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Updated 10 hours ago
Updated 10 hours ago

Meet your Posher, Ruthie

Meet the Posher



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Hey hey! My name is Ruthie and I’m from a little town in Georgia! I’m into plus size fashion and since I’ve started selling on Poshmark I feel less guilty about buying items for my real closet! 💗 My favorite stores are Torrid, Belk, Charlotte Russe and Forever 21! My favorite TV shows are Glee, Survivor & Big Brother! I LOOOVE Darren Criss. I also love to travel and I go to Disney World A LOT! Follow me on Instagram- ruthieposh to see new items I put in my closet and thrifting adventures!! 💕
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englishrose926 Hi, Hope all is well with you , have a wonderful day on purpose 🌹😁  check out my closet and bundle to save.
Feb 23Reply
bin_bin Thank you for sharing camo bag:)
Feb 26Reply
1955oldman Thanks for sharing from my closet. G
Feb 27Reply
rimayolove Welcome to Poshmark🎉. Awesome closet’ good luck with many sales and good many deals😜. Happy poshing🌼
Mar 10Reply
hmsimon1 Good evening Ruthie. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Mar 24Reply
thais_osorio Thank you for all the shares!! 💕💕
Apr 08Reply
oldbarnbtq @thais_osorio you're welcome! thank you too! <3
Apr 08Reply
ggoodspeed1222 Cleaning house! Make offers!, and make counter offers!!! Lol❤☺
Apr 08Reply
dianamechascol Thank you for sharing my items. ☺️
Apr 08Reply
lucyandjack55 Thank you for all the shares!!!
May 05Reply
queenofthrift_ Hey there! Just added a ton of brand new LuLaRoe Amelias with tags in my closet! Definitely a steal or two there if you want to check it out. Feel free to make offers as well. Happy Poshing 🛍💕
May 07Reply
elizabethpk Hey neighbor!!!! I'm in ga too!🤗👓☀️thanks for the ❤ ps. You're store is AMAZING!!! Soo much variety!!!!
Jun 09Reply
oldbarnbtq @elizabethpk awww nice!!! and thank you so much! i love your store also! <3
Jun 09Reply
resourcing_rob Thank you for visiting and following my closet Ruthie, please let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day!
Jun 12Reply
wrforrest Greetings Ruthie! Hooray for Plus sizes!! I purchase them for my daughter and decent prices are hard to find ! I buy on Posh because of good condition and affordable. Thanks
Jun 15Reply
oldbarnbtq @wrforrest yes you gotta love plus size fashion! Thanks for the shares and Poshmark is the best! 💕
Jun 15Reply
thrift4smiles Hi! Stylish closet!
Jul 01Reply
oldbarnbtq @vumaria428 thank you!! <3
Jul 01Reply
soriag Welcome to Poshmark!!! Hi! I am Gloria 😊 Welcome to a community of amazing people and great deals. I am a Posh Ambassador, Posh Mentor and a Poshmark Top Seller. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me and I will be happy to help. Also, I invite you to check out my closet. Happy Poshing!! 😃
Jul 14Reply
shegunmed @ruthiewest Hi 💖. I m willing to sell 3 items for $55. Pls add 3 items of your choice from my closet in a bundle and submit the offer of $55. I will accept it. You can buy as many $55 bundle as possible. Also take note of sold or reserved items. Pls let me know your decision..
Jul 20Reply
ontheroxx7 Thx for the offer! I’m excited about getting this teal top! Thank you!,,🙋‍♀️🇺🇸⭐️🌸🛍🇺🇸⭐️🌸🛍💎✨❤️
Jul 23Reply
oldbarnbtq @ontheroxx7 You are so welcome! I am shipping it out in the morning! <3
Jul 23Reply
ontheroxx7 @ruthiewest 🙋‍♀️🇺🇸👍🏻
Jul 24Reply
lmdig2018 Hi Ruthie! Love your closet! Thank you for all the likes on mine. It’s appreciated. Happy Poshing! 🤪
Jul 25Reply
oldbarnbtq @lmdig2018 you are so welcome! Happy posting to you too!
Jul 25Reply
lacie510 Thank you for your purchase. It will go out today (Monday)
Aug 13Reply
oldbarnbtq @lacie510 Thanks so much!! 💕
Aug 13Reply
lacie510 @ruthiewest I'm glad you are happy with it. They are so soft. I love mine. I have been non weight bearing "forever" (seems like it) so I end up playing around in them and they are so comfy... hope to see you back. Again thank you for your note
Aug 16Reply
lacie510 @ruthiewestAre you interested in the hat? I will lower it for you.
Aug 16Reply
oldbarnbtq @lacie510 yes thank you again, they just feel SO GOOD!! and maybe, I will let you know! I am still thinking on it! It reminds me SO MUCH of my grandma so I may get it for her for a Christmas gift!
Aug 16Reply
lacie510 @ruthiewest let me know. For some reason it is not letting me send you a dropped price. It says there is a new update but I go to update and there isn't one. I know when they roll out updates it is done in bits and pieces. Not to everyone at the same time. Frustrating. But I would give you the lowest I could go is $17. (No plans to go that low in general public.) Just message me if you decide and if I still have it I will change the price. Have a fantastic evening 😃
Aug 17Reply
oldbarnbtq @lacie510 Thank you so much!! I will let you know!
Aug 17Reply
katybella316 Thank you for the follow! Your closet is fun!
Sep 09Reply
oldbarnbtq @katybellamom awww thank you!! :) <3
Sep 09Reply
kiasiabrooks689 Hey would you mind checking my closet out please I’m trying to raise money for a fund raiser let me know if your interested in anything thank you
Sep 15Reply
elephanttrunk Thank you for sharing from my closet 💕. Hope you have a great weekend of sales ‼️🛍
Sep 30Reply
dunamus2018 Hello & good evening Ruthie how are you doing fellow Posher. Thanks for sharing my closet I really appreciate it. You have a lovely smile. Happy selling and shopping ok. Keep that smile shining bright 😁😉
Oct 02Reply
oldbarnbtq @dunamus2018 awww thank you!
Oct 02Reply
dunamus2018 Yes ma'am 👍👊
Oct 02Reply
adinapell Thanks for the follow, Ruthie! Love your closet! Looking forward to shopping it in the future!
Oct 20Reply
oldbarnbtq @adinapell aww thank you so much! Have a great day! 💕
Oct 20Reply
closetofbritt @ruthiewest Thank you for the like. If you bundle 4+ items, you’ll receive 20% off the entire purchase! Please feel free to ask me anything and make any offers. Thanks for your interest in my closet, @closetofbritt!
Nov 09Reply
hit111 Welcome to Poshmark........... check out closets, share listings, have fun......... Check out my closet when you have time........make offers if you see items u like..........
Nov 18Reply
redpianistsclst Thank you so much for your shares!! I greatly appreciate it :D Happy Poshing & a Happy New Year of growth in your business!!
Dec 26Reply
oldbarnbtq @theredpianist thank you also! Happy New Year! <3
Dec 26Reply
demonhunters Hi, you have so many cute things in your closet and sizes too. I shared of my likes, for sharing is caring and I enjoy doing it...
Feb 25Reply
oldbarnbtq @808classysassy Aww thanks so much! <3
Feb 25Reply
slicknickspicks Thank you for the share! 🙂
Mar 16Reply
island_sos Hello Ruthie, 💐 🌠are you a Posh passionate person?🐞 I am crazy about it.❤️ I love to shop, sell, & browse all the amazing Closets. If you have a moment take a 👀 peek 🎈 at mine. Share are a few items 👡👗🛍️🧦👛 if you can. 🛍️ 👑 I have an amazing March Madness 🏀 sale going on select any 🖐️five items in my 🌟Closet I have listed at $10 or less the total will be 💲2️⃣5️⃣
Mar 31Reply
unique_by_me @ruthiewest thank you for all the shares! I will share back 😊 Happy posh
May 13Reply
unique_by_me *pushing*
May 13Reply
unique_by_me *poshing* lol 🤣🤣 autocorrect
May 13Reply
oldbarnbtq @unique_by_me you are so welcome! thank you too, hehe! :)
May 13Reply
jkellogg64 Thank you for all of the Shares. Have a Great week. 😀💕🏖
Jun 03Reply
oldbarnbtq @jkellogg64 aww thank you also! I hope you have a nice week as well!
Jun 03Reply
onemorecolor Hi Ruthie! Hapoy Sunday! Thank you for all the shares! 🌞🌞🌞 Have a wonderful day!
Jun 16Reply
oldbarnbtq @onemorecolor You are so welcome! Hope you have a great day too!
Jun 16Reply
oldbarnbtq @mollydooker haha yess! bradfordville! Hope you are having a good summer!!
Jun 20Reply
izzythrifts Hi Ruthie, thanks so much for all of the shares earlier today! Wanted to drop in and let you know that I'm listing a bunch of gorgeous torrid tops today, new to my closet - just in case you're in a shopping mood! 😜 Happy poshing girl!
Jul 20Reply
evescarlton Hey Ruthie! Looking forward to seeing more of your closet! Hope to see you around 🥰
Jul 27Reply
dee031717 Thanks for the follow. please feel free to check out my growing closet and make an offer on anything you like. Share 4 shares. HAPPY POSHING!!!!
Sep 02Reply
casualstylelady Thank you for sharing my closet.
Sep 10Reply
bobbett328 Hello🙋‍♀️Thank you so much for stopping by and following my closet 🌺🥰 Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Sep 18Reply
lindsayrm21 Congratulations on hosting! I hope your party is a great success! I’m new to Poshmark in the past 4 months and I’d love to have the opportunity for you to follow my closet or choose one of my pieces for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering! Good luck tomorrow!
Oct 18Reply
daisygirl85255 Hi Ruthie! Congratulations on hosting your upcoming Weekend Wear Posh Party! If you are looking for awesome Host Pics I hope you will look at my PFF’s closet: @abthursday She has beautiful items! Wishing your all the very best with your party. 🎉💗🌸👏👍🌺💗🎉😇
Oct 18Reply
xojms7 Congrats on hosting! Would love if you could check out my closet! ♡
Oct 18Reply
playboy_jewelry Congratulations on hosting 🎉 I’d love a host pick from my compliant closet ✅ Thanks so much 🙏
Oct 18Reply
dagmarstone Congratulations to you hosting a party!🎉🍾🎊 It would be lovely if you could consider my closet, and that of my pff’s @poshstreetluxe @poshmandyz thanks 🙏
Oct 18Reply
rachiew8 Congrats on hosting tomorrow! Love love loooove your closet! You have so many cute pieces! Will be spreading the love and sharing with my followers! Happy Poshing! 😊💕
Oct 19Reply
karlensclassics Congrats on hosting the Weekend Wear Posh Party. I'm planning on being there, sharing some listings from my closet. Hope you have fun, and make many new followers and sales
Oct 19Reply
kjenkinson1990 Congrats on hosting! If you get a second please check out my closet! I’m currently donating 10% of all sales to those affected by the hurricanes and tropical storms! We have already donated close to 550$!!! 💕😘 I’ll be by to share some extra posh love throughout the day too! 🎉🥂
Oct 19Reply
itsjustfrankie Congratulations on your Weekend Wear Posh Party! 🎉🥳 I know you’re going to crush it!💪I’ve got some fun items that I think you’d love. Hopefully you take a look and spot a host pick.🌟💃🏻🤞🛍
Oct 19Reply
ridicfabfinds Please take a look at my closet. Thank you.
Oct 19Reply
sandy0102 🌟🌟 Congratulations on hosting the posh party 🌟🌟
Oct 19Reply
kimlogrea Hello! Congrats on hosting tonight’s party! 🎉 I would so appreciate being considered for a host pick 😊 Sharing the love 💖 Happy Hosting!!
Oct 19Reply
mdskippy Congrats for hosting the Weekend Wear Posh Party tonight! What fun that will be. I’m newer to Posh and I’d love if you could select one of my closet items as a host pick! Please check out my closet to see what could be featured. Good luck and hope you get lots of sales.
Oct 19Reply
monascollection @ruthiewest 🎉🍷Congratulations on hosting the upcoming party. I would be honored if you considered my hand created accessories, and the stellar listings of my PFF’s as a host pick. 🍾💝I’ll be sharing no matter what. @anamaral @bonniesailer @legalbeagle922 @flippintickled @ashjesh @ms_penny_posher @mimi447 @heidizme @llporto @808classysassy @erincavezza @sluvscats @poshcloset173 @funkyhulagirl @romualdo1 @flghtmedc1907 @joyous1953
Oct 19Reply
monascollection @ruthiewest 🎉🍷Congratulations on hosting the upcoming party. I would be honored if you considered my hand created accessories, and the stellar listings of my PFF’s as a host pick. 🍾💝I’ll be sharing no matter what. @merri_graceland @modig @beoirem @cathyfrangos @pietta @lmdc62 @sfish33 @lillylife @myvintagelady @giniva93 @terri_lynns @wildcaresalot @michjprieto @fashiondiva411 @wildtimefashion @acelestialsoul @poshstreetluxe @shoevenir @fashionicon2020
Oct 19Reply
huntculture Congratulations on hosting the upcoming party! 👏🏻🎉👏🏻🎉👏🏻🎉👏🏻🎉 I will be there sharing, supporting and celebrating with you! Thank you Mona @monascollection for tagging me! Wishing you a great evening! ✨💞 Ana
Oct 19Reply
cathyfrangos Congratulations on hosting your upcoming party!! I would be so honored to be considered as a host pic for your party. I have everything from trendy to the classics. I have just recently reopened my closet after a reverse total shoulder replacement and could certainly use the exposure! Thank you so much for your consideration I would be very grateful.
Oct 20Reply
acelestialsoul Ruthie! 🐟A🏝L🌸O🐚H🦀A🐳! I can't waiit for the Weekend Wear party. I JUST Listed a Gorgeous Strapless Jumpsuit & a bunch of New Aloha Dresses into my Poshmark Compliant Closet. Will you please check me out for for Host 🏆 Picks? Mahalo! I’m a 🦋Social Butterfly🦋 & will be sharing the party on Poshmark, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumbler & Pinterest. 😊  S🦞E🐬A🌼    Y🦐O🌺U🐠    A🏝T🌸   T🦋H🌊E🌴   P🌈A🦑R🐡T🐙Y🌊!🌋 ~Tricia
Oct 20Reply
hans_gerlich Hi Ruthie, Have fun hosting, and clearing your closet in the process, to make room for your new Fall and Winter collections. Best, Hans G.
Oct 20Reply
just1ebby Congratulations on hosting Weekend Wear Party!!🎉 I would love 💕 if you would take a look at my closet and maybe even see a potential host pick!! Thanks
Oct 20Reply
carylosryl thank you for sharing my items.....
Nov 02Reply
Nov 09Reply
goodbuygirls Thank you for sharing!
Dec 29Reply
vbek101 So grateful to you for sharing items from my closet, thank you 🙏🏻
Jan 12Reply
eshadrach22 Hey Ruthie
Jan 12Reply
eshadrach22 Hey Ruthie 😍
Jan 12Reply
eshadrach22 @ruthiewest nice to meet you 😍😀😃
Jan 12Reply
divavamp Thank you so much for sharing ! You are so sweet!!! Sending you love from cali❤️
Jan 12Reply
oldbarnbtq @divavamp Aww thanks so much! And thank you for sharing too! <3
Jan 12Reply
nyrosee Hi, thanks for the follow 😻 Please check out my closet🌸 Anything marked with a 🌸 is 3 for $15🌸 Just make a bundle or like the items you want to buy and I will give you a discount! :) or make an offer :)
Jan 18Reply
thebeesneezmom Hello Ruthie! Thank you so much for following me. I really appreciate it. I'm also very happy to follow you back and share your listings. Happy pushing! 🐝🌻💛💛🌻🐝
Feb 02Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Feb 22Reply
redpianistsclst Thank you for sharing!!⚘
Mar 28Reply
peridot08 Thanks for all the shares. Very much appreciated😀🙏
Apr 11Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you for the follow ❤
Apr 18Reply
pish_posh_btq Welcome! ♥️
May 01Reply
babebear57 Hello Ruthie,🤗 Nice to meet you, I'm Brad😁. I've only been on Poshmark for several months so I don't have a lot in my closet. Maybe soon I will have something you can't live without. LOL 😂. If you could please share my closet and I'll do the same for you! And thank you for following my closet 😋. Be safe, be cool and be happy. Sincerely Bradley A Gill.
May 17Reply
allisonmperr_5 Thanks for the follow I see some of your favorite brands include Charlotte Russe and Torrid. I have a lot of items from them. They are my favorite stores too! Come check out my closet and make a bundle and I would love to discount it!
May 26Reply
dianabird Ruthie just sent you a message about the J Jill dress. Diana
Jul 03Reply
karlachirinos Hello! I would like to know when my order will be shipped?😊
Jul 15Reply
myaddedsparkle Hi! I’m My Added Sparkle, and I’d love if you could check out my closet, full of jewelry and accessories! Don’t hesitate to ask questions! If anything catches your eye, I have a 3 for $30 sale going on, or if you’re bundle is over $50, you get a discount and free shipping! Thanks, happy poshing! 🥂✨
Jul 20Reply
mresse hi! welcome. I have some super gorgeous items for sale at my closet and I'd love for you to take a look. Everything is completely price negotiable. HURRY AS I'M CLOSING IN 10 DAYS!!
Aug 02Reply
factoryconnect Hi Posher. For discounts and special offers, like the item listing. I will send you an exclusive offer only available by liking the listing. YOU LIKE
Sep 09Reply
caninowbe hello my name is Katherine and I love to shop. I buy for everyone.. I presently have some new baby clothes. and have some woman plus clothing from woman within and Roamans.. have some smaller younger clothes.. and even some miscellaneous items. come on by check out my closet. 😜. you have a wonderful day and enjoy having friends 💗
Sep 19Reply
spreadlove HI, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have great day! @spreadlove
Oct 14Reply
alpowell714 Nice to see u
Oct 19Reply
kelizabethw1 Hey!! Happy shopping! I’m having a sale in my closet right now. Check it out
Oct 28Reply
rmsilvey Hi Ruthie. I live in Milton, Ga. I didn’t know there was a Boston, Ga😃I am a Poshmark Ambassador and would like to welcome you to my community. I’m a Complete Fashionista. I worked for years in Network Media and then Internet Media. I then adopted two daughters and started a Classical Pilates Studio. Closets and closets of fabulous clothes, most still with tags on them. So shop, bundle and save, safely from your home, and if you do go out....WEAR A MASK😃😃😃😃😷😷😷
Nov 24Reply
carson_lucas Hey! Thanks for following me Ruthie! May I ask why you did? Don't be alarmed, I make a point to ask most of my followers their motives for following me, after all, I only have one thing in my closet and it ain't for sale. Get back to me whenever you can, thank you, byeeee!
Dec 04Reply
carson_lucas @ruthiewest Hey! Thanks for following me Ruthie! May I ask why you did? Don't be alarmed, I make a point to ask most of my followers their motives for following me, after all, I only have one thing in my closet and it ain't for sale. Get back to me whenever you can, thank you, byeeee!
Dec 04Reply
claire_evelyne Hi Ruthie! I love your closet🥰
Jan 19Reply
whop67 how are you doing cutie, happy poshing..😉
Jan 25Reply
sweatersncheese hey girl! thanks for the shares. spreading the posh love, and you have a beautiful closet that i can tell you work really hard on! good job! Have an amazing day! ❤🎀👗👖🥿🥰🎀
Feb 21Reply
carmenwoollums Thank you for the follow 💛 God bless ✝️
Mar 02Reply
londonperdue Hi, Ruthie, greetings from Memphis! Thanks for the follow, following right back atcha! I'll be sure to check out your Poshmark Closet Store in support of your virtual platform. Happy Poshing, have a great holiday weekend; and I absolutely adore your beautiful pics! Cheers! 🎁🤗🦋
May 30Reply
omicron358 I appreciate the follow returning the favor.
Jun 29Reply
kimberlbusey @ruthiewest Welcome to Poshmark! I love your closet but do you think you will get some larger sizes like 2x & 3x? But I'm still sharing some awesome things from your closet! ❤😊🌻🌹
Jul 03Reply
kimberlbusey @ruthiewest Awww that makes me feel sad that I need that size clothes! I guess that's the first time I texted and seen it. 😔
Jul 03Reply
oldbarnbtq @kimberlbusey hi!! I have 2X and 3X sizes in my closet and add more things those sizes often! 😄
Jul 03Reply
samanthastanky Hello! LOVE LOVE LOVE the Disney stuff! I posted a few plus size Disney things in my closet. Have a look! xo!
Jul 26Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to send an offer or create a bundle either way your going to get a great deal!!
Aug 09Reply
unclaimed ruthie beautiful pictures.Enjoy a 50% discount on your next purchase of $50 or more from this closet.(Free shipping on $25 purchase). l also wholesale purchase any item from my closet priced $19 or less for $5 with a minimum purchase of $100. Start your closet or replenish your inventory. expires 09.31.21
Sep 17Reply
lmoore840 Hiiii verrry nice closet, check out my closet, see if you find anything you likeeeeee😁. ALWAYS accepting offers😁.
Nov 26Reply
cindy246 Hi Thank you accepting my offer. Cindy 🌺☃️🌺
Dec 12Reply
lovenarf Hi Ruthie. I would love to invite you to visit my closet. I carry new, retro and vintage items, some of which might be of interest to you. Thanks so much for taking a few minutes to stop by.
Apr 09Reply
personalpref Hey! Welcome to Posh! I hope it's everything you're hoping for! Let me know if I can be of any help, & I will definitely be promoting your closet! Happy Poshing! ✨💕
May 16Reply
prevola Congratulations .. love Disney.. ok, what house are you lol
Aug 28Reply
oldbarnbtq @prevola thank you!! House? Harry Potter house? I’m a hufflepuff! 😄
Aug 29Reply
designerbrand_1 Hello there & welcome to my closet 🥰 I have a wonderful sale going on! Make a purchase of a $100 or more (can be two or more items combined for a total of $100 or more) & get any item of your choice priced at $40 or less for free. It’s never too early to start your holiday shopping! Buy gifts for your loved ones & get a free item for yourself or pamper yourself (because you deserve it) & get a free gift for your loved ones 🥰😍🥰
Nov 10Reply
coracoller Hi Kattie How are you? I'm Cora wanted to Thank you for following me I really appreciate it. I shared some of your closet as a Thank you. Wishing you and yours a Fantabulous Thanksgiving filled with all the blessings you and yours so richly deserve. have.a chance check out my closet I'm always having Sale.
Nov 23Reply
coracoller Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I misspelled your name
Nov 23Reply
cullvoidecho Thanks for following me.
Dec 22Reply
marywilliams130 Hi this is Mary 😊 thank you for following my closet 😊
Mar 10Reply
lisakay100 Happy Poshing, I’ll Check out your Closet & You can Check out my Closet‼️
Mar 28Reply
krystalmcc1621 Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your 👚items 👖with my followers. Have a wonderful day 🌞and many sales 📦
Apr 11Reply
julissazelaya Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️ I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟 I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Jun 07Reply
g_closet53 Hi there! Thank you for the shares! Make sure you check out my closet, I am currently having a clear out sale, so if you bundle 3 5$ items, I will offer 5$ for all three! I have men’s clothes, women’s clothes, children’s clothes, and home items and electronics available in my closet! 🛍️Happy Poshing🛍️
Aug 14Reply
sking989 Hi! 😊 I have a super cute Disney sweater and a Torrid item you might be interested, check out my shop. Have a wonderful day! 🥰
Jan 29Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for your following my closet. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package 📦. And offers are always welcome, too.
Feb 20Reply
kamijoy16 Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! 😁 I hope you enjoy your time here, whether it’s selling or shopping! I’m having a 2 for $10 Easter Sale, if you’re interested. Feel free to come browse my closet! Best of luck and happy Poshing! :)
Mar 31Reply
rosesandpearls Hi from a fellow posher that loves Disney and Big Brother!!!❤️❤️
Apr 08Reply
cutehosiery @oldbarnbtq Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 29Reply
ada_maria hi Ruthie I was thinking why don't I take down the mickey mouse ensemble and when you YOU are ready I will post it..what do u say
Nov 01Reply

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Last Active: hours ago

Boston, GA
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Last Active: hours ago

Boston, GA
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