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Updated Sep 10
Updated Sep 10

Meet your Posher, Sabrina

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Sabrina. Some of my favorite brands are Michael Kors, kate spade, and Coach. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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nikwebs Hi Sabrina! Thank you for your purchase! I'm packing it up now and will have it in tomorrow's mail 😊
May 07Reply
nikwebs your purse is on it's way!
May 07Reply
nikwebs Hi Sabrina, I'm sorry that you smell smoke, but I can honestly say that the purse has never been around smokers in my possession. I would hope airing it out would help. Again, I'm sorry.
May 14Reply
bamfshades @nikwebs she tried pulling falsely based return on me too. seeing a pattern here.
Jul 16Reply
curatedbyjenny Thanks for your purchase! usps is closed tomorrow but I will ship on Tuesday 😊
Oct 11Reply
babeana hi dear sorry that chocolate /b . was sm come back for a 65% discont on al my chothing
Oct 17Reply
threewhitestars @powder0312 Hi Sabrina, I’m sorry to hear that the blazer didn’t fit. I know how frustrating that is first hand. What could I have done to help prevent that? Thanks for your time and for your honest review...have a great day!
Oct 19Reply
2ndchancecharm Hi! Just wanted to stop by and invite you to check out my closet, which is mainly career clothing for women - Ann Taylor, LOFT, Banana Republic, Express, The Limited, J. Crew, etc. High quality and low prices! I usually add dozens of items every week. Come check it out if you’re interested! Happy poshing! ❤
Nov 01Reply
laramilitello Hi Sabrina. Thank you for purchasing the Michael Kors purse from my closet. I put that in the mail today, but likely won’t scan until Monday, as I dropped it in a USPS box late afternoon today. I hope you enjoy it!!!
Feb 21Reply
mjsxx Hi there, I see you like the Kenneth Cole handbag, I have sent an offer for 10% off along with discounted shipping. I do offer 20% off 2+ items if you see anything else you like! If you have any questions let me know, have a good day! 🤗💌🛒🛍
Jun 06Reply
itsnu2me Good morning, Sabrina. Thank you for selecting the frames. Please add another item to create your bundle. Remember Poshmark takes 20% of sales.
Jul 25Reply
loverofgod12 Hi thanks for your purchase however the Micheal kors wallets had to many marks and rips on the inside from sitting around. So I’ll only be mailing the bag is that ok with you?
Jul 28Reply
lmoss95 Hi Sabrina. Thank you for buying the Estée Lauder Lipstick.👄💄💋 I will bring it to the Post Office tomorrow. Have a wonderful night!😊 💕Laura
Jul 29Reply
uniquegiftbyme Thank you for your purchase! Your item will be shipped promptly ♡
Aug 18Reply
uniquegiftbyme You must be new to this selling platform, but let me educate you on why fragrance sample vials are never filled to the rim ever., it's simply chemistry due to bubbling or can have leakage ALL fragrance sample vials will have head space from closure., though thank u for the insignificant 4 star rating €
Aug 27Reply
lovenarf Hi Sabrina . Thanks for liking my Kors shoes. Since today is closet clear out day, I can reduce them to $21 and Poshmark will give you discounted shipping. Please let me know if you’re interested in this offer.
Aug 27Reply
powder0312 I've gotten many samples that were full. I guess now I'm educating you. Make a note!
Aug 27Reply
sasa85 Hi, Sabrina! Thank you for your purchase. I will ship it this morning. Have a nice day!!😊
Sep 08Reply
sasa85 Hi, Sabrina! Thank you for your purchase. I will ship them this morning. Have a good weekday!!😊
Oct 04Reply
luxury_cheaper Welcome to Poshmark! Enjoy Shopping & selling here :). If you have any questions about selling & shopping here we'll try to help. We sell designer bags, wallets & accessoriessuch as LV, Gucci, Chanel, Prada and many more. 10% OFF your first order. Check out our closet and we'll check yours. We are open to wholesale & Resellers. Happy Poshing ❤❤❤.
Oct 09Reply
kennethhague62 You can visit website for purchase for purchase
Oct 20Reply
hollismillsaps I'm so very sorry the size 12 jacket ran small on you, Sabrina -- I used to include garment measurements in my listings and wish I had for your jacket! Is there any chance that an Instashaper type garment would allow you to wear the jacket closed? Sorry again for the disappointment.
Oct 22Reply
powder0312 @hollismillsaps Thanks for reaching out to me. Items were probably made smaller many years ago. I'll be fine wearing it open. 😀
Oct 22Reply
nadejda22 Hi Sabrina! New to the Poshmark gals. You are my first sale. Forgive me but honesty is best! I thought I would be notified by text, I just saw the email TODAY, and shipping TODAY! Thank you and happy holidays my friend!
Nov 11Reply
powder0312 So, when are you shipping the jacket?
Nov 11Reply
meghinc13 Hey there! I just purchased some gucci glasses from you, I love them BTW. I was just wondering if you could tell me what the prescription on the lenses are?
Dec 13Reply
powder0312 @meghinc13 Hi, so you have received them? I don't know the prescription. They are reposhed from another seller and I never wore them because I didn't like the look on my face. I've gotten into large frames and I prefer that look. I'm sorry I can't help you.
Dec 13Reply
meghinc13 @powder0312 no worries, thank you so much! And yes. I received them ❤️
Dec 13Reply
powder0312 @meghinc13 I'm so glad that you are pleased with them. I asked because it does not appear that you have accepted and rated them.
Dec 13Reply
meghinc13 @powder0312 lol I’m not sure how to do that, first time buyer
Dec 13Reply
powder0312 @meghinc13 I can't get paid until you click accept. You should have received a notification from Poshmark within an hour of receiving them. Check your "News". There should be a notification that says "Looks like you received your order. Please accept..... Then it will ask you to rate your purchase and submit. Then click "Okay".
Dec 13Reply
powder0312 Where you able to do it?
Dec 13Reply
meghinc13 @powder0312 yes ma’am!
Dec 13Reply
powder0312 @meghinc13 Great thanks!
Dec 13Reply
bettys_bags Hi, Thank YOU for viewing & your likes for White Lace Choker W/ White Pearls . Beading has always been my passion, and I enjoyed the journey. But, in Jan 22 I will turn 92 YO. I will no longer make or design any more accessories. I will retire and rest. Just, sell my remaining stock. I have taken massive discounts on all of my items, as you can see.. Bundle any 2 or more for an additional savings. Questions? Oh, Pearl Prices Are Firm.
Jan 03Reply
sasa85 Hi, Sabrina! Thank you for supporting my store last year as well. I will work hard for customer satisfaction this year as well. In the new year 2022, always be healthy and happy!!🥰🤟
Jan 10Reply
believeitposh Hi Sabrina! So happy to hear you love the Tadashi dress! And that your husband does too! Make wonderful memories in it!!! Thank you for your 5⭐️ rating and letting me know it brought you joy!
Feb 16Reply
ambersfasion756 🌹Hi there, feel free to checkout my closet🌹 🌺I am Open to All Offers🌺
Mar 03Reply
trishnsnoop516 Hi Sabrina, I was wondering why you didn't rate your purchase of the black dress from my closet? Was there a problem with the dress?
Mar 03Reply
trishnsnoop516 Hey Sabrina! I just read your comment, and I'm so glad to hear you like the dress! No worries regarding the delayed rating, I understand completely. Enjoy your weekend 😁
Mar 04Reply
triplesquared Hi Sabrina, thank you so much for liking the yellow J. Renee’ Pointed Toe Heels in my closet.
Apr 12Reply
cutehosiery @powder0312 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 02Reply
groovyglam hi Sabrina Thank you for your purchase. Due to Fuel prices, I am only shipping on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please let me know if have any questions. Liz
Jun 05Reply
montreasures Thank you for visiting my closet❤️ my most popular sale is back!! Buy 1 get 1 free and EVERYTHING is eligible 🎉 As you already know, I have TONS of items in my closet. Hurry before your favorite items sell out.
Jul 30Reply
jharding0607 hi I saw that you added one of my listings to your bundle if you bundle more things I can send you a offer but if you only want one thing I can send you a offer for the one thing if you bundle more you save more ❤️🌈
Aug 10Reply
suziscouture Hello beautiful 😄Just sent u a great offer on Apple green and gold cropped Moda International blazer. ⭐️👌Can send out ASAP! I’m a 5 star rated posh ambassador. Please follow my closet for all your favorites. Hope this offer works for you. Thanks again!
Aug 22Reply
jeanette_kirk Hello 👋 Sabrina Thank you so much for your purchase. I will mail the jeans to you today. Thanks again Jeanette
Sep 27Reply
mariajulyqueen Hi ! I see my leopard jacket is in a bundle created by you but I don’t see where I can make an offer can you please let me know if you are interested in it or if there’s any questions I could answer for you… Thank you so much
Sep 29Reply
tjalkio hello, please visit my closet too. Let me know when you see something you like.
Oct 03Reply
its_crystal28 @powder0312 Hello!! 🌷Im Crystal , hope ur doing great today, by the way, if u have time I would love to invite you to check my simple closet, and if you like something just simple click the “❤️” or make an offer , always open to Offers😉 thank you in Advance. God bless and Happy Poshing my friend 🌷 P.S. EVERY ORDER FROM MY CLOSET COMES WITH A MYSTERY GIFT!! Yay!!!🎁speedy sales to you
Oct 06Reply
sparkielane4u Thank you for visiting my closet and your like.💕 Bundles and reasonable offers are welcome.😊🛍
Nov 23Reply
unclaimed Sabrina beautiful picture $6 is my lowest price for the belt because l have to pay poshmark fees and state sales tax. Wishing you happy holidays ❤, nice closet Enjoy a 50% discount on your next purchase from my closet with a minimum purchase of $50, l also wholesale ,purchase any items in my closet priced $19 or lese for $5,00 with a minimum purchase of $50. Stsrt your  closet  for $50 or replenish your inventory. expires 12 31 22
Dec 30Reply
miamarie03 Thanks for the Likes I Accept most Reasonable Offers 🥰
Jan 12Reply
powder0312 @closetofceci Thanks for the offer, but I purchased a set from another seller. I appreciate the shares!😄
Feb 10Reply
deborahsanford Hello, Sabrina! Thank you for "liking" my TADASHI SHOJI black cocktail dress. IF you are truly interested, you will need to send me an offer for $50, which I will accept. In the description, I do mention that it is a FIRM price. You are a beautiful woman, and I hope that it works out for me to get this dress to you!! BEST 🌺 Deborah
Mar 06Reply
spreadlove Hi! I’m Melissa, just stopping in to say hello! Please check out my closet if you’re in the mood for shopping !! 💛🥰
Mar 09Reply
powder0312 Thanks for liking my picture!😃
Mar 10Reply
orderyoursteps Let's make it happen!! Yellow Sunburst Pumps are available. I was having issues with my account that's why I could not respond. Thanks
Jul 07Reply
ellescloset_53 Thanks 4 ✔️ng out my closet! 😀
Aug 01Reply
bboopers54 Hi Sabrina could not find pink rhinestone earrings just pick another pair let me know which ones you want instead (doesn’t matter what price) and I will send them instead. Thank you for your understanding.
Aug 16Reply
powder0312 @bboopers54 Hi, I looked at all of your jewelry. I only want those because they perfectly match this outfit that has been difficult to match. I would prefer a refund.
Aug 16Reply
bboopers54 No problem will cancel sale right now. Again I apologize and hope to see you back soon.
Aug 16Reply
mystyledit Hi ...thanks for ur interest in the Thalia Sodi jewelry, just wanted to let you know that I have 2 various length chains from Thalia Sodi collection in my closet....if you interested in both or anything else 😉 I could fwd you a reasonable bundle offer!!!
Aug 28Reply
fashhoney Hi Sabrina and thank you for your purchase! You and I are shaped alike so I know you will look FABULOUS 💕😍. You are all packed and shipped (yep within the hour!) and I hope you enjoy your free gift! Have a wonderful day Beautiful 🤩 😍🌹💕
Oct 06Reply
powder0312 @fashhoney Thank you Love! I used to be small, but after taking high dose prednisone for a few years for Lupus, I have gone from 115 to 180 pounds. So, I’m quite curvy now. Thank God I’m not short. I appreciate you accepting my offer and getting it out so fast. May God bless you abundantly!😀
Oct 06Reply
modnaya_koshka Hello!! How are you today, please take a minute to check my Artisan closet, PERFECT GIFTS FOR HAPPY SEASON)) hope you will find your little treasure here. Thank you. Albina
Nov 29Reply
outlet_fashion Hi Sabrina. I saw you liked an item in my closet and decided to check out yours. I love your listings, and just sent a bundle offer for three items, two I need and one my heart wants. Happy Poshing!! -Lisa
May 18Reply
btrjr63 Just Wanted 2 Say Hello 2 Ya.......
May 26Reply
nycompany_posh 🌲🎃🍎🍁🌳🍂🍃Just in time for Autumn, I have re-opened my closet with new items & some others will come in a few weeks. Bundle to save more! 🌲🎃🍎🍁🌳🍂🍃
Sep 02Reply
saphfire2144 Hi Sabrina, Thanks for stopping by. Your Offers are Welcomed! This is a great platform to Buy and Sell discounted items. My Closet is offering bundle savings of 25% off purchases of 3 or more items. I promise, if your purchase is not as described just LMK it will be addressed within 24 hours with friendly customer service. We have a good selection of Quality Items, Great Prices and Fast same or next day shipping. Be Well, Be Happy, Be Kind and Be Safe.
Dec 03Reply

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Last Active: 8 hours ago

Welsh, LA
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Last Active: 8 hours ago

Welsh, LA
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