Meet your Posher, Rachel
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Hi! I'm Rachel. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

35 others
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@satcheles Hi! Welcome to Poshmark!
Feb 06Reply

Thanks for the welcome!!
Feb 07Reply

@satcheles Welcome to Posh! 🙌 You have a beautiful closet! 😍 I would 💖 to have your Meaningful Beauty kit! I sent you an offer! I hope you except! 😀
Feb 08Reply

@satcheles Thank you! 😘
Feb 08Reply

@jend777 You're welcome! And thank you! I hope you enjoy the set. 😊 Will hopefully get it sent out in the next two days!
Feb 08Reply

@satcheles Ok Wonderful! 😀
Feb 08Reply

@jend777 I posted your package this morning. 😊
Feb 08Reply

@satcheles Awe...Thank you! 🙌 You are too kind! 😁
Feb 08Reply

I just wanted to let you know I'm interested in the guess shoes if the buyer doesn't purchase them today, just tag me if it falls thru.
Feb 12Reply

@taylord2covet You got it, girl! Will tag you if deal tomorrow doesn't go through. Keep you posted! Xx
Feb 12Reply

@taylord2covet I'm going to put a hold on your bundled items for you until I get confirmation about the shoes. Don't want you to miss out because of a delay on my end! Xx
Feb 13Reply

@satcheles ok, I've been watching...ty!
Feb 13Reply

@satcheles fyi, long day for me, going to bed.
Feb 13Reply

@taylord2covet Nothing yet. Sorry. Will contact you tomorrow morning with an update. Thank you for your patience. 😘
Feb 13Reply

@taylord2covet Morning! The sneakers are yours! Let me know when you're ready and I can put everything back on for sale. 😎
Feb 13Reply

@satcheles I'm ready!
Feb 13Reply

@satcheles Hi and welcome to Poshmark!
Feb 20Reply

@taylord2covet Glad it arrived ok. Was worried it was taking too long. I hope everything meets your expectations. Thanks for the fantastic review! 😊😎🌟
Feb 20Reply

@wlew thank you for the welcome! Still learning how it all works! 😉
Feb 21Reply

Thank you and there is more to put upon posh
Feb 21Reply

Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Feb 23Reply

Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Feb 23Reply

@jassieboo92 Thank you!! Still getting the hang of it but enjoying it so far! 😊
Feb 23Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Let me know if you have any questions, and feel free to venture into my closet! Have a wonderful day!
Feb 25Reply

@bari_spud Thanks so much for the welcome!! 🌟💜
Feb 25Reply

@satcheles Welcome! 😘
Mar 01Reply

Hi, I'm Donna. Welcome to Poshmark! You're off to a great start! The best advice I can give is to follow your fellow Poshers & share their items. They'll do the same. We all help each other sell. I'm on Poshmark 7 days a week, many times a day. I highly reccomend You join The Poshmark Society on Facebook. You can learn a lot of tips on being a powerful seller. Please let them know I sent you. If there's ever anything I can do to help you, please don't hesitate to contact me! 💖
Mar 01Reply

@couponer920 Thanks so much for the advice! I will join the Poshmark society on fb like you suggested. I really appreciate your help! 💜🌟😘
Mar 01Reply

@satcheles Anytime!
Mar 01Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 💟
Mar 03Reply

Hi your closet!!!! Welcome to Posh, hope you're having a great time!!! Enjoy!
Mar 03Reply

Welcome to the Posh family, a truly wonderful community of women always willing to help you! 👭 😇 FYI..few things I have learned to be a successful posher & be eligible for those wonderful 🎉 host picks 🎉
1️⃣ maintain a posh compliant closet 💯
2️⃣ share 👠👗👙
3️⃣ follow 👣👣👣
4️⃣ ask questions!! 🤔
✔️ check out @poshuniversity and 'selling on Poshmark' post @fairlygirly Great info!
Mar 04Reply

@vickyss Thank you!! I'm trying to do as much sharing and following as I can! 😊 but I don't ask enough questions. I'll work on that! Thanks again - I will check out the tags you mentioned. Thank you! I need a bit of Poshmark knowledge 🌟
Mar 04Reply

Welcome to Posh, doll!!! I hope that you LOVE it here!!!!! Xoxo
Mar 21Reply

@aishablake Thanks! I'm getting the hang of things gradually... Thanks for the shares too! I need to rely on those to get my closet some exposure. The rate I was getting followers has dwindled lately and I wonder why. Perhaps I'm just impatient!! Anyway - much appreciate your welcome!! 🌟👍💜😊
Mar 21Reply

Always!!! I know, right?!?!?! I'm still trying to figure out certain things!!! I will share your listings as much as possible!!! What I have found helpful in gaining exposure is to share as much as possible from other Posher's closets and in return they will share your items. And follow...anyone who follows you, follow them in return!!!! Hope this helps some!!!! 😊💕❤️😘
Mar 21Reply

@aishablake WOW - THANKS!!!! You're awesome! I'll return the favour for sure 😘 Thanks for the tip xx
Mar 21Reply

@satcheles Always, luv!!! If you ever need anything.....let me know!!! =) xoxo
Mar 21Reply

@satcheles Hi!! Welcome to Poshmark!! I'm Vivian, also in NY and I would love to help you in any way possible. I'm going to introduce you to some really amazing PFFs, all willing to help, or answer any questions. Remember to keep your closet posh compliant, and share, share, share!!!
Mar 24Reply

Meet our new posher!! I know you wonderful women will all give her a warm welcome!! @mimismenagerie @matadora1978 @mili0603 @nic39 @newyork222 @iqclothessavvy @herparallax @kmb42 @ninascloset5 @bellanblue @icaton @debbimiller @kmc1027 @stunning_29 @lifeisgood63 @hrachal @rosystrinkets @kookc @janimack7 @lazulitect @happystore
Mar 24Reply

New Posher!! Let's give her a warm welcome :)) thanks ladies! @dzntfit2 @caput1996 @kelly32068 @singernyc @ccroxy @tchrgirl02 @tammyleetucker @mswacky03 @pfassionista @roryry @whatsleft @kfowler86 @morge6feet @nikle714 @flylightly @luxlauren @mistielee @charmcity @cottoncandyglam @monikasmoshposh @posh_prophet @jovanas_closet @emakarp @mykidsfault @susasrie32859
Mar 24Reply

@satcheles Welcome to Poshmark 😊🌸
Feel free to visit my closet and leave me some Posh love. I also have a great share team & a follow game which will allow you as a new Posher to obtain more followers. Both of these the Follow Game & Share Team are a great opportunity for all new Poshers. I know you will absolutely love Poshmark as much as I do. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask I love mentoring New Poshers and help them get started. Thank you @nanookmom for the tag love.
Mar 24Reply

Let's welcome a new posher!! Thanks ladies xoxo!! @kellidavis05 @carolynxcullen @jadrch @ree0715 @cali_gal @kvxddx @seksi_em @kden_wallace @whatsleft @classyvintage @amyjacobs36 @riyasshop @getinstyle @fashioniata @jill555 @pfassionista @skeeterposh @molinda25 @texascopywriter @frannyzfinds
Mar 24Reply

Hello, RACHEL ! 👋🏼 I'm Jan! Welcome to Posh! A wonderful place to be! Let me know if there is anything I can help you with! Don't forget to SHARE, SHARE & SHARE your closet!!! Makes a HUGE difference❗️🎀 Two great places to find lots of great POSH information and tips: @official_forum & @PoshUniversity! Thanks for the tag, Vivian! @nanookmom
Mar 24Reply

Hi Rachel! I'm Carolyn! It's so nice to meet you. Welcome! Hey, follow me and feel free to tag me if you have any questions. I do recommend you checkout @official_forum for lots of good information at your fingertips. Consider also subscribing to PM's blog at One other helpful tip: Share, Share and Share some more. Exposure = Sales. - Happy Poshing!💜@nanookmom 🌟
Mar 24Reply

Hello there im jess welcome to posh! Some advice keep a posh compliant closet,and share your closet three times a day as well as others giod luck and happy poshing!
Mar 24Reply

Hi Rachel- Welcome to Posh😘, my name is Debbi .I hope you have fun building your closet. Please reach out if you have any questions and I’ll try to help you as best I can 😘💕.This is a great community of very supportive women. Be sure to SHARE SHARE SHARE, this is the best way to get people to view your listings, also share other Poshers closets (this was hard for me to understand at first but it REALLY pays off). Cheers🍷🍷~Debbi
💕💕 Thanks for the introduction @nanookmom
Mar 24Reply

Greetings to you from the state of South Carolina. Please stop by and visit my closet anytime. I offer great bundle discounts and I always accept any reasonable offer.
Mar 30Reply

@satcheles Thank you for following. If you're interested in any of my items, I can share more photos or answer questions. My seller discount is 10% off 2+ items bundled. Thanks again. Have a great day & happy sales!
Mar 31Reply

@angelfish94 hi welcome!! Your soooo cute and remind me of "Brenda" 90210...!' That's a good thing!! Lol!!😊✌🏽️🌺🐠
Apr 05Reply

@angelfish94 OMG! That's so funny - I used to get that a lot! (Maybe 15 years ago though! Lol!) Very sweet of you to say and thank you for the welcome! 😘
Apr 05Reply

@angelfish94 well the years have been your friend!! Haven't seen her in many!! I didn't think I was the first lol!! Your welcome!!😊✌🏽️💪🏾👍🏼💃🏽🌟💖🌺🐠
Apr 06Reply

Hey Rachel checking your closet Out now💫✨
Apr 07Reply

Apr 07Reply

Rachel thank you for sharing my listings. Your closet is wonderful! 👗🎉
Apr 13Reply

@satcheles thank u 4 follow
Apr 15Reply

Hi, I'm Sue, AKA "Sassysuzzy". Love your look. Super cute💁
Apr 20Reply

Apr 22Reply

@sassysuzzy Hi! Thanks! Checked out your closet - love it! 🌟💜💃🏻
Apr 22Reply

@ginger_nj You're welcome and thank you!! 💜🌟😎
Apr 22Reply

Hi Rachel, Thanks for checking out my closet. Hope we can do business down the line. I am a selective trader so if u are ever interested in that just FYI.
Apr 22Reply

@sassysuzzy Hopefully we can 😊 Thanks!
Apr 22Reply

Hi Rachael! Welcome and thank u for following my closet! Please also Check out my Stella and Dot website! Think you would look amazing in the accessories. I'm also looking to expand my Stella team! Let me know if you might be interested in something super part time, minimum 5 hrs a week, you can earn an average of $55 an hour. Perks free or super discounted on the entire line!
I would love to email u details. Let me know!
Happy Poshing 💛
Apr 24Reply

Rachel ***
Apr 24Reply

@mindy_cabrera Interested! That last pic is HK!! I was born and raised in HK! 🌟🌟
Apr 24Reply

Apr 26Reply

@satcheles Hi! You have a clean, crisp closet!!! 💕😜
May 01Reply

@ewrpmom Thank you so much! Very kind of you to say so. And I like the black border you use on your pictures. 😊🌟
May 01Reply

@satcheles you're beautiful.
Jun 22Reply

Thank you for all the shares!!!!
Jun 28Reply

@tamrahaselman Haha! Did you share my entire closet practically??? That is soo sweet to return the favour so generously! Must have taken you ages!! Lol! You didn't need to do that - I was happy to do so regardless especially when there are so many lovely listings in your closet to share!!! Thank you - you're a star! 🌟
Jun 29Reply

@satcheles hi, it's been 7 days since their was attempt to deliver the dress, a note was left. Please let me know what's happening. Thank you.
Jul 29Reply

Hi Rachel, hope all is well with you. I'm reaching out to you because the dress has been sent back twice. What do you want to do? I will need to hear from you soon. Praying you're ok.
Nov 09Reply

@sarochka If you want, I can re-enter the price so that you get the reduced shipping offered by Poshmark. Let me know when because it's only available for an hour. X
Sep 03Reply

Hi my name is Amy I love your closet I wish I fit in the smaller sizes❣😞
Oct 24Reply

Hi Rachel. Would love for you to visit my closet. I have hundreds of items in various sizes and I’d love for you to spend a minute looking through. Thanks so much for your time.
Jan 17Reply
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