Meet your Posher, Sarah
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Hi Sarah. Welcome to Poshmark!! Your pups are gorgeous 💞🐾;) I'm a Posh Ambassador & Fur Mom of 2 Boston Terriers. Dogs make the best co-workers🥰. Your closet looks great already, especially for just starting this month!! If you ever have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at any time. There are lots of little things that you need mentors to guide you through. Everyone is super supportive on here in my experience. Good Luck - Libby ❣️❇️
Oct 27Reply

Also, we like a lot of the same brands, so I may be able to direct you toward reliable sellers. Enjoy the Journey ☮️. Poshlove & Luck - Libby ❣️❇️
Oct 27Reply

@libbyspence916 Thank you so much for your kind and helpful comments! I appreciate all the support! I am waiting for a dress mannequin to arrive in the mail, I’m hoping it will be helpful in showing off some of my dresses and other clothing! I still have quite a bit of stuff to post! Thanks again and I will keep in touch! XO
Oct 28Reply

@soniatheresa You are very welcome! I hope you are having a wonderful day!
Oct 28Reply

📣Welcome to Poshmark!🎈
Oct 28Reply

@coup2 Thank you!♥️
Oct 28Reply

@sgoode001 You are so welcome. I need to do the same thing;)
Oct 28Reply

Please take a look at my closet, I have some pieces you might be interested in!
Nov 08Reply

@brittanyminkus thank you for the invite! You have some beautiful pieces in your closet!🥰
Nov 08Reply

@shashidb Thank you so much!! Hope you have a wonderful night! XO
Nov 15Reply

shoot me an offer
Nov 25Reply

Hey there Sarah, I thought it might be a typo on your profile as it says grad of Duck U and thought you live in Portland, OR. not ME. lol as I'm from and raised my family in Tracktown USA. and just found it ironic to find that out! Cool you reppin' out there with your "kids" on the "right coast" and to do business with you! Happy Holidays!
Nov 26Reply

@oduckswon Hi Clint! So nice to meet another Duck!! I lived in Eugene for 10 years and Portland Oregon for another three before moving back to Maine where I am from! I just love the U of O! Track town is a great place to live! I miss it so much at times! I still have friends out in Oregon in Eugene and Portland. My younger sister also lives down in the Medford area. She however is not a Duck!🤣! We will have to keep in touch, thank you for the message! Happy Poshing!!
XO Sarah🥰♥️
Nov 26Reply

@oduckswon if you look through my pictures above— I have added a picture of my girl Gidget in her Oregon ducks suit, it’s made of fleece! she rocks that suit and represents my Alma Mater!💚💛💚
Nov 28Reply

I haven't recieved a sweater i purchased .It says it hasn't shipped?
Dec 11Reply

Awww soooo cute! Must love dogs! 🐕🐕💋💋
Jan 05Reply

Can you check out my closet if you have any time 🤍
Jan 17Reply

Love your Jack Russell
Feb 10Reply

@8yellowrose thank you! She’s actually a rat terrier but looks very similar to jack Russell, they have similar traits too!!🥰♥️🐾
Feb 10Reply

@sgoode001 you’re welcome
Feb 10Reply

thanks for sharing my listings!!🥰
Feb 11Reply

@emily_wilhite you’re welcome! Thank you back!😘♥️
Feb 11Reply

Hi Sarah! Thanks for following my closet!🌸
Feb 13Reply

can you tell me please how to bundle as you did the dog clothes please
Feb 13Reply

@wowwhatadeal4 @wowwhatadeal4 First off you need the name of the person you want to bundle for, then you do a direct share to that person. Then you go to your bundles and you will see that that person now has a bundle created.(cont below)
Feb 13Reply

@wowwhatadeal4 You can then go to the bundle, up at the top click on the share type button and it will say share to this bundle, and then you go to your closet and pick something else to add to the bundle. Repeat to add more to the bundle. It was confusing for me at first but I figured it out hopefully this is helpful! If you have further questions feel free to ask! XO Sarah
Feb 13Reply

@janfast hi, you’re very welcome!! XO Sarah
Feb 13Reply

@wowwhatadeal4 also to find your bundle you want to look at the bundles button that’s in the same section where your closet is—Then you have to switch it to selling it has a buying or selling side I believe. That’s where you will find a bundle you are creating.
Feb 13Reply

@wowwhatadeal4 OK so another way to do it because I just had trouble doing it the way I told you how to, You can simply repeat the same steps of sharing directly to that person and it will add to their bundle once it has been created. Also once you share directly that person will be saved as a little circle when you go to do your direct share. I hope this makes sense!
Feb 13Reply

@wowwhatadeal4 Hi, I just remembered I didn’t finish telling you about bundling. Once you have put everything you want into the bundle there’s a button at the bottom that says make an offer or offer, that’s where you can give them a discount and discounted shipping.♥️👍
Feb 13Reply

Ok if I see someone like an item then I just bundle under their like and make them an offer correct. I thank you for sharing the information with me.I hope you have a beautiful Valentine's Day with your lovely dogs
Feb 13Reply

@wowwhatadeal4 You are very welcome and I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day also!!
XO Sarah🥰♥️
P.S.Feel free to reach out if you have any more questions!!
Feb 13Reply

Adorable fur babies ❣️
Feb 14Reply

@libbyspence916 Hi Libby! I was wondering if you could help me with something, I have been figuring things out pretty good… But I still don’t understand how to put together a tag list? I see everyone has one and I want one too! LOL! I would appreciate any help or guidance you could give me! Thank you in advance, no big rush if you are busy! XO Sarah😘💞💗
Feb 16Reply

@sgoode001 Hey Sarah!! No problem. I'm going to sent you all this through a DM/private message so I don't take up all the room on your profile. I want people to be able to keep loving on those gorgeous pups ❣️🐾
Feb 16Reply

Thank you and your sweet doggies for your follow. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package 📦. And offers are always welcome, too.
Feb 17Reply

This is my life...puppies 😍
Feb 18Reply

🎖Congratulations on your Amazonian Warrior Egeria Pick💲💲💲💰💰👔👕👖🧥
🌞🌞CLIFF the Posh Ambassador 🌞🌞
I really 💘 the way your closet is designed.
Very Professional, You inspired me to do the same in my closet. Happy Poshing 😊
Feb 24Reply

@cliffordbbailey Thank you so much for your kind words Cliff!! I was honored to be chosen as one of the Amazonian warriors!! I got so much posh love and so many shares!!! Wishing you a fabulous and prosperous day! XO Sarah😘💞💖💖💖
Feb 25Reply

@hbrambach I love dogs! Your pup is adorable!!! Thank you for stopping by my closet!!
XO Sarah😘💞💖🐾
Feb 25Reply

@gypsymouser thank you so much! I love living here, the winters can be a little rough but the good seasons more than make up for it! Summer and autumn are my favorite!! XO Sarah😘💞💖
Feb 25Reply

Hi Sarah, I'm Cora wanted to Wish you a Fantabulous Weekend filled with lots of Blessings 🌻 I enjoyed sharing your closet 🌻
Feb 27Reply

@makeyoulaugh67 Hi Cora, thank you so much!! May you have a fabulous and prosperous weekend!!
XO Sarah😘💞💗💗💗
Feb 27Reply

Hi Sarah, you have such adorable well dressed pups! My beagle Lucy will not even let me put a new collar on her🤯, let alone clothing, she would chew it right off. But she’s our baby, spoiled like yours. Hogs the bed and snores. I bet your bed is crowded too😁
Feb 27Reply

@pinktenaj Hi Janet! Your pup sounds like a piece of work, they are such characters aren’t they?! I have been dressing my girls since they were very young, they don’t have much of a coat and we live in Maine so they definitely need to be able to wear clothing, but I definitely have fun with it also! Yes so familiar with the crowded bed!!(cont)
Feb 28Reply

@pinktenaj I have a Facebook group called “Dog Spoilers Anonymous”, if you are on Facebook you should join! It’s just a small group where we share pictures and stories about our pups! Your baby is so precious and adorable!!! Happy Poshing!!!
XO Sarah😘💞💗💗💗
Feb 28Reply

@sgoode001 💄💄💄Your a LIPPIE posher today 💄💄💄Enjoy💋
Feb 28Reply

Feb 28Reply

Love your pups!
Feb 28Reply

@sgoode001 Hi there, thanks for the info about the spoiled dog group, mine would fit right in there😁. I see why yours need coats, Maine winters have to be brutal. We live in IL so I know about taking dogs out in the elements. Lucy’s will “freeze up” for lack of a better description. Can’t move her legs or walk. We’ve had to carry her a few times. They have dog booties...but she wouldn’t tolerate that either🙄. I’ll check the group out😁
Feb 28Reply

Hello thank you for following my closet, I really appreciate it. I offer you 30% off any items from my closet. Just subtract 30% make the offer. Happy Poshing
Feb 28Reply

@bell1971 Thank you so much for all the Posh love I’m getting today!!😘💞💖💖💖
Feb 28Reply

@chrishunte22 Thank you! XO Sarah😘💞💖
Feb 28Reply

@jeffpepin1177 thank you so much, they are my world!! XO Sarah😘💞💗💗💗
Feb 28Reply

@mariannewhite73 thank you so much!!😘💞💖
Feb 28Reply

Thank you for giving me something beautiful to look at 💯
Mar 01Reply

@sgoode001 Your welcome 💄💋
Mar 01Reply

@sgoode001 what breed are they?
Mar 01Reply

Hey! Thanks for sharing, I appreciate it 😁
Mar 01Reply

@sgoode001 awww your pups are adorable as well!🥰😘😘😘
Mar 02Reply

Hi! I’d love for you to checkout my closet. I carry lots of brands like Aritzia, LF, Aviator Nation, Planet Blue, etc. I try to post a new piece at least once a day, so def follow to keep updated. I am also very open to all offers and if you make a bundle ill give you a great discount and ship same day! Also I am a posh ambassador so if you have any questions let me know :)
Mar 03Reply

@jeffpepin1177 my tri-colored girl is a rat terrier, my blue girl is a coated American Hairless Terrier! They are the most wonderful dogs!! The American Hairless Terrier was created from the rat terrier, so they are very similar!🥰♥️🐾
Mar 03Reply

@denerick22 you are very welcome!! XO Sarah🥰
Mar 03Reply

@maucri thank you so much! XO Sarah🥰💖🐾
Mar 03Reply

Great closet! The pups are adorable 🥰
Mar 03Reply

@sew_stylish thank you so much Katie!! You have a beautiful closet also! Happy Poshing!!!
XO Sarah😘💞💖
Mar 03Reply

Hi, thank you for following me. I enjoyed looking at your personal photos !
Mar 04Reply

Hi! Both of your dogs are cute! 🙂
Mar 04Reply

@favoriteshirt thank you so much! I will check your closet out! XO Sarah🥰♥️
Mar 05Reply

@moonlitbev93 Thank you so much! The older one the tri-colored rat terrier is my psychiatric service dog, and my younger girl is in training! I don’t know what I’d do without them they are the best dogs!!
XO Sarah🐾🥰♥️
Mar 05Reply

@sgoode001 That's incredible! 😄
Mar 05Reply

Mar 06Reply

Hi! I'm Emily. Thanks for stopping by! If you like any of my items feel free to create a bundle so you can get a great deal! I’m a quick shipper I usually send them out a day or two after😊 I’ll accept any offers on clothes, jewelry and books!
Mar 06Reply

@sprinklesbaker THANKS❣️
Mar 06Reply

Hello my name is Daniela!
Hello fellow Poshmark person
All my items from the boutique section come fromy small boutique in Portland Oregon 😍 All my closet items are gently used and in great condition just trying rid of things I don’t use anymore
Mar 07Reply

@sgoode001 Hi Sarah! We're in a few share games together and I don't think we've met yet. I'm Sharon. I really like the variety you have in your closet. I especially like the photos of your fur babies. I've got pics of mine in my closet if you're curious. I'm sure we'll be 'seeing' each other around. Take care and nice to meet you!!!!
Mar 07Reply

@danielarojas25 Hi Daniela, I will check out your closet when I get a chance thank you for the message! Are used to live in Eugene, I graduated from University of Oregon in 2001! I also lived in your Portland for a few years before moving back to Portland Maine! Wishing you speedy sales and prosperity! XO Sarah🥰
Mar 08Reply

@coachandtrunk hi Sharon thank you for the nice message! My dogs are my world!! Thank you for the compliments!!! I am glad you stopped by and said hi and introduce yourself and I will be seeing you around! Wishing you great prosperity and speedy sales and a wonderful night! XO Sarah😘💞💖
Mar 08Reply

Good morning! Dogs are so much fun! The unconditional Love is everything! Sharing from your closet. Hope you have a Beautiful Day!
Mar 09Reply

@findingdoc1 thank you so much my friend!! Have a wonderful day!!🥰♥️
Mar 09Reply

thanks for stopping by and saying hi honeybee! your fur babies are super cuties too! 🛍👑🐝
Mar 09Reply

Thanks for the follow, I'll follow you back! I also wanted to let you know that I'm having a BUY TWO, GET ONE FREE sale right now, so please be sure to check out my closet <3
Mar 11Reply

Good afternoon, thanks for following. I do bundle discounts and accept all reasonable offers.
Mar 11Reply

Love seeing and sharing my fellow Mainers closets.
Mar 11Reply

@teamboothby Thank you so much, I am the same I love to see others from Maine & support them! I will be visiting and sharing from your closet!!
XO Sarah😘💞💖
Mar 12Reply

@sgoode001 Sarah, Thank you so very much. We will absolutely do the same. Enjoy the short Maine Summer as it will soon be upon us. ❤️❤️❤️
Mar 12Reply

@sgoode001 Gracie and Gidget are receiving doggie hugs 🤗 and love 💕 from Yoshi and DaVinci.. 🦴🥩🍗🌭
Mar 13Reply

@zepigrl Thabk you Yoshi & DaVinci!!! You two are adorable!!! Sending love, hugs and virtual treats to them!! Gracie and Gidget wish they could play with them! XO Sarah😘💞🐶🐾
Mar 13Reply

@sgoode001 🥰🥰🥰🥰... Our furMom says you should stop by our share game to see silly 🙃 pictures of us, and the girl’s’ 🐈⬛ 🐖..
Mar 13Reply

@zepigrl We will do that!
Mar 13Reply

@juniebee4900 thank you so much for your kind comment and your shares! I too have PTSD so I completely understand! XOXO Sarah😘💞💖
Mar 14Reply

Hi there I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet✨ Let me know if you have any questions! 💕☺️
Mar 15Reply

Hi Sarah, Thank you so much for the offer - I must have hit "like" when I was sharing as the jacket is too small for me. 😕 Your pups are just adorable and I wish you lots of sales. I know this cute jacket will find a new home soon!
Mar 15Reply

1) 😃😘🐕🐕🦺
2) I love your 🐕🦺’s pretty little dressie in the *last* pic! 😍
Mar 16Reply

@kinnies No worries! Thank you for visiting my closet and sharing! Hope you are having a fabulous day, wishing you many sales and prosperity!
XO Sarah 😘💞💗💗💗
Mar 16Reply

@sgoode001 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Mar 16Reply

@zardiva1 thank you so much!! Those pups are my world! I too love that dress/harness! My friend makes them, they actually have a little hook on them so you can walk them in them as long as they’re not pullers, which my girls aren’t! I have a couple little dresses she made for my other girl too! I’ll have to get a picture of both of them together with their dresses on! I hope you have a fabulous day with many sales! Oh and your kitty is adorable!!😻
XO Sarah😘💞💗💗💗
Mar 16Reply

@sgoode001 Awww, you’re welcome! 🤗 Your friend’s got *SKILLS!* 👍😃👏🙌👌🤘🥇🏆 (Haha 😀)
And thanks 😘 about my kitty, but he’s my little *fur angel* now 😔😢😭
Mar 16Reply

🎖Congratulations on your Antiope Pick
🌞🌞CLIFF the Posh Ambassador 🌞🌞
I really 💘 the way your closet is designed.
Very Professional, You inspired me to do the same in my closet. Happy Poshing 😊
Mar 17Reply

Hi! Thank you for the follow 🍀 Happy Poshing 🌱! Adorable fur babies 🐕💕
Mar 17Reply

@cliffordbbailey thank you so much!! XO Sarah🥰♥️
Mar 17Reply

@lillievonstoop1 thank you so much!! Have a wonderful day with many sales!! XO Sarah🥰♥️
Mar 17Reply

Such cute pups; they look like they have good personalities
Mar 19Reply

@bestdressed995 they sure do, they are such characters! Thank you so much!! I hope you’re having a wonderful night! XO Sarah🥰♥️
Mar 19Reply

Grace & Gidget are Gorgeous!
Mar 20Reply

@pugsinparadise thank you so much, your pug is precious!!!🐶♥️🐾
Mar 20Reply

Hi. Thanks 🙏🏾so much for the follow. Am following you now too👏🏼. Enjoyed sharing your closet. FYI if ever interested in anything in mine, I'm always open to offers & am taking 30% off bundles of 2+ items through Easter🐰. Hope you have a wonderful week, stay healthy & safe in all this craziness & Keep Poshing🛍!!! And love💖your dogs🐶🐶. Sooo cute🤗!!!
Mar 20Reply

@sgoode001 💄💄💄Your a LIPPIE posher today 💄💄💄Enjoy💋
Mar 21Reply

@greenbaypackers Thank you so much!! XO Sarah🥰♥️
Mar 21Reply

@bell1971 Thank you so much!! I hope you’re having a wonderful day! I am enjoying all the Posh love & shares!! XO Sarah😘💞💖💖💖
Mar 21Reply

Thanks for all your shares they are very much appreciated!😉🙏🏾👍🏾🥰💞💞💞Have a Great Week!
Mar 21Reply

omg cute pups...
Mar 21Reply

Good Morning!
I noticed that you are list as being the new
1950’s hostess! Congratulations! Cannot wait 🙂
You have a great closet ☮️❤️♻️
Mar 24Reply

@boutiquetrendz You are very welcome! Wishing you many sales!! XO Sarah🥰💞♥️♥️♥️
Mar 24Reply

@dogtownusa thank you so much!!🐶♥️🐾
Mar 24Reply

@sgoode001 omg... I just looked at all those shots and I am cracking up... they look like they are posing for a photo shoot... especially the one with teh cute
Mar 24Reply

@pitakat7 thank you so much!! I am excited to host a game! I have no idea what I’m doing yet, but my PFF @sharingposh is going to get me all set up!! Look forward to seeing you playing the game! We’ve got to get it posted today so people can start tagging their PFF’s & hopefully we will get a good number of people to play!! I look forward to seeing you in the 50s!!
XO Sarah😘💞💖💖💖💖
Mar 24Reply

@dogtownusa thank you so much, those two are such characters!! LOL!🐶🥰🐾
Mar 26Reply

Hii..feel free to chkout my closet. thankyou and happy Poshing 😊
Mar 29Reply

Hey Babe 👋 Happy Poshing 😊 Wishing You Tons of Speedy Sales 💰 And Many Exciting & Fabulous Fashion Finds 🛍
Mar 31Reply

@sgoode001 OMG, you have TWO!!! 🤣🤣 They are truly adorable!
Apr 01Reply

@ldonselar thank you so much!! Gracie my tricolor girl Is 12 years old, Gidget the blue girl is two years old! She still keeps me on my toes, still in training!! Gracie is my psychiatric service dog, I’m training Gidget for when Gracie “retires”. I see you said your puppy is only eight months? Such a fun age though they can be frustrating at times as they are truly ornery when they want to be!🤣! (Cont)
Apr 01Reply

@ldonselar Gidget has most of her task work down, but she needs more training in the area of Desensitization to environmental stimuli (particularly Animals). She still doesn’t know what to think of cats, and we visited my parents in Florida & woah BUNNIES!! Prey drive is in the Rattie nature, as it’s what they were originally bred for!
Apr 01Reply

Prey drive is in the Rattie nature, as it’s what they were originally bred for! I’m confident I can train it out of her I did it with Gracie, however her prey drive was naturally lower than Gidget’s! I love having two of them! I also cherish the 10 years I spent with just my Gracie & me! Nice chatting with you! XO Sarah🐶🐾♥️
Apr 01Reply

@sgoode001 Yeah, I didn't research rat terriers before we got Franklin in January. My husband found him on FB and we fell in love with his gold eyes! He does have some serious behavioral issues but he's gotten a lot better in the few months we've had him. He's a good boy for the most part! And maybe a little spoiled. 😯
Apr 01Reply

@sgoode001 Bunnies! 😆 I wanted a dog I could bring to my office. (a pet friendly building) But the owner of the building lets her two bunnies run free on the first floor. Soooooo, Franklin won't be coming here. EVER! Again, no research. lol
Apr 01Reply

Adorable pups! ❤️❤️
Apr 02Reply

@ldonselar LOL! Yes bunnies and Ratties don’t mix well! I hope your training comes along—they are very intelligent and will learn, I think they learned best using positive reinforcement methods! If you need some training advice check out Zak George YouTube videos, he is really good at the positive reinforcement training! Hopefully your boy is treat motivated!🐶♥️
Apr 02Reply

@yuhaftasell thank you so much!!🐶🐾♥️
Apr 02Reply

Hi Sarah! It’s great to meet you!🥰
Apr 03Reply

@rposen hi Ronna!! So nice to meet you also! I love your closet! Looks great!! I was in the blues collecting mood this morning, so I collected your Blues, so thank you for that – – I think it was the Elvira game I was playing! I have a game I am hosting now, this past week with my first week, I would love it if you would play sometimes! It’s usually right at the top of my closet!
XO Sarah😘💞💖
Apr 03Reply

@rposen The game is the Diggin’ in the Decades 50’s game, would love to see you in the ☀️Nifty Fifties☀️ with us!!!🥰♥️
Apr 03Reply

@sgoode001 Hi! Ty so much! I will definitely tag your game up later! I am meeting my son to look at a wedding venue!😍😍😍
Apr 03Reply

@rposen oh how fun, planning a wedding sounds like it would be so much fun! I know it might be a little stressful but congratulations for your family and son in particular!🥰♥️
Apr 03Reply

Thank you for the follow 💛 God bless ✝️
Apr 04Reply

@vtarabochia thank you so much Victoria for your sweet message!! We are blessed to have our dogs!! I also am always telling my girls how good they have it! They definitely have me trained well as much as I have them trained! You gotta love them! Happy Poshing! Wishing you speedy sales and much prosperity!
XO Sarah🥰♥️🐾
Apr 04Reply

@carmenwoollums you are very welcome, thank you for visiting my closet and for the sweet message! Happy Poshing!! Also if you look at the top of my closet, I have a game going—a 50’s themed share game! Check it out if you have a minute and might be interested in playing whenever you can! I also do daily trivia! It’s fun! XO Sarah🥰♥️
Apr 04Reply

@vtarabochia if you’re interested I recently started hosting a Diggin’ in the Decades 50’s share Game—It’s usually at the top of my closet unless I am sharing at the moment! You should come by and check it out! I do a daily trivia question and it’s really fun!! We would love to have you join! XO Sarah🥰♥️
Apr 04Reply

Nice to meet you!! Love the fur babies we have two. Thanx for viewing my closet. Love yours ❤️
Apr 08Reply

Welcome 🙏😳🐶🦮😀
Nice closet 😘🎁
Apr 11Reply

Hi there 😄 You look like you've got a great eye for style 🕶
...Come check out my closet @honeytag for awesome fashionable finds, I think you're gonna love! ❤
Apr 12Reply

Your pups are adorable! It’s obvious that you shower them with much love and attention. I’m sure it’s returned multiplied. Love your closet! Happy Poshing.
Apr 15Reply

What adorable furbabies!!
Please check out my closet!
I have a lot of NWT Cups & Travel Mugs, Paw Print Earrings and...even Kitchen Towels 😄for Dog Lovers like us!
Plus I'm having an AWESOME
(⚘3 for $25) CLOSET SALE!
Choose any 3 items with a ⚘, I will bundle them and offer you $25 for all 3 items!!
Check out all the AWESOME ⚘ items NOW before they're gone!
Apr 15Reply

Have a blessed year!
Apr 16Reply

Thanks for following my closet. I have shared some of yours. Stay safe and God bless.
Apr 17Reply

Welcome to the Poshmark Family!! Your dogs make my heart melt they are sooo cute. Happy Poshing!! 🤗🛍Kristi
Apr 20Reply

Love your pups!!❤️❤️
Apr 25Reply

BEAUTIFUL FURR BABIES! I made an offer on the XS blue and red dog socks.
Apr 25Reply

Oh my gosh! Sooooo cute! Pets give us that unconditional love like no other, don’t they? 🥰🥰🥰
Apr 26Reply

@tam5972 I really appreciate you sending me a message about the dog socks offer, I miss them sometimes my feed is so busy! I think you probably have noticed by now I accepted your offer, The socks are mailed out and should be tracking! Happy Poshing! Thank you for your purchase!! XO Sarah🥰
Apr 27Reply

@sgoode001 Thank you, I can understand being busy with those cuties. I stay happily busy with my sweetheart too.
Apr 27Reply

precious pups....I really like the Oregon Ducks outfit. My family is from Oregon originally.
Apr 27Reply

Hi Sarah. I’m also a Poshmark Ambassador and I would like to welcome you to my community! I’m a complete Fashionista. I worked for years in Network TV and Internet Media. While I did that I worked in the evenings as an Actor/Singer/Dancer/Entertainer/Director. I then adopted 2 beautiful daughters and opened a Classical Pilates Studio. Closets and closets of beautiful clothes, most still with tags! So shop, bundle and save, safely from your home. If you do go out, wear a mask.😃😴
Apr 29Reply

🎖Congratulations on your Wonder Woman Pick💲💲💲 💰💰👔👕👖🧥👗🩱👚👝👜
🌞🌞CLIFF the Posh Ambassador 🌞🌞
I really 💘 the way your closet is designed.
Very Professional, You inspired me to do the same in my closet. Happy Poshing 😊
May 01Reply

Hi sweet Sarah! First, let me say I’m incredibly sorry I didn’t contact you sooner. My post office is a mess, but I have been bugging them about my packages🙄I’ve been told that they hired 3 new people so orders should be all caught up today or tomorrow. I am so frustrated about this USPS problem! Rest assured your purchase is on the way! Thank you in advance for your patience during these crazy times💖🙏Lauren🌷
May 04Reply

Thank you for sharing my Closet today. Love the picture!🎉
May 04Reply

@charlotte_west thank you so much and you’re very welcome!!🥰♥️
May 04Reply

@lasknickknacks thanks for the update hon, I understand I have had the same problem on my end with the post office! I totally get it! Even my Amazon purchases are coming in a lot later than usual!! It’s crazy!! No worries I’ve got to lose a little weight to get into those anyway!!🤣♥️
May 04Reply

@cliffordbbailey thank you so much!!🥰♥️
May 04Reply

@sgoode001 💄💄💄Your a LIPPIE today 💄💄💄Enjoy 💋
May 05Reply

@bell1971 thank you so much my PFF!! I’ve been having a rough week so far and you have brightened my day!!😘💞💗💗💗
May 05Reply

Hi Sarah! After going to the post office yesterday and spending about an hour being rude and basically forcing them to find ALL my packages and watch them scan them...AGAIN...and load them into the truck😠🙄...your package is finally on it’s way! I am so sorry and just disgusted with the current shipping situation in my little town🤯 I hope that you love your purchase and the little extras I always throw in. Thank you for your incredible patience and kindness!❤️Lauren
May 07Reply

Hello 😊 I love your pups they are so cute 🥰 🥰 and your jewelry is beautiful. I liked some items but I’m not ready to purchase yet. When I am I’ll make a bundle 🥰
May 09Reply

@jonidw50 that’s great, thank you so much!! I look forward to it! My pups are my babies, thank You♥️
May 09Reply

The Halloween costumes are so cute! 🐶
May 10Reply

Your fur babies are gorgeous and the love that flows between all of you explodes thru pics!
May 10Reply

Love your pups! Life wouldn't be complete without a dog or two!!!! 🐾💜❤😍
May 12Reply

@pinksandbeach thank you so much!! They are such sweet girls!! XO Sarah🥰♥️🐾
May 12Reply

@rainspirit6 thank you so much!! These babies are my world! XO Sarah🥰♥️🐾
May 12Reply

@claudisnook you are so right! Life would not be complete without my babies! XO Sarah🥰♥️🐾
May 12Reply

@sgoode001 I smile each time I scroll theu the pics!
May 12Reply

Congrats @sgoode001 🎉 I've chosen you to be Paul on 5/12 💞 for 🎵The Beatles🎵 a share game so get ready to sit back, relax and collect those shares and posh love 💞 remember NO SHAREBACKS 🤗 have an amazing day full of shares and posh sales 🎸🛍️💖🤘🏻🎵🎸🥁❤️✌🏻🕊️
(will post at midnight)
May 12Reply

@delcie11 Thank you so much my PFF!!! Do you know my birthday is October 9 the same birthday as John Lennon!! I so appreciate the feature! I appreciate you supporting my game too!!! XO Sarah😘💞💖
May 12Reply

@sgoode001 oh Wow, that is so cool 😎... to get the John feature all you have to do is submit your favorite Beatles songs and if it gets picked you are featured as John for the day and your song is the song of the day (I put all songs on slips of paper with your name and into a bowl with all suggestions). it's easy now, I'm out of suggestions so as long as it's not a song I haven't played recently and I pick yours, your featured as John‼️🤩❤️✌🏻
May 13Reply

Thanks for following me. Hopefully really soon you will buy something from me! Also have dog stuff.
May 13Reply

Hi Sarah, thank you for following us! Great looking pups!🐾👍
We are Jimbo & G.🤠🐗🙋🐗
I hope you have many sales & find tons of bargains!
Happy Posh'ing & hoping you have a prosperous 2021!😷💳📈
Be kind & have a blessed day!
May 13Reply

You have THE most adorable babies🥰omg I just wanna kiss their wittle heads😂 amazing closet too btw lol
May 14Reply

@lakedwellerhb Thank you so much for the introduction and the sweet note! Happy Poshing & May you have a wonderful night and day filled with sales! XO Sarah🥰♥️
May 14Reply

@jenn123456 thank you so much I will check your closet out when I get a chance! XO Sarah🥰♥️🐾
May 14Reply

@freya088 thank you so much!! I will kiss their wittle heads for you!!🤣♥️🐾
May 14Reply

Your babies are so cute! I love their clothes.
May 15Reply

You are so pretty and your doggies are adorable.
May 17Reply

@vadorsgirl thank you so much!!🥰♥️🐾
May 17Reply

@baggy718 Thank you so much my beautiful PFF!! XOXO😘💞💖
May 17Reply

@sgoode001 🥰❤️🌱💐
May 17Reply

Thank You for following.
Welcome by anytime 🎀
May 18Reply

@highfashnz thank you I will definitely visit your closet!! Happy Poshing!🥰♥️♥️♥️
May 22Reply

Hi Sarah! Thank you for following me! I peeked in your closet and look forward to having more time to peruse it further! Hope you’re having a FANTABULOUS day! Happy Poshing! 💜💜💜
BTW...your babies are ADORBS!
May 24Reply

@sgoode001 just letting you know I'm going into hospital early tomorrow morning and I won't be playing games until Monday. however, I will post my game at midnight. have an amazing weekend pff🥰💖✌🏻
May 26Reply

Beautiful pups!
May 28Reply

@londonschells8 thank you so much!!😘💞♥️
May 28Reply

@delcie11 Thank you for letting me know my PFF, I will keep you in my thoughts I hope everything turns out good for you♥️hugs♥️
May 29Reply

@eewatson7 thank you so much! They are such sweet girls!🥰♥️🐾
May 29Reply

Salam beautiful, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses & hijabs from the Middle East💕Welcome to Poshmark 😊Love your listings by the way!
Jun 03Reply

Adorable fur babies 🐶🐶
Jun 13Reply

Hi There is ModestClayFinds😁 I wanted to invite you to come and give a look through my closet if you see something you like don’t hesitate to send me a message or an offer. We can make it work just for you! 🥰🥰🥰
Jun 15Reply

Please take me off this. I don’t know how to play.
Jun 28Reply

@shiann1953 Sure, are you referring to the 50’s share game? I will get you removed from my post effective tomorrow! Take care! XO Sarah☀️♥️
Jun 28Reply

Thank you 🙏 sweetie.
Jun 28Reply

@sgoode001 💄💄💄Your a LIPPIE today 💄💄💄Enjoy 💋
Jul 08Reply

@sgoode001 Heyyy! Thanks for the love❤️. Nice closet by the way! let me know if you have any questions or want to inquire for a discount. I’m always open to offers.
Jul 15Reply

@aaaypark @apryl123
Jul 19Reply

love ur poochies🥰🥰🥰😇🤭🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩
Jul 20Reply

@tariqh0202 thank you so much for visiting my closet and for your sweet note!! I visited your closet and did some sharing!! You have a beautiful closet! Wishing you the most prosperous day! Happy Poshing!! Oh, I also noticed we are both New Englanders!! XO Sarah🥰♥️
Jul 21Reply

@shopper919 thank you my PFF for tagging your PFF’s to check out my closet!! I so appreciate it you are so sweet!! Wishing you a fabulous day! Happy Poshing!! XO Sarah🥰♥️
Jul 21Reply

@peeshy101 thank you so much for the compliments on my pups!! They are my world! Thank you for visiting my closet! Wishing you a fabulous day, I hope it is very prosperous & fun!! XO Sarah🥰♥️
Jul 21Reply

Hi Sarah! Your dogs are precious! Come check out our 2 beautiful Shepherds, under Meet the Dogs
Aug 21Reply

I love these pics!! What lucky Puppers to have you as their mom! You are a woman after my own heart that keeps your fur babies as fashionable as you are!
A girl can never have too many clothes or accessories, even if they are covered in fur, have paws instead of hands and walk on four legs. 💕😊
Aug 29Reply

@janehathaway I will definitely check it out, thank you so much for your sweet comments!! I love pups!🥰♥️🐾
Aug 29Reply

@aprilwellman thank you so much for your sweet comments! I absolutely agree with you about the pups and their fashion!! Some people think I’m crazy but my girls actually Love their clothes and we live in Maine so we need them a lot of the year for warmth!! And my little blue girl needs sun protection because she doesn’t have a full coat! I have so much fun buying clothes for them! XO Sarah♥️🐾🥰
Aug 29Reply

@sgoode001 💄💄💄Enjoy your LIPPIE day 💄💄💄
Sep 10Reply

Hi Sarah‼️Thank you sooo much for tagging The RUNWAY👠‼️Please let me feature your closet‼️I have not scheduled anyone yet so Mon. thru Thurs. is wide open! Take your pick‼️
Sep 11Reply

Thanks for all the shares!
Have a great day 🍁💕🌻🍁
Sep 16Reply

@sgoode001 Awe I love your fur-kids, I have a Rescue lil zoo & had to just stop by and say it’s great to see your babies so happy 🐾💕👏🐶🐶❤️
Sep 26Reply

@luxs4luv thank you so much for visiting my closet and for the compliments on my babies!! Those pups are my world!! Bless you for rescuing, I just love animals! My girls are actually psychiatric service dogs, Gracie 13 is retired & Gidget at 3, still has a little bit more training to do... she’s great with her task work in the home which is mostly where I need them. I hope you have a wonderful day! Hug your babies for me! XO Sarah🤗♥️🐾
Sep 26Reply

Hello, Shawn Marie here.
After getting notification you began following my Poshmark Closet, I want to welcome and thank you for visiting.
I appreciate you for connecting and giving the opportunity to read and learn a little bit about you.
Don’t forget to find and follow me on Instagram @shawnmariescloset where we can get to know one another better with a fun introduction game I created and you can earn FREE shipping.
Thank you for choosing Poshmark.
Shawn Marie
Sep 26Reply

@sgoode001 Awe my one baby Tucker Joe can not walk anymore but he doesn’t know that 😍! I’ll have to put them on my page in the About Posher section… how do that?🤦♀️🤷♀️. Anyway once I learn answer I’ll have to tag you so you can see, they are the cutest, funniest, boy & girl divas would ever meet & they Love extremely well 👏🙌💖💖🐶🐕… Thsnk you again for sharing a little of their story, I know God blesses us through them more then we them, just like God does ! Thanks for being 🐾 Pawsative to 🥂!
Sep 26Reply

@luxs4luv Oh your babies sound so precious! Do you have a stroller for you one who can’t walk? I know those can be very helpful in getting them out and about! To put them on your profile, just go to where your “about” picture is and hit the edit button, then you can add more pictures! Please do tag me & let me know if you have any more questions about how to get your kiddos posted! I have 2 other listings that are just pictures of my girls, I’m sure Posh doesn’t like it but I can’t help it!😅♥️🐾
Sep 26Reply

@sgoode001 oh yesTucker is on his second wagon, while his sister takes normal walks he goes on “ wagon-walks”! He is chilled in front yard now, he loves sitting under the shade tree and barking if my neighbors dog is outside ( I have no idea why they do not like each other 🐾) otherwise he is super chilled and just naps. Only let him do that if it’s shaded & cool 😎 🐶. I’ll tag you I’ll try to do tomorrow 💕
Sep 26Reply

Hi Sarah, can you please remove me from your tag list? I think I'm on too many 😊
Sep 27Reply

@kkamb absolutely!! I got ya! I know what you mean I have to be careful about how many tag lists I am on!!
Sep 28Reply

@sgoode001 Thank you! 😊
Sep 28Reply

I Really Love your photos! You have a beautiful family!💜💜💜 Your Handcrafted Jewelry Is Really Beautiful As Well! I started my Leather & Crystal jewelry line In Memory Of Our Grandson Ira-🌹 Thank you again for stopping by🙏💜💜💜
Oct 06Reply

@luxbydesign thank you so much dear PFF!!🤗♥️🐾
Oct 06Reply

@lulusfringe thank you so much my sweet PFF! I am sorry to hear that your grandson is no longer with us, it is very special that you have started your business in honor of his memory♥️ Your jewelry/ornaments/etc are just so beautiful!! You are very talented, skilled & creative! Now that we’re connected we can swap tips if we ever need to, feel free to reach out to me if you ever have any questions working with silver or anything, I’m trying to get back into doing soldering work! XO Sarah
Oct 06Reply

@sgoode001 I discovered that In strange and often difficult times our best attributes shine through💜
Thank You 🙏🙏🙏
Yesss-Soldering sounds so intriguing!!! I love watching those artists! I’d love to see a video tutorial if you ever do one!💜 I’ve thought a couple of times of doing a tutorial for some of the stuff I do but just haven’t. Thank You again for reaching out my PFF🙏💜
Oct 06Reply

@sgoode001 💄💄💄Your a LIPPIE today 💄💄💄Enjoy💋
Oct 07Reply

Heyyy! Letting as many people I can know im having a major closet clean out!! Create a bundle and ill send you a discounted rate. I promise you won’t be disappointed 💕😊
Oct 14Reply

Just popped in to say hi. Have a great day and happy poshing. Why not check out my closet too?
Oct 31Reply

Thank youuuuuuuuuuu Sarah🥰❤️🤍💙🇺🇸🥰🤩
Appreciative of your sharing 😇🥰
Have a spectacular thanksgiving 🦃🤩🍁🌟🇺🇸❤️🤍💙🇺🇸
PS: love😍love😍your pictures 🐾🐾🐕🦺🐕🐾😍🐾🐾
Nov 23Reply

Hi. Please remove me from your sharing group. Thank you. 🌺
Nov 23Reply

Hi. Please remove me from your share program. Thanks.
Nov 27Reply

😂 Sarah, I was cracking up looking at your pictures we are dog lovers and I had one dog that I could dress and he was our pitbull and every Halloween he was a cow and he had his Harley vest, sweaters, collar, his own luggage 😂 Thanks for making my Day. I am on turkey Vacay I’ll be back the first. Have wonderful day💜💐☕️
Nov 27Reply

@monikens I’m so sorry I’m just seeing this message! I will get you removed from the tag list!
Nov 27Reply

@upstairs_attic Oh my gosh! That is so cute! Thank you so much! I hope you’re having a happy little Vacation!! 😘♥️
Nov 27Reply

@sgoode001 no problem at all. Thank you.
Nov 27Reply

@sgoode001 your chihuahuas are the cutest things!
Dec 04Reply

@craftycraftsinc thank you so much! So many people think they’re Chihuahuas or one of my girls a Jack Russell😂– – but they are actually Rat Terriers!!
Dec 04Reply

@sgoode001 oh no I'm so sorry!! they look like chihuahuas to me, I just thought they looked really big. they're adorable regardless!
Dec 04Reply

Hi!! Im Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I am always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet - so I wanted to say hello. If you're in the mood to shop , please check out my items! Have a great day!! ☀️🙏✌️🙏✌️☀️
Dec 04Reply

🌹♥️<) It’s your special feature on The Bachelorette ! Wish you many sales! (> Please stop by and grab your “I’m featured “ slide! ♥️🌹
Dec 07Reply

@sgoode001 💄💄💄Your a LIPPIE today 💄💄💄
Dec 12Reply

Greetings! Thank you for the follow. 🤗 When you have a moment, please check out my closet. I’m constantly adding new items and I’m sure you will find something that you love! ❤️ Happy shopping!! 🛍
Dec 21Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet
Jan 12Reply

🌹♥️🍾Today is your special feature on The Bachelor! Please stop by and grab your “I’m featured” slide. I wish you many sales and a blessed New Year! Thank You for your ongoing support! Irina 🍾♥️🌹
Jan 22Reply

Your dogs are indeed cute! 😊 lol
Feb 01Reply

😂😂😂 your pet babies are sooooo Cute and funny 😆 I love the clothes and costumes ❤️
Feb 07Reply

@yobotech thank you so much!!🤗♥️🐾
Feb 07Reply

@upstairs_attic Thank you so much PFF!! They are little characters! I don’t know what I’d do without them! They are my world!!🤗♥️🐾
Feb 07Reply

@sgoode001 you welcome 😊
Feb 07Reply

Hi Gorgeous , how are you? You got a lovely dog pic :)
Here I would like to say Hi, invite and welcome you to stop by at my store to check out if you could find anything you Like.
My closet is selling 600+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE”
Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Feb 21Reply

Thank you so much for spreading the word about parties! I have a notice on my closet that I am hosting the party Tomorrow nite. would you mind spreading the word. I appreciate it so much. Kristi
Mar 06Reply

@fabfinds4femmes thank you so much my new PFF I will definitely be visiting your closet!! XO Sarah🤗♥️
Mar 07Reply

@riley1tyler2 yes hon I can tag your party I have to be on my computer so I will do it soon as I can! I would so appreciate if you would check out my closet for a potential host pick!!
XO Sarah🤗♥️
Mar 07Reply

🌹💋💃🕺Today is your special feature on The Bachelor! Please stop by and grab your “I’m featured” slide. I wish you many sales and sending lots of love! Thank You for your ongoing support! Irina 🕺💃💋🌹
Mar 10Reply

Hi, Nice to meet you !
🌸. ☘️. 🌸.
Swing by anytime and say, “ Hello” ….and if there’s anything you’d like to see more of in my closet let me know ! Or if you have any questions just ask.
~ Happy Spring 🌷
Mar 14Reply

@macolici0us oh yes dear I will definitely check out your game! I can’t keep up every day with games but I play friends games when I can I try to spread it around! I really appreciate you supporting my game! I really think I know who is doing that on your game, it is not cool, I have asked said person to please stop promoting On my game. She had never asked me permission, and the last time when I finally said something she not only advertised her game but like 3-4 of her events! Cont
Mar 15Reply

@macolici0us I hate drama, but after trying to reach her through bundle msgs very politely & through her game I finally went right to her profile & boy I found some very upset Poshers msgs to her! I think you shouldn’t hesitate to ask her to stop. She will not respond, if it’s the person I’m thinking of, she will ignore you like she did me but I think it will stop. So she’s getting the message she just won’t acknowledge, which is very disrespectful & Not proper etiquette and in poor taste! cont
Mar 15Reply

@macolici0us Feel free to bundle message me anytime if you want to talk or want more info!
XO Sarah🤗♥️☀️
Mar 15Reply

@irenecase Thank you for your kind message I will definitely check out your closet!! It’s very nice to meet you! I hope you’re having a wonderful day!
XO Sarah🤗♥️☀️
Mar 15Reply

Sweet pups!🐶💕
Mar 16Reply

@macolici0us Thank you so much PFF! I slept late today so I was running a fever last night! I will get the slide posted promptly! Thank you so much for the feature I will play when I get a chance! XO Sarah🌸
Mar 16Reply

@starzelda7 thank you so much for the compliments on my pups they are sweet girls!! XO Sarah🤗♥️☀️
Mar 16Reply

Mar 20Reply

Hi Sarah, and thank you for following me. If you haven’t already, when you have a chance, visit my closet and let me know if you have any questions. I price my items fairly and if there is room for discount, I’ll consider offers. Thanks and good day!
Mar 20Reply

Thank you for following me & for the shares! I recently have become actively listing on Poshmark and I really appreciate all the support that you have shown me 💚🧡💚🧡
Mar 20Reply

@stanrick_emktpl You’re welcome! I’ve been on posh about a year and a half now, I really enjoy it there’s a great community of people you can make friends, Network, gain exposure if you start playing games have you played any games yet or figured that out? I have a 50s themed game if you’re interested I can teach you how to play! Cont
Mar 20Reply

@stanrick_emktpl We have a little group of games there’s three of us you can play all three of our games for a chance to be featured for a whole week and all three games which means everyone that plays the games will share your closet every day and as you play the individual games you will get features in the individual games also in on your feature day your closet will get shared by anyone who plays! Cont
Mar 20Reply

@stanrick_emktpl On days when you play you will share the featured people of the day it’s pretty simple once you get going! Just let me know if you’re interested! You can talk to me in a bundled message if you know how to do that if not I can show you! Any questions posh related I will help if I can!
Best, Sarah🤗♥️☀️🌷
Mar 20Reply

k! I do have a question regarding a promotion that just flashed across my phone screen 😂 For the promotion of clearing out our closets by dropping the price on our items, it mentioned that the discounted shipping is on Poshmark. Do I need to offer the discounted shipping or will Poshmark just automatically offer it when I drop the price
Mar 21Reply

Congrats on your PA II ⭐️ status! 🎉🎉🎉
Mar 21Reply

Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Mar 30Reply

@zardiva1 thank you so much PFF I am so proud that I ended up with that PAll status, I don’t understand What is different about the new status versus the other Posh ambassador status🤷🏼♀️ But I am proud nonetheless and I appreciate your sweet comment of congratulations! I mean I’ve looked at the benefits I just can’t figure out the difference of what qualifies one and not the other? Lol but I’ll take it! XO
Mar 30Reply

@s27a I will try to swing by-I am in crisis with my retired psychiatric service dog, she’s been diagnosed with a back disease😢 I encourage you to check out my closet also, I am running a really good sale right now because I need $ to for my girl’s care so I am marking stuff down through private offers & bundles-I am guaranteeing 4.99 shipping in a minimum of 20% off or more! Also accepting most offers! I will even do a bundle deal you make the offer I’ll still give you 4.99 shipping!
Mar 30Reply

@sgoode001 You’re welcome! 👍🙂
According to Poshmark’s blog page, the requirements are:
1) 6 consecutive months as a “regular” (Level 1) PA
2) 20,000 community shares
3) 1 Posher recruited
4) 100 available listings
5) 50 sales
6) 4.7+ ⭐️ rating
7) < 3-day average shipping time.
Plus, there are requirements you have to meet every 3 months (“quarterly”) to KEEP this PA II status, unlike the first level.
Mar 30Reply

Hi Sarah, 10 shares! Cute pups❣️😍
Apr 12Reply

🌹It’s time for your feature on The Bachelorette! Please stop by and grab your “I’m featured” slide. I wish you many sales and blessings! Thank You for your ongoing support! Irina 🌹
Apr 13Reply

Hi 👋, Check out my closet sometime.
I have something for everyone!
Women's, men's, kids, pets, jewlery, shoes and much more. 🛍 Adding new stuff weekly so stop by often.
Enjoy your shopping and Happy poshing!
May 03Reply

your closet is Amazing😍💕💗
🌞Take time to smell the flowers🌷
Shop w/confidence~5🌟 Seller😍
🖤MissInk's Closet🖤
Cordially invites u to a unique place
that sells QUALITY items, many sizes, styles, colors, & patterns.
~💗Prompt replies.
~💕Orders handed by me w/care,
~📫Ships within 24hrs
🚫No pressure or rush, & right here when u have any ?'s, or concerns😊
🤗Thank u for stopping by💕
May 15Reply

@sgoode001 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 22Reply

@sgoode001 💄💄💄Enjoy your LIPPIE day 💄💄💄💋
May 22Reply

🌹Today is your special day! You are featured on The Bachelorette! Please stop by and grab your “I’m featured” slide. I wish you many sales and blessings! Thank You for your ongoing support! Irina 🌹
May 24Reply

🌹💋💍Today is your closet feature on The Bachelorette! If don’t have one already, please stop by and grab your “I’m featured” slide! Wishing that the POSH love of sharing brings many sales! Thank You for your ongoing support! Irina 💍💋🌹
Jun 15Reply

Hi! I encourage you to please come check out my closet! Im a student trying to make ends meet :) I sell lots of womens clothes, vintage things, and a few toys. Lots of tops & jeans! I accept any reasonable offer. Happy poshing!
Jul 14Reply

Oh my goodness I can’t believe I never saw this. So precious
Jul 19Reply

Hello, I appreciate the follow. I'm new to selling but not new to buying on Poshmark. I started this adventure with my daughter as a means to spend quality time together. We have a variety of clothes for women, men, and youth boys. We shared some items from your closet and we hope you can do the same. Happy Poshing!
Aug 18Reply

@sgoode001 @hollychafey Omgoodness let’s chat abt ur adorable puppies way cute. I grew up at 🏝🏖☀️🌊 💜It doll. Love all ur 📸 there great. •*SARAH•* MY Sweet, Awesome, Adorable, Smart, Beautiful, Amazing, Creative, Very Talented, Extremely Genuine Friend I Adore & Love you very much. You have such GORGEOUS, UNIQUE, FABULOUS ONE OF KIND PIECES!! So absolutely Stunning Sarah. I 💜Everything. You are so talented. ❌⭕️💜❤️
Aug 21Reply

🌹💋💍Your closet is featured on The Bachelorette! If don’t have one already, please stop by and grab your “I’m featured” slide! Wishing that the POSH love of sharing brings you many sales! Thank You for your ongoing support!
Irina 💍💋🌹
Sep 02Reply

@sgoode001 Hi, I had to comment on your two cutie pie’s 💖 Adorable little outfits too!! Have a great weekend, I’ll try to get back on to share your game later 😊
Sep 03Reply

Hello 🤗
My name is Danielle and I've created the Sour Apple Apparel closet and I would be so grateful if you had a moment to check out my closet. I'm hoping there maybe something in there just for you!
If you see something you LOVE please make an OFFER or SHARE it with our fellow poshers and ill do the same!!
Much love!
Sour Apple Apparel 🍏
To All Florida families, please stay safe! Thinking and Praying for you all.
Sep 28Reply

Happy Birthday, Sarah! 🎉💕🌸🤗🎂🎈
Oct 09Reply

🏝🛫♥️Your closet is featured on The BIP! If don’t have one already, please stop by and grab your “I’m featured” slide! Wishing that the POSH love of sharing brings you many sales! Thank You for your ongoing support!
Irina ♥️🛫🏝
Oct 09Reply

Hey there! Just stopping by to say hi! 🌺🌺🌺 Your closet is amazing! ✨ Wish you good sales! Happy poshing! ❤️❤️❤️
Oct 17Reply

@starzelda7 Hey there! Thank you for the shares gosh it was probably back in the spring! I’m sorry this is so late I’m just getting back to PFF’S Who have commented here on my “Meet the Posher” listing! I had been having some health issues & found it challenging to keep up w/everyone! I just returned shares! TY 4 your comment, shares & 4 checking out my closet! If u ever wanna join a fab Share Game—my Nifty 50’s game is at top of my closet! Check it out! Lots of amazing PFF’S! XO Sarah
Oct 17Reply

@ikreminskiy Irina sweet BPFF! I’m sorry if I missed some of my features in your Game! I’m just catching up with all these fab comments! I SO APPRECIATE U & UR Features!🙏I SO appreciate your support also! I’m trying to get back into some routine & I absolutely hate when I miss features, but I think I did miss some of yours, was busy, crazy summer & been dealing with some health issues. Between me & my pups lots of doc visits! Just gotta tackle 1 day at a time! Shared ur beautiful closet!
Oct 17Reply

@sgoode001 Thank You! I always check if you are open. No need to apologize! I’m taking a share break now. Feel better soon! ♥️
Oct 17Reply

Hi 🙋🏽♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Nov 02Reply

Your so pretty and handsome and aww so adorable
Nov 03Reply

@candy258 thank you sweetie! Happy Poshing to you too!😘♥️
Nov 17Reply

@kaylielamey Awe, TY you are so sweet!!😘♥️♥️♥️
Nov 17Reply

@sgoode001 👍🏼
Nov 18Reply

@sgoode001 Sarah- which one is Gracie? They are both dears!!!
Nov 20Reply

Omg. Pups are gorgeous
Nov 22Reply

@shereebruner Gracie is the black-and-white. She is a tricolor, but her tan has pretty much faded at this point because she’s 14. She is considered piebald that’s what they call you know those markings for the little dots above the eyes and the little tan on the face like a little mask on muzzle! Honestly, I just peaked at her sleeping next to me and you know what she still is hanging onto a tiny bit of tan like like creamy tan. It was dark tan when she was younger but she’s hanging…
Nov 22Reply

@shereebruner onto it way longer than a lot of her breed that is marked like that with that coloring and some of them lose it as young as 4-5 they start going gray or whatever you wanna call it—she’s finally getting a more salt and pepper in her black on head She’s aging very gracefully—in our groups for Ratties on F/B we have been told no one ever remembers she’s as old as she is!
Nov 22Reply

@shereebruner Every time I announce a birthday for them because they both have June birthdays and I put each age, Gracie is the 13th and yes she was born on a Friday the 13th. I went and checked at some point in time I went back to the year she was born and checked and it was a Friday the 13th lol and Gidget is the 26th. And Gidget is considered blue but she doesn’t have much fur left because of her alopecia.
Nov 22Reply

@shereebruner I think I’ve told you that. But she’s got beautiful soft blue skin and she does gets pimple-things, we’re going to the specialist tomorrow morning—we’ve waited months to see her. I just want to have an official diagnosis from the dermatologist veterinarian, because I basically diagnosed her myself thru research & help from Rattie f/b community…
Nov 22Reply

@shereebruner my vet office, my personal who recently retired he said he’s never really seen a case. None of them really have and I believe the type she has is called color dilution alopecia because she is a dilute color the blue is a dilute of black. The funny thing is she will never lose her white stockings with the little white on her chest so she’s probably eventually going to be like totally completely bald w/blue fur—
Nov 22Reply

@shereebruner still has a little bit of fur on the sides of her neck & some peach fuzz on her head but she will always have her white fur from my understanding because it’s not affected by the genetic mutation! It sealed the deal for me with her because the breeder showed me there was something going on with her fur that she and the vet did not know what it was and I was like “she needs me I feel” that like sold me on her!
Nov 22Reply

@shereebruner I’m so crazy and I didn’t ask for a discount I paid full price! Wasn’t like a ridiculous breeder because she wasn’t breeding show dogs but she knew I wanted a service dog and we’d been talking for a couple years maybe and I was ready to retire Gracie when she had contacted me that she had a pup she wanted me to check out
Nov 22Reply

@shereebruner because Gidget have been following her around since she could walk and she was pretty old for a pup when I picked her up, she was already 4mos because whole litter(11 pups) got kennel cough because the breeder works at a doggy daycare and she accidentally brought it home so she had to get them all healthy before she ready to home, she did not want to sell them with kennel cough like the vet recommended
Nov 22Reply

@shereebruner because he said they would recover more quickly, but she’s like I wasn’t gonna sell sick puppies! But it’s not a result of bad breeding. It is a genetic mutation that can affect any dog of a dilute color like a pearl as a dilute of brown, for example. Rat terriers come in so many different colors and markings: Gidget is considered tuxedo markings with stockings and Gracie is tri-color piebald.
Nov 22Reply

@shereebruner Gracie is very traditional looking Rattie aside from her cool batty ears—most have erect ears, some have button ears, which go right down like a lab or something and I think Gracie‘s are technically maybe called tipped or something but they’re just crazy like yeah one can go up one can go down they do all sorts of crazy expressive stuff I love them
Nov 22Reply

@shereebruner and I will probably never be able to find another one who has her ears. I didn’t even know how they were going to go cause I got her when she was fair the young I think she was maybe 10 or 12 weeks! So it’s hard to know what ears are going to do at that age! But those show dog people they definitely prefer the erect ears in the ring even though they say it’s acceptable, AKC, accepts other ear carriages, I’ve never
Nov 22Reply

@shereebruner seen it in a show ring or on the F/B breeders of show dog lines! Same with having a full tail they do not have to keep cropping their tails I wish Gidget had her little tail because she’s got no fur and you can see the little bone. But they didn’t know her fur was going to fall out when they had them cropped because they do it like a day or two old they band or crop them, but a lot of breeders that don’t do show dogs are going towards leaving the natural tail
Nov 22Reply

@shereebruner which I prefer because my girls are working dogs, but as service dogs, they’re not hunters they don’t need to have their tail cropped for any safety reasons! I did get used to Gracies little Nubby tail though it is really cute and they have enough of a tail where they can still wag and show their expressions and stuff it’s more Godget I just wish had her tail because of her lack of fur!😆💙
Nov 22Reply

@shereebruner oh honey look at my comments I am out of control. I’ve gotta start shooting some stuff. Oh my gosh you can’t ask about my Grace, my babies without getting a novel from me lol! Thank you for the sweet words about them. I of course think they’re so special and so unique and just my little angels! Even Gidget like I said, I want you to her because she was needy of something that they didn’t understand.
Nov 22Reply

@shereebruner I like go all out my girls get usually a homemade raw diet but since spring when Gracie had that back injury, I’ve mostly been doing premade raw which is much more expensive so I’ve got to get back to the home made it’s just a little more work and I wasn’t really prepared but I’ve got to get prepared and get on it! Oh yeah, they also get a whole customize supplement regimen for each of them.
Nov 22Reply

@shereebruner Some crossover, but dosages might change in some are unique to each dog for their conditions. Because it’s breaking the bank buying a $50 bag of food every week! And they’re a little they’re like 10 and 12 pounds Gracies bigger than a Gidget in dimensions.
Nov 22Reply

@shereebruner Gracie was about 15 pounds in her prime she’s been wasting a bit that’s why I’m trying to build up some myself by playing fetch and of course the snow is coming and they won’t last very long even with their booties playing outside!😘♥️🐾
Nov 22Reply

@holnx003 thank you my dear!! You are so sweet! Like I’ve told you and everyone they are just such the focus of my world. If I didn’t have them I don’t think I’d be here today. Gracie saved me! And she helped train Gidget and Gidget is carrying the torch!💙🐾😘
Nov 22Reply

@sgoode001 Awww- I enjoyed reading all your comments ! You love them so much and that’s understandable ! I just slept in really late and still have my PJs on! I need to run out to the Post Office and get a pkg out ! Also I’m behind on sharing! I’ll kibbutz with you later today BPFF!
Nov 22Reply

hey come check out my closet, I can't resistt any offers on my items !
Dec 11Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️
I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟
I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️
Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Dec 21Reply

@sgoode001 awww your furbabies are sooo adorable!🥰🐶🐶
Jan 14Reply

@clothfluid oh, I will check it out! Thanks for stopping by I too love offers—so feel free to check my closet out. I already have some deals advertised such as a handmade jewelry Bogo, and I sometimes give discounted shipping with that! I give very generous offers typically especially if someone starts countering, that is fun!🥰🎊 mom and dad
Jan 16Reply

@clothfluid sorry that mom and dad were typos get the app picked up by the TV because I was dictating lol I saw it right when I was hitting send it was too late!😂😂😂
Jan 16Reply

@julissazelaya I will check out your closet. Thank you! I have a really fun closet with some handmade jewelry and a variety of clothing, accessories, dog and pet items, it’s a pretty fun closet! I love offers, feel free! I really am generous with my offers, and bundling in my closet, you’re guaranteed 20% off, even though it doesn’t say that! But typically it’s more I try to do more and less I absolutely can’t because I’ve discounted stuff too much! Lol😂♥️
Jan 16Reply

@maucri Thank you so much PFF!! Check back every so often with my babies because I do change the pics out! I add them to my game when I have open slides! And I try to future them and shop and shares! My youngest likes tomorrow. My oldest is photogenic but shies away from any phone or camera!😂 they are my precious girls!♥️🥰🐾
Jan 16Reply

@maucri oh dear me and my typos OK I think the only major one I need to fix is my youngest pup loves to MODEL, that’s Gidget, my little blue girl. She is 4yo & my current psychiatric service dog and Gracie, my retired PSD is 14yo. I feel so blessed to have them. They are angels! They are really fun too and very loving♥️🐾🥰
Jan 16Reply

@sgoode001 Tysm for sharing! I will definitely come back to see updated pictures of your furbabies!!! I’m glad they help you with your condition & I hope they continue to keep you on a healthy path! Happy new year!🥰😘😘😘
Jan 16Reply

@sgoode001 hello beautiful, I will check out your closet for sure! have a blessed week! 🙏💕
Jan 16Reply

♥️Your closet is featured on The Bachelor! Wishing that the POSH love of sharing brings you many sales! Thank You for your ongoing support!!!
Irina ♥️
Jan 17Reply

Hi 👋, Check out my closet sometime. I have something for everyone! Women's, bags, totes, jewelry, shoes and much more. 🛍 Adding new stuff weekly so stop by often. Enjoy your shopping and Happy poshing!
Jan 19Reply

Hello, I'm Cora.I just had to say your Fur Babies are too cute.❤️ I have 4 miniature poodles 💖❤️❤️ I thank you for following my closet.. i shared some of your closets as a thank you.🌞
I'm having a Buy 1 Get 1 Free Sale. Check it out if you if you have a moment. 👍
Wanted to wish you a fantabulous weekend😊🌻❤️❤️
Jan 28Reply

♥️Your closet is featured on 🌹The Bachelor! 🌹Wishing that the POSH love of sharing brings you many sales! Thank You for your ongoing support!!!
Irina ♥️
Feb 05Reply

Luv the furbabies 💞
Feb 07Reply

Hi this is Mary 😊 thank you for following my closet 😊
Feb 09Reply

Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your items with my followers. Have a wonderful day 🌞and many sales 📦
Feb 18Reply

♥️🌹 Your closet is featured on The Bachelor! Enjoy your special day! Hope you make many sales! Thank you for your support! Irina 🌹♥️
Mar 13Reply

@sgoode001 LOVE THE HAIR ❤️
Mar 19Reply

🐕🐾Thanks fur the have a PAWsome shop!🛍
Mar 23Reply

♥️🌹 Your closet is featured on The Bachelor! Enjoy your special day! Hope you make many sales!!!Thank you for your support! I will be closed for a week. Coming back around 4/20. Hope you have a Happy Easter! 💌 Irina 🌹♥️
Mar 31Reply

Hi Sarah,
Thank you for purchasing my beautiful Aventurine Opalite
Cuff bracelet. It really is beautiful and I’m so happy that it will go to you. It is new and never has been worn.
I will ship it out tomorrow.
You have adorable fur babies and they look so cute in all your pictures!🐾🐾🐾
Apr 08Reply

@coppergirl101 TY! Thank you so much, sweetie! It’s a beautiful bracelet. I’m thinking I may gift it to my younger sister for Christmas or her birthday. They’re very close together! If I don’t end up keeping it for myself that is LOLO my mom oh my gosh so many options ha ha ha probably wear it before giving it to one of them!! Thank you for the great deal! XO Sarah😘♥️🌷💕
Apr 08Reply

Hi Sarah,
Thank you for the five star rating on your cuff bracelet.
I really hope you like the face lotion I sent you. I use to sell it and thought you would love it. I really do appreciate your
I wish you a happy and blessed day!💖
Apr 13Reply

My beautiful friend,
I am so grateful and humbled by your kind and loving comments. It touches my heart to know that you
appreciated and loved everything. Thank you!
Apr 14Reply

I love ❤️ your pictures! 📸 🐾Beautiful 🐾🐶 pups
Apr 19Reply

@bestdressed995 thank you so much! They are such sweet girls!!🙏🏼🥰♥️
Apr 19Reply

hey I accept offers and would love if u can stop by! Come check us out😊
Apr 21Reply

Thank you for all your hard work. I have been absent from Sharing is caring due to my medical issues (bacteremia/sepsis). I live in Va and had to travel to Duke this week to see a new infectious disease doctor. I will be participating in the sharing game that starts tonight. Thanks so much.
Apr 29Reply

🥾 You are TREKKING THE WORLD this Aussie Monday enjoy your special trip! Wishing you plenty of sales! Thanks for your ongoing support! 🥾
May 01Reply

@sgoode001 welcome to poshmark 💕
May 19Reply

FYI I’m out of the hospital again and ready to share. Thanks so much for understanding 💕
May 20Reply

🥾 You are TREKKING THE WORLD on this
🌈🌊⛰️ Hawaiian Wednesday ⛰️🌊🌈
Enjoy your special day! Wishing you plenty of sales! Thanks for your ongoing support! 🥾
May 31Reply

@ikreminskiy 🫶🏼TY PFF😘♥️♥️♥️
Jun 01Reply

@sgoode001 you are welcome xoxo
Jun 01Reply

@sgoode001 Shared a bunch 💕💕💕💕 Feel better 🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺
Aug 02Reply

Hello! Please feel free to visit our closet. We have vintage and non vintage items,including some beautiful African trading beads- they'd be great for repurposing in jewelry or other crafts.If you like it, we love receiving all offers.Thank you and have a great day 🙂
Aug 18Reply

Congratulations 🎉🎈 for being a featured closet 🎉
Aug 26Reply

@sgoode001 🌞What kind of dogs are they? They are adorable! I maybe told you already about my little dude who is my world. They have so much personality, don’t they? Your dogs wear costumes better than my tumbleweed does. Hope you are feeling better today and having an epic weekend!✨💜✨☮️✨
Sep 17Reply

Hi Sarah, I love your pictures, and your dogs are beautiful. I was just on with you with the seller @harveysisters. I got a black screen, and now they are back running to contact them.Have a beautiful day and enjoy that fresh air up in Maine. nice to meet you 🤞 you many sales take care, Tina🌻.
Sep 24Reply

Hey posher!!💛🙌 Come & Join to BrandFam! We only sell 100% authentic designer items!
If you would like to be notified about our live shows like our “Crazy Mom’s Deals” listing!🔔Don’t forget to make offer on items in our closet and get the discount✨
Oct 17Reply

@sgoode001 sarah how do I make an offer on a bundle? Do I just click the offer button and make the offer ?
Oct 29Reply

@sgoode001 Happy Belated Birthday, beautiful!!! Love you dearly! Hope it was wonderful! Looked like a blast at a Hibachi restaurant!!! Have a happy, healthy, and extremely blessed year!!! 🥰😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Nov 01Reply

@wr_enthusiast ❣️Hey my dear! TY so much! It makes me so happy to know that u exist in this world! It always puts a smile on my face to hear from u! I’ve been fighting failing health so long, I do need to catch you up because it’s like insanity dealing w/referrals, family, etc. I need a mental aly! lol I’ll say no more!😂 I have to laugh is so crazy!😘Luv u💕🍁🍂HOPE U R WELL!!🫶🏼
Nov 02Reply

Hi , feel free to check out my closet sometime. I have a huge selection something for everyone. Woman's, men's, kids, pet, shoes, purses jewelry and more.
Find a few items you like bundle them and make a reasonable offer (pay only 1 shipping price for all). Trying to add new stuff weekly so stop by often.
Thanks and Happy Poshing! I
Nov 05Reply

Hi! Just wanted to say thank you so much for your warm welcome! Look forward to poshing with another fur baby lover! 🌺 MelissaL
Nov 09Reply

Hey posher!!💛🙌 Come & Join to BrandFam! We only sell 100% authentic designer items!
If you would like to be notified about our live shows like our “Crazy Mom’s Deals” listing!🔔Don’t forget to make offer on items in our closet and get the discount✨
Dec 02Reply

You have gorgeous dresses in a wonderful closet!🥰😍🥰😊
Jan 29Reply

🥾🌄You are TREKKING THE WORLD in Greece 🐬🛶🦀🐚🏛️🗾🎒🌍✈️🚁🌐Thank You so much for your ongoing support!!!
~ ♥️Irina
Feb 06Reply

Hello Sarah‼️I am scheduling closets to be featured this week on The RUNWAY‼️Have opening on Tues. 2/27, Wed. 2/28 and Thurs. 2/29‼️Do any of these days work for you to be featured⁉️
Feb 26Reply

🥾🌄You are TREKKING THE WORLD in Iraq 🇮🇶⛰️🌊⛪️⏰🪺☀️🌳🏞️🗾🎒🌍✈️🚁🌐Thank You so much for your ongoing support!!!
~ ♥️Irina
Mar 11Reply

Hello ,
Poshmark Is A Great Place For
Buying & Selling Fabulous Items💝
Stop By and Shop🛍️
Our New Selections Of
Beautiful & Unique Items
Womens Mens Kids Fashion
Holiday & Home Decor
🤗🛍️Happy Poshing🛍️🤗
@enchantedshores 👑🏰💖
Enchanted Shores
Mar 18Reply

Mar 20Reply

🥾🌄You are TREKKING THE WORLD today!☀️🌊⏰🪺☀️🌳🏞️🗾🎒🌍✈️🚁🌐Thank You so much for your ongoing support!!!
~ ♥️Irina
Apr 09Reply

@sgoode001 Hi chika! Make sure to sign me up for April's Shop & Share girl!! Thanks tootsie!😊😊😊
Apr 10Reply

🥾🌄You are TREKKING THE WORLD today!!!☀️🌊⏰🪺☀️🌳🏞️🗾🎒🌍✈️🚁🌐Thank You so much for your ongoing support!!!
~ ♥️Irina
May 17Reply

ong there gorgeous shared may 4 was,full xo e
Jun 04Reply

🥾🌄You are TREKKING THE WORLD!!!☀️🌊⏰🪺☀️🌳🏞️🗾🎒🌍✈️🚁🌐Thank You so much for your ongoing support!!!
~ ♥️Irina
Jun 05Reply

Cute puppers Sarah!
Jun 08Reply

🌹🌼🌺🌻 Dear Miss Sarah, I just want to let you know that I will not be joining in any of the games for awhile due to medical issues with my husband. I will continue sharing your lovely closet though, and eventually return to the game. I thank you so much for all your efforts in keeping the game going even though you yourself have been dealing with many issues. Posh ❤️ Love, Marilyn
Jul 22Reply

🥾🌄You are TREKKING THE WORLD!!!☀️🌊⏰🪺☀️🌳🏞️🗾🎒🌍✈️🚁🌐Thank You so much for your ongoing support!!!
~ ♥️Irina
Jul 26Reply

Hi🙋🏽♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Aug 31Reply

🥾🌄You are TREKKING THE WORLD!!!☀️🌊⏰🪺☀️🌳🏞️🗾🎒🌍✈️🚁🌐Thank You so much for your ongoing support!!!
~ ♥️Irina
Sep 24Reply

My closet has discounted shipping and/or free shipping until December 31, 2024. If you get a chance, would love if you’d take a look! 🎄
Dec 31Reply

Happy New Year 🥳!! May 2025 be your best year yet! 💎
Jan 18Reply
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