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Updated Apr 22
Updated Apr 22

Meet your Posher, Rebekah

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Hi! I'm Rebekah. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) I'm into anything retro, vintage or unusual. I especially enjoy a good find even if it needs a little TLC to bring it back to wearable condition. Make do and mend is my motto!
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funkypineapple 🍍Hi Rebekah and Welcome to Posh! We are Mandy & Susie, Posh Ambassador’s.🍍Thanks for following us! 🍍This is a great platform for buying & selling.🍍We are here to help with any questions.🍍Be sure to conduct all business on Posh.🍍People trying to lure you to their email or phone nicely are still trying to scam you 🍍Make sure you share your own closet multiple times a day.🍍Thanks for visiting and happy Poshing!🍍Please stay safe, Mandy & Susie🍍🍍🍍
Apr 15Reply
margitscloset welcome to poshmark and my closet.  please don't hesitate to ask questions.  wishing you lots of fun in this community.  🌻😘
Apr 17Reply
nancyanne123 @rkovalchick Hi, welcome to Poshmark, thanks for the offer on the ModCloth velvet skirt, offering 50% off is a lot, that’s actually 70% off because posh takes 20%, I would end up with about $16. If you want a discount, I have plenty of items and if u bundle then I can give you a nice discount. Otherwise I’ll counter my lowest which I actually did price this low, I just listed it an hour ago . I have over 1000 items still that need to be listed so I am giving good bundle discounts.
Apr 22Reply
nancyanne123 Let me know if you’re looking for anything special , I might have it and I’ll list it for you. If you have any questions about anything please feel free to ask 💕Nancy
Apr 22Reply
rkovalchick @nancyanne123 Thanks for the info :)
Apr 22Reply
mizzspaztastic Hey Rebekah! I just wanted to let you know that I’m about to head out the door to the post office with your package! I added a small freebie bag to the box with two toiletries and a small pair of little palm tree earrings to match the pineapple dress! I hope you love it all and that the dress fits! It’s been sitting unloved and unworn for so long, I forgot to return it and it was too large on my bust😞it’s truly a beautiful dress, and now Lindy bop is out of business so no more new lindy’s! 😫
Apr 23Reply
rkovalchick @mizzspaztastic Wonderful! And thank you for the extras, it's very kind of you😀. I can't wait to try it on and wear it out! I'll be wearing it for a car show in May.
Apr 23Reply
mizzspaztastic @rkovalchick AWESOME it’s PERFECT 4that!Do u know what color petticoat ur gonna wear w/it?4 some reason I think it would look great w/a raspberry pink or white petticoat,either/or!I would❤️2see photos o the final product! U should post 1!may need a touch o iron 2it,I just pulled it out a box n my spare room I hadn’t even looked @it n forever!I forgot I had it!LOL!I’m so glad it’s gonna b loved!thank u so much u’ve made my day!
Apr 23Reply
rkovalchick @mizzspaztastic I have to get a petticoat I was thinking white but now I like the idea of a raspberry colored one lol. I will definitely post pics!
Apr 23Reply
mizzspaztastic @rkovalchick awesome thank you so much you’ve absolutely made my day! I should be pulling up to the post office soon! Xoxox
Apr 23Reply
breezelane Wish I could rate you as a buyer! Thanks for being awesome!
Apr 30Reply
rkovalchick @breezelane Thank you for the compliment 😁
Apr 30Reply
missflamingo @rkovalchick thank you for checking out my closet, please let me know if you are interested in an offer on any of the items you like in my closet!! 🙂🙂
May 11Reply
unclaimed rebekah $5 is my lowest price for the vinyl hat . because l have to pay poshmark a 20% Commission .Enjoy a 50% discount on your next purchase of $50 or more from this closet.(Free shipping on $25 purchase). l also wholesale purchase any item from my closet priced $19 or less for $5 with a minimum purchase of $100. Start your closet or replenish your inventory.
May 27Reply
new_life_styles Hi Rebekah, Thank you for your order for the Sheen dress. I am sending it out tomorrow. Have a nice night!🙂
May 28Reply
rkovalchick @kossis Thank you!🙂
May 28Reply
laurielou23 Hey, Rebekah! Thanks so much for your purchase of the polka dot 50’s style swing dress. I was getting ready to send it out and realized I made a mistake in the listing. The polka dots and sash are actually black, not chocolate brown. I am so sorry for the mistake. I just wanted to check with you and make sure you still wanted it before sending it out?
May 28Reply
rkovalchick @laurielou23 Thanks for telling me, and yes I would still love the dress
May 28Reply
laurielou23 @rkovalchick thanks for the quick reply! I am still second guessing my eyes...🙃 Glad you like it. I’ll get it sent off today! 💕
May 28Reply
blessingsup Hi Rebekah & thanks for the shares! Much appreciated! Blessings, Debbie
Jun 13Reply
rkovalchick @blessingsup You're welcome!
Jun 13Reply
jodyert so kind of you to take a moment to visit my closet and like the Lenora Dame Cheetah earrings. all offers are appreciated
Jun 25Reply
freshfreshjess Hi, if you’d still like the lady mistys at $85 , you can make an offer and I will accept.
Jun 29Reply
rkovalchick @freshfreshjess I actually just got the Cinderella edition size 10 and I think the size 11 will be too big. I'll have to pass but thank you for all your wonderful help and offer!
Jun 29Reply
freshfreshjess @rkovalchick no problem I know that sizing is hard with IC. Thanks for the visit!
Jun 29Reply
rkovalchick @freshfreshjess Ok so I can't stop thinking about these shoes lol. However as of right now I'm only able to offer $75. Would you reconsider that price?
Jun 30Reply
rkovalchick @freshfreshjess If you're willing I can do $85. I will put in an offer.
Jun 30Reply
angclay32148 I will pack up and ship this week .. thank you for your purchase
Jul 12Reply
angclay32148 order has been accepted at post office. I included an extra item for you as a thank you. the dress has been packed up so it's a little wrinkled.
Jul 16Reply
rkovalchick @angclay32148 Sounds good, thanks so much!
Jul 16Reply
curvygurlzrock Thank you so much for your like 💜
Jul 22Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi 🍍It’s nice to meet you🍍 Hope you are loving 🥰 poshing. I’d love 💕 it if you would stop 🛑 by my closet and follow me. And, I’ll do the same. 💫Wishing you all the luck 🍀 in the world 🌎.
Sep 01Reply
ingoodtaste104 Thank you for liking my Vintage Hammersley "Strawbery Ripe" Cup & Saucer Set! Dont forget to check out my whole closet! I've been adding & adding more everyday! My closet is very eclectic! It has New & Vintage, Unique & Unusual Treasures so I'm sure you will find something for everyone on your gift list!🎁
Oct 22Reply
mystyledit Hi there ...thanks for visiting my posh closet and sharing ur likes❤. Feel free to ask any questions u may have regarding merchandise that caught ur interest😊....put in an offer which i can consider or better yet start a bundle 👚👜👠with all ur likes and we can workout a reasonable offer for sure👍🏻. Meanwhile happy poshing🛍!!
Oct 28Reply
bonamis Hello Rebekah, Thanks for visiting and liking my closet. Would you like to make an offer on the Wrap Blouse? I'm open to offers so please proceed with yours. Cheers and happy poshing.😊
Nov 06Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2600 items. Bundle and save! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Nov 25Reply
bonamis Hello Rebekah, Thanks for visiting and liking my closet. Would you like to make an offer on the Blouse? I'm open to offers so please proceed with yours. Cheers and happy poshing 😊
Dec 08Reply
curvygurlzrock Thank you so much for your like 😊💜
Dec 17Reply
flystylist1 Hello, I purchased an item from you. I haven't heard anything about shipping or delivery time. My money is out of my bank account. please respond. Allison
Jan 02Reply
rkovalchick @flystylist1 Dropped it off at the Post Office this evening, I apologize for the delay. It should start tracking sometime tomorrow.
Jan 03Reply
flystylist1 @rkovalchick OK. thank you so much 💓
Jan 04Reply
lovenarf Hi Rebekah. Good day and thanks for stopping by. It is closet clear out day, so I can reduce the Vintage Coyote fur you liked to $42 and Poshmark will give you discounted shipping. Please let me know if you would like this offer. Thank you and have a great day.
Feb 11Reply
rkovalchick @mylovejewelry Thank you so much!
Mar 31Reply
cutehosiery @rkovalchick Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 12Reply
rkovalchick @cutehosiery Thank you so very much!
May 12Reply
curvygurlzrock Thank you so much for your likes 😊💜
May 18Reply
candynv2021 Hi there!!🎉 Thank you so much for liking items in my closet!! 😊. Please create a bundle of three or more listings, so I can send you a private offer. Or, feel free to send me an offer on individual items, I am always open to reasonable offers. I appreciate you!! Happy Poshing🌸🌼
Jul 03Reply
edrisopal2 Hu Rebekah: Thanks for the LIKE. A great dress that I bought last Summer, but dud not wear. Hopefully it will get worn thus year.
Jul 30Reply
rkovalchick @tutuwig Aww thanks so much!
Oct 01Reply
shippingsleuth Hi Rebekah! Just wanted you to be apprised that the Killstar Red Skull purse is still available, at the time of this writing. It was purchased by a Posher (as an intended gift) & then cancelled (because intended recipient already owned it). I had to copy my listing, so lost my Likers for it. I have the new listing up, if you’re still interested in the merch. Thank you! Best- Stacy
Mar 03Reply
julissazelaya Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️ I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟 I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Apr 17Reply
melanieander922 Hello! Happy Poshing! 😊
Jan 05Reply

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