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Updated Dec 06
Updated Dec 06

Meet your Posher, Sara

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Sara. Some of my favorite brands are Michael Kors, Coach, The North Face, PINK Victoria's Secret, and UGG. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 5% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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foxowlclothing Welcome to Poshmark! 💕
May 02Reply
lizzymcboo Sorry I can't go any lower 😞
Jun 09Reply
saranwv @lizzymcboo ok thank you!!! 😃
Jun 09Reply
saranwv Does the shirt and leggings I have in the bundle match?
Jun 09Reply
lizzymcboo @saranwv let me take a photo for you! 😘
Jun 09Reply
lizzymcboo @saranwv uploaded photos in the Irma listing- they look great together!! 😘😘
Jun 09Reply
ses54 @saranwv I recommended 2 of your men's items for the men's style party this eve. Good luck 🍀 Be sure to share all your men's items to the party also. 😘💕
Jun 12Reply
saranwv @ses54 Thank u!!!!
Jun 12Reply
lafoster71 Hello Sara. Thank you a ton for all the shares. 🌺 Lord knows I need all the selling help I can get! You're the best! Lisa
Jun 14Reply
saranwv @lafoster71 You are very welcome!!! I need them too!!! Thank u so much❗️😃
Jun 14Reply
falcioni09 Hello, just wanted to swing by and say HI🤗. Im currently having a 🎁FREE🎁gift with each shipped package for my daughters BDAY starting today til Thursday, JUNE 29TH. or til supplies if u bundle you get an additional discount. Hope to see you around and have a great summer 🏖.
Jun 25Reply
arshmani @saranwv Dear Sara, Thank you so much for all the Posh love and playing my FG XOXO
Sep 26Reply
spreadlove Hi, I know there are many closets on posh but I'd love for you to check out mine! Either way I was just stopping in to say hello! Have a great weekend!
Nov 20Reply
annasposhalley Hi Sarah, omgosh i saw ur offer & for a second thought you were cousin sarah in chicago, lol. I sent a counter for you hope you like it im not llr rep or anything i just bought too much and hubby said no way, giggles so i put a few in my closet. I ship 3 times a day, LMK and i will make sure it goes out asap were on west coast time
Dec 19Reply
saranwv @steveanna29 I'm debating on it!!! I love the outfit!!! I'll let you know!!!
Dec 19Reply
annasposhalley @saranwv YVW Hugs! i hope someone gets to use it this xmas. if u know LLR i paid reg retail total cost was 35 & 25=$65 plus tax & shipping blah. I Love LLR, so i went kinda nuts a over the last 2 months & my hubby said i did not need 12 Day of Xmas Leggings, hahaha. Hahaha
Dec 19Reply
saranwv @steveanna29 Yes, I love LLR and have too much but I thought this was sooo cute!!
Dec 19Reply
saranwv @steveanna29 are they a Tc2 or Tc? The title says Tc2 but the description says tc?! Thanks!!
Dec 19Reply
annasposhalley @saranwv OMgosh im so sorry they are TC2
Dec 19Reply
annasposhalley hi sweety, i am going to start a new listing just for you. i turned down offers higher than this last week and i dont want anyone to be mad at me. I will come back n mark done here. so u can grab asap. K
Dec 19Reply
saranwv @steveanna29 thank you!!! I just know it's so close to Christmas so I can only wear them once this year!!! Thanks again!!
Dec 19Reply
annasposhalley @saranwv DONE and tagged
Dec 19Reply
annasposhalley @saranwv Merry Christmas hugs!!! There is a 2nd usps pick up here in about 20-30 mins, going to get other packages ready, i will ck back to see if i can do yours to go out now for you. :))
Dec 19Reply
annasposhalley did u get? i tagged & sent to your dressing room :)
Dec 19Reply
saranwv @steveanna29 I'm so sorry!! I had to take my daughter to the oral surgeon and accidentally left my phone in the car!!! I got it now!
Dec 19Reply
annasposhalley @saranwv ok i have pick again in about an hour i will make sure they go out asap
Dec 19Reply
saranwv @steveanna29 what price will you accept?
Dec 19Reply
annasposhalley @saranwv ?? i dropped price from 75 to 55. and posh is gonna take 11, so i am already out way over what i paid honey.
Dec 19Reply
annasposhalley @saranwv and 75 was a price drop from original price, just to break even.
Dec 19Reply
annasposhalley @saranwv ur daughter went to oral surgery today yuk! ok, im confused. i had the price at 75 brought down yesterday as FIRM, then i accepted the 55 from you, but said i was setting up as new listing for you for the price of 55. LMK as i am rolling the other listing down to 65 so i can get it sold & shipped b4 holidays TY HUGS
Dec 19Reply
saranwv @steveanna29 the last offer you made me was $54 and I countered $48... look in your offers and you will see.
Dec 19Reply
annasposhalley @saranwv I declined that honey, i cant go any lower than 55 that is what i meant when i said i agreed to that and would said up new private listing just for you. If you want it thats great, if not thats ok too honey. but u have to understand that i am down to getting $36.00 which isnt even enough to cover the irma with tax & shipping etc, let alone the leggings which are rare and you cannot find them any where. so if u want LMK, if not it okay Merry Xmas HUGS
Dec 19Reply
saranwv @steveanna29 the point is you offered me $54 not $55.... that's all I was saying!
Dec 19Reply
saranwv @steveanna29 I'm not talking about my offer... I'm talking about your counter was $54. It's ok... I'll think about it... I just didn't understand why your offer went up but it's only $1.00... I was just confused how it went up! No big deal! I'll think about it. Thank you!!!
Dec 19Reply
annasposhalley @saranwv sorry sara i just saw this, my feed has been crazy, busy with orders & shipping 3 x a day want to make sure everyone gets their goodies b4 xmas. What ever you want honey, its here if you want. Merry Christmas & hope your daughter is feeling better today!
Dec 20Reply
momloveless Hey you bought the carly dress from me. Just wanted to let you know I hope to have it at the post office on Monday. Haven’t had a chance to get there yet.
Feb 24Reply
saranwv @momloveless ok that's fine!!! Thanks for letting me know!
Feb 24Reply
kfry215 @saranwv Hello, I'm packing up your order and I noticed 3 stains at the bottom of the acid washed Carly. Would you still like it or would you like to cancel the order? I'll update the post so you can see the stains. So sorry about this.
Mar 12Reply
saranwv @kfry215 are the stains very noticeable?
Mar 12Reply
kfry215 @saranwv tried time did the post but it won't let me. I don't think They are very noticeable. I'm not sure how to get a picture to you.
Mar 12Reply
saranwv @kfry215 I'll go ahead and take them!
Mar 12Reply
kfry215 @saranwv ok sounds great. You might be able to get them out with a spot treatment. I heard lestoil is amazing and can take any stain out. I'm so sorry I didn't catch it before.
Mar 12Reply
saranwv @kfry215 it's ok! Thanks for letting me know!!
Mar 12Reply
kfry215 @saranwv your welcome I hope you like them! 😊
Mar 12Reply
kfry215 @saranwv Hi! Wanted to let you know your package will ship tomorrow! It's at the post office now. Thanks for your purchase😊
Mar 13Reply
saranwv @kfry215 Just wanted to know if you were able to ship my items?
Mar 14Reply
kfry215 @saranwv yep they were dropped off late yesterday so they should have gone out today
Mar 14Reply
saranwv @kfry215 ok thank you!!!
Mar 14Reply
kfry215 @saranwv your welcome!
Mar 14Reply
closetofriddles @saranwv thank you for accepting my offer. Would you possibly be able to ship out tomorrow morning? I am hoping to wear the beautiful dress on Mother’s Day:) also, where are you shipping from? I’m in California. Thank you again!
May 11Reply
closetofriddles @saranwv NM on where you’re shipping from. I just saw WV on your profile. I added my other likes to a bundle, but i won’t be able to make or accept an offer until next week (pay day:) thank you for the dress offer. I want to get that for a friend. So cute! Your closet has everything;)
May 11Reply
saranwv @carrk019 I'll ship your stuff out ASAP but I don't think it can get there by Mothers Day!!! I have 3 daughters, so between all of us plus my husband, we have a lot of stuff! Lol. I will be adding more... so keep checking back!!! Thank you so much!!
May 11Reply
closetofriddles @saranwv thank you! Will do:)
May 11Reply
turner666 If shoes are available Friday I'll get them
Jul 08Reply
saranwv @turner666 ok great!! Just make me an offer then!!!
Jul 08Reply
food4343 Hi I noticed you left a Harley Davidson and I have a lot of it in my closet so if you like to stop by check it out you might find something you love. Have an amazing day!
Aug 01Reply
rosepetals3 Looking for your next dress to wear on the town? 👗Or something simple to run errands? 🏃🏽‍♀️If so, I'm Jenn! 🙋🏻‍♀️I can accommodate your 9 to 5 and give you the right pieces for a girls night out! Check out my closet and bundle any items! I respond quickly and can't wait to hear from you! 🌸🎉
Aug 23Reply
saranwv @highfashn54 oh trust me I understand! I just can't spend the extra money right now! It was a great deal!!! 😊 Merry Christmas!!! 🎄🎁
Nov 26Reply
gaponterod1 Hello Sara, I purchased the Santa vest. Will you be sending it soon? I have a Christmas party to attend next Thursday.
Dec 05Reply
saranwv @gaponterod1 Yes! I actually dropped it off at the post office today but there is no mail so it will officially go out tomorrow!! Sorry for the delay!
Dec 05Reply
cd1am0ndz91 Hello there I just had a question about your kswiss shoes, would you be able to get some red ones as well? I want to get the blue ones u have on the 21st. Happy holidays!
Dec 17Reply
saranwv @cd1am0ndz91 No sorry! These blue ones are the only ones I have!
Dec 17Reply
cd1am0ndz91 @saranwv ok sounds good, u will be hearing from me this coming Friday! Thanks
Dec 17Reply
cmwatson21 Lighting up your closet all the way from Iowa! Happy Poshing! 💕
May 12Reply
brenjava67 Thanks, I can’t wait to wear the dress with some boots
Jul 29Reply
ultradreams8 Feel Free to check out my closet! 🤗🙂
Aug 09Reply
autiemodge I placed an order for the gloria vanderbilt shorts. Can you please advise when my order will be shipped?
Aug 22Reply
saranwv @autiemodge I shipped them out yesterday. I'm not sure why they aren't tracking yet. Hopefully it will show up soon!
Aug 22Reply
autiemodge @saranwv yay! Thank you!!
Aug 22Reply
traygirl21 Hi!! I was wondering when you will ship the bag ? Thank you
Aug 23Reply
saranwv @traygirl21 I have it to ship today!!!
Aug 23Reply
autiemodge @saranwv any updates on this? Still have not received any shipment information.
Aug 28Reply
saranwv @autiemodge No!! I'm so sorry! I notified Poshmark that it's not tracking. I have sold hundreds of things and this has never happened.
Aug 28Reply
autiemodge @saranwv Thanks for the update, however poshmark stated they reached out to you and have gotten no response. I have canceled my order.
Aug 28Reply
saranwv @autiemodge that is not true. I did notify Poshmark. It says they can't do anything until the 29th on my end. I'm fine with you cancelling the order though!! I don't blame you! Hopefully you will still get the shorts!!
Aug 28Reply
debcasebolt Thanks for the shares!
Nov 06Reply
debcasebolt Thanks for the shares! I’ll share some of yours!
Nov 10Reply
debcasebolt I didn’t notice it was you with the likes until I sent the offer. If you want a lower price let me know. I posted another set of 2Ts so check them out you can bundle them all for cheaper shipping and a reduced price.
Nov 16Reply
aginnity When will my order ship? I bought the shoes on 12/23.
Jan 03Reply
saranwv @aginnity I actually all ready shipped them and reported to Poshmark that they aren’t tracking. I am going to check with the post office later to see if they’ve been able to track them down. So sorry! I’ve never had this happen.
Jan 03Reply
aginnity @saranwv any word from the post office? When were they shipped?
Jan 04Reply
saranwv @aginnity For some crazy reason, the shoes were returned to me!!! I can offer them to you again if you’re interested. I wanted to ask before I realist them! Like I said this has never happened before!!!
Jan 09Reply
g1arlock check out my closet I have some cool stuff
May 07Reply
avalon30 I've left you a comment on your Fresh Produce navy t-shirt (with white starfish design) size 2X asking for measurements- perhaps you haven't seen the request, so I'm repeating it here. Hope you get this message, and can answer me. Thanks
Sep 05Reply
joleenie I’m surprised you haven’t shipped my item yet????
Sep 23Reply
saranwv @joleenie it has shipped! It should start tracking at anytime! Not sure why it hasn’t yet! Thank you!
Sep 23Reply
joleenie @saranwv ok thank you!
Sep 23Reply
saranwv @joleenie it just started tracking!
Sep 23Reply
chelsea_411 Thank you for shopping with me before. Happy New Year! I wanted to share with you my newest sale starting: Thurs. 1/7-Sun. 1/10. 50% entire closet! Bundle and save on shipping, or simply offer me 50% off anything you have your sights on this weekend. Cheers!
Jan 06Reply
saranwv @loveat1stsite great!! Thank you!!
Jan 06Reply
janetwiederholt I was wondering what the measurements are for the gray sweater 🤔 ? ?
Feb 12Reply
naimabrice Can you send me the tracking number for the lularoe purple dress I got so I can track it
May 03Reply
honeyg19 $4.99 shipping still available?
Aug 21Reply
leann_hancock Hey sweetie I will try my best to get items out tomorrow my husband has a doctors appointment tomorrow and we are going out of town but I’ll try my best to get them out ASAP thank you so much for your purchase ❤️🌸😉😉
Nov 11Reply
leann_hancock Sending out your package today sweetie
Nov 13Reply
saranwv @leann_hancock thank you!!!
Nov 13Reply
saranwv @dkh4665 You’re welcome!!!
Nov 13Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to create a bundle I just moved so I’ll accept anything
Dec 04Reply
jarrettdrake Do you meet locally for purchase exchanges?
Dec 24Reply
saranwv @jarrettdrake Yes I possibly could
Dec 24Reply
dawndeutz I ordered a dress from you and have not received it yet. I have released payment by mistake. I would like to know when I will get this. Dawn deutz.
Jan 21Reply
saranwv @dawndeutz It was shipped late due to the winter storm and no power. It should start tracking at anytime. Thank you so much!!! Sorry for the delay!!!
Jan 21Reply
dawndeutz I will be looking forward to getting it.
Jan 21Reply
saranwv @dawndeutz It’s a beautiful dress!!!
Jan 21Reply
uneekfinds Thanks for the follow, and welcome to UNEEKFINDS. I try to keep something for everyone. Always open to reasonable offers. 💵💵 I ship as quickly as I can.🚚🚚 Feel free to browse and like because I send early notices to my shoppers when I run specials. Let me know if you have any questions. Happy Poshing!🛒🛍🛒🛍😃
Jan 24Reply
richmondsrelics Hello. I have 2 closets, kids_poshshop and richmondsrelics. I give a 15% discount on bundles of 3 or more items. I don’t make offers, but I do welcome reasonable offers from buyers.
Feb 09Reply
nicholepruitt73 Hump Day Sale Spend $18 on 1 or up to 3 items and u get to choose 2 items that cost $10 or less ABSOLUTELY 💯 FREE.... limited time only get beauty gift bag when u spend $20 or more. I will add it to a bundle for u to show u the Contents
Mar 09Reply
la_de_da1961 Hi, Sara, my name is Bev, nice to meet you, I live in Elkview worked in Charleston for years. My niece is going to flight school at Marshall, nice to meet a mutual Charleston, West Virginian 😊💕
Mar 27Reply
ahappycorner Thanks for the follow 💕 Happy Poshing!
Apr 12Reply
boomaus Thanks for the add..
Apr 13Reply
gilbert_vallejo gorgeous!
Apr 14Reply
nylifeaccess Hi Gorgeous, how are you? You got a lovely smiling pic :) Here I would like to say Hi! And It’s my pleasure and most welcome if you would like to visit my closet to check out see if you could find anything you Like. My closet is selling 800+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Apr 16Reply
lynnbeckylynn Hello and thanks for the follow. We're having an overstock sale and accepting offers at 20% less than our listing price on most items.  😍
Apr 30Reply
blueberrilove Hi, I’m not sure if you’ve seen my questions about your Levi’s plaid western like shirt? I wanted to know what is the sleeve length from armpit to cuff? Also is this a thinner or thicker fabric? Thank you 🌸
May 19Reply
saranwv @blueberrilove I’m not at home to measure right now but I’m will this evening!! As for the material, it is like flannel, but a thinner flannel.
May 19Reply
blueberrilove @saranwv ok thank you, let me know once you measure the sleeves 🌸
May 19Reply
blueberrilove @saranwv hi, how’s that sleeve length coming? 😅
May 21Reply
blueberrilove @saranwv hi again, thanks for another offer on the Levi’s shirt, I’m still waiting on the sleeves measurement 🌸
Jun 05Reply
fashiongirl2375 Thank you for the share 💝
Nov 28Reply
acbarillaro0524 @saranwv hi !!! I’m also from WV!! just saw your page and wanted to show some love ❤️
Nov 30Reply
stormtreasures @saranwv Hi, first we pray that your live show was exceedingly successful and that you and yours have a Joyous Holiday Season. The purchase that was made on your show was initiated by our six year old niece who was playing with Storm's cell phone. We apologize for the inconvenience
Dec 04Reply
stormtreasures @saranwv and misunderstanding, however we have absolutely no need of this fine product. Under the circumstances we respectfully request that you cancel the order and wish to thank you in advance for your help and understanding. We wish you and yours all the best of the good Lord's blessings now and always, Deacon Ricky and Storm.
Dec 04Reply
stormtreasures @saranwv Hi, we wanted to take a moment to once again apologize and thank you for your understanding and professionalism. We wish you all the best of sales, success, and blessings. Have a great holiday season, Deacon Ricky and Storm.
Dec 04Reply
saranwv @stormtreasures No problem at all! Thank you and have a Merry Christmas!🎄🎁
Dec 04Reply
stormtreasures @saranwv Thank you again for your understanding. Merry Christmas to you and yours always, Deacon Ricky and Storm.
Dec 04Reply
marywilliams130 Hi this is Mary 😊 thank you for following my closet 😊
Dec 29Reply
324starr Welcome to Poshmark!!! If I can assist in anyway, please let me know. When you have time checkout my closet. If you see something you like, let me know. The key words for Poshmark is share, share, share and follow. Good luck and have a great day.
Jan 15Reply
jillbeanard I just wanted to let you know I Love your auctions and your bags!!! Keep up the good work! I’m your fellow West Virginian from the Parkersburg area. Love your stuff!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😊
Jan 21Reply
saranwv @jillbeanard ❤️❤️
Feb 03Reply
rose_gold_allie 💕🛍️💕🛍️💕🛍️💕🛍️💕🛍️💕🛍️💕🛍️💕🛍️💕🛍️ What a LOVELY Posh closet you have !!Wishing you many sales as we head into a new month !! XOXOXXOXO 💕🛍️💕🛍️💕🛍️💕🛍️💕🛍️💕🛍️💕🛍️💕🛍️💕🛍️
Feb 07Reply
nicholepruitt73 Hi there just wanted to let u know that in just a few short minutes I will b hosting a LIVE SHOW... THERE WILL BE GREAT DEAL AND EVEN PRIZES. SO STOP BY AND JOIN IN ON THE FUN
Feb 12Reply
chiclovelylooks I’m glad I found your page! Look forward to checking out your other shows.
Feb 20Reply
krystalmcc1621 Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your items with my followers. Have a wonderful day 🌞and many sales 📦
Feb 26Reply
dazzling101 Hi Sara - I’m wondering if you have any card holders or small wallet that would fit in the MK crossbody I got at your show last night? If you can let me know - thanks!!!
Feb 26Reply
saranwv @dazzling101 Yes, I am pretty sure I do. I will check this afternoon when I get home and let you know for sure.
Feb 26Reply
dazzling101 @saranwv thx no hurry- thinking a slim wallet type
Feb 26Reply
mrshelzbelz Hello! I just accidentally bid on the black/rhinestone Victoria’s Secret bag, could you please cancel the order for me? My screen went dark, and when I touched it to light it up again, it bid. Please let me know, thank you so much 😊
Mar 26Reply
nancywvnrs Hello , I’m in Charleston WV also !
Apr 02Reply
goldie101xyz I'm confused on the shoe bundle. Did I not get them? just saw your comment.
Apr 22Reply
goldie101xyz I can't find where to private message you. I can't remember what this bundle was for. I thought it was already on the way to me. I'm confused which is why I counter offered.
Apr 22Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Jul 11Reply
kemakema959 Hi, feel free to check out my closet. If you buy two or more items you'll receive 20% off your order. Happy shopping :)
Sep 01Reply
ali0309 Thanks for the add to your show but I can't add details..can you try again, please.
Nov 27Reply
theresa_werry Hi,👋 You "liked" a Shapermint Cami in my closet.🌼 Unfortunately, I can't come down in price. This is brand new and never worn. I hope you can understand. I'm happy you like the cami. I have other Shapermint 4X in other colors.🤔 If you'd like to bundle, I would give you a good deal.🙃❣️ Theresa
Feb 15Reply
lalasluxelabel 😁👋
Feb 15Reply
123morningstar Thank you for following my closet! Check out my closet as I list new items almost daily. I encourage you to make offers on all my items. Also, feel free to contact me with any questions. I respond as soon as possible or within 24 hrs. Again, welcome to my closet and Happy coming Spring!
Mar 07Reply
pulguita931 I have not received my purchase it has taken a long time to receive and I can’t track it ?
Jun 01Reply
saranwv @pulguita931 I made a comment under the post of your item. I reported it to Poshmark awhile back that it was shipped but never tracked. I have escalated it to Poshmark support. I am so sorry!
Jun 01Reply
cutehosiery @saranwv Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 07Reply
kathyroop67 Hello. My location is Moorefield so good to know you on Posh.
Jun 10Reply
saranwv @kathyroop67 That’s neat!!! Nice to meet you!
Jun 10Reply
soposhdj Hi Sarah. I love the wristlet but I only have 20$ in my account budget. I can pay 15 for item on Friday with Posh discount ship otherwise I can pay 12$ plus 7.99 today. Thank you ❤️
Aug 05Reply
soposhdj Ps I love your closet!
Aug 05Reply
lp36272 👍
Dec 23Reply

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Charleston, WV
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Last Active: this hour

Charleston, WV
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