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Updated Jan 17
Updated Jan 17

Meet your Posher, Rebecca

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Rebecca. Thanks for stopping by! I feature a mix of new and resale fashion, and the occasional upcyled homegoods. My items are mostly from my family closets, with some selectively sourced items, especially footwear. Offers are always welcome. Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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oliviawinovich Welcome to Poshmark! I wish you happy sales and shopping! I would love for you to come check out my closet too 😊
Oct 11Reply
anniemc39 Hello Rebecca and welcome to Poshmark. I’m Anne, a Poshmark Ambassador and if you have any questions❓about how anything works here, feel free to send me a message. Thank you for checking out my closet and happy Poshing❗️
Oct 11Reply
trixxie_posh @atticblossom Your closet is off to a fantastic start!!! Beautiful listings! 🙂 Welcome to Poshmark❣️
Oct 14Reply
koolkel2000 Welcome to poshmark. Just wanted to say have a great experience with posh. If you have any questions about Poshing let me know. And when you get a chance, check out my closet. Happy Poshing.
Oct 26Reply
atticblossom @koolkel2000 Thank you for the welcome! I've only been at it for a little over two weeks and it has been a whirlwind. Thanks for the support!
Oct 26Reply
atticblossom @trixxie_posh Sorry for the delay in my reply to your welcome. It has been a busy two weeks setting up, and most of my listings are my daughter and I's. We have some shopping issues 🤣
Oct 26Reply
atticblossom @trixxie_posh Thank you for the welcome and sorry for the delayed reply. Still trying to get the hang of it, but things are coming along.
Oct 26Reply
shoemore20 Thank you for the generous shares!! 🍃🌸🍃🌼🍃🌸🍃🌼🍃
Nov 05Reply
greenbaypackers Hi Rebecca🤗! Thanks for the share. Am following you now. Excited to check out your closet. FYI if ever interested in anything in mine, I'm always open to offers & take 20% off bundles of 2+ items. Hope you have a blessed 🙏🏼 Sunday, stay healthy & safe in all this craziness & Keep Poshing🛍!!!
Nov 08Reply
aliwah good to see you Rebecca! I'm looking forward to viewing your selections! hopefully the Boston flair will be there! I will follow and share💛 Alice@aliwah☀️💛
Nov 09Reply
kamo74 Hi! Thanks for following me and for the share. Happy Poshing! 🦋
Nov 09Reply
atticblossom @aliwah Thank you and thank you for the shares!
Nov 09Reply
digitalsandy Welcome to Poshmania! New friends👫will answer your questions❓ and cheer 👏you on! Posh is all about sharing items from your closet 🛍& from the closets of others. At bottom R of 'About' page, click 'See all closets.' Touch each Blue 🚾 bar. It changes to white, meaning U are now following someone's closet. Share 5-6 items 👙👠from it. Continue. A large number of Poshers U follow👢will follow 👣U back & share items from YOUR 😀closet. Saundra, Poshmark Ambassador, Power Posher
Nov 10Reply
05teddy11 Blessings Rebecca on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜 Welcome- enjoy- ask questions as everyone has been so helpful 🛍🙏🤟🏻❤️💜
Nov 10Reply
wondergiz Thank you for your purchase 🥰, It’s a pleasure you accept my offer and to have you as a client in my closet ❤️. You got a great deal on my Pre Black Friday Fun Clearance Sale, I’ll mail it tomorrow. Blessings from Puerto Rico 🙏 and please stay safe at home, from your PFF Giz 🤗
Nov 20Reply
atticblossom @wondergiz Thank you! They are lovely and I especially like the lotus. Thank you for leaving a note and safe and wonderful holidays to you.
Nov 20Reply
wondergiz @atticblossom You like lotus, Humhumhum I know what I’m going to send as a gift in gratitude ☺️🎁☺️. You know something I was watching my Turquish Serie tonight and I saw her with almost the same earrings and I was thinking to keep that one that is the only one that have designs on both sides, and pum 🤯 sold out 😂. Happy is going to be yours ♥️.
Nov 20Reply
shoemore20 Thank you for the generous shares!! 🍃🌸🍃🌼🍃🌸🍃🌼🍃
Nov 20Reply
blessingsup Hello Rebecca and thank you for the shares! I appreciate it and always share back (up to #10 at one time to save my fingers!) Blessings, Debbie
Nov 23Reply
sarahvaughn504 Good Morning, I just stopped by to let you know I have added new with tags goods to my closet for great Christmas gifts 🎁 Also I still have 1 NWT Banana Rep Scarf if you want another one! I have placed my whole closet on sale, I’m trying to make room for spring so if your shopping please stop by, create a bundle I will make you a nice adjusted offer! Stay safe and thank you for your recent purchase and review!
Nov 23Reply
wondergiz Thank you for your wonderful Love ❤️ Note 🤗, means a lot to me 🙏. I hope to see you back again in a near future, for an awesome discount packed with Love❤️🎁💝♥️ Happy Holidays and please stay safe, Giz 🤗
Nov 23Reply
randeescloset Hi Rebecca, Nice to meet you ❤️ Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the sage. I can mail it out whenever you like. Best regards, Randee 🌻🌸🌼🌷
Dec 09Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Hi, Rebecca, I'm Cora just wanted to Thank you for following my closet. I really appreciate it. I shared some your closet, gosh you have great taste. Wanted to Wish you a Very Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with All the Blessings you so richly deserve ❄❄❄ Heres to 2021📣
Dec 13Reply
atticblossom @makeyoulaugh67 Thank you for the note and the kind shares!!❤❤
Dec 14Reply
shopjudyscloset Hi Rebecca, #79 stopping by to say hello and wishing you lots of speedy sales. Happy Poshing❣️
Jan 17Reply
atticblossom @shopjudyscloset Thank you for all of your shares and browsing.
Jan 17Reply
nyfashionstore Can you check out my closet if you have any time 🤍
Jan 20Reply
crystal_maiden GEEEZ LADY!! I literally #cantgetenough 🤣😅 CUTE STUFF 💕
Jan 24Reply
iseo Hi , Happy 2021🎊 🙏 Sending Lots of Posh 💖💖💖💖your way . Feel free to checkout my Closet when you have a Minute ⏰ . Happy to answer Any questions you may have Regarding any item you interested in . And if you Not Happy with the Price ,Don’t be Shy ☺️ Make me an offer ,I will either Accept or Counter offer .Stop by please 🥰. Happy Poshing and Please Stay Safe . 🛒👗👠👔👖👙🧢👟
Jan 25Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet someHi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Jun 05Reply
seasparkles Hello Rebecca, thank you for your purchase! I will ship your Sperrys first thing Monday. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your weekend & coming week😊❤️
Jun 06Reply
nouveautara Congrats on today’s Cersie Lannister GOT Game feature hun❣️May your sales be quick & true as Cersie’s love for her children❤️‍🔥🍷💰🍷💰🍷💰
Jun 09Reply
poshpussycat Hi Rebecca, thank you for your like and I sent you a nice offer back with discounted shipping!
Dec 13Reply
atticblossom @poshpussycat TY. I am doing some browsing right now and will let you know!
Dec 13Reply
jenfowler13 hi! looking for a shipping update?
Jan 07Reply
nylifeaccess Hi Gorgeous, how are you? You got a lovely closet :) Here I would like to say Hi, invite and welcome you to stop by at my store to check out if you could find anything you Like. My closet is selling 600+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Mar 10Reply
cutehosiery @atticblossom Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 09Reply
3clm3 Hi. I’m still waiting in my purchase.
Jan 26Reply
3clm3 Hi. I’m just wondering what happened with my order.
Feb 27Reply
3clm3 Bought the Pendleton UGG boots and never heard from her since. I’ve sent several messages in several different places just in case she didn’t see it here or there or wherever. Reached out for help with Poshmark and got responses from them but still nothing from her. Completely ignored. No boots no explanation no apology…. Nothing to this day.
Mar 06Reply
3clm3 I bought the boots and waited patiently and never received them and never had any of my messages answered. How come you never sent them? How come you don’t reply? How are you getting good reviews for other people but ignoring me completely?
Jul 06Reply

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Last Active: Mar 01

Medford, MA
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Last Active: Mar 01

Medford, MA
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