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Updated Mar 07
Updated Mar 07

Meet your Posher, Rosanne

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Rosanne. Some of my favorite brands are Free People, Brighton, Garnet Hill, Paige, Boden, and Lilly Pulitzer. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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laskinr and 4 others like this
pursenalfinds Hi Rosanne, Thank you for your purchase, I will have it picked up by USPS tomorrow. Have a great evening! 😊
Jan 27Reply
pursenalfinds Hi Rosanne, Your package is now headed your way with a 2-day shipping label. Thanks again for your order and have a great week! 😊
Jan 27Reply
pursenalfinds Hi Rosanne, Thank you for your 5-star rating, I really appreciate it! Have a great weekend! 😊
Feb 05Reply
crun4clothes Hi there! Thanks for your purchasing. I will drop it off at the post office as soon as possible. Please let me know if you have any questions. You have a great day!
Mar 01Reply
nyposhboss Hi, great closet!  Share more, it will help your sales.  Use the arrows shaped like rectangles to share each listing at least 2x a day.  Share other items you like and the poshers will share back, their followers will see your items & follow you.  I just followed and shared your items, follow and share back, it starts a return of sharing.  There are screenshots on sharing in my closet, touch @nyposhboss to get there. @akmantia has great tips too!
Mar 09Reply
rosannekulikows @nyposhboss Thank you for the tips--- they are very helpful!
Mar 09Reply
bethsclosetshop Hi Roseanne! Thank you for your purchase! I'm about to head out to send todays orders, so I'll add yours to it! Thanks again and have a great day! ⚘⚘⚘
Apr 14Reply
bethsclosetshop Your item has been shipped and should start tracking soon! Thanks again for your purchase Rosanne and have a great day! 🥰
Apr 14Reply
charlottefoxx Hi!! I would love for you to check out my jewelry store if you get the chance! I am having a sale right now on all my jewelry and accessories and would love to offer you a discount if you like any items!! 2 for $18 or 3 for $25!! If you’re interested just bundle the items!! 🌷🌷
Apr 21Reply
sunnysdincali Hi there Roseanne, I dropped the price of the Lacey Tank that you liked and the offer was sent out to the likers. Please let me know if you have any questions, Suzan ❤💙💜💖💚💓❤
May 25Reply
anneperry0228 Hi Roseanne! TY for your Chicos purchase. The tee is a beautiful shade of green. It will be mailed off to you no later than tomorrow. Meantime enjoy the weekend and stay safe!
Jun 04Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as D&G, Gucci, Moschino, Aritiza, Lululemon, Free People, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Aug 30Reply
creester I am doing a 24 hour closet clear out and offering 50% off of ALL bundles of two or more item... NOTHING is excluded! 😊 Thanks for looking!
Sep 21Reply
meraviglioso Hello Roseanne, thank you for visiting my closet today. I am glad to help if you have questions. Enjoy your day! 🍁🍂
Sep 29Reply
sammstuff Thanks for your past purchase. Just want to let you know that October discount is buy 2 get one free. Plus bundle discount of 30%off. 🛍 Happy shopping
Oct 01Reply
thread_resale Hi there! Thank you so much for your purchase. My family and I have been on vacation and got back today, I was able to get this packed up and to the post office so it should be scanning in first thing in the morning. I hope you enjoy :)
Oct 22Reply
uneekfinds Welcome to UNEEKFINDS! So happy that you are a follower. Just a few notes while browsing...I LOVE when my shoppers bundle because I can make them my BEST deal... visit regularly because I list new items frequently...and I am always open to reasonable offers... Quick shipper!!! Happy Poshing!!!
Nov 05Reply
uneekfinds Thanks for the follow! Just to let you know my 30% off sale ends at midnight tonight! Happy Poshing!
Dec 02Reply
littlelulu35 Good morning Rosanne. If you are still interested in my CZ pendant, I can offer a little better deal since it is a Closet clear out day where Poshmark covers $2.50 of the shipping if I drop my price 10 percent. Will this work for you?
Dec 31Reply
poshmf Hi 👋 welcome to poshmark feel free to check out my closet sometime 😊   I have an assortment of items and clothes from mens, women's, kids, books, and jewelry   Bundle a few items to save even more! thanks and happy poshing.
Jan 27Reply
parisann10 Hi! Thank you for purchasing the dress! I’ll send it out today! 😊
Feb 02Reply
presidentclaudy Hey Rosanne! So currently if you purchase the item, soonest I'd be able to ship is next Monday. Would this be alright?
Feb 08Reply
hannahdunn184 Good evening! I saw you made an offer on the docs!! Thank you!! Unfortunately I am not home right now so I can not ship them until the 19th. If you do not want to wait that long I completely understand but I’m willing to wait until then to ship them to you ! I can decline your order now and wait until I get home on the 19th to accept if you replace your offer! Just let me know what you want to do! Sorry about the inconvenience!
Feb 13Reply
rosannekulikows @hannahdunn184 Hi! Sure that would be no problem I will re- offer on the 19th! Thanks for getting back to me! :)
Feb 13Reply
presidentclaudy Hey Rosanne! I apologize for the delay. I had some family issues pop up as well as a car problem and wasn't on my phone hardly at all due to this. As a token of apology, here's a 10% off coupon to use on your next purchase of any item(s) in my closet! I have shipped the item now also! Thank you for your business :)
Feb 14Reply
hannahdunn184 @rosannekulikows I am finally home and if you’d still like you can re-offer on the docs!
Feb 19Reply
rosannekulikows @hannahdunn184 hi Hanna! Yes I would-- but it says sold when I click on the docs from your closet!
Feb 19Reply
hannahdunn184 @rosannekulikows I’m not sure why it says that but I’ll make a new post!
Feb 19Reply
hannahdunn184 @rosannekulikows I reposted you should be good to go !
Feb 19Reply
rosannekulikows @hannahdunn184 Hannah I keep going out and coming back into your closet and it says sold. I'll try powering off and coming back in!!
Feb 19Reply
hannahdunn184 @rosannekulikows ok! It’s comes up for me at the top of my page as a new post if you still can’t access it let me know and I can see what else I can do!
Feb 19Reply
rosannekulikows @hannahdunn184 when I go in your closet there are other items until I get to the boots and it still says sold. I am wondering if you try just like you are posting for first time take quick pic and minimal description so it doesn't take long. Or write the help center and ask what do!
Feb 19Reply
hannahdunn184 @rosannekulikows ok !! Sounds good I’ll make another post real quick!
Feb 19Reply
hannahdunn184 @rosannekulikows I reposted hopefully it works this time!
Feb 19Reply
rosannekulikows @hannahdunn184 uggh-- so frustrating! I powered off and back in again and even clicked on "just in" it shows a dark too then dark jeans -- and few other pieces then the docs with sold. Even when I click on them it it won't let me. I also went to "shop" and put in the search doc martens and they did not show up!!! I'm wondering if there is some weird delay?
Feb 19Reply
hannahdunn184 @rosannekulikows yes I know!! I tried putting your user name in the comment second not sure if that will work or might have to wait until tomorrow sadly!
Feb 19Reply
rosannekulikows @hannahdunn184 I'll check periodically and maybe at some point it will kick in? Or if it doesn't by tomorrow try the help center? In the past - they have helped with a glitch!
Feb 19Reply
hannahdunn184 @rosannekulikows sounds good!! I’ll keep you updated!
Feb 19Reply
hannahdunn184 @rosannekulikows I think I figured out the issue! I remarked it! Hopefully you can access it now!
Feb 19Reply
kendallshaw0202 Hey there 👋 thank you for your purchase. I got a notification that you received your package and just wanted to follow up and see how it’s doing 😁
Feb 24Reply
sumnews Hi, feel free to bundle your likes in my closet so I can send you an offer.
Mar 22Reply
bellamerci1 @sumnews Rhank you for the offer. I really wanted the boots but I don't think they will fit. I'm bummed. I love Sundance boots.
May 03Reply
dress4_success 30% All inventory, except Final/firm, this weekend July 15-17. Help me make room for more inventory. NO additional discounts on shipping. Take 30% off and send ur offer. thanks!
Jul 15Reply
dress4_success November Sale, everything 25% off, automatic bundle discount. For 1 item take the 25% off send your offer
Nov 14Reply
dress4_success Hi! I'm closing my closet, all items are final sales, don't miss the chance to get something at an incredible price! thanks!
Aug 11Reply
saphfire2144 Hi Roseanne, Welcome to my CLOSET. I am offering a SPECIAL 50% OFF selected items. A FREE GIFT with 2 item purchase on NON SALE ITEMS. A 15% DISCOUNT on BUNDLES of 3 or more items for the shipping savings. So, Thanks in advance for LIKES, FOLLOWING, and SHARES. Here's what to expect should you support my closet; Quality Items, Quick Shipping and Great Customer Service. Be Well, Be Happy, Be Safe!
Sep 23Reply
cutehosiery @rosannekulikows Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 24Reply
dress4_success Hi! I'm closing my closet on December 25th It's time you consider getting the item you liked!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS! SUPER PRICES!
Dec 02Reply

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Last Active: Feb 23

Rochester, NY
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Last Active: Feb 23

Rochester, NY
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