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Updated Feb 26
Updated Feb 26

Meet your Posher, Sabrina

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Sabrina. That little squishy in my pic is my wonderful 5 year old daughter. She is obsessed with farm animals, Johnny Cash, and classic Disney. Her mama loves her some Ralph Lauren and Gymboree. 😉Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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bellanblue Hi I’m Jen. Very nice to meet you! Hope you are loving Posh as much as I am. Happy Poshing. Welcome to Posh!
Oct 13Reply
jameswcoxiii Hey! Thanks for the follow back! Looking forward to seeing more👌🏻I just sell gifts and stuff kinda good for Christmas and what not. 🌲☃
Oct 14Reply
greenribbon @jameswcoxiii Your work is GORGEOUS! I will definitely be looking with Christmas coming up. 😊
Oct 14Reply
greenribbon @bellanblue Thanks for the welcome! I've heard great things about you, lol.
Oct 14Reply
13thfashions Hi Jennifer @bellanblue Thanks for coming over and welcoming one of our Totspot Momma's transferring over here to PoshMark 😘❤️❤️❤️ Can you call on some Ladies to come and say hello Thanks as always Sweet Friend ❤️❤️❤️
Oct 15Reply
13thfashions Hi Sabrina😀 Totspot Momma! So happy to see you made it over here💕 Welcome to PoshMark if you have any questions let me know 😘❤️❤️❤️
Oct 15Reply
greenribbon @sweetbee17 Thanks so much for the sweet welcome! I'm in the process, lol, so I'm sure I'll have questions! 😊
Oct 15Reply
bellanblue @sweetbee17 hi sherri. sure can!
Oct 15Reply
13thfashions @bellanblue Thank you I knew I could count on you😘❤️❤️❤️
Oct 15Reply
warrior04 It's nice to meet you Sabrina @loves061 Jen @bellanblue 🙋Thanks for the intro 🌹welcome to Poshmark. I've come to know and love the Posh community and discovered  many fashionable friends who have become my PFF's (Posh Friend Forever). We are here to answer any questions you may have. Please stay posh compliant, always have a great cover shot and be sure to follow, like, share! Please meet @jennfrn @tezza630 @kirabella35 @hismrs @dinofinder
Oct 15Reply
sparrowsage My daughter LOVED Johnny cash as a baby! Hi! I'm sparrow. @sparrowsage 🐨🌼💜☘
Oct 15Reply
kirabella35 Hi SABRINA! Welcome to Posh!!!! I'm so glad you have decided to join this wonderful group of women!!!! If you need any help or have any questions please reach out to me @kirabella35 as I am a Posh Mentor. God bless love. 😇💘😇💘😇💘😇💘😇💘😇💘😇💘 @warrior04 thank you gorgeous
Oct 15Reply
anawat @loves061 Sabrina very nice to meet you and welcome to Poshmark😍
Oct 15Reply
kmadeoy Welcome to Poshmark!!! You are going to absolutely love this!! There are so many amazing women on here and it's the best way to shop and sell! Totally addicting! 👏🏻😀 Enjoy!
Oct 15Reply
blumoose @loves061 Hi Sabrina...Thanks for following me!! Welcome to Poshmark, it's a wonderful place😊 My son LOVES Johnny Cash too😉🎸🎺🎷🎻
Oct 19Reply
foxowlclothing What a cutie!! I'm new to Posh, too!
Oct 20Reply
mrsmadariaga So cute!!!! 😘
Oct 20Reply
grace4d Hi Sabrina, nice to meet you & welcome to posh!! Love the darling girl you are holding. My boy is nearly 11 n hugging mom is something else won't do outside of the home, lol. Boys!! Anyway, just wanted to say hi. If you need anything please reach out!! Seriously!!🙆🌻🌻🌻💖💜 Dee
Oct 28Reply
ginger_nj Hello Sabrina! Your little girl is precious! Thank you for your P💟SH L💟VE and sharing my listing! Lets get this week STARTED right 💫! ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ Yesenia
Nov 09Reply
greenribbon Thank you for the kind words ladies! ❤️
Nov 09Reply
shoptherapy22 Squishy!!! So cute😍 I call my little one a worm. My lil wiggly worm. She's adorable 😍
Nov 10Reply
shoptherapy22 And John Cash!! We could sooo be friends... haha
Nov 10Reply
greenribbon @just4kidz Thank you for the kind words! She IS the cutest! 😉 And let's be honest, she gets her J Cash obsession from her Mama.
Nov 11Reply
kimkjc2 @loves061 Hi Sabrina! I just saw your comment on my Carolina Girls listing! Really? I'm between Hickory & Morganton, off I40. Your lil girl is beautiful!! 😍 I love the Lil name, Squishy! 😍 I'm guessing she's the cuddliest softest Lil person to squish?? You have some really cute items and I'll share for you. Are you loving Poshmark yet? 😉
Nov 17Reply
greenribbon @kimkjc2 Thanks! She's the best cuddler! I'm right outside of Winston. And I wish I could say I love posh. But I've not sold anything unfortunately. I just can't figure it out. 😕
Nov 17Reply
kimkjc2 @lorenfeldman You will! It takes a little time to get going. I'll be glad to share some tips ..let me know if you'd like that? I don't want to be pushy or anything! 😬 Also you can visit a closet @poshuniversity to read about some things. Have you read any blogs about Posh yet? I'm a Suggested User and a Mentor..I'd be more than happy to help you!!
Nov 17Reply
greenribbon @kimkjc2 Yes! Dear lord please help, lol. I need it. I was so excited to get started.
Nov 17Reply
kimkjc2 @loves061 You'll be a pro in no time! The blog I like most is @grayasparagus. She is taking a lil Posh break right now and everything in her closet is sold but still blogging. You can find a link to her blog in her closet.
Nov 17Reply
kimkjc2 @loves061 The main thing about Poshmark is sharing, sharing, sharing..the same for Following. I try to remember this saying that someone told me "Sharing = Exposure. Exposure = Sales." It's all about Sharing and Following. 😉☺️ Try to add more items to your closet daily. Share your items to the parties that they're relevant to. Children and Men items were just allowed in July so there aren't many parties yet but they're getting more frequent.
Nov 17Reply
kimkjc2 @loves061 Comments are restricted to only 500 characters..that's why I'm breaking it up. 😉 In my closet, you'll find a listing about what we can and can't sell here, always refer to that, no matter what you may see other people selling. It's very important to be compliant because some people won't follow you or share for you if you aren't.
Nov 17Reply
kimkjc2 @loves061 Ok! I think that's enough for now? I don't want to overwhelm you, sweety! Along the way, if you have any questions, just tag me on one of my Sold Listings so we don't use up all of your MTP area! 😉☺️
Nov 17Reply
moonwind75 Hey Posher! Thank you for visiting my closet!! Please come bye and check it out again as I list quite often. Everything I list has come out of my closet except some of the earrings that I am selling for a friend who makes them. It will take me forever to get everything out of my closet and on to POSHMARK, but I am determined!! Feel free to make an offer as well, but, more than anything HAVE FUN POSHING!!! - de
Nov 19Reply
heffy165 Hello marked your camo bows as military not just army...don't limit your product. Just a thought from a MoM (mother of a Marine.)
Nov 22Reply
greenribbon @heffy165 Well I thought they were Army colors?
Nov 23Reply
heffy165 @loves061 camo is for army and marines. Don't mind me I'm just a MoM. 🇺🇸❤️
Nov 23Reply
greenribbon @heffy165 Thanks for the advice! I had no idea. 😊
Nov 23Reply
jassieboo92 Hi ! Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Nov 26Reply
exwolfe Nice to meet you Sabrina. Stopping by to share your closet to my followers in hope of getting you a sale:) All the best to you and if you have questions feel free to ask, Cindy
Nov 26Reply
sunny_threads @loves061 good luck on sales and stop by any time for advice or venting ❤️❤️❤️ much love and I wish you MANY SMOOTH SALES!
Dec 05Reply
greenribbon @suzee1988 Thanks so much! You're too sweet!
Dec 05Reply
dusty19 She is adorable 💕 thanks for all the shares
Dec 07Reply
kidzcloths626 @loves061 Thanks for the tag about the share group. How are you? I'm hoping to jump in a share soon.
Dec 16Reply
greenribbon @kidzcloths626 I'm good! Miss you and my Totspot moms, lol. I've made like 3 sales I think. Happy for those 3 but man, it's hard to get started. But yeah, she has one and @boyzwillbboyz has one that's just for kids. @jessecac and @julesjax have pretty good ones too.
Dec 16Reply
jessecac @loves061 Thanks for the tag💕
Dec 16Reply
greenribbon @boyzwillbboyz you're welcome! 😊
Dec 16Reply
greenribbon @jessecac you're welcome!
Dec 16Reply
kidzcloths626 @loves061 I'm with you, it's definitely a lot harder to get going on posh. I've been in and out with it, I just don't have the time and totspot was not as labor intensive. Haha. Thanks for the share groups, hoping to be able to jump in one soon.
Dec 16Reply
greenribbon @foxowlclothing Hi! Can I send you a message on Facebook? I'm pretty sure I know your name. 😊
Dec 18Reply
greenribbon @foxowlclothing I just sent it! 😊
Dec 18Reply
shopahola @loves061, You look more like you could be her older sister. So sweet.
Dec 20Reply
greenribbon @shopahola Aw thanks! I'm really 28, lol.
Dec 20Reply
shopahola @loves061? Which is why you look so young, you are. 😍
Dec 20Reply
lizfrumtn Happy New Year! 😊
Jan 01Reply
greenribbon @lizfrumtn Thanks! Hope you have a great New Years!
Jan 01Reply
lizfrumtn @greenribbon Thank you! You too!
Jan 01Reply
enocharden Thanks for following my closet 💕😀
Jan 06Reply
sejoursouvenir Hey there so nice to meet u 😊
Jan 08Reply
greenribbon @livefree24 You too! 😊
Jan 08Reply
fivetenandahalf Hi Sabrina, thanks for following my closet - yours is great! I hope you find things in my closet that you like, especially Ralph Lauren!
Jan 27Reply
kidzcloths626 @greenribbon Well hello lady! haha. I see you changed your name, how are you? Thanks for all the shares. Started a KIDS weekly share group in my closet, similar to what esmama did on TS (I can't remember if you did that one with us) Its all full for this week, but let me know if you want met me to add you to the notification for next week. Hope all is well.
Mar 27Reply
greenribbon @kidzcloths626 Hi! I saw your listings in the kids party so I had to share you. I'm doing pretty good. Still can't quite seem to get regular sales but it's all good. You're doing great! And yes, I'd love to be added. 😊
Mar 27Reply
kidzcloths626 @greenribbon It was a slow start but now I seem to be moving along. Share group helps of course. Also building my following and sharing to parties, it takes some time but worth it in the end. I'm going to tag you in my chat post, like it so I don't forget to add you next week.
Mar 27Reply
greenribbon @kidzcloths626 Thanks! Yeah, I changed my name because I wanted it to mean something. My sweet girl has CP and the green ribbon is the symbol for cerebral palsy awareness.
Mar 27Reply
kidzcloths626 @greenribbon Aww well that is a very good reason for a name change. I hope out share group can help with some sales. 💕
Mar 27Reply
jassgill Hi dear.happy poshing.I would like if u will check my closet.Brand i hv in my closet (MAC,Victoria's secret, Pink,h&m,forever21,Marc Jacobs). 💥 If u will buy marc jacobs bag u will get FREE SHIPPING on all items.😊
May 12Reply
kidzcloths626 @greenribbon Sabrina, I just shared bombed you, because, well, I felt like it, ;) no sharebacks!!!!!
Jun 07Reply
greenribbon @kidzcloths626 Now you know I can't do that. I will get you when you're least expecting it. 😜
Jun 07Reply
kidzcloths626 @greenribbon ahahahaha, thanks I needed a good laugh. Okay okay fair enough. I just wanted to spread some love. 😀💕
Jun 07Reply
ceford @greenribbon Hey honey! I saw you on FB and looked you up and I was already following you! I find your daughters story to be one so close to my heart as I was a pediatric phlebotomist for 9 years. I will pray for your sweet little one and for comfort for her. Momma I will pray for guidance and strength for you. Momma I commend you for being able to posh and be a full time caregiver for this precious soul!
Jun 13Reply
greenribbon @ceford Thank you so much! You are so sweet! I would love to posh more but I just can't seem to get it off the ground. I'll never stop trying though! 💚
Jun 13Reply
ceford @greenribbon oh honey I feel the same most days but I've only been doing it since march 20th. I've not even had 10 sales yet but I get butterflies every time I do get one! I got so excited today with my first bundle of 56.00 I countered at 30.00... whoops! Their gain! Haha oh well it will make one lucky lady very happy! If you have any questions about anything let me know and I'll try my best to help! Praying for you guys!
Jun 13Reply
shopjerilyn Love your closet!! If I had a little girl I'd be going crazy!! You're daughter is precious!!
Jun 23Reply
greenribbon @shopjerilyn Thanks so much! 😊
Jun 23Reply
ashlyn_bekah Thanks for looking at my closet! My online store is☺️
Jun 29Reply
ashleyandme01 Hi Sabrina, glad to meet someone who's also selling kids clothes! You're little squishy is adorable!!! Gymboree is also my fav for the kids too 😘 I was wondering where you got the wood background for your pictures? Your pictures look very bright and pretty!
Jul 06Reply
greenribbon @ashleyandme01 Thanks so much! She is the cutest! 😉 I got my background on Amazon. I don't remember the company but make sure you order one that comes in a tube so you don't have folds.
Jul 06Reply
ashleyandme01 @greenribbon Got it! Thank you!! ❤️❤️😘
Jul 06Reply
bets18 Adorable! 😊
Jul 15Reply
zoila234 Hi 😊👋🏻🖐🏻👋🏻👋🏻& welcome
Jul 20Reply
hmsimon1 Good afternoon Sabrina. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Jul 30Reply
bsherwood69 Love your picture!
Jul 31Reply
gploposh Love your gorgeous closet!!!
Aug 05Reply
gamer_princess hi sabrina what a percious picture of you and your daughter!😗 welcome to poshmark im hannah have a great week
Aug 15Reply
spreadlove Just stopping in to say hello! I know there are so many lovely closets on Posh but I would be grateful if you checked out mine! Either way have a nice day!
Sep 26Reply
katsal824 Precious angel you got there! 🤗
Sep 28Reply
tropicaldove You're daughter is so pretty and cute! I have a daughter too! Love your closet!!!
Oct 07Reply
greenribbon @tropicaldove Thank you so much!
Oct 07Reply
junglejane123 Ur little girl is so adorable. Have a great day happy poshing 😉😉😉😎😎
Oct 10Reply
closetrehab @greenribbon Thanks for following me, Sabrina! I appreciate it more than you know. Your closet is lovely...I will look for things in my niece’s size. I started out purely shopping (and I still am an addict), but now I've got the Poshbug both ways! Stop by my closet soon. I am adding more and more great items slowly, but surely. Happy Poshing! 🙏🏽🤗💖
Oct 15Reply
rhen29 hi Sabrina welcome to postmark feel free to check out my closet happy poshing🤗😍😍💖💝💟💞
Oct 16Reply
carolyn4414 So cute
Nov 05Reply
amberc2010 Cute closet 😍
Nov 09Reply
greenribbon @rosepetalmetal That's so funny! What a small world! Do you remember which ones?
Nov 12Reply
greenribbon @rosepetalmetal So weird, lol! If I saw your face, I'm sure I'd remember you! I'm the same. I usually remember customers but not what I ate either. 😂
Nov 13Reply
spreadlove Hi! I know there are many closets but I'd be grateful if you checked out mine! Either way I wanted to say hello. Have a great weekend!
Dec 10Reply
ic3daddy Thank you for sharing I'm new to this I'm still trying to get use to it
Dec 26Reply
mfr671 Hi Sabrina, Thanks for the following, and it is nice to meet you. Wish all the best in all that you pursue and a very prosperous New Year in 2018 to you and family.
Jan 01Reply
estella_style Hi Sabrina! Love your closet! I wanted to tell you that I have a 4 year old with CP :)
Jan 05Reply
greenribbon @estella_style That's so cool! I love meeting other special needs moms. 😊
Jan 05Reply
_yoyitascloset_ @ greenribbon Your daughter looks exactly like you! She is so cute! :)))
Jan 05Reply
greenribbon @_yoyitascloset_ Thank you! She is my twin for sure. 😊
Jan 05Reply
gullprint Your closet is looking amazing
Jan 18Reply
alajas Hi Sabrina 💗 I am Gen and would like to introduce myself to you as I begin this journey with Poshmark . Thank you 🙏 for following me on Posh. After being diagnosed with breast cancer, I’m ready to share our previously loved items. Do stop by and share your constructive feedback, who knows you might also find something that you like for yourself or someone you care for?🌸💕☘️
Jan 25Reply
darbymeads Blessings my dear, welcome to Poshmark – I’m Darby. If you have any questions – I’ll do my best to help you through. The best advice I’ve gotten so far is share your closet a lot, follow and share others. But most of all have fun creating your business and meeting great people. Blessings always
Jan 30Reply
greenribbon @rsuyaba Thank YOU. Your closet is amazing! Posh goals for sure. 😊
Feb 03Reply
greenribbon @alajas Welcome to Posh!
Feb 03Reply
alajas @greenribbon Happy poshing to both of us
Feb 03Reply
blobfishy Hi Sabrina, thanks for following me! I’m trying to clear out my closet before we move so if there is anything you like let me know. I’m offering really steep discounts on bundles.
Mar 20Reply
cathyfrangos I was just had a second thought. Come to me back at $68 and that would give you free shipping from I-75 dollar price. You already shipping on the top you bought so I'll let you do free shipping on this one and sell it to you at 68. Does that all make sense no
May 01Reply
greenribbon @cathyfrangos I think you have the wrong person. I've never bought anything from you.
May 02Reply
cathyfrangos @greenribbon I'm so sorry this was meant for someone else ain't no wonder I never heard from you. LOL sorry to bother you but I am doing 50% off my entire closet if you feel like taking a peek
May 02Reply
05teddy11 Blessings on sharing from my closet ❤️🤟🏻💜! Love your family picture & posher page ❤️. Happy day & poshing ❤️🙏💜
May 15Reply
w3r3allbrok3n Great Connecting With You Sabrina!!
Jun 10Reply
bryllianz 🍒😲Wow!! What a beautiful Closet!! Simply Gorgeous 🍒💞💕💯🤗🥰😘....
Jun 23Reply
mindy0312 Thank you for the shares. Much appreciated. Happy poshing
Jul 12Reply
pinkmora Hey Thanks for the shares ! check out the rest of my closet to see if something catches your eye! sizes 00-16 ❤️ I am accepting all offers. Read my reviews i make great bundle deals save over 40%💕 Same Day Shipping 📦
Jul 15Reply
krede715 Beautiful little girl! You can see how much she loves you! What a great picture!🎊🌷🌸🎉🌺💎🎈🥰
Jul 27Reply
xocandyscloset 💕💕💕 Hiya Gorgeous Posher! I just started following you! I would love to spread the Posh & Closet love! Please like my Posh page! I'd love to share 10 items from your closet! Just share 10 of mine and I will make sure to do the same once I see the notifications! Friendly comments are welcomed on my page as well! Happy Poshing! 💕💕💕 Xo, Candy
Aug 19Reply
redlightgreen Hey! I’m interested in two items from your closet but I did it wrong.... 🤪 if I decline your offers and then bundle the two together can you send me a new offer please Love your closet!
Oct 05Reply
greenribbon @redlightgreen Haha, that's okay. Sure!
Oct 05Reply
studiorengirl This bunny thanks you so much for the shares!💗🐰💗 Your little squishy is adorable!🐇 Happy Poshing!!💖
Nov 04Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 💞💐!
May 04Reply
luxbrandsonly Sabrina! I want to add the Free People chambray shorts to the bundle! Can you cancel the purchase I just made so I can add that too?!? I really want the shorts I just didnt see them until last minute! I would greatly appreciate it!
Jun 30Reply
greenribbon @stgiroux Ok I canceled it and they both should be available again. ☺️
Jun 30Reply
tracy_dickerson Hi. You sent me a comment about a Chico’s sweater. It’s ok to send. Thanks.
Apr 09Reply
vickiestacy 🙋‍♀️ just wondering about the green ribbon. If I may ask. My granddaughter is a liver recipient from a donor when she was one year. Blessings 🍒😊🍒
Jun 02Reply
fattybow1 Thanks for sharing!🥰
Jun 17Reply
cristeve hi Sabrina. thanx for the follow. your daughter is a beautiful special little lady! Steve
Jun 17Reply
jwjaneen Hello Sabrina, Please let me know when the blouse I purchased will be shipped. Thank You! Janeen
Jul 10Reply
greenribbon @jwjaneen it’s being shipped today.
Jul 10Reply
jwjaneen @greenribbon Great! Thank You!
Jul 10Reply
jungae30 hello. I bought the sleeveless top from you July 7 and still says it's pending. can you ship it out soon please? Thank you
Jul 10Reply
b4nash Fantastic closet!!🥰
Oct 03Reply
shj1956 Thank you for the follow 🙏🧚‍♀️🌸🌼🧚‍♂️
Oct 14Reply
brina5657 Hi, I love your closet. I shared some of your items.
Nov 28Reply
awildrosegrows Thank you for following my closet! To show my appreciation, I am having a 50% off New Year’s Bundle Sale between now and Jan.31st. Add code: NEW50 to the comments of any bundle of two or more items and I will send you a 50% off offer. Happy New Year!🥳
Dec 30Reply
444kj Hi! I was looking over your closet and I love your items. If you could look through my closet and share some of my items that would be greatly appreciated, I’ll do the same for you ofc. If you are interested in anything, lmk! Happy Shopping 🤍
Jan 08Reply
tamarasara1 @greenribbon Hi. Can you ship the tank out today? Thanks!
Jan 17Reply
greenribbon @tamarasara1 The earliest I can ship is tomorrow. No mail runs on MLK JR day.
Jan 17Reply
tamarasara1 @greenribbon Please message me the tracking info when you ship. Thanks.
Jan 18Reply
tamarasara1 @greenribbon Hi Sabrina! I just received the shirt today. Thank you so much. I love it! You are an absolute pleasure to deal with and I can’t thank you enough for responding to my messages in a timely manner!! 💗
Jan 21Reply
greenribbon @tamarasara1 Aw you’re so sweet! Thank you!
Jan 21Reply
jewelsbysara Hi🌸 I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals ! If you have any questions feel free to ask. Happy Poshing ❤️
Feb 22Reply
530lemurian Hi thanks for the Follow! Check out our Closet! You can see More Great Items @
Mar 12Reply
fernandonuez Thanks for sharing my post
Mar 18Reply
timamy21 Thanks for the follow. I will be sharing some of your listings and hope that you can return the favor.
Mar 25Reply
kmmontone Hi Sabrina. I'm Kay and I want to thank you for following me. After my husband passed away, a friend suggested I try selling on Poshmark, so here I am. Please stop by my closet and take a look. Most of my listings are new or excellent like new condition. Feel free to ask questions. Thanks again for following and have a great evening.
Apr 02Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Apr 11Reply
chellier Great pic! Thanks for following!
Apr 16Reply
mabarnes44 both precious 💕.
Apr 17Reply
ccslilmama Sabrina, thank you so much for sharing those Chloe sunglasses. I've had them listed for a few months now, and they don't get a lot of exposure because they're usually further down in my listings. I'm going to share some of your closet -- if you could keep sharing those sunglasses and a few other items in the "back" of my closet, I'd appreciate it!🙂
Apr 20Reply
lizgreen1955 Thank you for the offer. I don't think I can fit into a size 8, I'm usually a 10!!
Apr 26Reply
fishingfund Cant go wrong with Johnny Cash!
May 04Reply
carebearclothin Hi! I encourage you to please come check out my closet! Im a student trying to make ends meet :) I sell lots of womens clothes, vintage things, and a few toys. Lots of tops & jeans! Happy poshing!
Jul 13Reply
lamarquez16 Hello Ms Sabrina I appreciate the follow. I'm new to selling but not new to buying on Poshmark. I've shared some items in your closet and I hope you share my closet too. Stop by my closet often, because I do update my closet weekly. Happy Poshing! Be safe.
Aug 06Reply
elisekerr548 Thank you for sharing my item!
Nov 08Reply
coracoller Just wanted to thank you for following me. I shared.some awesome closet ☀️
Nov 09Reply
adenedwa56 Thank you for sharing my item. With the number of your followers it helps immensely.
Dec 19Reply
rhonda_anne Lovely mother and daughter picture! Have a blessed year!
Jan 05Reply
jimbut6789 Hi! Thanks for following my closet!
Jan 13Reply
nickigirl03 Thanks for being a great customer!! Make a bundle of 2 or more get 30% off and discounted shipping
Jan 28Reply
rhonda_anne Hello.... I hope that you have a blessed year! I am giving away a free 925 sterling silver heart necklace with the purchase of any purse or tote.....this month in March 2023
Mar 17Reply
thillbill Hello, Feel free to check out my closet some time. It may take awhile, well over 2500 items. Bundle a few items and save more! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often Tons to add!!
Apr 23Reply
mimi23wbl Thanks for sharing
Jun 26Reply
happyday111960 Hi there Sabrina and thank you for the "follow"! As a Posh Ambassador I have a little wiggle room on a lot of things so feel free to make any offer. Take a look and see if there’s anything you like. Hopefully you’ll find something you love. Have a “Poshing” kind of day! L.
Aug 23Reply
mimswind Hi Sabrina, Thanks for following my closet! Looking forward to sharing some goodies from you closet! Happy Poshing : )
Sep 26Reply
le_stage Hi! Just wanted to say thank you so much for your warm welcome! Look forward to poshing with you! 🌺 MelissaL
Nov 04Reply
cutehosiery @greenribbon Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Nov 25Reply
oldesires Hello 👋 THANK YOU for your interest, (like, share or follow). Please feel free to visit and browse, ask questions or make an offer. May your Posh adventure be fun and successful. 🌟
Nov 29Reply
andykenepp gorgeous closet
Dec 26Reply
toweroftreasure @greenribbon hey thanks for liking my closet! love your closet too! 💕 if you are interested in any items feel free to make me an offer!
Dec 29Reply
jamiejoy12 Oh my she is adorable! Thank you for sharing my CAbi set ! That was kind of you. Love your closet. How do you get all those awesome white backgrounds and make it look so clean and sharp? I’ve tried using “sticker” in my photos area. Is that what you do? I’d be thrilled if you’re willing to share. 🙏🏻🌷🐣
Mar 30Reply
greenribbon @jamiejoy12 I have a 5 X 5 piece of white particle board from Lowe’s 🙂
Mar 30Reply
jamiejoy12 @greenribbon great idea, thank you! Happy Easter to you a little Adorable 🐇🐰🐥👒💐🦋🪻
Mar 30Reply
misserin7 Nice closet :) Just stopping by to say hi and introduce myself. I hope you’ll check my closet out too!
May 16Reply
kaysuniverse @greenribbon Hello there 🤗posh queen. I'm just stopping by today 2 share sum favs with my posh audience. Please visit my closet when you've got some sum time 2 share my best listings. Let's keep PM, the sharing community it was created 2 be. My closet has brands like Michael Kors, Nike, Calvin Klein, WHBM, Bebe and Ralph Lauren. I ship all orders out the next day. Plz feel free 2 browse, like, or share anytime. 😀 Happy Poshing!!!
Sep 11Reply

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Winston Salem, NC
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