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Updated Mar 24
Updated Mar 24

Meet your Posher, Ruthanne

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Ruthanne. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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willharold welcome to posh mark!!! please let me know if I can be of assistance ! 🥰🥰
Mar 24Reply
sarais_legacy Welcome to Poshmark! I'm Sabrina, a 5 Star Posh Ambassador & Mentor, excited to help new Poshers get started. First, follow my closet @sarais_legacy, & on IG #saraislegacy. Secondly, SHARE your closet multiple times per day & FOLLOW & SHARE from other closets. If you find something you LOVE, feel free to LIKE & or MAKE AN may score an awesome deal. Finally, have FUN & Happy Poshing!
Mar 24Reply
renehl Welcome Ruthanne! Hope you enjoy your poshmark experience
Mar 24Reply
tinytoesclothes Thanks for the likes! I made you a bundle offer.
Apr 28Reply
cfreedom79 Its in the mail as of now! Thank you! 😎✌🏾
May 08Reply
cocomera Hello Ruthanne, your order will be delivered today between 9:15-1:15pm..Thanks again for shopping
May 18Reply
jac_lac Hi there! I actually only had one pair of the silver Gerber shoes! You can tell the difference between right and left by positioning the word “Love” on the outside of each shoe. But if you aren’t happy with them I will gladly take them back! I’m sorry for any inconvenience!
May 29Reply
ruthannegryder @jac_lac Hey baby, I am so sorry !!! I finally figured out what was wrong with the right shoe and after I glued the insole back in it turned into a right shoe after all:))) I am sorry to have bothered you about it at all....duh...I feel so dumb sometime lol at myself :))) Thank you, they are adorable !!!
May 31Reply
giggles209 Hello, I was packing your order and I noticed a small stain on the viva la fete romper. I am so sorry 😨.it is new it hasn’t been washed. What I can do is send it anyway and add another dress to the order for you (free of cost) there are some other items you liked in my closet. You can choose one of those if you would like .
Jun 01Reply
giggles209 Please let me know . I am really sorry for this inconvenience! I want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase . Thank you.
Jun 01Reply
anp077449 Thank you for shopping with me. I’ve shipped it and the expected delivery date is Thursday June 11th by 8:00. However, because of Everything that’s going on I would wait until Monday. Thank you. 😁
Jun 08Reply
ruthannegryder @cucaracha209 Hi sweet girl :))) I am so sorry the message didn't get to me in time but whatever decision you made was I am sure the best possible one :) You can not help it and that was sweet of you to offer something problem is I am buying all of these clothes for the homeless as well as the less fortunate young people here in Baton Rouge as well as New Orleans due to the fact that since Katrina there are just too many young children that no longer have anything to call their own :((
Jun 09Reply
ruthannegryder It makes a huge difference in how they look at themselves as well as how others perceive them. I was trying to find some cute and really nice little boy items that would help me get a few of the families pretty much good when it comes to clothes :))) If you have any other little boys ...clothes, any size over 3 months and under 4T please let me know and if you post them I can take a quick look and see :))) I appreciate your kindness and thank you for helping me fulfill my dreams of helping:)))
Jun 09Reply
ruthannegryder I appreciate everyone who has basically given me great discounts to be able to achieve what I set out to do !!! It has been one of the most beautiful experiences ever :))) I love to see the sparkle in their precious little eyes when they see me coming with what I call "happies" for each of them :))) Ruthanne:)))
Jun 09Reply
giggles209 @ruthannegryder hi! Wow that is amazing and very kind of you to do. I love it! My daughter has boy items in those sizes on her page and I told her your story and she’s willing to help and give you a discount like I did. Her page is @rompersonly In the future if I have more new boys or baby girl items do you want me to let you know? Do you want mostly new or like new?
Jun 09Reply
giggles209 @ruthannegryder I love what you do, and if you ever order from me or my Doughter it will give us opportunity to send you some extra clothing for the kids to help your misión 😊
Jun 11Reply
shoppity_shop Pretty babies you have there! I have 2 dogs. A Shorkie & a Giant Schnauzer. My big boy is very sick. He has cancer really bad. We have to put him down soon. My heart is broken! I saw that you liked some of my items and I noticed your photo so I just wanted to tell you how pretty your dogs are. Happy Poshing!
Jun 13Reply
sadieandhersis Hi! I’d like to throw in some extra clothing for you if you place the order with me. I have sooo much stuff because I have two little girls. I need to give some of it away❤️
Jun 13Reply
_isabellajv Hey there!! Thanks for your purchase I just dropped off the tapestry to the post office! Let me know when you get it!
Jun 23Reply
csduke18 Thank you fir your bundle purchase...I plan to ship it today. I threw in another tunic dress with a faint stain on the top. If you don’t want it just donate. Thanks again!
Jun 25Reply
nbkomninos Thanks so much for your interest and bundle, I sent you an offer. Thanks again!
Jun 25Reply
csduke18 Thanks for accepting my bundle! I gave you a discounted price for your most recent bundle. Did you see that?
Jun 29Reply
laurastroud2 Thank you so much for the comment!! I hope you enjoy all the baby items ❤️❤️
Jul 03Reply
kaylie_edmonds Hey! Feel free to check out my closet! I may have items you are interested in! Bundle and save! I ship same to next day!!!!! 💜
Jul 16Reply
nattressj Your message was so incredibly sweet and truly touched my heart. I have tons more to post so please keep in touch so we can bundle stuff up and get them to you for cheap! 🙂 I love knowing my little one's clothes are making other beautiful little girls happy. ❤️
Jul 24Reply
ruthannegryder It touched my heart as well to see those faces light up today :))) Thank you so very much for making the items affordable enough for me to buy...I have already been back to your closet and found some things that the two expecting moms will need as well as the little ones that can wear sizes smaller than I can remember my daughter wearing at their age ? I guess once they get a more normal life going for them they will eat better and not worry as much :( I have never seen little children watch
Jul 24Reply
ruthannegryder their parents faces before but after watching these precious little ones you know they have been through something traumatizing which is so foreign to me ??? I can't even imagine ? If a plate is dropped or food is spilled the looks on their faces are so shocking because they are not being screamed at for this as I guess is the norm for them ??? I just thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a person whose light shined brighter than you will ever know :))) Ruthanne
Jul 24Reply
nattressj @ruthannegryder You are SO very welcome! ❤️🙂
Jul 30Reply
mmadisond Hi Ruthanne! I would really appreciate it if you could check out my closet, I mainly sell kids/tweens clothes:) Thank you, have a wonderful day!😊
Aug 08Reply
khutch32 Hi! And welcome to Poshmark ☺️ Please check out my closet @khutch32 as I have a HUGE collection of clothes and home items! I offer GREAT bundle discounts! Happy shopping, Kate ☺️
Aug 12Reply
missmoly Welcome to Poshmark. My name is Selma and I am a Poshmark Ambassador. If you need anything please let me know! In my closet I have children’s of all sizes, women’s, men’s and a little of everything. ❤️❤️❤️ All my prices are always very affordable. 💥💥💥💥💥 Grab all your seasonal items before Covid closes the stores again. 🌸🌸🌸🌸 Stay safe and be well! ❤️❤️❤️
Aug 16Reply
vintagebaby1964 Hi! Thank you for visiting my closet. I am able to give you an awesome price on the items that you like. please let me know if you are interested!!
Aug 23Reply
ruthannegryder @brendflong , Hi, I am sorry but due to the type of facility it is we are not able to give out any info about it. I am not allowed to take my phone in for fear that someone who knows I deal with all of the people there will trace my calls !!! I felt as though they did not trust me and it was very hurtful to me at first. Now that I see & hear what some of these women have been through, I totally understand! I travel through a locked underground facility to even go into the Shelter myself &
Sep 02Reply
ruthannegryder I asked them if I could take a picture of some of the clothes on the children to show some of the people how adorable these babies looked in their childrens clothes and they said absolutely not! I told them they could edit them and not show the childs face, no was hurtful in the beginning but now I realize it is nothing personal :) I can ask the main person I work with if you can send them to her if you would like? I just really don't know how they will respond?
Sep 03Reply
ruthannegryder That is so very thoughtful of you though is all I can say and just the thought means the world to me :))) I appreciate everything people have done and I have truly enjoyed working with all of them. The children have captured my heart :) So very precious !!!
Sep 03Reply
ruthannegryder You are precious to offer. I always tell people if they ask me about it and everyone has been very kind to me and when I take the boxes in you can see the twinkle in their eyes and they know all of you guys at PM have been incredible to me and so basically everyone has been great to them as well :)))
Sep 03Reply
steftarricone Hi Ruthanne. I’m having a baby clothes sale 3/$12 for this weekend only.
Sep 06Reply
mmadisond Hi Ruthanne! I would really appreciate it if you could check out my closet, I mainly sell kids clothes:). Some popular brands I have are Janie and Jack, Hanna Andersson, Zara, and Ralph Lauren! Thank you😊
Sep 07Reply
ruthannegryder @pumpkin_rose18 do you have any more little girls really nice clothes ?
Oct 22Reply
milka24dj hello ,welcome 💜
Oct 30Reply
brittanync1026 @ruthannegryder Hey sweet lady hope your doing well. Hope those kids are enjoying the clothes you bought a while back.
Nov 07Reply
leslie1080 Hi Ruth, I sent you an offer on the bundle of baby/toddler girl clothes. Let me know if it seemed reasonable to you 😊
Jan 20Reply
edgerton0628 I just realized that I placed the wrong label on my last two orders I shipped, so you have the wrong order. I’m working with Poshmark to figure out what to do next to get your order to you. I’m so sorry!
Feb 14Reply
ruthannegryder I did not receive anything from you yet ? On the last order I have been so excited and so have the moms but I haven’t received anything from you on my last purchase. What should I be looking for? I am assuming that they stopped the shipment because it keeps saying that I
Feb 22Reply
ruthannegryder have received all of the pieces that I purchase but I didn’t even get the wrong package ? I have received a couple of small packages from other people but I saw where the items I purchased were delivered to someone. Is there any way I can still get the merchandise?
Feb 22Reply
edgerton0628 Hello again! I did send the wrong item to you. I mixed up orders between 2 buyers. Poshmark sent the correct labels to both buyers and the other buyer mailed yours to you. You were sent a Rufflebutts swimsuit that needs to be shipped back to the other buyer. Poshmark said they sent you a label that would return the item to the correct buyer. Is there anyway you could ship the item to her? Poshmark sent a free label for shipping.
Feb 26Reply
ruthannegryder @edgerton0628 oh ok I understand now ! I remember I ordered it from someone else after it sold on your site ! I’m so sorry as I thought it was the other one just like it. Ok I haven’t received a return label from Poshmark though but I did get an envelope inside your box with nothing in it. Is that what I am supposed
Feb 27Reply
ruthannegryder to send it in or was that just accidentally left in the package ? I will send it right out as soon as I get a label from them but I haven’t received anything from Poshmark itself ? Please let me know what I should be looking for as I have wrapped up the little swimsuit and it’s precious and ready to go. I’m sorry I didn’t realize that I had ordered it from a completely different platform ❤️. Thank you so much for your help in this matter, Ruthanne
Feb 27Reply
edgerton0628 @ruthannegryder I think the label was sent in an email. You’ll have to print it off
Feb 27Reply
ruthannegryder @edgerton0628 wow, it’s a good thing you said something because I never have a chance to look at emails ! It’s printed out and I have wrapped it up pretty for your customer:). I am so sorry and I will enclose a message letting them know that I just realized what happened! Thank you so much for telling me:)
Feb 27Reply
edgerton0628 @ruthannegryder thank you so much!
Feb 27Reply
ruthannegryder @edgerton0628 you are so very welcome:). I am so thankful that you told me to check my email and I wanted to let you know that I got it in the mail today. I appreciate you taking the time to let me know:).
Feb 28Reply
edgerton0628 @ruthannegryder Thank you again! And I’m sorry for the mix up!
Feb 28Reply
syndeelu7 Thank you @ruthannegryder for your past purchases. Please counter offer if you ever think my offers pare unreasonable. Thanks again, I appreciate you.
Mar 07Reply
beccahudson @ruthannegryder what a heartfelt and wonderful review and story you have told! Now I’m crying! Ha! It means so much to me that you are happy and that the children are enjoying their things. It’s truly your generous heart and caring for them and others that is to be admired. Thank you again for choosing my small business to work with. It’s always a pleasure working with you. My best to your husband and his upcoming surgery.
Mar 19Reply
ruthannegryder @beccahudson thank you so much for your thoughtfulness! I am so overwhelmed right now but God has a way of putting things in perspective and allowing me to realize that everyone goes through trials and tribulations! I am so grateful to just realize this is the first time in 50 years that he has really been ill and it’s mind blowing in 2 ways ! One
Mar 19Reply
ruthannegryder is how could I have not realized something was wrong and two is oh wow, thank you Father for keeping him so healthy all of these years :-) actually I have way too much to be grateful for than I have to be upset about ❣️. I am going to keep my focused on the positive and and allow Him to take care of everything ❤️❣️. Thank you so much for your beautiful spirit and thank you for being you ❤️
Mar 19Reply
karencarlson496 @ruthannegryder Hi,I’m sorry, It looks like you have a lot going on. I just wanted to check to see if you still wanted the items I have put aside for you. Thank you, Karen
Mar 23Reply
kaylie_edmonds Hey!! Please check out my closet! I have items for all ages and genders. Use the filter in my closet to find exactly what you may love. Bundle items and save money. If requested I will ship same to next day! Thanks, Kaylie ✨
Apr 06Reply
tiffinililley Hello 👋 You have purchased a bundle from me but I have noticed a problem. Three of the sundress and one romper has been misplaced! I have many replacement I could send to you. Are there specific sizes you are looking for?
Apr 15Reply
tiffinililley I have added a new bundle to my closet for you. I will cancel the last bundle. Let me know if you want the new bundle 😊
Apr 15Reply
ruthannegryder @tiffinililley I can’t find the new bundle? Is it listed in kids ? I see very little in kids. I actually need to know what you do have and what items are gone? If you could show me posting them in your closet what’s available that would basically be the same size and quality I am sure I can find something as I am not extremely picky but I don’t care for Carters I’m most cases because everyone has on the same outfits all of
Apr 15Reply
ruthannegryder the time lol... anyway if you can show me what you have to replace them I am sure I can find something! Basically the moms and their girls have chosen the things they want. Thank you so much. ❣️❣️❣️
Apr 15Reply
tiffinililley @ruthannegryder in my closet I put everything in a bundle. It’s another Matilda Jane shirt and pants t set and another dress
Apr 15Reply
lovenarf Hi Ruthanne. So sorry to hear about your son’s broken leg. I hope he heals thoroughly and quickly. Take care of yourself too. The caretaker needs to take a rest sometimes. I am so pleased you like the clothes. We have more vintage dresses for when she gets older if you think you want to put some away for her. 😊
Apr 23Reply
lovenarf Hi Ruthanne. So nice to see you back visiting my closet. I hope your son is doing well. You may have noticed that today is again closet clear out day. I can mark the Polly Flinders down to $16 and Poshmark will give you discounted shipping today. Let me know if you are ready to buy another vintage dress.
Apr 25Reply
dimogen7 Hi Ruthanne! Thank you for checking out my closet! If you would like to bundle the items you liked, I would be happy to send you an offer. I will be going away for a few months on Tuesday, so won’t be able to process any sales after this weekend. Thank you!
May 07Reply
mrsdegennaro28 @ruthannegryder if u bundle ur likes I’ll give u a good deal
May 23Reply
mrsdegennaro28 If u bundle likes I’ll offer u a good deal
May 25Reply
kennyjv Good morning; I am not able to find the little shoes; would it be ok to replace with something else? Please let me know
May 27Reply
kennyjv Hi please let me know if I can replace the shoes with some other items or would you prefer to cancel the order? Please let me know 🌝
May 28Reply
kennyjv Ok, thank you responding. I’ll add the sweater dress thank you. I wasn’t sure how you wanted to move forward I’ll ship ASAP. Thank you
May 29Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️ Welcome To Poshmark‼️🛍
Jun 04Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet someHi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Jun 05Reply
shybkq Hi Ruth thank you for visiting my closet :) if you would like me to send you an offer let me know. I will be posting more baby girl outfits soon :)
Aug 16Reply
sheerinfarhana Hi please take a look at my closet for some amazing collections of Indian and western outfits for women , girls and babies . I’ve also got hand painted decorative glass wares on sale . Please let me know if you have any questions I would be glad to help you . I accept all reasonable offers . Happy poshing 💐
Aug 16Reply
melllkcia ALOHA! I hope you can stop by my closet! Im selling women/girl clothing.I also have many types of accessories. ALL in preowned or NWT condition!! Much love from HAWAII :)
Sep 01Reply
porchswingstyle Hello and thanks for the like! All of my kids' items are 3 for $15 or just $7 each. Add your likes to a bundle for great savings. Happy poshing and stop back by my closet anytime!
Oct 20Reply
haleywindham Hi RuthAnn. You bought some items from my closet, but id like to donate some other stuff. Would you mind me donating and you paying shipping? I can tag you in all the items in my closet that id like to donate. Would that be ok?
Nov 06Reply
ruthannegryder @haleywindham that would be fine but I don’t mind.buying them from you if you want me to? I will be happy to pay the shipping and that is precious for you to offer. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness ❤️. Ruthanne
Nov 06Reply
ruthannegryder We have so many people who come through the shelter who have nothing and if they are pregnant they have to basically depend on whatever we have to cloth the babies. I love everything that I
Nov 06Reply
ruthannegryder have bought and I basically just buy from you guys on poshmark because you have a bundling ability! I am so thankful for each and every thing that I get as I have finally been able to give the children their own clothes and they don’t have to
Nov 06Reply
ruthannegryder share anymore. They didn’t know what to say the last time I gave them something they could keep and could wear anytime they wanted! It made me realize how much I have to be thankful for ❣️. Thank you so much!! I am going to put them in a bundle and just them for whatever as I don’t mind paying for things because you need to make money as well! Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness ❣️. My heart is so blessed ! I am so thankful! Thank you so much for anything that you do 🥰❣️
Nov 06Reply
sarrah Hi Ruth Anne. So nice to meet you! I’d love to invite you to visit my boutique and closet. If you have any questions please let me know, I’m happy to help. Have a beautiful day and happy poshing 💛 Sarah
Dec 21Reply
nylifeaccess Hi gorgeous , how are you? We are doing BUNDLE and get “Buy 4 get 1 FREE”, Bundle 2 items will get 10% off. Here I would like to invite and welcome you to stop by at our store and check out our 400+ Listing Accessories. Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Jan 11Reply
bkgrenier Hi Ruthanne, I invite you to come see the variety of items and garments in several brands and sizes in my closet. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or need any assistance as I'd be happy to help 💐 I offer private discounts on bundles of 2 💞 or more listings with discounted shipping cost 🛍️💥 Plus, each bundle qualifies for a listing marked FREE ❣️
Feb 07Reply
anitracarter Hey there!!! When you have some time please take a look at my closet. This is a nice place to find some unique items at a great price. Happy Poshing Posh Ambassador Anitra
Feb 13Reply
sheerinfarhana Hi please take a look at my closet for some amazing collection of Indian and western outfits for women, girls and babies. I’ve also got handmade crochet purses, baby dresses, beanies and hand painted glass wares on sale . Let me know if you have any questions I would be glad to help you . Happy poshing !!
Feb 26Reply
sheerinfarhana Hi please take a look at my closet for some amazing collection of Indian and western outfits for women, girls and babies. I’ve also got handmade crochet purses, baby dresses, beanies and hand painted glass wares on sale . Let me know if you have any questions I would be glad to help you . Happy poshing !!
Mar 09Reply
adasi2969 @ruthannegryder Thanks for liking the white toddler dress and pea coat..check out my closet.. lots of baby girl items.. bundle and save..send me an offer Happy Poshing 😊
Apr 23Reply
bargainscout @ruthannegryder I have a Closet-Clear offer on the little flowered dress today, Fri., May 13, but you would need to "Like" it in order to be sent POSH $4.99 shipping offer by email. If you just go for the one, I would add items as in the past. I hope this message finds you & your family all in good health. Continued prayers.
May 13Reply
maryellamcafee Hi!  Thanks for following my posh closet. :)  As a mom of 3 girls I have so much to sell and buy! I wanted to let you know of a huge "4 for $25" closet sale I have going on.  Find 4 items you like in my closet with that heading ... bundle them, offer $25 and the deal is yours! :) ... some Matilda Jane, Gap, Old Navy, J Crew... There are even some FREE add-ons hidden in there!  Let me know if you have any questions. :)Have a GREAT DAY and ...Happy Poshing!  🌺🌻🌿 ~Ella
Jun 06Reply
poshmf Hi 👋,  Check out my closet sometime.  I have something for everyone! Women's, men's, kids, pets, jewlery, shoes and much more. 🛍  Adding new stuff weekly so stop by often. Enjoy your shopping and Happy poshing!
Jun 09Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Jun 13Reply
hillhouseshop Hi there, I'm Sherri. I would love for you to visit my closet! We have handmade gemstone and sea glass jewelry my husband and I make and other fun stuff too. Happy Shopping!
Jun 14Reply
net10625 Can you tell me what sizes you generally look for? You purchased a little dress from me a while back, and I just saw where it was for a shelter. Just wondering if you still do work with that and if you often purchase for it.
Jun 24Reply
lake_michelle @ruthannegryder You’re an amazing woman! What you are doing is such a selfless act and it goes beyond the word kindness! It’s the REAL definition of LOVE! In just 3 small paragraphs you’ve written to me today, You have, with The help of our father, Renewed within me a hope & encouragement That only the two if you could give apparently! Thanks for sharing your BELIEF, FAITH AND WISDOM With all of us in the posh Community & More importantly continuing to do the work he called you to do! ❤️🙏
Aug 02Reply
lake_michelle Hey Ruth just wanted to check in with you and see if you could take a look at my last messages in your bundle 🥰😘
Aug 15Reply
sellclothes927 Hi please visit my closet, I found you in another Posher’s Love Note. I would be happy to send you a bundle of cloths to bring to the shelter. It is so generous of you to support mothers & children in need Many items in my closet are NWT I have plenty that are 4 for $20 marked with 🌺 Would be happy to discount further for you to continue blessing the children at the shelter
Aug 23Reply
icecreamcloset Hi Ruth! Please see my note about your order and let me know what you’d like to reselect or cancel
Sep 12Reply
h2timezz POSTING LOTS OF KIDS ITEMS TODAY! Some adult too! Bundle anything you like and I’ll send you a GREAT deal! 🙌🏼
Nov 11Reply
bargainscout @ruthannegryder Hellooo, to the pride of Pride! I have lots of Holiday wear and am adding items all the time lately. If you "like" an item that's $12.00 or more today (12/4) I can reduce its price 10% & you get offered the $4.99 shipping. And even if it's only one item, you know it's gonna have lots of "thank-you" goodies for your kiddos. I pray for your husband & you & your family often.
Dec 05Reply
demi_does_well Hi Ruthann, I’m reaching out to get a bundle started for you if you’re interested in a shipping discount and 20% off total!!
Jan 19Reply
eclectic_cali Hi! I am accepting offers today!
Apr 10Reply
nydiawallace Hello 🤗 I am having a kids clothing live show Friday night! Come check it out❤️
Apr 11Reply
farmhouserules Hey Posher. Feel free to check out my closet. I have lots of Boden, Janie and Jack, Hanna Andersson, Zara, Well Dressed Wolf, and more!
Jul 12Reply
bbford1221 @ruthannegryder I have a TON of new kids clothing posted!
Aug 23Reply
shanxu Hi! Thank you for like my items. Can you make a bundle offer?
Aug 26Reply
farmhouserules Hey Posher! I think you may like my closet. I have tons of baby/toddler clothing (along with women's and men's clothing). Brands like Hanna Andersson, Boden, organic brands, small shop brands, Gap, Well Dressed Wolf, Rylee Cru, and more Feel free to check it out ♡
Sep 08Reply
bbford1221 @ruthannegryder I am not able to comment on your bundle for some reason. I hope you are doing well. I can ship this out today if you would like! Happy Poshing !!!
Sep 22Reply
bbford1221 @ruthannegryder I cannot comment on the bundle for some reason. I can ship out in the morning! Thank you so much I have extras for you also!
Oct 09Reply
farmhouserules Hey Posher! I think you may LOVE my closet. Tons of women's and baby items. Brands like: Anthropologie, Modcloth, Jamie Kay, Quincy Mae, Rylee Cru, Boden, Janie & Jack, Hanna Andersson, and more!
Oct 10Reply
bbford1221 @ruthannegryder I can ship today !
Oct 12Reply
bestdressed995 🍬Sweet 🍬 pups 🐶 🐶 🙋‍♀️Hi 👋 It’s nice to meet you 👋 🛍️ I hope you find everything you love ❤️ on Poshmark 🛍️ Please stop 🛑 by my closet and follow me when you get a moment. 💫 Wishing you the best of 🍀 luck 🍀
Oct 19Reply
kemakema959 Hi, feel free to check out my closet! If you buy 2 or more items, you'll receive 20% off of your order! Reasonable offers are welcomed :) Happy Shopping!!
Oct 19Reply
bargainscout @ruthannegryder There's a dress you "liked" a while ago, & because another buyer liked it, I wanted to alert you as well to the $4.99-shipping deal today. I want to save you some $$. I wanted to let you know that, for my closet, you only need buy one item-& if it's $12.00 or more on a Closet Clear day(usually Sundays & Fridays), I will reduce it so you can get the cheaper shipping. AND I'll add a LOT more! I also noted your "love notes" & want you to know I am praying for you & your family.
Oct 30Reply
bbford1221 @ruthannegryder check out my closet! Just got a ton of boutique items
Nov 06Reply
bbford1221 @ruthannegryder hope you are well!! I am doing a huge clean out moving things to another location! I am cutting deals! Check out all the new things and get a awesome deal!
Jan 05Reply
jmcd976 Happy New Year! I’m a toddler mom Posh Ambassador. We have quality clothing for kids (J&J/Burberry), women and men. We have high end designer shoes ( Rothy’s, Tory Burch & Ferragamo) and we recently added cookware. If you see something please like it, bundle and submit an offer! Happy Shopping to you! <3
Jan 18Reply
bddevincenzi @ruthannegryder there are so many of these posts about helping a battered woman shelter,but you are just buying them and reselling them on another site. The very clothes you tell sellers have been picked out by the mothers and children.😞
Feb 01Reply
bddevincenzi @ruthannegryder I have been your customer before and was extremely sad to see how you are buying items (at a very cheap price) for the “BATTERED WOMANS SHELTER”. at first I was going to ignore it, until I see how much of a pattern this is for you and how long it has been going on. Most of the clothes you purchased from Poshmark do not go anywhere but to your M page. I find it sick and extremely sad that you would do this to people.
Feb 01Reply
bddevincenzi Not to mention you take advantage of the fact there was a horrible natural disaster and people lost their lives, family, and friends. You decided to take advantage of a horrible and tragic natural disaster to line your pockets with the clothes you have purchased from innocent
Feb 01Reply
bddevincenzi people who believe you. I feel sorry for the people you lied to. Being a battered woman I know this is not what happens at battered woman’s shelters. I feel sorry for the people that actually went through it. You’re just using it to profit from. You are either incredibly sick or very evil. Whatever it was you say they’re receiving the clothes for when you’re really just transferring them to another site to sell😞 very sad. All I have to say is karma has your first and last name Ruthanne.
Feb 01Reply
bddevincenzi @ruthannegryder you don’t like Carter’s because you can’t resell Carter’s the way you do, Matilda, Jane.
Feb 01Reply
bddevincenzi @farmhouserules hey there! I wanted to make you aware of the fact that Ruthann’s is using a battered woman’s shelter as a cover to get more clothes for less money. This hits home for me because I have been in a battered woman’s shelter and in no way did we mothers get to pick out clothes for our kids. It just doesn’t work that way. If you look at her love notes given to other people, she states how they are going to small children whose mothers have been in domestic violence situations.
Feb 01Reply
bddevincenzi @farmhouserules I’m only sharing this because I have been one of those people in those shelters and I know that that is not how they work. God just put this on my heart just go check her other site and she’s listing all the clothes she gets.
Feb 01Reply
bddevincenzi @farmhouserules for this battered woman shelter. I honestly would’ve let this go if I hadn’t noticed how long she’s been doing this and how she even use Katrina as an excuse because she’s from Louisiana.
Feb 01Reply
bddevincenzi @ruthannegryder locked underground facility what are they caging these women? Unless it’s the mob that will never happen.
Feb 01Reply
ruthannegryder Awe, I am so sorry you feel like I am taking advantage of anyone because that’s the very last thing I want to do! Obviously you don’t know me very well and I know that you don’t really know what you’re saying 😢. Mr Welsh said it’s outright slander! As I told him, obviously she has no idea how much I spend a month on clothes from Poshmark and I don’t know anyone who could resell anything that I have bought and make money from it!
Feb 21Reply
ruthannegryder I have no reason to defend myself because I have no idea what you are talking about when you say that I use natural disasters and caging people up??? That sounds like human trafficking to me? I’m not saying anything against you as you have every right to put anything you want on here and it doesn’t bother me at all. I do not have to defend myself when I have done nothing wrong. I have never asked anyone for low prices
Feb 21Reply
ruthannegryder And actually I have told so many that I don’t have an issue with their prices for the clothing but if they do any discount shipping I would welcome the help. I know too many people who sell me clothes and once they are no use to anyone, of course we sell them. Sadly I haven’t been able to log on lately because of my baby brother passing away with out any warning which has been something I hope no one ever has to deal with.
Feb 21Reply
ruthannegryder It truly breaks my heart to think that you have wasted so much of your valuable time researching all of the things that I have said because I love helping others and I am going to continue to! I have no problem with anyone nor will I stop purchasing from the wonderful people who have given me great deals on clothes way before I even thought about telling them what I love doing!
Feb 21Reply
ruthannegryder All I want to continue to do is to work with others and help them out in any way I possibly can. Please know that I am not aware of using Katrina as a ploy or whatever you want to call to get people to give me anything. I have purchased each and everything I have received except for a few items that are not what I would even call resell items. There was a little baby girl born recently who weighed a lb when born and I asked someone if they had any preemie clothes and they could list them
Feb 21Reply
ruthannegryder That way I was able to purchase those and now the little munchkin weighs 8 1/2 lbs! We are thrilled to see her flourish! I have messaged most personal things on the private message between a buyer and seller. I truly feel sad for you and like I said I am not going to apologize for anything I have done to help anyone
Feb 21Reply
ruthannegryder They are all very precious to me and I have told Mr Welsh he can tell anyone anything about me that he would like and I am sure if you are familiar with the system and the way it works that you will know who he is and who he represents ❣️. I just wanted to let you know that I have not seen any of this until one of your poshmark friends alerted me to the things you were saying! If you have questions about what I do please feel free to contact me personally and I will get you in touch
Feb 21Reply
ruthannegryder With the ones who you may want to contact in the future instead of taking it upon yourself to slander someone that you don’t even know ❣️. Thank you for reading this and I am grateful that you are overseeing what people are doing. Poor things, I can’t imagine hurting any of them as they have been
Feb 21Reply
ruthannegryder Amazing to me and my family during our recent loss. I have quite a few friends on poshmark who have sold me hundreds of dollars from their closets. Poor darlings probably think I’m trying to sell the stuff for maybe 25 cents more n
Feb 21Reply
ruthannegryder Than I paid. Lol… after what I pay for clothes and shipping I can’t imagine in my infinite wisdom how I could even make a profit of any kind on the purchases. Bless you and thank you again for pre warning people about me and how I could be using horrible natural disasters to make people help me? I truly do not know what you are talking about? Please don’t hesitate to say whatever you like because I’m not sure how many people are hopping on your bandwagon to make me stop buying on poshmark.
Feb 21Reply
ruthannegryder Obviously it hasn’t made people quit offering me great deals on beautiful clothes for the little ones and for that I am so grateful! Thanks to all of you who know me better than that as you have been dealing with me for many years! Ruthanne Gryder🥰❣️
Feb 21Reply
allison145351 @bddevincenzi I just discovered this cover up as a means to get better deals for a charitable cause. I have been a victim of her lies. I caught her ‘flipping’ the clothes I sold her on another site. I feel like an idiot at this point.
Feb 28Reply
allison145351 @bddevincenzi I just discovered this woman’s cover. I have been giving her deals for years now for her ‘charitable cause’. I just caught her ‘flipping’ the clothes I sold her on another site. I feel so stupid.
Feb 28Reply
bddevincenzi @allison145351 Pleaee do not feel stupid! This is a long game scammer who can’t deny that she realists all her items on M.e.r.c.a.r.i She should be ashamed of herself and for using poor battered woman as a cover. GOD sees her for what she is and I am sure that all the money she makes flipping those clothes will bite her in the bum come judgment day. Try to let people know in any way you can. I’m glad that my post made it to you and hopefully more people will see your post as well.
Feb 28Reply
ruthannegryder @bddevincenzi Thank you for your reply. I am only going to say one thing: I sit in judgment of no one as God said judge not lest you be judged ❣️. I refuse to pass judgement on anyone so I shall end it on that note❣️. Ruthanne
Feb 28Reply
bddevincenzi @ruthannegryder this is in NO WAY a judgment. It is, in fact, an educational post to let all of these Poshmark sellers see through your disgusting and pathetic lies concerning your “charitable donations” to battered women’s shelters. All anyone has to do is go check out your M sight. Seeing as one of your victims contacted me this morning it’s only a matter of time.
Feb 28Reply
bddevincenzi To say you are doing god’s work is blasphemy. When women are beaten and put into a shelter, there is no way they’re going to allow a volunteer to come in and speak with them let alone pick out clothes for their kids with them. Your ignorance is outstanding. You might want to do a little more educating on yourself and for your “cover” before you remark about how things work in a battered woman shelter.
Feb 28Reply
bddevincenzi So to say my work is done here is an understatement. All I needed to do was alarm the people that you were/are taking advantage of. I have done that and we will just let God do the rest. I hope you have a blessed day Miss Ruthanne Gryder because you need it. I also wouldn’t be saying that you’re using these dresses for your own daughters since we all know you’re over 60.
Feb 28Reply
curly397 "Hey there!! I'm excited to share my closet with you. Feel free to browse around and discover some great finds. Let me know if you have any questions or need assistance. Happy shopping!"
Apr 11Reply
farahscloset_ Hi Ruthanne, Nice to meet you 😊 I’d like to invite you to visit my closet. I believe there’s a little something for everyone. If you see something you like, would you please send me an offer? I accept most reasonable offers. Wishing you a happy and healthy 2025😊
Jan 17Reply

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