Meet your Posher, Sabrina
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Hi! I'm Sabrina. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

67 others
like this

Welcome to Poshmark & thank you for following me❤️ My name is Merrill. I’m a Poshmark ambassador and a 5 star seller.
Never be afraid to like items, make bundles & offers. You might be surprised by what is accepted by the sellers! Please be careful not to lowball too far, the seller can be insulted.
🛍️ I give 10% to 30% off. 🛍️
🛍️🎁 Please browse my closet for 🔴 50% OFF SALE!
I just took home 15 bags of items from my cousin Cooky’s. I need to sell my stock to make room for the new things!!!
Dec 13Reply

Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! I am a Posh Ambassador let me know if you have any questions I would be happy to help you. I hope you have a wonderful week!😊
Dec 13Reply

Welcome to Poshmark. We are Ryann and Jim at AbsurdAuctions. Have a blast checking out all the goodies and maybe post some of your own. If you need any help let me know. As a Posh Ambassador we love to help anyone who needs it. Have fun Poshing and if you like something in my closet let me know. Love to give First times deals. xo. Ryann 🤩😎😄🐉🦋Be sure to check out our Christmas sale 🎄🎄
Dec 16Reply

Happy New Year 🎊🤩 You’ve found my closet, dv1011. Or have I found yours? 🧐 Regardless~ pls. find & click on my pic at the start of my closet. After my pics you will find helpful tips to get you started! ⭐️ To bundle items, just click on the shopping bag icon below the items you like. Then add any comments requesting an offer etc. Browse at your leisure and ask any questions! HAPPY POSHING 🎊😃🛍️
Jan 03Reply

Hello fellow posher! Feel free to check out my closet sometime, few thousand items and many to still add. Sometime for everyone. Hit the search button if looking for specific size or items. shopping 🛍
Jan 05Reply

Mar 24Reply

Hello! Thanks for the follow. We wish you Posh success! We've cut prices to clear some stock, so please take a look if you get a chance. We're also accepting reasonable offers. Happy Poshing!
Mar 24Reply

Hi I’m Carla welcome to Poshmark.Feel free to checkout my closet,happy poshing 🌺
Mar 25Reply

Thank you for following my closet! Check out my closet as I list new items almost daily. I encourage you to make offers on all my items. Also, feel free to contact me with any questions. I respond as soon as possible or within 24 hrs. Again, welcome to my closet and Happy Spring!
Mar 25Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!!! Wishing you much success in life!!! Thanks for visiting and sharing my closet! 😀
Mar 26Reply

Welcome to PoshMark! A place to buy and sell great fashion! A tip for success here is to have many followers. If someone follows you, follow them back. Share your own closet multiple times a day. Sharing items in your closet and items in the closet of followers, gives items more exposure which leads to sales. Sharing and following also helps with buying. Accept packages promptly on the app & leave a note! As Poshmark Ambassadors we will help you if you need any assistance. Mandy & Susie
Mar 26Reply

Hi ! To tell you a bit about my shop I’m a small business owner with brand new high quality jewelry, a lot of the jewelry I made myself and I also sell swimsuits during the summer , I accept any reasonable offer and I ship within 1 - 3 days , thank you for reading my comment and enjoy your day :)
Mar 28Reply

Welcome to Poshmark feel free to make me an offer, most offers are accepted 🌹have a happy poshing
Mar 28Reply

Thanks for sharing 🙏❤️
Mar 28Reply

Hello! While you’re out browsing all the amazing closets looking for treasures, I hope you’ll stop into mine too! You’ll probably find some awesome things you gotta have, want, need or to give as a gift. Reasonable offers are encouraged! You will not be disappointed purchasing anything from my store…check out the Love Notes from some happy customers😃! Enjoy your journey!
Mar 29Reply

Welcome to poshmark
Mar 31Reply

Hi, welcome to Poshmark, where there’s something for everyone! I think you’ll like shopping and selling here, with all the unique shops and bargains. There are Fast, fun shows & auctions. New things everyday! Thanks for checking out my closet, I welcome all offers! I have a lot of items on sale, so don’t wait to buy if you like something. Have fun! ♻️🌸😊
Apr 01Reply

Hello ,
Poshmark Is A Great Place For
Buying & Selling Fabulous Items💝
Stop By and Shop🛍️
Our New Selections Of
Beautiful & Unique Items
Womens Mens Kids Fashion
Holiday & Home Decor
🤗🛍️Happy Poshing🛍️🤗
@enchantedshores 👑🏰💖
Enchanted Shores
Apr 01Reply

Welcome to the group Sebrina and thanks for visiting and sharing items from my closet. I’m new too, but loving it. 🌻 Best wishes and happy poshing!!
Apr 03Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! My name is Candice, I'm a Poshmark Ambassador, and my closet is O'Olive It! You're going to love Poshmark! Great place to find all those fantastic pieces you've been looking for and a great way to purge your closet to make room for it all! Happy to help you with any questions you may have.Happy Poshing! Blessings~
Apr 03Reply

Welcome to my CLOSET and the POSHMARK family. LMK if you have questions on the Poshing process or any of my items. Thanks in advance for Likes, FOLLOWING, and SHARES. Here's what to expect should you support my closet;
Quality Items, Quick Shipping and Great Customer Service. Happy Poshing !
My advice to you is to share your closet 3-4 times daily.
Apr 04Reply

Hello!! welcome to pushmark . thank you for the follow if you have any questions about my listing ,feel free to reach out ,i'm here to help offers are always welcome
Apr 05Reply

Dear @656da5a8e94898c6f6d33a41 , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Apr 05Reply

Hi @656da5a8e94898c6f6d33a41 , thanks for following us! 💗 Like or comment our items to get great offers😊
Apr 05Reply

Welcome to poshmark, a cool place to be whether you're buying or selling. I'd like to personally invite you to stop by my closet. We sell mostly vintage, modern, unique, collectible kitchen items for use in the kitchen or home decor. Rachel Ray, Pyrex, Corning ware, Pioneer Woman, Anchor hockings, Pampered Chef are just a few brands currently listed. Visit us periodically as we are always adding new stuff. Reasonable offers always considered.
Apr 05Reply

Dear @656da5a8e94898c6f6d33a41 , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Apr 05Reply

Hi Sabrina, welcome to Poshmark! 💕
Apr 06Reply

So happy to see you here at Poshmark. It’s just the place to either buy or sell. You will find a large variety of spectacular products. Enjoy your time here.
Apr 07Reply

Hello! Welcome to Poshmark! Thanks for following my Closet! Stop by anytime! Offers are always welcome!
Good Luck and Happy Poshing!😊
Apr 07Reply

Hi! I'm MCVintageBauble, a k.a Mary. Come on over to my closet & find some bling for your closet! Feel free to share the items you like with your followers. Don’t be afraid to use the bundle function to make an offer, or just click the ❤️ on any item & I’ll send you an offer. Happy Poshing 😊
Apr 07Reply

Hi Welcome to this great group of people, where sharing is always appreciated 💖🥰 Happy Buying/Selling to you my friend 💕 💖 😊 🙏🙏
Apr 08Reply

Thanks for following my closet! Feel free to make an offer on anything you like! Discount given on bundles!
Apr 08Reply

Hello & Welcome to Poshmark! You will just love it here, it's a great place to shop and sell. Please visit my closet. If there's anything you like, go ahead & make an offer. Wishing you the very best of luck with your PM closet. So have fun & Happy Poshing to you 💕
Have a beautiful day 🌸💀
Apr 10Reply

Hi! 👋🏻Welcome to Poshmark! 😃This is a great place to buy & sell! 😃Sharing & following is how we advertise & network. And make some friends along the way! 😊You can get free boxes at the Post Office & there's some sellers on here that sell stickers, bags, etc. If you need help just ask anyone!😃Happy Poshing! 😃
I'm Margaret @piranhawench
Apr 10Reply

Hi! welcome to postmark! This is a great place to find anything you'll need at an incredible affordable price! I hope you visit my closet, I have a little of everything👗👔👜👞👢🩰🛍🩴👒💄💍📿🩳👖. If you like something from ny collection, just bundle ALL your likes, and I can send you a great offer with an extra shipping discount.💰
Apr 10Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! We are happy to see you here & Poshing! It is very addicting! One important thing to know… speak to someone you need to put the @ sign in front of their name. To reach and speak to us you would write @sweetfinds007. Remember your password & log in daily. BUNDLE to save!!! LMK if you have any questions, we are here to help. WELCOME! Hope that helps you enjoy Posh life!
Apr 10Reply

Hi and welcome to Posh!!! Thank you for following me. Please take a look around my closet and see what you think. I post new items daily and I accept all reasonable offers. Please let me know if you have any questions. Have a great day and Happy Poshing!!!
Apr 10Reply

* Hi I’m Donna, Welcome to Poshmark💗 If I can help you in any way, Please let me know. I am a Top Rated Seller and A Top Ambassador. Check out my Love Notes.
* My Live Shows are Every Monday and Wednesday 5:00 PT 7:00 CT, 8:00 ET and a Friday Jewelry Pop ups as well.2:00 PDT.
* I specialize in Luxury and , Designer Bags, Wallets and Jewelry. Like❤️ my flier to be notified. We do have a blast 🤣 Stop by and say hi. 💗 Laughter is Free💗🤣
Apr 10Reply

Hello and welcome to Poshmark! Great place to sell your items or purchase new to you. I am a Posh Ambassador and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Drop by my closet sometime, you may find just what you are looking for. I am always open to reasonable offers. Take care!
Apr 11Reply

Hello there! welcome to Poshmark!🌹🤗🙋♀️👋I have found this site to be awesome for shopping and selling
I hope that you enjoyed it2
Thanks for Your like and follow,
feel free to reach out to me with any question you might have , I’ll be have to answer and help
I also offer 10% discount on bundles of 3 items and more and it’s a huge saving below msrp, Wishing you happy poshing lots of luck for the new year coming 2024🎉🤞🌈🌈🛍️🛍️💞💞
Apr 12Reply

Welcome to Posh! Enjoy!
Apr 12Reply

Thanks for the follow. I can offer at least a 10% discount on the items in my closet. Happy spring!
Apr 12Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 🛍 A great place to buy and/or sell.🛍 If you first came here you might want to browse around just to get an idea of things that people are selling.🛍 You might want to check out some of the Posh shows, there are numerous ones around the clock 🛍 If you have any questions I’m very happy to help.I’ve been on Posh almost 7 years 🛍 Diane
Apr 12Reply

hello there beautiful ❤️ welcome to poshmark stores 😁
Apr 13Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!
Good luck with your closet 🌸🌺🌸🌺
Apr 14Reply

Welcome 👋 to Poshmark, I hope you have as much fun as I do selling and buying here. If you see something you like from my closet, please make an offer it could be yours today.. Happy Poshing😊
Apr 16Reply

Happy Poshing, I’ll Check out your Closet & You can Check out my Closet‼️
Apr 18Reply

hi! check out my clearancing so I can add over 500+ items. look under the black everything must go listing for the clearance deals.and like my profile or the clearance listing to ✔️ back disabled so I only list about 10-12 items at a time. I have several repeat buyers.have a look!
Apr 22Reply

Welcome to Posh😊🌷
Apr 23Reply

Welcome to Poshmark. Happy Poshing. I would love it if you visit my closet. Thanks in advance.
Apr 24Reply

Hi! Welcome to Poshmark, my name is Kelliann. This is a great site once you’ve figured it out! Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help. A lot of your questions can be answered in either FAQ or Your Guide to Poshmark; both of these can be found in the @yourusername section, bottom right corner of the screen on the main page. Please keep in mind when making an offer that Posh takes 20% of any earnings. Good luck and happy Poshing! 💜
Apr 25Reply

welcome to poshmark fell free to check out my closet and make a offer
Apr 26Reply

Apr 29Reply

Welcome to Poshmark.……, and to my closet where I strive to give you “the customer” a great shopping experience! Visit us @sweetfinds007
May 05Reply

! ☺️if you are interested in anything in my closet feel free to ask questions, im open to offers and also im offer 30% off when you bundle items 💕☺️
May 17Reply

Welcome to Poshmark and Thank you for sharing from my closet! I hope you have a Blessed Sunday and successful Poshing!😊
May 19Reply

Thanks For The Shares🌸🌸🌸
Jun 21Reply

Thanks for the shares sweet pea 🥰
Jun 22Reply

Hi there! Welcome to Poshmark🤗Thank you for visiting my closet 💕💕Take a scroll to shop 🛍️my closet, follow, share items that you 🩷 or think someone else will and I’ll return the Posh 🩷 See an item but not sure about the 🏷️ make an offer, I am always open to deals! Hope you have fun, find great deals, make some great sells on Poshmark. Happy Poshing❣️
Jun 28Reply

Thanks for all the shares this morning, Sabrina! Blessings!
Jun 29Reply

@pennesabrina127 thank you so much for sharing my closet! I do appreciate it very much. Have a great weekend.
Jun 29Reply

Hi Sabrina, this is Jean. Thank you for sharing my item! I appreciate it. Please come back and check out my closet. I will be happy to answer any questions or work with you in anyway. Also, welcome to Poshmark. Happy Poshing 💕💕
Jun 30Reply

@pennesabrina127 hi Sabrina, Thanks for the shares!! :)
Jul 02Reply

Have a blessed week!
Jul 02Reply

thank youuuu for sharing ❤️
Jul 03Reply
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