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Updated Mar 16
Updated Mar 16

Meet your Posher, Ruth torres

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Hi! I'm Ruth torres. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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lisaxo64 Hi Ruth! Thanks so much for your purchase of the Brighton jewelry crap. I noticed you just gave it a four star rating. I was wondering if there was a problem with it. Please let me know thanks so much
May 26Reply
lisaxo64 I meant jewelry WRAP!!! Darn spell check! So sorry
May 26Reply
k_maree Thank you for your order! I'll have it shipped ASAP 😊
Nov 02Reply
doraltorres @estrudes10 thank you for your order i will ship out the purse after New Years. Have a great day. Happy New Year!
Dec 31Reply
maryscloset22 Hi Ruth- Thank you so much for your offer on my Brighton necklace and earrings set! Unfortunately, I cannot go lower than my counter offer since I am already at such a loss for this beautiful brand new set. Especially with the fees Posh takes. I hope you find my counter fair and still want to purchase :)
Feb 01Reply
estrudes10 @lisaxo64 I understand but thank you anyway
Feb 01Reply
maryscloset22 I am sorry you had to decline. Is there a price you are more comfortable with? I am willing to negotiate but your original offer of $40 is just a little too low for me :( does $45 work better?
Feb 01Reply
1loveslvs Hi make me an offer on the Brighton watch ⌚️
Feb 11Reply
1loveslvs The lowest I can go on the Brighton watch is 65 I hope you except the offer it's a beautiful watch you will not regret it
Feb 11Reply
ginn1442 Hi I'm the one with the Brighton set and I'll do $45.00 if your still interested. Thank you
Apr 02Reply
alinaa011 @estrudes10 Hello. I can only go down to $19 on those shoes. I only wore them once and want to hold out for a reasonable offer. Thank you for your interest. Keep checking back for price drops and sales! I do bundle as well😊
May 25Reply
jmf22569 Thank you for the offer but being that they are new I cant do that right now. But if you will add another item and bundle them I will send you a personal offer. Thanks!
Aug 21Reply
lorieasmith @estrudes10 I have several other Brighton items that I'm going to list over the next few days. They are all brand new with tags, I purchased them over the weekend at a boutique store and unfortunately just can't sell them at such low prices. The ring and three snaps from yesterday was over a $100 value. I hope you understand why I can't accept such low offers.
Aug 23Reply
lorieasmith @estrudes10 thank you and I do hope you enjoy the ring and snaps that I sent out to you today. They are beautiful! 😊
Aug 23Reply
estrudes10 @lorieasmith would you consider giving be a better price for both rings
Aug 23Reply
lorieasmith Hey Ruth, would you be willing to pay $20 for the Brighton ring, I think that's the lowest I can go on it, I'm only offering it to you that low because you would be a repeat buyer. Think it over and let me know. Just click the "offer" and say $20 if you're willing to accept that price. Thanks so much.
Aug 23Reply
lorieasmith @estrudes10 sorry, I think my message and your message crossed paths. What price were you thinking for both?
Aug 23Reply
lorieasmith Ruth, would you be willing to pay $40 for both of them?
Aug 23Reply
lorieasmith @estrudes10 I just can't go that low. We're talking $168 with of Brighton jewelry. That's not really a fair price.
Aug 23Reply
estrudes10 @lorieasmith that's find I'll take both for 40 I just hate the shipping kills me
Aug 23Reply
estrudes10 I put in offer as a bundle for 40.00
Aug 23Reply
estrudes10 @lorieasmith I see you added another one how about giving me a good deal
Aug 23Reply
lorieasmith @estrudes10 so you want all three of them?
Aug 23Reply
estrudes10 @lorieasmith if you can give me a good deal yes love for my daughters
Aug 23Reply
lorieasmith @estrudes10 how many rings are you interested in and what sizes? I have 3 size 5's and 2 size 6's
Aug 23Reply
estrudes10 @lorieasmith love all three posted if your willing to give me a price if not all 3 then I'm interest more on 1 size 6 and 5 the sets
Aug 23Reply
lorieasmith @estrudes10 I can do $40 for 2 rings and 2 snaps, $60 for 3 rings and 3 snaps.
Aug 23Reply
estrudes10 @lorieasmith I will take 3 for the 60 but I want the 2 red stones and the 1 clear stone .
Aug 23Reply
lorieasmith @estrudes10 okay, there are 5 rings listed now, please comment "YES" on the listing that contains the exact RING that you want. Once you do that I will make a separate listing for you to purchase them.
Aug 23Reply
lorieasmith This will be the easiest way to do it so I can make sure you get exactly what you are wanting. Thanks.
Aug 23Reply
estrudes10 @lorieasmith ok let me try
Aug 23Reply
estrudes10 Ok did it remember I would like the clear stone thank you so much
Aug 23Reply
lorieasmith @estrudes10 thank you SO MUCH! That was very easy the way you did it. I will get these shipped out to you in the morning. 😊❤️
Aug 23Reply
estrudes10 @lorieasmith you are awesome!
Aug 23Reply
estrudes10 Do you have any other items of clique like necklace bracelet or earrings
Aug 23Reply
lorieasmith @estrudes10 the two listings I have for "1 ring and 2 snaps" are the last of my Brighton Color Clique gem collection. The price of $25 is firm as they are valued at $88 per set.
Aug 30Reply
estrudes10 @lorieasmith 4.99 shipping
Aug 30Reply
ruthcavanah Hi Ruth. Thank you for your offer on the Brighton silver Bangle bracelet. Unfortunately I can't go lower than $32. Please let me know if you're still interested. Thank you.
Sep 08Reply
steffielin sorry I cant go annnnnnnnnnny lower Posh takes too much!
Oct 06Reply
estrudes10 @steffielin what price without the chunky gold bracelet
Oct 06Reply
estrudes10 @steffielin thanks anyway
Oct 06Reply
steffielin No problem:)
Oct 06Reply
raprincess Sorry this necklace cost me $100 and it’s brand name. See picture I paid close to $100 and I can’t accept it. The closest I will do is $40.00 Everyone else is asking $50 for a brighton Necklace. You get a free Surprise $25 gift as well!
Oct 07Reply
steffielin Sorry honey I can't go any lower on the Brighton! I'm losing money as it is
Oct 10Reply
smariablanca Thank you for your business. I have shipped your item to you from USPS, it’s on its way! 💕
Oct 16Reply
swanagin @estrudes10 Hi, I wasn’t paying attention. Thought your offer was for a pocket book. If you would like offer the $15 again and I’ll accept. Thanks ttyl
Nov 07Reply
leejodi Hi Ruth send your 22$ offer I will except
Feb 05Reply
zoeserendipity Thank you for your order! Enjoy your new bracelet!
Apr 01Reply
zoeserendipity Hi Ruth! Your Brighton bracelet is in the mail and on its way to you as of 3:18pm today. As a token of my appreciation I also included a gift. Again, thank you for your order! Happy Poshing!
Apr 02Reply
debbiedeeblooms The lowest I’ll go on my Brighton bag and cosmetic bag with wallet is 75.00 The bag itself is worth 130 it’s a brand new without tags in excellent condition I cannot go lower than that please understand.
Jul 12Reply
libbywelty Hi Ruth! I shipped the Brighton earrings on Tuesday. Please excuse the tape job. I took it to the post office and they put the label on with the messy red tape.
Jul 26Reply
estrudes10 @libbywelty no worries thank you
Jul 27Reply
kerid333 Hi! I put the Brighton bracelet in a special spot & am unable to locate it... 😂 So sorry! I will accept your offer if/when I find it! :)
Aug 22Reply
boymeetsgirl Hi...we were packing your bracelet, but noticed the length is actually 9"..which is a lot longer than I had listed. I don't want to ship it until... or unless you give me the go ahead. I'm so sorry! :-(
Oct 24Reply
estrudes10 @boymeetsgirl that's fine I'll take it . Thank you
Oct 24Reply
estrudes10 Just saw that your the same person I ordered another bracelet from sad that I had to pay shipping 2x 😩
Oct 25Reply
khigler @lisaxo64 hi.. new offer im sorry but that is the cost of 1..2 are there.
Dec 15Reply
marifun I’m sorry I couldn’t go any lower. Looking at the comments it seems you try to make offers to many Poshers that are way too low. It’s a shame that you don’t understand that we are all trying to make a little money. With Posh taking 20% it makes it difficult. This is not a yard sale. I didn’t think that you’re going up $3 was a big deal. Too bad it is a very pretty Bracelet. 😊
Mar 26Reply
estrudes10 @marifun I decline offer because i was getting for a gift I then was told person I was getting it for had that bracelet already !!! And I know it’s not a yard sale !!
Mar 26Reply
marifun @estrudes10 I am not trying to be offensive and am sorry if it sounded that way. I just noticed many comments from others telling you they couldn’t go as low as you offered. I’m just glad to give buyers a price less than retail. 😊
Mar 26Reply
nicolita1 @estrudes10 Hey there! I just wanted to introduce myself and invite you to come take a look at my closet!! Have a great night! 😀😀😀
Sep 20Reply
thetweedfox Thanks for shopping my closet. Shipping tomorrow. Have a wonderful evening!
Jan 23Reply
changingseasonz Hey Ruth 🙋‍♀️❣ Thank you so much for your purchase! I will ship out first thing tomorrow morning. I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening! Happy Poshing!! Dana
Feb 18Reply
melwil81 Hi! I wanted to check in with you to see if you have received the necklace you purchased from me? I shipped it several days ago and it's still showing as pending shipment scan. Can you let me know if you have received it so I know if I need to contact the post office? thanks!
Mar 25Reply
estrudes10 @melwil81 Sorry I have not received as of yet.
Mar 25Reply
melwil81 @estrudes10 Thanks for letting me know. I will see what I can find out from the post office tomorrow. let me know if you receive it. So sorry for the holdup!
Mar 26Reply
estrudes10 @melwil81 any updates on my order
Mar 29Reply
melwil81 @estrudes10 Nothing yet. They are trying to find it. I will check back tomorrow when they are open.
Mar 29Reply
melwil81 @estrudes10 Hi! I went to the post office today to check on your package. They said the package was on its way. He gave me a print out that shows it heading to Chicago. He apologized for the delay. Hopefully you receive it soon. Let me know if you receive it or if in a couple days it still hasn't arrived. I will go back. I apologize but it does show that it was scanned on 3/22.
Mar 30Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Mar 10Reply

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