Meet your Posher, Renee
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Hi! I'm Renee. Read sale listing info to understand how marked sale items work in bundle.
I do not do the back and forth negotiations- my offer is my lowest from the start. To keep prices low, items on sale I do not take measurements for due to time.
Anyone offering lower will be blocked

56 others
like this

cute! welcome to Poshmark! :-) Happy Holidays! Posh is the perfect place to find all you need for everyone on your list this year. You will love it here! I am a Posh Ambassador and have a ton of experience! let me know if i can be of any help to you! Cant wait to checkout your closet! Feel free to check out mine! xoxo
Dec 02Reply

Stop harassing !
Mar 15Reply

@marciadallaire hello, I am sorry, I am not sure what you mean. Am I doing something incorrectly? I would love feedback if so.
Mar 15Reply

I’m sorry,Everything is good here with me..You okay? I don’t understand your message.Please Elaborate
Mar 15Reply

@marciadallaire what I believe happened was you added the black Sweatsuit Outfit in my closet to a bundle. Each time I updated the cost, etc, I think you got a message and you posted “stop harassing”. Asking if it’s due to something I did on my posh app or something
Mar 15Reply

@marciadallaire however I am absolutely fine just want to ensure I am not making any errors on my end.
Mar 15Reply

Why do you continually annoy,Please do not state I put your rags on from your closet.You need to stop with your aggression.This is not business like little girl
Mar 15Reply

Absolutely ❤ your closet!
May 02Reply

@keebler81 thank you!
May 02Reply

I believe you sent me the wrong bundle. I can’t figure out how to private message you and give you details. Please contact me
May 25Reply

@mmcgrawutk oh no! I am sorry! You should be able to return. I apologize!
May 25Reply

@rnhuddy no worries I’m ok with what I received but you may want to update the other bundles you have listed because I received some of those pieces
May 25Reply

@mmcgrawutk was it all wrong? Or just one bundle?
May 25Reply

The frozen bundle all was not delivered I receive the pink little remains swimsuit and some other items
May 25Reply

Mermaid swimsuit
May 25Reply

Hi I was wondering if u still had the little lass dress that was 12months
May 30Reply

@reesecup3031 hello! Sorry for delay! I do not. I am sorry:(
May 30Reply

@mmcgrawutk omg I am such an idiot. I am so sorry. I am glad it still worked for you but I feel terrible.
May 30Reply

Ty it’s ok
May 30Reply

Amazing, beautiful, organized and great priced listings. You should be proud. My daughter in laws sister just had a baby girl 7 days ago, Ivy Rose . I will be back to shop for her.
Jun 23Reply

@selling4lv you literally made my day. Thank you so much. It’s been a learning process! And trying to get better!
Congrats on new baby!
Jun 23Reply

And you made my day!! Lol. Please excuse all my likes, I went a little nuts lol. And I'm still not done lol. I took tons of screen shots to send to all the grandchildren's mommy's. You literally have the best closet I've seen yet and I shop ALOT!! 😉😉😁😁. I'm going to start bundling. If you have any suggestions please let me know. I'm concerned about shipping. Also I do very fair honest trades if your interested. Ty
Jun 23Reply

@selling4lv haha. You have no idea how much I needed that note. Grateful...thank you. i was on the phone with my mom and sent the screen shot and cried because I I am pregnant and have these things called hormones lol.
I have a scale and can weigh it all..and honestly we can figure it out. i rarely decline offers. So you just tell me what you want me to Bundle together...sometimes it’s the box isn’t big enough haha
Jun 23Reply

Aweee. Happy tears are always great though. Congratulations on the new baby! And by the way... you made my day also, if I can make one person smile or laugh a day I'm happy. You're a sweetpea!! 😁😁😁
Jun 23Reply

@selling4lv thank you! We sound very it forward:).
Jun 23Reply

@rnhuddy I was wondering if you know how to block/report a rude, mean, out of line, harassing human being ie @marciadallaire ... just asking 😉😉🤨🤨🙄🙄
Jun 23Reply

@selling4lv yes...if you click on their profile, in upper right there are 3 little dots. If you click that, it should give you the option. Hopefully that makes sense
Jun 23Reply

@rnhuddy lol . Thank you hon. I was upset because I read her comment and she was rude to you. Not nice!!! Ty
Jun 23Reply

@selling4lv lol’s ok. It happens. Not everyone is nice. And they are doing the best they can.
Jun 23Reply

You are so sweet. Honestly people could take lessons from you lol. I'm trying to get caught up here and then headed back to your closet.. can't wait!!
Jun 23Reply

@selling4lv I don’t know about all took me a while to get to how I view things...definitely not always my best self. But thank you:)
Jun 23Reply

Hi hun.. do you have anymore boys size 8
Jul 03Reply

I adore your closet. My 2 granddaughters and one grandson are starting school soon
Moms are strapped I was wondering if you have any girls size 8, or 10. And boys 8 coming soon. Thank you so very much
Jul 10Reply

@selling4lv I think I have a few more girls and maybe boys...I had someone buy almost every size 7/8 Girls I had listed 2 weeks ago and got wiped out on what was posted.
Jul 10Reply

@selling4lv I think I posted almost all the 7/8 and 10/12 in Girls that I had out. Just FYI. As always I will work with you on anything your wanting:)
Jul 16Reply

Thank you so much.
Jul 18Reply

Hello and thank you for your offer on the bundle. I had an unexpected cost come up and wasn’t able to accept it. I do plan to put another bundle together next payday!
Sorry for getting back to you just now but I wanted to explain. Take care!
Nov 05Reply

@awojciechoski no problem I totally get it!!! And will work with you to make it happen :).
Nov 05Reply

@awojciechoski you are so sweet for even sending a message.
Nov 05Reply

Hi Renee I hope you are having a good morning. I just wanted to stop by and say you have an amazing closet.
Nov 14Reply

@lavenderlilylin thank you so much!
Nov 14Reply

I will know sex of new baby next week sometime and new announcement on Thanksgiving my oldest sons wife expecting our 18 th grandchild in August. So 1 in June and 1 in August get ready for me Lol Denisev
Dec 10Reply

@iheartginelle omg! Congrats x2! What great “gifts” for the holiday to find both out!
Dec 10Reply

Yes she did 1998
Jan 10Reply

@iheartginelle how cool!
Jan 10Reply

@iheartginelle I am a little older Than her but I went in 91.
Jan 10Reply

@iheartginelle I competed in Ohio and my coach was the Kent state gymnastics coach Back then
Jan 10Reply

@rnhuddy so weird small world
Jan 10Reply

hi.. I'm pleased to say all the clothes that I have bought from you came in so well. thank you for that! I'm so pleased to see your closet has grown so much.
Jan 15Reply

they have out grown everything though, it's time to shop again lol. I 😉😉😁😁
Jan 15Reply

@selling4lv man kids grow so fast! And I am offering a special this month that everything is 6/$15 that’s 5$ and under which is most of the closet. I have gained a ton of repeat customers so always trying to stock to everyone in each size!
Jan 15Reply

6 listings for $15???
Jan 15Reply

@selling4lv yes ma’am. Each 2 addition are 5$ more ...if that makes Sense. Any that are 5$ and under or marked such (so if it is 8$ and not marked 6/$ is not included)
Jan 15Reply

would you mind taking a peek at my bundle and letting me know what it comes to? thanks
Jan 15Reply

@selling4lv 22 I will do:)
Jan 15Reply

Thanks So much for your time!!!
Jan 19Reply

What a beautiful young lady you are. I ❤️your closet. I’ll be back to shop more
Feb 02Reply

@debisu1957 just saw this ...thank you!
Feb 02Reply

Hi Renee! I love your closet!! I haven't seen but just a couple of other closets that had a ton of listings like your closet. I was wondering if you could tell me how you do your Poshmark? Do you do your own pictures and postings or do you have someone else that does it?
Feb 11Reply

@gigisfaith hello! Thank you! I do it all myself! It was very hard at first and I was soooo slow at it. But now I have a great rhythm down that works for me. Doing it a year and literally cut the time in half it takes me and that lets me post more each day as well!
Feb 11Reply

@gigisfaith and I am grateful it did get faster as I do it all outside as I’m in AZ I went from 14 sunlights hours to work with to 9! And now it’s getting to 11. I will always try to prep it all at night. Then photo as many as I have ready and list some then photo more, list, photo...that way I have what I have ready to go and it may have been prepped a week ago even
Feb 11Reply

@rnhuddy Wow!! Super Posh Woman 🥰🤗 I am so slow and get so frustrated!! You need a YouTube channel so you can record and help other Poshers. I would definitely subscribe to your channel 🥰🤗💐 Happy Poshing❣️❣️❣️
Feb 11Reply

@gigisfaith it gets easier and faster. I try to stream line it I do photos of 5, then post 2-3. Sometimes more. And I do the listings that way so it comes up periodically as a new listing during the day throughout the day
I actually thought of that..I so wish I didn’t have to learn all my lessons the hard way haha. Sooo maybe thank u!!!
Feb 11Reply

@rnhuddy Thank you so much for the tip. I will start doing that and I'll let you know how I'm coming 🥰🤗
BTW, when I'm teaching others I just tell them they can thank me for going through all the Hades for them 😂🤣😅
Happy Poshing❣️❣️❣️
Feb 12Reply

@gigisfaith awesome! I met my best friend on a diff app I sell on ...and got to share what I had learned as she just started a month prior and it’s so awesome to see her success! I will share any tips I have or answer any questions. Her and I will even try different things and see what works and what doesn’t then steal the good ones haha
Feb 12Reply

@rnhuddy Would you like for me to create a place where we can talk back and forth? Or just keep it here? It's not hard to do and I can do it for us. Just let me know
Feb 12Reply

@gigisfaith let me is hard.
Feb 12Reply

Hi 👋 Good evening. Do you have any more bib cover alls/ size xs, Small or even medium? I missed out on a brown pair you had ☹️! I just love your 😍 closet... you have really nice things !!💕
Feb 22Reply

@rnhuddy hope your staying happy and healthy !
Mar 17Reply

@chicnation you too!
Mar 17Reply

I tried to leave a love note but it froze up. Hope you don't mind if I leave it here.
LOVE NOTE:. 5+ ⭐
Everything was phenomenal (to quote my 12 y/o daughter). Thanks again and looking forward to buying again from you!
Mar 20Reply

I tried to leave a love note but it froze up. Hope you don't mind if I leave it here.
LOVE NOTE:. 5+ ⭐
Everything was phenomenal (to quote my 12 y/o daughter). Thanks again and looking forward to buying again from you!
Mar 20Reply

I tried to leave a love note but it froze up. Hope you don't mind if I leave it here.
LOVE NOTE:. 5+ ⭐
Everything was phenomenal (to quote my 12 y/o daughter). Thanks again and looking forward to buying again from you!
Mar 20Reply

I tried to leave a love note but it froze up. Hope you don't mind if I leave it here.
LOVE NOTE:. 5+ ⭐
Everything was phenomenal (to quote my 12 y/o daughter). Thanks again and looking forward to buying again from you!
Mar 20Reply

I tried to leave a love note but it froze up. Hope you don't mind if I leave it here.
LOVE NOTE:. 5+ ⭐
Everything was phenomenal (to quote my 12 y/o daughter). Thanks again and looking forward to buying again from you!
Mar 20Reply

@sdsowell74 awe thank you!!!!
Mar 20Reply

@rnhuddy lol, sorry for the repeat post. Cell reception in the boondocks is hit or miss.
Mar 20Reply

@sdsowell74 totally get it!! I’m originally from a small town of a 199 households lol
Mar 20Reply

Hi. I went to accept your offer of 15 for my bundle but it says offer no longer available? Can you send it to me again please?
Apr 22Reply

@karensecor it’s not letting me either. Hum. Can u decline and we try again?
Apr 22Reply

@rnhuddy hope your having a good night
May 04Reply

@chicnation you too!
May 04Reply

Hi. Just placed order for bathing suit after you sent offer. Offer was not reflected. Can this get fixed please. Thx
Jul 09Reply

@phuketmom good morning. I don’t have a way to do that ..let me message posh to see if they can. Thx for your purchase. It’s already packaged and ny USPS usually shows tracking at nite on everything given to them:).
Jul 09Reply

@phuketmom just FYI I have sent them a note. They may reach out to u. Takes up to 48 hours to get a reply normally
Jul 09Reply

@rnhuddy Hi. Sorry to be such a pain. Poshmark asked me to ask you to cancel the order and then resend me the offer that you sent yesterday. Here is the note Poshmark sent me below.
Not to worry, you can reach out to the seller by typing the @ symbol before their username (i.e. @username) and have the order cancelled on your behalf. Once the order has been cancelled, may ask the seller to make the item available again and purchase it at the price discussed previously.
Jul 09Reply

@phuketmom oh no. I can’t as I can’t add a new label to the box as usps already has it:(. When they respond to me I can tell them that as well. Not a pain at all.
Jul 09Reply

@phuketmom May help too if you respond letting them know usps has box but tracking normally updates at night
Jul 09Reply

@phuketmom they responded and I told them usps already had it and they said for u to reach out to I bet if u just reply to their message and let them know they can fix:)
Jul 09Reply

Happy poshing🥳🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like!🤗
Jul 10Reply

Jul 30Reply

@mmdell11 thanks!
Jul 30Reply

Just so you know baby grandchild # 18 born this am 4:15 A boy This was the one we did not know the gender now one more in November but we already know that one’s a girl
Aug 06Reply

@iheartginelle awe!! Congrats! 2 down and one more to go!! This
Aug 06Reply

Hi! I’m thrilled with my items. But curious how often you get new items. Thx!!!
Oct 18Reply

@sdsumarisa hello! Yeah so glad! I list new ones daily. I always have a stash sorted thru and ready for me to photo Then photoed ready to post..then could be once or multiple times a week I get new items for me to prep. I got 400 items Wednesday last week. But plan at very least to get another 200-400 Tuesday.
Oct 18Reply

Thank you for the support on my closet. I hope you have some time to go through it as I am trying to get rid of many items, as well I have some items listed / marked as “FREE with ANY purchase” throughout my closet which can be added into any BUNDLE. Hope you find something you like! Feel free to send me any offers and I’d be happy to make business with you. Happy Poshing and safe during this quarantine! 🦋
Nov 25Reply

Great Posher. I at this so im not sure if this is where I leave feedback. Price was great. Shipping was timely. Thank you
Dec 05Reply

@amandasheets75 thx for the feedback:). Totally understand being new to it as we all were at one time! It will have you rate under your sales or should give a notification. No prob tho if you can’t locate as it’s more about your satisfaction to me! Happy holidays
Dec 05Reply

I wanted to inquire about the black A New Day tank top in XL. I see you added a gray picture. Is that supposed to show wear or an imperfection?
Dec 10Reply

@rnhuddy Hi Renee👋🏻 I just created a listing in my closet with info that may help you & customers with your Right Fit Technology Venezia Size 7P Jeans. Please feel free to copy & use anything that may help. Happy Poshing!
Dec 13Reply

hi hun! I'm looking to clear my closet out so will be accepting most (basically all) offers! Feel free to check out my closet and bundle/offer on anything in my closet! Thank you so much and have a great day :)
Dec 13Reply

Wow your store is booming! I’m trying to start with Poshmark. I only sold two things so far though lol. Any tips for a newbie like me?
Dec 23Reply

@afrostrong lol. Thx:). Time...I do this FT as my income and started almost 2 years ago. Building repeat customers is a huge part of that. My prices are crazy low which helps and I offer almost all sizes. And I work non stop...I finally can take a day off here or there but I will work from when I wake up to when I go to sleep most days.
Dec 23Reply

@afrostrong Sharing your closet makes a big difference throughout the day, dropping prices when sharing and listing a minimum of 30 new listings a day too. Hope that helps!
Dec 23Reply

@rnhuddy wow thanks! I don’t have much room for inventory storage so maybe I will have to look into getting some smaller items to get more listings up. Awesome job 😊 May God bless your business. Don’t forget to take time to rest! ♥️
Dec 23Reply

@afrostrong thank you and happy holidays!
Dec 23Reply

Hi, I live near you and am helping a client with a serious closet purge. if you are interested in buying quality stuff at the bins prices please let me know.
Jan 17Reply

@rpohlsch hello! Always interested however I buy from locate thrift store where I get bulk crazy price. And get to hand pick my items and they buy pallets so almost all is brand new with no tags. So it would depend on price and brands (I get mostly Nordstrom’s or forever 21 or anthropologie), sizes and quality.
Jan 17Reply

@rnhuddy I don't think this thing has a private chat feature. message me on ig under same name. we should discuss.
Jan 18Reply

Hey! i’m trying to do a closet clear out I’m accepting reasonable offers🦋😃
Mar 25Reply

Hello!! Congrats on your win!! That’s so awesome and I have won in the past, it was a great day! Be sure to spoil yourself! ! If you aren’t familiar with what’s going on please check your emails and look at messages frm Posh! In the meantime, I’m running a HUGE special for all winners!
HALF OFF my entire closet for the lucky winners. Just be sure to make a bundle and use code word “Winner”
Jun 12Reply

You recently made me an offer. Do you have 2 of these, one white and one light blue?
Jun 13Reply

@agreatyear2021 hello I am not sure which item u are speaking of..can u message on the item please? I think I only have 1 peck & peck blazer. The 2/$20 sale is any items marked 2/$20 in a bundle are $20 plus shipping.
Jun 13Reply

Hi unfortunately, I am not done shopping and adding things into my bundle. But now it won't allow me to add anything because you’ve made an offer on the 3 things I already have in the bundle? Not sure how to proceed.
Jun 14Reply

if you can give me a few hours to return home. I will check the size, not sure if 8 or 10.
Jul 14Reply

Thank you Renee!
Jul 21Reply

Hey:) love your closet!!! All orders on my
Items usually go out same or next day!!! If you bundle you get $2 off each item!! Make me an offer and I will most likely accept. Stay safe xoxo free gift with all orders:)
Jul 27Reply

Hi, I really wanna purchase the bundle you sent me an offer on!!! I can't pay full til the 3rd will you please hold the bundle???
Jul 29Reply

Hello. For your men’s head brand shorts size large, I see they are 4/$20. What colors do you have? Thank you!
Jul 30Reply

@jopank hello all items are listed…it would be you selecting items and putting in a bundle not 1 listing has 4 of them. Hope that helps
Jul 30Reply

Hi there! If you're in the market for some new items, check out my closet. I hope you find some items you like :)
Aug 18Reply

@nivs10 hello I do not. I do this as my FT gig. Sorry
Sep 13Reply

Hi hun,
Dropped a bunch of items to $5, $8 and $10. If you bundle multiple
Items I offer even more discounts through a private offer . Take a look and maybe you’ll find some items you like ☺️
Sep 14Reply

Hi! Just wanted to say your closet is absolutely amazing ❤ I put a lot of items in my bundle 😅 If you could send me an offer, I'd greatly appreciate it 🙏🏻 Although, I may have to remove a few items depending on your offer. Thank you so much 🥰
Oct 13Reply

Hi! I sent you a offer + discount for this item if you are interested. I noticed you hearted this item. If interested, lmk! Also there is a bundle of 10% if you bundle 2 or more items
Dec 31Reply

Hi. You sent me an offer for Electric Yoga leggings tha recently expired. I searched through your closet to try and find something I could add for the 2/$20 bundle, but didn’t find anything. Do you by chance have other electric yoga leggings or something similar I could bundle? Much appreciated!
Jan 31Reply

@doctahkim hello I currently do not have additional in that brand …I have over 4k active listings and many leggings so there are lots similar but may be at diff price points
Jan 31Reply

hey my poackage says , forwarded , and theres nolonger an arival time , wat has happened to my hoodie
Feb 09Reply

I been waitn to long as it ,wat happened to it
Feb 09Reply

@robjohnson8435 I responded on the listing. :)
Feb 09Reply

not sure how to get or send messages lol
Jul 06Reply

@jeremyhappy hello what are you looking to message about? If a specific listing, you will find the same place to comment in each listing. Hope that helps. Posh also has an FAQ that is very helpful
Jul 06Reply

how come every one keeps following me but does not comment or buy? lol...litterly hundreds of followers in 2 days...ty
Jul 07Reply

@jeremyhappy well that is a complicated question- followers don’t equate to sales. Helps. But some people have millions of followers. Even having likes on items doesn’t always mean it will become a sale. I recommend researching what helps increase sales on the platform. Having popular brands, lots of listings to choose from, etc can help. There is a lot of great tips out there online but posh also does tips as well to help. Hope that helps!
Jul 07Reply

thank you
Jul 08Reply

You have an amazing closet! I could shop from you all day long 😂 Thanks for the amazing sale! ❤️
Sep 14Reply

@amanda9158 thx! Thx for your purchase(s). I have fun playing with clothes. Lol. Both are out for usps pick up today:)
Sep 14Reply

@rnhuddy thank u!!
Sep 14Reply

Love u PFF!!
Nov 29Reply

Thanks for sharing 🙏🏿
Jun 10Reply

Hi this is Mary 😊 thank you for the share I am still trying to add more items have alot to add. thank you again and happy 4th 🎆
Jul 05Reply

@marywilliams130 you too!
Jul 05Reply

Hello! Thanks for the follow. Our closet is jam-packed with stock. We're accepting offers at 20% less than our posted price on most items. Happy Poshing!
Jul 19Reply

Hi Renee, was I supposed to wait for your offer? I have a bundle with a bra and men’s Tee but 2/$20 that I sent to offer for. It hasn’t been accepted. I’m not rushing you, I read your comment thread and you’re a busy lady, i just want to clarify as not to goof up your process. Thanks, Jami
Aug 11Reply

My favorite seller on Posh!! Renee ships same day if not the very next day. She offers amazing deals and has such an extensive variety of brands and sizes that u will def find something u love. I have been shopping with her for almost 2 yrs and get a bundle at least a couple of times a month and they never disappoint ! This girl is the real deal and a true friend ❤️😘
Feb 22Reply

Nov 20Reply
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