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Updated Aug 27
Updated Aug 27

Meet your Posher, Sabrina

Meet the Posher



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Hello my loves!!!!!! My names is Sabrina🌸🌸 Anything you buy from me is coming from a : SMOKE FREE HOME OFFERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME ✨🛍🛍🛍🛍 And I do have a Cat. Please keep that in mind 🐈‍⬛🧶 HAPPY POSHING😍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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belleangeline Welcome to Poshmark!😊
Aug 12Reply
thatssosabrina @coyle21 oh ok no problem thank you!!
Oct 29Reply
nialamour Thank you! Will be shipping it out by the end of the day🙂
Nov 01Reply
thatssosabrina @nialamour THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍
Nov 01Reply
gigi11155 Thank you in showing interest in my maxi. If I can answer any questions please let me know❤️👍😊
Nov 02Reply
ginmunoz Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you find everything you are looking for and those great deals too. Saving money is great so dont forget to bundle and make those offers. Happy Poshing and check out my closet! 😉😉😉😉 And best wishes for your sales ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Nov 02Reply
bjcich Hi Sabrina! Thank you for your offer! I will ship your earrings out tomorrow! Hope you have a wonderful day! 😊💐💕
Nov 07Reply
brbarrett25 Im soooooo happy you loved your shoes!!!! They are fire🔥 though right???? Thank you so much for the 5 ⭐ rating. You are an AWESOME posher and please don't hesitate to visit my closet again. I like offers and I love happy customers!!! Happy poshing girl!! 😚🤗
Nov 09Reply
rcardia7 @brbarrett25 Hi, you recently bought a white teddy bear from me, poshmark emailed me saying that you cancelled it but I wasn’t sure if you actually did or not because they did this with someone else and they still wanted the item... so let me know if you still want it and I can ship it today!
Nov 25Reply
brbarrett25 @rcardia7 hi I havent purchased any bears..sorry.
Nov 25Reply
rcardia7 @brbarrett25 that was meant for this buyer not your sorry!
Nov 26Reply
ladyejsinclair @mrshumphrey455 hello there sweetie! Your order from me is at the post office!! The post office said, they attempted delivery on November 26 and could not deliver. This was two days ago, I just wanted you to know, I’m not sure if they notified you about this! I don’t want it to get sent back to me! Thank you sweetie! Let me know!
Nov 28Reply
poshiemeg @mrshumphrey455 Hi Sabrina! I saw that you recently bought a beautiful ethnic gown! Do you need jewelry to wear with it? I have beautiful ethnic jewelry that would look beautiful with your outfit! I would love for you to visit my closet and take a look! I'm very flexible with pricing and am open to all offers! Thank you for your time!!!
Dec 09Reply
poshiemeg @mrshumphrey455 Hi Sabrina! I have two beautiful Bollywood gowns/ dresses in my closet that I would love for you to check out when you get the chance! And I'm open to all offers! Thanks!
Dec 16Reply
classydee Hi Hun! I’ve shipped your beautiful dress and just waiting on it to start tracking! Thank you so much for your purchase🥰
Dec 17Reply
girlsloveaura @mrshumphrey455 Thank you for your purchase Sabrina! I’ll get your top in the mail ASAP! Happy Saturday!
Jan 06Reply
girlsloveaura @mrshumphrey455 I’m glad you received your top Sabrina! Thank you for the positive feedback, enjoy! 💕
Jan 13Reply
veganmomx3 Hi! I got your Coach all packed up and ready to go! Ill send it first thing in the morning! Thanks
Feb 26Reply
armochik Thank you for your purchase, Sabrina! I’ll pack it up tonight after work and ship it tomorrow during lunch hour.
Mar 04Reply
thatssosabrina @armochik THANK YOU SO MUCH
Mar 04Reply
armochik @mrshumphrey455 Thank YOU! I’m about to get your package ready for tomorrow’s shipment and just want to make sure you know that the size on the dress is XXL, but the dress runs small. According to the measurements that I listed in the description the dress should fit size Large approximately. Again, just wanted to make sure you know and in case of any questions please, let me know!
Mar 05Reply
emmalein Hello! Thanks so much for your purchase! I will ship on Friday as soon as I get home 💓
Mar 07Reply
mybagobsession @mrshumphrey455 Welcome to Poshmark! Check out my closet sometime.
Mar 07Reply
armochik Hi Sabrina! I’m so glad you love the dress🥰😍 I resell some stuff, and sell some from my personal closet and this dress I actually picked it up from a little boutique in Seattle. Just didn’t have the chance to try in on, but loved the colors and the style of the dress. Unfortunately, it was just a bit too loose on me, but I’m so happy it worked out for you😃 And I very much appreciate the great rating 💕😊
Mar 08Reply
slayitagain Hi Sabrina! Thank you so much for your purchase! This will ship out tomorrow! 😄👕💙
Mar 08Reply
thatssosabrina @slayitagain yaaaaaay thank you so much for accepting my offer!!!! 💜❤️❤️❤️💕
Mar 08Reply
slayitagain @mrshumphrey455 you're so welcome! I'm ALWAYS open to offers!!😄
Mar 08Reply
emmalein Hi! Just an update: I just returned home & your order will be in the mail tomorrow, first thing! 💓thanks again!
Mar 09Reply
theposhunic0rn Hey there! Thank you so much for visiting my closet and liking an item ✨ all orders placed today will ship tomorrow morning 💃🏼 Happy Poshing!
Mar 21Reply
wonderaa Hello!😊💕 feel free to visit my closet to see amazing finds!👚👗👙👘👠👡👢👜👛👝🥿
Apr 01Reply
shezadibazar Hi @mrshumphrey455 !! Hope you are the world of poshmark! I would love to invite you to my closet I have a lot of Indian outfits , jewelry and tops 😊❤️
Apr 02Reply
avantiboutique Hi Dear..Did you get your package with the Paris theme tote? I see that USPS left you a note yesterday that they tried to deliver it but there was no one home and no secure place to leave the package.
Apr 04Reply
thatssosabrina @avantiboutique hi darling!!! Yes since I live in an locked apartment building the Delivery Man can’t always get in!!! So the package is at the post office!!! So I’m going to pic it up tomorrow ❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😍😍😍😍💕💋. Sorry for the wait!!!
Apr 04Reply
avantiboutique @mrshumphrey455 Oh ok..I just wanted to make sure you got the note and knew they tried to deliver it. All is good then..Lol Thanks for getting back to me. Enjoy!!
Apr 04Reply
avantiboutique @mrshumphrey455 Hi Dear..I just wanted to follow up and see if you were able to get the package yesterday from the Post Office. If so please go into Posh and mark that you received the package from me so that I will get paid on it. I appreciate it and hope you have a fabulous weekend!!
Apr 05Reply
winelover0626 Hi thanks for your purchase 🌅have beautiful weekend
Apr 07Reply
pink_unicorn_82 Hi Sabrina! Thx for your purchase! I’ll get your two bags shipped out first thing in the morning 😘 Abby
Apr 07Reply
avantiboutique Hi Hun..did you get your package yet? I just looked at the tracking and it said there was no secure location to leave it. That was last Friday. Did they leave you a note to go pick it up at the post office?
Apr 23Reply
bmkh Hi fellow posher! Please visit my closet for Indian outfits, vintage items, artsy stuff and more! 💥🌼💕☺️ Also please reach out if you have any additional questions 🌸
May 19Reply
najminchowdhury U r very pretty 😊
Jun 25Reply
ladykrc @mrshumphrey455 Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Jul 29Reply
nevadabean Thank you for the like on my pedi egg I reduced to $10 just now but unfortunately it's as low as I can go since poshmark gets $3. I get $7. Thank you
Aug 27Reply
winelover0626 Great photo 🥂
Sep 09Reply
sistersstuff I wanted to let you know I countered your offer on the London Fog coat, however I just reduced price and it also gets reduced shipping. Thank you for your interest!!
Nov 01Reply
fashnminx Hi!! Just wanted to let you know that your package is on its way. I truly appreciate your purchase and included a small “thank you” gift in your parcel. Hope you will be pleased with all. If you have any questions or concerns, do send them along❄️ 🤗🎄
Dec 11Reply
leoswife Thank you for your visit to my closet. I appreciate your liking and have you visit again 🙏 💋
Mar 02Reply
tanzilatoma81 Would you like to check my closet? Thank you
Mar 05Reply
pressuredgems You are super adorable>>>>
Mar 21Reply
thatssosabrina @pressuredgems awwwwww thank you honey!!! Your so sweet!! 💝💕😍
Mar 21Reply
pressuredgems ur Welcome.
Mar 21Reply
candy258 Hi 👋🏼 Welcome to Poshmark‼️🛍
Mar 21Reply
woahellegirl3 Hey love 🌷 $4.99 shipping on all bundles of 2+ items going on in my closet 💕 Happy Poshing!
Apr 04Reply
goldneyez311 Hi.👋😁 How are you? Just wanted to invite you to come check out my closet!! 🛍I have a ton of inventory to list right now- So make sure to keep an eye on my closet. I have everything from Women's, men's, kid's,(in all sizes)makeup, skin care, home name it! I am more than happy to spread love by offering great deals on anything you like and bundle! We can all use a little joy in these tough times. Come check it out! 😁💗Wishing you Happiness and Health. Be safe. xoxo @Goldneyez311
Apr 05Reply
soriag Thanks for following my closet! Do let me know if you find anything you are interested in, I offer bundle discounts too 😊
Apr 06Reply
nyfashionstore Thank you for the like!!
Jun 20Reply
nyfashionstore Thank you for your purchase I will send your package out today ❤️💕
Jun 24Reply
thatssosabrina @ldadamo123 THANK YOU😘😘😘😘
Jun 24Reply
maryznak Hello) How are you? Thank you for following) Hope you will find something interesting for yourself) Have a nice day
Sep 12Reply
bergertwins Sabrina I see you liked a couple of items in my closet. If you bundle them I can give you a 30% discount. Dee
Apr 14Reply
refreshedfinds Hi😀Happy Poshing!🛍And Happy Valentine’s Weekend!🌺💕
Feb 11Reply
retroragz22 if you see anything please make me an offer
Sep 20Reply
gregnrona Hey Sabrina…the pic of you in red hat looks like something out of the 1930’s era.
Sep 20Reply
thatssosabrina @gregnrona omg THANK YOU DEAR. that’s what I was going for 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. And WELCOME TO MY CLOSET. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Sep 20Reply
gregnrona Ubetcha
Sep 20Reply
swscraftshop Hello 🖐Thanks for Following my Closet! Feel Free to Leave Comment or Shop my Closet! If you see anything you want but don't ❤ the price make an Offer! Most Offers 💰 accepted! Thank You! Wishing You Great Sells!! 🙂Happy Poshing!!
Sep 23Reply
kristenkreation Hi @mrshumphrey455 ✨I'm Kristen & thank you for the follow! I love your closet! I'm also a Posh Ambassador if you need any help or have advice or tips to share with me! Have a great night & Happy Poshing! ✨
Sep 23Reply
elhusuba Thanks for following!!💛🙌 We Sell only Authentic bags!.. 🚨Good news!.. ‼️Limited Time ‼️ When you Like any our designer bags or wallets, get up to 30 percent off!!👍->❤️💸 Or make and offer i can do best! Have a wonderful days and work!. 🌈🦋
Sep 27Reply
kattbox Hi thanks for following my closet. I am building a network of dedicated followers who are serious about making money. The only way we can do this is to support one another by being dedicated sharers. Unfortunately some poshers don’t share. Share three for me and I will share three for you. Then I will follow you. I share three items per sharer.
Oct 09Reply
i_heart_shop 💜Thank you for connecting with me! Today I would like to offer you an exclusive deal of 50% ff your entire purchase! Simply like items and I’ll bundle them for you. All items in closet included! Happy Poshing!
Oct 10Reply
nylifeaccess Hi dear, thank you very much to check out and following or share my closet. Just would like to let you know my closet is doing BUNDLE discount “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” and $25/3. Welcome to shop at my closet. Wish you have a wonderful day ;)
Jan 04Reply
whoelseofcourse 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
Jan 10Reply
thatssosabrina @closetbrag awwwwww thank you much 💝💝😍
Jan 11Reply
thatssosabrina @shashidb THANK YOU QUEEN 💝💝😍💕💕🌸🌸🌸💕
Jan 11Reply
marcdot Hey Sabrina
Jan 12Reply
Jan 13Reply
mlyle88yj 😍 thanks for sharing my items beautiful 😘
Jan 18Reply
vanilaaabean Hi there! I am inviting you to come check out my closet. I sell lots of Indian and Pakistani clothing and I am always adding more !!
Apr 03Reply
cutehosiery @mrshumphrey455 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Apr 18Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Apr 26Reply
bjjcmom Gorgeous closet!!
May 02Reply
thatssosabrina @bjjcmom awwwwwwwwwww thank you love!!!!!!💕💕💕🌷🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸. WELCOME 🤗
May 02Reply
stylesilicon 🌟Hi Doll, Just dropped prices in a bunch of stuff and listed spring/summer items. Feel free to make an offer, have 200+ reviews. Happy pushing 😊
May 06Reply
littlepeachxo 🤍 Hi there, I’m accepting all offers due to overstocked inventory. I have lots of clothes, accessories, jewelry, collectibles: such as sanrio & disney and a large variety of items. A bit of everything. 🤍
Aug 23Reply
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Last Active: 20 hours ago

Liverpool, NY
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Last Active: 20 hours ago

Liverpool, NY
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