Meet your Posher, Rachel
Not for sale
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Meet Hemi and Rebel❤️ Hemi is my 3 year old black GSD and Rebel is my 1 year old black&tan GSD.
I love my fur babies!
About me...Retail therapy is my motto!
SAME/NEXT DAY shipping is too🙂
I’m always open to offers!
I list personal and consignment items for sale.
I use a fabric shaver.
Clothing is cleaned or steamed.
Smoke free home
My dogs do not have access to my Poshmark room.

138 others
like this

Welcome to poshmark, now its time to get ya POSH on!
Aug 23Reply

Hello! Welcome to PoshMark! You are going to be Amazed with this community of re-sellers and buyers. Let me know if I can help you learn the app in any way! Renee'
Aug 23Reply

Hi, welcome to Poshmark. I am fairly new as well but if you have any questions I would be glad to help you find the answer. Just have fun and get your posh on!
Aug 23Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
Aug 26Reply

Hi Rachel - Welcome to Poshmark! Your closet looks fantastic! If you have any questions I'll be glad to help! Have a great day and Happy Poshing!
Aug 30Reply

@share123 Thanks so much😊
Aug 30Reply

🎉🎉Welcome to Poshmark!! Wishing u many sales!!🎉🎉
Sep 02Reply

@dottie12345 Thank you 😊
Sep 02Reply

Thanks for returning the Posh love! Happy Poshing to you! xo Carol-Ann 💜
Sep 11Reply

Thank you very much! Happy poshing🎉 If you need some retail therapy stop by, I accept offers😉🎉❤️🌺🌸💕Bitsy
Oct 04Reply

Hi Rachel, you have a great closet too!!! I am a huge Lilly fan myself!!!🌺🌸💕Bitsy
Oct 04Reply

@bitsys_closetxx I live for retail therapy😁
Oct 04Reply

@ibuyhappiness lol!!!😀
Oct 04Reply

Check me out and leave me a message
Oct 06Reply

@probuilder15 This comment comes across as a pickup line. In case you didn’t already know, this is not Tinder. I’m not here looking for a partner, I’m a happily married woman trying to earn some side money doing what I already love, which is shopping.
Oct 06Reply

I’m sorry I didn’t mean for it to sound that way
Oct 06Reply

@probuilder15 Apology accepted. Happy Poshing.
Oct 06Reply

Are you sure he's not for sale?
Nov 01Reply

@nelsitop4307 lol! He’s not but I may breed him and his pups will be☺️
Nov 01Reply

beautiful "
Dec 18Reply

@glam2157 Thank you😊
Dec 18Reply

@ibuyhappiness he is beautiful! I love shepherds. Nice closet too I’m 🧐 now
Dec 31Reply

@caroline71127 Thank you☺️ They are so smart and Harley has the best personality too!
Dec 31Reply

Happy Valentine’s Day Rachel! 💕. Thank you for the follow. Your German Sheppard is spectacular! Give him some love for me!
Feb 14Reply

@amoreperlamoda Happy Valentine’s Day to you as well!! His name is Harley and I sure will:) He’s my spoiled 110lb baby, lol;)
Feb 14Reply

Thank you for your purchase. Your item has been mailed. Have a wonderful day and happy Poshing!🙂
Feb 15Reply

🧡Beloved🧡I am delighted to know you🥰My commitment is caring🌸sharing🌺giving🌼and being respectful to all in the Posh community💕🎀😇I only pray for your health, wealth, and joy💯🛍Happy Poshing💐🌷☘️🧡Be Blessed🧡DURING THIS DIFFICULT TIME I PRAY WE ALL TAKE CARE😇BE KIND😇AND THOUGHTFUL OF ONE ANOTHER🥰LET US BE MINDFUL OF EACH OTHER🧡LOVE LOVE LOVE🧡BE BLESSED AND SAFE🧡
Mar 20Reply

Hi Rachel! Thank you for your love note and 5 star rating on the Johnny Was dress. I am SO pleased that you are happy with your purchase! Blessings!
♥️ Gloria
Mar 25Reply

@gloriouspraise Thank you for a perfect buying experience Gloria😊 My most recent purchases on another resale platform were not as described and major let downs! So you restored my faith that there are still honest sellers with quality items😀
Mar 25Reply

@ibuyhappiness I know what you mean. I've had negative experiences, too. Most have been great. When selling, I try to give as much info as possible. I also try to only sell like new or new, clothing, unless I believe it is popular and would sell or a vintage piece. If there are flaws, I take pics and mention them. Otherwise, I choose not to sell flawed or worn out clothing. Have fun on this site! It is a fun way to buy and sell clothes. Thanks again!
Mar 26Reply

cute pup! 😊🐕
May 05Reply

@wlb76 Thank you☺️ He’s my baby!
May 05Reply

@ibuyhappiness,aww 🙂
May 06Reply

your closet is a great example of how clothing should be displayed! few show the content tags, you've just gained a weekly customer, I need a whole new wardrobe after losing so much weight with my MS!
soft fabrics, vests & 3/4 or long sleeve shirts are my main wardrobe, sz ,14,XL❤️
May 19Reply

@wnybda You have no idea how much your kind words mean to me😊
I am happy and honored to help you rebuild your closet after your weight loss!
May 19Reply

Hi! I’m a German Shepherd mommy too! 🐾
May 29Reply

@annec83 Nice to meet you😀 What’s your dog’s name?
May 29Reply

@ibuyhappiness Santo! He just turned 4 and he’s my world. He is on Instagram if you care to check him out 😂 @santofresh_gsd . How old is your baby?
May 29Reply

@annec83 Oh I love his name!!!!! I will check follow him😉
Harley is a year and a half and he’s also my world! It’s amazing how smart and loyal they are and Harley’s personality the best!
May 29Reply

@ibuyhappiness they are the most amazing creatures! Well it was wonderful to chat with another GSD mommy ☺️ Happy Poshing 🛍 and have a wonderful weekend!
May 29Reply

@annec83 You as well and Santo is a beautiful boy!
May 29Reply

@ibuyhappiness Thank you!!!! ♥️♥️♥️
May 29Reply

Hi.👋😁 How are you? Just wanted to invite you to come check out my closet!! 🛍I have a ton of inventory to list right now- So make sure to keep an eye on my closet. If you are looking for ANYTHING in particular, please let me know. I have it all!!😊 I am more than happy to spread love by offering great deals on anything you like & bundle! Come check it out!😁💗Wishing you Happiness and Good Health. @Goldneyez311
Jun 01Reply

Hello, just wanna thank you for all the shares. God bless, stay well and happy poshing.
Jun 08Reply

@happyme518 You’re very welcome and thank you as well☺️
Jun 08Reply

Good morning Rachel. Thank you for stopping by. I love your closet and Your white back ground. Would you mind sharing your secret on how to do that.. pretty please. Thank you so much. Have a wonderful week. Wishing you speedy sales and happy poshing.😘
Jun 15Reply

@margitscloset Good morning to you also Margit😃 Thanks for all the shares☺️
The white background is done with a free app called Photo Room. Check it out and if you have any questions about it I can try to answer them😉
Jun 15Reply

@ibuyhappiness Good morning again and thank you ever so kindly for your quick response I will check it out. Thank you for your many shares as well I appreciate them.👍😘
Jun 15Reply

@ibuyhappiness OK so I tried the app and corrected some pictures but I can't find them. I thought they would copy onto my pictures album but they are no where to be found.??
Jun 15Reply

@margitscloset Yes the should save directly to your photo album. When you hit the box&arrow in the top right corner, it gives you the option to save to photos, instagram, files etc.
Do you know which option you selected by chance?
Jun 15Reply

@ibuyhappiness bu George she got it. thank you so much for sharing and caring. 👍😘
Jun 15Reply

@margitscloset You’re very welcome! Happy to help any time😊
Jun 15Reply

@ibuyhappiness thank you ever so kindly. 👍😘
Jun 15Reply

Love, love, love your closet and the beautiful German Shepard!😊
Jun 15Reply

@lululeather Awww thank you so much for your kind words😊
Jun 15Reply

Love your closet & your handsome fur baby. We have a 12 year old German Shepard named Buddy. Retail therapy is my drug of well as coffee!
Jun 17Reply

@fun2sell2 Thank you😊 Wow Buddy is 12! That is amazing! I have a neighbor that lost 2 beautiful GS dogs at 7 years old b/c of back problems😞 I pray my Harley stays with me 12+ years!
We are retail therapy sisters😉
Jun 17Reply

I love Harley! How old? My Mason is 1 1/2 yr. He is the best! but a little stubborn!
Jun 21Reply

@laur1220 Mason is beautiful!!
Harley is also 1.5 years old and keeps us entertained 24/7 lol
Jun 21Reply

thank you glad I'm not alone in the entertainment dept.! lol Mason has the bark of thunder!
Jun 21Reply

Harleys handsome! K9? He’d be a good deterrent!!!! ❤️🤪
Jun 28Reply

@phoenixexchange Thank you☺️ He’s 115 lbs now and has a very deep bark. He intimidates everything 😉
Jun 28Reply

@ibuyhappiness Awesome! We had them growing up and sis has 2. Her female looks like yours- lotsa light hair N giant ears with fierce bark! Total Alpha lol Male is a big lush.
Jun 28Reply

Oh my god... Go Fish ... pairing the German Shepards... nevywevy has a GS..... similar!!!!! :-) ❤️
Jul 01Reply

@ibuyhappiness 3rd one lol ... so funny
clraynor79. Woof!
Jul 04Reply

@phoenixexchange 😁
Jul 04Reply

I love your Harley GSD 💙 I have 2 German Shepherds. They are the best !!!!
Jul 09Reply

@dedefede Awww thank you☺️
GS dogs and Dobermans are my favorite.
Jul 09Reply

My little four month old GSD girl says hi!!! Harley is so beautiful! 😍
Jul 09Reply

@isabellaw45 Tell her Harley says hi right back😉 😀
Jul 09Reply

Thank you SO much for the shares! ❤️ Love your closet and Harley is beautiful! I am a dog lover! Lily is my only baby now! My constant companion! She thinks I spend too much time on Poshmark! LOL!
Jul 10Reply

@bjm84 LOL that is so funny!! Harley is like Lily, he thinks I’m on Poshmark too much also😆 When I’m sitting on the couch in the evenings and sharing fellow posher’s closets, Harley will whine and paw at me until I put my phone down and play with him😆
Jul 10Reply

@ibuyhappiness LOL! Love it! They are so sensitive and devoted!
Jul 10Reply

if you see anything please make me an offer
Jul 10Reply

Hi🙋♀️Thanks for the follow! What a sweet fur baby 🐶with the cutest name!😊
Jul 11Reply

Cheers 🍻 to u Rachel for being another Ohioan on Poshmark yay 😊😊 feel free to check out my closet as I’m offering a great sale this weekend! Happy poshing 🤗🤗
Jul 11Reply

Hugs to Harley 💙
Jul 11Reply

@midoa Hi Gi🤗 I have family in Cleveland, small world!! I hope you have a great weekend and I’ll tell Harley you said hi☺️
Jul 11Reply

@ibuyhappiness u too, it’s pouring here ☔️
Jul 11Reply

@midoa Hopefully the rain stops soon!
At least it isn’t snow😉
Jul 11Reply

@ibuyhappiness thanks for the shares, I’ll reciprocate the posh love 💕
Jul 11Reply

Thank you for the follow! Love your bags🤩
Jul 12Reply

hiii, had to say cute dog, i have one too, very smart dogs.
happy poshy
Jul 18Reply

@maralbaperez Thanks for taking the time to say hi🤗From one GS lover to another😉 Hope you have a great weekend!
Jul 18Reply

Good lookin German Shepherd. I raised and trained police dogs in the 70s. Please check out my closet. Thank you. 🌺
Jul 21Reply

Blessings Rachel on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜 precious dog posher pictures 🛍🙏🤟🏻❤️💜
Jul 23Reply

Just found your closet, I am new to posh, that dog Harley is absolutely adorable!
Aug 01Reply

@repopmarket Welcome to Poshmark🤗 It’s addicting isn’t it! Harley says hi also😉
Aug 02Reply

Thanks for visiting my closet and sharing the love 💕😊
Aug 08Reply

Your closet is terrific! 💖 Killer pics.
Aug 10Reply

@reganthology ☺️ Thank you so much 😊
Aug 10Reply

HEY!! I think you should know about my 50% off EVERYTHING SALE!! Not to mention an additional 15% off your purchase when you bundle 3+ items!! Buy something, whether it’s for you, a friend, a family member, or just to stock your inventory!! Check out my promo listing for more details.
Aug 15Reply

Hi, I hope you are doing well. I just stopped by to let you know that I am having a 50% off sale on selected items in my closet. All items marked with a 🌟 are on sale. I would like to clear out some inventory to add new items. The sale will last until Sunday 8/16/2020. Feel free to browse around and send me a 50% discounted offer on the items you've selected and I'll accept. Have a wonderful evening and happy poshing. 🙂
Aug 15Reply

Hi, Rachel. I see that you’ve followed me so I’ve reciprocated and I’ve shared a few of the recently listed items in your closet as well. Good luck and happy poshing!
Aug 15Reply

Beautiful dog! The last pic is hilarious!
Aug 19Reply

@cjtb60 Thank you☺️ The last pic I took when he was sleeping on his back on the couch. When I rotated the picture I bust out laughing😁
Aug 19Reply

Hi there, thank you to follow me, feel free to check my closet, if you see something there that you like it make me an offer! I’ll respond to you ASAP. Have a blessing day, happy post and good luck 🍀
Aug 21Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet. I wish you much success and fun, whether you sell, or shop. May you feel the Lord's presence near you always, comforting your heart and giving you strength during this difficult time. Stay safe and God bless. 🌻🌞🌼
Aug 21Reply

Good evening I have some sales going on so feel free to check out my closet. Bundle two items and get 15% off! All purchases are shipped the same day or next
Aug 26Reply

Beautiful furbaby!!! Thank you so much for the share and happy poshing 💕
Aug 30Reply

What a gorgeous shep. We had one for many years and they are such wonderful pets/friends!
Aug 31Reply

And thanks for the follow and shares!
Aug 31Reply

Hi Rachel! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Sep 03Reply

Harley is adorbs!!! I just love his derf face sooo much ❤️
Oct 15Reply

@raytchell Thank you😊 He’s my spoiled rotten baby😁 My kids joke around that I love Harley more than them😆
Oct 15Reply

@ibuyhappiness well dogs do talk back but they don’t get quite as sassy. lol We’ve got a similar picture of my grand puppy, big goofy Siberian Husky, upside down, with his jowls a floppin... pretty much shows age and iq 🤣😂🤣 I love goofy dogs!
Oct 15Reply

@raytchell So true about the back talk and sassy attitude!!
Sounds like your dog has a great personality!
I love goofy and fun dogs too, they make life comical😀
Oct 15Reply

@ibuyhappiness good news, kids eventually grow out of it! lol Then they move off for college and you miss them 😂 “Alex, I’ll take goofy critters for $100” 🤣😂🤣
Oct 17Reply

@raytchell 🤣😂
Oct 17Reply

@ibuyhappiness 🤣😂🤣
Oct 17Reply

Alive your closet and your Harley!!!!❤️❤️I had a German Shepherd that he the same birthday as I did when I was age 6 ! Charger! I spellers it Yarger
Oct 28Reply

@doublesouthern Thank you for your kind words☺️
Charger is a great name for a GS!! I love it😀 We are planning on getting a black female GS for Harley to breed with and I’m gonna name her Hemi😀 I can’t wait to have a Hemi and Harley and then some puppies😁
Oct 28Reply

@ibuyhappiness A great little family ❤️❤️❤️on the way !
Oct 28Reply

@ibuyhappiness You are so welcome !
Oct 28Reply

Oct 29Reply

@carrie_on Happy Sunday to you as well! And thank you also for the shares and kind words☺️
Nov 01Reply

It’s ok. I don’t mind.
Dec 15Reply

@ibuyhappiness thank you for all the Shares!!!
Also I love your dog!!! Where did you get him/her??? I lost my baby before Christmas and am looking 😢❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Feb 08Reply

@ibuyhappiness oh I’m so sorry I just saw you lost yours,too😢😢😢I’m so sorry
Feb 08Reply

@kellygates58 Thank you for your kind words...Harley was my fur baby soul mate, if that makes sense. I miss him every day and
can’t talk about him without crying🥺 😢
He was a large, beautiful, intelligent and loyal dog and our home feels so empty without him. Sorry for the long winded response...
Feb 08Reply

@kellygates58 To answer your original question, We got him from a breeder in Indiana. We just recently found a black female short hair puppy from a breeder in Adams County, Ohio. She was intended to be Harley’s mate and was a Christmas present that almost didn’t happen after Harley passing.
Bitter sweet having her but she has saved me from probably major depression after loosing him.
I’m sorry if you can relate to any of this!! But I hope you find your new fur baby soon😌
Feb 08Reply

@ibuyhappiness I totally understand!!!I usually had 2 dogs a German Shepherd and a rescue
So when the older one passed I would still have a baby!! I’ve had 3 German Shepherds and 2 lived to 12-14,my last was Ozzy and he only made it till 8 cuz of a disease like MS in humans but I at least had my funny looking Chapuline who was bilingual (his 1st owner was from Bolivia) I speak a little Spanish from HS so he was hysterical!!! He was 15 but I still get up in the night and am careful where I walk
Feb 08Reply

@ibuyhappiness cuz he would be right next to the bed!!! And then I realize he’s not there!!
Anyway he is so beautiful and I was so jealous and thought maybe you were a breeder🙏
Enjoy your new love and keep me in mind if you know of any!! I really love long hair Black and Tan,more black(a little picky huh?)
I also have a Jeep Wrangler but mines white with NY Yankees Magnets all over it!!! 🤷♀️😂😂 Stay Safe🙏❤️
Feb 08Reply

@kellygates58 Oh my goodness we have a lot in common😀 Sounds like your bilingual dog had quite the personality! Thank you for sharing your story with me and allowing me to share my story with you☺️
I will keep my eyes out for long hair black and tan pups😉 I can also reach out to the breeders in Adams County we recently got Hemi from, to see if they can recommend anyone.
Feb 09Reply

@ibuyhappiness thank you ❤️sorry I was on phone with my daughter
She’s a teacher at Ft Bragg,NC and her husband just deployed for 9 months!!!
I live 10 miles outside DC so I can drive to Ohio for a puppy but not during this crappy weather!!! I’m not a Winter person (and originally from NY) but hate cold weather 🥶
Feb 09Reply

@kellygates58 Lol I hear ya! Our weather is horrible tonight also... more snow and horrible roads!
My husband is a Vet... please give our respect and gratitude to your daughter and son-in-law for his/their service and sacrifices🙏
Feb 09Reply

@ibuyhappiness and to your husband!!!!
I’m so proud of “my baby” she teaches children with severe disabilities and loves her job!!! Except during this time but they are back on base next week and that’s good cuz this is their 1st time apart and she’s lost with their 2 dogs and a Foster dog back to health
She wants me to take her !!!
Feb 09Reply

@ibuyhappiness I can’t the only dog I’m not fond of is pit bulls and that’s what she likes
Now my 2 “Grandchildren “ are mixed and rescued and I love them but this one has been through a lot and needs a lot of socializing!!!
I love my German Shepherds ❤️💙❤️💙
Feb 09Reply

@ibuyhappiness so your new job is to find me a German Shepherd 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Feb 09Reply

@kellygates58 Lol😁 I’ll do my best😉 I hope the rescued Pitbull acclimates well. Sounds like a long process to get it socialized!
Your daughter must be an incredible person to tackle that job, not to mention her day job!!
Feb 09Reply

@ibuyhappiness of course I think she is😂😂😂
Her Dad(my husband passed) when she was 13 so I really did my best!!! Tried to get her to marry a Yankee so I could get free tickets!!
Cuz she’s 5’10” and Aaron Judge is 6’7”
So I told her she could wear heels,didn’t work
Feb 09Reply

Feb 09Reply

@danielladbrooks Hi👋🙂
Feb 09Reply

Hi! I'm Emily. Thanks for stopping by! If you like any of my items feel free to create a bundle so you can get a great deal! I’m a quick shipper I usually send them out a day or two after😊
Feb 10Reply

Hi and thank you for following me. I'm following you too. I really like your closet and will share some of your items.. If you like anything in my closet, I'll send a 10% off offer.I hope you are enjoying today
Feb 11Reply

Thank you for sharing my closet.
Feb 11Reply

@teripugh ☺️Thank you for sharing mine as also🙂
Feb 11Reply

Feb 12Reply

@julietkaneyuki ☺️
Feb 12Reply

You have a great closet! You have a sweet puppy. I’m so sorry you lost your other dog, they are like family
Feb 14Reply

@libbyhammack Thank you for your kind words☺️ 🐕
Feb 14Reply

Thanks for following me! I'll check out your closet and share to my followers - hope you'll check out my closet and share to yours!! I'm recently retired and hoping to downsize all the closets and cabinets! :) Betty
Feb 28Reply

💔 So sorry for your loss. Beautiful pups. You have a gorgeous closet. 💞
Mar 04Reply

@pugsinparadise You’re very kind, thank you😌
Mar 04Reply

Thank you for the follow 💛 God bless ✝️
Apr 03Reply

Hello, I’m having a BOGO sale. Get a free item when you buy one. Lots to choose from. This sale is in my kids closet too, kids_poshshop.
Apr 03Reply

Shepherds are the best!!!❤️
Apr 04Reply

Rachel hi,thank you for your follow, beautiful GSD, sorry for your loss. I had a huge one, made it 15 yrs. old age got him, Blue Max, named after the Prussian medal for Valor. Anyways ,wishing you all the very best, Bill and Samantha.
Apr 10Reply

@sargebill Thank you for your kind words. Your dog sounds like he was big, beautiful and majestic before he passed. I’m sorry for your loss as well.
Apr 10Reply

@ibuyhappiness you're very welcome, he was super smart too,loved riding in my ww2 gun jeep, he'd sit in the rear passenger seat propped up holding the gun mount, a .50 cal m.g., I'd dress him in fatigues and tankers goggles putting around town, hilarious.
Apr 10Reply

@sargebill Man’s best friend right there! Sounds like he was a great dog🙂
Apr 10Reply

@ibuyhappiness he sure was, now I down sized to chiweenies, go figure,chuck's the dad of the 3 puppies Maybelline, bella and buster. maisie is the mom the white and brown beagle mix.buster, the little blonde fur ball posing on the sofa. chuck's the sergeant major, buster, special agent 00k9,food inspector, lol
Apr 10Reply

Hello Rachel @ibuyhappiness welcome and thank you for connecting by choosing to follow Shawn Marie’s Closet via Poshmark. I appreciate the opportunity to read and learn a little about you and also develop my creativity with you along the way. Great closet and puppy!
Kind Regards~Shawn
Apr 14Reply

Hi Rachael, dropped by to say I L❤️VE your handle,
then fell in L🐾VE with Hemi (whom I first thought was a Belgian Malinois), CUTE as ANYTHING!
then got a 😢 about your loss.
Glad we’ve crossed paths
❤️🐾Christie & Einstein
OH, come to my closet~BUY HAPPINESS 😘
Apr 23Reply

Hello, I’m having a BOGO sale. Get a free item with every item you buy. I have lots of beanies, plush animals and more! They are marked BOGO.
I’m listing baby and toddler clothes. Mostly Oshkosh! Lots more to come.
I have a Poshmark closet for ladies and men’s clothes and home goods. It’s called richmondsrelics
May 02Reply

May 03Reply

Hello Rachel, Thank you for the follow! 😊🌸 You have such a nice closet, I'll definitely follow you too! 😍
May 05Reply

@italycam Thank you☺️ I think your closet is very pretty also!
May 05Reply

@ibuyhappiness Thank you 🤗💕
May 05Reply

All those shares Rachel! I am very grateful! 💖
May 05Reply

Nice Pic
May 07Reply

I love the romper but it’s too big!
Thanks for the offer anyway!🌺🎈🌈🧚🏻♀️
May 07Reply

Thank you for viewing my closet it is greatly appreciated. Be safe......Dorothy 💜
May 15Reply

Hi Rachel, Love your intro pics as your doggies are beautiful! So sorry to hear about your 2 year old Harley passing away at such a young age. Unfortunate Hemi never got to meet her mate, however, she looks so happy and I'm sure has a wonderful home. Pets make the world such a better place and they are family who are never forgotten. Best of luck on PM and wishing lots of great deals. Take care,💟🌹
Jul 12Reply

Thanks for following me. Hopefully really soon you will buy something from me! Also have some dog stuff my dog can’t have anymore! Cute Dog 🥰🐶🐾
Jul 19Reply

hi ! sweet Rachel 💖 you are cordially invited to visit my beautiful ❤️ closet,I truly appreciate if you like something I really open to offer and discounts ...🤗 life is beautiful 🌹 I have fast delivery
Jul 30Reply

Hi! I am having a big sale as i am going on hold soon! Almost all items have discounted shipping and all offers are accepted! If you are interested I would really appreciate if you checked out my closet! Have a great day! :) (Like anything you are interested in and i will send a discount with discounted shipping)
Aug 02Reply

I love your ibuyhappiness name😊
Aug 05Reply

@what2buy2day Thank you😊
Aug 05Reply

Thanks for following my closet. I have shared some of yours. Stay safe and God bless.
Aug 08Reply

Awesome pictures!!! Please come check out my closet and even share with others 🤗🌸 Happy Poshing 🛒🛍
Aug 15Reply

Hi. Inspired by your pink posting, I added a hot pink SilkLand tank to my closet today! I shared many of your pink things. Let’s hope it becomes a bright day!
Aug 18Reply

One of your dogs a skipperki?
Aug 20Reply

Welcome to posh. Stop by my closet. Posh ambassador
Sep 06Reply

I love the pic of your fur baby! We have a black German fur baby also! He is an old soul.
Sep 13Reply

@mroberson2880 Thank you☺️
Sep 13Reply

@ibuyhappiness good morning, thank you for the shares! Your Hemi looks just like my Kane, white little hairs and all! Too cute 🥰 hope you have a great weekend ❤️
Sep 17Reply

Welcome to make offer on Abercrombie coat
Oct 08Reply

So sorry about precious Harley. Hemi is also precious. Furbabies make my life better and I love all of them.
Oct 14Reply

Greetings! Thank you for the follow. 🤗 When you have a moment, please check out my closet. I’m constantly adding new items and I’m sure you will find something that you love! ❤️ Happy shopping!! 🛍
Dec 20Reply

Hello! Love to your beautiful doggo from Trixie. 🙂❤🐕
Jan 16Reply

@44trixie Thank you☺️ Trixie is a cutie pie!
Jan 16Reply

Ur dog is beautiful 😍
I never seen a a black German shepherd before. Is that what he is ?
Jan 18Reply

@vanessa_pyle Thank you😊 Yes she is a black German Shepherd. Just turned a year old and spoiled rotten😀
Jan 18Reply

Such a cute doggy! 🐾😊
Jan 28Reply

@ebe22 Thank you☺️
Jan 28Reply

That is one gorgeous dog!
Jan 31Reply

@wankerer Thank you☺️
Feb 01Reply

Omgoodness! Hemi is gorgeous!!!
Feb 05Reply

@rubyshotgun Thank you so much☺️
Feb 05Reply

Good morning Rachel. Thank you for following me. Please stop by my closet and take a look. Hopefully you might see something you like. Since my husband recently passed away, I had to do something, so I started selling on Poshmark. I'm flexible on offers and I discount bundles. Please feel free to ask questions. Thanks again for following me and have a great day. Kay
Mar 16Reply

Hi there Rachel and thank you for the "follow"! As a Posh Ambassador I have a little wiggle room on a lot of things so feel free to make any offer. Take a look and see if there’s anything you like. Hopefully you’ll find something you love. Have a “Poshing” kind of day! L.
Mar 26Reply

Love your GSD! I rescue GSD’s and have been volunteering for GSD rescues for 15 years. Your pup is beautiful 😍
Apr 04Reply

@christibritt Thank you☺️ I’d love to do exactly what you’re doing and rescue GSD’s also. But my husband thinks the dogs will take over the house and we’ll have to live in the garage😆
Apr 04Reply

There are so many other ways to volunteer such as applicant screeners and home visit volunteers. It’s so rewarding. Nice to see another GSD owner/ Posher ❤️
Apr 04Reply

Hello and good evening. I saw you follow me and figured to give my thanks first of all. Hope to do business with you soon and I wish you a pleasant rest of your night. Also, have a great rest of your Easter.
Apr 18Reply

You have a great closet. I am the most taken by your dog. I've always wanted a black German sheppard because my dad had one and he called him his first born. If you do breed them and have a pup available please let me know I'll travel and pay or however you feel comfortable. I would love to give my kids the chance to have one like I did growing up.
May 01Reply

@roseoil99marie You are very kind! My plan was to breed Hemi. But my male, Harley, died unexpectedly from gastric torsion.
Since then, Hemi was fixed b/c I couldn’t bear the thought of replacing Harley. They would’ve made beautiful puppies and I still can’t get past that thought. Sorry for the long winded, emotional reply.
May 01Reply

I am so sorry to hear that I know that is so hard to handle. I know they are like children to us and they have a heart and soul just like we do.
May 01Reply

@nadnas Thank you😊
May 27Reply

Love the black GSD, I have two myself!!
May 29Reply

Thanks for the follow from a former Buckeye! 😊
May 30Reply

Thank you for following my closet. I provide 20% off when you bundle three or more items from my closet. Please feel free to make offers on all my listings. I ship fast, daily. All my listings are stored in excellent condition for fast, easy transactions and come from a smoke/pet free environment. Please feel free to message me with any questions you may have. Enjoy, wishing you have lots of fun as I have a large selection to choose from. Again, thank you and welcome to my closet!
Jun 13Reply

Thanks for following! I used retail therapy for sooo many years and now I have no room for when I downsized to half the house. I need a clone to post. My husband would love Hemi! Take care!
Jun 25Reply

Thank you for following me!
I have a new website for kids with stories, games, merchandise. I'm a mom & wanted to share positive characters/messages. I would greatly appreciate it if you could subscribe & help share!
I also have kids videos on YouTube. Shares/follows are much appreciated!
If I can help you share your closet/social media I'd be happy to help! Thank you so much!😊
Instagram @jessica.laurianne
Jun 27Reply

@ibuyhappiness Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Aug 21Reply

Ty for sharing listings
Sep 03Reply

wishing you lots of posh success! tell Hemi I said 'hi 🐾 (she's gorgeous). in the meantime I will follow & share you Maven 💟
Sep 24Reply

Oct 02Reply

@poseyposh Thank you☺️
Oct 02Reply

Thank you for the shares. Awesome closet!
Nov 12Reply

Thanks for the follow! Hemi is a gorgeous little (big) girl!
Nov 27Reply

Hiii! I love your dog! Thanks for the follow and Happy New Year! 🎉
Jan 01Reply

Hi Rachel! Thank you for the follow. Love your pictures of your fur baby. Happy Poshing. 🌸
Jan 25Reply

Oh Hai! Thanks for the follow and in advance of hopefully the sharesies! I hope you can peruse my closet and find a possible new favorite 🙂 cheers & have a great day! p.s. Hemi is adorable!
Mar 01Reply

I love your closet - I have Boden, Anthropologie and J Crew (cheap!) in the same size in case you’re looking for anything new!
Mar 02Reply

Please check out my closet thanks 😊
Mar 12Reply

Aloha Rachel!! Hemi and your closet are sooooo beautiful!! Thank you for the follow! 🌺
Apr 05Reply

@ibuyhappiness OMG love your Germies!!! We have 2 as well and they are sisters!! They're the best❣️ 🐕🦺
Jul 23Reply

Love your fur babies ...just beautiful!
Oct 11Reply

Gorgeous closet! Many sales to you 🥰
Nov 19Reply

@stella_n_bubba Thank you☺️
Nov 19Reply

Awwww I have a German shepherd also. Aren’t they the best? Love your babies! Thanks for the follow, following back! ❤️
Aug 18Reply

@marjorie_crites Yes they are!
Thank you for the follow also😀
Aug 18Reply
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