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Updated Jul 24
Updated Jul 24

Meet your Posher, Rhandi

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Rhandi. Thanx 4 stopping by my closet. I have tons of stuff & still much more 2 post! Please take ur time & have fun..& if u come across anything u πŸ’– please let me know so I can hook u up with the best deal I can! I'm a Posh Ambassadr & Mentor so u can shop with confidence.. & I'm happy 2 help with any ??? Happy Poshing! πŸŒΉπŸŽ‰
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

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mizani7777 Dark and beautiful, Thanks for stopping by my closet. If there any questions that you may have feel free to reach out and ask. As soon as your closet is up here running let me know so I can check you out. Ser your closet soon.
Feb 06Reply
mskrystie Glam ma indeed! gorgeous πŸ’ŸπŸ’Ÿ
Mar 16Reply
sassiecat7 @mskrystie Awwe thank u sweety! Yea when A'nyla arrived..i let it be known that i will only respond 2 πŸ’ŽGlam-maπŸ’Ž! I just cant do those other names..theyre just so..OOOLLLDDD!!! So..πŸ’ŽGLAM-MAπŸ’Ž works 4 me perfectly.. Its so me & at 51 i need Glam more than ever!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Plus..its Kinda catchy dontcha think?! Talk 2 u soon!
Mar 16Reply
sassiecat7 @mizani7777 Well thank u so much!! Ive been working on my closet all morning..taking a break now 2 run some errands..then back at it again..i guess this is the tedious part..getting the closet filled!! Definitely time consuming! But im having fun with it! I will definitely let u know when its good 2 go! Talk 2 u soon!πŸ˜‰
Mar 16Reply
aliceoflies Thanks for the follow and all the likes! Let me know if you have any questions I love to haggle and barter!!!
Mar 26Reply
sassiecat7 @aliceoflies i sure will! I ❀❀❀ ur closet items! Will be by 2 purchase soon!!πŸ˜πŸ˜‰πŸŒ·πŸŒ·πŸŒ·
Mar 27Reply
aliceoflies @sassiecat7 I'm excited to hear that! I'm adding a few items here and there this week as I go through my costumes closet to finish some new costumes please keep your eyes peeled! :)
Mar 30Reply
barriebailey Hello and Happy April 🌸 I hope you are enjoying your Poshmark experience as much as I have πŸ›πŸŽβ€οΈ If you have any questions about my closet or just want to chat with a fellow Posher in general let me know πŸ‘Œ
Apr 05Reply
sassiecat7 @barriebailey thank u so much!🌷 I appreciate your kindness!πŸ’• I'm still at the building process of this closet of is time consuming..i keep getting stuck tho😍 whenever i take a break & go 2 check out other closets (like yours!!πŸ˜‰) lol! Next thing i know its 3hrs later! Ill be buy urs again soon!! 🌷🌷
Apr 07Reply
barriebailey @sassiecat7 Ha! I know how you feel. To give you a piece of unsolicited advice: aim to post 3-5 items a day. A) it's better for the PM algorithm and B) it won't make you feel overwhelmed. When I started I posted over 100 things in one weekend and I got so burned out and frankly my whole body hurt- learn from my mistake 😜
Apr 07Reply
ppamprrd Welcome to Poshmark. It's a great community πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‰πŸ˜™
Apr 14Reply
aarikabc Thanks for the ❀️ and shares! I hope you had a fun filled weekend. 😊
Jul 09Reply
tayk_me_as_i_am @sassiecat7 Hi, thanks for sharing my closet. Happy pushing to youπŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—
Aug 19Reply
sassiecat7 @tayk_me_as_i_am my pleasure! πŸ’• ur closet!!🌹🌹
Aug 19Reply
unclaimed I love that name sassy cat I wish you much success with your closet. Beautiful family pictures. Thanks for your support
Sep 12Reply
kahuna7676 I sent the 12 dollar offer and thank u very much
Sep 14Reply
sassiecat7 @kahuna7676 i accepted..u are leilani also right?? I saw another offer after i accepted from leilani..for some reason im thinking thats u as well?! Please let me know cuz if its not u i will have to tell them it sold. Thanx!
Sep 14Reply
sassiecat7 @kahuna7676 okay! Lol i πŸ’žboth names!! Are u from the islands? I grew up on Oahu..thats why i ask! I will have ur bag out this afternoon!🌸🌸🌸
Sep 14Reply
kahuna7676 @sassiecat7 my mother was and no im looking for the free items now
Sep 14Reply
kahuna7676 I cant find them
Sep 14Reply
kahuna7676 And thank you very much
Sep 14Reply
hmsimon1 Good afternoon Rhandi. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations and sharing them with your followers 🌹
Oct 07Reply
anewimagesales Hi, thank you for visiting my closet. Let me know if you have any questions regarding the crushed velvet leggings. Have a great day!
Dec 05Reply
sassiecat7 @anewimagesales thanx luvly!!πŸŒΈπŸŽ‰ i πŸ’ž ur closet & will definitely be back 2 visit..when I can really look thru all u have listed ..& hopefully bundle up some things!🌻🎊 til then i will continue 2 share 4 share my faves! 🌹Have a great weekend!!πŸŒ·πŸŒ»πŸŒΈπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽŠ
Dec 08Reply
stefie4568 If you didnt recieve you package. You should be recieving it any day now. Its been shipped.
Dec 14Reply
sassiecat7 @stefie4568 i did receive them today & πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’– them both!! Thanx so much!! Have,a,wonderful holiday!πŸŒΈπŸŒΉπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
Dec 15Reply
stefie4568 @sassiecat7 I'm so glad you recieved and love everything!! Thanks so much for shopping in my closet! Enjoy!
Dec 15Reply
stefie4568 You have a blessed and wonderful holliday as well!!
Dec 15Reply
paulalozano6969 Hi thank you for your likes make me an offerπŸŽπŸŽ„πŸŽ†
Dec 17Reply
dianejohnson707 Hi I’m glad your there your order is on the way, sorry for the delay
Jan 03Reply
sassiecat7 Hi! Thanx so much 4 the update! No worries on the delay..I had a family emergency so I'm abt 5hrs away frm home 4 a couple neighbors are looking out 4 any packages delivered 4 I will be able 2 accept order on posh if I'm not there yet. So if u see that I'm on vacation plz don't freak out! Lol I will make sure ur payment is processed as soon as it arrives! Thanx againπŸŒΉπŸŽ‰
Jan 03Reply
sassiecat7 @taualii hi Kalena! Thank u..I came across ur bag searching gucci items..I scanned ur closet but plan 2 really look later tonite when I can take my time! From what I saw I πŸ’– it already! I πŸ’– ur name! & Im familiar with Hawaii..I grew up on Oahu. Well until my early teens anyways.
Jan 11Reply
sassiecat7 @taualii My father was military & stationed at Schofield Barracks resubmitting 2 stay 2 terms there. Being a warrant officer had it's perks back then! I remember everything..t after all these years & I miss it just as much now as when we left. I will definitely be back tonite 2 take a look! It's pleasure meeting u!πŸŒΉπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽŠ
Jan 11Reply
sman2251 @sassiecat7 Thank You Rhandi for your purchase! Your items will be on their way to you tomorrow :) YaY! Your going to Love what you got!
Jan 12Reply
the_stitch_shop I noticed u liked a watch in my 🎁5 for $25 🎁. If u choose 2 more marked 🎁items. I can give u a 3 for $15 special. Just let me know.😚
Jan 21Reply
lc_fashion Hey gorgeous! I can hook you up with both Kate spade pouch & MK watch for good price. Bundle for private offer πŸ˜‰
Feb 01Reply
angela77293 @sassiecat7 thanks for sharing
Feb 08Reply
sassiecat7 @angela77293 ur very welcome!πŸŒΈπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ
Feb 08Reply
sassiecat7 @sman2251 are u? I just wanted to let u know I am so in love with the gucci foundation! It's so silky soft on my face..very flattering! Thanx again 4 mixing up the shades..the blend was perfect..I plan 2 purchase more from u soon! Take care & I will talk 2 u soon!πŸŒΉπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽŠ
Feb 08Reply
sman2251 @sassiecat7 Hey Girl Friend! I’m so glad your happy! I kinda went out on a limb but I just knew those colors would be perfect for you :) I’m glad your pleased! Thank You for the Lovely compliment! When your ready, I’ll be here for you :)
Feb 08Reply
cactus_cowgirl Hello, Welcome to our closet.. We are "The Indiana Hillbillys" offers welcome! Bundle for great deals!
Feb 09Reply
sassiecat7 @indiana1995 hi! Blackfoot??
Feb 10Reply
cactus_cowgirl @sassiecat7 Sorry but What do mean by ..blackfoot..???
Feb 10Reply
sassiecat7 @indiana1995 hi again! Lol u said Indiana hillbillies..I was asking if u were of the Blackfoot tribe? They originated from the appellation mountain & spread out thru many states including indiana. My boyfriend is a Blackfoot..that's why I asked! 🌹🎊
Feb 10Reply
sassiecat7 @indiana1995 Indiana hillbillies was how they referenced themselves long ago because indian wasn't accepted as proper identity/nationality.. nor were they accepted as people who could live among others because they were Indians..they set up housing in the hills of indiana..and jokingly referred themselves as the Indiana Hillbillies.😊
Feb 10Reply
cactus_cowgirl @sassiecat7 Hello, :).. I never heard of Blackfoot or Indiana Hillbillys around this area but there could easy be some.. that's kind of funny cause we came up with that name our selves.. and + we are indian/Swiss always heard Cherokee but could also easy be Blackfoot not positive.. would love to find out what all kinds I am! I love to learn about our history! There are quite a few Indians around here so there could easy be some Blackfoot :)...
Feb 10Reply
sassiecat7 @indiana1995 I had just gone online & clicked on ur comment 2 me I was reading it out loud & as soon as I said Indiana hillbilly my guy said ask them this..ask them this! Lol I got me a crash course in his cultures history..he went on & on..& was really excited 2 speak on it..very fun moment 4 me..he rarely gets pumped up like "Thank U"!! I really needed that uplift 2day!!πŸ˜„πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•πŸŒΉπŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
Feb 10Reply
spiffylove I am so sorry for a delay to you. I am new to poshmar and did not know about the dressing room area until tonight. If you are still interested In the 2 coats,please let me know. Again I am so sorry for the delayed response,I am still learning.
Feb 11Reply
sassiecat7 @spiffylove No worries..& let me explain real quick..poshers have a πŸ’– & a share option they use 2 help promote ur closet with other poshers (share) or if they see something they really like from ur closet (πŸ’–) when u see an offer on an item or items bundled that's when they want 2 purchase. Sum buyers will bundle but
Feb 11Reply
sassiecat7 @spiffylove bundle but not offer..because they want u 2 make an offer 4 the items they chose. If u or they offer the other person can opt 2 counter offer.. decline or accept. I placed a πŸ’– on each coat..meaning they are in my list of likes..I can go look thru the list see If the items have liked sold yet..(& pout if the
Feb 11Reply
sassiecat7 @spiffylove if they did 😒)I hope this helps u a little.I was totally lost when I started as me tho u will have it down in just a short while so nice 2 meet u! I hope 2 visit with u sumtime .. please stop in & check out my closet anytime ok! Urs looks fantastic! I will continue 2 share & drool as I view ur items! Take care & have a wonderful weekend!! πŸŒΉπŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
Feb 11Reply
spiffylove Thanks for your input it helps me learn.
Feb 11Reply
sassiecat7 @spiffylove no thanx needed..ur doing great!πŸŒΉπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽŠ
Feb 11Reply
msrozz Please bundle your likes in my closet. 3 items and you get 25% off of your purchase. Thank you!
Mar 14Reply
luvyorlook Thanks for your compliments it mad m day..., Now let's do it all over again tomorow πŸ™€πŸ™€πŸ™€πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ’„πŸ‘ πŸŽπŸ‘›and let me help" you in out way under my listing if I can πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•
Apr 01Reply
luvyorlook Little hottie you are! God amI feeling olddddd.πŸ’•πŸ™€πŸ™ˆ Posh is makng it very difficult to find messages because if all the offets I did ask for ! Just let me know.. Im going to revamp very soon get winter stuff offπŸ€”πŸ™„πŸ˜‰πŸ’„πŸ‘šπŸ‘›
Apr 03Reply
bernietorres Thank you, i am having fun. The problem is, i buy so much and it adds Thank you. You have a wonderful closet and i shared them. Enjoy!
Apr 07Reply
bernietorres I was wondering how you join a party to post your items
Apr 07Reply
aloveoffashion You have fun things in your closet! πŸ‘β€οΈ
May 08Reply
sassiecat7 @janettknox well thank u 4 stopping buy & checking out my closet!πŸ’•πŸŽ‰ I still have a gazillion things 2 list..I wonder if I'll ever actually get em all posted!πŸ˜΅πŸ˜„ I πŸ’– ur closet as well!πŸŒ·πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰ my favorite color is I'm planning on revisiting when I finally get 2 do some shopping 4 myself!🌸🎊 stop in again anytime..let me know if u see something u like! 🌹🌹🌹 take care & thanx again!!πŸ’•πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽŠπŸŽŠπŸŽ‰
May 09Reply
swak1323 Hey Rhandi !! Thanks IN ADVANCE for the FOLLOW BACK hun !! Really appreciate the support. This is such a fun community full of so many fabulous women (men) & I'm having a great time meeting EVERYONE !! Here's to HOPING I see you in my closet soon, till THEN Have a fantastic day :):) Always, xo, Lips & LashesπŸ’‹πŸ’‹
May 13Reply
andyr221 Great closet! Sending you positive vibes and energy your way for quick sale. Check out my closet if you get a chance and have a great Fourth of July!
Jul 04Reply
sassiecat7 @andyr221 Thanx so much for stopping by & 4 the compliment on my closet! Be sure to let me know if anything specific interests I can give u a better deal..! Have a great day!!
Jul 05Reply
shegunmed @sassiecat7 Hi πŸ’–. I m willing to sell 3 items for $55. Pls add 3 items of your choice from my closet in a bundle and submit the offer of $55. I will accept it. You can buy as many $55 bundle as possible. Also take note of sold or reserved items. Pls let me know your decision..
Jul 31Reply
shegunmed @sassiecat7 Hi πŸ’–. I m willing to sell 3 items for $55. Pls add 3 items of your choice from my closet in a bundle and submit the offer of $55. I will accept it. You can buy as many $55 bundle as possible. Also take note of sold or reserved items. Pls let me know your decision..
Aug 01Reply
sassiecat7 @shegunmed hi! Thank u 4 inviting me 2 ur is exquisite! 🌹🎊 Im not doing any purchasing at this time. Ive had 2 get my truck running so all funds have been tied into that. Thankfully it's gonna be on the road tonight! Yaay! I will definitely be by 2 shop in the future. Til then I will continue 2 share ur lively items! Take care!πŸŒΈπŸŒ·πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰
Aug 01Reply
dianejohnson707 Hi did you get the new measurements on the purse?
Aug 03Reply
sassiecat7 @dianejohnson707 hi yes I just purchased! Thanx so much for all ur help..I really appreciate it!! 🌹🌹🌹
Aug 03Reply
sipnshopchic Hi love, Gold or Silver for the necklace?πŸ€—
Aug 27Reply
sassiecat7 @flcraftygirl hi! Ooooh.. I think I'm gonna go with.. dang thats a tuffy!πŸ€”Didnt know u had both😡 lol! Ok do u still have plenty in silver? I'll probly get 1 next week so I'll have both! πŸ“ΏπŸ’•Thanx so much 4 asking..I appreciate that!πŸŒΉπŸŽ‰
Aug 27Reply
sipnshopchic @sassiecat7 I'll hold a Silver for u loveπŸ€—πŸ˜
Aug 27Reply
sipnshopchic @sassiecat7 Yay!!! So glad u love it!!πŸ€—πŸ’— TYSM for the 5 ⭐! I put the Silver necklace aside for u 😘
Aug 30Reply
sipnshopchic πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸŽ„πŸŽβ˜ƒοΈπŸ€—πŸ€—
Dec 16Reply
lilboss01 Don't I feel like a complete d-bag! If I wasn't late enough accepting my purchase I went ahead and did so before I even touched it I knew you wouldn't let me down anyway LOL my dad picked up for me he's had it since the holidays I just now got to open it up yesterday thank you very much you're awesome, even though it's late merry Christmas to you as well Happy New Year and you know I'll be dropping in to say hi here and there checking in on you haha and shopping from your closet again :-)
Jan 09Reply
sassiecat7 @lilboss01 well I'm glad u finally got 2 open ur box! YAAY! ! Glad u liked everything..I hope ur holidays were awesome! Santa better have hooked u up! I'd hate to hafta sick Rudolf on him!😏 stop by again soon ok sweety.. Take care! πŸŒΉπŸŽ‰
Jan 10Reply
raina_morrow Thank you for the great rating ! I'm so glad you both love the shoes ! Happy poshing ! Raina
Mar 16Reply
lockelittlet Thank you for all the πŸ’š and shares!!! Happy Poshing πŸ›
Apr 17Reply
sassiecat7 @lockelittlet hi! Just so u know it was my pleasure sharing..U have a great closet ..& ur from Texas!! Whoohoo! I'll stop in again soon 4 sure.. Happy poshing! πŸŒΌπŸŒ·πŸŽŠπŸŒΈπŸŒΊπŸŽ‰ take care! πŸŒΉπŸŽ‰
Apr 18Reply
luisanyc826 Thank you for liking my Michael Kors tote bag with the free coach wristlet . Please know this purchase comes with a free bag from my closet . Any questions, please ask!
May 12Reply
kerbydaniels940 I recently received a message from you when i placed a order but cannot open it for some reason. Just wanting to make sure my order went through. Thank you. My e mail is
Jun 04Reply
jaclynnhertick so glad you were happy with your purchase! Sorry I am just now popping by to say hello! I hope we β€œmeet” again πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯° happy poshing!!! @sassiecat7 I understand the struggle of the shop shop shop till you drop! Glad I could break you a deal πŸ˜‰
Jul 09Reply
sassiecat7 @jaclynnhertick hi! Thanx so much 4 the msg! It was a pleasure 2 posh with u & I will definitely be back 2 drool thru ur closet again soon!! Ur so awesome!! 🌹🌷🎊
Jul 11Reply
tahani37 @sassiecat7 I am so glad you are pleased with all of your items, thanks again for your purchase, hope you visit my closet again😊
Dec 05Reply
nadihe thank you for the ❀
Aug 27Reply
sassiecat7 @nadihe hi! ur very welcome!! fyi I'm so not done looking thru everything! ur closet is so great! I love all the different household items u have. I'm hoping 2 1 day get past the clothes & have other stuff posted as well! I'll be by later 2 Oogling ur page!🌹🎊
Aug 27Reply
nadihe @sassiecat7 thanks, no pressure, just wanted to show my appreciation for your like πŸ–€
Aug 27Reply
sassiecat7 @didonna hi! just read ur msg & no I did not see the msg abt length. I'll be home arnd 12:30am ..I'll pull them out & measure them 4 you. I'll also check 2 see what else I have in that size..theres still tons of stuff 2 post I just havent been able 2 get the time in 2 do it! thanx 4 msging me on here..i feel terrible i didnt see the other msg. i will get the info & get back with u soon!🌹🎊
Aug 28Reply
sassiecat7 @didonna hi yes I posted in the description..from the crotch 2 hem is 15"..front rise is 6" back rise is 8"..width of leg from outer leg seam 2 crotch is 6" & the waist I believe was 9 "..these are approximate.. I measured from the back laying flat except the front rise. I hope that helps! 🌹🎊
Aug 28Reply
sassiecat7 @didonna the measurements were same on all 3..the ones with the heart pockets are more of a skinny jean cut the other 2 are regular straight leg. (I'm talking about the lower leg cut)🌹🎊
Aug 28Reply
sinsofcyn ⚘ Hello Rhandy...Almost 3 Years, Still Learning this app.....Kindly Allow yourself some RELAXING LEISURE🍷 TIME, Further STROLLπŸ’ƒmy Ever so Slowly, yet ALWAYS Expanding CLOSET & CUPBOARDSπŸ˜‰JAM PACKED ,w/Vintage LINENS......Bavarian Beauties,Rare home decor, vintage collectibles, unique Junque πŸ’—       Watch for YOUR PERSONAL REQUESTS.........COMING SOON πŸ›Remember BUNDLES just make sense and even more cents in your πŸ‘›    IF POSSIBLE .........πŸ›STAY HOME, BE SMART, STAY ACTIVE, BE HEALTHY πŸ™   Cynthia
Sep 16Reply
open_all_offers Hello dear. Thank you for the likes. Please don't hesitate to create a bundle for saving on items and saving on shipping. Or just send your best offer. Thanks and God bless
Feb 24Reply
rmsilvey Hi Rhandi I’m also a Poshmark Ambassador and I would like to welcome you to my community! I’m a complete Fashionista. I worked for years in Network TV and Internet Media. While I did that I worked in the evenings as an Actor/Singer/Dancer/Entertainer/Director. I then adopted 2 beautiful daughters and opened a Classical Pilates Studio. Closets and closets of beautiful clothes, most still with tags! So shop, bundle and save, safely from your home. If you do go out, wear a mask.πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜΄
Mar 01Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❀️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸ€—
Mar 27Reply
subiekay @sassiecat7 just listed the Gucci bag on e baby for the same offer price, hopefully you can find it πŸ’• my seller name is β€œsubarukay” if that helps ✨
Apr 11Reply
lilboss01 Hey hey how have you been?!
Apr 22Reply
sunrise_7 @sassiecat7 Hi Rhandi🌟. Ty for your purchase! I took it to the post office on Tuesday and it hasn’t started tracking. I just tracked it myself and it just left Austin, TX Distribution Center in route to youπŸ‘!
Apr 30Reply
luckyladybug4u @sassiecat7 Hello there - just a note that if you're interested in Ed Hardy, I've got a super cute EH purple wristlet - holds more than it looks. Take a peek at it when you get a chance. Shipped from a smoke free home. Thanks & have a sweet day. πŸŒΉπŸŽ‰
May 09Reply
sassiecat7 @luckyladybug4u hi! thanks so much 4 yr msg! I do happen 2 ❀ Ed Hardy..among other designers! I have a fairly large collection of bags..(my weakness) unfortunately the item u mentioned sold b4 I got 2 take a look.(booh!) plz lmk if u get more! take care 🌹🎊
May 10Reply
luckyladybug4u @sassiecat7 Aw heck........isn't it always that way? So sorry, but I get unusual items in periodically and I will def keep you in mind. βœ¨πŸŽŽπŸŽπŸŽ‹ BTW, I'm getting ready to post a Swarovski crystal HELLO KITTY bracelet. It's a single HK head made of Swarovski crystals on a snake type chain. It's too adorable for words! LMK if you'd be interested in it and I'll tag you. Thanks dear.
May 10Reply
luckyladybug4u @sassiecat7 Hey there - I've just now posted the Hello Kitty Swarovski bracelet if you want to check out my closet........Thanks dear ✨✨
May 14Reply
classtiques Thanks for all the shares, you sweet Posher!! Happy Poshing!! πŸ˜™ @classtiques πŸ¦‹
Sep 23Reply
sassiecat7 @classtiques ur very welcome! love ur closet!🌹🌹🌹
Sep 23Reply
nicholepruitt73 you will also get a deluxe beauty grab bag just for shopping with me
Dec 21Reply
sassiecat7 @nicholepruitt73 thats awesome! Thanx so much! Happy Holidays 2 u & ur family!πŸŽ„β˜ƒοΈ
Dec 21Reply
nicholepruitt73 @sassiecat7 hey pretty girl right now I'M DOING a buy one item and get 2nd item of equal or less for FREE....AND YOU GET FREE SANTA HAT AND SHADES FREE AS A BONUS GIFT
Dec 22Reply
ohsopretty7777 Congratulations on your win in the LOVE IT OR LIST IT CHALLENGE!! What a nice way to top off the holiday!
Dec 28Reply
sassiecat7 @ohsopretty7777 Thanx so much! Honestly had no idea there was a challenge going on..I was just trying 2 get a section of my "need 2 posts" knocked out. It was definitely a nice surprize & Im really thankful 2 Poshmark! Have a great night!🌹
Dec 29Reply
ohsopretty7777 @sassiecat7 that's awesome!!
Dec 29Reply
nicholepruitt73 thank you so much for your sweet comments. I hope to c u again soon, have a great night gorgeous.
Jan 10Reply
nicholepruitt73 oh by the way, your next order I have a new pack of lashes I would like for you to try and let me know how they work for you. they aren't magnetic but a couple of my other customers really rave about them
Jan 10Reply
nicholepruitt73 girl did u c the other set of bags I have? I'm going to shoot u a pic of them
Jan 11Reply
nicholepruitt73 get all 4 for $20
Jan 11Reply
nicholepruitt73 and I will b adding your bonus lashes plus a free gift
Jan 11Reply
sassiecat7 @nicholepruitt73 ive been trying 2 go thru ur whole closet..but hafta do it in spurts. as 4 the bags.. honestly i have a ridiculous amnt of bags. i collect them..but my daughter needs an everyday bag & i saw & liked the brown 1 in ur listing. do u sell them separately?
Jan 12Reply
nicholepruitt73 yes gorgeous I have the ones here
Jan 13Reply
nicholepruitt73 I really don't split them up. Depending on what your total is tonight I have a basically brand new Ed Hardy messenger I could do separately if she likes that brand?
Jan 13Reply
nicholepruitt73 or I have a crossbody I could do
Jan 13Reply
nicholepruitt73 hi babe, just wanted to let u know I can do the 2 items u have bundled for $20 and I will throw in the Ed Harrdy bag for your daughter FREE for the next 15 min, and I will of course send her the lashes as well
Jan 13Reply
nicholepruitt73 just let me know which items u like babe and I'll take care of u
Jan 13Reply
nicholepruitt73 let me know which items you want to add
Jan 13Reply
sassiecat7 @nicholepruitt73 hi! sorry im just getting online..its really hard 4 me 2 get on posh when i wrk.we cant use our fones. if i ever dont reply..i will.. thats the reason unless in sleeping. i will do the deal u mentioned i will bundle them now & when u send the offer ill accept. my apologies 4 not being able 2 get with u sooner! 🌹
Jan 14Reply
nicholepruitt73 so u want lashes ,Gucci (fashion bag), Ed Hardy bag
Jan 14Reply
Jan 15Reply
sassiecat7 @nicholepruitt73 thank u lovely!!🌹🌹🌹
Jan 15Reply
Jan 15Reply
nicholepruitt73 So glad you both were pleased. Let her know now I will have to start adding her little goodies in the bundles... See you both soon😘😘😘
Jan 19Reply
nicholepruitt73 hi hun, did u not like the new set? I even lowered the price. I'm still running the buy one get one. tell your daughter HELLO for me.
Jan 22Reply
Mar 05Reply
nylifeaccess Hi Gorgeous, how are you? You got a lovely pic :) Here I would like to say Hi, and you are most welcome to visit my closet to check out see if you could find anything you Like. It’s my pleasure if you stop by. My closet is selling 600+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and β€œBuy 4 get 1 FREE” Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Mar 18Reply
nicholepruitt73 To all my POSH Friends I want to thank you for all of your support over the years. I'm going to b closing my store in just a matter of a couple of weeks. I will b accepting any reasonable offers so if u see any items you like please bundle and send me the offer. I would much rather my loyal customers get the great deals and savings than practically give it away at my upcoming yard sale. Again thanks again for all the support.
Mar 30Reply
nicholepruitt73 HAPPY TUESDAY πŸ˜ƒ$πŸ™ƒ$😁 KEEP YOUR CIRCLE POSITIVE SPEAK GOOD WORDS THINK GOOD THOUGHTS DO GOOD DEEDS..  I'm going to be having massive markdowns as I'm getting ready for a huge move, so I will b leaving POSH(possibly for good, maybe for a few months). Everything must go.  So if you r interested in something please just ask. What doesn't sale will b in a massive yard sale. Today is BYGO ON EVERYTHING. IF U BUY A $20 ITEM U GET A $20 ITEM FREE
Mar 30Reply
nicholepruitt73 don't miss out on these deals girl I'm letting stuff go mad cheap, if not I'm gonna have to sell at yard sell or donate, I'd much rather let u get it.I will even bundle a whole lot of outfits and give them to u cheap for u to resale
Mar 30Reply
nicholepruitt73 Tonight and tomorrow will b my absolute last sale days on POSH  before I have to leave my home. I'm hoping to eventually come back but it will b atleast a year or so. I want to offer all if my loyal customers and friends any items they want at the lowest price possible. So please take one last look and shoot me an offer. BOGO ON MY ENTIRE INVENTORY And once again thank you so much for all of your support.
Apr 01Reply
nicholepruitt73 sorry hun I dozed off
Apr 01Reply
bohochictrends @sassiecat7 ❀️ Hi Beautiful. I am clearing out my closet offering great deals on individual and bundle orders. "Like" any item in my closet and you will receive a 30% to 50% discounted offer plus $4.99 shipping. I have Kate Spade, J. Crew, Lululemon, FLY London, Vintage Suede Coats, RL Long Puffer coat, boho items, Theory, Free People, leather shoes, plus approx. 150 decor & vintage items I am selling for a friend. The more you bundle… the larger the discount. ❀️
Aug 07Reply
lauracieslak Hey there! :)) If you get a chance I’d really love for you to come by and check out my closet, it’s made up by my sisters, my mom, and myself and we all have different styles and body types so we’ve got something for everyone! Maybe you’ll find something you like :) Either way, thanks a ton and Happy Poshing:)
Aug 09Reply
mazyodc Hi, I'm Marianne, a Postmark Ambassador. l'd like to invite you to visit my closet where I have many vintage and unique items including china, clothing, seasonal decor, plush toys, books, CDs, jewelry and religious items. You'll receive a 20% (or more) discount when you purchase a bundle of 2 or more items (up to 5 lbs per bundle). Hope you'll take a peek at my closet and make an offer on any item that you’d like to purchase.
Aug 11Reply
sassiecat7 @tutuwig thanxs so much! I love the wigs u have in ur closet! I have never had 1 b4 but know alot of ladies that do..I will pass along ur closet info so they can check them out! I'd like 2 try 1 some day.. maybe soon! If I do I'll definitely get 1 from ur closet! Take care!🌹
Nov 16Reply
cutehosiery @sassiecat7 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Dec 08Reply
sassiecat7 @cutehosiery Thanx so much 4 ur sweet made my nite! Your closet is really nice..I love the jewelry u have! I hope u will revisit sometime! Take care & Thank you 4 ur kind words!🌹
Dec 08Reply
clothfluid hey! Accepting all reasonable offers
Dec 09Reply
mazyodc Hi, I’m Marianne Cummins, a Poshmark Ambassador. I have many vintage and many unique items in my closet including china, clothing, seasonal decor, jewelry, religious articles, books, craft supplies, puzzles and plushies to name a few. I offer a 20% discount on bundles of 2 or more items (up to 5 lbs). I hope you’ll have a few minutes to visit my closet and I’ll visit yours😍
Feb 18Reply
mazyodc Hi, I’m Marianne Cummins, a Poshmark Ambassador. I have many vintage and many unique items in my closet including china, clothing, seasonal decor, jewelry, religious articles, books, craft supplies, puzzles and plushies to name a few. I offer a 20% discount on bundles of 2 or more items (up to 5 lbs). I hope you’ll have a few minutes to visit my closet and I’ll visit yours😍
Feb 24Reply
johnbrown432 hi I'm sherry
Sep 23Reply
sassiecat7 @johnbrown432 Hi Sherry! Thanx so much 4 visiting my closet & 4 ur ❀️'s on my listings! I was about 2 send u bundle offer on the 3 u liked.. There's no pressure 2 buy.. just an offer 4 u 2 consider. I'm finishing up on my scrub listings soon & will be adding 2 ladies' wear, then the mens so please stop back by again& check out what's new! It's a pleasure 2 meet u!🌹
Sep 25Reply
hillhouseshop Hello, I’m Sherri. I would love for you to visit my closet. My husband and I make a lot of the gemstone and sea glass pieces. We also have lots of boutique jewelry at reasonable prices. Our pieces are unique and many are one of a kind. Happy Poshing!
Oct 07Reply
lilboss01 hey hey long time no hear,how have you been?!
Jan 04Reply
wildflowerso1 Hey Rhandi! Thx for the reply! I wanted to ask u if u could make me the same offer on the bundle but if I can find something else, change out the shirt! Missed the offer due to elderly parents health! Wasn’t able to get online! Thx either wat!
Mar 07Reply
sassiecat7 @wildflowerso1 sure u can! just lmk which items u choose & I will bundle them or u can bundle them up as well..either way then I'll send u a new offer!🌹
Mar 08Reply
patriciasmit115 Hello Rhandi,Thank you for the like.Tasty Hottie Sequin Velvet Black Dress. I Ship The Same Day.🌹
Nov 10Reply
chewyskittle Hope you're having a wonderful Sunday πŸ₯°
Feb 09Reply
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Harker Heights, TX
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Last Active: 15 hours ago

Harker Heights, TX
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