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Updated Aug 23
Updated Aug 23

Meet your Posher, Renee

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I’m Renee. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 30% off 2+ Bundle

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hakescakes 🎉☀️ Welcome to Poshmark! ☀️🎉
Mar 19Reply
emercee 👋🏻WELCOME TO POSHMARK👋🏻 Wishing you lots of sales and great deals!! Have fun Shopping,Listing,Following& Sharing.💕I’m happy to help if you ever need something,there are a lot of wonderful poshers who love to help so never hesitate to reach out.💕There is some good info in”Your guide to poshmark”&”Frequently asked questions” in your menu.I Hope you find everything you are looking for and more.🛍💕🛍💕 💞💞💞💞HAPPY POSHING💞💞💞💞
Mar 19Reply
poshdandfound @emercee thanks so much! What a warm welcome!
Mar 19Reply
raggedtags Welcome to poshmark! Thank you for the shares 🙂
Mar 19Reply
back40wares Hi there! Welcome to Poshmark! My name is Valorie and I am a Poshmark Ambassador. If you have any questions, let me know! You can follow me on Instagram and Facebook for seller tips and a peek behind the scenes! My handle is back40wares 😊 Happy Poshing!
Mar 21Reply
alison61 Thank you for all the shares. I really appreciate it ❤️😊
Apr 08Reply
poshdandfound @alison61 you are welcome!
Apr 08Reply
spindrifter @poshdandfound hey do you know your sharing is really unfair I don’t think I can answer them right now I will die of old age before I finish
Apr 09Reply
poshdandfound @spindrifter you don’t want me to share items from your closet?
Apr 09Reply
spindrifter @poshdandfound I definitely would have all of us share. Just kidding I’m probably not gonna die of old age in a couple of days but who knows? I am a strong advocate of sharing it really makes Poshworld go around. Cheers Thanks And Posh On
Apr 09Reply
poshdandfound @spindrifter whew! I feel better! You just have so many neat items that I felt the need to share!
Apr 09Reply
spindrifter @poshdandfound thanks so much for the compliment. I wish you abundant sales from this day on 👍🏻👏🏼
Apr 09Reply
wheredidugetit Great closet! Happy poshing 😄
Apr 18Reply
poshdandfound @wheredidugetit thank you! I was just checking out your closet! You have so many beautiful pieces. I will definitely keep my eye on it!
Apr 18Reply
belle_sby Welcome !! Whether you're a Newbie or Seasoned Posher, Poshmark is a great app to find awesome Deals !! Check out my closet you might just see something that speaks to your style.  Enjoy!  Belle
Apr 23Reply
angelas_avenue @poshdandfound Thanks for the follow! Happy Poshing!🤗🛍
May 09Reply
kebynum32 @poshdandfound I just couldn't resist telling you how much I love your closet. You have the cutest stuff. Happy sales girl! Keep on keeping on👍💗👗👚🛍👜👢👒
May 10Reply
poshdandfound @kebynum32 thank you so much! I’ve also checked out your closet and you really have some cute pieces too! I especially like your boho maxi dress. That one should sell fast!
May 10Reply
mmpeaceman Welcome to poshmark! I am Big Mike a Posh ambassador! If you have any questions on buying or selling please feel free to ask! And remember all sellers are charged $2.95 for any item under $15 and 20% on any item over $15 so keep that in mind if you’re going to buy or sell also if you want more than one item from a posher always bundle your purchase that way you save on shipping ! 😉👍Cheers!!! Enjoy!! Also check out my Dope closet!!
May 13Reply
poshdandfound @mmpeaceman thank you so much for the warm welcome and information! It is really appreciated. Love all your graphic tees!
May 13Reply
mmpeaceman @poshdandfound thx so much! Love your closet also👍
May 13Reply
msneverending1 Renee& Jennifer just wanted to thank you so much for following my closet. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
May 14Reply
shopatroes Hey Renee & Jennifer! Welcome to the wonderful world of POSHING 💜💜. Good luck 💜💜💜. Tip::: share! share! share! and follow 😉. Come check out my closet, maybe I have something you’ll love 🙂 XO Roe
May 17Reply
dianejohnson707 Hi welcome to Posh happy Poshing happy shopping and Many sales enjoy 😊
May 17Reply
laherrere HI THERE!! Thank you for following me & sharing. I’m having a HUGE SALE & CLEARANCE!!! I Accept most reasonable offers because I’m moving soon to the mountains where will be difficult to ship things; so I can’t have Poshmark anymore😩. Most of my clothes are NWT OR NWOT. GOOD LUCK IN YOUR SALES😻. FREE PAIR OF MY BEADED EARRINGS COLLECTION WHEN YOU BUNDLE TWO OR MORE 😎😜
May 27Reply
hmsimon1 Good afternoon Renee and Jennifer. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
May 27Reply
chasingenvy Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you have fun here! Please let me know if you have any questions, I’d be happy to help 🌸
May 29Reply
presley523 Hi, thanks for following my closet. If you are selling or just shopping, it is a great place for bargains on quality items. For sellers, I wish you the best in sells. For those shopping, I wish you the best in finding that perfect bargain. Whether new or a veteran to the site, I invite you to visit my closet where you will find fair prices. I also negotiate or accept reasonable offers. Happy Poshing and hope you are able to visit my closet.
May 30Reply
damadam Sadly when I received my order yesterday it was an empty bad...clean cut and didnt even notice until I opened (I thought it was a sticker I ordered for my jeep) and I can't figure out if I contact you or USPS. Was really looking forward to wearing that shirt to the rodeo.
Jun 04Reply
poshdandfound @damadam I’m so sorry to hear this. Your shirt was wrapped in tissue paper with a thank you note, inside of a sealed plastic bag and inside of a sealed polymailer. I’m afraid someone must have tampered with it when it was with USPS. Please go to “My Purchases” , select this order, and scroll down to click on “ Problems/Order Inquiry.” Explain the situation and hopefully Poshmark will quickly compensate for the issue. Again, so sorry you had to deal with this!
Jun 04Reply
jocole96 Welcome happy poshing, 😃
Jun 06Reply
pinkisaneutral Poshdandfound...perhaps the best handle ever! Lol
Jul 09Reply
poshdandfound @luxeheiress awww thanks!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jul 09Reply
gringostarr64 Love the name !
Jul 14Reply
poshdandfound @gringostarr64 Thank you so much!
Jul 14Reply
marvelgirl129 You have a really cute closet! Tons of super cute shoes!😀👠👠👠👠👠
Jul 18Reply
poshdandfound @marvelgirl129 thank you so much!!!
Jul 18Reply
lakedwellerhb Hey Renee & Jennifer, thanks for following us!👍 I'm Jimbo & my wife is G.🤠🙋 We are still working on our Posh' closet. Our new printer arrived today.😎 Soon we can REALLY get to Posh'ing.😉 I hope you have many sales and find lots of bargains. Have a great day!☮️n💗
Oct 08Reply
poshdandfound @lakedwellerhb Hi Jimbo and G.! Welcome to Poshmark! We can’t wait to check out your closet!
Oct 08Reply
snowndark Pretty
Oct 18Reply
soulestyle Love your closet. Such a great variety.
Oct 20Reply
irwinsammy Hi you guys, I am so sorry about not getting your funds accepted. I just feel awful about it. I had several packages and some how I missed yours. 😺🐾🦋
Oct 21Reply
poshdandfound @irwinsammy no worries! We hope you enjoy your purse!
Oct 21Reply
bobbett328 Hello 🙋‍♀️Thank you so much for stopping by and following my closet/boutique 🎀🌷Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Oct 24Reply
megan274 Thanks for following me🤗I hope you enjoy my closet and find something you like. 👠👗👚👢If you do please make an offer I am trying to make sales! 🎉Happy poshing! 💚
Oct 29Reply
debbie_packer Thank you for sharing my listing!
Oct 29Reply
akm2u Congrats on your win!
Dec 21Reply
amber2286 Congrats on your Deals Day win! It’s so exciting! I have won in the past and be sure to check your email and read the rules. So I’m running a huge special for winners with HALF-OFF my entire closet this week. Please Just make sure to make a bundle and use code word WINNER so I can be sure to give you a special discount. Please visit my closet for great stuff and look my great reviews!! Congrats again and be sure to spoil yourself ❤️
Dec 21Reply
a_girl_thing Hello! 🌸 If you would like to check out my closet, everything is new and boutique. Bundle any three items and receive an offer of $60 with discounted shipping. A free gift is mailed with every purchase.🎁 Right now the free gift is osfm black leggings. 😀 Happy Holidays!🎄
Dec 21Reply
bathreadz 👯👯👯🛍💰Congrats on winning the Deals Day Challenge!!👯👯👯🛍💰 👯👯👯 Free money is always fun! Enjoy splurging on yourself!! Your closet is filled with great items so I went ahead & shared some of your listings to boost sales!💲💲💲 Feel free to stop by my closet follow me & share too! Happy Poshing!!! 😉 Wishing much success!!!
Dec 21Reply
robitomalo Congrats on your winning!! 🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂
Dec 22Reply
fashionkrista CONGRATULATIONS on your make a deal days win!! Enjoy your shopping spree!! 🎉👏🛍
Dec 22Reply
babsgilbert Renee & Jennifer, Welcome🤗 to Poshmark! I found Poshmark to be a great community of sellers and buyers brought together for one common goal... to see perfectly good products be used by good people at good prices! 🤑 Here's wishing you lots of luck,☘ fun,😆 and success👩‍🎓 poshing!👖👗👚👠👜👒💄 Take time to stop by my closet @babsgilbert to see me, like me, follow me, or find something you may just feel you can't do without. Yours truly, Barbara
Feb 03Reply
janinag62 Hi.Such Beautiful Closet! 🌸 Will be checking your listings. Please hack mine as well and please share my listings. I will be sharing yours as well. I will be listing much more items for sale l. Thank You 😊🌸 🌺🌸🌹💕
Feb 16Reply
janfast Hi Ladies! Thanks for following my closet!😁
Apr 16Reply
trendytherapy 🌸🌺Thank you for visiting my closet. 🌺🌸 I appreciate you FOLLOWING ME. 😊 Please let me know if you have any questions❓ Any items you may like, place them in a BUNDLE and I will make you a reasonable offer. Happy Shopping 🛍. I shared your closet so please return the favor and share mine, Thank you in advance for sharing my closet! 💙TrendyTherapy 💙
Apr 24Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you for the follow 🌠!
Apr 27Reply
merlekb Hi Renee, thank you for following my closet. Hope you found some interesting stuff and will visit again. I had a chance to browse and share your closet. Do hope I get a few shares back. Stay safe and have an awesome week!
Apr 29Reply
ramosadam92 Hello Gorgeous Ladies and Thank you ma'am for letting me look in your closet and have a blessed evening.
Jun 11Reply
nananellasrooms Thank you for following my closet Renee and Jennifer. I greatly appreciate it. You two have a fabulous closet!! There is so much I wanted lol. I love it. Check out my closet when you can as well. May y’all have many sales and much success. Thank you!! Happy Poshing! 🤗🙏🌺
Jul 05Reply
caninowbe hello my name is Katherine Vandall.. I love to buy new baby clothes for my reborns babies ( dolls painted to look like real babies). I need to sale some of their chothes because I need the money..I will have woman's chothes also some miscellaneous items.. please come check out my closet Have a wonderful day or night which ever it maybe.
Jul 08Reply
poshdandfound @ellenkaz Hi! Thank you for your order! Your top will ship out tomorrow. We are always on the lookout for larger size items and hopefully will be adding more to our closet soon. Please check back often!
Jul 29Reply
mresse hi! welcome. I have some super gorgeous items for sale at my closet and I'd love for you to take a look. Everything is completely price negotiable. HURRY AS I'M CLOSING IN AUGUST!!
Jul 29Reply
ritzi02 Hey, you can lookout my store and lmk if you wanna buy any of my paintings, I can recreate any of my paintings and I do commission(custom)paintings also, so whatever you want I can paint for you within your price range ❤️😊💕
Oct 27Reply
simplyheather72 Hi Renee and Jennifer! Thanks for the follow, it's greatly appreciated! Happy Holidays!
Dec 06Reply
mntntop4me Thankyou for taking my offer!!
Dec 30Reply
poshdandfound @mntntop4me Thank you for your purchase! It will be mailed out today.
Dec 30Reply
mntntop4me Perfect!!✌💕
Dec 30Reply
rosierecycles L~O~V~E, LOVE, love your style!!! ❤️😁😊🌹♻️
Apr 19Reply
nikitadoggies Thank you for the offer on 2 pair of Nine West shoes. I’m waiting for Posh $$ but still interested 😊
Jun 30Reply
poshdandfound @nikitadoggies Good Morning! You are welcome, just let us know when you are ready.
Jun 30Reply
bhmyt Thank you for the card honey I will enjoy the shoes is for my daughter wedding I have the same shoes but since I got older my feet got bigger thank you again
Aug 23Reply
poshdandfound @bhmyt you are most welcome! Enjoy the beautiful day!
Aug 23Reply
loisk56 Wow, so many replies!!! Hello, Thanks 😊
Sep 28Reply
smcuster Hello, Renee. Shawn Marie here. After getting notification you began following my Poshmark Closet, I want to welcome you, thank you for choosing Poshmark and send an invite to join me on Instagram. As a fellow Poshmark Stylemate, I appreciate the opportunity to work with you. Consider connecting with me on Instagram @shawnmariescloset where we can get to know one another better. My closet is your closet. Shawn Marie
Oct 29Reply
poshdandfound @smcuster Hi! Thank you very much!
Oct 29Reply
zeezee132 A little late but welcome to poshmark! Feel free to check out my closet!
Oct 30Reply
poshdandfound @zenzen132 Hi! Thank you!
Oct 30Reply
lakefashion22 👋🏼 Welcome to poshmark. Your closet is beautiful. I hope you have a wonderful day 😉Feel free to make an offer on any of my items in my closet if the original price isn’t to your liking ☺️
Nov 30Reply
snwluxury Greetings! Thank you for the follow. 🤗 When you have a moment, please check out my closet. I’m constantly adding new items and I’m sure you will find something that you love! ❤️ Happy shopping!! 🛍
Dec 31Reply
slgfashion I just love your shop name 😃
Jan 19Reply
poshdandfound @slgfashion Good Morning! Thank you so much!
Jan 19Reply
jamiebsurfs Thank you so much for the follow!☀️🕶🏄🏼
Jan 24Reply
gargdivya hello happy posh! welcome to shopping world ♾️
Jan 29Reply
viratorres53 Hello there, thank you for following my closet. I love, love love yours! it's great, so many lovely items. I've shared some with my followers. wanna let you know, I do give bundle discounts, accept reasonable offers, if not I'll counter. please check out my closet when you get a chance, thank you!
Feb 02Reply
timamy21 Thanks for the follow! I will be sharing some of the items in your closet and hope you can return the favor. God-bless!
Feb 02Reply
kmmontone Hi Renee. I'm Kay and I want to thank you for following me. Please stop by my closet and take a look. After my husband passed away, I had to do something, so I decided to try selling on Poshmark. I have a mix of clothes, jewelry, home goods, etc. Mostly in new or perfect like new condition. Hopefully you might see something you want. Please feel free to ask questions. Thanks again for following me and have a great day.
Mar 22Reply
duney63 @emercee I love your closet
Apr 17Reply
poshdandfound @duney63 Hi! Thank you so much! I will definitely check out yours!
Apr 17Reply
ajooj Hello 👋 hope your doing well☺️ Thank you for checking out my closet bundle your likes and send me an offer. I’m accepting all reasonable offers.
Jun 29Reply
Oct 25Reply
tk_glass Love the name poshandfound, it's cool👍🏼
Nov 29Reply
poshdandfound @tk_glass Hi! Thank you!
Nov 29Reply
fashiongirl2375 Hi! Thank you so much for checking out my closet and sharing 💗
May 29Reply
kqhgo Hello Renee 😍 thank you so much for the follow! A little less than 2 months new to Poshmark & trying to get started up. I appreciate you dearly! 💜🌻🪷🙏🏼😊 Definitely going to check out your wonderful closet!
Aug 13Reply
gypsy_jojo My deepest gratitude and thanks for sharing my closet ❤️
Aug 31Reply
anjisattic Hi Renee, thanks so much for sharing my shoes. Good luck with your sales too. Peace and love, Anji
Sep 25Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for your share. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package 📦. And offers are always welcome, too.
Sep 27Reply
kaysuniverse @poshdandfound hello posh queen 🤗 thanks 4 following my closet. I've just visited your awesome closet as well to share many favs with my audience. when you've got some sum maybe you'll visit and return the posh luv. my closet has brands like WHBM, Michael Kors, Bebe, Calvin Klein, and Ralph Lauren at discount prices. I ship next day and I'm always flexible on price. Feel free 2 browse, like, or share anything anytime. 😀
Oct 13Reply
cutehosiery @poshdandfound Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Dec 02Reply
bytheseaside114 If you see anything please make me an offer
Mar 14Reply
misserin7 Nice closet :) Just stopping by to say hi and introduce myself. I hope you’ll check my closet out too!
Jun 07Reply
doctalkjen René Will you hold the plaid skirt until Saturday? I will for sure get it. Thx, Jennifer
Dec 18Reply
dulciesdelites Thank you for following me 💝
1 day agoReply
dulciesdelites Thank you for following me😍
1 day agoReply

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Prattville, AL
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Prattville, AL
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