- I will look through
Dec 13Reply

@sg1771 ..Good morning Shari. What a wonderful way to weak up. Finding your recommendation letter for HOST PICK in my box. Thanks so much for your recommendation and for caring i appreciate your support so very much. You're so sweet. You made my day. Thanks you for your forever support and cheering on. Have a wonderful week my PF.
A different question.. are barbies, dishes, Christmas decorations complaint? I don't think so?
Dec 17Reply

@margitscloset you are most welcome and most deserving my friend!!! I appreciate you and glad that we have met on here!! To answer you questions.. they are all not compliant. I’m actually not sure about Christmas ornaments? But most household items, toys, electronics, etc. are not posh compliant. Hope this helps and have a fabulous day!! Xoxo~Shari😊🌸💗
Dec 17Reply

@sg1771.. i think you so much for your lovely friendship and support it means a lot to me.
Thank you for your quick response and answer. Have a wonderful day. ❤😘🌲
Dec 17Reply

@margitscloset 😘❤️😘❤️
Dec 17Reply

beautiful items and thanks so much for the shares as well.
Dec 18Reply

@sheliafinn01 Ty so much! Your closet is so beautiful as well and I appreciate the shares as well!! Thanks for liking some of my items.. please reach out if you have any questions or need my assistance with anything!! ~Shari😊💗🌷🌸
Dec 18Reply

Thanks for the host pick 😉😚❤...Beautiful family, happy new year 🥂💃💞🙏
Dec 30Reply

Happy birthday to you, Shari!!! Hope you’re having a wonderful day, because you truly deserves it! Love ya, sweet beautiful pff!! 🎉🎊💞🛍🎁🎈🍰❌⭕️❌⭕️😊🤗😘
Jan 08Reply

And NO SHARES BACK LOL. These shares are for you on your birthday! Just enjoy your special day, my dear! 😊💘🎊💖😊😘😘😘❌⭕️❌⭕️
Jan 08Reply

@piccadilly_posh Ty so very much my sweet friend!! I cant believe you remembered my bday🎂🎈🎉 and I appreciate the share bomb so much!! Hope all is well with you MJ! Miss you and again.. thanks so much!! ~Shari😘💗❤️💕
Jan 08Reply

You are so VERY WELCOME, Shari!! Hope your birthday was a wonderful one!! Miss you, too, but I’m back in spurts lol. Been so crazy busy since mid October! 😩 Have a great day, my sweet beautiful friend! ☀️🤗❌⭕️❌⭕️😘😘
Jan 08Reply

@sharimom ... hallo Shari... thank you for your shares and support. I am in Dominican Republic for a week and won't play much. Just thought I share that information with you 😏😘
Jan 24Reply

@msuebest Thank You So Much 🤗 I Am Blessed 😇 I Will be Happy to keep Sharing your Closet 😘 Enjoy Your Evening 🏡😇
Jan 24Reply

@margitscloset Have the most wonderful time!! You tagged a different Shari but that’s ok! Thinking of you my sweet pff!! Enjoy every second!! 😊😘💕🌸💗
Jan 24Reply

@sg1771 Hey Gorgeous Shari! 💋 Just wanted to drop a quick note to say, thank you for taking the time to send me posh love on my HP! your closet is 🔥🔥🔥!!!
Feb 25Reply

@thegoodlife7 Ty as well! I really appreciated the share bomb!! 😊🌸🌷💗
Feb 25Reply

Hey! Glad we connected on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my account and give me a follow ❤️❤️❤️
May 10Reply

@schracl Hey Rachel! Of course.. I’ve already been following you and always share your host picks when I’m able too! Have a great weekend ! ~Shari😊🌸🌷
May 10Reply

Happy Mother's Day to you too, sweet Shari!! 💕❤ I hope you have a wonderful day too 😘 My husband is working 12 hours today so, don't really have plans but hanging out with Norah it's plenty of fun 😊 So sorry to hear about your pup ❤❤
May 12Reply

@snowybutterfly Ty so much for saying!! Enjoy every second w Noah!! 😊🌸💗
May 12Reply

What a beautiful family. Sorry about your loss of your dog
Jun 02Reply

@liplindy ty so much! I appreciate you reaching out! We miss our Miley very much!! ~Shari
Jun 02Reply

@sg1771 I bet, my mom had to make a tough decision, with her dog too. Our animals are part of our family. Do you wear makeup?
Jun 02Reply

@liplindy exactly!! She was literally my third child! Yes.. I wear makeup but not a ton.
Jun 02Reply

@sg1771 , I am with SeneGence aka LipSense. And we have other products too. Our skincare products are awesome. They take years off your face. Our products are smudge proof, water proof and kiss proof. If u want, to check it out. I can send you a link, of our Beauty Book to your email.
Jun 02Reply

@sg1771 Thank you for all the shares. You have a beautiful closet! 😍😘🌸🛍💞
Jun 11Reply

@belinhacloset Ty so much! 😊💗
Jun 11Reply

Thank you very much for your kind message and support, it is greatly appreciated...
Jun 17Reply

@808classysassy any time! Thanks for reaching out!! 😊🌸🌷
Jun 17Reply

@sg1771 Thank you so much Shari for the beautiful scarf and for your card, the scarf is absolutely gorgeous and I will definitely visit your closet again! :) Thank you for an excellent shopping experience! :)
Jul 01Reply

@cath_h I truly appreciate you reaching out! You literally made my day! Would be honored if you shopped my closet again! Have a wonderful day! ~Shari😊💗🌸🌷
Jul 01Reply

@sg1771 I'm so glad! :) Have a lovely day! :)
Jul 01Reply

Thank you for your kindness...
Jul 15Reply

Thanks for the likes! 🐶
Aug 25Reply

Hi Shari!😊My good friend Scott would love your family. He is from Syracuse and loves everything big orange. 😁We discussed going to the Syracuse vs FSU game. I am a big Noles fan so we have a friendly rivalry when they play each other. Happy Poshing!⚘😊Donna
Sep 13Reply

@fladaw60 hi Donna! Thanks for reaching out and nice to meet you! Always fun to have a friendly rivalry... but I’m siding with your friend.. Go Cuse!! Lol. Have a great day!! ~Shari😊💗🌸🌷
Sep 13Reply

Happy Holidays🤶 very much for following me and Sharing my closet. I returned the Posh Love 🎅The Holidays are here and the hustle and bustle start.❄ Get in your Pjs.A cup of hot chocolate and Enjoy. Poshing in your Pjs is the best. I'm having a Buy 1 Get 1 Free Sale also if you purchase $15⬆️ receive 1 lighted Xmas card w/batteries included. Wishing you are yours a Fantabulous Holiday Season filled with all the blessings you so richly deserve❄⛄
Dec 18Reply

Pretty Closet! Happy to share!
Dec 24Reply

@seaclass thanks so much!! Just shared you back! Happy Holidays! ~Shari😊
Dec 24Reply

Thank you for the shares 🙏 Merry Christmas 🎁🎄 😘🥰
Dec 25Reply

Goldens are a special part of any family! ♥️
Dec 31Reply

Hi! Your closet is beautiful. Would you mind looking at my closet and sharing what you love and give me honest feedback on Pictures, Prices and items. I would really appreciate some advice. Thanks so much!! @robyncantor
Feb 13Reply

Oh, Shari....I’m sorry for the loss of your beautiful dog Miley 💕🙏💕, I apologize I’m just seeing this post now. 😔
I love ❤️ the family photo (perhaps it was updated ever since I visited this post). The jerseys are from your son’s college? Is he playing hockey?
Wow,...good luck to him!💓
Jul 19Reply

@craftcraze 💕Ty so much Katalin!💕 We lost our Miley 😢two February’s ago and now we have a deposit down with a breeder to potentially get a puppy!! My son does not play hockey but just loved the jersey! I just updated another family photo. My daughter just graduated and now I will have an empty nest! So crazy! Wishing you and your family all the best Katalin! Stay in touch! 😘💗🌸
Jul 19Reply

@sg1771 Oh really, that’s a long time ago 😣. I apologize for not realizing it till now! I hope you can get your new puppy soon!💕🙏💕I love ❤️ Golden Retrievers, it’s my favorite breed too! We have a German Shepherd right now. Congratulations 🎉 on your daughter’s graduation!💗My oldest son just graduated high school too!🤗It’s crazy how these babies grew up so fast!😫
Enjoy your beautiful evening Shari! 🥰
Jul 20Reply

@craftcraze No apologies necessary.. you wouldn’t have known.😘 Congrats on your son’s graduation as well!! 🎉🎓 Will he be going off to college? Have a great Monday!! Xoxo
Jul 20Reply

@sg1771 Thank you so much!💓Yes, he received scholarship to Pace University!💕😌💕We’re so proud of him! 🙏
How about your daughter?
Happy Monday Shari!🎋
Jul 20Reply

@craftcraze that is so wonderful!! Congrats!! 🥳🎉🎓My daughter also received a scholarship for Tulane University. Is your son able to move in on campus? Is he on-line learning? can’t believe that this is their new normal 😷!
Jul 20Reply

@sg1771 Thank you so much and congratulations to your daughter too,...awesome future!✌️🥳
We’re having the orientation tomorrow for finding out more specific information, not easy to plan ahead anymore...😣.
These young adults up for a challenge but I’m sure it will be on their benefits in the future!💓🙏💓
Jul 21Reply

Hi Shari thank you for the shares. Hope you and your family are well and above all “Stay safe”😊
Aug 28Reply

@gems1955 Hi Jewel! It’s my pleasure! Hope all is well with you and your family!! Best regards, Shari 😊
Aug 28Reply

Thank you everyone is okay 😊
Aug 28Reply

Oh dear Miley I feel for you I know that same one of a kind pain, my heart goes out to you. Love your store and pics I shall follow 🙂I’m Stefanie ✌️
Oct 10Reply

@aaardvarks Ty so much Stefanie! I appreciate your follow and I just followed back! Hope you are doing well during this crazy time!! Best regards and stay safe!! ~Shari😊💗
Oct 10Reply

@sg1771 Thank you for following back, its nice to be here isn't it? Crazy time for history right now, stay strong and healthy and wise my dear Posh friend!
Oct 10Reply

@aaardvarks aww thanks. Right back at you!!
Oct 10Reply

@meenaslove Hi Renee.. look at my last pic collage! We Welcome Skylar!!! She is absolutely the cutest and we are all in love with her!!!
Dec 24Reply

Hi all!! Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas, and Happy, healthy New year!!! Our family just got a new addition and her name is Skylar! (See last photos) 💗❤️We are already in love!!! Thinking of you all and stay safe and healthy!!! Best regards, Shari😊❤️
@houndstooth @mandajane223
Dec 24Reply

@sg1771 Merry Christmas 🎄🎁 my friend! Hope you and your family have a wonderful time! Have a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year! Happy Poshing!!!😀😀😀😀😀😀
Dec 24Reply

@sg1771 Merry Christmas Shari! ❤🎄❤ Have a wonderful holiday!! Oh my goodness Skylar is ADORABLE I just want to squeeze her!! 😍 CONGRATS!!
Dec 24Reply

@sg1771 happy holidays Shari!!! I’m in love with your new little furry baby too!!! Adorable, God bless! Happy New Year!! 🎊🎄🎁❤️
Dec 24Reply

@steverepak Ty my friend! Same to you and your family!! Here’s to a better 2021!! 🎉🍾🥂
Dec 24Reply

@mandajane223 aww Ty!!! Wishing you a very safe and healthy Holiday season!! all the best to you and your family!! Xoxox Shari
Dec 24Reply

@gat8or Aww Ty so much!! Wishing you a safe and healthy holiday season!!! Xoxoxo ~Shari
Dec 24Reply

💕🥂💕🥂💕🥂💕🥂Merrily Christmas hon, thanks for your generous support. It’s appreciated 🙏🏾Gorgeous pic
Dec 24Reply

Merry Christmas 🎄to you and yours also. What a beautiful new addition to the family. They grow up so quickly! Wishing you all the best always.
Dec 25Reply

@sg1771 Hi Shari!!! Thank you so much PFF!!! Wishing you and your beautiful family a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year too!!! Stay safe and healthy!!! Love your new family addition. So adorable!!!💖🎊🎁🎅☃️🎄🎊💖
Best Wishes,
Dec 25Reply

@sg1771 Oh dear Shari, Thank you so much for your sweet message 💕😌💕I hope you had a beautiful Christmas 🎄?I just wanted to wish you and your family a safe 🙏and happy Holidays , good Health ,Hope and Optimism for 2021!🥂💕💫🙏💓💫💃
Dec 26Reply

@sg1771 Merry Christmas, Shari! I was so sad to hear that you lost Miley, but happy to see you have welcomed a new addition! Skylar is adorable Wishing you lots of love, health and happiness ❤️❤️❤️
Dec 26Reply

@ajcollections 😘😘❌⭕️
Dec 26Reply

@craftcraze right back at you my friend!! Did you see my pics ⬆️⬆️of our new puppy! She is Filling our home with so much love 💗and joy😊! Here’s to a better 2021!! 🍾🥂sending much love and well wishes always!! ~Shari😘😘💗💖
Dec 26Reply

@houndstooth Ty so much Ellen! We lost Miley 2 years ago. Skylar has been a wonderful addition in this crazy time! Wishing you all the best and Here’s to a better 2021!! 💗🎉🍾🥂~Shari
Dec 26Reply

@sg1771 🥰❤🤗🌷😘
Dec 26Reply

@sg1771 Awe, she’s absolutely beautiful!❤️🐾❤️Thank you so much for sharing your new family member ,...congratulations!🐾💓🐾
We’ve been thinking to get a second dog (our German Shepherd is getting little old , 😔Liam is 7 years old).
We LOVE ❤️ DOGS 🐶!❣️
Enjoy your upcoming week ,..🥂🥳🐾
Dec 28Reply

@craftcraze ty so much! We are big Dog Lovers as well. We kept holding off on getting a puppy because this was supposed to be a big travel year and then Covid happened and everything was cancelled!! So here we are with our new addition and we are so in love. So much work but worth it!! Enjoy the week and Happy, healthy New Year!! 🎉🎉🍾🥂😘😘
Dec 28Reply

@sg1771 Hi Shari,
Yes, I totally understand it,..that’s our reason too for waiting little bit. We always travel for work/school and for fun and if we can we bring our dog but it’s easier to bring to someone to take care, who’s a big German Shepherd lover and trainer (a good friend). But having a new puppy,..well it’s double trouble and responsibility for sure!💓🐾💓
Enjoy her , it’s so wonderful to have them in our life🐾🐶🐾!❤️
Dec 30Reply

@craftcraze ty so much! I love German shepherds.. such a beautiful breed! Happy healthy New year my friend!! Hope you and the family stay well and healthy! 😘😘❌⭕️❌⭕️
Dec 31Reply

Hi Shari, your puppy is so adorable! Wishing you the best! Yes, they are a lot of work. My River is a year and a half now! He’s getting so big and is a Daddy’s boy💕🐶 Stay healthy! Xoxo Renee
Feb 14Reply

Hi there! If you're in the market for new items, check out my closet. I hope you find some items you like :)
Aug 30Reply

yes ma'am I was wondering if there was any way possible I could cancel this order it was placed by mistake and the shirt is the wrong size I'm so sorry for your inconvenience and I greatly apologize thank you and have a blessed New Year
Dec 31Reply

@jthomasbrock85 Hi Justin! No problem at all and these things happen! Just glad I saw your message before I went to the post office. I believe you have to cancel on your end. Go to your recent purchases and check to see if you can cancel on that page. I will not send today and will await the cancellation. Let me know if you need my assistance! All the best in the New Year! ~Shari
Dec 31Reply

it won't let me cancel
Dec 31Reply

@jthomasbrock85 ok. I figured it out.
Dec 31Reply

Hello! ☺️Super Happy You Dropped By! I am Kimberly- owner of Kfab Designs- 💖-Always Happy to Assist You in Finding Your Perfect Style! All Orders are Shipped with Gifts 🎁! I Look Forward to Working with You!
Jul 18Reply

@tutuwig thanks so much! Just shared you back!! ~Shari 😀🌸☀️
Sep 13Reply

@sg1771 hello check out my closet see something you like send me an offer everything must go lost my grandma trying to get extra funds to go towards her tombstone anything will help out thanks
Apr 15Reply

@sg1771 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Apr 17Reply

@cutehosiery thanks so much! You too!! shared you back!! 😊🌻🌸
Apr 17Reply
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