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Updated Feb 10
Updated Feb 10

Meet your Posher, Posha

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Posha...aka Ms Posh & Fam Fashions. Some of my favorite brands are Adidas, Nike, Vera Bradley, Gaiam, Apt. 9, & Thalia Sodi. I love to negotiate deals and find new bargains!! I also love offers and bundles, so feel free to make them. I always have same or next day shipping. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too.


  • Seller Discount: 20% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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sayurinita @msposh7697 Welcome to Poshmark🎉please check out my eclectic closet a variety of kids, women & men clothing👔🕶💄👗👠
Oct 29Reply
sabresfan1977 Welcome to Poshmark!! Happy Poshing!! 🎉🎉🎊🎊
Oct 30Reply
msposh7697 @mimisj No problem at all. I understand. Thank you for responding.
Nov 02Reply
msposh7697 @opticalcarrie Thank u Carrie!! 😁 Im loving Poshmark so far. Lots of great stuff on here.
Jan 12Reply
hmsimon1 Good evening Poshmark. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Jan 16Reply
msposh7697 @pjschindler You're very welcome. U have some nice things in your closet so it was my pleasure. 😊
Jan 16Reply
lk_brockmeyer You’ve got several likes in my closet. Bundle them up and make me an offer! I think we can agree on a great price for you!💗 I’d love for Charlotte’s clothes to go to your baby!! 💕💗💕
Jan 16Reply
620108 Hi beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing! All the best to you in 2018
Jan 17Reply
msposh7697 @620108 Awe...thank u!! So sweet!! 😊 And youre very welcome. I wish u the best as well.
Jan 17Reply
ladybuddap Hi thank you for following feel free to check out my closet 😊
Jan 17Reply
ladybuddap Thank you for the follow
Jan 17Reply
khgirl Hi!!!! Thanks 4 sharing😄
Jan 18Reply
vcribb Thank you for stopping by my closet! I also like to make offers and deals and I try to offer the lowest prices possible and give discounts of 10% on bundles of 2 or more. Happy Poshing!
Jan 18Reply
vcribb I thought that the picture of you in the circle was Meryl Streep. I had to take a second look. And then realize she's gotten a lot older.
Jan 18Reply
msposh7697 @vcribb Wow...thank u!! Never been told that before. But ill take that as a compliment!! 😁
Jan 18Reply
msposh7697 @khgirl Anytime!! Thank u 4 your shares also!! 😁
Jan 18Reply
vcribb @msposh7697. Yes she is a beautiful lady, was very beautiful when she was younger! I love her as an actress.
Jan 18Reply
jensdeals37 @msposh7697 Thank you so very much for sharing, that's so kind of you!
Jan 19Reply
repeat_fashion Welcome to PM! i’m so happy you joined! I’m a PM ambassador, so please let me know if I can help you out with starting your closet, I have shard some of your listing (if any) to get them out there for buyers to see! i hope you have quick sales, and lots of fun! Happy Poshing :)
Jan 22Reply
msposh7697 @manute2017 Anytime!! 😊 And thank u 2!!
Jan 25Reply
msposh7697 @rob_in_da_hood Thank u 4 the offer. Not quite ready 2 buy yet though. Ill keep that in mind if u still have both when i am.
Jan 25Reply
msposh7697 @jensdeals37 Youre welcome!! Thank u 4 showing some love as well. Much appreciated!! 😊
Jan 25Reply
soriag Nice closet 😊 Hi there! I am Gloria. Nice to meet you here on Poshmark 😊 I would like to invite you to check out my closet for new items with tags from the most favorite brands. Bundle 2 or more items for an additional discount and to pay just one shipping charge. Visit my closet for even more discounts such as BOGO 50% OFF on all Winter items, and many more. If you have any questions about the items, I would be happy to help. Happy Poshing 😃
Jan 26Reply
gallo830 😊
Jan 31Reply
msposh7697 @gallo830 Hi there. 😊
Jan 31Reply
gallo830 Hi 😊
Feb 01Reply
msposh7697 @kj11241124 Youre welcome!! 😊
Feb 01Reply
tripoligirl Thanks so much for sharing my listings!! I really appreciate it!! 😁
Feb 14Reply
gradgirlmhs Hello 🙋🏽Thanks for following me ☺️🚶🏾‍♀️🚶🏾‍♀️🚶🏾‍♀️🚶🏾‍♀️☺️Happy Poshing & Happy Thursday to you! ☺️☺️🌺🌺🌺
Feb 15Reply
dstellarfty_pm @msposh7697 Hi! Thank you for the love and shares! Feel free to make me an offer. My closet also has a 10% off for 3+ bundled items. Bundle up and I’ll give you a great deal! Have a wonderful rest of the day! 💞
Feb 16Reply
ennovy1975 @msposh7697 Thanks for your bundle purchase! I just packaged it up for you and will ship it tomorrow 🤗
May 29Reply
msposh7697 @ennovy1975 Thank u so much!! I've been eyeballing the pjs for a while. And they were a great deal with the dress so it was time to make them mine. Lol. Thanks for the quick shipping also!! 😁 Have a great night!!
May 29Reply
shelbylove1 Hey posha!! Feel free to check out my closet, I have some Nike items as well as a lot of kids item, come check it out when you have a sec. :)
Jun 07Reply
msposh7697 @luxuptown Thank u for following up w/me. I do understand things happen & I appreciate u taking the time to let me know. Hope u have a wonderful day!!! 😊
Jun 14Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Jun 18Reply
msposh7697 @spreadlove Hi Melissa!! I'm Posha. Thanks for the warm hello!! 😊 Hope u have a wonderful day!!! 😁
Jun 18Reply
lolibearscloset Thank you so much for your generous shares! Truly appreciate it! ❤️❤️
Jul 11Reply
frankfurt_style Hey girl, you are my 1000th follower! You can get whatever product for 50% off and free shipping, even if I go minus! Enjoy!
Jul 28Reply
msposh7697 @frankfurt_style. That's exciting!! Congrats on the 1000 followers!!!! 😁 🎉 I'll see what I can find. Thank u. 😊
Jul 28Reply
heatherbb7 Howdy there, welcome to poshmark! My name is Heather. My favorite brands are lululemon, forever 21 and Vera Bradley. Poshmark is full of some great fashion finds and I know you will enjoy your time here. If you have any questions go ahead let me know and I will try my best to answer it.
Aug 06Reply
nancynorth Thank you for sharing my closet I appreciate 😃👋
Aug 14Reply
tricia77r aww cute pics! nice to meet you on posh! hope you are loving it! ❤️
Aug 15Reply
dmrcm Thanks for all the shares! I returned the favor. 😃. Hope you have a great weekend.
Aug 17Reply
msposh7697 @dmrcm Youre welcome & thank you as well. Hope you have a great weekend also!! :)
Aug 17Reply
msposh7697 @tricia77r Thank you!! I do love Posh...most of the time anyway. Had some bum luck lately on orders. But Ive also had some amazing orders also. You have some things my daughter would love!! So ill be back once im done with my older boys school shopping. :)
Aug 17Reply
tricia77r @msposh7697 I hear ya! Its a great app and so fun. But tricky sometimes. Hope back to school shopping goes well! I can’t believe how time flies!
Aug 18Reply
melissamccormic Good afternoon! Thank U for all the shares. Happy poshing!💕💕
Aug 22Reply
reniebee12 🌺 Hello!! The Disney Elena Backpack you liked is still available!! Hope you hear from you! 🌺
Aug 29Reply
poppypetalsbtq I have a lot of heavy cards tanks and sleeveless pieces. As soon as we’re back in town next week I’ll get those listed for you. Can you tell me the 2 Tops you were referring to you said you liked so I can hold them for our future trade please? TYIA 😎✌🏼 Sandy
Sep 06Reply
msposh7697 @poppypetalsbtq I for sure love the white apt 9 tank with blue & green floral print on the front. The other one i was looking at was the american rag purple & blue floral print top, but im worried that one may not fit, looks small for an XL. Might need measurements, if u dont mind. Whenever u have time. Thank u again!!
Sep 06Reply
poppypetalsbtq Absolutely. But the AR top is a butterfly style sleeves which have a wide bust. The Apt 9 top I’ll measure but it’s a true xl... chat next week😎✌🏼
Sep 06Reply
msposh7697 @poppypetalsbtq Yes, I have quite a few Apt 9 tops so I know they fit me well. Its mostly the length I would like to see on the AR top. And next week is just fine. :)
Sep 06Reply
stefiscloset Thank you for the shares 😘😘🤩
Sep 07Reply
msposh7697 @stefiscloset Youre welcome. Thank you as well for sharing the love!! :)
Sep 07Reply
poehlerb Thank you so very much for all the shares.
Sep 29Reply
msposh7697 @poehlerb Youre welcome!! Thank u 4 sharing back. 😊 Have a great weekend!!!
Sep 29Reply
jyehnio @msposh7697 Hello, thank you for all the shares. I shared the love back. Thanks, for visiting!
Oct 08Reply
siennamama88 You are awesome!! Thanks for all the shares. Will return the favor later during my lunch break.
Oct 16Reply
msposh7697 @siennamama88 Youre welcome. You have some really cute things & great prices. I wish some of the 3T things you had were 4T, I would have snagged them too. :)
Oct 16Reply
msposh7697 @feldo1 Thank you so much!! I had a lot of fun in your closet as well. It was hard to choose which ones I liked the most. :)
Oct 16Reply
siennamama88 @msposh7697 I have lots of 4T. Will tag you when I get a chance to list them. 😉
Oct 16Reply
msposh7697 @siennamama88 Thank you!! That would be great. Mostly looking for tops & footie pajamas. If you have any of either, id definitely be interested.
Oct 17Reply
hit111 Welcome 🙏 to Poshmark.........this place is fun and addditive if u like to shop....... people are friendly....."... share listings make offers......if u see something you like make an offer........ Happy Poshing!!
Dec 12Reply
buy_this_n_that Hi, welcome to Posh. 💕🛍💕 Thank you for the like, truly appreciate it!🤗🤗🤗 Please feel free to check out my other items to, if you like something else bundle it, than I will give you a great discount. When you Bundle, you save a lot on shipping to. I wish you a lot of sales and great success here!💰🚀💰 ⭐️❤️⭐️HAPPY POSHING⭐️❤️⭐️
Dec 12Reply
ashleighbingham I miss you hunny! You and your babes are beautiful!!
Dec 17Reply
ashleighbingham It's nice to see a familiar face using this app since it is fairly new to me. If you have any tips or pointers for selling items I would love the advice! Xoxo
Dec 17Reply
thecurveyone Thanks for your purchase! 🌷
Dec 17Reply
msposh7697 @ashleighbingham Hi hon!! How are u?? Been a while for sure. Glad 2 see u doing good. 😊 Im still learning myself all the time, but I can definitely tell ya all I know to help ya get started.
Dec 17Reply
ashleighbingham @msposh7697thanks sweet lady! I am doing well, just had my first sweet baby this past September and I am loving mother hood! They grow so fast so I am trying to part with some on here! I hope you are doing well too, lady!! 💜💚
Dec 17Reply
poshyalater Thanks for all the shares! I greatly appreciate it!! 💕💕💕💕💕
Jan 07Reply
msposh7697 @christinabow618 Youre welcome. Thank you for all the shares as well. :)
Jan 07Reply
flmomof3 Thank you for your purchase! I put it in the mail today. Kathy
Jan 10Reply
msposh7697 @flmomof3 Perfect. Thank u!! 😊
Jan 10Reply
nancynorth Thank you for sharing my closet I appreciateit 😀have a great weekend 😉
Jan 12Reply
flmomof3 Thanks for your purchase!! 😁
Jan 13Reply
karena785 Thanks for sharing my closet! If you're interested in bundling your likes I can send you a better offer.
Jan 23Reply
msposh7697 @karena785 Thank you. I am interested for my daughter, just trying to increase my inventory before making more personal purchases. Put myself on temporary punishment...least that's what it feels like. lol But I will be back.
Jan 23Reply
cherryfixkc Love the shoes in your cover pic! You have a nice closet!!
Jan 29Reply
msposh7697 @schanz9 Thank u!! :) I love them too!! I love most anything colorful & sparkly.
Jan 30Reply
thecandistore Thank you for the shares!!! 🤗💕💐
Feb 14Reply
dresdeals Hi, I'm so sorry about the size error! If you want to either repost them for $13 (I'll buy them back) or I can check your closet out and find something to purchase. My mistake, I owe you!
Feb 26Reply
msposh7697 @dresdeals I appreciate u reaching out & for the kind offer. Although I am a little bummed that theyre so snug on my toes, I absolutely LOVE the shoes!! Maybe theyll stretch out a bit after wearing a couple times. But I definitely want to keep them. I updated my rating. Its an easy mistake to make. Thanks again & have a great day!! 😊
Feb 26Reply
proprietress_07 Thank you so much for your purchase! Looking to size customize your mystery box! Please let me know what size you prefer and I will get your order out tomorrow!
Mar 20Reply
msposh7697 @proprietress_07 Thank u!! I didnt mesaage u because Im fine with a mix of plus sizes. Would prefer spring/summer items please. Love bright colors & florals (just not the grandma looking florals or items please!! Lol) 😁
Mar 20Reply
proprietress_07 @msposh7697 perfect! 💜 I can’t wait to curate a package for you!!!
Mar 20Reply
lavieenrose374 Thank you for always sharing my listings!!Best wishes!
Apr 03Reply
msposh7697 @lavieenrose374 Its no problem at all, I love to share. :) Thank you for always sharing back!!
Apr 03Reply
bjccloset Thanks for viewing my closet. Please feel free to make me an offer. 😊
Apr 23Reply
shopmycloset_sd Thanks so much for sharing my closet 😘😘😘I’ll do the same!
May 20Reply
spanishluna Thank you for the like have a safe and blessed holiday weekend
May 23Reply
debbreescloset Thanks for the shares, happy Poshing! 😘
Jul 20Reply
msposh7697 @debbreescloset You're welcome. Thank u as well. Have a great weekend!! 😊
Jul 20Reply
jilldrake1980 What a lovely closet!
Aug 07Reply
msposh7697 @jilldrake1980 Very sweet...Thank u SO much!! :) Thank you for all the shares as well!!
Aug 07Reply
mb_ova @msposh7697 Hi do you want to cxl the green dress order. I will buy the copper dress too. Just bundle it and send the offer so I can save on shipping .... If not no biggie. I’ll make a diff offer on the copper
Aug 31Reply
msposh7697 @mb_ova Oh yes, I can do that 4 u no problem. Ill do it right now. 😊
Aug 31Reply
lakedwellerhb Hi Posha, thanks for following us! Welcome to Poshmark!👍 We are Jimbo and G.🤠🙋 We are still getting our Posh' closet together. I hope you have many sales and find tons of bargains! ☮️n💗
Sep 25Reply
jennymess822 Hiii...Thanks so much for the share! As a thank you I'd like to offer you a bundle deal for any 2/$20 or 3/$30 items (excluding some shoes & AK watch) or feel free to make me any offer(s) on any item(s) you may like! I am very reasonable with pricing. The Poshmark support is always appreciated! Happy Poshing and wishing you many sales! 😊🤗🛍🤝
Oct 18Reply
gray788 Thanks for sharing 💖
Oct 22Reply
oncelvdapparel Hi, I saw your rating and am very sorry that you are unhappy with your purchase. we try our best to accomodate sizes and items for the mystery box and we would be more than happy to approve a return if interested! Happy poshing- once loved Apparel
Nov 12Reply
msposh7697 @oncelvdapparel Hi there, I appreciate the offer. But I also know that this type of purchase doesnt support a return through Posh, which is why I just accepted. It was my risk. Just wanted you to have the feedback, as I know I would want it if it were me. I appreciate you listening & have a great day.
Nov 12Reply
dollarandsense You have a beautiful closet! I’ve been looking at a lot of them and yours is very classy!
Jan 02Reply
msposh7697 @poshsavyseller Thank you so much!! Very kind of you. :)
Jan 02Reply
debben22 Hi 👋 Posha Happy Poshin 🤗
Feb 17Reply
auntsherii Hi Posha, thanks for the shares. I really appreciate the support of my fellow sellers. Thanks again, happy Poshing, Sheri❤️😀
Aug 24Reply
msposh7697 @auntsherii Good morning!! Youre welcome. I appreciate the shares as well. Have a great day!! 😊
Aug 25Reply
sheeleyr Happy Poshing 😉 Speedy Sales 🤗 hope you don't mind me sharing 🤗 Have a great afternoon.
Dec 08Reply
jwags0802 did not see your offer for Nike swim trunks. resubmit if you like. sorry
May 14Reply
msposh7697 @jwags0802 Thanks so much 4 letting me know. Offer resubmitted. 😊
May 14Reply
turtlegypsy Hey there Ms. posh, I made you an offer on my two Victoria secret swim shorts itS expiring in 2 hours let me know if you have questions-j
Jun 06Reply
msposh7697 @turtlegypsy Good morning, I did see your offer. Unfortunately the offer u made me on the bundle was a lot more $$ than the individual offers u sent with discount shipping for each item by itself. So I purchased a different bundle instead. Thank you anyways & Have a great day!!
Jun 06Reply
rafi70 thank you for the 5 🌟 I really appreciate it.
Nov 07Reply
msposh7697 @rafi70 Youre welcome. I love them!! Sorry I spaced rating until today.
Nov 07Reply
rafi70 is ok most the people do after to some like a week after ir more
Nov 07Reply
joker1923 Thanks for the Like on the Adidas shorts from my closet. I am open to reasonable offers on them. Send me an offer and let’s make a deal. Thanks again!!!
Feb 11Reply
nylifeaccess Hi Gorgeous, how are you? You got a lovely smiling pic :) Here I would like to say Hi! And It’s my pleasure and most welcome if you would like to visit my closet to check out see if you could find anything you Like. My closet is selling 800+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Apr 07Reply
cutehosiery @msposh7697 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Feb 26Reply
mountainmomsoap Hi Posha, it’s nice to meet you 😊 when you have time check out my closet I sell handmade glycerin soaps that smell so delicious and they are made with only fruit extracts and essential oils ❤️
Aug 10Reply
calilove81 You have a gorgeous family! You are absolutely stunning
Oct 19Reply
msposh7697 @calilove81 Thank u, I appreciate your kind compliments. 😊💜
Oct 20Reply

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Las Vegas, NV
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Last Active: 18 hours ago

Las Vegas, NV
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