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Updated May 28
Updated May 28

Meet your Posher, Rebecca

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Rebecca. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) Please kindly remember to accept order when you receive it and rate your purchase as well. And please hit that offer button! I'm open to all reasonable offers! I'm self employed and disabled. Trying to make ends meet while disability takes their time. Thank you for stopping by!!!
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dodger13 Hi, my name is Gina. If you are here to sell, buy or both Enjoy it.🤗If you have any questions, let me know. Poshmark is a warm and friendly community.🥰When you get a chance. stop👣 buy my closet and have a 👀look.😊
Oct 05Reply
pineapple3945 @dodger13 thank you for the nice welcome. I'm just now navigating around the site and just now saw your message. you have some great purses I'll be checking those out too. I'm going to try and sell as well as buy just not sure about how it works exactly but I'm figuring it out. thank you again
Mar 10Reply
dodger13 @pineapple3945 I would be happy to share your items as you list. Tag me on new listings.😉🥰
Mar 10Reply
pineapple3945 @dodger13 I don't know how to tag anyone yet. my pictures aren't good at all, so I'm going to redo them this week and add some more. I have a lot. but I'm all ready not happy with one posher on here. so I quit following and won't buy from her again. but everything and everyone else has been awesome
Mar 20Reply
pineapple3945 Please remember to accept order when you get your items, and rate your purchase. This is good for us all. Thank you in advance.
Apr 10Reply
nylifeaccess Hi dear, thank you very much to check out and following or share my closet. Just would like to let you know my closet is doing BUNDLE discount “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” and $25/3. Welcome to shop at my closet. Wish you have a wonderful day ;)
May 08Reply
pineapple3945 @nylifeaccess your most welcome. I am not looking to purchase right now but thank you and I will sure share items to my followers. Have a wonderful day as well
May 08Reply
tootie2258 @pineapple3945 Welcome 🙋‍♀️
May 09Reply
pineapple3945 @tootie2258 thank you. love your closet!!!
May 09Reply
tootie2258 @pineapple3945 Thank you for the nice compliment and for visiting my closet 😊
May 09Reply
pineapple3945 @tootie2258 your most welcome cutie pie
May 09Reply
shopper411411 Thanks for sharing back and for the like. Bundle any 2 items for 20% off. I'm open to offers. Any questions don't hesitate to ask.
May 09Reply
shopper411411 Right now Poshmark is offering discount shipping.
May 10Reply
melanieander922 Hello! Happy Poshing! 😊
May 12Reply
pineapple3945 @melanieander922 hello thank you for sharing and happy poshing to you!!
May 12Reply
success770 @pineapple3945 Welcome to my closet! If you see anything you would be interested in, please let me know. I would be more than happy to work on the price with you! I wish you a lot of success! Have a blessed day!🥰💕🌺
May 19Reply
pineapple3945 @success770 thank you. I'm really just looking for closets to follow and liking items so I can come back to you!! thank you very much. same goes for anything in my closet also!!
May 19Reply
shyenneworle183 hello, thanks for following me and for the like. feel free to make an offer or a bundle on anything else you like. everything except electronics and the mystery boxes are bogo 50% off till Thursday, every order gets a choice of a free hoodie or shirt till Wednesday! 😀
May 24Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to create a bundle for a great deal I’ll accept anything and I’m just selling for now
May 31Reply
pineapple3945 @sprinklesbaker Hey sweetheart. Thank you. I'm just trying to sell as well right now myself. But thank you for the offer and the follow as well!
May 31Reply
swscraftshop Hello🖐 Thank you for Following My Closet. Feel Free to Shop or leave comment in my Closet. If you see anything you want but don't ❤ the price make an Offer.  Most Offers 💰 accepted! Thank You! 🌝Happy Poshing!!
Jun 03Reply
pineapple3945 @swscraftshop Your most welcome. I am just selling right now, or rather wish I was. It's been slow. But thank you I will check out your closet more when I'm looking to update something else. I really need to turn over some merchandise myself! I posh too much all ready 😂! Thank you again! Best of luck getting sales love 💕💕💕
Jun 03Reply
stevenb712 Hello Godspeed to you and happy poshing indeed ....
Jun 03Reply
pineapple3945 @stevenb712 thank you. 👍 God bless you! Happy poshing 💕💕💕
Jun 03Reply
cleopatra_vault Hi, thanks for following! 🐆🌿🥂
Jun 06Reply
pineapple3945 @cleopatra_vault hi thank you too!
Jun 06Reply
bevfine Hi! Thanks for liking my closet!! I’m having a sale til July 5th. 25% off 3+ listings!! Happy Poshing! 😊🎉
Jul 03Reply
2girls2122 🙋‍♀️Hi! Thanks for following our closet.. Wishing you many sales💰and buys📦..Happy Poshing 😊.
Jul 06Reply
pineapple3945 @2girls2122 Same to you girls as well!!! That's for the follow and the shares! Happy poshing 💕💕💕
Jul 06Reply
southpawz Thank you for the shares beautiful girl! 😊💕
Jul 20Reply
underdog7171 gorgeous lady
Jul 20Reply
jewelsbysara Hi there❤️I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing deals🥳🥳🎉 if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing 🎉
Aug 09Reply
retroragz22 if you see anything please make me an offer
Aug 20Reply
hipechics Hello, I wanted to let you know that I sols these pants tonight to a friend. I truly am sorry for any inconvenience
Dec 31Reply
yvonne2265 Hi Rebecca, I need to let you know truly from the bottom of my heart that I am not trying to take advantage of you. I am also trying to make my ends meet as well! I just read your story and my heart is with you and we’re almost kind of on the same page. In different ways but it’s the same scenario. So if you can’t afford to offer my Low balling prices!!! That’s ok, I completely understand, and I am not offended, but I’ve been beyond. I wish you the best and success as well!!!
Feb 11Reply
tommyf40517 😍🔥😍
Mar 08Reply
adrianakiss2002 Thank You so much for your purchase 🙏 I took it to the post office today 📦💌 Enjoy 😊
Apr 27Reply
adrianakiss2002 Thank You so much for giving me a fast and perfect 🤩 5 star 🌟 rating 🤝🕺
Apr 29Reply
pineapple3945 @adrianakiss2002 Your welcome! The 👜 is beautiful. Thank you!!!
Apr 29Reply
dorivid22 Hello my friend 😊. I was wondering if you could help me with something. I'm trying to get my Posh Embassador Star ⭐ and All I need try get it is a love note. How do I do that???? I hope you're doing good 😊.
Jun 02Reply
pineapple3945 @dorivid22 love notes are like when I added a comment to the rating I gave you when I got my package from you sweetheart. I'm sorry haven't gotten back to you in a few. been really hectic. I hope you are recovering well now from your surgery and the problems you had. they finally got me scheduled for MRI and colonoscopy to try find why I'm in pain so bad in my abdomen
Jun 03Reply
pineapple3945 @dorivid22 but I'm pretty sure that's what the posh ambassador thing is wanting is another rating and comment from a sale. if you look at like my profile and "about" me it says love notes given and love notes received. So I'm pretty sure that's what it is. I think we figured out that one of those was staghorn plant. we had one in Miami that hung from a chain it was huge!!! I sent them with
Jun 03Reply
pineapple3945 @dorivid22 my mom's friend back to Florida, not all of them but I don't get a lot of sun up here. She was asking me about another plant but I can't remember what. I'm find out and message you then. Hope this helps sweetheart and pray your doing well
Jun 03Reply
dorivid22 @pineapple3945 Good morning 🌄 sweetie. No, it's not a staghorn. Have you heard of the Night Jasmin?? It's a plant that gives little bunches of little white flowers that bloom at night and closes by day that smells outrageous????
Jun 03Reply
dorivid22 Well, this one is called. "Dama De Noche " . Madam of Night. Not really sure of the name of it in inglish. It gives Only one flower but it's really big and beautiful and it lasts for only one day. That's why you want to propagate a bunch of leaves and make a nice Big pot so that you can have a bunch of flowers at once. And it smells Lovely 🌹.
Jun 03Reply
dorivid22 The other one is super cute I don't know the name of it. I call it my Mom's plant because that's the one we used to share back and forth pictures of. Very easy to grow, it may even give you flowers while propagating. Try and make one big pot of this one 😉. You'll love it.
Jun 03Reply
dorivid22 I'll try to send you a picture of mine so that you can get an idea. I think I did once. But for some reason I can't figure that out 😔 either right now. Beautiful little Red flowers 🌹 they open in the morning you can enjoy them All day and they close at night. But these last a few days. Enjoy!!
Jun 03Reply
yvonne2265 Hi Rebecca, I’m so sorry I’ve not been on Poshmark for a few weeks or more and I’m doing pouring acrylic paintings, I’m customizing denim jeans and jackets, I’m doing lots of tie-dying and I work on the weekends doing waitstaff work. I’m only allowed 500 characters so you’re gonna be getting probably three. If not, four comments, cause I have to break it up. I talk text, which is why my texts are always like a book, lol!!! Clearly that’s a dead giveaway of me being a talker.!!!😂🤣😂🤣🤷‍♀️
Jun 12Reply
yvonne2265 You are so unbelievably sweet and kind that you still have saved that package for me, which I completely forgot about to be honest!!! I will definitely purchase that from you. I just can’t do it this week because my mortgage of $3000 comes out tomorrow to be honest and I just can’t spend that money right now but I should be better by the end of the week I’m thinking and hopefully sooner.
Jun 12Reply
yvonne2265 How have you been? How have you been feeling… Have you been having any more episodes, or are you doing pretty good I hope!!!? Thank you so much for checking up on me, again, that was very sweet of you, and I truly appreciate it!!! To be completely honest, the monies been very tight. I want to go on posh whether intentionally or not, I always wind up spending money, so I kind of took a break.
Jun 12Reply
yvonne2265 How have you been? How have you been feeling… Have you been having any more episodes, or are you doing pretty good I hope!!!? Thank you so much for checking up on me, again, that was very sweet of you, and I truly appreciate it!!! To be completely honest, the monies been very tight. I want to go on posh whether intentionally or not, I always wind up spending money, so I kind of took a break.
Jun 12Reply
yvonne2265 And then it, my friend I’m starting to fall asleep, but I will keep you posted, and I hope all is well with you, and you’re selling stuff and making lots and lots of money!!!🙋‍♀️😊🤗❤️
Jun 12Reply
pineapple3945 @yvonne2265 Hey babe. no worries I fell asleep myself. Sounds like you've been extremely busy! But also sounds like fun. My texts are always very long also as I'm a talker too! Another thing we have I'm common. I was starting to worry since the last we texted I was getting that stuff together for you. Of course I saved it for you!! Told you that stuff was yours until you told me different!
Jun 12Reply
pineapple3945 @yvonne2265 Thanks for asking and unfortunately I'm still very sick on and off. More bad days than good lately. But I'm scheduled for an MRI July 1 and then a colonoscopy if the MRI doesn't show anything. I'm just in a lot of pain in my side and sick to my stomach everyday pretty much. They've done ultrasound and CT scan both show nothing that can be causing the pain. Thought the hysterectomy to remove that large tumor would stop the pain but hasn't
Jun 12Reply
pineapple3945 @yvonne2265 Anyway love I've got to go back to my family's house and take another load. I'm moving out of my place and in with my Uncle at his house. . it's not finished but that's okay. Better than this house falling apart. Not sinking anymore money in this place. They probably burn it down. (long story, hard to explain in text) but I lease it from the coal Co yearly very cheap but Im responsible for the house. only 900 a year. Yes 900 but it's over a hundred years old and too many issues.
Jun 12Reply
pineapple3945 @yvonne2265 plus I'm trying to save up to buy a camper to put in Florida on my mom's property so I can be there to care for her. Plus I miss my home state and my Dad lives there as well. I don't get to go visit cuz I have too many cats and no one wants to take care of them for me. Plus I have no friends anyway here and I wouldn't trust anyone really. But I'm getting out of here finally. gonna miss my little house but time to move on. My family lives literally next door through the woods.
Jun 12Reply
pineapple3945 @yvonne2265 But anyway gotta run babe. Glad your doing well and just let me know when you want that stuff and it'll be waiting. Take care my sweet friend.
Jun 12Reply
cutehosiery @pineapple3945 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 03Reply
kemakema959 Hi, Feel Free To Check Out My Closet. If You Buy 2 Or More Items, You'll Receive 20% Off Your Order. Happy Shopping :-)
Sep 12Reply
boujeebargns Last Day for 50% off three or more in entire closet!! Add 3 or more items and I’ll send you the offer! Have an amazing and Blessed evening. 🤗 Libby
Mar 27Reply

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Last Active: Oct 02 2024

Lake City, TN
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Last Active: Oct 02 2024

Lake City, TN
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