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Updated Feb 28
Updated Feb 28

Meet your Posher, Ray

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Ray. Some of my favorite brands are Polo by Ralph Lauren, Nike, and Banana Republic. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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ladygg63 Welcome Poshmark . Thanks for following my closet. Enjoy your Posh experience starting with me. Gina. Ladygg63
Apr 23Reply
xhemisu Hi! I’m new to poshmark and would appreciate if you could stop by my closet and leave some love 💛💚❤️🖤
May 11Reply
bluerosebtq Hello welcome to poshmark! I hope you are having a beautiful day so far💛 Feel free to reach out if you have any questions and best of luck❣ -bluerosebtq⚘
May 16Reply
teddyscloset00 Hi welcome to Poshmark happy p o s h i n g
May 24Reply
tambalynn Hi there! I'm Tamba,  wanted to welcome you too the Poshmark community.  I know you'll have a blast on here selling and purchasing items,  it's pretty addictive I have a great time on here.  If you have any questions I'd be more them happy to try to help you with it.  Have a fabulous day and happy Poshing!
May 28Reply
lolitica Welcome to Poshmark you will LOVE it here. Please if you need any help get in touch with me. WELCOME. ❤️
May 31Reply
monikens Hello, I’m Julia. Whether you are buying, selling, or simply visiting, I would like to welcome you to Poshmark😊
Jun 13Reply
bloomingbrshpk Hi there and welcome to Poshmark! This is a great place to sell your unwanted clothes, shoes and jewelry. Deals are available as well if you keep your eyes open. It can be a bit confusing in the beginning so if you have any questions, please feel free to tag me and I will be more than happy to try and help. When you have a moment pls check out my closet. Thanks so much. 💝
Jun 14Reply
unclaimed Ray nice closet and beautiful pics,best wishes for your success,thanks for your support
Jul 03Reply
soriag Welcome to Poshmark!!! Hi! I am Gloria 😊 Welcome to a community of amazing people and great deals. I am a Posh Ambassador, Posh Mentor and a Poshmark Top Seller. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me and I will be happy to help. Also, I invite you to check out my closet. Happy Poshing!! 😃
Jul 07Reply
cburdelle thank you for the shares! you have a great closet 😊
Jul 07Reply
robino98 Thanks for sharing.
Jul 08Reply
topshelfresale Welcome, I love Poshmark & hope you will to. It looks like we like some of the same designers. Stop by some time. Enjoy your day.🦋
Jul 09Reply
jennip1628 Thank you so much for the shares!!! 😘
Jul 09Reply
janmckinney55 Hello, Bought black loafers from you. I don’t know how to find the accept tab so you cAN GET PAID
Jul 10Reply
arbracero @janmckinney55 Hi should b3 a notification from Poshmark, to accept and leave your review. No worries if nothing is done we get paid. Hope you enjoy your purchase and thank you again.
Jul 10Reply
ewrpmom @arbracero Hi Ray, welcome & kudos for a great start to your closet!!!🎉 I am a Posh Ambassador so ask if you have any questions.😎 Enjoy Poshing!!!💙🎈🦋
Jul 16Reply
pineapplegirl11 @arbracero beautiful beautiful closet ♥️
Jul 17Reply
gmabrenda57 I’m really loving your style great closet. I’ll be watching and sharing
Jul 20Reply
arbracero @gmabrenda57 Thank you so much, your closet is great will be sure to share a lot.👍
Jul 20Reply
bossladytx Thank you for all the shares. Have a great weekend!
Jul 21Reply
knoxieclothes You gave a beautiful closet!
Jul 27Reply
mmegratte 🌺Hi Thanks for following my closet! Michele🌺
Jul 30Reply
arbracero @mmegratte Likewise, your layouts are beautiful, very professional looking. Great Closet.
Jul 30Reply
mmegratte @arbracero Part of me is confident about it, another part is not. I just so hope I can sell enough to justify this effort and time to get followers, shares, mail things, etc. It is so nice to be able to let great items move on to be of use... the green in me meets the ice cream in me... lol! Time to let go of sizes (larger and smaller) and live in the present. Posh therapy!
Jul 31Reply
tricia77r Nice to meet you on posh. Hope you are loving it! 💘
Aug 05Reply
sparkielane4u Thanks so much for visiting and sharing my closet! 💕👗👜
Aug 06Reply
peruvianjewel Thank you so so much for all the sweet shares! 😍 😙 so appreciate the time u took! Have a wonderful evening ❤
Aug 11Reply
louisvgirly0608 MAHALO FOR FOLLOWING ME... I TRULY APPRECIATE YOU GORGEOUS GIRL..HAPPY POSHING!!♥️♥️♥️🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌺🍹🍹🍹🍹🍍🍍🍍🍍🤙🤙🤙🤙🌸🌸🦋🦋🦋🦋🌊🏄‍♀️
Aug 12Reply
resourcing_rob Thank you for visiting and following my closet Ray, please let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day!
Aug 14Reply
carlosenrique Gracias Ray for your share Really appreciate !!!
Aug 15Reply
carlosenrique Gracias Ray 🎁🎁
Aug 15Reply
desertdivaone 🤗🤗🤗Thank you for liking my peridot ring, eggplant Liz Claiborne dress, hinged diamond hoops, lace nightie, and diamond stud earrings! ❤❤❤
Aug 23Reply
elephanttrunk Thank you for sharing from my closet. I’m just beginning on Poshmark and have a lot to learn. I enjoy sharing, also. Hope you have a great week 💕
Aug 29Reply
arbracero @zanyabeth Thanks so much, your closet is beautiful as well.😊
Aug 29Reply
milollita Thanks for liking my items! 💕
Aug 31Reply
yorkietimestwo Hi Ray I just had to stop and say hello cause I am from Brevard County Born and Raised!! Don't come across a lot of us on here so I wanted to say hello :) You have some beautiful things, I will be sure to share..have a good one! <3 Tara
Sep 06Reply
arbracero @yorkietimestwo Hello Tara, Thanks for taking the time to say hi and visit my closet. It’s always great to find neighbors online your closet looks amazing as well. Wishing you much success, if I can be of service in anyway let me know.😄👍
Sep 06Reply
yorkietimestwo Wow Your AMAZING!! Thank you so much for all of the shares,omg :) I actually like sharing myself and have created my own personal little list here of the people I'm meeting who also like to share so I am going to add you to it and share your stuff whenever I come on to share peoples things, okay?
Sep 06Reply
yorkietimestwo and I do have to say I like your photo here, I was living in Orlando for a short time, when this happened at Pulse, what a tragedy, so overwhelming and sad :( but it is nice to see you still supporting that on here, there are people like me who see this and realize what this photo is for and it is nice that in this busy world you are not letting everybody forget the wonderful people who lost their lives that night. So, thank you for doing that....have a nice evening!
Sep 06Reply
pazzia27 Thank you for all the shares!!! I shared your items as well. Happy Poshing
Sep 13Reply
netti1106 Thank you so much 🎉🎉🎉
Sep 15Reply
radikalresale Thanks so much for all the shares ❤️🙌🏽❤️
Sep 20Reply
tanton @arbracero wow thank you sooo much for sharing my stuff 🌸😍😍😍😍
Oct 02Reply
1lisalisa1 Thanks for the shares-but, you shared mostly sold items. Thanks though!!!
Oct 09Reply
niknak661 Thank you for.dropping by and take a p👀k...I update weekly👠👡🧥👚👙👘🕶 meeting new poshers and exchanging fashion tips....💋  HAPPY POSHING❣
Oct 17Reply
shantrellparker I absolutely LOVE your closet and your branding of each item. I admire your attention to detail.
Oct 21Reply
arbracero @shantrellparker Thank You so much for the encouragement it is much appreciated.
Oct 21Reply
teremontes Thanks a lot for sharing😍 Happy poshing📬
Nov 01Reply
darlenereese Hi i ordered Nike’s last night, just checking to make sure they are the extra wide.
Nov 04Reply
arbracero @darlenereese yes they are a size 9 and are 2E which is wide width .
Nov 04Reply
princessdl05 Thanks for sharing my posts!
Nov 08Reply
chick55 @arbracero Hi Ray welcome to Posh! You have a beautiful closet! Lookslike you are onyour way to success!.. Thank you for all your shares and if you have any questions,please ask!.Happy Poshing!!!💟
Nov 16Reply
ponapono Thanks for all the shares! Have a great day. 😀
Nov 17Reply
janfast Hi Ray! Thanks for following my closet! 😊
Nov 19Reply
jae1027 Hello 🧡 I’d love to offer you a discount on anything in my closet!
Nov 28Reply
piccicu Hello Ray. Thank you for running into my small “closet”. I just started last week and I’m trying to learn the ropes. I thank you for sharing some of my items. I don’t know if sharing your closet is a good thing but I figured it can’t hurt you didn’t start too long ago and you are looking great. All the best...Stephanie
Dec 13Reply
arbracero @piccicu Thank you Stephanie for your support, wish you all the best with your closet.
Dec 13Reply
lainyscloset Love your closet!
Jan 11Reply
coach_nicole Thank you for your shars
Mar 10Reply
threadsantreads Awesome closet! Thank you for all the shares!💕🌼🌼🌻
Mar 12Reply
kids0110 Thank you for all the shares! Nice closet!😁😁
Mar 24Reply
jomain01 Thx for the shares!
Mar 26Reply
thrifty_miss thanks for being my 10,000th follower! that’s a huge milestone for me! i’m offering you 25% off of anything in my closet 💕🌸 just offer 25% off of asking price and i will accept 👍🏼🎉
Mar 30Reply
no2junk Terrific closet. I'll be stopping by often. Thanks for sharing!!
Apr 01Reply
arbracero @no2junk Thank you as well for the shares and visiting my closet, appreciated your kind words.
Apr 01Reply
dmrogers0755 Hi Ray, Thank for the shares! I do not do Social Media, however I will do more shares within Poshmark! Have a pleasant weekend!
Apr 05Reply
dmrogers0755 Wow what an Awesome closet! Really great selection! Have a great weekend!
Apr 05Reply
dmrogers0755 Hi again Ray! Thank you kindly for all the shares! Your Awesome!
Apr 05Reply
lizajaney32 Ray, Thank you for all the Posh love yesterday! I appreciate you sharing my closet with so many people! I will definitely return the love. I’m so happy I found that dress in your closet. I look forward to wearing it soon!! You rule! Much Posh Love, Liza
Apr 05Reply
jjones3583 Hey I appreciate you taking the time to help me out. I was charged for the pegasus 34 that I had talked about with you a few days ago that I didnt want. I'm new to this but is there anything you can do on your end to help me get refunded?
Apr 10Reply
arbracero @jjones3583 I have asked Poshmark to process the cancellation, I cannot relish the sneakers until they do. I will reach out to Poshmark again and find out the status . Regretfully they take a while to respond , I will let you know when they respond.
Apr 10Reply
jjones3583 Thank you soo much for being patient with me and helping. I sincerely appreciate it
Apr 10Reply
arbracero @jjones3583 looks like the cancellation has processed. I apologized for the delay.
Apr 10Reply
jjones3583 No problem. It still shows awaiting shipment on my end but maybe it will take a bit. Again thank you and I'll reach out again if they dont refund me. Good luck with your business and you get 5 stars from me
Apr 10Reply
basalia You have a beautiful closet 🇵🇷
Apr 23Reply
arbracero @basalia Thank you so much, you’re very kind.🥰
Apr 23Reply
conservativeme Hi, Thank you so much for all the wonderful shares!! :)
Apr 27Reply
lizzrenova Thank you for checking out my closet! Will discount for you!!
May 08Reply
echobeast1 💝💜💙💛Thanks for all of your shares!🌼🌸🌻
May 10Reply
melindamanch995 Thank you for sharing my items Best Melinda
May 25Reply
lettymckenzie @arbracero Hey there!! Thank you for all the shares!! 💕🥰💕🤭💕☺️💕😘💕🙏🏼💕👏💕. Have a great day!,,,
Jun 04Reply
classy815 Thank you for a the shares. I really appreciate it😊by the way you have a gorgeous closet 🌷
Jun 05Reply
only2xcess You have a very expansive closet. I am still working on sell my own personal things. I have no idea where to source for clothes. Is that something you can give suggestions. I just don’t know how to try and buy and sell and make a profit. Thanks for any insight
Jun 06Reply
arbracero @only2xcess Almost everyone starts by selling their own items, which is really the best way to get your feel for reselling and determine if it’s something you would like to pursue. The nest step is usually to shop at your local thrift stores or local consignment. I would recommend taking your time and determining if you’re ready to take the next step which would be sourcing for wholesale items.
Jun 06Reply
arbracero @only2xcess There are many YouTube channels which give good step by step, if you would like try watching The Thrifty Flamingo on YouTube as they have many videos with solid recommendations.
Jun 06Reply
only2xcess @arbracero thanks I will check the thirft stores. And see what they have. I’m running out of my stuff and need to add. I was told to find other wholesale places. I did purchase some pants from Poshmark. Will see how that goes. I do want to do this full time. If I can make it work. 🙏🙏🙏 Thanks for your time.
Jun 06Reply
tnladyfashion You have a gorgeous closet! Thanks for the shares.
Jun 06Reply
mrsdjs81 @arbracero 🙋‍♀️Hi Ray! Thanks so much for all of the shares today!!!! 😊
Jun 19Reply
caramias_island Great closet! Styling and pics are spot on! Nice!!
Jun 30Reply
arbracero @caramias Thanks 🙏, much appreciated, your too kind.
Jun 30Reply
caramias_island @arbracero 💃🏻 my pleasure. Your closet is my new favorite
Jun 30Reply
lyvb Thank you so much for all the shares. You have a wonderful Closet.
Jul 17Reply
nellschilch I did receive the wrong dress as you stated. If you send me the shipping label I will return the wrong dress. Thank you
Jul 20Reply
arbracero @nellschilch Thank You , I’ll send one out in the morning. I will be much appreciated, I’m so sorry about the mix up. I hope you enjoy your dress.
Jul 20Reply
psychfan27 Thank you for all the shares, I truly appreciate it. You have a beautiful closet of clothes. Thank you again, have a wonderful weekend.
Aug 30Reply
sapcity23 Check out my closet 🙏🏽
Sep 10Reply
kimekorenee Hello! Do you have the Evan Picone black blazer with the zipper in a size 16?
Sep 28Reply
arbracero @kimekorenee Sorry not at this time,only have a Size 14. We will be adding more blazers on Monday feel free to check back maybe you’ll find something you like.
Sep 28Reply
danasdoings Hello Ray really enjoyed your shop you have great tastes I will pass on to my Followers 💍🦋💍
Oct 08Reply
arbracero @danasdoings Thank you, I will do the same and pass on your beautiful items.
Oct 08Reply
danasdoings @arbracero thank you so very much 💍🦋💍
Oct 08Reply
janfast Hi Ray ! Thanks for sharing my Armani Top!😊
Nov 04Reply
janfast Thanks for all the shares! 😀
Nov 04Reply
baggaliciouz Welcome to stop by me 🎀
Nov 16Reply
annparker67 They are truly a great set if you are Interested could give you a better price
Jan 24Reply
debben22 Hi 👋Ray Happy Poshin 🤗
Jan 26Reply
subculture_icon Thanks for all the shares 👊 I returned the favor. You have a dope closet! Keep up the 🔥🔥💯
Feb 15Reply
7664321 Will you accept 15 and 4.99
Feb 23Reply
walkinjoy Thanks for all the shares!
Mar 11Reply
astridcompany Hi, thank you for sharing my listing! You're very kind. I wish you lots of continued success and sales. Have an amazing and blessed week!
May 19Reply
mamacatz777 I love your closet! It is immense! Well displayed! Great items! Sally
Jun 05Reply
arbracero @mamacatz777 Thank you, your kindness is much appreciated.💕💕💕💕💕
Jun 05Reply
amber2286 Hello! Congrats on you win!! Please enjoy my closet and I’m happy to offer HALF OFF for all winners for any item whn you bundle and use code word “winner.” Please do this so I can know to send your special offer. So excited for your big win and be sure to spoil yourself because you deserve it!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Jun 10Reply
goldneyez311 Hi.👋😁 How are you? Just wanted to invite you to come check out my closet!! 🛍I have a ton of inventory to list right now- So make sure to keep an eye on my closet. If you are looking for ANYTHING in particular,  please let me know. I have it all!!😊 I am more than happy to spread love by offering great deals on anything you like & bundle! Come check it out!😁💗Wishing you Happiness and Good Health. @Goldneyez311
Jun 10Reply
mandag06 Congrats on your recent winning!! ⭐Enjoy your prize, you earned it!!!!!!!!!!⭐ Feel free to stop by and check out my closet!! Adding new variety daily as well as taking special requests. Find the ☆s for special offers and bundle to save even more! 😊 #t2t
Jun 10Reply
myaddedsparkle 🌺🌺🌺Hi there!🎊🎊🎊Congratulations on your MAKE A DEALS DAY win!!✨✨✨Your hard work on listing has paid off🎉🎉🎉Now it’s time to shop guilt-free and treat yourself🛍🛍🛍Come check out my closet for jewelry and hair accessories🦋🦋🦋3/$30 SALE going on!🤩🤩🤩Happy Poshing💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻~Added Sparkle 🥰🥰🥰
Jun 10Reply
eserenabeana @arbracero Thanks for sharing my closet 😊 Happy & Profitable Poshing 🥂 and Stay Safe 😷
Jul 10Reply
cbk102400 Hello! I wanted to thank you for sharing the skirt I posted. I’m really new to selling on here and am not sure what sharing actually means as far as interest. But if you’re interested, feel free to DM me or send me an offer! I’m pretty negotiable on price.
Aug 21Reply
tanz7230 Thank you Ray for the share.
Aug 30Reply
05teddy11 Blessings on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Super week and poshing 🛍🙏🤟🏻💜❤️
Sep 22Reply
wildflowerszz 👋😃 Wow! Thanks for all the shares!!
Jun 20Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet someHi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Jul 21Reply
cutehosiery @arbracero Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 23Reply
coracoller Hi Ray, I'm Cora and wanted to thank you for following me. I shared some of your awesome closet. Also wanted to Wish you and yours a Fantabulous Thanksgiving filled with all the blessings you deserve.
Nov 14Reply
elhusuba Thanks for following!!💛🙌 We Sell only Authentic bags!.. 🚨Good news!.. ‼️Limited Time ‼️ When you Like any our designer bags or wallets, get up to 30 percent off!!👍->❤️💸 Or make and offer i can do best! Have a wonderful days and work!. 🌈🦋
Dec 09Reply
krystalmcc1621 Thank you for following me. I returned the gesture and shared some of your items with my followers. Have a wonderful day and a Happy New Year 🎇
Dec 28Reply
thriftwgrace In honor of the Independence Holiday, Thriftwgrace is offering a shipping discount of $4.99 on items in our closet for Men starting July 3rd. This sale ends on July 5th at midnight so now is the best time to take advantage of our low prices. Check out our women’s section as we have nice fashions for that special lady in your life. Thanks and don’t forget to follow us. --Grace
Jul 04Reply
inventing_anna Hi, Ray! Thank you for sharing out my closet, truly appreciated 😊
Sep 11Reply

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