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Updated Mar 08
Updated Mar 08

Meet your Posher, Rose

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Rose. Some of my favorite brands are Louis Vuitton, Henri Bendel and Coach. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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butterflybaby16 🦋 Welcome To Posh 🦋 Wishing You The Very Best 🦋
Dec 23Reply
kiyenta24 Hello!😍 Welcome to the community! My name is Brie!😊 I wanted to share a few tips with you. I suggest starting to follow everyone who follows you. My FAV tool is “Your Guide To Posh” and I would recommend checking out the blogs as well. I’m here if you have any questions plz comment on any of my sold listings. Have A Great Poshful Day!💞
Dec 23Reply
iamwarrior Hi! Welcome to the Poshmark community! 👚👖👗👜
Dec 23Reply
rosesposhgarden @kiyenta24 awesome tips! thank you!
Dec 23Reply
pcolaswimmer Saw your profile pic and thought, maybe she's from pcola with those umbrellas behind her. Small world... I'm here too, even though my profile says Orlando.
Jan 08Reply
rosesposhgarden @pcolaswimmer hey there! The umbrellas were so aeesome. I was sad to see them come down this weekend. Thank you for stopping by my closet!
Jan 08Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Feb 26Reply
rosesposhgarden @spreadlove hi Melissa! Love making new Posh friends! Always great to have share for a friend :) Thank you for saying hi!
Feb 26Reply
itsameg Hello!!! Thank you so much for ❤ the lace top! I'll ship first thing tomorrow!!!!! Have a great day 🌻 Meg
Feb 27Reply
rosesposhgarden @itsameg thank you! I've had my eyes on that top :)
Feb 27Reply
a1fashions Hi ... I’m Amy .. Just stopped by to say hello.. Happy Poshing 💕
Mar 02Reply
rosesposhgarden @a1fashions hI Amy! Thanks for stopping by! You have a great closet!
Mar 02Reply
meecachandler Thanks for the review.
Mar 03Reply
toosistercloset I love your closet!
Mar 16Reply
rosesposhgarden @toosistercloset thank you so much! And thank you for all the shares. Love meeting new posh friends!
Mar 16Reply
thesourlemon Happy poshing! 😽
Mar 21Reply
rosesposhgarden @marblemarket Thank you! Loving posh and all the new ladies i'm meeting. love your closet!
Mar 21Reply
thesourlemon @rosesposhgarden thanks girl! Yours too! 💕
Mar 21Reply
hit111 Welcome 🙏 to have just graduated to the 🌍 of fashions.....Have fun.......Thanks for sharing my closet.........Make me an offer On anything in my closet I can’t say yes unless you ask....
Mar 26Reply
veluru Hi.....I have an offer like pick any 10 for $10 I’m moving out of country this week...its a great deal..Please check out my closet...Need to go asap.....Thank you 💕😊💕
Apr 13Reply
0whovian0 thanks for all the shares! Happy Poshing and many sales to you!! Love your closet btw
May 02Reply
velvetandchains Thanks for the shares!😊
May 02Reply
rosesposhgarden @0whovian0 thank you! I love getting lost in other people's closets! Thanks for sharing as well!
May 03Reply
rosesposhgarden @quirkyqueenbee thank you for yours as well! Happy Selling!
May 03Reply
nevadameow I’m sorry for the shipping delay—my post office closes early. I’ll get your dress out by Monday ☺️Have a great weekend!
May 05Reply
rosesposhgarden @nevadameow Sounds great! Thank you!
May 05Reply
rebekahmilliner Thank you for sharing my listing.
May 08Reply
creativesaver I'm glad you liked your items! ❤️❤️ If you ever want anything else from my closet, make me a low offer because I give a great discount for repeat customers ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Have a wonderful weekend 😊
May 10Reply
rosesposhgarden @creativesaver thank you so much i will definitely keep checking out your closet!
May 10Reply
prettygals Thanks for shopping my closet previously. HUGE SALE! GOING ON NOW! All items $8 & under are buy 2 get 1 FREE or buy 3 & get 2 FREE. Just bundle your likes & I’ll send you the offer. All items over $9 are buy 3 get 1 FREE. (Equal or lesser value) 🇮🇹ALL PRICES RECENTLY REDUCED🇮🇹 My closet consists of sizes 00-1X
May 20Reply
snatanov I just wanted to stop by to say hey, Hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling on posh. I'd be so happy if you would check out my closet as well :) Happy Poshing!
Jun 19Reply
rosesposhgarden @snatanov hi there! thanks for stopping by!
Jun 19Reply
1staluckey HI thanks for sharing my closet💕
Jul 10Reply
jennip1628 Thank you for the shares! 💖
Jul 12Reply
rosesposhgarden @1staluckey Thank you to you as well!! Every little bit helps!
Jul 13Reply
rosesposhgarden @jennip1628 Thank you!! Love the posh fam!
Jul 13Reply
lovelieghposh Thank you for all of the shares! 💖
Jul 29Reply
janjan009 Wolfpack feature yay!🌺💜
Jul 30Reply
lazy_porch @123dresssmart Thanks for the shares, your closet is beautiful! ♥♥
Aug 14Reply
mimi4193 Thanks for ur help 🌺
Sep 09Reply
rosesposhgarden @mimi4193 you're welcome! thank you for your purchase! I'll have it out tomorrow!
Sep 09Reply
cjscloset_0o Thank you so much for helping this Posh newbie by sharing some of the items in my closet 💕😊
Sep 14Reply
lovingpurple Hi there! Just wanted to stop by to say hello 🤗 hope you can have some time to visit my closet and feel free to send an  offer if you see something you like 💜  Blessings!😊
Nov 07Reply
rosesposhgarden @lovingpurple Thank you for the shares! I will check out your closet :)
Nov 07Reply
nicolita1 @rosesposhgarden Hey!! I just wanted to stop by and invite you to check out my closet!! I have some things I think you might like!! And new items that go up weekly or every other week!! I’m Nicole- please don’t hesitate to ask me any questions!! 😀😀💖💖💞💞💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉💚💚💖💖
Nov 14Reply
glitzylife Hi, My name is Jan. How are you enjoying Poshmark? Are you able to get your head out of your phone. I know I can't! Lol. It's soo addicting. If you get a chance check out my closet . I have major designers for a fraction of the cost! Happy Poshing!
Dec 19Reply
didacamelia Thank you so much for sharing 👗👙🌴
Jan 03Reply
hollyfrocks Hi Rose! Thank you so much for all the shares! I appreciate it! 💗
Jan 10Reply
rosesposhgarden @hollyfrocks You're SO welcome!! Thank you as well. AND Happy Birthday!!!
Jan 10Reply
proton2705 Thank you for accepting my offer.
Mar 20Reply
gacugwa Hi! Please cancel my order on the Sam E. Olivie sandals... I accidentally hit the submit button😬 I’m still considering getting them, but not right now. Thanks😊
Apr 08Reply
rosesposhgarden @gacugwa Got it! Feel free to make an offer :)
Apr 08Reply
gacugwa @rosesposhgarden will do... thank you so much, and sorry for the inconvenience-It was late at night, and I wasn’t functioning properly😊
Apr 08Reply
gullprint Hi, Rose! I like your closet
May 30Reply
rosesposhgarden @gullprint hey there! Thank you for stopping by!
May 30Reply
yogagirl16 Hi! Thanks for sharing my closet! Have a great day!
Jul 18Reply
digitalsandy Dear Poshette- that's kinda cute, right? Welcome to Poshmania. 🎉This isn't simply buying & selling.🛍You will be making friends willing to answer your questions and cheering you on!😀Be sure to read the Poshmark Guidelines.📘✔︎Tip: Posh is all about Sharing your listings. Goto the list 📃of peo. that have "liked"😍 someone. Add those people to your list of people You are following.👣A lot of them will visit your closet. Come and see "My amazing closet," too!🏠 -Saundra, Posh Ambassador❣👩‍💼
Aug 12Reply
blueskythreads5 Thanks for all the shares today Rose! Have a great weekend! 😁🌺🌻🦋
Sep 13Reply
bestbargains4u Thank you for sharing💕 have a blessed night
Oct 10Reply
shopper411411 Hello, I sell both Men and Women's clothing. Feel free to visit my closet. Feel free to ask any questions. Happy Poshing!
Nov 22Reply
suzeeq86 @rosesposhgarden hi there! As someone who has purchased from my closet before I wanted to let you know I have some closet clear out items in great condition for super cheap! Happy to offer you a private discount and shipping discount as well 🥰
Jan 21Reply
sslei thank you for the shares ;) happy weekend!
May 03Reply
elainesapitan Thank you for the support on my closet. I hope you have some time to go through it as I am trying to get rid of many items, as well I have some items listed as FREE with ANY purchase throughout my closet. Hope you find something you like! Feel free to send me any offers and I’d be happy to make business with you. Happy Poshing and safe during this quarantine! 🦋
Jul 20Reply
eleniluvs2shop Hi Rose! Thank you for sharing! 🤗 Love your pics, so cute!
Jul 29Reply
mikkicrawford Hi Rose! I love the sandals- I bought that exact pair from Macy's and totally wore them out! So excited about this find!! If you don't mind my asking I noticed you live in Pensacola- did you all fare Hurricane Sally ok?
Feb 02Reply
rosesposhgarden @mikkicrawford Hey there! Thank you for your purchase! I will ship them out tomorrow. Yes I'm in Pensacola. We did get some damage. Hopefully, all will finally be repaired this weekend. Thanks for asking!
Feb 02Reply
mikkicrawford @rosesposhgarden my husband and I are looking to move to Navarre Gulf Breeze area- summer 2022 when our oldest graduates. We were wondering how bad it actually is.
Feb 02Reply
rosesposhgarden @mikkicrawford I've lived here most of the past 25 years and I've only been personally effected by 2 storms. It's a really great place to live!
Feb 02Reply
mikkicrawford @rosesposhgarden we have wondered if the news coverage and Internet searches were an accurate depiction. We got scared- our realtor told us it's just mostly roof damage and no real flooding inside.
Feb 02Reply
rosesposhgarden @mikkicrawford That is very accurate. We had roof damage and fence damage. No flooding at all. There are flood zones, but it's easy to avoid moving to that area.
Feb 02Reply
nearandfar_ Hi! Check out my closet :) I think you’ll like what you find💌
Apr 16Reply
littlepeachxo hi angel! ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ my closet will be temporarily closing so i’m deleting all my listings may 25. therefore, bundles are 50% off & all my prices are as low as can be! -peach ♡
May 17Reply
stylesbysam728 Hi! I’d love for you to check out my closet. I carry lots of brands like Aritzia, LF, Zara, Planet Blue, etc. I try to post a new piece at least once a day, so def follow to keep updated. I am also very open to all offers and if you make a bundle ill give you a great discount and ship the same day! Also, I am a posh ambassador so if you have any questions let me know :)
Jan 17Reply
its_crystal28 @rosesposhgarden Hello!! 🌷Im Crystal , hope ur doing great today, by the way, if u have time I would love to invite you to check my simple closet, and if you like something just simple click the “❤️” or make an offer , always open to Offers😉 thank you in Advance. God bless and Happy Poshing my friend 🌷speedy sales to you
Sep 17Reply
jewelsbysara Hi there🌼I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing deals✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing!!💝
Oct 06Reply
kmontyb Thanks for the tons of shares, my friend! Hope you and yours are doing well.
Dec 26Reply
rosesposhgarden @kmontyb Thank you for always sharing back! I hope you're enjoying the holidays!
Dec 26Reply
kimm293 Hi Rose! You have a shirt that I'd love to buy. The problem is, j am in Canada. Would it be possible for me to purchase it from you anyway and pay for the shipping? Thanks!
Apr 06Reply
hckrod314 Hi, I appreciate the generous offer. I was going to buy them for a friend. He declined and I’m a size 10.5. I’m sorry. I’ll keep looking in the men’s closet. I’m very new here and am still finding my way around. Thanks. Greg
Apr 21Reply
orca1962 Thanks for all the shares! Sharing back and wishing you many sales 😍
Apr 30Reply

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Pensacola, FL
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Last Active: this hour

Pensacola, FL
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