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Updated Jan 13
Updated Jan 13

Meet your Posher, Sandra

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Sandra. Some of my favorite brands are Nike, Ruby Rd., and Spartina 449. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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tantanfox Happy New Year🥳Hope you are enjoying Poshmark💕😊 Thank you for Visiting my Posh Closet, and your interest in my Pandora Disney Pink Murano, and am getting ready to change this listing to 2 instead of 1. You can still purchase the one, but I have noticed a Set sells better🌸I offer Buy 2 or more items get 10% off🥳🎊🎉 If you have Any questions, just ask🎊🥳💕Enjoy and most of all Have Fun🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊
Jan 17Reply
msking711 Thank you for your purchase! I'll ship it first thing in the morning!
Sep 01Reply
southern_steals I shipped your package on Saturday. I’m not sure why it’s not tracking yet. I’ll go to the post office tomorrow and talk to the head post master
Sep 09Reply
krystieskloset Thank you for visiting my closet several hours ago. I’m sorry I was not online when you liked one my men’s shirt. If you would like to make a bundle I could do 50% off of that particular one and a 20% off of anything else.
Sep 13Reply
luvmee40 It's my Birthday and I am celebrating it bigtime with you! Starting NOW! 30% off EVERYTHING in my closet including all high end goods. From Christian Dior to Michael Kors, I am reducing the already average discounted price of 68% and taking off an additional 30%  All you have to do is bundle and I will accept the discount of 30% or hit the little heart under the item you like and I will send you the offer. It's that simple. 
Sep 20Reply
luvmee40 Thank you so much for the rating. I truly appreciate you. When you find other items you want let me know. You will always get that bi discount. I am about to go on a listing marathon. Keep your eye day to day for more goodies. Sending you hugs.
Oct 01Reply
abfb Hello I’m just stopping by to say hello and invite you to check out my closet. All of my items are Designer Brands NWT and deeply discounted. Please take a look and I would be more than happy to help. I ship immediately! Have a great day🌸🎉
Oct 20Reply
susangill753 thank you for your purchase. maybe later you can get the luggage. I will do free shipping on it. I will get in the mail on Monday. 💐👍🤗💫
Nov 30Reply
7983 @susangill753 thank you
Nov 30Reply
jpmartin_11 I just dropped my price on the shirt you like to your offer. Check it out.
Jan 18Reply
cofrabylisa If you make a bundle with my Spatrina jewelry, I’ll make you a great offer!! Welcome to Poshmark.
Apr 09Reply
ann_tghg @7983 Hi, please feel free to submit an offer on the Belle Étoile Earrings!
Oct 20Reply
sandralee6 Hi. your order is on its way. anticipated delivery is Monday. Thanks again for your purchase. I really appreciate it. Your Poshmark Friend Sandy ❣️
Feb 18Reply
sandralee6 Hi Sandra this is Sandra... I see you received your sweater and bracelets today. I hope you are pleased with everything! Don't forget to go to your home page and accept the order to conclude our transaction. Thanks again for your purchase. Your Poshmark Friend Sandy ❣️
Feb 21Reply
sandralee6 Thank you so much for the wonderful rating. I appreciate it so very much. Have a wonderful Sunday. Stay well. Thanks again. Sandy ❣️
Feb 21Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  Adding new stuff weekly!
Mar 16Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉🎉
May 01Reply
rachel_browning @7983 let me know if you love the Sea Turtle Ring if you do and all is good can you accept the purchase I truly appreciate my customers thankyou for your purchase
Sep 01Reply
rachel_browning @7983 hi I know u wanted only Belle Etoile but did not know if u have grandsons also this would be cool for them the ring for a future girlfriend or wife too I just wanted to show u no pressure ever they are very nice and from a pretty awesome jeweler in NYC who grew up in Key West FL with Mel Fisher as his dads friend I know him personally
Sep 02Reply
goodenp The sweater that you wanted and I couldn’t find. Ruby Road XL… I’m going to relist it now if you’re still interested. It was in the wrong drawer🤦‍♀️
Sep 21Reply
7983 @goodenp I looked for your relisting of theRuby Road sweater and couldn’t find it, can you send me the offer
Sep 23Reply
goodenp @7983 sorry. It’s done now
Sep 23Reply
katniss2020 I saw you liked a purse in my closet. Feel free to make me an offer. I'm sure we can come to a reasonable agreement.
Nov 23Reply
eschellapurvis warm beautiful welcome to poshmark
Nov 23Reply
thriftygirl2415 Hello, you had liked a couple of my Brighton pieces and I just want to let you know that I’m having a Fourth of July sale starting today ending Monday night for 30% off all Brighton jewelry. Thank you
Jul 03Reply
thriftygirl2415 Thank you for your purchase of the Brighton I will ship it to say since tomorrow the post office is closed. I appreciate you thank you
Jul 03Reply
julissazelaya Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️ I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟 I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺 
Oct 06Reply
madeleinecalder And lowered the price and shipping is paid as a discount for the buyer
Nov 09Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Nov 29Reply
carolynw2019 Thank you for visiting my closet and purchasing the Longaberger piece. I will have it to the post office tomorrow. Enjoy your Sunday.
Dec 03Reply
carolynw2019 Thank you for the 5 star rating. I'm glad it finally reached you!! I'm glad you are happy with the tote.
Dec 14Reply
thegoodiebox Hi Sandra, don’t you love Posh? So many new and different styles and closets to visit! Please stop by and say hi sometime! Enjoy! 💕
Feb 29Reply

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Last Active: 15 hours ago

Jacksonville, NC
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Last Active: 15 hours ago

Jacksonville, NC
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