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Updated Apr 20
Updated Apr 20

Meet your Posher, Roberto

Meet the Posher



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nyrabanks Welcome to posh!
Apr 13Reply
cnam4411 Hi there! Thanks for your purchase of the timberlands. I am out of town until Monday so these will be out first thing Tuesday morning!
Apr 13Reply
sparksflyxo I can do $16 for the Nike shoes if u want
Apr 17Reply
gypsy121 Thank you for your purchase I will ship your shoes tomorrow 😊
Apr 20Reply
clking76 @robertobonilla1 hi there, thanks for the offers, but if I accept them you'll pay 2 shipping fees. What you want to do is create a bundle then submit an offer or I'll bundle for you and you can submit the offer to that. Leu me know😉
Apr 20Reply
clking76 @robertomonilla1 hi, did you see my note?
Apr 20Reply
clking76 @robertobonilla1 it's OK.. What did you want to do? I'm just saving you $$😆😉
Apr 20Reply
robertobonilla1 @clking76 thanks is my wrong
Apr 20Reply
clking76 @robertobonilla1 did you want them both?
Apr 20Reply
clking76 @robertobonilla1 which do you want?
Apr 20Reply
robertobonilla1 @clking76 í want nothing, thanks so much
Apr 20Reply
clking76 @robertobonilla1 be careful putting offers in. I could have accepted them both and you would have paid 2 shipping fees as well add the cost of the shoes. Not many people world have caught you were the same person putting offers in
Apr 20Reply
robertobonilla1 @clking76 it's ok the 2 pairs for 18??
Apr 20Reply
clking76 @robertobonilla1 yes, NP! Do you know how to bundle or did you want me to do it?
Apr 20Reply
robertobonilla1 Sorry, í did not realize that it was the same person. So sorry
Apr 20Reply
clking76 @robertobonilla1 I'm sorry, what?
Apr 20Reply
robertobonilla1 @clking76 Í want to do it in one shipment, thanks
Apr 20Reply
clking76 @robertobonilla1 ok. I'll create the order for you then you can submit the offer.
Apr 20Reply
clking76 @robertobonilla1 I can't do 1 shipment with 2 different orders. I created an order for you. It's the first item in my closet. That's the one you need to buy to avoid a second shipping fee
Apr 20Reply
clking76 @robertobonilla1 woot! We did it!! Thank you!!😊😉
Apr 20Reply
robertobonilla1 @clking76 yeeees, thanks,
Apr 20Reply
loi112 Thanks for your order! It will be shipped tomorrow! 😊
Apr 20Reply
rachel123_ Hey thanks for the offer! I can work with you a little on the price of the cleats, just give me a counter offer!
Apr 20Reply
gypsy121 Hello I shipped your shoes off today. Hope you like them 😊
Apr 20Reply
emmamullen Sorry I'm selling for somebody else and he is standing by counteroffer
Apr 25Reply
gypsy121 Hello I was just wondering if you are happy with your Adidas shoes.
May 01Reply
fantana Thanks for your purchase. I will be shipping tomorrow! 🌸🌼
May 07Reply
hammondsc The shoes look great. I can ship today if interested.
May 08Reply
watt12 Hi there, thanks for giving me an offer to Nike indoor soccer shoes. If you are still interested in it, Please give me a response ASAP. Thanks
May 09Reply
roseyrob Do you want the 9.5's also for the cleats?
May 17Reply
roseyrob @robertobonilla1 ok just go shoot me an offer on them
May 17Reply
robertobonilla1 @roseyrob place 2 pairs together to place an offer
May 17Reply
roseyrob @robertobonilla1 im not really sure how to do that, can you just send an offer?
May 17Reply
robertobonilla1 @roseyrob it does not allow me to make an new offer
May 17Reply
robertobonilla1 Or send me the 2 pairs in a single sent and send me something extra for the difference of the shipment
May 17Reply
alisescloset2 Thank you for purchasing from my closet I have shipped your item already it just went off about 5 minutes ago I hope they're everything that you helped and have a great weekend
May 18Reply
serena1222 If you are still interested in the adidas shoes for $15 I’ll sell them to you for that.
May 21Reply
julymom1 Hello! If you’re still shopping for Nike Tiempos, mine are still available-size 7.5. If you would like to resubmit your previous offer I’ll accept. Thanks!
May 24Reply
beachfiregirl Hi! I have your shirt in mail waiting for USPS scan. 😀
May 27Reply
julymom1 I’ve shipped the Tiempos, Thanks for the purchase!
May 29Reply
amartt Hey
May 30Reply
julymom1 Hello. I shipped the Tiempos on Tuesday but they aren’t tracking yet. I’m not sure why this is, but I’m looking into it. Thanks!
May 31Reply
javasdaveion @robertobonilla1 Hey Robert Im Jay thank you for purchasing my Tommy Hilfiger shorts mean the upmost glad i can help you out iwill be shipping these our over the weekend hope you enjoy :)
May 31Reply
lizzybothwell @robertobonilla1 hi Roberto!! Thank you for your purchase on the khakis. As a thank-you, you can have a discount of the other khaki pants and I will send them in the same box. Since I have two pairs of the pants I will give you a discounted price of the other pants for $5 if you would like. Just an offer!! Thank you for your purchase.
May 31Reply
lizzybothwell @robertobonilla1 so sorry had to cancel both, I have an obligation which has prevented me from being able to ship
Jun 01Reply
colettekristann Hi thanks for your purchase!!! I am currently in Europe and I won’t be able to ship any items until June 9, as mentioned on my page. Is this okay with you?
Jun 01Reply
joshyarbrough If you accept the offer, I will ship today!
Jun 06Reply
joshyarbrough Also, the studs have never been used before!
Jun 06Reply
joshyarbrough Interested? I’ll consider 7$
Jun 06Reply
javasdaveion @robertobonilla1 Hey Rob Jay here you purchased the Tommy Swimming shorts from me and i wanted to inform you that we shipped them out 2-3 days ago poshmark hasn't updated it but you should receive them sometime today or tomorrow for sure just thought i should keep you updated :) please contact me Jay for any questions comments or concerns would love to help you out my man
Jun 06Reply
posh_sid I’ll accept a counteroffer on the cleats
Jun 07Reply
tillie214 Thank you for your purchase!!! I will try to mail this out for you today but if I can't make it, Saturday for sure. Thanks again, Lisa😊
Jun 08Reply
dimsports Hey Rob, Thanks for the purchase, I appreciate it! They're on their way.
Jun 09Reply
country_finds Thank you for your purchase😊 Your shirt is being mailed today🚀Have a great weekend!
Jun 09Reply
mikaaria I slept in and missed the post office today I will ship them first thing Monday apologize for the delay and again thank you for your purchase
Jun 09Reply
colettekristann Just shipped! Thank you for your patience!!
Jun 09Reply
tillie214 Package on the way!!!✈️✈️✈️
Jun 10Reply
kneipkr Hi I hope you like the shirt just wanted to ask if you could please mark it accepted! Have a wonderful day!!
Jun 18Reply
aaek731 I’ll accept $13 on the pink shirt if you want to offer :)
Jun 20Reply
bridgett126 Do you want to buy any other cleats or turf shoes? Just make and offer and bundle. I can negotiate prices. Everything must go.
Jun 26Reply
robertobonilla1 @bridgett126 you can join the 2 pairs in a single package and save double shiping, please
Jun 26Reply
robertobonilla1 @bridgett126 sorry is 4 pairs
Jun 26Reply
bridgett126 @robertobonilla1 4 pairs? Do you want to buy the other ones too?
Jun 26Reply
bridgett126 It lowered the prices. I could also cancel the order you already made and you can bundle the two or all four.
Jun 26Reply
robertobonilla1 @bridgett126 yes, 40 for 4 pairs, more shiping, is possible??
Jun 26Reply
bridgett126 @robertobonilla1 $40?? That’s very cheap. I said I would negotiate but you need to come up. I would be losing so much money with that. I need at least 50-60-70 dollars. $65 for 4 pairs of nice soccer cleats would be very good. But you make another offer please. I also have a couple of other soccer cleats at my moms house that I could take a picture of and post when I get home tomorrow.
Jun 26Reply
bridgett126 Let me know as soon as possible please because I can get them packed up. I can also make a listing so you can see what the other boots look like. They will be $10 a piece too. I don’t have them with me so I will find a picture online.
Jun 26Reply
robertobonilla1 @bridgett126 20 for the first 2 pairs or 50 for the 4. What do you think??
Jun 26Reply
bridgett126 I have people who would pay more then $50 for the brand new pair alone. It’s got to be in the 60’s or 70’s for all 4 pairs. I also have to other pairs you would probably want.
Jun 26Reply
bridgett126 I made a listing of the two other pairs. Just so you know those are not what mine look like. Mine are used. I can wash them.
Jun 26Reply
robertobonilla1 @bridgett126 ok sound good, i wait for the package
Jun 26Reply
bridgett126 Go check out what I just posted! It’s a bundle with all of my cleats. You can send me an offer for them if you don’t like the price I put.
Jun 26Reply
bridgett126 @robertobonilla1 I cancelled it but if you want to bundle the cleats then I can do that. And go check out what I just posted if you want to buy all my cleats. Send me a price.
Jun 26Reply
bridgett126 @robertobonilla1 $75 is a very good deal. Please I’m saving up so I can buy a pair of cleats that fit me. They cost $100 and I already have $10. This would help me so much.
Jun 26Reply
bridgett126 @robertobonilla1 if you do $75-$80 I’ll give you those adidas shorts I have posted on my account. I really need the money. So can you do $75?
Jun 26Reply
nicholepruitt73 Dont wanr to waste your time or mine the lowest I xan go is $20. I have to buy new cleats sorry.
Jun 26Reply
robertobonilla1 @bridgett126 ok send 1 gift for me size xl
Jun 26Reply
bridgett126 Wait don’t accept yet. I just got an offer from someone for the red, white, and blue cleats. They offered $60 just for one pair. Do you want to go up?
Jun 26Reply
nicholepruitt73 They r very clean ans well taken care of if u change your mind.
Jun 26Reply
robertobonilla1 @nicholepruitt73 sorry is wrong comment,
Jun 26Reply
bridgett126 If I cancel would you pay more or do I have to sell the cleats to the other guy? He offered $60 just for one pair. I can give you the gift and all 6 pairs for $100. If you don’t accept that I’ll have to cancel the order.
Jun 26Reply
bridgett126 You also have to remover that they take $20 away from every sell that I make. So I would only be getting $80.
Jun 26Reply
robertobonilla1 @bridgett126 í accept the 75
Jun 26Reply
bridgett126 Well someone just offered me $60 for one of the pairs of cleats. Would you like to pay more then $75 or do I have to cancel the order to sell to the other guy?
Jun 26Reply
robertobonilla1 @bridgett126 sure, i accept 75, 6 minutes ago
Jun 26Reply
bridgett126 I understand that but if you don’t pay more then the other guy I will have to cancel it and the other guy will buy it. So will you pay more then $75? If so I will cancel it and you will rebuy it.
Jun 26Reply
robertobonilla1 @bridgett126 í swear, you see 13 minutes ago accepted 75 dollars
Jun 26Reply
bridgett126 Yes I do see that but I’m telling you I got another offer for it so if you don’t pay more I’ll have to cancel. If you want to pay more I’ll cancel the current order and you will buy it again.
Jun 26Reply
nicholepruitt73 Well my loss have a good night.
Jun 26Reply
robertobonilla1 @bridgett126 his offer was 75, i can not put more
Jun 26Reply
bridgett126 Not even $5 more dollars? Cause I really want to sell to you.
Jun 26Reply
bridgett126 I’m going to cancel it. Just buy it again.
Jun 26Reply
robertobonilla1 @nicholepruitt73 same to you, God bless you.
Jun 26Reply
bridgett126 Ok. You can buy it again. I’ll be throwing in a couple gift for you as well.
Jun 26Reply
robertobonilla1 @bridgett126 still the 75 sold appears
Jun 26Reply
bridgett126 Look at my latest listing
Jun 26Reply
bridgett126 What do you mean? Do you not see the other listing?
Jun 26Reply
robertobonilla1 @bridgett126 ok, remember, cancel the others orders, please, thanks happy night
Jun 26Reply
bridgett126 @robertobonilla1 yep I did. I’ll ship the cleats tomorrow.
Jun 26Reply
diablo_de_oro Hi, I will be mailing your shoes tomorrow! Thanks for your purchase!
Jun 28Reply
maryfashionista Hi can we meet at $25 for the Adidas cleats I just reduced them and posh fees are high… They are in excellent condition and I can ship out first thing in the morning 😊
Jun 29Reply
nicholepruitt73 If u enter 12 counter Ill accept
Jun 30Reply
lita_shop21 Hi there! Thank you very much❤️
Jul 03Reply
nicholepruitt73 Will knock 5 off of nike cleats if u want them
Jul 05Reply
taraworley Thanks for the purchase I'm out of state till Monday but will mail out first thing Tuesday.!
Jul 06Reply
loi112 Thank you for your purchase- it will be shipped today!
Jul 06Reply
anagivani Hi my friend. Welcome to our neighborhood! Thank you for your purchase. My friend i have 2 more different colors if you interested please let me know. Thank you 👌👌👌🙏🙏
Jul 07Reply
nicholepruitt73 I have more cleats in.
Jul 07Reply
nicholepruitt73 Sale on all summer attire and bags and when u bundle get beauty basket valued at $15 for free
Jul 07Reply
pikey10 Thank you for the offer. I can’t go much lower as the jackets brand flippin new. You would score big. Trust me. Cheers
Jul 08Reply
nicholepruitt73 U dont want to get one morevitem for the free gift basket offer? Its a $15 value
Jul 08Reply
nicholepruitt73 One more small purchase and u get to choose from 5 different baskets valued at $15
Jul 08Reply
nicholepruitt73 I was contacted and told your box was delivered. Please let me know if u received the box. I also have more cleats if you r interested. I will give u a great deal. Bundle 2 or more items and get a gift basket valued at $15 "FREE"
Jul 10Reply
closetivity Thanks for the sale! Just dropped the Adidas cleats at the post office. Enjoy!
Jul 11Reply
emmaorness Hello! Sorry I was on vacation and will be packaging the cleats and dropping them off at the post office by Saturday. Is delayed shipping ok?
Jul 11Reply
jonesroro Thank you Roberto!!!! I will ship tomorrow! 😀
Jul 13Reply
spicy75 I see you put an offer on the Lacoste sneakers. I’d accept, but the only issue is that I’m out of town and will not be able to ship out until Monday the 23rd.
Jul 14Reply
robertobonilla1 @spicy75 ok no problem
Jul 14Reply
mylesofstyles Thank you for purchasing the Tommy button down. I'll be shipping that out first thing Monday!
Jul 22Reply
lalashanger HI ROBERT, i saw you cancelled your order when I logged in to press the yay i shipped it button sorry for the delay i have been very ill with bronchitis let me know if you happen to change your mind I have it packed and labeled already along with the rest of the orders that were awaiting, I'm truly sorry for the inconvenience :( TIA
Jul 23Reply
maryfashionista Thank you for the ⭐️ review and for being an awesome customer! Please enjoy a 25% discount on your next purchase. 🙂 Thank you again for shopping my closet!!!♥️
Jul 25Reply
lookhautecoutur @robertobonilla1 if you bundle more items I can do a better deal but close to firm on one since poshmark takes a huge cut
Jul 29Reply
ocean538 Thank you for your order. I am out of town. I will ship your order on Friday when I return home.
Aug 01Reply
ragsandflowers Hi there sorry that it took me so long to write you! Jus double checked your item and there are some stains at the back, you probably want to cancel that order! Truly sry about that... maybe you find a similar shirt ...
Aug 09Reply
ragsandflowers @robertobonilla1 if you buy the pink I will just put you the green one in and you can check yourself the stain? It’s not a very dark one, maybe you can get it out ...
Aug 09Reply
robertobonilla1 @sarahlopez22 the pink and green by 13??
Aug 09Reply
ragsandflowers @robertobonilla1 the pink one I go down to 13 and I would pack you the green one in the box as well
Aug 09Reply
briankn58 I have still have those samba shoes, you can have them for 20.00 if you are still interested.
Aug 10Reply
sportygirl1995 Thank u! Ill ship it today :)
Aug 18Reply
anthromommy Sorry to have to cancel your order! I no longer have those pants and didn’t realize they were still listed. My apologies!
Aug 18Reply
zoedandrea3 Hope you enjoy the Stan smiths
Aug 24Reply
hammondsc Were you not pleased with the shoes?
Aug 26Reply
theroyalhive Roberto, your shoes are packed and ready to drop off at the post office this morning! thanks, Beth Ann
Aug 31Reply
poshzone Hi! Thank you so much for your offer, the shoes are on sale from $54!They are a steal of a deal.Thank you for shopping with me XOXO
Sep 06Reply
trashbanshee Thanks , I’ll ship it out quick <3
Sep 06Reply
cowgirlcuties Hi Robert, I tried to accept your offer on the Nikes, but it said your payment was not processed. If you are able to pay tonight, they should be able to go out tomorrow. Let me know. 💙
Sep 06Reply
robertobonilla1 @cowgirlcuties sorry my credit card have problem, tomorrow í will solve it
Sep 06Reply
j3wear @robertobonilla1 Feel free to counter $6 for the Nike Cleats, I will accept. Thank you!!
Sep 19Reply
garthlover Hello. Thank you for the offer on the Nike Cleats. I would love to do business together, will need to counter but will meet you in the middle at my break even, I have to pot posh fees also. Hope that is fair and works for you. They are really nice and you won't be disappointed and still a great deal. Thanks!
Oct 01Reply
glamhoard Thank you for your order! I will ship tomorrow 😊
Oct 05Reply
jcedeno82 They're like new just the bottoms dirty conditions 9/10
Oct 08Reply
maryu11 Hi Roberto, just wondering if you check out the message I send you? I contact Poshmark support to see what we can do. Sorry again for the mixed up I know you are waiting for your shoes and my other posher is waiting for her items :/ I’ll be so grateful if you get back to me when you have a chance. Thank you in advance
Oct 16Reply
robertobonilla1 @maryu11 llámeme 203 212 2643
Oct 16Reply
maryu11 @robertobonilla1 buenos días Roberto, le mande mensaje y le llame hace 1 día y no tuve suerte en que me contestara, todavía no he tenido respuesta de del soporte técnico de Poshmark para ver que se haría en este caso. Si hay algún inconveniente por favor déjemelo saber se lo agradecería.
Oct 18Reply
robertobonilla1 @maryu11 yo estoy libre hoy, si puede llamarme y ver en qué puedo ayudar. Estoy a la orden
Oct 18Reply
robertobonilla1 Mi número es 203 212 2643
Oct 18Reply
maryu11 @robertobonilla1 si lo llame pero no tuve suerte otra vez que me contestara si me podria dar una una hora en la que pudiéramos conversar? Poshmark le envió un label para que regrese el paquete que le llego. También le mande mensaje de texto de un 469
Oct 19Reply
robertobonilla1 @maryu11 no he recibido ninguna llamada, deme su número para llamarle.
Oct 19Reply
robertobonilla1 @maryu11 mi número es área 203 2122643
Oct 19Reply
robertobonilla1 @maryu11 no he recibido los tenis y me los marcaron como si lo hice. Usted envió cambiados los paquetes. Así que envíeme los tenis y vemos el retorno del otro paquete.
Oct 19Reply
addyhandler Thank you so much for your purchase! They will be sent out on Monday👍☺
Oct 27Reply
jg_shoeseller I can do 22 for the cleats
Nov 05Reply
junojake2 Hello !!! The Polo shirt is really in good condition . Seldom used and clean. Thanks!!!!
Nov 06Reply
junojake2 Hello!!! May I know if there's any problem with your purchase? Let me know. Thanks!!!!
Nov 12Reply
iklepolo Which shirts are you making offers on?
Nov 20Reply
jbishop547 Is there a reason why you didnt rate me ?
Dec 14Reply
pinksea Thanks for the purchase will ship tomorrow!!
Dec 17Reply
fashtastico Thank you for your purchase Roberto; I will ship your shoes tomorrow! ✈️ 😊
Dec 17Reply
etaina Hi Roberto! I’ll get the Pumas in the mail for you today! 👍
Dec 17Reply
mylesofstyles Just dropping a note to wish you and yours a Happy Holidays and wish you peace and prosperity in the new year. Your purchase from me, on my first year with Poshmark, helped change the course of my future. Thank you!
Dec 24Reply
robertobonilla1 @mylesofstyles thanks God bless you!!!
Dec 24Reply
coralport @robertobonilla1 Thanks for your offers. You can add the item you are interested to the bundle and then I will offer you all together. Also you can avoid paying double shipping cost.
Dec 28Reply
coralport @robertobonilla1 Please let me know when you done with your bundle then I will offer you
Dec 28Reply
gjpena10 @robertobonilla1 hey!! i will be shipping out the shoes monday! post office is sadly closed tomorrow and sunday!
Dec 29Reply
gjpena10 shipped!
Dec 31Reply
mrsq73 Hola @robertobonilla1! Le agradezco mucho su oferta. Desafortunadamente, recientemente baje el precio del Tommy Hilfiger jacket y $18 es lo más bajo que puedo ir con el precio. Espero pueda entender. Si acepta mi oferta, lo enviaría mañana. Si no acepta, no hay ningún problema, yo entiendo completamente. Muchísimas gracias.
Jan 11Reply
robertobonilla1 @mrsq73 acepta 15 me sale en 21 con el envió, si puede se lo agradezco
Jan 11Reply
nancyfavila Hi I just want to let you know I have shipped your items I am so sorry for the late time I have been crazy busy
Jan 20Reply
nancyfavila HELLO!! Your Basketball shoes will arrive Wednesday!!
Jan 22Reply
buyerschoiceone Hey! Hope all is well. We've added new items to our closet recently. When you get a chance, take a moment to see what we've got in stock. Happy Poshing!
Feb 05Reply
honeycuttam Hey! I just added some other size 0 Old Navy jeans. Take a look! Maybe you’re interested in a bundle?
Feb 07Reply
nicholepruitt73 bundle 2 or more items and get 1o to 20% off and get a free gift valued at $10 I can not discount any item priced at $15 or under unless it is bundled because no profit is made. So bundle today and get your free gifts.
Feb 23Reply
cloudscloset SORRY for the DELAY I have been sick with the flu. GOOD NEWS is I am better and they will be shipped put tomorrow. Thanks for your patience and kindness and for your purchase. Happy Monday Claudia
Feb 25Reply
nicholepruitt73 Hi there I haven't seen you in awhile just wanted to let you know that my door is always open to you. you're my first buyer and my favorite buyer. So stop by my closet and take advantage of my daily deals and since u were my first sale u get $5 off your purchase. Hope to c u soon
Mar 01Reply
nicholepruitt73 hi, haven't seen u in awhile. You brought a couple pr of cleats from me so I wanted to give you first dibs saint a few pair of my cleats. I will sell you all of my cleats for one low price if you're interested please hit me up thanks and have a good night
Mar 09Reply
fluniquesupply Hello! Did you get my counter offer?
Mar 27Reply
prettydawg 🥰🥰 when you get a chance 🥰 please check out my closet. Many styles off Authentic UGGS 😍 At great prices ! 💕 NEW INVENTORY 🥰 Thank you for your past purchase 😃
May 06Reply
drebarlett Thank you for you order I will have it sent out around 6:30pm Cali time.
May 30Reply
talldh22 Heading to post office if you want Samba shoes.
Jun 11Reply
alliewu @robertobonilla1 Hi there, thanks for your offer on the Nike shoes. However, these are a buy only price. I will send you my absolute lowest thanks. Thanks for understanding
Jun 20Reply
alliewu @robertobonilla1 Hi there Roberto! Thank you for you purchase on the soccer shoes. I did just notice that they are actually Adidas and I had them listed as Nike. I’m selling for my brother so it was something I must have not noticed. Just letting you know in case you don’t want adidas.
Jun 20Reply
prettydawg Hi, just letting my previous customers know I have a new selection of UGG boots, sandals, sneakers, slippers, flip flops, mules for MEN and Women that just came in. When you get a chance please check out my closet 💕💕💕
Aug 21Reply
semperfi23 Thanks for the offer. Unfortunately I can’t go any lower on the Sambas they are in great condition.
Oct 10Reply
lovemariac @robertobonilla1 Great taste, great shoes. Thank you for your purchase. I will ship them off Friday.
Dec 26Reply
alexpolkadot Hello! Thank you you for the purchase. Your new shoes will be on their way tomorrow. With best wishes, Alex ⚘
Dec 27Reply
alexpolkadot Hello! Just a quick update. Some life happened here at my end, so i wont be able to make it to the post office today to drop off your parcel, like originally intended. It is all set and will be shipped tomorrow first thing. My apologies for any inconvinience. Alex⚘
Dec 27Reply
tswindol Hey. I just put your first package in the mail. And I put the wrong item in the package. I contacted support to see what I need to do. Sorry about this. I’ll get it shipped out as soon as I hear back from support.
Jan 04Reply
tswindol Hey. I’ll send the item you wanted and you can keep the shorts I sent by mistake. Unless your willing to send them back to me. I’m really sorry about the mix up. I’ll send you two pairs of the pants and you don’t have to pay anymore if you will send the shorts I sent back. I’ll get them in the mail as soon as possible
Jan 06Reply
msaggeliki Hi there! I'll get your cleats out today. Thanks for shopping with me. 😊
Jan 07Reply
whyn0t_kicks Thanks for your purchase! Will ship tomorrow.
Jan 07Reply
closetwithhart hi! I'm so so but we've misplaced the pants you purchased. If we find them I'll let you know before I repost. I apologize for the inconvenience!
Jan 10Reply
billme444 Thank you for your purchase 😊 your item will be shipped out tomorrow.
Jan 28Reply
closetwithhart hi! the gap pants have been found. let me know if you'd still like them and I'll make them available. thanks!
Feb 01Reply
camelchionne Thank you for purchasing my item
Mar 05Reply
justforus7 You wore me you so much for the purchase from my closet. Hope you love them. I'll update tomorrow once I have them on the way. Have a fabulous night. ✌💜😁 sheillah
May 01Reply
kaytuu2 Thanks for your order! Will be shipped tomorrow 😃
Jul 05Reply
dnny748 Roberto, Thanks for purchasing the Texas Tech Shirt. Shoot me a message that you wear neckties and I'll throw one in your package for you! Stay Safe, Daniel
Jul 05Reply
astrowearco yo! we are away from home for a few days but the polo will be shipped (w/ love 🤪) as soon as we get back! thanks again brodie!
Jul 06Reply
chunkymonkeyd @robertobonilla1 check out sale bogo today
Jul 27Reply
spanishluna thanks for the like have a safe and blessed night we will contact you tomorrow after our final inspection be careful out there our USPS is now closed
Sep 04Reply
spanishluna thanks so much for your purchase your item and what we call wink wink has shipped have a safe and blessed week be careful out there
Sep 04Reply
meandpops Thank you so much for your purchase. May you wear it in good health. Thanks again.
Sep 04Reply
spanishluna thanks for your kindness have a safe and blessed week send be careful out there
Sep 08Reply
fatimaparacha Hello Mr. Roberto I just wanted to reach out and ask if gob received your order from me. I hope it arrived ok as I tried my best to pack it
Jan 04Reply
monikanitz Hello! I sold you a white shirt and just found some stains. Let me know how you want to proceed. The pictures of the stains are posted.
Apr 14Reply
robertobonilla1 @monikanitz send, no problem
Apr 15Reply
robertobonilla1 @monikanitz send, no problem
Apr 15Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi! ⭐️Welcome to Poshmark⭐️
Apr 30Reply
used2beminellc Hi I countered your offer for the adidas to meet in the middle :)
Jun 22Reply
sonjahanczaryk Hi and good afternoon! Thank you for your purchase, the cleats will be mailed out tomorrow morning! unfortunately I'm not home to package them up and the post office will be closed in about an hour! Have a great evening
Jun 22Reply
djsmithgall Sorry I missed your offer, we had a family Emergency. If you'd like to make the offer again, I'll gladly accept !
Jun 23Reply
8posh I meant to accept ur offer for the soccer shoes but expired, cz busy with out of state wedding. Offer it again and I’ll accept.
Jul 05Reply
gray_revival thank you for making an offer! I'll get your shoes out as soon as possible
Jul 08Reply
abrenn92 Hi Roberto, I sent you a message through bundle I wasn’t sure if you saw it. The shoes you bought have some more imperfections that I didn’t list clearly in the description. Did you still want me to send them out?
Aug 14Reply
issactorres_1 I can do $10 for the Tommy Hilfiger hoodie! Just resend the offer :)
Mar 14Reply
flashbackcloset @flashbackcloset💐thanks for you purchased. Hope you’ll like it . Hope to do more business with you in the future. Your adidas shoes will mail today. Have a nice day.
Mar 15Reply
isabel_hicks Thank you for your purchase. Your item will be sent ASAP. :) 🌺
Mar 23Reply
brazil_m Thanx for your order it's looks new no scratches 👍😃
Apr 12Reply
cameronshahbazi I made you a counter offer are you still interested in the jeans?
Jun 01Reply
sethlblevins I’ll sell you all 6 tees for $33. The 4 nikes. 1 air Jordan. 1 Bengals. $5.50 a shirt. If you want just bundle it.
Jun 21Reply
stylishjulie Hi Roberto, Thank you for shopping my closet and liking my item! I made you an offer. Please check your private messages for details. Have a great day and Happy Poshing! 😊
Aug 23Reply
stylishjulie Hi! Thank you for your purchase! 😊 Your package will ship out tomorrow with a 2-day priority! Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for shopping my closet and Happy Poshing!😊
Oct 17Reply
jaay109 Hello seen you wanted 10 dollars a piece on the nautica polos
Jan 12Reply
laurenbleama259 Thank you for your purchase!!
May 26Reply
harrydogyo Thank you for the cleats offers. If you want them in a bundle you can get them together with only one shipping fee. Just add to bundle and offer away. Thanks.
Apr 21Reply
itomanguilla Check out my closet!! ⚽️ I’m always open to offers and have many jerseys to choose from 🔥 let me know if you’re interested in any
Dec 18Reply

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Last Active: Feb 25

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