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Updated Aug 10
Updated Aug 10

Meet your Posher, ReBelle!

Meet the Posher



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Peace & Love! Welcome to Thrift Rich Bella, a closet with style, class, colors, culture and creativity! I've always loved the art of fashion and adornment, heck I still play dress up in my 30s lol, but finding those diamonds in the rough and the thrill of a great deal is everything, wouldn't you agree? Thus, my closet is full of uniquely lovable garments, many that haven't gotten their chance to shine. So go ahead, like stuff, share stuff, buy stuff - She’s you, she’s me, she’s Thrift Rich Bella! 😍♻️💃🏾
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findingdoc1 Yay! Go get em💫💝
Oct 02Reply
lucylovesyou123 @rebellesresales I sent you some ideas to your dressing room, feel free to create your own style and sometimes share to dressing room but I recommend only sharing once as some may get bothered if you share to their dressing room too much. Just a small introduction of what you sell!
Oct 05Reply
lucylovesyou123 @rebellesresales love your profile description about youself.. I love the same things!! Color and cultural!
Oct 05Reply
lucylovesyou123 @rebellesresales you can also visit my Facebook link on my profile and message me there. HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!
Oct 05Reply
thriftrichbella @lucylovesyou123 thank you thank you thank you! Totally appreciate your suggestions! I also make jewelry and I think a great idea would be to post them as boutique items and offer bundling. Right now I sell on Etsy, IG, Facebook, or just woes of mouth. Definitely nothing wrong with more exposure! Got a couple more items to post as well. I have 3 boys so my time is meager but I'm excited about all of this and looking forward to sharing my closet!
Oct 05Reply
thriftrichbella @lucylovesyou123 totally will check for you on Facebook!
Oct 05Reply
lucylovesyou123 @rebellesresales I know the challenge.. I have boys and girls also and it can be soooo challenging to keep up! I am glad to help. I think you will do great here, you have a unique style and if you love art and are creative even better, that helps a lot!
Oct 05Reply
thriftrichbella @lucylovesyou123 yes! I'm a an artist/graphic designer so this is right up my alley! And I've always loved fashion. I actually want to start making clothes as well. I have tons of fabric and a sewing machine just collecting dust lol. Again, finding time is the struggle since we moms wear so many hats on top of our own endeavors but we will get it all done in due time!
Oct 05Reply
lucylovesyou123 @rebellesresales yes we will!! Need to share the talent with what you have been gifted with. One thing I have learned, is never think it's not your thing just because somebody else does it better! We were all give our own measure of God given talent in our own way!!
Oct 05Reply
thriftrichbella @lucylovesyou123 couldn't have said it better myself! Totally agreed! Make your own lane and do your best!
Oct 05Reply
thriftrichbella @outfitgrrl lol I think it’s safe to say all lovers of fashion play dress up no matter the age. Looking forward to playing/wearing these cool items. Thanks also for such speedy shipping!
Oct 14Reply
thriftrichbella @outfitgrrl no worries, that's fine. You as well!
Oct 14Reply
thriftrichbella Thank you so much for the love @outfitgrrl, I really appreciate the shares! Ive got my eye on a couple of your items as well 😉 I have so much more to post as my shopping addiction is thriving lol, but motherhood is priority. Anywho, thanks again! 😘
Dec 20Reply
jacys_finds Absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE your closet!! 😊
May 25Reply
thriftrichbella @jacys_finds THANK YOU SO MUCH! 😘
May 28Reply
racustomcloset Thanks so much for liking my Egyptian anubis necklace. If you are interested in saving on shipping costs, please kindly check out my etsy handmade shop or Most of my handmade jewelry shipping cost is $1.00 or $$free shipping cost. If in doubt, please kindly check out my customers reviews on etsy and poshmark. Thanks in advance!😊
Jul 03Reply
cutehosiery @thriftrichbella Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 04Reply
thriftrichbella @cutehosiery thank you so much, I truly appreciate your words!
Jun 10Reply
vibinmarks Hello Rebelle i sent you an amazing offer on the Pumas that you liked with baby blue and black and etc You also get free shipping.. I can have these shoes shipped by today this morning- afternoon if purchased. Tracking will be up sometime after. If you have any questions or anything, you can let me know ok? Thank you
Oct 23Reply

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Last Active: Mar 05

Stone Mountain, GA
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Last Active: Mar 05

Stone Mountain, GA
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