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Updated Dec 03
Updated Dec 03

Meet your Posher, Sam

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Sam. I’m a full time mom of two highly active children that grow like weeds, so we are constantly going through clothes & shoes. Plus I love all sorts of different fashion trends. Please know that our home is a smoke free environment & it’s only dog friendly. With this in mind, please don’t deduct stars, because I could not get every single piece of lint off your item before I sent it.. I’m only human 😎 Thanks for stopping by! Please feel free to leave me a comment, so that I can check out your closet too ✌️
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ney7kline Thank you 🙏 for the Like 👍 On my FINAL PRICE listing. I am not longer inflating my prices.. So that I can offer you a discount. I refresh / realist all of my items.. Every 30 days.
Aug 01Reply
oliviaami Dear @resellyogamama , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Aug 18Reply
lexxylue Hi, I just visited your closet. I thought for what it worth, tell you that I think you have done a really good job in presenting your items. The plain background makes them stand out. Also they all r neatly laid with complimentary clothing etc. to match. Nothing competes, everything supports. Really good.
Aug 18Reply
resellyogamama @lexxylue That means a lot. I appreciate the constructive criticism. I will definitely be stopping by your closet to get some more pointers. Beautiful closet! Thank you 🙏❤️😊
Aug 18Reply
lexxylue Hi, no criticism intended, just acknowledging good, well done work!!!
Aug 18Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to send an offer or create a bundle I’ll be moving soon so I’ll accept literally anything
Aug 19Reply
lynnbeckylynn Hello and thanks for the follow. We're Posh Ambassadors and would be happy to answer any questions you may have. We also offer a minimum 20% discount on bundles of 2 or more items. 😍
Aug 19Reply
2girls2122 🙋‍♀️Hi! Thanks for following our closet.. Wishing you many sales💰and buys📦..Happy Poshing 😊.
Aug 20Reply
crafteelinda490 Thanks for following my closet. I have shared some of yours. Stay safe and God bless.
Aug 21Reply
mwclark63 Hello. Hope you have a lot of fun and success. Happy Poshing!
Aug 29Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Sep 01Reply
misterposher thanks for the follow 😍
Sep 02Reply
jenn123456 Thanks for following me. Hopefully really soon you will buy something from me! Everything need to sell fast, Please!
Sep 03Reply
sargebill Hi Sam and good morning, I have a Samantha too, mines pure Italian, ahhh the food, anyways thank you for your follow, wishing you all the very best, Bill and Samantha.
Oct 15Reply
503fancy 🙂🙂🙂🙂😘😘😘😘
Oct 15Reply
nicholepruitt73 Hi there, just wanted to invite u to stop by my closet for a quick look. I'm having a GIRLS NIGHT OUT DEAL. ANY 2 ITEMS IN MY CLOSET FOR ONLY $25 YES ONLY $25 ...ANY 2 ITEMS.You can only purchase 2 items per order but a deal is a deal. I will also be throwing in a special gift just for you shopping with me. So get you offer in quick to get the best items.
Oct 16Reply
happyday111960 Hi there Sam and thank you for the "follow"! As a Posh Ambassador I have a little wiggle room on a lot of things so feel free to make any offer. Take a look and see if there’s anything you like. Hopefully you’ll find something you love. Have a “Poshing” kind of day! L.
Oct 19Reply
valueexpression Hey there, I'm new to Poshmark and was wondering if you could help me out with something. I saw your 'buy one get one free' promo and I was wondering how you do that? Do you still have to pay the 20% fee and shipping or do you just work with the buyer and include it with the item they buy? I'd like to possibly be able to do a similar promo one day when I have a bigger closet. Thanks!
Oct 26Reply
smcuster Hello, Shawn Marie here and after getting notification you began following my Poshmark Closet, I want to welcome you, thank you for choosing Poshmark and send an invite to join me on Instagram. As a fellow Poshmark Stylemate, I appreciate the opportunity to work with you. Consider connecting with me on Instagram @shawnmariescloset where we can get to know one another better. My closet is your closet. Shawn Marie
Oct 29Reply
kustomkiks good morning
Oct 31Reply
resellyogamama @kustomkiks good afternoon & thank you for following me 😁
Oct 31Reply
kustomkiks of course...hope you're having a great weekend
Oct 31Reply
kustomkiks you're VERY welcome
Nov 01Reply
resellyogamama @kustomkiks Let me know if you’re interested in any items or looking for anything specific😁
Nov 02Reply
kustomkiks yes ma'am
Nov 02Reply
kphscloset Hello! Check out my closet I have 50% off bundles of two or more Plus feel free to send me an offer, I am very open about my prices 😀😀 Happy Poshing 🤗🤗
Nov 06Reply
resellyogamama @kphscloset do you bundled price of 50% off include shoes too?
Nov 06Reply
kphscloset @resellyogamama Hello! Yes There are a few things that aren’t included but the listing itself states it in the description 🤗🤗
Nov 06Reply
designers0201 Welcome to Poshmark❣️I have some designers items you may like so please visit my closet and give your offer when you find something you like before they are gone💕
Nov 26Reply
mzpitty1 BUNDLE 2 OR MORE ITEMS 👠👜🥻👗👒FROM MY CLOSET AND RECEIVE A SPECIAL DISCOUNT 💰. PLUS YOU GET TO CHOOSE 👀 A FREE GIFT 🎁👍 FROM LISTINGS IN MY CLOSET MARKED "FREE GIFT WITH PURCHASE" 💋💋😁 I will make you an EXCELLENT DEAL if you make a Bundle!! if you have any Special Requests LET ME KNOW.. Color, style, garment, accessories, sizes....I have a ton of things I haven't listed yet.
Dec 10Reply
mzpitty1 couldn't find anything else to substitute for ballet slippers just cancel order thank you
Dec 16Reply
lebadance I love your promotions flyers. I did a bundle, thanks again for your help 🙏🤓
Jan 05Reply
timamy21 Thanks for the follow! I will be sharing some of the items in your closet and hope you can return the favor. God-bless!
Jan 21Reply
lindamckenzi117 Hi Sam , thanks for the following . I’ve heaps of quality apparel on sale at the moment - 3 x $10.00 for $20.00 plus half price shipping on already discounted Shipping costs . If you like any of my other items , feel free to make me an offer - happy shopping - cheers Linda 🌈
Jan 23Reply
sboyce140 Thanks for the follow sweetie. happy valentine's day 😘
Feb 14Reply
christibritt I wil buy that white Messimo shirt for $10 w the $5.95 shipping. The offer expired before I woke up this morning.
Apr 27Reply
resellyogamama @christibritt the offer hasn’t expired yet so it won’t allow me to send you a new one. Please except and I can get it out to you today 😄
Apr 27Reply
resalemonkey Hi Sam 👋 Thank you for following ResaleMonkey 🙉 🍌 I’m new to Poshmark 🌟 💫 and I’m so excited to learn about this platform 👽 Because I’m new here, I tried to list my items on a huge discount 🍌 🙊 if you haven’t checked out my page yet I’d highly recommend doing it If you have any questions, offers or anything you want to ask please don’t hesitate 🥰
May 08Reply
yuansource Thank you for your offers on the tennis shoes but I already bought some new so I’m not interested anymore you can just remove me thank you
Jul 13Reply
shargm @resellyogamama Hi Sam-thank you for the “follow” and I’ve done the same❣️ Love you are a stay at home mom and I was too. How does one become a Posh Ambassador? I’m newish at this and building closet/followers. Thx for any insights! Happy Poshing!
Aug 14Reply
resellyogamama @shargm Thank you 😊 Being a stay at home mom is a tough job that never stops. If you go to your Posh Stats information area, it will tell you all the different things you need to accomplish in order to become a posh ambassador. I hope this help’s 😊
Aug 14Reply
shargm @resellyogamama Thank you, Sam, super helpful! And yes, toughest job you’ll ever love. Please see my About section for new news. Happy Poshing!
Aug 14Reply
shargm I’m 78% towards being a Posh Ambassador (and didn’t even know that!🤦🏼‍♀️) Thank you for that tip!
Aug 22Reply
lisamoskal Hi! Thanks for the follow! I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know that I’m a Posh Ambassador too and a trusted 5-star seller, so if I can ever help you, don’t hesitate to ask or stop by and say hi and check out my “End of Summer” SALE...I'm offering a 💥Buy One/Get One for $5 💥on EVERYTHING in my closet through the end of the month! …It's best to face the world armed with kindness and support. Best Wishes to you. 😊 ...Lisa
Sep 13Reply
resellyogamama @shargm That’s exciting news❣️ I’m happy I could be of help😊
Sep 26Reply
resellyogamama @lisamoskal Quick question Lisa, By any chance, do you know how to set up a trade on Posh? I think I know but I don’t want to do it incorrectly. 😂
Sep 26Reply
mariocru666 Hi ! How’s it going? I see new bags! They’re gorgeous ❤️ all of your stuff is 😍
Nov 02Reply
resellyogamama @mariocru666 I appreciate the compliment 😊 Let me know if your looking for something specific. I’m always happy to help if I can.
Nov 02Reply
winstondunbar Hi Happy Poshing Welcome 🙏 🤗
Dec 05Reply
missytoes @resellyogamama horrible how u say u were mailing out an been ignoring my messages a week later!!😡 told posh several times to cancel an still waiting on that because you fail to do so as well as even ship!! I dont understand how u do business or even treat ur customers 😱🤔😳
Jun 04Reply
resellyogamama @missytoes I had a health emergency, so I apologize for YOUR inconvenience. Not something that I could have avoided, again my apologies and your purchase was refunded.
Jun 19Reply
dulciesdelites Thank you for following me😍
Jul 02Reply

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