Meet your Posher, Roger
Not for sale
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Hi! I'm Roger. Some of my favorite brands are Alex and Ani, The North Face, Monte Blanc and Dr. Martens. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

20 others
like this

Hi, thanks very much for your offer 😊. Sorry but I took the listing off cause my son-in-law wants to gift it to my daughter instead. If things change, I’ll tag u. Thanks again.
Mar 20Reply

@goodbuy18 , no problem and thank you.
Mar 20Reply

@rkelly1224 Thanks 😊!
Mar 20Reply

Thanks for your purchase , I will be shipping out promptly have a great day🌈🙂
Mar 25Reply

@lunar221 hey L, you have 3 or 4 other Sterling silver jewelry items I'm interested in and would like to purchase as a bundle deal, if that's possible???
Mar 25Reply

@rkelly1224 ok I’ll check if you add each to the bundle I can offer you a price let me see in the dressing room section if you have done this & I’ll see what u can do thanks👍😜
Mar 26Reply

@rkelly1224 ok I see a necklace bracelet & charm I did send offer earlier do you see it? If you go to yr closet click on the hangers icon under shop I think it’s there in “ dressing room”
Mar 26Reply

If there’s more add to bundle I’ll see what I can do for price the other item I’ve mailed out already in your first purchase
Mar 26Reply

@rkelly1224 Hi, good news! Was digging for some gifts around the house & found another “I Love You Mom” bracelet! 🤗 (So much stuff buried all over 🤪.) I’m going to re-open the posting & wanted to give u advance notice. Or I might offer it as a 2-piece set, with another bangle ($55-60). Mother’s Day is soon & a set might make a nicer present. Thanks 🙏 again for your interest!
Mar 26Reply

@lunar221 hey L, I've went through it closet and picked out the items I'm interested in. Please give me your best cash price and thank you. God Bless, Roger
Mar 26Reply

@rkelly1224 I sent you the offer these were already low priced but I did send an offer with 4.99 shipping these were for all your items plus I do have 20% I give to poshmark fyi
Mar 26Reply

Just an FYI someone is offering on the lot of 3 silver earrings with ring so the sooner you know if you’d like them the better thanks😜
Mar 26Reply

@rkelly1224 the lot of 3 silver items were bought so they closed offer you sent FYI you are welcome to submit another offer if you would like just wanted to let you know thanks
Mar 26Reply

@lunar221 ok, I've updated the list. It's a total of 10 items. Please give me ur best deal on items n shipping. Thanks.
Mar 26Reply

@rkelly1224 ok I’ll do my best
Mar 26Reply

@lunar221 hey, cancel my last offer, I used the wrong credit card.
Mar 26Reply

@rkelly1224 I just see an offer not a purchase keep in mind I am firm on last price after their commission I don’t see a whole lot
Mar 26Reply

@rkelly1224 ok so cancel the offer ? I counteroffered that’s my final
Mar 26Reply

Then decline my offer I already countered I cannot cancel it & no credit card goes thru w an offer anyway
Mar 26Reply

Or counter u will then be able to decline & it should void the offer
Mar 26Reply

I mean I will just decline it & it will void it but since I countered I can’t cancel
Mar 26Reply

If we do nothing eventually offer will expire anyhow ok have great day 🙂🌈
Mar 26Reply

Did u still want me to cancel yr latest offer
Mar 26Reply

@rkelly1224 ok I canceled . I am not going lower than 123 with 4.99 shipping sorry pretty firm I gave some in cost & shipping I know these items will eventually sell in their own I used to work in jewelry btw can’t sell wholesale thanks for the offers have great day
Mar 26Reply

@lunar221 ok, can we start over again, that way I can get it on the correct card, thank you.
Mar 26Reply

Ok, set it up at $123 with $4.99 shipping.
Mar 26Reply

@rkelly1224 ok put in offer again we can do that arrangement thx
Mar 26Reply

@rkelly1224 lol ok I figured it out offer sent again 😀👍
Mar 26Reply

@rkelly1224 thanks for your bundle purchase I will be shipping promptly glad we could work it all out 🙂🌈have a nice week
Mar 26Reply

@lunar221 u r very welcome and thank you for ur patience. Hope you have a great week as well. May God Bless You, Roger
Mar 26Reply

@rkelly1224 same to you thanks
Mar 26Reply

@rkelly1224 thanks for yr nice rating it’s appreciated 😃
Mar 29Reply

@lunar221 u r very welcome n thank you for great products and ur excellent service. :-)
Mar 29Reply

Thank you Roger, for the sweet feedback 😎
Apr 02Reply

@marlatroll you are very welcome. BTW, u have beautiful eyes.
Apr 02Reply

Happy poshing 💖💛💝 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💜💚 Let me know if you have any questions 💝❤️
Apr 04Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 🙏👍 u will enjoy shopping here good luck
Apr 25Reply

@rkelly1224 thank you for offer it requires full price Posh fee 20% god bless!
May 04Reply

Welcome to Poshmark will have fun here 🙏🙏🎉🎉👋🏼👋🏼
May 06Reply

Welcome to poshmark it's a great place to sell and buy, I am a Posh Ambassador so if I can help you with anything just let me know. I saw that you liked my several of my Sterling silver pieces, put them in a bundle and make an offer, all reasonable offers are welcomed. The antique sterling silver salt and pepper shakers are really a great buy, I have several sets of them and just do not need them. Thanks for shopping my closet. Peggy
May 14Reply

@silverlady1986 yes maim I think they would go great with my current collection. I'm giving your offer a more in-depth thought and will be getting back with you soon. Thank you and God Bless.
May 14Reply

Thanks Roger for shopping my closet. Peggy
May 14Reply

Roger, thanks so much for your purchase of my Sterling silver salt and pepper shakers, I appreciate your business very much and I will be mailing it out to you first thing in the morning. Thanks again for shopping my closet. Peggy
May 20Reply

Good evening Roger! Finally I was able to help you-I apologize for the delays and unknowns - I’ll make sure to add some extra goodies for you and Will send everything out tomorrow. Thanks so much for sticking with me through everything! Enjoy the rest of your evening - what is Left of it🤗😘!
May 21Reply

Thank you for your purchase!! Will be shipping her soon.
Cynthia Rose 🌹
May 23Reply

OMG! I totally forgot!! I’m having hernia surgery tomorrow early morning. Would you mind terribly if I mail her out Friday?
Cynthia Rose 🌹
May 23Reply

Hi Roger🙋♀️ welcome to posh mark! Thank you for the
May 23Reply

@texanlady thank you, will you please give me a great deal on the bracelet?
May 23Reply

@crh1956 no maim that's certainly fine. I hope ur surgery goes well. Thank you and God Bless.
May 23Reply

Oh Thank You!
May 23Reply

@crh1956 no problem n no worries.
May 23Reply

Roger, thank you so much for your 5 star rating and your kind words, I appreciate your business very much and I hope you shop my closet again soon. Peggy
May 23Reply

@silverlady1986 yes maim I will be seeing u real soon I hope. Thank you and God bless.
May 23Reply

@rkelly1224. Hi! You're welcome 😁 Roger, what would be a great deal to you? I really need the money that's why I'm selling my treasurers 😊 right now
At the price I have it I only make $38.00 what would you be willing to pay for it, and still I make a decent
Earning on it? Send me a
Reasonable offer please and we'll go from there okay?
Thank you so much
May 24Reply

@texanlady yes maim I completely understand. Man this site is making alot of money, maybe I should be buying stocks in it instead of buy silver every now and then. Let me think about it and I'll send an offer ur way. Thank you.
May 24Reply

@rkelly1224 lol you know that's right Roger, thank you so much and I really appreciate you understanding, yeah that
20% fee is a pretty big chunk, kinda hard to make much unless buyers bundle,
But thanks again, and anytime you're ready, no hurry🤗 have a very good evening 😁
May 24Reply

Thank you again for your like, on my other cuff😊💕
May 24Reply

Hi Roger🙋♀️ thank you for all of your likes🤗💙
May 25Reply

Good morning Roger! Thank you so much for the high rating and your kind words! I am so glad you like your purchase; it truly makes me happy with a happy buyer! I’ll be adding more jewelry and items if you’re interested! Enjoy your weekend, my friend!😘
May 25Reply

@candycane57 you r very welcome. I will keep an eye open for ur new posts. Thank you and God Bless you and yours.
May 25Reply

@texanlady you r very welcome.
May 25Reply

@rkelly1224 😘🤗👍
May 25Reply

@rkelly1224 😊 have a great day!🙋♀️
May 25Reply

Hi Roger, it’s me Cynthia Rose. First and foremost I appreciate your purchase! I survived my surgery with 7 incisions. I will not be out and about to ship the bracelet until Tuesday. And I appreciate your patience! Secondly, how does $220. for both purse & pendant? Let me know okay? Take your time of course! I hope I’m not going against Posh rules here?! Cynthia Rose 🌹
May 25Reply

@crh1956 no problem but u r the one that needs to be take it easy n taking ur time. Anyway, I do not recall asking about a purse but I do the pendant. Can u remind me again what the 220 would cover?
May 26Reply

GM! And Thank you! He’s got my heart. I got through the surgery alright TG! But bearing with the pain. I have 7 incisions all together Yeah! Anyways I thought you were interested in the MOULIN ROUGE leather and pewter purse and the CLUSTER Turquoise Pendant? That’s where the $220. came from lol I will let you have the cluster pendant for $37. How about that? If there’s anything else get back to me and we’ll work something out, okay? Cynthia Rose 🌹
May 26Reply

@crh1956 thankful to here ur doing better n I knew u wouldn't be running right out the next day after that surgery mailing packages. Anyway, I'll keep n touch n let u know if there's anything else I'm interested in. Thank you and may God continue to bless you.
May 26Reply

Cynthia Rose 🌹
May 26Reply

Roger, thank you for the like. This would be a great gift for a special someone. Hope you're doing better and happy Poshing!
May 28Reply

@okcorral243 thank you. I'm very interested in the siam broaches and bracelet. What's the least you would take for the entire bundle?
May 28Reply

Hi. Thanks for your purchase. I will pack it up and bring it to the post office today. It should scan tomorrow morning/afternoon.
May 28Reply

Roger, I sent an offer, it's the lowest I can go because Poshmark takes 20 percent, but I discounted the shipping. I know you would love these beautiful pieces. Thank you!
May 28Reply

May 29Reply

Sorry been asleep I went down to 97.00 for abalone Bracelet GOOD?
May 29Reply

Oh I’m right now on my way to fedex
May 29Reply

Hi! Just shipped the pendant and bracelet. Thank you so very much for everything!! I don’t know how to create a bundle. So I went to my closet and hit the 30% and got $98.00. Is that good? I of course will hold it for you you know that. Cynthia Rose 🌹
May 30Reply

Hi, my bad. I have the bracelet for $96.00. I feel badly that I still don’t know the ins and outs of posh. I hope the price is to your liking and fair.?! Let me know if your okay with it. Ummmm guess that’s all for now! Cynthia Rose 🌹
May 30Reply

OMG your probably saying to yourself lol I don’t remember if I mentioned that I sent both bracelet and pendant together. FYI LOL Cynthia Rose 🌹
May 30Reply

@crh1956 LOL, it's been a whirlwind with my days lately too. I've been from Ohio to Minnesota to Georgia n now I'm n Florida. I know how things can run together sometimes. LOL
May 30Reply

@crh1956 hey, I really would like to have the bracelet but I just can't pay that much for it, I'm sorry.
May 30Reply

HEY HI! You know it crossed my mind and I said I bet he travels with his career. I was right lol I left don’t know how many messages I left????? LOL
May 30Reply

Lookie are you gonna want those other items as well?
May 30Reply

If you want those other couple of things. Just like a woman lol HOW MUCH Do you have to spend? lol
May 30Reply

@crh1956 I do travel 100% of the time n I'm all over the United States, Alaska and outlying islands. It's great some of the time.
May 30Reply

And tell me how to bundle
May 30Reply

Are you on Facebook YES! Right? That’s where I’ve seen you!!!!!
May 30Reply

@crh1956 you should know me by know, I collect stetling silver pretty much as a hobby. It passes the time.
May 30Reply

@crh1956 I would like the other 2 items. Can u please make me an outstanding, one of a kind offer, pretty please??
May 30Reply

Something like that! Haven’t quite pinned you down yet lol
So how much you got to spend LOL
May 30Reply

How much do you want to spend you tell me
May 30Reply

I’m for it
May 30Reply

@crh1956 no maim, I'm not on Facebook. Too much drama on there! LOL
You know you look really familiar too. What type of work do u do?
May 30Reply

@crh1956 I don't know how much. U tell me what's the least u could take for them?
May 30Reply

Retired tho I worked at Kelly AFB. How about I throw in those other 2 and $96.00
May 30Reply

96.00 for everything!
May 30Reply

@crh1956 can u give me a day to think on it?
May 30Reply

Okay! I bundled those 3 items for $96.00 Now you have to bundle them and however it goes. So that everything shows SOLD
Take it easy and rest yourself!! 🌹
May 30Reply

Yes it’s real silver
May 31Reply

Hi, Thank you for your purchase! Cynthia Rose 🌹
May 31Reply

Oh, will go to fedex tomorrow! That’s where I do all my business. Cynthia Rose 🌹
May 31Reply

@crh1956 ok, sounds great n thank you once again sweetie.
May 31Reply

Hi Thank you! I sent off both the pendant and bracelet. Enjoy! Gonna send out the last 2 purchases sometime today. I appreciate everything! Cynthia Rose 🌹
Jun 01Reply

@crh1956 hey, u r very welcome and thank you for everything.
Jun 01Reply

Hi sorry to be a bother! But I emailed Posh to let them know that I mailed both pendant and bracelet together. They will be contacting you for verification.
Cynthia Rose 🌹
Jun 01Reply

Hi make an offer on the liquid silver neckless
Jun 02Reply

@rkelly1224 I accept ur offer
Jun 02Reply

Thank You for my rating. I very much appreciate that! Has posh contacted you about receiving the bracelet? My sales status shows the taxco bracelet “not yet scanned by usps”. My monies are on hold. Would you be kind enough to email posh to confirm that you did in-fact receive the taxco. Of course when you have time from your busy schedule! Sincerely, Cynthia Rose
From your travels. Work me in, I’d appreciate it. I assumed it would save on shipping cost. But didn’t think about
Jun 03Reply

@crh1956 hello there. I do apologize for any inconvenience my busy schedule may have cause. I took care of everything today. Thank you and God Bless.
Jun 03Reply

🙏 Cynthia 🌹
Jun 04Reply

Jun 04Reply

@rkelly1224 you could make an offer on the Siam jewelry. Maybe we could work something out. Thank you, Deanna
Jun 04Reply

Thank you so much for your business and five-star rating n kind comment ... I wanted to let you know I listed more vintage jewelry this weekend please feel free to browse and bundle and offer ! thank you so much for your continued interest!!
Jun 04Reply

sorry !! just noticed that you added some listings to my closet dressing room but please keep shopping or see the offer as well :)))
Jun 04Reply

@rkelly1224 Hi Roger, the total bundle was 220 and is actually 125, another buyer wanted just the earrings and she couldn't offer 20 hence I had dropped the price.
Jun 05Reply

@rkelly1224 Sorry pressed submit too quickly. The bundle includes everything except the bangle which is already sold. I had it listed for 220 and now it is 125$. Open to offers.
Jun 05Reply

@rkelly1224 Hi Kelly, do you mind discussing the SS bundle? I haven’t heard from you after the bundle offer, thanks!
Jun 06Reply

Hey Roger! I’m Marian Welcome to POSHMARK! If you’re interested in the 2 items you liked, move them into a bundle and suggest an offer! That’s how I make by best sales. We can negotiate. I offer 20% off bundles.
Jun 09Reply

Hi I’m sorry that’s the best I can do on 2 items already reduced. You had added the bracelet which would have given you better than 20% plus free shipping. Marian💞
Jun 09Reply

Hi Rodger, This piece is a one and done piece. It is vintage. I can give free Jewerly gift, and reduced shipping. Ty for your interest.
Jun 10Reply

I am so sorry I missed your counter offer I work as a nurse and I ended up pulling call and I worked over 24 hours straight.
I resubmitted you an offer at your asking price unfortunately I don't get Internet or phone service in around the operating room, so I didn't have anyway to check messages I am truly sorry. I was not ignoring you.
Jun 11Reply

@rkelly1224 Hey there! I see you have an edited bundle and likes. I was ready to send you an offer on the bundle but, if you add all of your likes, I'll offer a rock bottom sale for you. I just reduced everything to clear out ASAP for new listings and will be happy to negotiate. Thank you so much for your interest! :D
Jun 11Reply

Thank you for your continued interest in my closet!! just wanted to let you know I have another 2 poshers that r interested in the inspirational cuff too... Feel free to make me an offer if you don’t want to miss out on this bundle item :))). And your other items shipped this morning enjoy!!
Jun 12Reply

Thank so much for your rating, very appreciated 😘💕
Jun 13Reply

Hi how are you? I counter offered you $25 since everything that I’m selling in that bundle is sterling silver. I hope you except the offer thank you for shopping in my closet 😊
Jun 14Reply

Thank you will send out today 😊
Jun 14Reply

Hi Roger. Thanks for your kind comments. Hope that “Southern wife” was pleased. Pat🐒
Jun 14Reply

Roger, Hi. I am really sorry, but I do not sell my Sterling at scrap prices. The bracelets, together weigh 2.12 oz. Silver closed Friday at $17.55
I could get close to $35 scrap for these.
Jun 17Reply

@laboutiquegarag I understand. I just throwed out a price n was hoping for a counter not a decline.
Jun 17Reply

@rkelly1224 Sorry. You have bundled these same items twice before and I made you my best offers. No worries! 😊
Jun 17Reply

Hi! Hoping you all are doing well. Again, Thank you!
Jun 18Reply

Roger, thank you so much for your 5 star rating, and you wonderful comments, I appreciate your business very much and I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you for shopping my closet. Peggy
Jun 20Reply

@silverlady1986 Peggy, u r very welcome n it is always my pleasure doing business with you. Do you by chance have any more solid gold items for sale?
Jun 20Reply

@rkelly1224 Did you see the 14KT man's diamond wedding band, I have some pieces that I have been thinking about listing, I just don't know when I will be able to list them necklaces, earrings. Thanks again for shopping my closet.
Jun 20Reply

@silverlady1986 I did but much more than I could spend right now.
Jun 20Reply

@rkelly1224 Thanks anyway, I appreciate your liking and I hope I can help you when your ready, I didn't want to ignore your like.
Jun 20Reply

Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Jun 22Reply

Hi and welcome to Poshmark! 😊 It’s a fantastic site and very addicting! Feel free to ask any questions. Have a great day! 🛍
Jun 24Reply

Hi Thanks🌺 for the likes!😀I accept offers🌺 too🌹 And 20% off two items or more!😀🌹
Jun 26Reply

Hi I gave you a discount! Check it out!😀🌹
Jun 26Reply

🔥Thank you so much for your rating. Please come back I have more items like this listed. And since you have purchased from me already I will offer a great deal and possibly FREE shipping. Thank so much!💋
Jun 26Reply

Hi I just gave you a big discount on your items. Did you see it yet? Thanks🌺
Jun 26Reply

@vicksfinds yes maim I did n thank you very much. There's alot more I would like to purchase.
Jun 26Reply

@rkelly1224 OK thank you🌹
Jun 26Reply

🔥Thank you so much for your rating. Please come back I have more items like this listed. And since you have purchased from me already I will offer a great deal and possibly FREE shipping. Thank so much!💋
Jun 27Reply

Hello , thank you again for the sweet feedback and for the second purchase I saw that you had H&M skirt in your bundle, I will love to offer you a discount on it if you still want it .
Jun 29Reply

Hi Thanks🌺 for the likes too😀 I can bundle your items you pick out and give you a good discount!!😀🌹
Jun 30Reply

I can't find the charm .I had painters here and everything was moved .I have a charm that say #1 mom.its, gold as well
Jul 04Reply

Welcome to the posh community! Happy Poshing! 🌻🌻🌻
Jul 04Reply

@patricialenihan if you can find it, please hold it for me to purchase and let me know. Thank you and God bless.
Jul 04Reply

Will do if you want the other one i have I can send that for now .
Jul 04Reply

@patricialenihan yes maim, u can send it on. Please hold on to and let me know when u find the other one. Thank you again.
Jul 04Reply

@patricialenihan u know, for a good laugh, the charm I purchased says #1 Wife. I do not have more than 1 wife!! LOL
I couldn't handle anymore than my 1 wife.
Jul 04Reply

I understand
Jul 04Reply

Just wanted to let you know that I responded to your bundle items you don’t lose out thank you so much for being a returning customer! Myfullcloset_
Jul 06Reply

@myfullcloset_ hello, I didn't see your response to my bundled items, sorry. Thank you.
Jul 07Reply

@rkelly1224 Most welcome no worries another buyer has the earrings in a bundle has not yet made a decision so I want to make sure you are aware as you are a return customer:)
Jul 07Reply

Hi Your order is on its way🌺 I gave you a big discount since your a first time customer!😀Enjoy!😀🌹
Jul 07Reply

I am so sorry the cross necklace was broken in shipping. I don’t have another cross but I do have a couple of other liquid silver. If it can’t be easily fixed I can send you another necklace.
Jul 10Reply

Hi Thanks🌺 for the five Stars!🌸 So glad you liked your items😀
Jul 13Reply

Just a quick hello! I am finding there are so many lovely closets out there to look through. I hope you will take a minute to view mine; happy Poshing!
Jul 13Reply

The two sterling silver items you were interested r still available I am unable to share to u ...send you an offer as that one expired with no response...kindly let me know as you are a repeat buyer 🛍 ty ;)
Jul 13Reply

Hi Welcome and Happy Posh Funday Friday!! Wishing you lots of great finds and deals. Feel free to stop by browse and enjoy. If you have any questions I'm just a "sales" tag away... 👍
Jul 14Reply

Hi long time! How’s about both for $80. lol
Cynthia 🌹
Jul 18Reply

@crh1956 hello Cynthia, how are u doing? It has been awhile. What items r u referring to for 80?
Jul 18Reply

Hi oh the lapis ring and 3 pc Smokey Topaz set. Justa wondering if you were looking to buy is all! Don’t mean to seem pushy just want to let you know I keep my word on giving you a good deal whenever your in my side of town lol Cynthia 🌹
Jul 18Reply

@rkelly1224 hey Roger I see you started a bundle I just recently did an private offer for 20% off the Tanzanite ring and on my screen it just shows of “view offer” because I did a private offer did you want to add to your bundle or accept the private offer it’s a very good price 14 karat gold and Tanzanite😀I’ve taken over 20% off my price and 40% off what I paid.
Jul 21Reply

Gave you my VERY best offer on your current bundle. I have another gal interested in the garnet ring.
Jul 23Reply

Roger, If you make an offer I'll do my best to accept, no reasonable offer refused.
Jul 24Reply

Thanks🌺 for the like!😀 Can bundle anything too and give you a deal!🌺
Jul 26Reply

Aug 02Reply

Happy poshing 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Aug 04Reply

Good evening! I seen your original bundle with the 4 listings and if you are interested you can have all 4 for $50. Have a great night!
Aug 24Reply

Hi Roger! I’m just curious, if you are bundling over five, it would continue to take 30% off everything in the bundle right? Or no? I just noticed you make multiple bundles and I hate you paying shipping repeatedly but I’m thinking maybe there’s something I’m not aware of with the bundling. 😊
Aug 26Reply

@ellybttn Hello, I guess I could have just put them all together. I don't know the reason for my stupidity. LOL
Aug 26Reply

@rkelly1224 I don’t think it’s stupid! I just plan on posting a lot more silver in the future and figure you will be shopping more lmao!
Aug 26Reply

@ellybttn Will you be posting any more gold items?
Aug 26Reply

@rkelly1224 When I come across them. 😊 I come across silver all the time, but gold less so. I know I have maybe three more small pieces but I have to dig them out and find them lmao. But I’ll be posting a lot more silver in the next week!
Aug 26Reply

@ellybttn ok, I'll keep a watch out. Thank you
Aug 26Reply

Happy poshing ❤️❤️
Aug 27Reply

Hello, welcome to Poshmark, we hope you have a wonderful experience in our beautiful community. The doors of my closet are open for you when you want to visit us. All our articles have a special discount.
Sep 20Reply

Welcome . One day at a time👍😀Yani🦋🌼🦋🌼🦋🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🦋🌼🦋🌼🦋🌼🦋✨🦋🌼🦋🌼🦋🌼🦋🌼🦋🌼🦋🌼🦋🌼🦋🌼🦋🌼✨🦋🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼
Sep 27Reply

Hi check out my 10.00 sale!😀🌹
Oct 15Reply

Hello, I hope you’re enjoying Poshmark!! Please feel free to check out my closet, I sell vintage jewelry! 📿💖 Happy Poshing to you!
Dec 13Reply

Hi check out my new items on sale😀🌹
Mar 12Reply

Hello!🥀 I just want to let you know, I am currently accepting All offers
I hope you have a great day !!!🌻🤗
May 14Reply

Hello 🐈 I offer discounts on bundles. 🐾
Sep 01Reply

Sep 14Reply

Hey I’m Linda...
Buying or Selling
New to Poshmark or Been Here Awhile..
Best of Luck to you🌺
Jewelry Makes the Outfit...Stop by💋
Nov 03Reply

🙋♀️Hi⭐️Welcome to Poshmark ⭐️Please stop by my closet; I’m posting new Spring listings every day. I’m always looking for new Posh friends to meet and share.
Mar 18Reply

Hello. I hope you are doing well. ☺️ I'd like to invite you to check out my cool & eclectic closet. I'm PURGING: Everything MUST GO! I'm trying to CLOSE my closet! I have another venture that needs all of my attention! It involves orphans and foster children. 🥰
So, if you see something(s) that you like, put it in a 'Bundle, as I offer a 10% bundle discount, discount shipping, and I ship next day. I'll even sweeten the deal...✌️❤️
Jan 07Reply

@rkelly1224 Hi, hope you are having a nice day.🤗
💐Please come and visit my closet & if your total purchases
$50 or more or if you like 3 items or more ,I will put them in a bundle and I send you a special discounted offer of 25% off on your total
plus discounter shipping & I will give you free gift 🎁 🤗💐🌺💕🎁
Can add extension free of charge if requested 🛍
All jewelry comes in gift boxes 🎁🛍
Mar 08Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️
I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟
I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️
Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Jan 18Reply

thank you for your purchase! I will send out today for you :D
Jan 31Reply

@rkelly1224 hi please let me know if you will purchase the first bundle.
I need to know how long you want me to hold the rest of your glasses. Thanks
Feb 04Reply

Hello, sunshine you bring a lot of love to postmark I can tell. I saw that you were interested and liked one of my items. I would love to make you a lifetime customer. If you like the item make an offer or if you bundle I’m doing a special open till Valentine’s Day if you buy two or more items you get 10% off plus free shipping and a free gift. I hope you have a wonderful evening and I hope to hear from you soon.
Feb 05Reply

Love 💕 your profile picture by the way!
Feb 05Reply

I sent you your bundle price I hope you love 💕 these items you had good taste, one of them unfortunately sold yesterday on a different app I took that one off. Also, since you bundle more then 2 items you will get a free nice gift as well. I can ship them out tomorrow afternoon once you accept offer. Looking forward to hearing from you! 💯♥️♥️💕
Feb 06Reply

I saw you liked some of my items go ahead and make an offer I sent you a bundle of your liked items, if you bundle 2 or more items you also get a free gift 🎁
Feb 06Reply

Also love your profile pic
Feb 06Reply

thank you and love yours as well.
Feb 06Reply

I saw that you bundles three of my items. I have a special now until Valentine’s Day if you bundle three or more items you get 15% off your total price with tax. I would love to make you a lifetime customer. I totaled up all your items that you had bundled minus the 15% off after tax it’s comes it 116.00, you also will receive a free gift for bundling.
I will counter The offer I hope you sad I would love to earn your business.
Feb 11Reply

Aloha 🌺you offered less than my bundle discount. Sent but it expired are u still interested 😘Mahalo Deb
Feb 12Reply

Hi Roger... We hope you are enjoying this friendly Poshmark community. We wish you success with many sales! Thanks for visiting our family closet and for liking the Vtg Lefton "Last Supper" Fine China Plate. If you are interested in purchasing any of our items, a five percent discount is offered on bundles of 3 or more items. Have a wonderful weekend!
Feb 25Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Mar 22Reply

If you have listings, I am sharing them with my 123k+ followers.
Kindly STOP by my HUGE Closet:
- 🆕 Genuine Designer GEM Rings (unisex)
- Vintage & 🆕 Accessories
- Plus Sizes 🚺🚹
- Designer Purses
- Designer Shoes
- Home Goods 🆕 & Vintage Goods
Happy Poshing! 🙏🏻🇺🇸
Aug 21Reply

Hi there🌼I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing DEALS✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing✨🎉 🎉
Nov 15Reply

Hi! I stopped by to say hello and personally invite you to my closet for great deals on brands like Coach, Tory Burch, Nike, Michael Kors, Talbots, Gap, Children's Place, Gymboree, etc Please do come by when you have a moment. I've got a bit of everything for adults & kids. Feel free to bundle your likes to save on shipping and also reach out to me should you have any questions about price, discounts, condition of items, or shipping, etc. Happy Poshing!🤝💞💞💞
Jan 08Reply
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