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Updated Mar 23
Updated Mar 23

Meet your Posher, Rose

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Hi! I'm Rose. 12-21-19 I’m getting married on a shoestring budget and maybe in your closet for a good deal. Some of my favorite brands are David Bridal ,torrid, Lane Bryant, and cheap wedding . Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)


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greatbargains1 Welcome to Posh 🎉😊
Apr 19Reply
vivian31 I’m so glad you loved the dress, you’ll look beautiful for the wedding.
Apr 26Reply
brmiller428 Hey Rose! I just saw your purchase of my giraffe print converse. I am going to send them out first thing tomorrow when the mail runs! Thank you so much for your interest, happy shopping 🛍 😁
Jan 13Reply
newandvintage65 @roseawilson hi! I accepted your offer on the Duke sweater. I’m just checking but you did read the description of the hole and white marks right? Just double checking. I have all 5 star reviews so I don’t want to get a bad review! Thank you ❤️
Feb 14Reply
roseawilson @newandvintage65 it’s fine I just want it for me to hang at home. Pennsylvania winter is not fun right now so old sweatshirt are good to wear . FYI I am a messy eater. No matter what I do. So I can claim I actually did not do all the stains lol
Feb 14Reply
newandvintage65 @roseawilson this sweater will definitely keep you warm lol! It’s cold here too! Weird weather though one day in the 60s and the next in the 20-30s! Lol! I’m a messy eater too! I always spill something or drop something on my shirt! I never wear my good clothes while cooking or eating! Lol 😂. I will send this out tomorrow! Thank you sooo much for your purchase! I’ll keep in touch & let you know when it’s been delivered ❤️
Feb 14Reply
newandvintage65 @roseawilson hey dear! Your package was delivered today. I think it was sent to a P.O. Box? Anyhow. I got the notification it is ready for pickup! Just wanted you to know! Thank you ❤️💕
Feb 18Reply
roseawilson @newandvintage65 my post office has certain hours it’s open and I cannot go in until it’s open. Saturday I was a way and it was close when I got back. I’m hoping in the morning to go unless weather stops my morning run next to it then it will be Tuesday because im working a double. The post office is Carlisle Pennsylvania post office and if you google it . You can see its hours. Sending it to the post office is safer but the hours suck . Thank the porch pirates. I have to pay for a box .
Feb 18Reply
roseawilson @newandvintage65 post office closed for President day
Feb 18Reply
newandvintage65 @roseawilson it’s okay dear. Just get it when you can, or you can accept it on here. So sorry you if you experienced people stealing your packages! So sad! Hopefully you had a break from work today! Ah yes, the post office was closed lol! Seems like the post office is always closed or the schools here at least lol! I hope you can get your package tomorrow! ❤️💕❤️
Feb 19Reply
newandvintage65 @roseawilson and yes stinks paying for a PO Box! I had one because my mother stole my mail that would come to the house lol. I feel your pain! 😂🤗💕❤️
Feb 19Reply
newandvintage65 @roseawilson so glad you got it! Thank you for the excellent review and 5 stars! I hope you enjoy it!! It snowed here today! Lol!! 😂 thankfully no packages to drop off but I think the post office is closed due to the snow! 😂💕
Feb 20Reply
roseawilson @newandvintage65 it’s been washed and I am in sweats lol . I sewed the hole and it’s good for me. Exactly what I wanted it for. The worn in older sweatshirt are great to be what I call a bum in . Let the snow fall in good lol
Feb 20Reply
soulfinds Hi 👋🏽 Take look at my closet, lots of Adidas, Nike, Polo, FILA, The North Face, Umbro, & Champion for Men & Women. Feel free to make an offer or ask about bundling for a 30% discount 🤗
Feb 28Reply
buygingermo Hi Rose 💕I see you received your purchase today . Please accept on Poshmark app thanks
Mar 07Reply
roseawilson @buygingermo it’s at the post office and due to the hours at the post office and my work schedule I will not be picking it up until Friday sorry it’s out of my hands . As the lobby is not 24 hours and I live in a area where we have porch pirates . I will accept on pick up
Mar 07Reply
buygingermo @roseawilson ok that’s fine, I hope you like it 💕
Mar 07Reply
slroland Hello Rose Welcome to Postmark 💞 thank you so much for the like I have discounted that item ...i'm a Postmark Ambassador if you have any questions feel free to reach out to me and please drop by my closet and check it out enjoy your Posh experience 🤗🤗🤗
Mar 07Reply
buygingermo Hi Rose 🌹 thank you so very much for your purchase and the great rating. I do hop you enjoy your Coach Bag and please come visit my closet again soon. If you let me know before you buy I will give you a discount 💕❤️💕
Mar 08Reply
slroland Rise thank you for rating and the pin pin was for you too 😉lol please stop by my closet again
Mar 12Reply
blossomstyle Thanks for your purchase, Rose! I plan on shipping tomorrow morning🙂
May 07Reply
blossomstyle Thanks for the rating and note, Rose! 🤗So happy you like everything! Have fun🌸
May 10Reply
caseyellen51 Hi I am Ellen If you are interested in the red dress will let you have for 12 dollars it is a very beautiful dress only worn a few times thanks again Ellen
May 20Reply
roseawilson @caseyellen51 ok I’m looking at couple of them for mother of groom . I can’t commit right now. In a day or two I can after I can show them to her
May 20Reply
caseyellen51 @Gosselin thanks just let me know thanks again Ellen
May 20Reply
curatedcolexion Hi there! Thank you for browsing my collection! I noticed you liked one of my favorite listings! I slipped you a delicious offer on it. Feel free to throw more of your likes in a bundle and save even more! Love something you see? Make me an offer! If you have any questions, I am happy to help answer them so shoot me a message! Happy Poshing! 💕 Sue
May 22Reply
roseawilson @curatedcolexion thank you for the offer I think the girls are set for there dresses for the wedding. Thank you so much
May 22Reply
curatedcolexion @roseawilson my pleasure! 💕
May 23Reply
smxcollectables Hello I’m leaving out bin a couple of hours. If you want that slip I could mail it on my way out of town. If so you’ll have to pay for it soon so I can get the postage. Please advise. And thank you
May 23Reply
bfashion1 @roseawilson Hi Rose. Welcome to poshmark this is a great site to sell and buy items. Just as a suggestion if your selling: be sure to share so others will share your items and follow as many people as possible this will eventually equal sales. Poshmark promotes positivity, while here you will meet awesome friendly poshers. Be sure to Have fun! if you ever need anything please ask thats what we are here to do help support each other. Come check out my site! Happy Poshing 🎉🙂
May 27Reply
smxcollectables Hello and thanks. How SOON do you need the petticoat? I’m out of town and I’d have to make other arrangements
May 30Reply
roseawilson @smxcollectables in the next 2 weeks
May 30Reply
smxcollectables I’ll be home Monday and will ship it out. It should get to you That week. Ok?
May 30Reply
roseawilson @smxcollectables that would be great thank you
May 30Reply
drsdelano You will love the formal dress! It’s so pretty. I will mail tomorrow. Thank you for your purchase.🌺
May 30Reply
roseawilson @drsdelano thank you it’s for step daughter for my wedding.
May 30Reply
lauracedergreen I’m so happy you purchased these special boots. They’re so pretty! I’ll be shipping them first thing Monday morning. Thank you!
Jun 01Reply
roseawilson @lauracedergreen thank you. They will be my wedding shoes 👰🏻
Jun 01Reply
lauracedergreen @roseawilson Happy for you! Congratulations!
Jun 01Reply
smxcollectables Hello again. I’m back and I’ve rechecked it all over🙂. It will go to the post office in the morning 🙂. Thanks again❤️
Jun 02Reply
smxcollectables No sweetie, thank you🙏
Jun 02Reply
cdunkel48 Hello i was only able to order one like the giraffe pendant you bought said they are out of stock no clue when they will be available. I have put some other giraffe pendants on my page that i can order now if you are interested. Sorry could'nt get anymore of the same one you bought. Let me know if i can help you get what you need thank you for your purchase and interest in my items
Jun 06Reply
roseawilson @cdunkel48 thank you. I will look.
Jun 06Reply
roseawilson @cdunkel48 I need 4 in total. It’s ok if they are different. It’s going to be a gift to the bridesmaids . One can be a wolf actually.
Jun 07Reply
cdunkel48 @roseawilson i ordered one just like the one you bought just the agate is a little different color do you want the giraffee you said you liked earlier and a wolf? Do you want to pick a wolf from my page or do you want a different kind thank you
Jun 07Reply
cdunkel48 If we can bundle up three of them i can give you a much better price and save on shipping it will take up to 3 weeks for me to receive have already ordered the 1 giraffe thank you
Jun 07Reply
roseawilson @cdunkel48 ok please do that . Or I should I go in to do it?
Jun 07Reply
cdunkel48 @roseawilson would like for you to look at wolves on my page and pick one or i can send some pictures of other wolf options thank you
Jun 07Reply
cdunkel48 Let me know which one and i will take it down and save it for your bundle
Jun 07Reply
cdunkel48 I am having trouble getting the other 2 giraffe pendants seller says they are having problems with the machine that prepares the agates and don't know when it will be fixed let me know what you want to do wait or just cancel the order sorry for the inconvenience thank you
Jun 15Reply
roseawilson @cdunkel48 ok just cancel. If you get more before November. Please tag me please
Jun 15Reply
cdunkel48 @roseawilson ok i did'nt how much time you had beforeb your wedding i will leave them on order and let you know when they come in thank you have a great weekend
Jun 15Reply
s_marall70 Thanks for your order
Jun 27Reply
hlb2588 Hi there thanks so much for your purchase and shopping my closet 😁😁 shipping the order out tomorrow morning!
Jul 01Reply
s_marall70 Hi Rose I was just checking to see if you received your package it should be there by now.
Jul 03Reply
roseawilson @s_marall70 yes . I just picked them up from the post office. I was waiting to pick up other Poshmark stuff that was coming. They are wonderful and the gifts are sweet of you
Jul 03Reply
s_marall70 @roseawilson Hi Rose so glad you are happy with them thanks again for ordering from me. .
Jul 03Reply
cdunkel48 Thank you for your purchase your item has been shipped still working on the other giraffe pendants will let you know
Jul 06Reply
roseawilson @cdunkel48 thank you so much
Jul 07Reply
cdunkel48 I was able to get 2 more giraffe necklaces if you still want them i will make them available thank you
Jul 27Reply
roseawilson @cdunkel48 can we wait to next week? Mortgage payment coming out
Jul 27Reply
cdunkel48 We can wait as long as you need to if you need a few weeks or more that is fine just let me know when you are ready and i will make them available to you thank you and have a good weekend
Jul 27Reply
zardiva1 😃😍😘🐈 (Your profile pic)
Oct 18Reply
alinat427 thank you for your purchase fellow posher , keep on poshing ✨✨✨your order will be processed and shipped
Oct 24Reply
beangirl27 congratulations Rose, I have shoes size 10, a guest book, ring pillow and pen and the bag u want, Its all yours if u want them for a really really cheap price!
Nov 04Reply
maisiesoffers Thank you so much! I'm so glad you are happy 😊
Nov 05Reply
jvolvera Hi Rose, unfortunately I had to travel out-of-town this morning and will not be returning until Monday night. I want to make sure you are aware and ok with me sending you the shoes Tuesday morning. Please let me know. I am so sorry for not setting up my travel notice.
Nov 08Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or still have tags attached. Brands such as Chanel, Lululemon, Nike, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more! So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Dec 30Reply
jbarlow80 Thanks for the order! I’ll get it mailed out right away. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.
Jan 10Reply
roseawilson @jbarlow80 thank you so much
Jan 11Reply
scooby68 Rose, thank you so much for the purchase of my wedding dress. It is a unique dress and I think you will enjoy it.
Feb 11Reply
scooby68 @roseawilson I am very sorry you do not like the dress. it is not from Wish, but it is from an online order. please send the dress back and your money will be refunded. please accept my apologies
Feb 15Reply
roseawilson @scooby68 my husband threw your address away. I don’t know how to send stuff back
Feb 17Reply
scooby68 @roseawilson hi Rose. Upon reading over the rules and refund policy on Poshmark, I do not see any requirements once an item is accepted and rated, for returning it when a sale has been completed. I am sorry the dress is not what you expected, but in no way did I misrepresent the dress either in my description or pictures. Therefore, based on the refund policy, I am not required to return you the money. I have also bought items from other followers that were not what I expected. Sorry.
Feb 19Reply
mr_gs Hey there! This is a kindly message. I spend my time to check your love notes that you given after you received the items from other Poshers, so I think some of my listings will meet your style. There will be more kinds of goods in the future. So welcome to follow me! Also please don't hesitate to send me an offer if something you like. All the best for you. :)
Jul 26Reply
adiel1949 Hello Rose! When you have some time, please visit my closet as you might find something you like. I try listing items everyday as I get them from my family members, daughters, grandkids, son, and my items as well. May you have a wonderful rest of the week.
Feb 25Reply
russell_tara Hey there! I own a small craft business, almost everything in my shop is handmade! Would love for you to come check it out ❤️
Aug 10Reply
txgratitude Thank you for your purchase, rating and love note. This is my official 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️ & WELCOME to Poshmark (Posh). I’ve been here some 2016 and am an Ambassador. Feel free to ask questions, I'd be happy to help navigate. As you know, I carry: - Exquisite REAL GEM Rings - Huge selection of Men & Women’s Plus Sizes - Skin Care & Make Up - Electronics - Home goods Happy Poshing!🙏🏻💐🌻🇺🇸
Sep 28Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Dec 17Reply

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Last Active: Jan 22

Carlisle, PA
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Last Active: Jan 22

Carlisle, PA
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