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Updated Oct 02
Updated Oct 02

Meet your Posher, Ruby

Meet the Posher



Not for sale

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Hi! I'm Ruby. I'm from Paso Robles and some of my favorite brands are Michael Kors, Coach, and Nike. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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thegoodiebox Hi Ruby, welcome to Posh! Bet you love it already. Thanks for visiting my closet and liking those cute shoes.
May 26Reply
shirleygerman Hi I’m Shirley feel free to check out my closet 🤗Happy Poshing 💖
Apr 11Reply
peppersprinkles 🌹💐🎉Welcome!! Happy Poshing!!🌹🎉💐
Apr 13Reply
clea13 Welcome to Posh 💕
Apr 15Reply
plentyofstuff Hi ruby! Welcome to poshmark! Thanks for liking my plazzio pants! Make me a offer!
Apr 18Reply
rubyremigio @soevans07 thanks so much this hound dogs is my gift to my husband last year for his bday. The dog name is Misha she thinks she’s a lap dog all 82lbs of her😱
Apr 20Reply
rubyremigio @2cuut2boot thank u so much!!
Apr 20Reply
classygirl41 @rubyremigio welcome to posh and thanks so much for the like 😊💕❤
Apr 24Reply
dazzlingdeals Thank you for stopping by my beautiful closet 💋😁🎉
May 05Reply
gemstone14kt Thanks for the like I am open to questions and  offers@gemstone14kt🛍
May 05Reply
spiffylove Ruby if you buy all 3 items I will accept an offer of 42.
May 09Reply
texanlady Hi! Welcome to posh mark And thank you so much for your like🙋‍♀️💕
May 22Reply
retrorachel Hi Ruby! Thank you so much for your purchase!! And thank you for being patient over the holiday weekend while waiting for me to ship the cute shoes! I hope you wear them out! Let me know if there is anything else I can do for you!😎
May 29Reply
cactus_cowgirl Hello, Welcome to our closet.. We are "The Indiana Hillbillys" offers welcome! Bundle for great deals!
May 30Reply
ctrayner Hi thanks for the like!
Jun 01Reply
pcmacsavvy @rubyremigio love your “lap dog.” Have a good time on Posh. You will find many wonderful animal friendly people here. My personal preference is to buy from sellers who do not sell fur, or clothing with fur adjournment. I find fur opposite of status.
Jun 03Reply
miss_lala Hi Ruby- I just noticed your offer for my green shoes. So sorry, I didn’t see this earlier. IF you are still interested, I would accept your offer and send these to you. Let me know. Thanks again for your interest!
Jun 06Reply
unlimitedgear Hi Ruby! Thanks a bunch for all the posh love!!!
Jun 10Reply
boutique_mars Thanks so much for your bundle purchase, Ruby! I will ship it on Monday. 💕
Jun 10Reply
rubyremigio @boutique_mars sounds great thanks!!🤓
Jun 10Reply
rubyremigio @miss_lala I do luv them but I think the heel is going to be too high I can only do about a 2,5 since my knee surgery😢 how many inches are they?
Jun 10Reply
clea13 Welcome to Posh and thanks for the love 💕 Make me an offer anytime lady!! 😊
Jun 11Reply
monasharona Hey there! Thanx for the 🖤😚 Sent you a nice price drop on the sparkly clutch✨ if you’re interested 😘💋
Jun 13Reply
taozi @rubyremigio hi, Ruby, did u want me to hold those charms for u? LMk. Thx
Jun 13Reply
rubyremigio @taozi that would be amazing if you could! Please send me a reminder that day ok!
Jun 13Reply
taozi @rubyremigio OK, I hold them, Libra is a multiple choice link, can't do now. Will try to figure out a way.
Jun 13Reply
lady7328 What a doll. Such a sweet face. 💕💕
Jun 13Reply
rubyremigio @lady7328 aww thanks she’s so cute!! U have some amazing pieces!! I will definitely be in touch soon for purchases!!
Jun 13Reply
miss_lala @rubyremigio hi Ruby- the sturdy stiletto heel measures 3.5. I so understand your issue. Good luck to you
Jun 14Reply
taozi @rubyremigio hi there, today is 23rd, and I released your hold items. U can put in bundle and purchase. I'll have no signals after noon time today. :)
Jun 23Reply
theresaj64 I hope you love your Nikes!
Jun 24Reply
margitscloset Welcome to my closet and thanks for stopping by and liking my great shoes. Please let me know if you have any questions. Happy poshing and shopping. 🌺🌳🌻🌼🌷
Jun 29Reply
cactus_cowgirl Hello, Thank you for Shopping at our closet! We will be shipping Monday! Blessings!
Jul 08Reply
angelica534 I’m so sorry the ring didn’t work for you size wise. If you want to add one of the other jewelry pieces you liked to your bundle instead I can offer the same pricing 😊
Jul 09Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Jul 11Reply
rubyremigio @spreadlove hi my daughters name is Melissa 🤓nice to meet you too 😁
Jul 12Reply
flasrhastheeye Hello and welcome to Poshmark Please come out my closet—my bundle prices are great!
Jul 14Reply
flasrhastheeye Hi Ruby and thankyou for all the shares....again.I see u have checked out my listings! ENJJOY...I Will give you the very best pricing on bundles that I can. Have a lovely day with the poochie.
Jul 15Reply
la_marisol Hi! I see you bundled 3 items, but it won’t let me offer on this bundle since I offered on the bundle of two. Feel free to make an offer on that bundle or decline that offer for the two items, and I’ll send you a new offer. Also, I am running a mystery box sale 6 used items for $69. I’d love to get a box in the mail to you tomorrow!🌻
Jul 15Reply
theresaj64 Hi Ruby - can you please email me your address to send the label we spoke of? My email is tj3845@gmail. com. . I wasn't able to locate your address anywhere on PM.
Jul 16Reply
rubyremigio @theresaj64 745 Shorthorn Court, Paso Robles,California 93446🤓
Jul 18Reply
theresaj64 @rubyremigio I put prepaid label in mail today...thanks again for your honesty.
Jul 18Reply
swampstalker @rubyremigio let me know when done with your bundle and I will send offer thanks so much
Jul 22Reply
ohyouagain Sorry I declined offer, all items where already reduced and I am going to return to original prices tomorrow. Thanks for the pffer🙂
Jul 23Reply
rubyremigio @coryliv it’s ok I was kinda confused cuz some items were less in the individual offers vs the amount in bundle so I was going off the individual offer amounts🤦🏻‍♀️does that make sense??
Jul 23Reply
ohyouagain @rubyremigio I will check the sale amounts but sorry for confusion...they should be the sale amounts and if they are not o will contact posh mark to find out why not...I’ll let you know.
Jul 23Reply
ohyouagain @rubyremigio checked all but $38 dollar shirt were sale items and I took $2 dollars off for that. The laundry dress has original tag of $138 and it has sales price(I am marking back to $24 if it doesn’t sell today). Anyway thanks for offer, have a wonderful day😋
Jul 23Reply
ohyouagain Sorry to bother you but can you decline that offer as I counter offered and now the items can’t be sold until you decline the offer...thank you!
Jul 23Reply
rubyremigio @coryliv out of the 5 items none were over $10. I went ahead and declined the offer. Thanks
Jul 23Reply
ohyouagain @rubyremigio thank you and you are right but I can’t sell a $138 dress for less 10, I hope you find the quality for the price you want to pay🙏
Jul 23Reply
jmanhire Hi there! 👋 I hope you’re enjoying the poshmark app, I know I am! Right now I’m offering a 10% discount for new customers, if you have time check out my closet, hopefully you’ll see something you like! Just comment newshopper and make an offer on the listing! Happy poshing! 😊
Jul 24Reply
zoewilmont Just a quick hello! I am finding there are so many lovely closets out there to look through. I hope you will take a minute to view mine; happy Poshing!
Jul 29Reply
chicbomb Hi Ruby, thank you for submitting an offer on one of my listings. The item is new retail boutique listing and I have very little wiggle room. Thank you for your time and kind consideration . Thank you.
Jul 30Reply
rubyremigio @chicbomb I understand I know there will be more items in your closet I will be purchasing soon, thanks for considering my offer😎
Jul 30Reply
chicbomb @rubyremigio I have just accepted your offer:) Thank you for shopping with me. The item will be pack and drop off tomorrow. xoxo
Jul 31Reply
jkez36m Hi Ruby, my name is Angela. Nice to meet you. Feel free to make an offer or you can bundle for discounts including shipping. Thank you for your interest in my item.
Aug 02Reply
jessicad7 Hi Ruby! I sent you an offer for your bundle 3/$22 and it's expiring soon. Just thought I'd let you know in case you missed it. 🙃
Aug 06Reply
1o_a_k Hi welcome to posh
Aug 16Reply
vintiquevenus Ruby, Thank you so much for visiting my closet and for the like. It is truly appreciated!
Aug 16Reply
michbry333 Good morning Ruby, Thank you for stopping by my closet, and for your interest in my pants.😊Please let me know if there’s anything that I can do for you?! Looking forward to hearing from you soon😊 Blessings to you and your family, Michele
Aug 18Reply
michbry333 Hi again Ruby, I haven’t heard anything back from you? If you’re unhappy with my offer, please send me an offer, and we’ll work from there😊. Hopefully I will hear from you soon?! Blessings
Aug 18Reply
michbry333 Good morning Ruby, Thank you sooo much for all of your interest in my clothing. It shows me that you want to bundle everything, but I truly don’t know how to use this new app. I think I can bundle it for you. So if I can that’s what I will do. If you wanted it done differently please let me know. Looking forward to hearing from you soon 😊 Blessings to you and your family, Michele
Aug 19Reply
michbry333 Ruby, There’s actually nothing showing up in your bundle, so if you want to bundle, you need to put everything in the bundle?!
Aug 19Reply
michbry333 Hello again Ruby, I sent you pricing on all of your likes. If you bundle them you will receive 20% off on everything. I will look at what you have bundled and weigh everything together. If it doesn’t go over 5 pounds I will be able to give you an even better price 😊. Looking forward to hearing from you soon 😊
Aug 19Reply
michbry333 Hi Ruby, I already gave you a price on that jacket. If you’re unhappy with my price, please offer me a price, and we’ll figure it out from there😊
Aug 19Reply
michbry333 Hi again Ruby, I’m not home right now. I just have to weigh that all together. I’m leaving to go home in a couple minutes. I’ll get back to you in about a half hour. Thank you for all you interest in my clothing 😊
Aug 19Reply
rubyremigio @michbry333 ok sounds good thanks!!
Aug 19Reply
michbry333 YesI think I can. I’ll just have to message you that number though. Leaving to home right now
Aug 19Reply
michbry333 Ruby, My mom said it fits a 10-12. I just got home. I have a couple things to do. I will get back to you in about 20 minutes with a price
Aug 19Reply
michbry333 Ruby, I wish that jacket would fit you as well, but I’m really honest when it comes to my clothing. I wouldn’t want you to buy anything and have it not fit you 😊 If you could please send the items that you do want in a bundle to me again, I’d really appreciate that. I have figured it out, but I just want to make sure I’m figuring it correctly please
Aug 19Reply
rubyremigio @michbry333 thanks I got it😃 I appreciate you letting me know take care!!
Aug 19Reply
michbry333 Ruby, Another buyer is interested in the black jacket that you are interested in. Please let me know if you do want it?! I don’t want to sell it Underneath you?!?!
Aug 19Reply
michbry333 I just want to make sure that you don’t want anything?
Aug 19Reply
michbry333 I can move a little bit on my offer?
Aug 19Reply
rubyremigio @michbry333 looks like the charge already went through for $26.49? Can u check please I don’t wanna double pay and make a mess of thinks.
Aug 19Reply
michbry333 @rubyremigio I have received nothing from you?! And nothing from Poshmark
Aug 19Reply
michbry333 Ruby, I just emailed Poshmark, and told them about what is happening. I’m going to hold these 3 pieces for you. Is that what you want me to do?
Aug 19Reply
michbry333 Ruby, please let me know if you want these 3 pieces of clothing held for you. It would be my pleasure to, I’m just making sure?!?! 😊😊😊
Aug 19Reply
rubyremigio @michbry333 I took a screenshot of the order I just need to figure out how to send it to you😩
Aug 19Reply
michbry333 @rubyremigio Ruby, I believe you! Stop worrying. I just wanted to make sure that you wanted it. We’re good! We’ll figure out everything soon
Aug 19Reply
michbry333 I will hold everything for you
Aug 19Reply
michbry333 Ruby, If you haven’t done so already, please send a message to Poshmark support so they have some notification from both of us. Please let me know what happens?!? Thank you 😊 Blessings to you and your family for a nice restful and enjoyable evening 😊🙏😊
Aug 19Reply
rubyremigio @michbry333 ok I sent them an e mail so hopefully we’ll hear soon! I checked the status of my order and it says waiting for usps label?
Aug 19Reply
rubyremigio @michbry333 thanks I do want all 3 things🤓
Aug 19Reply
michbry333 @rubyremigio Ruby, I would more than love to ship this to you, but I have absolutely no info about it on my end😐. We’ll figure it out tomorrow 😊 Have a wonderful, restful and blessed night 😊🙏💕
Aug 20Reply
michbry333 Hello Ruby, I hope everything is going well with you. I received an e-mail from Poshmark. They told me they have no record of a purchase from you, however they do show you wanting the items in the bundle. If your still interested in buying these items please purchase them again. Please let me know what you will be doing. Blessings, Michele
Aug 20Reply
michbry333 Ruby, Could you please let me know what you’re going to do??? 😊🙏😊 I didn’t allow another person to buy one of those pieces of clothing because you said you were going to purchase them. Please kindly let me know as soon as possible 😊 I hope you had a great day, Blessings, Michele
Aug 20Reply
michbry333 Hi again Ruby, I haven’t heard anything back from you , and I’m not quite sure what you want to do with the stuff that you want?!? If I don’t hear from you tonight, I will take it as that you no longer want the clothes. Please get back to me and let me know. Hope to hear from you soon 😊 Blessings 🙏 Michele
Aug 21Reply
michbry333 Ruby, Thank you 😊🙏😊 !!!
Aug 22Reply
michbry333 Hi Ruby Hope you’re having a great day so far😊 I just wanted to let you know that I wasn’t able to get your package out today. I will however have it out first thing tomorrow morning 😊 I hope you you have a wonderful, restful and blessed night 😊🙏😊
Aug 22Reply
polkadots1 Hi! I noticed that your pkg was delivered and was just checking to see if you are happy with everything 😍😍😍😍
Aug 23Reply
polkadots1 Ignore that post 😍 i was thinking of a different order. Yours will be there tomorrow 😍😍
Aug 23Reply
rubyremigio @polkadots1 thank u!!! I know I’ll love my stuff!! Hope we can do poshing again!!🤓
Aug 23Reply
ailina01 Welcome to the Posh Family. Thank you for the Like. Bundle for a Discount. Happy Poshing.
Aug 25Reply
ensmitty Thanks for liking the earrings!!!😊 There is currently an automatic 20% discount if you bundle and purchase 2 or more items in my closet.
Aug 25Reply
ailina01 Thank you for the Likes. Bundle for a Private Discount. Happy Poshing!
Aug 25Reply
pat344 Hi, Ruby. Thanks for liking my purple tunic sweater. Come browse my closet when you get a chance. I make good private offers on bundles. Happy poshing 🎈
Aug 25Reply
polkadots1 Hi Ruby!! I hope you have had time to look over your order😍 if you are happy with everything would you mind leaving feedback on your order? I love love feedback and it helps me be a better seller😘
Aug 25Reply
turtlewhisperer Hi Ruby! Thanks so much for all the likes and shares in my closet. If you care to bundle all those likes I can make you a really good deal, it doesn't cost anything to see what the deal might be. ; ) I hope to see you soon! Happy weekend to you!
Aug 26Reply
michbry333 Hi Ruby, I see that you received your clothing, yet you didn’t accept them. I hope that everything is ok?! Please let me know if there’s any problem with anything. If there’s not any issues, can you kindly accept everything?!?! Thank you Blessings to you and your family, Michele
Aug 26Reply
michbry333 Hi again Ruby, If there’s nothing wrong with the items that I sold you, can you please kindly accept them? I messaged you yesterday as well, and I haven’t heard anything back from you? I hope everything is ok?! I’m actually a bit worried?! Please let me know that you and everything else is ok?!? Blessings to you and your family, Michele
Aug 26Reply
rubyremigio @michbry333 hi, sorry I’m not home. Out of town till Tuesday, my in law got sick. When I get back I’ll check everything out ok🤓
Aug 27Reply
michbry333 @rubyremigio ok, I figured something was wrong. I’m sooo sorry about your in law. I hope whoever it is, that they get well as soon as possible! Sending thoughts and prayers your way! We’ll chat when you get home. Blessings to you and your family, 🙏😊🙏 Michele
Aug 27Reply
rubyremigio @michbry333 Thanks my father in law fell and he gets confused so it’s sad and tiring but it’s family😢
Aug 27Reply
michbry333 @rubyremigio well I wish you luck! I must go now, I’m having a biopsy tomorrow morning early, so I’m going to go to sleep. I’ll chat with you soon! Good night 😴
Aug 27Reply
pat344 Ruby, thanks for all the likes! If you bundle your favorites I will send you a very good private offer.
Aug 27Reply
pat344 If you want & bundle all 10 of your likes, I will make you an offer of $70.
Aug 28Reply
stylingshop Love love your for child. By the boots and I’ll throw the other two things you like in for free! have a great day and thanks for looking. Stylingshop❤️
Sep 06Reply
rubyremigio @stylingshop Hi, someone else beat me to it but thanks I gotta wait till payday to shop😩
Sep 08Reply
ohyouagain So sorry but it appears I put the wrong labels on your items so the wrong person got them and will mail back to me...I will give more details when poshmark gets back to me. Sorry for inconvenience, once you get package please put in claim and they will send you a label to return box
Sep 09Reply
igmba Hi Ruby feel free to make an offer or just click buy for grey flats you like in my closet.
Sep 11Reply
rebeccaslooks Ty for all the beautiful likes. Much appreciated. I will except your offer for the canvas tote. But I had to go out of town and cannot ship it till Thurs and don't want to have on acct didn't ship in time. Is it OK if I click on it wed. Ty lmk
Sep 16Reply
cloudscloset Thanks for the likes, why not make a bundle Nd we can work something to . Claudia
Sep 16Reply
believeinhope Hi. Good evening. Thank you for visited my closet@believeinhope. Have a great week✌️🌻🌻🌻🌻
Sep 17Reply
janigrl Hi Ruby, welcome to PoshMark, I’d like to say that I found Posh in May and quickly became a Posh Ambassador so if you have any questions just let me know. I can’t help but notice that you liked a lot of my Closet Items Wow Thanks, if you want to make a bundle I can give you a really good deal. Bundling is great because that way you get more then one item shipped, that’s kind of what bundling is all about. Well thanks for visiting hope to hear from you soon! JANIGRL
Sep 17Reply
jkez36m @rubyremigio Good morning Ruby, feel free to make an offer or you can bundle for discounts including shipping. If you have any questions let me know. Willing to work with you.
Sep 17Reply
megafashion123 Thanks so much for taking the time to look at my closet and like an item. Just wanted to let you know I accept almost all offers and give great discounts on bundles. Have a good day!!😊
Sep 17Reply
janigrl Hi Ruby, it’s Janigrl I got back and posted the measurements on the DKNY dress. Hope you see them thanks for the wait.
Sep 18Reply
feda2424 Hi there, thank you for checking out my closet and liking ❤️ please let me know if you have any questions 🌹
Sep 18Reply
gooze610 Hello! I saw you dropped by my closet & liked the clogs I have listed. They're practically new & are great Swedish quality. If you want to bundle them I'll see you get a fair price. Thanks for dropping by & happy poshing.
Sep 18Reply
joyaluv Thank You for your like. Let me know if you have any questions.
Sep 19Reply
dreamjewels84 Hello, welcome to Poshmark, we hope you have a wonderful experience in our beautiful community. The doors of my closet are open for you when you want to visit us. All our articles have a special discount. Blessings
Sep 19Reply
llellie @rubyremigio hi there! thanks for adding free item to your bundle - it will be deducted from the bundle price once you've browsed and added things you want to purchase. the 3 for $50 deal is still going on - just a quick fyi :)
Sep 20Reply
gulpembe67 Thank you for checking my closet
Sep 20Reply
stylesheets Hi Ruby, Wow! Thank you so much for all the love 💕 I would love to work with you. Just for you, you’ll receive a 15% discount on bundles of 3 or more. Have a beautiful night Doll.
Sep 21Reply
rubyremigio @janigrl thanks but it will be tight 😢
Sep 21Reply
janigrl Ok no problem🌸
Sep 21Reply
frippislandsc What a sweet baby😊🐾🐾🐾🐾💞💞💞🐶🐶🐶🐶
Sep 22Reply
gooze610 Hello! You've liked several things in my closet. I sent an offer on the clogs but if you want to bundle all the items you liked you'll save more money. Thanks for stopping by. Let me know if I can help. Any questions?
Sep 22Reply
bgj2374 @rubyremigio Hi Ruby! Thank you for shopping my closet. I will get your bundle in the mail in the morning. Have a blessed day and happy poshing. 💗✌💗 - Brenda
Sep 23Reply
ohyouagain So sorry, just got your order back, will ship tomorrow, so sorry for the delay. I will add something for your being so patient.
Sep 24Reply
rubyremigio @coryliv no worries 😉
Sep 24Reply
ohyouagain @rubyremigio thank you, the only worry I have (and I've already written Poshmark is that I no longer have you address, hopefully they will get back to me today. Also rather than respond with an offer for the items you like, if you are really interested just send me a bundle and I will discount it 30%.
Sep 24Reply
theposhunic0rn Good morning! Thank you so much for visiting my closet & liking an item ✨ all orders placed today will ship tomorrow 💃🏼 Happy Poshing!
Sep 24Reply
megafashion123 Hi, I just saw that you liked 2 of my jackets if you are interested in purchasing today I can give you both for $30 & discount shipping.
Sep 24Reply
rubyremigio @coryliv I would make another purchase from u but I’ve reached my buying max😢 should I give u my address?
Sep 25Reply
ohyouagain @rubyremigio if you add aol to my name coryliv you could send me an email or if you are comfortable putting it here that would be great but I have written Poshmark many times
Sep 25Reply
iwantmo Such a sweet pup! 🐾🐾💕
Sep 25Reply
rubyremigio @coryliv sure 745 Shorthorn Ct, Paso Robles Ca 93446 thanks!!
Sep 25Reply
ohyouagain @rubyremigio I think you'll be happy (with everything but the box because I had to use a lot of tape) but I threw in a few extra things for your patience...really appreciate it!
Sep 25Reply
kolash Good Morning Thank you so much for visiting my closed and for you liking and item if your interesting let me know have a wonderful friday
Sep 28Reply
bgj2374 @rubyremigio I see that your bundle was delivered, Ruby. I hope that you like everything. Thank you again for shopping my closet. Best wishes and happy poshing to you. 💕- Brenda
Sep 28Reply
ahuot Hello Ruby 😊 Welcome to Poshmark. I'd like to invite you to check out my eclectic ever-growing closet. I sell some of the brands that you like, as well as an array of Ladieswear, Menswear, and other unique goodies too. I offer a bundle discount, discount shipping, and I always ship the next day. I hope you have a wonderful day and weekend.✌💖
Sep 29Reply
rebeccaslooks Hi and ty for your purchase. Enjoy ....
Sep 29Reply
theposhunic0rn Good morning! Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my closet & like an item ✨ all orders placed today will ship tomorrow morning 💃🏼 Happy Poshing!
Oct 01Reply
ohyouagain Did you receive the black skirt order? Please let Poshmark know if you did or me if you didn’t so I can start tracking it to find out why not.? Thank you, have a wonderful day😊
Oct 06Reply
trendsavvy Hi, Thanks for liking. I’m flexible on price. If you are interested feel free to make your best offer. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Happy poshing🌷💕🛍
Oct 10Reply
sayyestojewelry Happy poshing 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Please let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Oct 10Reply
keltieoutlet Hi and thank you for liking my items. Please feel free to bundle any or all of them and we will surely offer great discount
Oct 13Reply
melngeeh Hi! Come check out my closet when you get a chance.
Oct 14Reply
cleedle Thank you so much for all those likes to my closet. I really really appreciate it.
Oct 15Reply
bellanblue Hi I’m Jen! Nice to meet you! Welcome to posh! Pls stop in if have any questions! I’m happy to help! also I add new items almost daily! Stop by when you have a moment! Happy Poshing! 💙Jen
Oct 16Reply
faithdestiny16 hey! I wanted to stop by to say hi! If you have the chance stop by to take a look at my closet! some of my clothing have never been worn and is new with tags or is gently used. so take a look around. and if you like something but not the price make an offer! happy poshing and good luck to you😊❤️
Oct 18Reply
emc2017 Hi Ruby, Glad you got your items and responded to Friday's delivery of the package. I am rather dismayed that you rated all these almost new items with a 1 star rating AND complained about shipping. you purchased the bundle at 5:38 AM on Wednesday Oct. 17th my time (DC) and I printed the shipping label at 7 AM the same day. The package was in the hands of USPS THE SAME DAY of your purchase.
Oct 23Reply
emc2017 I see a Poshmark message noting the item was en route via USPS tracking that at 2:37 AM on the SAME NIGHT of the morning which you purchased the bundle, October 18th at 2:37AM WHICH notes that the package was in the hands of the USPS and moving.
Oct 23Reply
emc2017 I see a delivered notice: October 19, 2018at 3:55 pm Delivered, Front Door/Porch PASO ROBLES, CA 93446 You received the package 2 1/2 days after you purchased the bundle: 5:38 AM Wednesday to 3:55 PM on Friday Oct. 19th. The package was mailed the same day as your purchase. Despite this not meeting your expectations regarding the timing, I really hope you like the items and will be happily integrating them into your wardrobe!! All the best, Elaine
Oct 23Reply
iseo Hi Sending Posh 💕 your way . Please feel free to check out my closet when you have a minute 😊.Am Happy to amAnswer any questions and Take Reasonable Offers .Thanks and Happy Poshing 🛒🛍
Oct 26Reply
collegestudent3 Nice❤️ Hey, just to let you know I have ton of Adidas deals on my page all NEW WITH TAGS be sure to check it out! also feel free to follow me I always have new inventory coming in &  I always follow back 🤗🤗🤗🤗
Oct 26Reply
snatanov I wanted to stop by to say hey, hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling on posh. I'd be so happy if you would accept my invitation to check out my closet :) Happy Poshing!
Oct 29Reply
jkez36m @rubyremigio Hi Ruby, feel free to bundle your items for a private offer. I am willing to work with you.
Nov 02Reply
luckyladybug4u Hi there. I notice that you liked a blue topaz tennis bracelet. I have a gorgeous tanzanite tennis bracelet NEW IN GIFT BOX at a very reasonable price (less than half it's original). Also I have December sterling silver dangle earrings - NEW. Perfect for holiday giving. Feel free to stop by my closet and I'm here for any questions. Thanks and have a blessed day!
Nov 24Reply
cloudscloset Hi RUBY, Hi JOY I saw you liked a CHICOS WORD TOP in my closet wanted you to know,,,it is marked down AND I have a great sale going on.CLOUDSCLOSET Any top 15$ or less you will get for 5$, minimum purchase is 3 tops... INCLUDES Men’s , Womens kids. NO OFFERS but great value bundles. Thank you Happy MONDAY. Claudia aka Cloudscloset ing on. CHECK CLOUDSCLOSET
Nov 25Reply
rileigh_mak12 Hey !! I have a 2 for $25 deal going on today and I will ship out same day 💙
Nov 26Reply
mjbp @mjbp🌹🌹🌹welcome 🌹🎄🌹I invite you to visit 🌹🌹🌹happy holidays 🎄☃️
Nov 27Reply
styledbylhei Welcome to Poshmark, beautiful!! Let me know if you need any assistance! Hopefully you can check out my closet and maybe shop as well!! ♡
Jan 05Reply
universalfinds Gorgeous dog😍🎉💝🤝 Happy Poshing
Jan 09Reply
rosepetals3 Hey 🙋🏻‍♀️check out my closet I have pieces to fit any style! You can find both NWT and Preowned items. Like or bundle any item to save money+ FREE SHIPPING! I respond quickly and ship quicker💌 🎉I can't wait to hear from you! Xoxo Rosepetal’s Closet🌹
Jan 12Reply
jaspers201409 Hey!❤️ come checkout my closet! I have alot of great brands you love with great prices. If you see something you like make an offer or like and I will send an additional discount 💕❤️😊👍🏻i offer great deals and discounts!!! 👌🏻👌🏻
Feb 15Reply
aasare Hi, My name is Anthony and I just wanted to stop by and say hi. Also, I would like to invite you to my closet which is made up of fashion items made in Africa. The outfits are sown by local Artisans in Africa and portions of the proceeds are donated to African charities that focus on disadvantaged children in Africa. Take a look at my closet and let me know if you have any questions or interests. Also, have fun Poshing!!!
Mar 09Reply
roseb480 Hello!💞 Just wanted to let you know I am currently accepting all offers I hope you have a great day!🌷🌻
Mar 27Reply
wonderaa Hello!😊🌷 Please feel free to visit my closet to see amazing finds!🌺 I accept reasonable offers and give great discounts for bundles. Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions. Thank you & Happy Poshing!😁😘🌸 XO Aireen
May 16Reply
lynn2578 So sweet! I am an animal lover too! 🦋🦋🦋🦋💕💕
Jun 08Reply
natsaraf Hi there Ruby! I have a lot of brands you like and also some similar to the ones you like! If you can check out my closet that would be amazing! Bundles get discounts so let me know if you want to save! Happy poshing and hope to hear from you 💕🌹
Sep 14Reply
cloudscloset hey FYI today I am doing 10$ off any jeans over 20$ ..they are selling so I wanted to reach out to you since u had liked a pair .claudia aka cloudscloset
Nov 19Reply
luxstyles1902 Hi! I saw you were interested in clover earrings and I have 2 pairs in mother of pearl w gold in my closet! Please come check them out & feel free to make me any offers!! I ship same day :)
Apr 05Reply
charlottefoxx Hi!! Hope you are staying safe and sheltered in this time!! We could all use something to make us smile and bring us some joy right about now! Shop my JOY sale on all my jewelry and accessories and get a discount of 2 for $18 or 3 for $25!! If you’re interested just bundle the items!! ✨✨
Apr 21Reply
zkclothez hey girl! i love ur shop super cute!! i’m running a sale, I have PINK, Victoria’s secret, Brandy Melville, American Eagle, Champion and more ✨i would greatly appreciate if you would come check out my closet 💓 all offers are welcome & most are accepted🥰
Jan 05Reply
isaaclpegueroy Note 1 Pro Factory Unlocked OPPORTUNITY For more details visit our WEB: 45 days FREE return.
Jun 30Reply
farahscloset_ Hi Ruby, Nice to meet you 😊 I’d like to invite you to visit my closet. I believe there’s a little something for everyone. If you see something you like, would you please send me an offer? I accept most reasonable offers. Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year 🎆🎊
Jan 06Reply

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Last Active: May 17 2021

Paso Robles, CA
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Last Active: May 17 2021

Paso Robles, CA
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