Meet your Posher, Rachel
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Hi! I'm Rachel. I’m always up for doing trades!! Some of my favorite brands are J. Crew, Coach, MAC Cosmetics, PINK Victoria's Secret, and Free People. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :). SAVE BY BUNDLING! 2 item-15% off. 4 items- 30% please feel free to make offers!!

112 others
like this

Hi Rachel and welcome to Posh! It's a very welcoming community here 🧚♂️. Some tips I found helpful: 1) follow all Posh 👍RULES👍in your closet; 2) ✅SHARE✅ a lot from your & others' closets, as this can help you gain followers and puts your items in everyone's newsfeed to see; 3) and most of all HAVE FUN. If you ever have questions don't hesitate to ask anytime. 💝
Aug 16Reply

Welcome to poshmark! 😁
Aug 16Reply

Hi there, not sure what you mean by guess shorts or black tank top. Please comment on photo makes DONATION 8/17 if you want me to include anything else for free with your bundle
Aug 17Reply

@becomewinners haha thank you! Love your drone pic :)
Aug 17Reply

@rachelshelto847 hey doll thanks hon for rating and especially note !! I love it wen someone gets a pkg they love!!!
Aug 20Reply

Thanks so much for liking! Make a bundle for a personal offer! Let me know if you have any questions! Happy Poshing!
Current Specials:
ALL Summer Items 4/$40!
FREE Gift with $40 Purchase!
Aug 30Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!!! Hi! I am Gloria 😊 Welcome to a community of amazing people and great deals. I am a Posh Ambassador, Posh Mentor and a Poshmark Top Seller. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me and I will be happy to help. Also, I invite you to check out my closet. Happy Poshing!! 😃
Aug 30Reply

👋 Hello. It was just brought to my attention that I mixed up the labels for your shirt you ordered and another order. I am so sorry for the inconvenience this has caused. It’s been a hard time lately and I feel terrible that it affected your order. I will do whatever I can to get it fixed. Again I’m so sorry.
Aug 30Reply

@jennjor10 which shirt was it? Please don’t be sorry! It happens! I’ve been going through some stuff too!
Aug 30Reply

@jennjor10 oh the Sandler’s! I just got them
Aug 30Reply

@jennjor10 hi Jennifer, so i can send the package back to you or the person it was meant for but can you refund me for the shirt and also the shipping
Aug 31Reply

@rachelshelto847 I have emailed Poshmark and asked how I can fix this for y’all so that y’all don’t have anymore inconvenience. I will do whatever I can.
Aug 31Reply

@jennjor10 no worries! It’s fine :)
Aug 31Reply

Hello there, I'm Sheldon and I want to welcome you to the best community on the internet!!! I say this because everyone is kind and genuinely concerned for health, safety and sales of course. If you have any questions about navigating or questions about how the community works I would sincerely help you as much as i can. So don't hesitate to ask and i will be respectful and do my best. if you get a chance please check out my closet and let me know what you think ok.
Sep 04Reply

@sleon382 hi sheldon, thanks so much! That's very kind of you!actually can you explain to me how the posh parties work and what exactly host picks are? Again thanks so much!!
Sep 04Reply

@rachelshelto847 My pleasure...I started to send you a note about your name or the shelton 847 part it really took me for a moment. Posh parties are the best dear because they spread you sales list all over the place and it runs on the front page along with everyone else.
Sep 04Reply

@rachelshelto847 So you want to be in on every party because it shares and the thing that makes this work is the get in on the parties and share like crazy. im gonna show you because im gonna share some of your closet after this. what happens is it goes to my 25k and whoever they have when they get likes and likes turn to sales
Sep 04Reply

@rachelshelto847 Host pocks are done by the people who host the parties I have 2 host picks since i started in Jan, and it has resulted in some sales for sure. when you go to your closet at the very top of your page in red or whatever color that is. you will see feed, Women clothing, shoes...then parties hit that and you will see what parties are coming and what is allowed in the parties
Sep 04Reply

@sleon382 oh yeah I've been trying to share as much as possible!!I love the dresses you sell by the way!
Sep 04Reply

@sleon382 this is probably a stupid question but how do you join the party, like see what every one is posting g?
Sep 04Reply

@rachelshelto847 usually it is like zara and converse, but when you see whats allowed there is usually like 15 other name brands and they can all be shared. Honey if you want sales, and im a dude doing this thing pretty good you must share and follow. when you get time go to my page and click on the people who are following me and when you see the blue follow button just click away and do it like at least 2xs per day and you will increase
Sep 04Reply

@sleon382 oh that's exactly what I'm doing!!! Lmao 🤣I've just been clicking away. I shared a lot of those dresses as well :) you should check out the evan pic one dress I have . If you are interested I wI'll totally lower the price because you seem to be the dress expert!!
Sep 04Reply

@rachelshelto847 In order to see what being sold , just go to the top of any page and tap the feed button and you will see everything. Most importantly thank you for the compliment. I usually pick what I want to see a lady in..whatever I think is sexy, or classy, or intriguing as a man. I cannot thank you enough for that compliment..... that is my first smile today, and you are responsible for it. ...... :)
Sep 04Reply

@rachelshelto847 Now I see the things you like so dont go to deep in my closet you might get lost. Then 2 hours later you will say "man where did the time go?"
Sep 04Reply

@rachelshelto847 Thank you for the shares, im gonna check out the dress but im a dude...I would love to get something. I have to find someone to get it for. a lady I mean
Sep 04Reply

@sleon382 lmao I didn't mean for you but to resell it! Lol
Sep 04Reply

@rachelshelto847 sounds like a plan, i need to let my account pick up somoe money then I will buy from you ok dear
Sep 04Reply

@sleon382 oh no pressure! You don't have to buy anything from me if you don't want to lol but Again , thank you for your help!
Sep 04Reply

@rachelshelto847 no problem but I will buy from pressure
Sep 04Reply

Hi, check out my closet! 💜 I’ve got a moving sale & will be accepting most offers 💜 everything needs to go ASAP!
Sep 09Reply

Hi Rachel! Thanks for sharing my closet! Mucho appreciated! Have a great week! 🌸 🛍
Sep 17Reply

My little red Vans ended up being a little small, so they are back out in the Posh World to find a new home. They will have a nice visit at my home though. Where in the world will they travel next!
Sep 27Reply

Thanks for sharing 😉
Oct 01Reply

Welcome to Poshmark fellow Posh Ambassador! This such a great platform to safely buy and sell quality merchandise. Looks like you are off to a great start with your closet and having fun already! Here's to many more sales and Happy poshing 🤗🛍📮💵
Oct 14Reply

Happy poshing 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Oct 26Reply

Hi Rachel, I’m going to decline the offer for the AE leggings, I wanted to let you know why. I just listed them today, so I’m not ready to counter right now. If you want to bundle it with something else, I can offer you a discount.
Nov 03Reply

@aviatortwin hey no worries! Sorry didn’t mean to be rude by asking for a lower price! 11 dollars is a good deal! It sucks that Poshmark always charges almost $7 for shipping and takes 20 percent :( I went ahead and bought them!
Nov 03Reply

@rachelshelto847 No worries, I didn’t think you were being rude at all, it never hurts to ask.😉 I just hate declining someone and leaving them wondering why. Thank you for shopping with me, I’ll get these in the mail tomorrow. You are going to love them! I have a pair too and they are so soft and cozy.😍
Nov 03Reply

@aviatortwin thank you!! :) I’m looking forward to them
Nov 03Reply

I appreciate your stopping by my closet. As a Thank you I would like to offer you BUY ONE GET ONE 50% OFF an item of equal or lesser value.
Nov 03Reply

Thank you for the like!!💕
Dec 12Reply

Enjoyed sharing your lovely things. Wishing you many sales in the new year! Happy Poshing!! 👗👠👛💰
Dec 29Reply

@marycox1218 thank you so much!!! :) you are so sweet
Dec 29Reply

HNY happy new year
Jan 01Reply

Thank you for the follow! Feel free to ask me anything at anytime. If I don’t have a size that fits your needs, let me know. I probably have it and haven’t posted it yet. I usually have something for everyone. I will negotiate on anything above $7, and a bundle discount of 2+ for 10%. I hope you like my closet, and I hope to do business with you soon! Happy holidays and happy shopping!❤️
Jan 02Reply

Hello 🤗 thank you for stopping by and checking out my closet. Please feel free to make any offer on anything you like. Wish you
abundance of success and HAPPY NEW YEAR 🤗
Jan 03Reply

Thank you for following my closet, Hope the year 2019 will be the best yet for you!!
Jan 04Reply

@godsstrength88 thank you! Same to you! :)
Jan 04Reply

Hi ...Sending you a warm welcome 🙏 to the Poshmark family💕❤️Please feel free to browse through my closet as I share our previously loved items, who knows you might find something that you like? If you need help starting your own store with Poshmark, I’m here to help.🙏💕❤️
Jan 06Reply

Yayyy you received your package! I am so happy that they are home. Enjoy! I appreciate your purchase and rating!! Thank you 🌸
Jan 08Reply

Just got my package - love the chocolates!! Thanks so much !
Jan 16Reply

@kljblessed you’re very welcome!! Glad you liked everything! :)
Jan 16Reply

Hi! I am a fellow Posher. I invite you to my FYI page about Poshmark. For newbies and pro poshers! CLICK on my small picture..then CLICK on ‘about’ above my store..then CLICK on ‘meet the posher’ link below the photo...NOW your on my FYI page. It’s full of info. Some info is old and later updated, so read it all. PLEASE do not thank me on that page (go to my closet & use an item)...Hope you find it useful!
Jan 19Reply

Hi Rachel! I wanted to let you know that I will try and ship out your item as soon as possible next week, considering that the post office is closed this Monday due to the holiday. Thank you for your patience, and I'm sorry if this causes any incovenience!
Jan 19Reply

💞Thank you so much for the sweet rating 😘! I really do try & enjoy all that I do💞
Feb 02Reply

@snowbabies28 you are so welcome! I truly meant it. I too love this so I appreciate when someone else does too :)
Feb 02Reply

Feb 03Reply

@deebo7331 hiya!
Feb 03Reply

@deebo7331 hiya!
Feb 03Reply

Beautiful closet !!!🛍💃🛍
Feb 13Reply

@maikamiami aww thank you :)
Feb 13Reply

Great selection! i’d totally love if you want to check out my listings 😊❤️
Feb 25Reply

@vpl1116 thank you!
Feb 25Reply

Thanks for the LIKE!
Mar 04Reply

Hi, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have a great day! :-)
Mar 05Reply

love your closet! check out my BOGO sale if u get time(:
Mar 06Reply

Sorry, but it is NOT ethical and it’s also against the rules to advertise yourself on other posher’s items. So, just blocked you. This way you can’t post anymore on my Listings. Hope you don’t do this to others.
Mar 07Reply

@aliciainbagland wait whT?? I didn’t think I did anything wrong...l
Mar 07Reply

I have NEVER had somebody say that to me.... I really don’t appreciate you accusing me of something. I said I liked you closet and if you have time check out mine. Do you know how many people post that to me? And I see absolutely nothing wrong with that. I’m honestly VERY offended because I had nothing but good intentions
Mar 07Reply

@rachelshelto847 I know. Read about Ethics section. Also, I didn’t like your closet because you are NOT Posh Compliant. You are an Ambassador and sell Prohibited 🚫 Items. So, read the Posh Support and find curling irons and Electronics are Prohibited 🚫 on Poshmark. Good bye. Please STOP.
Mar 07Reply

@aliciainbagland so again with all due respect I meant absolutely NO HARM
. If it’s better I’ll just say I like your closet. I’m not trying to advertise mine . Also last time I checked m Poshmark is about sharing other people’s closets and being f iendlu
Mar 07Reply

@aliciainbagland I will go ahead and delete those items. I actually was unsure about them until I just read the guidelines. Again I had no negative intentions and it really hurts my feelings because you just went off on me. So I’m asking you to please not do that.ntherr are nicer ways to say what you needed to say
Mar 07Reply

@rachelshelto847 You can invite people to check your closet in their “Meet Posher,” but NOT on their LISTINGS! Comments on Listings are for the Listings ONLY. You asked. I answered.
Mar 07Reply

@aliciainbagland also I’m assuming yo are a posh ambassador and that is NOT how you should speak to people. It’s EXTREMELY rude.
Mar 07Reply

@aliciainbagland okay I seriously apologize I really did not know that. And I should’ve checked . So I apologize if I offended you i meant no harm
Mar 07Reply

@aliciainbagland but again I would appreciate if you didn’t go off on me, i know you don’t know me but I have had a horrible day and that really hurt my feelings. I was just trying to be nice and compliment t your closet
Mar 07Reply

@aliciainbagland but in all honesty the way you just spoke to me was horrible. It really was. It was so unprofessional. There are nicer ways to say something. You might want to talk to the person next time instead of accusing them of purposely doing something “wrong”
Mar 07Reply

@rachelshelto847 Thanks so much for your comment! I love your closet too! Happy Poshing 😃
Mar 13Reply

Good morning doll! I like your personality (I.E. pic with your tongue out 👅) Feel free to participate in my gain followers game, I really enjoy supporting others, or each other.💞 Happy Poshing🍀☮️
Mar 17Reply

@findingdoc1 hi thank you!!! I was reading it, I feel stupid but I’m trying to figure it out exactly lol.
Mar 17Reply

@rachelshelto847 Simply write “Everyday is a new Blessing” and I will put you on my list and feature your closet for a day. While you are waiting to be featured you can participate in the game by sharing the featured closets of the day, and following each of their followers. You will gain an amazing amount of followers fast.😉💞☮️
Mar 17Reply

@findingdoc1 okay great, thank you!, you are such a nice person. It’s nice to have this support :)
Mar 17Reply

Hello! Thank you for York welcoming comment and checking out my closet!! I’m excited to be a part of such a supportive community 😊💗
Mar 19Reply

Love your picture, welcome
Mar 21Reply

@jocole96 thanks so much!!! Welcome to you too!!
Mar 21Reply

Thank you so much for the love ❤️ ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 12Reply

Hi Rachel
Thanks a bunch for looking into my closet and like 💐💌
Apr 25Reply

Thanks very much for the share and the like, love your closet as well!! Let me know if you have any questions 😉
May 20Reply

Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
May 26Reply

Thank you for the follow 😊
Jun 01Reply

@ira59 Sure thing!! :)
Jun 01Reply

love your closet, liked a couple things would love trade if you see anything you like in my closet, have more jewelry to post and some bare mineral eye shadows used once
Jun 23Reply

thanks for the follow!! hope your days going well! :)
Sep 01Reply

Pye likes your picture!!! 🤣🤣🥰🐾🐾🐾🐾
Sep 05Reply

Thanks for following 😊 To show my appreciation please enjoy 20% your entire purchase from my closet for the next 24hrs. Just add item/items to bundle and comment “new follower.” I will then send you offer with discount. Happy Poshing!!
Oct 04Reply

Cute closet! Thanks for the add! ❤️🥰🤗
Oct 04Reply

Great closet!
Oct 12Reply

@ljs2563 awww thank you so much!!
Oct 13Reply

Oct 13Reply

I hope I have something that you or your family needs. Fast free shipping
Oct 13Reply

Hey girl sorry so late have you shipped out fp tee shirt ? ❤️
Oct 27Reply

@freedom1961 hey, I’m dropping it off tomorrow but it will show as shipped Monday! It should get to you the next day since you live close!
Oct 27Reply

I love it ur right next door lol freaking crazy I still can’t get over it an ur my fav seller 👍
Oct 27Reply

Hey Rachel I’m going to try an get my closet up an running when I we cover on much surgery god willing but weekend I’m so embarrassed to ask but you think u can put me in the right direction and get this off the ground 🙏
Oct 27Reply

Dec 14Reply

Thanks for sharing😊
Jan 09Reply

Thanks for following! Love your info on lowball offers. Much of my stuff is marked so low ( I try to help others- need to declutter) & it drives me crazy when someone will offer $3 for an item marked $4 that’s worth 30-40! Crazy. Anyway... taking me awhile to post due to downsizing & relocating to half the house. Have a great day
Feb 11Reply

@bakedms I know!!! And if we sell something for four dollars we only get like .10 cents! It’s really frustrating! I’ve gotten to the point where I will automatically decline someone’s offer if it’s extremely low. I won’t make a counter offer. Thanks for commenting and stoping by! Let me know if you need help with anything or have any questions :)
Feb 11Reply

Hello there Rachel, my name is Lisa Michelle and I also live in McLean. I was curious if you would be interested in getting a group of women together for a Posh N’ Sip once or twice a week at Starbucks. This has been something I’ve been wanting to do for a few years now and I’ve heard from people at the posh convention that these are really helpful and could potentially really increase your sales. I’m trying to find women in our area that might be interested.
Feb 11Reply

@duchessdesigns4 hi Lisa! Thanks for contacting me! You know I’ve never really thought of doing that. I saw Poshmark was coming out with it... I would have to think about it. I’m not sure what it all entails..
Feb 12Reply

@duchessdesigns4 is it something we film? Like a webcast?
Feb 12Reply

Hey Rachel good evening. To answer your question no it’s nothing that is videoed and posted on the web. It’s just a group of women and or men that get together once or twice a month at a local Starbucks and we all share tips and suggestions and talk about basically how to make more money selling.
Feb 12Reply

@duchessdesigns4 ohhh okay lol! Yeah I would be open to that!
Feb 12Reply

thanx come by for a visit to my closet
Feb 15Reply

Thank you so much for sharing!!♥️♥️
Feb 21Reply

Hello 💕
Thanks for your follow, I’m following you back and sharing some of your items in your closet, hope you return the love back by sharing 😉 Right now in my closet if you order over $75 you get FREE SHIPPING. 2+ items 10% discount. But see only one item, like it ♥️ this way I can send you an offer. Hope you have a Blessed day 💫
Feb 27Reply

Thanks for the follow beautiful 😌
Mar 21Reply

hi Rachel, loved browsing your closet, thank you for following me. you have a super😍 cute closet going on. I've shared some with my followers. feel free to check out my closet and make an offer on anything you may like. bundle and save for a private discount!! happy poshing!!🌺👡
Apr 15Reply

@viratorres53 awww thank you so much! That really means a lot! I try to spend a lot of time improving it and working on my skills for selling! I really love it! Thanks so much for sharing my closet with your followers! I will def head over to your closet now!! Thanks again and stay safe during all this craziness! ❤️
Apr 15Reply

get at me
Apr 16Reply

Blessings Rachel on sharing from my family closet ❤️🙏❤️. Cool posher pictures 🛍🛍🤟🏻💜❤️
Apr 25Reply

Hi!Thanks for sharing my listing!I shared back 10😎
Jun 29Reply

Thank you for the support on my closet. I hope you have some time to go through it as I am trying to get rid of many items, as well I have some items listed as FREE with ANY purchase throughout my closet. Hope you find something you like! Feel free to send me any offers and I’d be happy to make business with you. Happy Poshing and safe during this quarantine! 🦋
Jul 01Reply

Thank you for sharing my listing! You are so sweet!💕 I made sure to give you a follow after checking out your closet, I absolutely love it!!!
Aug 11Reply

@lolallita thank you so much and you are very welcome! :)
Aug 11Reply

@rachelshelto847 🌺 Hi Rachel 🌺 I love your closet! ❤️❤️❤️ 😊 Your items are beautiful and so fun to share! 🌟 Good luck 🍀 and hope you have a wonderful weekend! 🌈☀️
🌿🌸🌿 Jodi
Sep 26Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet. I wish you much success and fun, whether you sell, or shop. May you feel the Lord's presence near you always, comforting your heart and giving you strength during this difficult time. Stay safe and God bless. 🌻🌞🌼
Sep 26Reply

What an awesome closet!!! So many cute items!! And so organized! You’re a new favorite of mine! 😆💜💜💜💜
Dec 01Reply

@casajay awww thank you so much!! I appreciate that
Dec 01Reply

Hi there!!! Hope you are well!!! Lots of new items in my closet!!! Bundle and save:) all purchases come with a free surprise gift! Stay safe xoxo
Dec 14Reply

Hey posher! Thank you for following the wholesale closet! We've been open since Friday😁 Here's what you can expect. - we check every garment for quality control. All in packs of 3's, 4's or 5's, and quick turnaround time. All items have been tested in closets and sell. :) No duds. Have a great rest of your week!
Dec 16Reply

@mwaldeck358 hi! thank so much for stopping by! sure ill try my best to help :) So you have to do it manually. So it has to do with the order you share your items, if that makes sense. So for example I start at the last item for sale in my closet and then work my way up to the first item in my closet. so when you figure out the order you want your closet in, you then share it. Im not sure if that makes any sense lol
Jan 06Reply

So basically lets say you want to put all your athletic items in a group, you share those first and then you want dresses, and you share only those items next
Jan 06Reply

@rachelshelto847 Thanks for the share, NoVA neighbor!! 😊
Jan 11Reply

@storebrandryan you're very welcome!
Jan 11Reply

Hey, Rachel! I bout your grey thermal with roses. When do you think you can ship that?
Feb 03Reply

@shannon_dennis hi! I shipped it out today!
Feb 03Reply

@rachelshelto847 thank you! I don’t think the usps stuff has updated yet on my shipments either
Feb 03Reply

Thank you for viewing my closet it is greatly appreciated. Be safe.....Dorothy 💜
Feb 04Reply

Hi Rachel! Thanks for following my closet!🌸
Feb 06Reply

Hi! I love how you’ve organized your closet. How do you keep everything categorized? When I share something, that item moves to the top!
Feb 22Reply

@everydaygoddess hi! So in order to keep it a certain way you share it in a certain order so every time you share something it will move to the top . So I group my items together and share them in the same order each time
Feb 22Reply

@everydaygoddess ans thank you! Not sure if that made any sense but Basically to group shoes together, for example. Share each shoe listing one after the other and that will group them together.
Feb 22Reply

@rachelshelto847 😆Wow. How embarrassing that I couldn’t figure that out!
Feb 22Reply

@everydaygoddess it takes some practice.. it was confusing to me at first lol hopefully what I said made some sense but basically to put your closet in order you share things in a certain order
Feb 22Reply

@everydaygoddess not embarassing! I had the same exact problem. I wish you could just click and drag!
Feb 22Reply

@rachelshelto847 thank you! Totally makes sense!
Feb 22Reply

Hi! Thanks for browsing my closet! I am having a BOGO. To take advantage of this deal, create a bundle, add another piece, and get 1 for free! Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks again.
Mar 19Reply

Thank you for sharing from my closet! I hope you have a Blessed Sunday and successful Poshing!😊
Mar 21Reply

Hi Rachel! Thanks for sharing my Skotts Suede Jeans!
Mar 30Reply

Thank you for the follow Gorgeous
Mar 30Reply

Could you tell me the measurement distance between each mounting screw? Usually 3"-4"...I need 4. Thanks!
Jun 20Reply

Hi Gorgeous, how are you? You got a lovely smiling pic :)
Here I would like to say Hi! And It’s my pleasure and most welcome if you would like to visit my closet to check out see if you could find anything you Like.
My closet is selling 900+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE”
Wish you have a wonderful day :)
May 03Reply

@rachelshelto847 hello check out my closet see something you like send me a offer an I will help you out
Jun 25Reply

@rachelshelto847 hello how are you doing check out my closet see something you like send me a offer all offers are accepted
Sep 11Reply

@rachelshelto847 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jan 02Reply

@rachelshelto847 hello check out my closet see something you like send me and offer or bundle up for a discount trying to get some extra funds from my tombstone anything will help
May 15Reply
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