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Updated May 22
Updated May 22

Meet your Posher, Renee- Suggested User

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Hi! I'm Renee. Some of my favorite brands are Louis Vuitton, Nine West, JNY, Coach, MAC Cosmetics, and PINK Victoria's Secret. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) I need to clean out my closets, have so many new items, never used!
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liyah1980 @meenaslove the picture I have listed is the artsty monogram did you mean to ask about the Arsty Damier ?
Oct 05Reply
meenaslove No, I have the picture you posted! Thank you! I'm interested in the artsy monogram.
Oct 05Reply
vbracero @meenaslove welcome to Posh!! 😊👏🏼
Oct 05Reply
liyah1980 @meenaslove what's your email ? Can you send me a pic of the one you're interested in
Oct 05Reply
meenaslove Thanks sunshine! 🌻
Oct 05Reply
liyah1980 @meenaslove do you want pictures ?
Oct 05Reply
driventostyle Thank you for your like :) let me know if you have any questions 💕
Oct 16Reply
wild_ophelias Beautiful closet! Welcome to poshmark. 💗
Oct 16Reply
meenaslove Thank you for compliment! I'm working on it, I have a lot more to add!
Oct 16Reply
tfranzen67 Welcome to Poshmark
Oct 18Reply
tamy65 @meenaslove Thank you for you purchases!!!! They will ship out Monday morning!♡
Oct 22Reply
la_bella_classy Hi Renee! Thank you for all the shares earlier!! Hope to see you around again!! Have a beautiful weekend!!🙂💕💕
Oct 30Reply
meenaslove @meggets8282 - lol, just a little crazy today, sorry about that 😊
Oct 30Reply
belovedsparrow Hi there, just woke up, I'm on it sharing your sale! PS- I at be working on ur closet and that's why sale post in middle....and I have a lot more experience than me, but just a thought of you put the sale post first?
Nov 02Reply
meenaslove @jmjla7 thanks Linda! Tell me how I change the Sale post, is it with the filter option?
Nov 02Reply
meenaslove @jmjla7 oh my! I figured it out! I've been trying to figure how to do this! You will see I tagged a couple of the ladies already! No rush have some coffee! @meenaslove
Nov 02Reply
belovedsparrow @meenaslove oh so sorry you didn't know how to change order...did I figure it out? Use "share" and begin with the last item you want in your closet 1st...I'm getting coffer...ur getting to know me sweet😙
Nov 02Reply
turtledove56 Thanks for sharing 💐💞🐢
Nov 02Reply
meenaslove @kimberlie1967 Hi Kim I'm Renee, yes Linda is awesome and has helped me and continues to help me all the time! That's a great idea! Thanks! @meenaslove 🌻
Nov 04Reply
sbronzeill Lovely closet absolutely beautiful I shall return! You have a wonderful day and a lovely weekend, thank you so very much for sharing your wonderful boutique! 💞❤️💞❤️🌹😘☮️ Peace and blessings to you always🌹💞💞💞
Nov 04Reply
meenaslove @sbronzeill thank you so much for the lovely compliment! I'm trying, so much more to add! You have a safe and wonderful weekend as well! 🌻😊✨@meenaslove
Nov 04Reply
sbronzeill ThankU 🤗 Your doing A Fabulous job🌹💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞👑☮️🙏🏾
Nov 04Reply
jassieboo92 Hi ! Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Nov 06Reply
meenaslove @jassieboo92 thank you! 🌻@meenaslove
Nov 06Reply
meenaslove @kimberlie1967 No problem, it looks great! 😊@meenaslove
Nov 08Reply
minicoconut Hi Renee! Welcome to Poshmark
Nov 11Reply
meenaslove @oliviaandgigi thank you! Beautiful closet! Thanks @meenaslove 🌻
Nov 11Reply
ginger_nj Renee Hello! Your closet is lovely! THANK Y💟U for sharing my listing! Have a BLESSED week 🌟 and Happy P💟SHING! ❀◕ ‿ ◕❀ Yesenia
Nov 13Reply
meenaslove @ginger_nj No problem and thank you! Your closet is beautiful! ✨🌻💫🎉@meenaslove
Nov 13Reply
turtledove56 Thanks and thanks for sharing it🐢🕊
Nov 13Reply
sbronzeill OMG 😲 Ms.Renee i'm sorry I can't except the package until tonight when I get home at 12 o'clock I'm on the road right now! Leaving Miami! But just to soon as I get to my mailbox I'll be able to except the package. I'm so sorry! But I will let you know as soon as I do it thank you so much for your patience!💞💞🌹💞🌹
Nov 14Reply
meenaslove @meggets8282 no problem! You are on my daily share list. I love your closet and my beautiful purchases! 😊💕✨@meenaslove
Nov 23Reply
thriftynista Welcome to Poshmark 💕🎉🎉 🎀🎀👠👠👗👗🎽👟
Nov 28Reply
meenaslove @thriftynista thank you! Love your closet! Thanks Renee @meenaslove 🌻
Nov 28Reply
meenaslove @meggets8282 hope your feeling better Hun! Just getting to my shares now! 🌻💕✨thanks Renee @meenaslove
Nov 29Reply
meenaslove @sbronzeill I still have your earrings! I know you said you can't shop right now but just wanted to let you know my sale is done today and when your ready they will be 12.00 for you! Bless you🙏 have a great night! @meenaslove
Nov 29Reply
lilpolekat Thank you so much for all the shares!💜😚
Dec 04Reply
abstractdreams Beautiful closet! Good luck with your sale!👍🏽
Dec 07Reply
meenaslove @abstractdreams you have a beautiful closet as well! Love your jewelry selection! Wishing you much success! Happy holidays to you and yours! Thanks Renee @meenaslove
Dec 07Reply
abstractdreams Thank you, I'm not trendy (at all! Lol), I tend to search out different/unique items & due to life changes, just don't wear them any more. Wishing you a safe & happy holiday season as well!🎄🎉
Dec 07Reply
abstractdreams I've been here since 2012, if you have questions or I can help, just tag me...I check in many times every day. Tip : You could use more followers since that's who sees your shares. A fast way to get more is to follow the Poshers on Party Host listings. The Poshers there are active (important) & fired UP!👍🏽
Dec 07Reply
meenaslove @abstractdreams awesome! Thank you for the tip! It's been 2 months now and learning something new everyday! 🌻😊💫thanks Renee @meenaslove
Dec 07Reply
abstractdreams That's pretty much how it works! 👍🏽💕
Dec 07Reply
chrischerie Welcome to poshmark dear💖💖💖happy shopping or sell faster👯🌹👯🌹if u have any questions,i would be happy to help😉feel free to check out my closet too‼️
Dec 20Reply
chrischerie Welcome to poshmark dear💖💖💖happy shopping or sell faster👯🌹👯🌹if u have any questions,i would be happy to help😉feel free to check out my closet too‼️
Dec 21Reply
cali1018 🌺🌺WELCOME TO POSHMARK!! My name is Nora and I am addicted to Poshmark!! Lol! I'm sure you will be addicted in no time if not already! It's such a great community of women all coming together and supporting each other in the name of fashion and community!! Happy poshing and if you ever have any questions I'm just a closet away!! Wishing you only the best!! Xoxo Nora 🌺🌺
Dec 23Reply
meenaslove @cali1018 Thank you Nora for the warm welcome, kind words and shares! Thanks Renee @meenaslove 💫🌻✨
Dec 23Reply
scottdeem Thank you for the nice review. Hope your recovering fast.
Jan 13Reply
fivetenandahalf Hi Renee! Just a note inviting you to check out my closet - an awesome Stuart Weitzman bag, brand new Victoria's Secret pjs, lots of Coach, and a bunch of other really cute stuff. Hope to see you 💕
Jan 14Reply
meenaslove @fivetenandahalf thanks Leah! Very nice closet! Renee @meenaslove
Jan 14Reply
cherryleedavis How are you? I have been thinking of you lately.
Feb 06Reply
meenaslove @cherryleedavis hey! I'm hanging in there! Not to active on PM, still recovering from surgery. Hope you are enjoying your new year so far! 💕💫Renee
Feb 06Reply
cherryleedavis @meenaslove Happy to hear you are recovering. Take care of yourself. My new year started off rather eventfully. I was unexpectedly laid off, so I decided to retire early and start the business I planned to start upon retirement. I am quite content with my situation, so I believe this is what God had planned for me.
Feb 06Reply
meenaslove @cherryleedavis thanks for thinking of me! I believe it's true, God always has a plan and like I tell my husband we might not understand it at the time, but all seems to work out! Are you planning on your business being on PM, or something different if you don't mind asking! 😊Renee
Feb 06Reply
cherryleedavis @meenaslove I will probably not do it on poshmark. I am restyling clothing and don't believe I would be able to sell for what I want on poshmark. But, I will give you my website info as soon as it is functioning so you can see what I am doing.
Feb 06Reply
meenaslove @cherryleedavis that is so awesome! And truly a blessing you have the opportunity to do it now! Yes, please keep me updated! Can't wait to see! 🤗 Renee
Feb 06Reply
meenaslove @cherryleedavis hey how are you making out with the restyling!? Renee🌻💫
Mar 10Reply
cherryleedavis @meenaslove I have several projects in process. Things are going. How are you doing?
Mar 10Reply
meenaslove @cherryleedavis awesome! Can't wait to see! I'm doing well, took some time off from PM but I'm back! Hope all is well with you! 😊
Mar 10Reply
gonzmara Beautiful closet, Renee!
Jul 19Reply
scottdeem Hi Renee I see you like 3 of my bags. 3 for $25 if your interested. thank you Dedee
Nov 15Reply
meenaslove @scottdeem Hi Dedee! Thanks, I’m still looking through your closet. I do want these bags. Thanks Renee
Nov 15Reply
scottdeem @meenaslove oh great !!
Nov 15Reply
meenaslove @scottdeem I was looking for a jean jacket, but yours are sold! Can you please hold these bags for me, in the middle of something and will purchase by the end of day. Thank you so much! Always loved your closet! Haven’t been on Posh in a long time. Thanks Renee
Nov 15Reply
scottdeem @meenaslove I also have a jean jacket I dont wear. I'll take pic later today if interested 😊
Nov 15Reply
meenaslove @scottdeem yes definitely! Thank you so much 😊
Nov 15Reply
scottdeem @meenaslove I just took pictures of my jean jacket it's a size small that it runs very large and J.Jill runs big. I'm a size 10/12
Nov 15Reply
scottdeem I'm so glad you like the jean jacket it's in excellent condition I appreciate you being a repeat customer I've been busy working a lot and just started putting some energy into my closet again thanks again I'll have in the mail tomorrow❤
Nov 15Reply
meenaslove @scottdeem and thank you! Have a great weekend 😊
Nov 15Reply
scottdeem Hi Renee I hope you’re well I see you like a few things in my closet I could put together a discounted bundle if you’d like me too😊❤️
May 22Reply
scottdeem Hi Renee I see your closet is on vacation hope it’s somewhere warm and beautiful 😊 I’m not sure if your interested in all your liked❤️items in my closet or just the zip up sweatshirt. I offered a price for all but if just jacket I’ll offer single price too. Just didn’t want to seem pushy😂
Nov 03Reply
meenaslove @scottdeem Hi Dedee, I just traveled to Florida again. So, yes nice weather ☀️💕. I have to take a look again and get back to you! I’m really loving the boots. I saw you have a new pair listed the leather upper, low cut. Hope all is well! Renee
Nov 24Reply
scottdeem Omgosh Renee I sent wrong boots ugh
Dec 02Reply
scottdeem here is my email address if you want to send me your address ill mail boots to you please keep others. I can't find your address label since i already sent your package. I'm so sorry
Dec 02Reply
scottdeem @meenaslove oh gosh please disregard my 2 above messages im crazy I sent you the right boots. Im mistake
Dec 02Reply
meenaslove @scottdeem good morning, I completely understand! I have these moments too! Thanks Renee 😊💕
Dec 02Reply
scottdeem Hi Renee Omgosh what a wonderful repeat Costomer you are ty ty ty 😻😻😻
Dec 09Reply
scottdeem I’ll have in mail tomorrow morning 🥰👭
Dec 09Reply
meenaslove @scottdeem DeDee, I love all your closet! Never disappointed! 💕
Dec 09Reply
meenaslove @scottdeem thank you DeDee for everything, love it all! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 🎊 💕
Dec 16Reply
scottdeem @meenaslove Merry Christmas to you Renee maybe someday will actually meet in person💕👭
Dec 16Reply
meenaslove @scottdeem that would be great!
Dec 16Reply
meenaslove Hi DeDee! Do you mind, I know it’s a lot to ask. Saving these 3 items for me until I get paid on the 3rd? I just love these and will be great for Fl weather! Let me know 💕🎄
Dec 23Reply
scottdeem Thank you Renee ❤️
Jan 29Reply
scottdeem Hi Renee I am heading home from Miami tomorrow evening unfortunately my husband wasn’t able to understand how to pack your products up and I apologize for the delay I’ll have them in the mail Thursday morning
Feb 01Reply
meenaslove @scottdeem no problem DeDee! 💕
Feb 04Reply
scottdeem Hi Renee I sent on Thursday !!💕
Feb 04Reply
meenaslove @scottdeem Hi DeDee! I’m always finding what I need or just want in your closet! It’s the best! Take my number, 609-508-0171. Text or call me anytime! Enjoy the Super Bowl! Hope everyone is doing well! Renee 💕 oh and my husband loved the black and white skirt!
Feb 12Reply
scottdeem @meenaslove Renee your Awesome ty seriously I would love to connect at some time thank you for being a great returning costumer 💕
Feb 13Reply
cutehosiery @meenaslove Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Mar 28Reply
larrykersten Hello my name is Larry and i am trying to clear out my closet. FYI..I have most Womens dresses at 2👗$25 and over 100 items at 3 😀 $15. Have a great time Poshing and I hope you decide to visit my closet. Feel free to bundle and make offers. Thanks! 3 🧩 items for $20 3 🎮 items for $15. 3 😀 items for $15. 2 👚 items for $15.
May 16Reply

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Last Active: Jan 20

Burlington, NJ
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Last Active: Jan 20

Burlington, NJ
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